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By Praska Keandra Aroeman 7A

Movement refers to the way of people, products, information

and ideas move from one place to another. There are 2 types of
movements: local movement and global movement. The movement
of people is one of the way people interact with each other. The
movement of people can be simply as walking to school or market,
going to the office, using public transport or common land and water
transport. In some countries there are traditional transport such as
becak in Indonesia and tuk tuk in Thailand. This is called local
movement. Another movement of people is traveling from one
country to another, which is called global movement. This
movement caused by various reason or purposes such as for
working, taking vacation, getting closer to family, escaping from war
and searching a better life. People usually move by using cars,
motorcycle, bicycle, bus, airplane, boat, and ship. Other kind of
transport that people use for special purposes are helicopter, tanks,
submarine, and air balloon.
Movement of Product is the way of products can be exported
and imported from one place to another or one country to another.
For example Indonesian people can enjoy exported fruits such as
kiwi (Australian fruit), peach (Chinese fruit), etc. People move to
other country and also bring along their culture such as food
(product) and they build restaurants that serve food from their
country of origin, so now Indonesian people can also enjoy overseas
food such as pizza (Italian food), Hamburgers (American food), and
sushi (Japanese food).
Movement of ideas and information is the way of ideas and
information transferred from one place to another or one country to
another. People everywhere interacts and communicates through
movement of ideas and information by using email, mail, TV,
Internet, radio, telephones, advertisement. For example people in
Indonesia are able to know the update news about the war in
Palestine by watching live report on TV, people around the world can
share ideas and information in a meeting through videoconference.
So I discovered that movement is important because without
movement we wouldnt be able to go anywhere in the world. We
wouldnt be able to trade products, information and ideas.

the world

Classification systems

And make
models of
the world

Models used of made

Our model is about the
movement of products,
ideas, and information.
The pictures are the
people that moved
from another country,
the food that is from
another country, the
products from another
country, information
and ideas that flows
through media.

d the

Understanding of the
1. People travel from
one place to
another and
migrate from one
country to another
for various reasons
and purposes, e.g.
for career, to be
close to family,
escape from war,
for a better life.
People usually
move by planes,
cars, and ship. The
ways things move
are different in
every country,
especially for
people. For example
in Indonesia people
usually moves by
motorcycle, people
in Vietnam usually
move by bikes.
2. Products are being
exported and
imported from one
place, one country
to another, e.g.
Indonesian people
can enjoy exported
fruits such as kiwi
(Australian fruit),
peach (Chinese
fruit), etc. People
move to other
country and bring
along their culture
such as food
(product) and they

build restaurants
that serve food
from their country
of origin, so now
Indonesian people
can also enjoy
overseas food such
as pizza (Italian
food), Hamburgers
(American food),
and sushi (Japanese
3. People everywhere
interacts and
through movement
of ideas and
information by
using email, mail,
TV, Internet, radio,
advertisement. For
example people in
Indonesia are able
to know the update
news about the war
in Palestine by
watching live report
on TV.

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