ASANTE Afrocentricity

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re facet Reason aterm 127% Voll #4 Afrocentricity, Race, and Reason wy mag te tse There ee lng line facia cecal pre sere ae cry of Acemity Inde tii the en Werks, opganzadonal and tere, the Aocnty fist gpd a3 cris cone» dpa agency son Arne A Soothe mom prominent ames at ar ‘ied ih my om cops of work ae Alsnder Gramm, Marin Deane, Reward Winer Bhdes, Maras Garey, Paul eon, Ana un Cooper a 8. ie Beret, Lary Neal Caner G. Wondson, Wile Abraham, Fate Faas, Malet Xie ler WE. B, Du Bis, This ot ined co be comprehensive sig of inchs who hae int enced ke Acne, hur re preily the am ena kd of people who hve lene the den of ‘Alea agency asa pose sateen agate deagenie ing charter of egemeric Eocene. Cares G, ‘Woedkons The Minden f he MayS ubched i 198, seat one of he arte serous ote locaton af dh ‘Arica person Harold Crvs’s The is fe Bak Beal ‘oninued the dezripion of the acide, behaves, and hgh of Acar alec pars a hoy wed ‘heir chlanhip an ine delopment he Deore Sf wt, ofen the hears of racine Both Windeon Sd Crue af coidea pote of he ev inking bo be Among cozenporae, the works of Moana Keren, Chins, Ngo 2 Thionge, JA. So Aboubary Moussa La, Terry Keshav Wade Noli, Waker Rody, Laskin Seno, Mavis Ar, Jesh Carter, ara Wien Asani, Cena Hudeon Wms, ©. Teoane Reto, ‘Thecpile Obes and Chith Arm Diep fave been ost pf and npg in dein he nan of the Aoceec schol of tho | fae eo ad tat they ave al been SESE thee. Te pincpal noe Tetind allo tr works sconed © hve bern the tae oF epee forthe clr sal pos, and econo Ub craton of Alcan people by Et entering Aan mind ‘They blind sha without ch bono there could be mo sec or conomie pale a wuld make sense. None eosin foe esl of slinigence none al od (ods becase he dspesessin wa 0 peat and te mys ‘pera Pasion never brie or argument Srpanent not xenon le paso in he nella ‘senawe may dng over Ber pens ef epson, bo the eal pre of loon apd erienadon of can eon tnd a has been the rao ceneant al of he tro of tae evi el Ie het at tron ‘hal of i coneadesons, ‘Auhoogh numberof rts and communi anv roving ct ofthe Hack Power Mover fhe 1950 had treingly seen the need for 4 raponte 10 marge, ‘owen nc emerge aswel hear anda ery Paci unl the appearance of evo sal books by the ‘Amul Pubching Carpany in Bale New Yk The rest pied Kare Wel Act's Tx en, Cr et at esi 8 and ey book fea 1980, These reve the fist selenrscious markings slong the ideal frsh of Alen, ta, re the uo, wing thee fm sr and community orang, oreo se out 1 exlin 2 hry and 2 pce of eran by reestng ‘Area ageney sth fadanenl coef usar. Welsh [Aru book wars erry pais owing ou of er chore bape meee ma heh hd heen p= Jie in ie dances ae Cente for Pv Though, which thedreced. On he cher and, acai was bated on 27 work leader fhe Las Angele Form for lak Ait, he 258 UUGLA chapcr of the Saunt Nenvent Coontinaing CCanitne, an as Diecorof he UCLA Cane fr Ale ‘Ameria See inthe 196 a sy 197 4 well 2 ‘ay oberon and tesla was pope WEL ‘are and Maulana Kaveoga td Haki Madabu were ‘hang wid socal ranlormadon 2 he gras. Bose on the ed experiences of Aan ppl nd my ov pst ‘mecgreund fem Georgi and fom who Taw la Now ‘Ameen, the Cartan, and Ac, the Afesor a ad {o be emt wid nda estan the lean of > Jeri in te Aiea world amy ver ore adamant ae ‘Ban cv the war che oly apr anyother Hea for a people dalend by comune of white rae supremacy. "Aural ded The fur: HtRais ha been pb led inde ines in Chega te 1S Tay tac igs, homens, Afcerne erly append a 8 part of the ‘ile; the aides were about he poll and soc is on oniag Aca peopl No amp nas made yoo the crs iso aay. Th, the we Book xed Mon Sad fend the ely cunt of wha wit become the ost onset Arn lol Sea we te Nene Movement They pol wo ingore questions ow do wesse auras an how ave oes een? Wa fan we do wo regain ou ove acsunaby and t move Uy the ternal panan dh cowsane our eon ie cla and incl! despre Thee eae te ‘cucal quesons that aggravated cur socal and plied wore They ed akimaely 10 he guation tht Hib Madhubus ped foe ack inten Bais: The Cask fx ine eres of Alan ope? This as cal quasi na whie semi seey where Altes wee mugiaed Macbuban, ch ike Harald Cte in previous yeas, wanted 1a bnow wheter 2 pari projet (odo aresmeng ofthe nro of Aan people, ‘A alr configu, he Aftoen iea was singh by ve racers: (an iene iter ‘atin peehcogil location as deze by symbol, ros tl, and sigs (2) romain to ding the _nbjetplne of Aftane nay a pola emai, fr ligous phenomaoa wit plone for quetone fsen gender ae cle: @)adefae of Aca cae Clemens hori val inthe cote of am, tnd lene; (8) 2 lebron of erie” ad ‘ypney wes commlanent a el nem tcl ‘nts pms about Aca or ie people ad (9) | poneflipertve cs hati ses 0 ei he celenive tx of Aiea people 259 Ese bese have rene the principal fens of the Ammen ctl theory in i incepion sug umber of Ulin hinkers have aed dimer the ripe onerpmzion. By thi ean he work f Nom ‘Has, GT Ken, Bs Forex, Fan Hl Coll, Lind JJuoes yes, Teny Kana) Wide Noble, and Ane ‘Maram, among ober, Wha al of shes shale ave sen ‘the reveiionay cle of hie eile ood lag of pesjetses ound queion af Aca seson, palit cal cone cultura er soca. Thera seriou eres bemeen coemenry onthe stn Of ropes, tse roar andthe evolasrary of ining cpowerens ough he eosenson of Azan ars eshapsbease of the re of hs dena 2 Hse when Euocetiesea med wo fav eth ayn a dense Foret of deconseucionist wd poumoderse cons cha Jengng the proving arownes of he Furcenic pm lig eum ele of ehalenges othe Ace en as 2 eazdon to patodensy Bat ako beer ha ‘he Alcea, to, ave emg the ineres problems Ss geuctrao nd anc whe epbasa on ese ‘ih Maris Aas chara er elephan wk re bn Aisne reo Eanes Tg nd ea a ‘beaten of eject. “The sim ofthe cjciy agen, seems, ale to proc the as quo bese the ais quoi ever cd pen rove bey ent clenge oe sti ‘ho ae sa ean ihe eevee in 3 sory ther te upremary bs been amor component of ea Tore the Azan el shoe bein the pion of challenging the white rac pivige sami quo was, ofcourse, hear he ie czopeed i defensin same qo, which happens ah gh eprint cary. nan exe dicusin of the subj obj, speaker auzneretohip, explained how he serine of at (nfguraion war mcery in oer fo exalt & plying ‘ld bed a equi Bat chin that those who tke de Speier th subject postion ve ther coun mh ‘tet ad bette on he sa Fcing to engage in el eal burg shout precedence, On he oh had i passbie se Afoceit ci, ene commuiy when one speaks of subjctaujes, pedkespeaker, mince aud ‘ce radonhipe Tas aw pri wiht hirahy ‘sapped to ace and aie, hs oman equaly er in ts emplass on mbt reonips, OF ous, the sbeebs lonchip alo pone x {nck sem of in the bnign spans of ct one ‘run of una velaonaipa a6 ay be found ithe ‘Amin ose ais Requeny peed in tbe Heare of weve colar who ave Aan aneszy bu who are ley uncomforaie wih is, White upeacy anne be seemed in normal sce an, Deseo, when rer elo pli eso tenmin oF pores the Afsana’ pee he the alow rhe de pon ite spency-o epee wabou clenge and hs Par fidgues in 2 deweive mage for timan peronay. If ‘Asian people re not sven subj plas, the we rin Xena wihou pee razr begs wsaut a pce and, There sting sen dee fe his neve ment dan the previo hora xsvenent exe Or fsbo rcogse the bondage. Tas, you lave a wh et ond acct rest epaed in sslogy, nvopology, peso, poll ne, erat, and st ber am a uber ray Ii das engi iat ceed ia Ue res of Aen of the Temple ‘Gila op of Arent seb who epee cured ‘aque cele, rece ngs a ender sd who tmainsin an ongoing douse with ech oe in spo, ‘loan and wb parte anol de Chis Asa ‘ence, Ace pest dn he ni who eo wie ‘bal we Tey Kenta, Ama Mazina, Karam Welsh ‘cane, G. Belioane Keo, His Rare, Glade Puke, ‘yele Blesi, ysl, and our dhe dens. This Werk Js almos deionally 2 raratve of bein, a couse shout earings Geom of thought nd expan rota ina neces pepecvst son hve died th his ‘ison may represent an ese” hus, whch Yam per feel comfoale wth (bough do ox peck forthe Ce {0 be ements oto bea mab “The ance Ann Egypan te et fund in an inserpéen onthe tomb of Ane fon 2052 BE, ad as is ore mann in the os tert "esoing ny he pe ple? The reoring sole of Barometers olen serves the bureaucrat ines ooking” Acasa coeepar cocoa hs sen, ti goo, harms enough; Ever theese, de sexoning supports the prevaing pein, How ‘aman Aca ert irael or bral fm he act wre ‘ares? Afternic de psi dh his pose snd, Indeed qsenelburcan any happen if we saa or anaes |semitpeRicteee om tine ‘xegores tha pee Alin 2 the coe flys of Aen ‘coer and Alan people at agen our ow cone there, how can we eer ite praia! gueone of inproving oar Seanon i the or? The ews of the Od “Bima sed, How an yo sing 2 ne song = Sane 260 land? The Acari bk, Haw ca he Azan ee Bb sve pls om he cro ena erlivement? “There ae eran pac tpn bee bere the ie of Aba pbs thoughout he world Becomes one of sci place Rom wh stad ued by tener soon fs dean: Earp ht in int en moral ey ‘Tis inca xy haa rope sd an ll Aen i good ‘Toone dink or pose the ise im ht mane 6 ms the pot am ekg Ye Tkoow, em experince, chat hs wl ‘emunderstod. So etme rant sy Ung Ai Europe 1 dangemun = Sveunded yore dangeousnan and T ‘an mt lig py or cams danger, ough that hi ‘ory over nag, ba ryeselogad snd ar ge, {he anger th hs dhe sul opel One bao, sa ‘svat pele souls dea when ean. ger bese {scum and whe he a of anoter ue sere 9 el recur Felowing nas Fan he Acre ie 2 be ston, th edt elt, whose ens and ‘lois wre kiled fas. Foruntely tir dex does not ‘nei tht he ep doomed; nly mena nt hey an So lnger be ede peck who te people Rc cane ‘hey we ded he ele, he hua rect "Afocnscry rande se beh 8 comeie anda rigne. Whenever Ain peopl, who clecsely afer the expt ener of soci ve ele nw centered ple, tat, eth agen and necouty we haven coc, ee ge Able pton aan age deny the begun, (oF European dominscon in houg snd eho, and then ‘Miccniy ecomes 3 igi: On ore and, We sek 6 re the use of ps oft Abc, anon te ther ha emake a ridg ofthe proces and extent of ie is Tocion cased by he xa, conor 2nd pliel domi ‘aos of Europe i parle to make an explrson of is ‘rl denson by observing the way European wrers ave {efned Affe and Affans i history, poll sence, apd ‘ology To alow the denon of Alsat marl se 2 age pope the Natori proeaae ofthe wld 0 handon all hope of evening the degradation of the “The sine of Afr pai he ace re set begereie Thave na ice bee doting frets [am an arden eve adhe pesliy of vere opulone Heng onthe ae ark without sng up ee Finimenl saatons cst whew tse encore ade ‘he peopl pce Th pel why he Ace ides 5 een an mony The Aeneid represen 1 poss of een mani 3 may af enn ey thatopentnewand mor xing con ova ura nde sanding [do at bjt wo veg as Torn of hick “nusousns, but ore han a hata ein, Sn osetdon Tp be ence to mand sae pce ad 1 ‘ome frm sone pls; he Aer secs forthe Ae anne the coment je, stapes.

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