Elliptical Sentences

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Elliptical atau Elipsis adalah penghilangan kata atau sejumlah kata dari suatu kalimat yang
bertujuan agar kalimat menjadi lebih pendek dan lebih baik susunannya. Susunan Elipsis sering
digunakan banyak orang baik dalam percakapan maupun dalam bentuk tulisan. Semua ini
ditujukan untuk menyingkat kalimat namun tidak merubah makna dan arti sama sekali.
Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat positif kita mendapati predikat yang sama, maka kita sebaiknya
menggunakan kata "too" atau "so" yang artinya "juga":
Perhatikan cara menggabungkan beberapa kalimat di bawah ini agar menjadi lebih singkat dan
tersusun rapi, namun tidak merubah arti sama sekali.

He is busy. I am busy
(= He is busy and I am too)
(= He is busy and so am I)

Mary is beautiful. You are beautiful

(= Mary is beautiful and you are too)
(= Mary is beautiful and so are you)

My brother can swim well. You can swim well

(= My brother can swim well and you can too)
(= My brother can swim well and so can you)

Alex buys a new car. Henry buys a news car.

(= Alex buys a new car and Henry does too)
(= Alex buys a new car and so does Henry)

Jack went to Bali yesterday. William went to Bali yesterday.

(= Jack went to Bali yesterday and William did too)
(= Jack went to Bali yesterday and so did William)

Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat negatif kita mendapati predikat yang sama, maka kita sebaiknya
menggunakan kata "either" atau "neither" yang artinya "juga tidak":

Ed doesn't like mango. George doesn't like mango.

(= Ed doesn't like mango and George doesn't either)
(= Ed doesn't like mango and neither does George )

My father won't come there. I won't come there.

(= My father won't come there and I won't either)
(= My father won't come there and neither will I)

She never comes here. He never comes here.

(= She never comes here and he doesn't either)
(= She never comes here and neither does he)

Ada beberapa adverbs of frequency yang dianggap negatif seperti:


seldom/ rarely

few/ little




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