Reflections Mein Kampf

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For my document analysis essay, I read and wrote about my analysis of Hitlers Mein
Kampf. While previously I had heard of the book and its short comings, upon reading it I was
shocked. This assignment asked us not to summarize or preview the reading, but to fully analyze
it. Fully analyzing Mein Kampf in and of itself is a task, and an unpleasant one at that. While I
read and analyzed the document the best I could, its lack of proper writing and radically
offensive views were rather shocking. Imagine the book is an unpaved road that leads into a
sewer. I analyzed not only the book however, but also the society and causations that made it and
Hitler so popular. Going through history books, files, and texts; I found some interesting and
intriguing things. One of which was just how societal anti-Semitism was in the region, and how
readily the German peoples were to foot the blame of World War I elsewhere. While certainly not
an excuse for the atrocities of the Second World War, it offered an interesting incite to the factors
that surrounded Mein Kampf. While the writing itself was poor, the actual analysis was rather
interesting. This may have been one of my favorite assignments that I have done to date. The
information available really made this fun to look into, and the research was actually kind of
exciting. I certainly would not recommend the book, but this assignment helped me look beyond
the printed words and venture deeper into the true history of the novel. Overall it was a fun
assignment that was infinitely more assigning than the book I had to read.

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