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3 step Lino Cut

Task: 3 step Lino Cut

Date due:
Date completed:
Students are to plan, design and produce a 3
step Lino Cut.
Week 10
Achievement standards:
Students develop planning skills for art-making and practice techniques and processes to
enhance representation of ideas in their art-making.
Learning intention: student will be able to develop their planning and art making
techniques and processes by constructing a three step Lino cut.


Working in your Visual Diary create a

title page for the project 3 step Lino Cut

Students are to draw 3 different cactus


Students select their best cactus design

and redraw it on the template.
The first box is for steps
1 and 2 = the outline of your cactus.
The second box is for step 3 = the black detail of your cactus.

Trace the outline your cactus onto one sheet of tracing


Trace the black details (blackoutline) of your cactus onto

another sheet of tracing paper.

Transfer your first cactus onto 2 of your lino blocks

1: background
2 : main image.

Transfer your second cactus (blackoutline) onto your last

lino block
Watch teacher demo and example

Colour in permanent marker all areas of your design that

you will NOT be cut out, do this for all 3 of your lino
teacher demo and example

Cut all the areas NOT coloured in permanent marker. (cut

the grey) do this for all 3 blocks
Create a unique collage paper out of old books, newspaper, tissue ect to print onto.
Print 5 of each step.
Experiment with different colours and papers.
Frame best prints around black paper.

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