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Lesson Plan Format

Class: English

Date: 28th of October, 2015

Time: Start: __________9:30am__________

Finish: __________10am____________

Key Learning Area: Poetry

Lesson Topic: Poetry- Understanding Rhymes and Rhythm

Recent Prior Experience

Understanding Unknown Languages - Oompa Loompas
Students participated in a group exercise where they had to change the names of 4 specific characters in chapter 16 (Oompa-Loompas, Whangdoodle,
Hornswogglers, Snozzwanger). The challenge for this exercise was to come up with new names which have meaning in the English Dictionary. Furthermore,
students were encouraged to re-read chapter 16 and consider the information provided by the author when creating the new names. Afterwards, they shared
their ideas with the class and participated in a group discussion. The following questions were asked by the T to encourage discussion:
1. Why do you think Roald Dahl chose to name his characters with unknown words?
2. What are the differences between your interpretations and Roald Dahls?
3. What do the names suggest about the characters?
T then explained that this is a form of characterisation (Metalanguage) where the author uses descriptive/creative ways to portray their characters
characteristics while making it fun to read for the audience.
Syllabus Outcome(s):

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

- EN2-2A

- Ss will have discussed and made predictions about the authors

intent in the imaginative texts (poems) after watching a short video
clip of Augustus Gloops poem which was sung in the 2005
Charlie and the Chocolate factory movie (EN2-4A)

Plans, composes and reviews a range of

texts that are more demanding in terms of
topic, audience and language.
- EN2-4A
Uses an increasing range of skills,
strategies and knowledge to fluently read,
view and comprehend a range of texts on

- Ss will have learned that language features and patterns are

very important when writing poems- Rhyme and Rhythm (EN22A).
- Ss will have practiced understanding the language patters
(rhythm) by participating in a counting syllable exercise (EN2-4A)

Strategies which will be used to assess
learners attainment of learning outcomes.
Should be linked to each learning indicator.
Formative assessment: Peer assessment at
the end of the presentation (Assessment as

increasingly challenging topics in different

media and technologies.

- In groups, Ss will have created and presented a song using a

specific poems in the book (EN2-2A)

Any safety issues to be considered:

Ss will need to get their instrumental music
approved by the teacher before using.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Book- Roald Dahl

A3 papers

Youtube site:

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)

Resources and Organisation:


Recap of previous lesson and introduction

the poems

5 mins


T asks the Ss what they remember learning from the

previous lesson- Characterization
T then asks the Ss the following question: what are other
ways Roald Dahl portrays his characters (five golden ticket
winners) in the book- Poetry
Ss watch the short video via Youtube: Augustus Gloomps
T asks the following questions to the Ss
1. What does the poem and song say about Augustuss
2. What are some key descriptive words used in the
poem and song?
3. Why do you think the song didnt use the entire poem?

Practising Rhyme and Rhythm (EN2-4A)

10 mins

Group exercise: Create my Own Character

song (EN2-2A & EN2-4A)

15 mins

T asks the Ss: what are some of the key features a poem
must have- Rhyme and Rhythm.
T asks what are some of rhyming words Roald Dahl has
used in his poems and writes them on the board- fe) send,
end-say,pay-chin,violin. T will not spend too much time on
this since the Ss are in the last semester of year 4, and
have practiced writing rhyming words throughout the year.
Syllable counting game: T opens the file, page 95 of the
book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in her computer.
This is also projected through the IWB. Ss read Violets
Poem together while clapping every syllable sound. Before
this, one representative S is asked to come to the front of
the class and count how many syllables (he/she hears
while the class is clapping) there are in each line- 8
syllables per sentence.
T explains that the rhythm of Roalds poems flow incredibly
well because of this key point. Each sentence all contains
equal 8 syllables.

Before splitting the Ss into their groups, T asks the

following question:
1. If you can only choose 6 sentences from the poem to
portray your character
2. What type of sentences might you choose?
3. What type of message do you want to portray through
your song about your character?

Ss will be split into the same groups as theyve been

working as in week 1.
Each group will be assigned one of the following poems to
change into a short song.
1. Augustus Gloomps song

Page 95 of the book, Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory

A3 papers

2. Violets song
3. Veruca Salts song
4. Mike Teavees song

Ss will need to use 6 lines from the poem, but make sure
to keep the rhyming sentences together.
Ss who want to pick the background beat music to their
song can use the school Ipads to search for instrumental
music using youtube.


T writes the following guided questions on the board

while the Ss are working on their short poem songs.
This will help the Ss to peer assess each other at the
end of each presentation.
Does the song portray the specific characters
personality traits?
What were those traits?
What do you think the group did incredibly well?
What do you think they could have improved on?

Presentation of songs

10 mins

Each group presents their songs to the class.

After each presentation, Ss will take a moment to peerassess each others songs, by looking at the following
guided questions on the board.
1. Does the song portray the specific characters
personality traits?
2. What were those traits?
3. What do you think the group did incredibly well?
4. What do you think they could have improved on?

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