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Part VI and Gender Archaeologies Understanding Sex and Gender fenini eodits bas pola commtnent to confontng and eiminting beandrcentrm in Waster society nthe as tery ears arg corpus of eatute has developed spanning the tts and Humane, sce an stra ‘Sercsthat expos the tule effets of Ws ls Including egy sss. ieee inom oretanwone’s ahs mover el es iat decane hat together have made grant corti contibtone ‘Gn wide ange of wsues cena plsophy andthe sod sone sues uch {i powee and plc, the ntersena of gender, race, das ap see The ‘it fen allenge ll aspects of how we ik bout anc practi scien “he theoreti top moe commonly ssntated weh emiit anthropology it der. Thi problematic tition nce teu sholti has conto Ete exploration of fr eample, the anthropology ofa, the boy an epre= {Ennion Alsy, the #0dy of iologint Aerences between the ae, Sd ‘SESS socal rly, ent ow and ever hes bon rested to fein: Tis ‘gsi is trac that gender has Bee topic of considerable ets may leis: One of the mow impor coributons te decoupling of legal ‘Stand sol ols Cross-cultural anthropologists have been efcivey ert [Bdemorctate that there inno utrm mltnship between sex and gare les ha the tem gene bet eared for the scaly contracted Metis a at the " ‘ied to but ot determined by, loge soxl erences Orne and Whe fend 198; More 1s. This move opss up the possibly of multiple genders ‘ejond simpy male sn femal fr arayeis nd mterpetation, However ae shal see, the spe squatons of gender guste the sco- cll” and “sex equals he Hoga themscves open fo etiem, sues ‘cha the stably f gender ns pecs it meaning for diferent groups ‘hinaooty andthe soda constuction of bang soxara being brosgrint Sete Thnthe easter els dis ules 1 changing. Anthopolgite and areaclogt ake have generally fender role the bai of odern Western ssumptions sb the dvson of lecr Thies given eo the pope Man the Hunter Wore-e-Cathere™ mda (Dshiberg 198, Lee and DeVore 1968) In archaeology, the coe 6 Feminine Arcee throng of such neences hase to thee projets one hig expt “ce ergs rents tae fencerned to understand the opeaton of gender in conan ‘8 another focusing onthe nbs of omen inthe preenin, Bu sey fussing these projets it appre fo aces the tora conte oe rergence feminist archawcoges Feminist Archaeologies ‘Theft widely read ein pie in Anglo-American atchecogy wasp in 1984 by Meg Conkay and aneSpctor (Coney and Spetor 183) Ths lea esentllyaclltn ars, an tert inode gender salen, ‘Epc rcoecoget each ao aa otenion otha sate egal ‘women inthe profesion Cartonporancous wit this a Jan Ges (981) wa on how our Wester deci! consicton of wexrarhood ets ‘esearch and funding opportu i wcmen nately ad the sSences th "ule poted to clear dizreparcie inthe handing of le ad ele sfc, bythe atonal Scene Foundatin Sethe responses by Vel 19S). In 88Gen ‘snd Cony organized the Wedge Canieren sete fc! group ello oergse ow e consideration of women and production might lle! ipa rt (Gero an Coy 155), Tn the 190 there etna rokferaion of shai ingpired by his cach, running the gumat irom empinal to ae, pont To hema Spc ‘ynpt and seins at professonal eeings are routinely devoted fet ‘Eats (eee eed values by Clasnen 192, 1994 Neto, Nelo and Wyse 1994 Sefet 1951 Wale ana Walows 1991), Spec commits ted weskgrape hive been estas within te professional aaa (eg the Soe et Arian Arcaoology'sComimlet on the State WormeninArchaelogy) Tt interest femiisy and gender cach paral in thor counties pr. Toni England (eg Bratt 1982 ihe 1987; Clee 199, Mae 1, "Norway (eg Domimsses 182 10, Engelsta 1986), nd Austra fe Cs and Sth 193), ‘Wyle (991, chapter 1h eel ealitns the emergence of en arly of gender. She sus that it has bean delayed because promt ae ‘logy and is posit methedabgy regarded “ethnographic variable uch os tender osscensaly aco, While hs may indeed explain part ester Sion in he Unite Sites ae Cada i does appa sppiy tone cots ‘whee precessaluchacaogy hs ha lee nan. n consign Europe {cSoviet Union, China, and ats Americ serie of aldo ao loge also exist and these have nat been signscaiy concerned 10 ete fans pespecves on excepson being Nor wih perhaps tees ves ‘oward fens archaeology see Dommushs 1990) The cbnerntan igBe tiatandrocentism an rchaclagy re inka in way which rss ho Frameworks and atonal bunds UUndestonng Sex and Gonder wr eres lose connection between postproctaularchaology andes an je achucologies Both have developed sia criques of presale othchllenge thereon founda sort baste of postive ancboth ‘Slrelaonal identi and versonsofhermeneuts, Buoeay signe ‘esigleant sole that feminism fas payed inthe early formation of Pos al archeology. In pars, fini have bide rcwesogy and ‘fpoarchacology and explored questions su athe gender eof Pa iDity 198; Moore 1963, ageny and ial aac (raha 1982, 1984, (Sly and power (Wloutn 188) steal oder nd asin Sorenson [Roper in socal content (Gibs 987, lias 1987). An ue of te eimai Reva fom Cab (7,189) wae devote to "Women ad [ehuolgy-" This contaton not ae widely acknow ged win po archaeology. And nda, as Engelzad (199) and Sih (1938) ha [und pstproumous rchenogy can bas cored as posi afcoentgy® erst stchacoogis ar ole erin bea of hr vet pla fo AMeral, otha argument oe Rowan theme of poles and tence poe {ped scones? This pation however depends won parca modal of roenee [enc Krowedge produced fort own se and the proses of Knol: oton i unatlacted by anything othe than cet ution Te iw of [Sovledge production is tow rgarded ss deny problematic snc mows ‘vob spaated rm man tress (Bro 197, Guthrie 198), Sen aso practice, and tare no contain in bla ein and «goed ‘it Indeed, as Harding (186) args ik nacesary tobe fei 00 fae sence because to do hers so itodace bias. In on, ferinist {oahes hae he potertl sank new quests of te dat, to ently gape ‘Sabiche thor, to question assumption at would na therwae be gues tone. Longino (1990 develops an agumen: forthe mast snlusve sence stl suggesting that such move rues eating 3 new socal an pli may. Gender and Biology ‘equston of gender a bcogy revels some of the ferences between pos list andpostpstva approsces. Pott soars end ear te two so spoons with lol ee determining ender In sce yng rer ‘ans idenifyng bloga ween and nnn oehstory. extant cholate ‘gender and Sex associa cnsract This nd of tal involves rece Seating gender dynamics tough te analyalsoapecchitrcal cones Both ‘Cee approaches ee smulating reer int previously unexplaetaei. ‘Advts of the generar Ssogy approach ate exporng empl questions ‘ated toidentifyngbiologial womenand dftental sey sxe and ory ‘sts teen the snes. Two man ciques ae se 1 nly women eae lapel Te rat ses Ienal or oes idence Type th pprosch as Foi ed Gonder Arcanoi sts with esol evidence a bra) depicons of women iconography, fr in the ene of hier arcedogy tx canbe wae. An exec og sf wor i Hastors (chapter 37) fy of ope vals ctaned fem a 2 female sktrs, The second cnique tse ‘0 idently women hci, tthnographie analogy. Te rts or ect stor soon teers ‘Senand wasn an praia eveunte-Thos onthe weg eee thathand'made pos areften maby women. Shera (1281) usesetnogapeg tvidence ht men end odo the ploughing in sll soci to pt he Increased power formen with ty adoption of th plough in presto: Euepe Cary hoe a enogropic algy in way sgh with diate feme writers prefer norte mes tha eof women mn etnogrephien car rjc bck no he pst. “he gendenensocl sppron cus on garmin oa ota sorter tac rte, Cue at Gas (991 pf) pera ea ‘wives cal ans based upon ell Seeds nd eiterences between and smng mais an emale Thy topper ‘a sed ste dred at conn, Datura Dad eg sya proce fing conti nd ego he ipa fe snc, sare profound forest ey anatine poder he laoneips betwen ‘ilgy and gender mast be independent dense oyee 1950 nay (sc petope al) soit, thew ae mae tan two genders (eg the Zid Sran/broman ore pan erate). snd gender ay hae very ferent ene itera erent gen indir soci ents Sel lnc Ciderand young ne orbebveen women aso neds be ongiin ede Son (eg Yat), Gverl sx and gender ae component of tay ed ‘ntorcipe Gener mayb the ental sacaring princi Hunansocalnd Cultural fe ground upon whch everyting ee bul Parole onunon bout ener stra ro thes diferent defo Some scholns a wehaveaten aris loge defiant wo reer opat Sees tro ray cone gene rom hs penpacte sacle ‘aly proceeds rm ontological maya fhe sexes of bos ingen (Sn hes oko te manne corsa ft lg crn Buta ‘Schonuets taken for granted sexi Bolognese 5 foci consort. However, a “ates (98) ha rgd, even or deine algal seul difeenes i some degre care. Theres « Boll ‘rtm fom “malo emae’ en's nub often menos Wk ‘Sis we emphasis ane wich Boundary ine we choose patel ‘as Fount (98) “History of Sexuality demons sex" nat ven bt {Spodacednpartsar soe cntests The reazaton at heres 0 pre Culsve se undermines anys notion that he stu of pes gage ‘ain onthe sre pnd of orto tenes beeon neo eral abe, te loi oly ono any componente nthe curl constecet of sewtaliyan sca lor, Undertexter a9 Gender ldeologiesand Bias rhestudyof gender in archaeology has wo eed concer. Te fit isthe ea: of our standard assumptions and odes to show how they ss the inant polled idelogy, which sytenateally ignores and marge rnninthe presen! gener deologis) The cond i tashow howe thse dels [in een ued to excl women in itepetatins ofthe ps gece bis There 3 reflecvereabonslp beneeenguer idelogia and Bs sch ht ‘curptons about at ner roles basedon pent gender oles ard ola ‘Sse tow same gender rls inthe present he fist exploration of how contanporary views of gender fet women in srtuclogy was an are by Joan Gero (18) in wich the exposed what he Ss the"“womasat ome sdelogy Ths ithe stereotypical view of female {mays we btveeory oF museum, spelling Inara ana, ‘trating typologies, sexsi contrat the ale shaolin te id (Sting data leading a crew ho "dom he schaclogie]howsework” he “Senge home the dats a” Gero shows hat though lark, museum work {Elldbortery work areal acesary in doingatcausogy, edison ‘noe them equally. Faldwork sth paege! acti, anos Geo’ survey ok Abeer dserations hows tsthedamainofmalesInsanore ent, Caro ‘ei Roo (chapter 20) have examined the ways in wh women ate epee inte pages ofthe Nona! Gogphc. They ed hat woman areal depict, Wein thee cases where they are chown they ar depiced ae psaiv ceva ver engaging nthe atts tha conte eld ena “here hos been 3 widespread arsumption witha the socal sciences tat men snd amen canbe associated respectively wih pac and pve, wand ‘Sevag culture and atte. The mat obvie ample i echasigy he ‘Simption hatin he ditt past men were the unter an women he ater (sand, additonal, hat hung was tna important nthe evelopment of ‘elie and soci, But there are many over exaples, onthe ess hl ‘enc Pade he on wes ely cn tte det pee he ‘tht they were pasive ejects oF comida in exchanges of Prestige fonts Such sssodabens involv a view of women as having rune ed ‘ihn ens eral cata eran pls fee cans ‘cnn analysis in parca ways, shutng of vata and denying omen stv ete pt spre ts spt vk le is of esque an evan Sometimes the clique gender bias mals we of ethnographic evidence to ‘ow that the sociation between men, wenn, and pater tack 6 9t variable Rice 991 hasstudied eral accounts potey production © Serine is relia a gender role Het rns show that hee considerele ‘wii, hough siattaly speaking ceramics are prominaly td by amen, Gero (95) fas ddeaned why storetook multe Sammon ‘ered maetn rchacloiea interpretation She ies hohe at fem Aislin Affi, and the United Sine fo denortat ht women hve beh — os ey Feminist ond Genter Acesigies certian tt eo ‘reuse woes experience revaied and multleveled. Wh counts asa Toutes earns Ecce eae eae se yg ring cent arguments. Ths Geo (985) pins ota when psc re fo sit Siemens ceeven seater agete ot Rae tccepisteiora balan Eni me phbiartan neaueseare re noniau uted omnmamiehes races ec {otis ty a, tee gene eee a ee {be domestaton of plans? Tse cases inde how decplyingrsied pee Coon wa rat seme ee Si ecg lr eaten an ne ee ae ere ‘Seen be sabe ad may int change withthe ap fhe vide oat Sebeemagtorstienent aust Seer aidan renner Salen tatoneacntoneacauenme Sune recede iaoe so St ptr pata EL es hen ac ngage Sees hate me ahem ara =a ‘oF “men” aa if these formed unified categories. % ‘The Politial Economy of Gender Generis inayat with pk of gpg concen are Sly suc te an exc penn heal sorb eBootsboraiauomin Apr wees teeooanpe ey ot pe ben th bdo po sagan seg i cal ie Tvs ci cours on Row end al oc waged thSedhtonntas se spect eard genders taal ole ‘team, we sat tai ayes Sieh meng gence vy enact Sloe unetindces ‘nest of eerie ger nse concerns tes eed “ge” thts‘ escent lot ene ne aes ‘Se nd hin btm Zhan GOT, 595 1) ha ep LUndrstonting Se xd Gener a oesion of labor and MeBreaty ad Moniz (951) have challenged a number of ‘Exfnptonaboathuntng tol us and els, rung tat teas mo neces ‘y comelitions tobe found There ale interest inthe roe of gender in oman and the orgs of galt Berber (589) agus women ‘fev tesponaleor the vention pial in the Neat Ee nd Watson sh eed (951 havearged that women ace developed the varietesof maize Inte Eaters Woodlands There pproace evaluable becuse ey conte joa questing of eoived assumptions abut gender, bot ty themselves cn [Resse for ceping oversrting and sili definitions ede, for ‘pling the premise ofthe Oxigins debate rarely that thee wae fit ol er tea it rer cee Par) From semint prspecive Corky and Willa {tt segare te obsession with Origin as rounded ins raya progressive frelon Wh amount aidton of te sais gut the Way Bung "Ther as also ben considerable cussion of th oe of gander in he of shenate (Slvernt 197,198) For example Calley 98) he rgd hatte lato ives the pla subordination f= ajotyof he popsaton ‘on producngelte dase Because women a both produces tnd iproducers, thy fepresnt 8 pote source of sutonocy nd vestance. For ths aon fier abr is quchly appropri and charles. Thi hei supported By Hace’ (chapter) stay Show the expan oth la spies the ‘lof Sas women and men of Peru dferences betemn le ral {Ses increase a en ate dson oa ste sconamy of tabournexchange for se ber consumption. Bota Brum! (93) shows in he stay of woes -pafcton of food and weaving in Aste Meco, women often do ave dere {nd multifaceted fle in comple socees. spe account of ress ab ‘eatin wl fen nt be sntatry. A flr coniderston ofthe itor ‘Sects thn whch women nepoatd thet intestate ene “There growing rcogitin that genders nats thing bus proces (Conky ni Goro 1981, p. 9) Gender caro! be dace in esentalitere3 eh ‘tae a ination Rather is ebesee wihin si, Cle, tl 3d ‘ce. Ar uch an unéertanding ofthe ole of gender leads oa wide coi on of sca dacs, Indeed, some eminat rcheslogute have red thet ‘onlon beyond gender Slt an have epored the development of eb tore of he body andthe shave develped clique ote archaeon ‘scores on power, delogy an the body tnd ave explored ere repre ‘entation and problems evident inthe scene archaeology 28 whale Mesell (636) has aged tat Cartes oppotion of mind and Bay under the bu froning arcasolopel course nthe bay (ove Past}. Her alerting, Feminist apprsehconamed to avo eof power snd domination oft Sody and fo replace these with « more experiential and integrated view of indo Insome ways tives recapiuts cone of the dversty expressed within ther postpreesual pproaies However, the theories of gener canst easly Terequted with other theoretical tends in the dpline Appronches to te . Fein od onder rss scene pe ema i re ‘usgopa Senta Se Ek gna haan Bee gianpi ele ot women fh yw hen aca yg Senay eatery peatneneeons Ta pao feminist wrchuclogies cosy esol te coal Peay approche Spy snfaecl rs rteesomrneseae eh nae itn rau owe Se we npetak oehcmingintentnuarelit area ae ‘ve not addressed by these other approaches. ay Dy Lived Experience Some fram, cil ofthe stundardpostvitprocetual archaeon, hae ‘eeningpredty ent develops in poosroruaion inpuriaar ees tering ofthe subject and the enhass onthe constuction of mening Fea, ‘chao and pstruchraitsin general and ob wary of urvercbend ‘Seenals tne ther are 0 fe defied in androcetc terme ut feninte tend fo agora pontstucusn's empha onthe sure and ones ‘hrestens to unde the alto diferent express Postar 6 "ppers oll ~ or rather it devas» Sitomiaed cone wih ene erepeens Forte ster afew erases Uf past ived experiences se means cresting a nares picteo pst ‘uns They alo argue tht such represetatons pen phe as oeaque ad involvement Ths move i sna in some rerpce tothe phenomenology ee Postproctsil arhaclogis nested te arharlgy of Boyan pe tekinw Some emis are experimenting with asetve approaches to provides mre informed view ofthe pat Tey show that rasonal ached wing bat etal but rather embodies an andro pees: The sere pao ‘Sence wring acomplia the proces of cetngRerarchy ad exuding ‘womens fe on pveged group. Tey so note at educng pope ‘jot tht pce adap changes te Eviorment cca ee lites the past response mary scolar arg fo themaive wayscl tng tt ‘lo othe pesityofempaty and recent of ved exparcnce The of tepresertation sen as eral sine ish modes a eprecentaton Oat Song wd xg vty ar Nae, Sc pe ave bn at st wig in rchaecogy in peel Heder 1989, Tiley 1989, bat fens scion etal prof i debate and ean te mont eg developments ve bern nha attexampe a apres ie Spor hp) oit ves of to Dakota women Bacterry Woman (Hrs) an her daupe, O= Who-Talito ron Mato oe win dung the msronry prod Uatgthe te losing an alas touchsione eto conjres up he see of a Dat ‘stoned oth with the ens! womanhood in Laks soc ant wih Undetontng Sex nd der 2 sion to a nee way of fe where men famed,» role traoally bed by ‘Rien Thieay of wong efecsly eaten aling of empathy or canted ‘Sth pst pope tats nade al the mre prafound because we kw theres (Ghetoy We knoe howe the Latta were sd and place on esevaors, ‘sow haw thar eligion was banoed ad we know RoW thee tational ie ‘Syewaretravaformad Another examples Tnghan’ (1991 dle about he ‘septation ofthe Neothe st of Opov, and her eveatve eenstrction of Frtuming ofone of the housee ‘comet cic of rate pproacher ht they ae ction, athe past ten ours obese apes ss oni wet about Bul ew ‘Sete ourtaned since the pst only exe tro "ling" orn” ‘Ge oe,here go dilerence betwen a cient “descipve stereo a or nartive sce both representa secon, bth ae rounded sn parte Sislome of discourse Indeed, Spector (183) has shown tatevenscatalogue of bende foe erste wold nomallyineladed ies and aasumptars— for np theta parts of an ght be classi prominent a fog, ‘Sine Cloial cont. artes dove nthe supposedly neutral etlogue Would ‘Sms the si handmade of tone lal praluce and of Kite interest Ever, {atlogue isa "story" (el MeMulin and Hanasan 19857), However, thee ae [pprtan ferences betwee he stoves ody nhac nd thse a ‘tharchaolgiy he most portant bang mmm to the srkacloil (nina ts wnbigulty and complecty. Ardaelogiel narratives mt be ‘gruel wi the einaek of eaistance fonedby data ‘Nore rrou objectian has odo withthe asians of narrative epresn- tena To whom are hy secountsbe? the srehcaagil profession the encal fl, women or the descendants of the people berg writen abou? Spector Foon expcy duces te roa tht eyed at leon nes dang het teach projet tensions between er comment 1 that erent test ‘oupe She adit Becoming sare of hr piveed at by race and pro- {Eon She ala of aking presentations fo the Wapeon comnmy ia Lite ped sharing her workwiththem, an of ficentons to fer. Tsind ot ‘shretlecion acatined by an encounter tn sn indigenous people nat 5 "the Chr" act VI bt a Sint indus with rea intrest ste age leprodactive dialogs and communication. ‘advantages of raraiveapprosches are hal hey can open up he pt eng people by sentient human beings Thay cn low a ses ut ow mate ‘al ealture is implicated in how individual onstuced mbes os socal eng tough expense nd ay fe Th spre aged wid other dee ‘pment inpostpocenual tchaeoogy an moor’ ep forward Bt we so ‘Belo rmtin itea The naenves we contac need be ope to eslaton ‘eboth empirical nd pls! grounds teraz pssile m Spor (959) fer account evaluate spec of her narrative in ation he rceaogial ind etinograpii evidence Ie shoul sso be sos to determine the pe Casone of her decison to we the nara, inthe palseal yams of the Wahpeton corusiy Idee, peter reales tat some members of te es Fain ent Geer Arche “id nb pe ott ns omg pe aL orem Li fn ot acy aig day Sg ker Ts ey htc en Sid any Clee ape telly 52 Hose pow: Sua opac an able mara a Had, (e) “lost Crap peep in Re ym aan Ln Scie Ce Cntr ane agp Rcond 3 ton Shien Eon tgslpwsndinilrtoyo at eea tea had Gd Nac 819 qty en Nong carl "Wien biG: Neon Sc td Wye el) Ey tans or ons nay. ‘shi fps fe aura pt An 8 ages ‘kB haan Mec mba nya heb en ing a sual OL Egy cy eb al wc an cei on of women dimen Meier ui oN Me aon Sh eevee iepopel tcc s honieae peas spanit tat ey diy Pe cn igre Wn spt lp ets 23 Fein at Gena Arches ‘Shel hn aerate ey, Dn cog nd SSS a armas tee ee GaAs nC M CaM) re Ag. Sei Cai, et) prin rout Oc pe igang en may “Buy, nods et) Te Armco of Comsa Meng Ca (ioc Gone B 194 Wann nouchesogy Ia Nees MCs Nase Si oy Aes) Eu sur Namen clay, Aesop apenain ed smn Anvgpolre arcton 3. Wang poo cit ar lac iol fan: infer en od thse 198 aro ni Cle The Ads age Hon. Ld ‘Gon E193, Vlte Tr Cpr ono, Bongo ‘aig 81986 Th Sime Quon Fain New or dd 189, ting tenor cnt Ant 258-26 "Hop on te muri wee ray, adc hese haan ‘Seestey Inbar NLC. Neon SM. ard Wy A. (es Egy co Nase ‘Spring pe te Ac ope Aan Yes net lect ne a ey. (Clans ©} Eprints oe eo Ganon Menograpsin Viol Acsuaogy Nat Madsen pp 370, aly Jad UW, 191 Redon neem gradual So placa Chnaan achclogy In Wale Ded Wiles De) Te ecco fee ‘Prati he ma Cac Canons The Alege aca Univers Calgary, Cay pp 9-30 ean C ads oe The ahr omen ares Atay te ee ad DeVoe ed) 1968 Mee Hater. Chic. ng, Ser Sa aig Val City Sin ai McSherry ad Moni ML. Prats provide? Hung ol en nde ‘estat oe InadeD.and Wilews Wh dry Cnr Poe inf he et Amal Cnt Erne The Arun Aa rivera of alg, Cagry. p78, eye aa 2 (ey Lenny fn Bt Maia iT sion frog Sao dean xpi acre F182 Th npc oat pateing intent eiac Hate, Tied shed Set ery Cane pp. 103 Moot FH. ran nd tog Cobra ‘Moors HL 198 Aan Or: Een dey nt Got earings Undrsoing Sex and Sener = M, an Crook DL 191, Dual antpsog are ols: ferent saps ih ilrent sacs rates. In Wade, D. and Wilows, ND ed) The Arey of ‘Cote Pomp Sata Chaol Cre The Arcelie Set Univer of agra p20 in Me Neon 5 hed Wy 194 fe) Ey Bae Nomen ie Ary hacigia opr o the Aneran Atopic econ No Wag eesti Sti smn ner sora EES mtg "ona socal Ino MC. Noon Sen Wye os) Bip see aie srt ae ae La ‘nyt eyo nl 1 anf ew “eh ceulescimiitcntmeoncce™ stcra, A.38), Plough nd pastime specs of te secondary produc revoiation 1h ie me hag gr abi re Scena eaters heen Seti Se SER pn ronne ce wcm ecme yt i ie esearch Shatin Sacer ily, C1999. Discourse and power: the gene of the Cambridge rwupral Lec. bn sa Santa a cancer a speared tae cnr ebay ag ed emer pron Ane pan td {elerdusony Cue "(Emr Glr mh ey St igen tacit wai ees ees fone tonne ft ‘ae etic Le cacy. was) and Kay MC. 17. Th dlgment of Roca at Ete WondandsctNorn arene worsen} andConkey Me) ae Wit in Ec ad power singin Mile, Dad Ty, 9) ay Pave ou Pry. Comrage 9p. ak ‘may, S192 Receipes cul mone mage Tala mer Army. on po 9-3. ita orn adogy Ts bee Holic 8) The Act of Cau Mig Cote pp. ‘wie 98 Cena ny an th chalga od why er no che "i gender in Ger | nd Caney es) Een Aros Ones pp. 31-30 = 0 Feministe Gener Arches yi A 194 Te woube wih mums: wale ciate doy ‘Nsbe Mee Meson Sand Wy Aes ql asf ome a ‘dag pln Atpica Depew sen bys Famewote far an aechasogy of he Dod Tiley, ke “tea Lenton pp 3-72 | “elt 188 Wore, nog, athe Nain Sc Foundation I Gen, MEE, in sehy Me 2) Te Sao Aly Deine yf ag ‘ny Cntosiy of neue, Res apr. 28. Amber, pS. ele at tn tcclogy en te Natal Smee out Aa Scyang Foc et a fat tyr hnerne AeuagBaiin zat ona Schnctn NCE Ny ‘nauk Newan te paar le of ween i clyde g ‘Mens eSnips Cl esis or Rh Tog Age sarang arrange pt zanan N91 ia Aucalptinees uve tds of abo? In ol Dat "ce NCB as The rings of Gr reigned A Cnc Cree ge Ren of be Uo ey i

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