Ask Me About 10-22-15

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Reading and Theme

* The Making Connections Book I started this

week (Hopefully I shared the first story with
you!) and the skill of Identifying Details
* Reading the book about making maps and the
book Communities- we learned about a
compass rose, a map key and map symbols
The three different types of communitiesRural, Suburban and Urban- ask me to tell you
a little about each community what they
look like, what you would find there, where
kids go to school and how they get there, and
where people work in those communities

Ask Me Abo


* Practicing our lower case letters this
week starting with our friend Magic
* What other letters can be formed from
Magic c? (a, d, g, o, q) and have me
show you!
* The correct handwriting position:
feet flat on the floor
chair tucked in
paper slanted
- left/right hand holding the paper in
* Kyndals star of the week letter I
wrote her

Phonics and Spelling


The hunks and chunks I learned this week all and wh and ask me to sing you the chants

The question words for wh: who, what, where, when, why, which

Playing Word Wall games and the difference between a noun and a Proper Noun!

Using the iPad to practice my spelling words on Spelling City

Number models- what are they and ask me to show you an addition or subtraction one
2+5=7 or 8-3=5
* The change-to-more or change-to-less diagram- ask me to draw it and show you how to fill
one in using a number story
* Creating number stories for you that have a missing start number, end number or have the
change unknown!
* My Show What You Know for Unit 2 and my Cumulative Show What You Know for Units 1
and 2- Please check through these with your child and help them to see what they did really
well and their mistakes. We did correct these, but having your child explain to you will help
increase their understanding! Thank you :)

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