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The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a period during predominantly agrarian, rural

societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban, and it happened from the
18th to 19th centuries. Before the Industrial Revolution manufacturing was often done
in peoples homes, using handtools or basic machines, which began in Britain in the late
1700s. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories
and mass production. The iron and textile industries, with the development of the steam
engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution. It also saw improved systems
of transportation, communication and banking. While industrialization brought about an
increased volume and variety of manufactured goods and an improved standard of
living for some, it also resulted in often grim employment and living conditions for the
poor and working classes.
The Industrial Revolution happened because of the coal that was found and they
used it for energy. They would use wood. It was hard because you would have to cut
down the trees and carry them a long way and it was expensive for the travel. The
demand for coal and they kept making mines but it is a really dangerous because the
deeper you dig then the more likely that the mine will flood. Newcon was trying to
prevent the mines from flooding and he made a machine that helped greatly that made
it easier. He made a steam coal machine. He was lucky he was be able to make this
because he wouldnt have been able to make this without the climate of those days he
used to build the machine. It also happened because of the use of minerals, freedom of
thought, and science.Like Newton he made the science.

In conclusion the industrial revolution was a pretty hard time for the people.

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