Conflict of Conscience Can Be Just As Difficult As Conflict Between People

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Conflict of conscience can be just as difficult as conflict between people

Peoples conflict comes in two different forms, with one type of conflict within the
person themselves and the other being the conflict between people. Both types of
conflict are not only damaging to the victim but also to the people around the
victim. Inner conflict hurts the victim more than it hurts the people around them.
Conflict between people is often difficult to solve, when someones inner thoughts
affect other people, interpersonal conflict can be released on to the people around
them and harm the innocent.
Victims of inner conflict are hurt more than the people around them. The magnitude
of a persons inner conflict is greater than the effects of that conflict on the outside
world. Indecision within a persons character can give rise to intrapersonal conflict.
In the movie, A Separation, Simin is presented with an important choice, that being
whether to stay in Iran or to go overseas, leaving Nader to take care of his father by
himself. Making this decision gives her much strife as throughout the movie, Simin
is often seen openly weeping about leaving Iran and in turn, leaving Nader. She
finds conflict as a wife when she notes that Nader made no attempt to stop [her].
Detesting the fact that Nader had not said Dont go or anything else to stop her,
Simin cries in the car with Mrs Morteza. Simins indecision took its toll on her with
the creation of interpersonal conflict. Inner conflict affects the person in question
rather than the people around them. When a person is at a mental crossroad, only
they are privy to the thoughts in their mind with every detail exemplified or even
exaggerated. One of my friends underwent intrapersonal conflict without me even
noticing. At the time, deciding which subject to major in was his most important
concern. With him thinking about the conflict, o one else could hear it or even tell
that it had existed in the first place. My friend underwent the conflict with no effect
on the people around him.
Conflict between people is often difficult to resolve. Many factors affect the way
people may act at certain times, making conflict complicated with the added human
element. Conflict of opposing interests is one of the primary causes of conflict.
When both sides of an argument want different things, it becomes increasingly
difficult to resolve. In A Separation, Raziehs family takes Naders family to court on
the murder of Raziehs unborn child. In the court scene, it is obvious that the sparks
fly from the high tension situation, with both families accusing each other of terrible
crimes like murder and lying by the Quran. When the judge makes the decision to
reconsider suing Nader, Raziehs husband reacts almost violently and calls out that
[Nader and Simin] only know how to talk implying that Nader and Simin have not
been truthful with the judge. Opposing interests make the conflict hard to solve. The
conflict between people is either too vague or too complex to be easily solved. ***
When the inner thoughts of someone affect other people, intrapersonal conflict can
be released to others around, causing harm to all, including the innocent. Inner
conflict can control peoples decisions and affect the way outcomes occur. In A

Separation, characters like Termeh are affected by their inner conflict, in turn,
affecting what they do. Termeh is subject to her mothers lack of decision making
skills and often finds herself questioning her mothers decisions and in turn, her own
decisions about living life as a free woman unhindered by Sharia Law. It can be
seen that an unencumbered decision the lane is appropriate for just such a person.
The way the difference between conflict of conscience and conflict between other
people shows that inner conflict hurts the afflicted more so than the other
conflicted. Peoples conflict is too hard to solve through ordinary means.

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