Flowers Art Work

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flowers to knit

h t 'croc e·· .. '.

A collection of beautiful blooms

for embellsshing clothes, accessories, cushions and' throw's,


'E'I'T' ',1\, iIl~.' r; IE., LD' ',1 ~I ~.1.""~ D. .'


Ai collection of beautiful blooms fo:r embefishng clothes accessories, cushions and throws

Lesley Stain fie II d!

Search Press


Publi~Moo i 200.9 by Se~h Pte~ Ltd W~I'I!IOod

Noi'ih Firm Road J'UrlD !idg:El ~lIs K~mrNl JDR.

Reprinted 2'OQ9

Ctm:yrig it © 2009 Q.tJarto PubJi'Shing !}Ic

AJI rights-~rvej. No ~W"l of'this ~blicat.iiOn mar 9~ reprod'uced, . .stol"ed in a rmri®1:a1 $}"Ji:.crn. orr tr:an.s!1~itted in an, form or by 1ilF'f( means·,eler:trooic, m€(ha.'1~taL photo~oPo/lng; re-J(OIuing or other~'i'i,se. Mlh01A th~p~rmi~0f'1 ofth'e.c,op~ight hotder.

Cpno~ived. designed and predaced ~ Qua~1o Puolis'l'lil'lg pic

The Old Brewery

,6 {llindell· Street

I.prd~"1 N7 9!BH

PI"O~\Zct Editor: Emma PblJl'tcer Art Editor; Emma Oayton Desigr<@Y:: T~J1ya Deltt::lnj~ire~ J~i;\es Cop,!, a;dik:lri. S2!m1 MacElld"'H~f'n Pa!t'i~I"l Chec~r; $1IS n Horan IlI.u~rator: Coral Mula

Photowapher CdirecWtyand led'!aGa1 ~): Simon Pa~1< Photographer (D~e1I:~} NIcki Dowey

Pi'oof~ader: Caire Will~Le' Brry,.viJ!

Inde~:Dorothy FraJ~e

Art O.:redu,,: Gtrolime Gue'5t

Cr:emJ@ Directar~ MOira OIOc;i1 ~bt~ner: Paul Carsla'ke

CoIQur s~~ratioo by Modem Age IRePJOO '1-101.J5.e Ltd, I kmg K:ang

Pdr'lted by SNP Leefuog PI'intets' Ltd, ChiMa



4 PRO.~ scrs Project 1; P·e~ ba:g

Project 2: Evening handbag Project 3·: Stationery

Proieet 4·:· Christmas gift wrap PrDje'ct 5: Baby's; cardigan Projiect 6~ Winter scarf Pr0,j~a 7: Summer shoes Project .8: RUffles

Project 9.: Place setti gs Project 10: Shopping bag


B '1',0

1'2 14 ts 1,6,


2 [1).U~IiCTOII\:Y 'O'f ,FLOWERS El{j~~f;s


fl\Jilt . nd \1~~abj as .


20 22 42 44


R.esolJrte~(and credits


Kf"li$ti,f11g mstrUcdons, g~ic de5i~_s Ilhte:r.mediate. @~igns Ad~a~eid des:ighs

48 :s4

<=n:!J",bet inS:U'il;l!;!ti,(Jns Ba$i. Jf~s~gng ~hteA'fled~e desfgns A@van'iEed< d~igns

6,6 741· 9'2

10.8 1110 1 '1'2. '1'14 1'15. 116 1118 11~ 1!20 122 124

126 12,8

:FO" ·'1 D L'W· ~ OflDI

I ·····I'\C · .. ···.·'v~-·

Til i:~ .<::o·Ue,ceh" 11: 'O:f f1,9'we'rs" flfu (t~ lea:vfl_s, v~g~:la bl~~ d ~S>~'frt;si~ dt!:Slgfl'efi (~a!pp,leaJ ·t~ ~;ny~Mle- ~J~~

~ ,

CaiDi 1~11t bf' ,cr'€i ch'Bt an'€! ever.Y:GAe

who ~~~VE:~S flltQ~e'r/<s" AI ~hotlitr the

·oftti~ designs -··s,et&bu:s B!aeanists: bewarer - ~~(~'S. :il,f4;)ntd, SO'tn~1:;jI'JH~cS~

Tib:€: cl;€:'~ignsa;fe ~f:eated by :silR1 pi e s;hllp'irJgJ~~ rath~r ·tban fitnli!Y Js~i~G;lrl!~5jj so few ski,Us b~{1nfuj; the :Q'i3.sit [~,fllQ:~how:(ar,e .FeQ[ur'r:i9d, a:Wd ;ru~ wt~tro~ IT:s Y$;'8d; ~s1cdtU t:jwfaati.ans

'Can be :~,a;rrfl ~!(([d IlIU it@, s~1ie:i)JJ by c:nIld~fil. "'raMp 'i5i ?L lOYelx mediom t:a'wopi{, wlth, a,nd ~he $~t lS~tiGhf 1S)F i'f'ta~lng; '_m7a~IIQ'~l'~GtS; W~e th~$e t::a;1iI rltl"t,. i1@; o~,r .. e~7timi~;~e~ - ISrltQyA


This proVlwdj!'e,s a s'tunnlling,s'electiOiri of 1'00 jf1IoWfi1ln :tlnd rratural des~gns ft)r you '(0· knit and crochet. Each and eVlery one oflthes€' gorgeous creatjo~s Ican be: used toembellish garments, g:i;fts. af((]~'ss:ories and much more.

;S·&;,C:::TIO'NI 1:~ DEFO R:I~ fC)U :B!I!:.·GI N 'WAGIfS 9-19)

The boi:;lk b~ins ~l,th same .Q:a.~ij(;: k(littin,g and. crolc;~l ~n(r;iJ"mabtln 'il.b,(}U!'!. Yiil4rrs, neetllru; and h,ook:s. ~qmb~&~ 'a:bbfie\!lati,{jf!5 ilm:!·ll$rminQlogy. aSV'leill as seme notes on hQ'IN to' "",'Om the ~. ·s-titches, ·fe~.tlJred in the book _. much of til,e, kf'iow-hO'W 101Ii Med to -gm ·started.

5EC:'TlOI!'l'4I.2; D~RIiCTOI~Y Qif IfL()W~RS (PAG ss 20-45.)

The DiirectGlqr g:r f,1~ is 'iii. si:tdlJ'¥Gf5e" ~fthe 1100 .beautiful cb;isjgMS. that featUlr~ in 1his 1;001(. 'Org~n~ed iAlQ. ndlNer:s( lea:~esr 2nd frt;!lt cmdveg~Q:bl,esc, arnd int(:r~fler's~~zh1!;~h ~ few j(i$.ects. the:dip@ctQry 140llt~S a mb:: of !If¢cl'iet arid :knitmd tlesigrrSi. fU,r;k mrough, ~i's;J~:~kludul ~,tSIRll~ .@Jide.. S~~€!Lt YClpJf'desj'gn, and then 'U;.Im to th,Sl -:e}eyalit..pag,e: 'or 1['Ist;rudtornr;; ro c:,rej3.te YQlW chosen p1I!!O!.

...... ,>,)

~h ~1'll1:~l.;d <lr!d(irWl<;.'l r~ .... ~r ,~·~Ix.rlo:d '>ViJ/; Q 1'l~,.tI'i"!n. cqm;;:;tJi!l00'; w ·tk ~liiM:rm mscn/.ctfp;t5i T.! W!:l T~ti\tWd ltI£ifucN3~.dI<lPW (pag(;-s;4¢..-107).

E.oCh·~si.gi1is. 'ho~ m Clewel Sf~e~

I 1

sEJ~T~'ION :l;~ TECHNICAL IN'§:TRUC'n<JN:S {PAGES 4"6-HI7} H~re'c?JDu'lI find ift~.tructJol'l:): Gil how ",[0 _creai~ .each 1I.I"ld e:.;eryue~~gn f~rured I i"I ~"!~ tTIiolmclOl~,oO~ FI~rs. ij~a~i;red fnt~ separate kr1Jiting ~fI~ emelle: ~lCti~ns, ari'f!! tiI~I'1;SU!!q'IYldE;d .rtt:o ba-SIC. l('!Jtermedl.lU! -and advatMedskiM ~evets:, thjs, d\r:1!~r ~(:Iin:5 full rrl'~:tl"l.rcltions t'O aJd you ~n the c~mDbn Df rour-chasen dGiS~.vr.

II~ knJl[~d' nrNf GitIdl:N deSiltn!! tJl"O oqf'JF.J;-;:cd b,.: f61J ~~. ~ _o:rlnc~,l:! lif- fJ!iJ'.~ed.

'.I1.:F ~~~-""_"J,'I-!II!I'" I.-


.. ~ ~1:I. ..... L,,;;r.l ... q, .. 1 ...


~-. *';"~"""'~i..""'-" .... 'ql:i..Ftn ..,...,...,,..,.--~

Ito-- .... ~ .... :Qoo .. "IIi '1Ifro..1,';~( 'iE'r."",,'"l""':'ld~~n MI!I(I!II'W'!(~ ~.H:t-~,1 .... ~J1. ...


""H.;j • .".....-&_ • ~~~~:f ... jI.;§_~...,._~~II;~

_~I.'d'_.f" ..... , '!IirW .... JI 1'I!" ...... .Iib ...... ]'!'ii!X'".Q!I.,~1N'J;c. ~~aI.Il"i'y.'''''''''~

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T~li~IIJ'~{i,f<tt.e~ de~ig_m; Is 'uha~ aJlI,t~ te.u~e.dlO ~file.jili~h"af·nlJ~ber ~t tte~ T~~$rV~~fOems and ~S's~tie~ t~ gift w~p,~nr;:l liitpe,.se'ttJu-n.~ tl~js '(h~R'ter'

JM~ i1fM'S~':fi:eJ~tion Dr We.i!!5 ~ jn$J1i~aod~ncQ'ur~e toL:!, 1!1iii ~w 'the f~tunEd

"""'.;:- -

~!J~is- lil' ~ V4r~t¥. Cillf W'a}!&

-~1ng:;sdll~Mrn' i~'whe~~r ttill ~ ~ij~r·1lil"ld Iherl flnd ~~f~1t, orvi~ ,u,Sfsa!

, :1'''"' ,

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-"""""'---_i_ me rype- Gi 'PJIfJ i~'tlW fllt:e&h @sojrn amd rrnr ,(J!mp{ rl~jlQ!t'y 6,.'1rm~ "'o:E ~pe..trfif¥i

~-,""fSI~fii~~1 --~# ..

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1i ... ItP;;'oo.~liIWIr .. ,iI'I"'" "o!'-t~ 1.;L, .. ~.J',i.,~ ,..,. ... !u.,~!iii;,...,.,f;I_ ... _Ii[t~ rlj '_"'~'" III"fl-..:rmi!::l~"'.~~~a _"'_ltilhf--'i';!~i!.




'I:::I ... ~.[~l-"- .. !u! ..... II .. ..."._,~

· .. ~~PM'!"!"'III!l'2"i.! ...... NII! ... ~ • -WO~ .... _I~ 1!iIiiI!fti14.:r:o\l·jl.w..1I11.!


liIr!I_ll/:n.':]iI ... o;..l' .... 1io ... .,t t!11oi:1irf"r~~JY"IIIIi!IIIr""I!'I r-:w~JJiM.iol ~~ •• '1.' ..... ~Ij ... NwI..II~!IIiI"""" I .... ~I~II""II£I!I-{;Lr. r't!n'~F'!!'!""" _r.:.~ .. - , ..... __ .,... .... ~

1H'i.<;.-. ..... .


...... "' ... --''''''''''''---+---".1;..,1.1' J~!5i[ru~ i!IIll prtl~ r&~·:el2dl Mi~g(j.~ iImX.1;re,: ~II. XI'! rJ1e ~l ~oo~!\~r1l: ,ilfe oISG J,lfO'ifl'Ie,d i!:Q #~D:: tile 1~~rI.lCl\'Wlli.,



1nq,lor;1~J.~ G11 htJ'l'l 10 ¢'.p~ y.t.t.r, kn~ted ~mrcJ!et ,ks!gM' M Il'~

B' you get started" here is some US1@JU:~ infermatien ·a~out yarnsj. need les, hooks, $)'mbo Is and abbrevlatiens, a~ wedl as some nates to help you brush up on )tolJ'r khi:ttling or' crochet skills"


Yarns are a,vailalJle in a range of weights from J·P~I to extra chunky. Bealu;e ya. flS rm!Y vary from·Qne manufactwrer LO andther· nd certain:!.y: change from one ~b~ to <!II'')O~r. only generic yarn types. are kpdicmed in this, book - ~.ItJiv;:.ll;!gh smooth '1arn'S~re recen mended for crochet - and no n,eedlr:: or hock sizes. we.,g~n. Yo. shoo.ld be aWi;!r:e of the propertIes of different yarns, h,owever, from 'the fullness .,Qf cotton to ilia e'astkity of wool I, because the coostruction of a yam will affect its dna cnar:acteristics, and so \¥ill influenc.e the end II"est,llt.

Expel"'i·nerr~tioo is· ke'y.T ry us~g different llr;fn~bilS .and, if in doobt use. d

"., SOlil.ller need~eI~ size til in I.m~,al.

"- Ilf you i:-ea!Jy want to .create a iilorist's 5.hop (or a . .gf<eeFll?tOa:rs counter.:)

". ..separate your )'ams into. G:o~ourgfuups·.arnd keep mese In: transparent

" plasfoc: containers 50 that: you have a palette.;Q{ eolqurs-·to VI;Q'rk with. Don't ,limit yaurse!ftn< knltting.yam and look for rur~ing colours ,among ernbroi dery 1hrE!\i!:.ds..


As .alreooy mentioned no' noodle sizes re ~iijed i 11 this book. but you will want to vart you,r" ci'no:ice of needle· c.eperding on ~: )Iarnyou .are using. Pairsef knitti~ l"1e€dl~a_re macie in,a vane. y of I'engths. 11-1,~ are· alumi 1iurn. allh<:rt& I\:1lrg~r-sh:e n@ooles <1I'i? made of plastic to red.uQe 'lrveir weight. FOr mO'St 'orf 1!hQ doo:igf1:5 in this boele, a 'oCtinverrti!.'JJlal pq:rl'" of neecles (s;. used, I~vt two. double-poi irecl needes are needed to m~ke a cOld, and fourdouble··po;nted need Ie'S: where~ '!here is knitting in the round, Bambo.o rI€€GII'e$ i)D~ available in many sizeS.

100 I



Few materials and milhim,al craft skills are needed for the designs fe~t'iured .in this book Obv;~ously, Lhanging the 'typ,e· of yarn and colour wn~ produce a different result and scale. so' it can be very r-ewarding to expertrnent.


A Vill'icty of dirreren~ r:trn types fInd V(e1ghts.



Cro'chet h:ooits ~re ,avail'ab.le il!'!! a v·Ade ran§f! ,lOf Slres)()m mat~rll'l1S. Hom hOCiks are frock: rom alumL1iwro orr p~~5tit," Small! :5fZe5 of '5:t@el: hbOks @Ire maq€:for ~.oVGrl0hg-.v~iil:hveryfl'n® ~rf1s. H~nd"'made' ~oderl. b~!"f\bO'b ~ncl h.eKH hG.q~. 'o;IIJOe abp.·~i!i3iIbIe,

l-jeJl,O;:',5@Yatl1! qLlQte;d "tPi~l:.@j:nt~

rn EllIrQ:pe <1nddm Urirte(,H;~~s, and,SCffle~mnds,d hook 'are

labelle.d yli th 0'101'# th!8:i1 c,r~ ~e:' of numbering; Choosing a hook hrla~y ii, matter ~f pE!rsor'tlll pf.'el~lI@nC':e. l},;@ ~~~r:'I of the Iwok atff~s theea;s,e of \IVO,rkIrg consrtj'~,rab'Iy.. look for a hoot INhkh tms. a (omfort~bl:e glip:

P~lrs tif klll~trFlg ne.edles, ~r1rj Qoub:I~.p(lil'!ted nE;!dl~, iii vaI"iOl.!lS m<ltel'l<iIJ~ .md sizes.

i"1 AT E RI AL 5' A N I) E QU~. P'M EN T



Tap e! rn ea!l:UI~e Es:sef"l1tj;a1 io mea:9lJlmg ~€ngth$ of yam. croare one that re~lu~ bot~ ~nche~r ,arid ael'1timetres. on the gan~e sfcie.

M~rke rs an d flOW eou ntees R<ro~y-.made rmrkers cain be l!ISf@ 1"0 'indicate ~.~peat

81" to, help !CDunt siii-OChe8. in '3 chhln ('See.: p~~ 17 fq,r th~ !,l~~ :of :faij')l markeni), 'Sjmilarly, a.

row cou riter may !help yQtJ. to ~ep track·~

the nuJrt.ibf::r of ~s

you hilVewor:kecU,mt in ki'i!ttiln;g.'thi~ is,. !:i~KJany, ~7

if you· reM~mbef 1:0' include ther stii:C~s, o.n the nood!e as a. ~w.


Cho~ a !im~ll. sharppoir\t~d. pair fro tu!: "folh"'l a~i1d trim 'yam' end;s.





Slip rmg




Double treble crocher


Work pn tile,single front strand iofthe stitch be~Orw - thrs· 'C,OFfcave wive will appeliil· iJtndierrh~,at.h ' e: s;E:itfh s.yrnb~1,

'Nark iii 'the ~ngle back strand <pf the stitdh ,oolow - thrs, convex curve \Nill sppesr und':erneath the. :rtttd'l SJ!,mbot

Work around' the, stem oJ a str.tch - the instructions \;VIII ~.,t'I~a~ vyhetJie- thisjs. to be dorte 1inm the back or the fl"QrFc.

Ali arrowhead indkaJres the b.@ginning of a ro» or round whEr;e this is net ,mrnediatety apparent


symb\JJ~ joined at the base s,hbW strtches ;trIPrIit¢i:illn a Siingl'e s 'tch or space to make",an ir'lDElI$l3. 'They are usually ,de'Scrr~d as "vvork ~ rf'iany stit~hes in the next stitch'" or at "the ~ir!lli'lin.g of;!. '('Ow 'work SO IThlny S11tche'i in 1h"::,strl;d~ bt.;:bW.

V \V



'2 -$I: dtr lr~c.~


SymlJots: joined art: the tap show 5lit(hefi ~er-ed inlrO One stitch to form it ,decrease, 'E~ch stitch of the group (n; d!tr, etc., ao;ol'din.g to the: symbo~) is m-ad~ without wl?'rking the 1a!S£ wr'.1p (a !N"I~P' is:: yarn round h00k then

p.u I }'i!rI'l,t,hl'iLl!lLJgh IOoDp)' This ~~S one' Jloo,p on U1e hook lor eash ;'K().rnplete·s:tIt::c:h plus me ori;ginal loop, The d'OO'efrse is c.ompleted by taking the ya:r11 round the hoOk arrd then pl. ling the~t"f'l through alii loops orr the hook







J\ ! )


As above, each stitch (one dlr around stem of stit h then one [('""in next stitch) is- wurked without maki ng !Me last wr;ap, yarn round ihpok arid pull yam ·thmugh aJ I .3 [oop-s on hook.



A dU$'ter is 'made -exactly like. a dMma!:e (see' lerr) exc.ept "Ul· the stitcn~s are ;aU \'Iiorli<:;e.d in .a single stitch 0 r s~ace WOfe being ,gathered rogethef' a~ the top.

3-st dtr duster



K'N 'I 'T l' I: N GAB, B REV II AT 10' N S:


s k:~p D :;'i,p one knit.wisrz;, 'Wn nt two togethCiliIi pass sliwed stitch over

Idb kn tt in 'from and back of stm:h 10 rrake

lwo wtches from one .st(s·), nit::::h(es<)

m11 make: 2l stitch by lifting strand "_ ·~-oot of-next stitth and knit I A back of i

P purl

pfib pun! in D'"Ont ~rd back of ~itch Ito ma~ lwo stitches fiom one

skpt) sli.o<·ooe st"rt~h krii\Nlse, knrt one, pass slipped sf ch DrIer

ssk 'Slip tWO stiLdles One. at a time knil:wise ,. insert point af left-hand r1eedle into the fronts· of these toNe stJtche.') and knit them toge1hel' (this is int@rt.:hangeabl~ witt1 -skpQ iJqev-e)

's2!<po .slip lwo stitches-as ift-o knit MO together, krlit cne, pas~ the -slipped s1itche~ CIveT

st .. st stileh


hrough the back or the loop(?}

WS wrong $idees)


yam forward and OVCI" need . to lake a-stitch

[] uVQtk mstructions iii s.q)VCil"e brackets tthe number of times· stated

doubl'~ tf'tlchet


:st(s) .st~~h(es)


treble ererhet

trtr tdple 11'eble o1Xhet

( ), fGund br~:K.'kelS indi~iJte a groliJp" t::),f stitches to be ·worked 11D,gether

[ ]

squate brac:ketserrdo5e a

,group of STitches to be WOIi<:ed he ·,o1,lmber of tii'li;e:!; ~a:ted the bffic~t..s





m. patterns in this ~ok use English termlr:iology, wren diJfers ·SOli"newhat from A.n'l€tican terr-n1r"1p1~;Yo ~ ord ~ ,is I~st olf EngllishterrrtS aoo meir }\merican equiv.a1errts useful';


dw!je.: IZtQ~het Cij~) !'talf trebl~' ~rn¥t (brrj '&eCt~ l2~hiiJt (1:.0)

dQt;4.~ :Lreb1e·:Ckkhet (dtli) tripJ€"tre.P!~ ~"tlchet [trtr)


B G:i Hbt~vash b't li"~,n,d 0 ... machin~e

'~~:t ~:

Hand wruFiaklle,'.;n w-arm'w,rterm IPl8, tared temp,eratu:r~

singte (U'ClC'h e1 {sc)

half double crochet (hdrc) dooble U'OChirt (de) treble cl"lXhet (tn-)

.'douLle It'eb1e croci1;er (dtJr)

M,ac:hi:ne Wm:hiil1g ar.


IMachine washable ill w~ .. rn water at the stated temperature



Bleaching not·



'[~Heathing'permitt:e:d (wi1h ch forine)



Machine washahl,e i warm· water at the stated temperature, cool rinse. and short




Mochfhe washable in warm water at the sta~ ... '<l tetnp.~ture ,. short spin

It is; a gQOO idea to keep a ball band ll"9rll ea:dh pr-oJect yoo (Qmp!ete as a reference faI' W.[!shinf 'il1StruCtIOtl$, Of iilte:ma:'ti~iy mB~ a nete of them, Standard lalJnderiog sym':ds arc.~ bel:DW, atthougll you rnay prefer' to wash your knfttJed or crocheted hem by hamel. If ro, this should be g~!'1Uy dooe jn hot wa'te4; wITri a mild. detert.ei1t=fi-ee (~~ing ,age~'" M~sl purpQ:SOi:l-made woo or fat:lrk shampoes ~re:;rleal; but.check the-one yO\...! cheosc does not <;ofita~n op'1k:al brighteners '\fIAilch will cause yarn "~Q!QUrs to fade. Always nnse ltIe ~tce 1hGrough~ and allOlov to dr, naturally.


Do not plFE!SS-


Press with awol: 11"P1'"1'

Naly be (iry cleaned with ~III so~utiOrt~,


Press wiiIJI, .1 warm IroFi

May· be' dry deahedwith perchlorie~hyiene or ffuor.ocaJ'!boj'J or DetJrdl,eum~bji!'s::ed sol'Verrts.


t'1ily be ~ry 'Cleaned. with nuolro~arbon Q'" petroleumbased sal'll,enrB only

Thi!s section is not' a lesson iln ~~n~tt~ng;: ]'[ is S~mf),ly a IfisiTllnderof afew bas~cs!~1!Qgelm~r with a~ew slUJggestk:msalnd tecnnmqlu::s; 'Ithat might be ns(w tt'!&lf1dnexperienced kniUer.

1'1 pL§[~mg a stlpknct en the FIle~clle makes the first BUtch of the 'East.-ao, Loop the 'tarn til raun'Ci two fi !",g'lfl't',s <¢f the jeft ,mnd, the haUencl on wp: Oip,tl)e' l1~eQj,Ie:~int~ 'the 1~iQ!p, ~atd'h m-e ba~r ,end or {h~ )la,m, ,~:f.f(1 p U I ~ it through' tne. ~G)iOP.

'2. ... - .. ' Pull. th~..~l'IdS. '.Gf~~' a: , yam to ;bght~n ~e

kn.t'lt Tighten- the bel I ~nd to bri~ the kr~t up 1'0 ,th~ 1"I~~dle,

Etld~ Thli! ,end 10f yarl"l left {!fl~ i'" m;!liji:-tg,th e sJipkno'l sl1~utd be a r~aoor~bl'e ~e~tgth m

ma.t it cam be used fOr Sie"Nmg up. lit can a::sn be Vi€ry 'liseful ror' C'()'\J.€r:j[J1g. up imper(e,c{iCDD'$, su,ch as' awkwardoolOlJr dl~~~& ThE! ~ apprias to the e'f!1u left afTer cming tiff: E1I"'1ds leFt wh>el"'! a n@w catoul'" L~ jOined i'l"! shoklM be: dat'fllE:cl in al:ong'<l $Mffir or rl5w 'End en the wrong,s;lci'e"ln these p'roJ~c:t5, eni,Jsleft ttthe 'tip of pe~a,ls or ~ayes 'N!11 be b~ttel~ oornedl i A before the- rhatn rhakJlilg \J~.


T'h~,;mb m~tihF(HI

This UiSe'S '0 sln~h!: needle' and produces a kl'l·fJtted ,oo,ge li~ a. reMl of garter'!i!.il:EF1.

'1·1· L.e~l!o'ing an end ~utlhree times ti"v~;,

~JI2:ngt~" afm€; '~liir¢(j east-on ,PLrI: a s;ljpkn,Qt om 'thE! ne>fldj:e~ H01,cji rlg the yam -end in the left hand, take the I~(tthllmb under- the )'21 rn ''2!nd ~JPlJlJ3rds. I ~eft me iI'i, il1 th~ too,p' m3:de ,on t~e thunrr,b.

'2-1 Use. the bal ~ end of the y.m; to ma~(!:

..... aknil s:fr~(h. slipping the ~oop off the

'[humb., Pull the 'Y~m 'end, to c~Q;€ the £tikh Up to the naedle. ContillllE: makir>:g ~titd\es

in this way, '

ICal~li~ ,e'a;s,t-orn

Th~" t'f!{O~n.{:~!Iti' m@''ilhodi gives,a firm result with Lheap~earall"l.e ,Df a ecllge,

I '1·· P'UJt a .Slipki'lQl on 'Oi1¢;neClldle. U:S(jl1h~

8tM;, OO~;le ,~ the ball ffidl ef'lhe ~y~jTt m, knft into the loop 0011 t~e: lieft: .. hand needle without 5ilipping it oK( Transfer tre'lne'N stitch,to the le{t~itlAd' n~edl~,

'2 .• · •.• tn.S0rt'~il,@, rig~l-h"'Jld need~fl betweekt~e ,i n~ ~tm::h ani! ~h@> l1Iext stitch and tl1~n

m<lkeb'll"l'0~her s:i:itc:h as before. Corvtinu'!1i! rnakil1§l, ::.titches in this way.

Kt1ittecd east- on

lM a b, ~ ~cable c;eI!s,t·orla~ i1bove~l::!.ut i n';ott:!ad of ~nirijrrg bpt~Ci"l stitches insert tfl-e 'I-i;gh~:;, hand IF'i.~~Gi~e in the front of- each ~titGh inH~~ I.fSLlilJ way. Thi:s, gives a SGlhr ecIg,e 'bhan d'te, C!Olble mel:r.ed.

SWIIS'S E)'ARNIING~'1'~G~'r4T'as ~FI iEdite s< • ~h: thi-s ;s;,.1IJ~ ta rrw!~'e'cd"oJJr tha~g~s in sp1i'$titeh afti~ tre ~nlf'J(fg hliS peelil ~:n~8!~d,l1'Ireild,tAe c:omrtl$l tpJo:t:F EifI"Ml <t \Well ~i.!f .. bt'irlgotit Ht1t'~ ~i~1Q oqeV-sOOped stItch take behihld l~ two th1¢:.;ds".Qt1f~ StittI:'! lIbo\i.e, ~I'I)~~ 11'1 fmi"tt;, ijr:td then 'ft'lJte oown Into t"le ~,df tie stitch. It sl:lould, F;;.' ~:rtlt(h e:xa.tJUY. F,or emM:okJ~?

, .. md s.~Gg blP., iJ$e,a wbbl o~ie~This, mas a 1~-~ and <!J roum:led poiot$O LOaf. ill !d:tiqM't split~ pari\"


I1Ut ,4 $!lpIq"~ an tre ne€dl€:. *' Kni:r one snuQ, 111Jrtsfel" the stitch jUsl made from the . ~IiBl~ro tbe I,eft-hand need Ie, R.epeat lrtlml !if fOr ili~ I~ngth r~qlJ i red. A si:ml~ar f liIe

'n t~n ~ ihaqe: JlJsing a ,woo~ needle and s~[Jj ill the 1.ij51; stitch <Of iii cas~off. Br'illg ~~)!~n Je d dwugf, the s.ti!cl1 "-om back 10 rlrerr:t t~@i)'"ffie yarn. lnsert ihe needle in Llle sMt~f.d@op ft@m 'front t@ back andle,n in 1h@~5V'I~qp fi-uf'l'l bad t'G front. Continue fn milO ~, m<,l~ing loops from left to t~g\it

;10~ I"igh .tQ left ait.en'tittery. '


If r:Oar~rs-:'al;e needec to count rows O~rep~ti;~ Use a; le,r'ilgth ohonlrast thread, I~s~rt It'be~en stitches from ~ront to bta,~ arfttl th~n FfGm back to front of the wg.~~ 'cal) be"pulled out,when rl i<t no Illl'ItMr F1e.e,d~d


A very usefu I ro\;lnd cord can be made. ~iflg, WQ dOl~bte-p:oirr~d needles.

Cast on thr:ee (or reqrwred. I"I.Ull'IOOJl" of) st:itehes ar.'ld len it. on~ row In the us.,Ii.I~1 'Way,

"* YVith:out tuml1g. s~de the stitchestethe opposite end 0. e needle. Take the yam r:lrmly acre:;;s the wron,g $m ~um left to '-gliot and knit on e I"OW. p,epeat from ftir 'the r>equired length,



'C:ltlla,~lfII ca;s,t"off

AS1linple khit stit.cJl cast-off i,s used in all1hese proiects.,excep~ where a purl stitch ca,st-on

is iru:Jic~ccl, Kr.H tvfo' sti1~~~, ~ With the r~,tl-h;m(j n~edle, Ii ft the first rli:kh over the second. Knit -the n~xt sl.i'tch. Repeat rom'-

on ttl one st~ch remains. BJ~ea'< the 'y-am. take the end ~htoljgtl t),is s~itch, ,and tlgh'I:E,m,

When a I"ON is oriy pa'liiallyca'st off, the co ht ()( 5IJtch~ to be worked us-uillly

i dJ,Qfrs lhe!';h al:r.eady on the neede,


TILC Ilici!'ks;t wer tol:) ~lIn i:s to '!J~G ml'l.tb"c:3!l I~Or ladder) stitch. WiLh I~ht :sjdes- fadng and st.artillig at he east-en, take"the '11001 needle under' the strand between the first J,nd second stitchE!s of one 'e.dge. ,at the othel' 6Qge. Contil''1UI!: working intQ aflenllare edges, tighte'ning 1h~ stitches as yQU go, to dose up an il'YV~'lblejoiPl.


Und~r5.t~.rnding h-ow' to macke~ s:~mp,liest~tche;s is .. the key to constructing ~rlt,eiresting shapes ln crochet. Here are a few reri1hde~ '·of SQm:E': basics and sQIIT'ie sWJ!ggestions for bu~:i~diling on them.

1'PuUing a sUpknot '(;;)"1 the hOQk lna.kes the 'fjr"S't loop ,of l'he~lilflin that wm hold the· 5ttlth~s of thE! ~r~t row or round. loop the ~r.i1 altO'..!rd 1'WOfil'l~~H'5 .or 'the: ~el hand. thCl!'. ball end to 'VI!~ froLit. IflSer't t~e hoo~ un ·the IQQ~\. Glwh the ba~1 end oftilie

yam .. and pull it through the loop.

2 P.iJI11·t.he· GiI1ldS. of. Ja. m to t1ght~n the knot

Nlow tighten the. 'baa ood 'ro bling the ~o.t up lQ thehouk


Held th@ ~ip'knot (;tOO Imf th'f thain) b~v~en the thumi:nllld rorefin.ger of ;the lei'l: hai'"t'd. Take tihe Y~l'lI"'h ~r me se.cond fihge!'~ of the ~ea n~nd :>G' it is hcld t~ut,Tali«il it around ';he little ~rtg,& as w[:,~ if J1ete~ry;'The right hand 1$ li)el:l n~~ t:ci mial1ipula~ th~ hQOk Withe i:i! turn 0f the wrist,guid~ 1he. ti ~ .of"tl:le' I1b.qk.. u.rrid:er the yarn. G1ItPh '~~e yam and pu II it tihi"Ougfl the loop on '~he hook tp 11k.e III main"

Hook1u'1g aM tatching;is 1)2;~ to as yam roundl hocit' (ab:bre'I/~l3iLi~n: yrh). It is t!1t1i 'action u;:re4 in milkin.g ill chaJn. a slipsllitcn af'ld, in wrio!J!i 'oombiMtion:ii, tlll (rod'~l stitches

Note Unle~'5 the ingtruOl.ioJ)'S stat.e·<Q~h~r.t{;5ie!. the hOOk shou!d' be insert-ed under ·tii-e It'loVO strands:- or ~!"n' which fcrm 'lh~ ~ron t of tlI)_~ c,fltl;irh o'r the t'opof me ,sfldi ,

RoJjnds·.are sun-ted rn achain ring, or iiil q sJlip r~ng -[(.';Ira lighter (errtne. aJ"Id ~re vroi"ked 1ri an antjdoc;lKw~se dire-et[on w1i1:~out turning o",~r..

'C[b:ah:1l Ir;.i;lflig jei n O!;. nurnbe~- of ch<lin stitd1e:; into a rillg with a sUp-. st;t~h in thiefi"st dlain.Wor'i< 'the Furrl 'roUE"Id of :stmhe-'SlIl'olC)i'id "the chain and into the eentre, If the yarn f.;Nd ·is also wo~'~alOOfiI~. tl1~ ring ~~ I~hti~ padded and thIs end' can :be,pull€d to; 'Uihten it,

'2-' Working under two .•..... strandsof yam·each

tirrte, rrmke the. 'stit.c:~e$ .fIS diroct.ed Elnd then po;.!U 'the frae yarn end to' dose (he rif1g:. J din the ring ~th 21 slip 'sUtch in thli?'Fir1lt $'t'ibd\

SliilP ~lillilJg

1 T~' make<L 51~p ringr flint, coil the yarn amuAld t'ililillfl ngers; alrd then. use the ho®k to p!J'l! th~<l.. ~Qo:o:p-. ·of tI'1~ b.all end r! th~ ya,rn .. ~' ilf ma:kiAg .~ ·siip~lf).O;t (?~G! step 1. left). H~r. 00 'r19't .then p~~11 the YWrt ti~m, H'ofdi rig th~ rirt~ flat betWeen the 'ihumb and forefiQg,ertJr the I~ ~~'l"Id •. mctithe yarl"lllt:'ld pw II it thro~" the I!CJ~'pon '"tile hGt~k

to ollJlG hor fft.

1 ~glli1!,? (hajn M the. ~J!~e; V;ri.[h a ~atE:?:i I"!!Jmb~r' Df dlJ!n neaf-e5l ~ l;I~k'forming'1he rum gtitch, ~"erk ~'s:ttgh rn ~eh 'sybseqUJeO't cl't~in from d~ l~~d~~ The iII~,tnrI;!Qln,.s~ ~, iff.,%,Fc~·of ~r:ebJ~ cra:h,sl. \oVith three 'HfHl.S the flr~ stitch.

}T':Jffi ths \J\\t)!rk, Chavn ag:3iin ,:ful'1lls the 1irst~tit~n ,ohhG: n€litl rovv, bot be £e:reru,1 'to maike' ti'te' secQl'1 de stUch in the i1$ht phce ,.I~ shol.lkf go into tli!Ol' r1t,-,tt ottitclh lOf the :Pr"P.\Il'Ol.I't 'I'CPN anG rf,Ol: ~FilQ,thfr stitch imJlllcdra1l!'J1ly bel6vt. \M;;)rRin:g jntCt,rll~ S11t,t;h ibel~ ,It: the equfv:a!I€lrtt 'of m'a~rlg two stitdL~ ir.. t.II'1e. !lamre.:stitcir and resLJII~ inf' an lincl"ease.

3:'· The 1~1., 'SLtEh cf-a IU'M'iI .~' •.• , !!S, made in the 'tQP lQf"the ,:n€llin forming the flrsLg~t"h of -the previOus ~

N:li)ltJ~ O:oJ:::Met 6tikhe?<arn not ?}ffime1r,ita:l,as the cl'lain that fQt"fn'l~ ~~:f~~ftli'e;;~~iM~ I~s toort::id~ ,ort,h~ main. pa~ ~fthe S!~it~~

'~ th,e ~ilW:[RIllI51Jll5\ uf m\i'!j~ Qf ,reble Po a ~nner, yGJ mar l1n~l. 'l1l'~!©r.s¢eifi1(e'tliMg when f1fSt WOrking m rQW~; Murtds, are. easer to ll~i\st:an:cl boc,ause' the: stitches all lIe in the 'safl'l..e di!i€!dior1. Ulsywiy,tlo 111~~~g;ht side" ~f the crochet.


-1··' ~b.r 3, 5fr1t00tn fi'tii,sh to a;ijnal round,

" ..sim~ly braak lh~, yarn (l~a;vi!1g 111) ~rtd longel' to sew wi tl'r~ and ~1'l!;j1111.t through the loop' ~fthe: last s-titcb. Thread 1t on to ~ wadi needle Mid take the needle, under the 4:w<O! s.trdnd~ar the filn:t iti'klh.

2Th:e:n "!ak~ it.. b~clkirl'i::o, 'the Ih~t :st!:fu:;h to fhrm a InlE;W stitc'n,QI'-ah:ern.ati\fe:ly pull it: tight u~1 it dfsappean. fa:5ren d1f by qarntns on the yam e"nd along the thai!')' €la-gEl.

Featured here is a (:oU.etti·oln of stunning knJued and l:rolchlet creations. R.ifle thiroru:gih the J)3!:ges. of (hi's' be,aJU1ciliul' directory to, find exactly [he design you are looking for. E3J:n is 1.a1IJel~'e:E1 w'ith a number that corresponds to' the Technir"cal lnstructions section (pages 46 to 1 07). Once you have selected 'your des!gn:, tur-n dirrerct'l"y to the r"t:::I:ev.ant pi;g~e for full' i nstructions, and b;egilln.

A v~si; "he1tia~~,ul$ qaU:et,¢~,n ~f?d~~lg~. f~.1m $pri@~ ~llr:>Qu~h Ie ~trtgllLe .bleQ_rtls .. TIste! RQI:~tte~ ~ cli:c~t.~d t;y' thedh~_~r5 thf!;'lmsell!lli'~~ •. ~ ir.l2[:rn~~ ~@;f m.any ~ ~vender, ~orrifl@wer~. ~,~riw1flkJ~. ~tt, - evo~[rlf e@}J~l;Jrt ·.I:Ilr~r'-f~W~' iQ a. 1/~lri~W ~r ~chn~g~'~i 19 IQb,]k n~lJ,u~J"ti¢ QF ~C~illz-'B;d'" .~~ fkqwtr~ ~r~ ~Jro ,R'~n~'t!~at~d ~idl a ~w i'F1~e~-




63' .. OllED RO'S.E



9,ri~ 'I""I~IJI'NTHII 'IC'_ -~ IW'UII"\ ;, I ~~

't ~COTTliH 'fHII~TU~

c •

, ,


't I FI BLI) -PQ:p,py

75 2:1.NliM I ~


8,3 DAFFC 0"1 L


F-r5m th,'~,Q~k to."th\i ~it;ruS.~fild~he~h·Ii~~tf) tbS! i;~ leaves (310 JbSjl;,us't as ifilre~hesJ:ilhi~~fle1~r.S ttl ':chlek sh~a'~e ,'·'n~d!isi.n :._ a_ff~ they nee¢m~ _' aJ¥~y'g.~e tJ,['1~bi~ gre€n~ The (t~G;het Qa~ ~a,f (77) r$ ,~n 'M'a 'au~~mnal 5'hacr~~, aod lh_~ kntited .one '(:2l~ is in'hfee. With, the

"e>«:~l?fj~on ,G'fthe.:hollytm,01st-ort~E:~ :Ii~ay~~ cO'!Jld ble, ~td~~ @rwri~;l1:E!fI,.


l~~ m'f@~£;)IMltJV~ 1~e)$:5JI~ilj~s df fm1t ~lIild '!l~I~m-a~1":8i~~f~" ~fi¥ '~~d 'Uv~ir tQlIG:ldi~J' St;j,f'fN~ ~s:J~~:htil~ ,,~n hra1tQ:ekd; m:an b~;.;~'trg~:t·.ajm:€i 'vt1lrie:Gi" Rerha,~ a· i,E!'moo trIIlaS~ ~~w.a1S ~:e ,.l~rmon r€!:Wll@w~ ~blbl[ if h~ '~aro;fj5hes w~,~t:: ~tQ"" b~ m'?l~~w~it~.i·",',,4th" n'la:~~~s thq would b~~' t,ijrnTps .. A~ap iltrld <eMjr6:y!.




- . . " . .' '- . . ,

Q:rganizedint@ jlkn.ttt~~g, andcrochet, and ordered lb1' :ski'll withIn edit:h section, this, chapter contalns fldJ instructlons ,011 'how to ,areat~ aJ,~I~ of the q,'e:$ig:ns fe:a~redlin the, D,ir,eL~ory' efFlowers. ~,or the-erochet prOjl8ctS:i charts are pnJiVidecl to be u:sedl in €G,n~illl{hl:Ctirqnl wfth t:h 12' j' ns tructkms,

B',- 5~IC, DE'S~GNS


- ,-

j\!0'~ H

- Ie

~J)rg~ ~~-ni¢pg[ P(lges, ~'6;,o; 17'


dJreLMrY. riiiw ~l" 15

¥~rn. OK ""(Q~I tfJ· _~adet O\'J &,~I;) ~B),- ~& b~,e~ (!Zi.

P,e/tali> (~he 4) tl".ing A,-Q'st .9rl 7 'its.

151; row CRS} K

2m-id roW If]tlJ:~,<l.'Q,Il3St.~ sm,Jt~.kt· 9'str£,

11m ro~ b--" l~ IYjo..i1. ~,t ~. 4t.h roW As Jirnj; f'9w, 1 J ~, !li''lli...:B 1:11 rtI"""S ;I(

'':lith I"01'P 5sk ~tfe. k to ~,llst 4 Sl~. k'lrog 'ty,,;iim.i9- ru.

~ I'.I~I i;;tJ1i1 r'f1\1'ilS K

t ],t!ll t"~ As 9th ~I.:, 5, £U. t 4d1-16t]1 I"I)'W~ K

lIltlt! f1l'W tfl, 5Klp4, kn. ~.~, tad! InlwKiCaSt 6ff.. Cerrr!n.l.lbtng·&; Gist Gti '16 ~ts, CUs;:t:ait

Maktn~ up Joir.illS ~-oKwg~'ii'-s'ew petak 1'9~~' i~T p.aTr;5;''(;e ooe- pat ~r the .oThflli' in a uu~s· ibrr'')fI and w('Wl'!. CQil~tn~ intG',a -tight-s~14l1 'afld ~ base: ~n the' C~:e of p§fal~ Using C. \o'mtk a nn,g « rtr~ight!>titt~~ ..lro:Ul'id-tM~j ~emre, tlilen \N01·k.Frenj:h mots ,;;g'ai.Fl1!rl t~'lt fYlain;ain the ~Vd~ in a wp~~h,~~ wIWl. ~ srn'aU sllith b&'iiOO :P._ail'5 .af~.

$'p~cjfk abbr~¥i~i1!i(Nt

sli2po -sUp !i!dt~ krdt'wl~,.&~g p_a.s,'il: 'Slipp/ed. Sf, ~~


~p}.~ m:t~ j~

~rili~"-l_-f4:t'w~I~!L"I md @4<).OKi~ol'r\ liMe ~~~(.1 JB)'aJ:)d *'l:il[$\-Y t!f:;)

l~eltil i~ (~6-) ~ii!gi~'.c ml ~r(,l $t. K in front hick and, ir"Qht ,of $:t. tli)'110 k'1 r.l)w. 3' ~

t:!t ;row (VVS} ~ kt.wrb, -S-.$1;':;;

1:nd and4i!:1iI I'JlWS I{,

Jl"d r'bW ~1\ 1;3-, kJl) 7"~ 5th IrOW Kih ItS, ~'9 s:w~

'th~ B,th" 1 Gth,. t1th .mid 14tiEi t"~W~ ~,pl, k1" p2. la. 7til" 9d~~ l' t tI~ I 1 slth mild ts t'D! row:; 'Kfl ,p 1 , h~.

11 '"" ruw K2, ,~~, 1<2,

17'~h row' Rl,1lslt, 1<1'. ~2IDgk2. 111t:h and 1,Odl r:b'w'.$, K2 'p'3. k'l fgeh ",,!Ow K,

'at:5:t fGY!!' ~ '!i~pci-t 14. oSl s"~ 1~11'1!:i11 and 24tb rows rb, p 1, k2:, llrd'row t;

l'5~)tr,QW ~.t ~kt~QI' k1. 3' $, . 16~ :\l:!Id 17th !lOWS <K,

l8~ row Sk2po;, F~-t~n off ~m3!lli..,g ~t (ror 'rip of ~Q, C~n t r e U:slqg B\,ct!$ orr 5 ~

I sf f\!:m K"1 , 1IJc». k1 ] -<jJ,tim~s.'9 'SISln~ r-ow}C

3-r'~ row Kt, it6. k"l] ·e~~rr'ias.17·$~, !Di$t $ff

flaki ag '!J1~;·.lea'i1Mg a S'l'1wll: hole ~n the centro. jcil1 J petal~. D'O;1he.m~<lgain,-'it;_9hil:fh:h tJ1~ 2nd ~t 9ifpet.ali1i on ~l~e 1~. to. fwm --a~r !S11®.p~: 'Co~1 the?~ntll"8' ~>"j;ri"p- rrrtg <l spira!, re(lJr-e jhe t~~Alflct S;lV.t in ~''Cefltre ~ 1h~.~r; Usjf1_g C. tmRe a ril'!:g of FretlCn Io:rtdts a~~: teirIr~. I

Spec~fic'le;vi'a-dQin 5~~ - ~lip QClt ki'1itV'AS'C~ K2(og. pass slipped st ·oV~l:

"f!A,'~:jp":,O T .ur~[~'w~~ ~i44

1am.lif:K .~ol br£tQ:ld&ll tape~y'v.oqjf in IaFaI1,§e ~j oodl gJ''l (B} Neecl!~~; . oo:tble-f'1<'Oirded krlitting),~ecijes

EXt~Si. ~a~fng

'b'Id all dI W'S 1fOWS, Po

ltd rqw [tijbl k1] 6 times. '18 sts, Begjming wtIh a. P rQV!Ip work 3~'st-S't

l~h t;Oi [K1. k2~9fJ 6_t7:m~ 12 sts, \N19rk 3 ~ st-st ~ ~'tJlI 'row i~t'Pg. k11 of AJimes. 8: sts. W.ork S I'CM!$ $l:'st 11 d~ l'QW ~tQg ·1 Ii~es.. isis. Work .5 rows. st-st

~l i"I1I ~'W ~ t~- '2 sts Wid! RS fa(iing,. Slip' S1'5 Or"1' 'to uoublie"Eiin~ ~!€~ Nare 2-st cord (see page 17) for 4 ~ Take yarn

~s. ~~k2feg, fasWrl '(l"[ lea'oIir:rg ~(.H~ntrfcir the root Top ( S re:r- ea,t;h t;;4liPTOt) Using ·S. m:lke a' -1lo.:rt

. ,,1tt~'Ch:hairv{see pa,~ 17}, Fasten ,off.

~,,~i"iiI o,p' D~iJdEl ie~ elf OK or :rapenry wool AU:kl .I~··OtIe'stl'af1d for root '~~~m'~"

I ~ertirt;g'wacldng b~r~· c.ornpleiEF'I,g~. Kn,c¢ ~l1d~ 1Gf 19'p$,pt'ld. [mert ~(:~)"C€,d9Siflg:,~m

Sp~iir.(!. abbl'e:vlath;l'O

~f - k:Jrr front, bar;k,arrd U'Oilt fj/ SIt '0 mate·1 stS. 'bvm1 "

R"U ID !E,C:K ~A dlr-e::(o),), \'ie\<~ ~e: 31

'f.'arn::DK: wool UQ 0ta,"g~ (A , :and ,yelbll ... (8)

~~:..:DePl'lecl buttOrli, 2.5cm .(1: fl;) h draFDi;];ef


C:e'rntr~e US:Tng A,cast on? ~ts.

t '!it rIOw (RSj I<fb, 1(4. ~ k~<. '9 sts 2nd and WS 1'<tVi'S P.

Jrdl rpw KID. k6.; k1b~~1," sts. Work. 7 ~ st-st

11'IJI.rew K~.-k2tog,,kS,,ssk. k!1 ', -5!' sts. .ntJtH~1W 1<:1, k2~g kl'~~ k1."7 ~ CaS[ (iff p!Jr"lwlse.

Pt;al;s USing 6" make a 'S1~b'l~t 0111 le-1'1and needle. ~£'aStQn 3 sts by ~Ie' me1ho(j (see: page. lS), ~. .oif 3~':Rn[J:oNi~. slip re'm.aihi~ ~ on tQ left~hand n~~I.!!li Q.;lpeat ~kom '* 1.0' times (or nUlJ'lb~!- oJ tim~ for 1~91re:~ t€in~}, 1ii1St~ ,(;)t~.

IM1itkJl I1;g up '5tJ:etlfi -.cover' 0\re'1~ btJt:t-iJI'l a,nd pin !GPP.0s~e, corners underneath:

T2'~ '0 tUlfr"les's fora s>mo&t"rful'lish. ~ peuls aroof'lij t~d bUtton and oocbA;itc:h in plat-e,

CHiRYiSANTH IH'1UIM dll~i:(lj'y ~ofed rx:~':36


C;I$t err 20 sts ~~ving 1lfi ext.r:a-k~ng end fo'> ~n1ll~

~ 51!!: !"OW" (RS) Cast off 16 ,s;ts. k to end.4m.

2pd ,riiJW K1. Wrl\·ca,st on 16 sts by ·cable method (see pa_ge 16),. 20rSt;s, ~eniATrsl and 2nd I'lSi\hrS 29 timID.,. thel"lw~rk first. rrNJ apln. 61$1:: olf.

M aki ng '!liP' Begiirr;in~ ".at the east-en 'edge ilnq'v1ith th ... IR.S 1;~ the oO~d@', cbil the strip-,of p¢tJ!s t(ghtl~, I,JS€' the· first end -of tam to, secure 1ne ~ .

. qr the ~ral :as' yO/I;,! gc.


PRJM RQ,cSiE dl[~~Qry, !.:i&t.").1!~ ]9

'1r~r!:l: ~~r dff'fil'aJ~f.¥~ll0wTA) ffi'\d f;)f,gh\t)e~ ~~}

p,€:m is U5~ng Ai ~51 'On e sts, 1 '5 t mw O~";t,$} R

'2nd l"ilJoW ~

J I'd I"'O''I'!I' Ga:st off .,. ·mkditvAse. kto ~~,4·m,

,4th row k4.1tJrrl,1c~l.Gn4 ~ 5 ~ ~~<lt: l~th .f>QI#S'·4 tjn1es"~r;j~ng,,w,i~

. a )1'0 row. Jj. sI5,C~'St off, k:o"V,ing ;:In ~-

~G:ng :@."m .en[j,

(;~~~tre Using··B"wt.·G;ri 9· sts,

~ st row 0NS' ~

"ind Ny" 11(1. [~"kl].BtimeS'. '1,'1 %

CtL~·oo ~ftwh~.

1M~ki~g .up, 8¢y,er~ st-st to 'r~~IDSt~~ iQiPl p®:ta~ hitG.4·riMg,.dno *w ~-Off$f$ to first 4> oart~~sts.~ ~l~st·:to the, .~il ~en~h'i1t9 ..3! '.tight I't~ 1l;l)_~'~r~(.tlee ~"PfI·~. i~rt..!3entbn rff Ii.bvor@I

f1l'ld stiJ;;4 in place.

Ili~\.Pn5 E UEA F d'«1wr~I" ~~'j.;I;!"~S

\i~[n; ]JJk"W'Cd1

rt;' 1 ~le~p;ClrMt.e4 hi1ittJfci:g, f'l~le&

la~ '2. d~u~e<·poUtted p':eooles,kaSt·,oo 3' ~.arid ~a. 4.!S_an (1 ~in~ Iqn.g, Qom W~,e ~~~ 17)', ~mnue' Qn t311§~ Sj;s, in ~. in ~Dhe I.:)sJJaI way.

~ 5t oow (~ KJ, 'jOI kl, .~ :k1: , 5, t1s; 2n.d I'\1W Jk~, p] , J~2,

lrd FOW·n 'YO;, 1(1. ~ k2. 7 ~,

4th, llt:h, 8th, t Ot~. tilth und tAlIdh; IWW5 ~ ·womr\l (€rtJne'S'!;.pl,

.!iith I'\QW' 1(3, yo. kl.i/J, kl'9 ~ 7th r'ow' K:~;~i k1 , 'jIDi' k!1. 11-,sts'. 9'& 't'OiN ~,y.o, k1','~, 16.1,3' ~ 11 f~ IV''W 1<1§:~ kl,~. ~]" is s:I;$, 13th t'fljW ~?r Y9l;,~ .!jJ!i, }a.~:j 5~, 15'tJ:1 rnw K.17~

t'~ arid W$·!"I;~'W~ K.

1 :;"1!i11 row :S~~. ~fl, I&Wg- 1 ~ sIs-, t,ttI row ~ ¥,11. ki2t¢ij- '13 ~~, 1'1 !!It ~'t(Jw S$!(, ~¥ii k2ltqg. 111 -sb. nrd nlIW Ssk2.W,'k2t~'~'Sts, 25 th ,1"'0'11" ~]k; kJ;)<1t'C§''l sts, 11th t{)w ;~. 'k3.l&teig. .5 sts, 19th :row $sk, kt k2:tl{;;$ Js{s,

)':>1: NIH ~ Fa:.<terr·;bff'~.tTI;a~rdng··Sj:,

~1;J'0CI~'~ abb~~'iI'la~r,(:ltl

~k2ptD - sQp G~~- kIliliWl9~;! .~ p~S .sffippei;i":s;r; O~-efo

DOUBl.:E DAISY c.~~ !fie .... ~]t In

Yarn:'l;lKt Gme'l'l i.'J :1Il:471ite t;Aj~"'~ :C~Glfl 10 ~~he (B} a~&~l~~~


LOWleir 1lE;~~llls U~:g A. ~(!S'r '011: 9 sis brfne ca~I~'irletriod {!i& ~~.1,6)_

'h t ,~~ CPS) reo

2nd I"OW,~

]:r~ 'rGW QlSlO':S sts p:ur-~~ .. J~~, t\irA, \Ivhh:~m (Ijt b~~' ~I,i~ 1 slp-IrWse. ~ritIg Wm· ~Qrrur:frl p],"4 $,

4thfow K: .

SId1 'row rr

6th row KJb.;;tlilp mwe 2, s:rs; 01"110 left-hand ~€:i:lrce, f:':a5t Gin

,~ SI:,;SbY€ijbl~~d. ~~]19' sts;~~~tifl~th' ,~]·times and UkeA ~I~ 2na .. (lflicl.]h1ttiWSo~fl1.1e i31etals, .ca£l of!:

Upf,l'@F'"\P'€it2olls U~irtg B, Iq'!.!'mr pe'tals, C~I1IJ1t~ l).!ling,([:,. Q'lsb~ii' 5: ~ ,bt1Jhum.b m~d ',p~1'

1 S:l:' ~t1'ViI t::lli:, ila.. kfu:; 'Id, 7' ~

2nlil .M;d WS" rio,,",,;!!> :I{.

:tr,d roW' Klb~ ~4~ ~ Jtt 9 ss, 4;f:~i""ft,i!I~ 1i'O<~ rt

t 1~ th H"(iW f<1. k2kl~ .Ih), ik2tog, k1! 1 sts 1ltliilI'QW ~1, k2tog]~, 1<.1. S'st\S, 'ast'·~

MaJ'(;in:g up J~'ri ehds;bf.e~h stnp.'oj petals. arid I~ gath~r inrr~r edge.s <rf ri0&s' 1e1Y:lri~ a ~~~€. In 1hi3' <~nrtre, Plilb¢ I:JPFl~r ri~g. 0f' ~.t~S? O'.A lo\.~ .one 3J);it crtitch- t~¢:tfHllf le'al,lir)g petals f~.Pa¢li6g It: s~hibJ'y ~th '~a:fu .. }!<i"i>l, iilie Cerirti"eil1 pJ~:e :;;,t:wJ"~ew.((n the ri,iM ~qlewith .:sma! '''):1fitlirjl:g' s:lit9'r~, 1 St

in ~'l'1, 'the -eqge W~r,hNt (~ ~~hw il~P.i; the .sp<1£e at the·mck

,..,arnc~ '(iI~ij)1 iJf'v.Jhite{A' canGl ,~I~' :moon (~

penh: I.:.JBmg}" c.q$I; on <I S'_IS, 1Jt row 1R.'SJ Sljp 1, k3.,

2nd rGW $Iifl' 'II. p3.

11111 n.lW5Jfp 1, t111. Ia. m1. k1. 6 sts 4th II'"i N F."

5th rdW .~rtp' \ m1 , kll, m1. k1 " B- ~. I~~ri~. 'liIith. iii P to'tt'l, v1Qliok 5 row~ st "g. 11 ttl !'Ow &Q:tog "I ti~s.4 ~.

tIw -mw ~ e't"E!ak )1lm mel leave SIS en a ~'pare. ~le,. M~kf.: 2 ri\l'l(e: :pe\01ls.


'. trlilW (R~J Using_..,\ k me 4.stS'oL@il(:b ~ ~.~ ~gionhg ~ a pi I"O\J\t. \ll,O~'< 1 ~ $[,:,51:, then d:i8!n~~ te Band we rk 4- rO'#s ~ .. ~:ag~r Wpri4i.g ~~·~Jt?.r.,gfQW.

S eM·;.Y$frli ~c~ on·1~~~.Cast ore ~,~~i'r~ '!.Ip Dtl, not p~.:Join sid~ seam of tase. Iln~rt ~ni in Qp,enlf.'lg and seclire.


a:I"il-; Ei)~. ~

~.\dlles;!'< ci~t:{EY-Dolntitl.!ll@'lif"'~g h6ealM


Usi~g.2 d6\J;bI~,"ptril"lted rteedle,s; ·c:.:'!St ,en 3: sb ~fld rrake aJ JCfl'l. (1?in),(lZ)rd (~e 17) .. Cot-:! ·nl.'e 01'1 these sts flO row~ in the l):5Udf \!\Illy. 1st row (R5) K;1.,}O, 1, yo, Jj.;1. 5 stg,

2,nd an d W5 fiiW$ .K

1 rd t'O'W '}Q, yo. k1, Y'Q. k!. "I sts, 5'tt1 t"Orll'i' I<~t yo k1 yo,]d, , .. sts, 7th row K4. yo. k1, yo, k4. 111 5tS. 'h'~ row 1(,5, •. jo;k1. yo, 10. 1 J sts 11 ttl raw Ssk.lB .. k2tbg, 11 SI!S. 11,tih i'1(aW 5sk .k7. k2"t9g; ~ ~

1 StJIil ,"OW S~k 16. k2tog.. 7 ~1L!l, 11tJll fOW s,tk, k3,. !Qrog • .5 ~. f9tfi:1 ",'Ow Ssk; k1 ,k2to;G:. 3 sts,

l~c5t row' S}(2pg, F~ 0W r~~iniI11 st

S'pe,df.ic abbr.evii:!lti on

sklpo - slIp one' krlit'MsEi, UIDg. P,a);.'S slipped st· ewer.



dirf't{c(}p It,ll!')!' S'~Bt' 'Ii J

YaM; DK, W;001 rn '6:1~ CA}.lJijjj~ (B) ilnd~n.(C),

N~'tUes;, 2 oo!,;ibl~~i(rt:~lj .kniruog· n'E!:ooj~s Extras: Wadding


h'oJ'n lJ!:ijrtg A,.cast Cl,"l '6 st.s. 1lrit roW' (R$) KIb is times 12 sts. 2nd and 4th 1I"00W:S K.

ltd tOW -Kfb 12 ·bmes. 24 sts, 5th Ir"OW K2.q 12 tJmes. 12 m;

,6th rqw K. 'Cn<J.rige to.B .~nd 1J6nttn~ in St-~. Ere~nnr~ with 9. k 1ti-1If, W(:Ii'k 6 ~M st-st., 13th rvw fatQg,6 tmes.,0 5tS.

14th, row F!

Ulth row K2t~ J t'r'f'reS .. 3 sts, Fa.~.erF'll off ~J;I. tAlkJhg ~m 1Jhro~th;.11 3 sts,

S'[em Using dOl!ble·PQin~ed Medlf:l$ and C. .male a Scm (27n) leng 3~st c·ord (see ~e 17), Mr~,1k~n,g: up Taking in 11 st from .eM:h ed,ge, seam the a;oofnfrof111he rop.loserling,wllddin:ELan.d the ~ndof tnli! stern bef&'e dO~~l)g the seam.


If'i El H e D

SmaU ,p:etal~, C~ .01') 08 ~ts.. 1st i"OW (VVS) ~'

l!r.ild I'lil,W :w;.

3;rd :mw U!lt Qff 4 Sl~ kI1itWige. k to ~d.·fsts.

4'tll row ~.'i.urrI" £:a5t ~F(''Ii %I!S by, ¢!:Ib!~m,~h~, ~. $1:$, ~~1 ~ *11h I'PO~ 7 ~hiQ. ttldln~ wil:h a ;:;~. ,~/. "1 sts

lOP r"lbt ·~·raln, .

'M e~il:Liim. pl~ta~~ Ne:d:. re« k4i. Wt1"t" cast ,00 fi sts. 11 Q' sts '*1 st row I~ P.

lllllci roW ~

·3i!'1!l1 row ust :11f'6~, kto.~. ~~

4th, Ih')W .K 'j,.'tlJ'n •. ~$ on It $tS,. 1 g, S'tS, ~peca:~ 1sr.~th ~S, {r>\tlm' '* S;,Qmes, €r1idin-g with ,[!' Jit{ ~"".tl '5~ [jo-nqt ~~kY!3fn L:l' rl:e:pflpJls. ~~ fi1lW ~,'1, 1tJrf.\ cirlM. G)O a- ~tkl"J2 w ..

.. ~:!:t aI!i'!d l~ .. ~ ~

'lll1ll:.iaod 4~h, nlIWS K

5th ~ ~l"{jffi' 8'~ h\~Wt~,Jt i~.s. .e

,6,th row G4:,~~.oast ~)lJ)~'12 ~ts-: ~ooat 1~-:6~h r9't~s~lltom, ~ S ti1rI~r ~mlillg. ymth ~ Sill iSV\': !biG' not, ,break )tan",

WOrk ttl' fllI!}.F" mediOm p.e'rili5, 'ending wj~~ -a 3rd I'<NI. ~".ru.. C;llst ¢iff.

:ljtakjl)i~; c»l.~ B~nAi~g' fit II'),@. c:ust·611"'Sdge. w"ld ~'S,!2' ~~.t¢ 1.he'.aLirtSid$.~1 p,eta~(~JtJnh& tlmm 5 you~t:I;.


~!1' vfuw ~ .lq

¥~f~~ ~K~~ I n ~rpl:e t~~ 'fin€! ~n~mJ


P.e~I~,'(mllke~G} 'L.isil\iA «,sf. co a ~, ~:5 ~ 'row tRS) r,nt~ ~4, '~ k1,

2nd! row K

B.:epi,iPt n'~ a~fi:l 2iiti ~ .Y 'ii~g, tberl ~Sli~fim ~W~!'r. G~ ~knt~*_ t,~lnt.!l"~ Us.lng s: ca~ (tin 12'· sb,

l.slt N)W (R$) M~~~ a' lotJP,on~ch S1:

Wi, M.OG' not s1p,gt ~0~' ne~~; bring ~m forward ·be1lv,re.€fl· fi:eed!e'~, ~ 11: dc&.~~ '<ll~_d.t1 I!?'ft t~~~ ;ih(j. 00«\'we':!::fI W1~edf~i k'st 00 1~1l-~.d n~ad~\ a~inl, slfppJng, lr; ,off' ln~ usuai war,;Qi"i ~h(Jfld n~~I~dljp '~r:J st civerstju~rooe:e""~i ~1. \!\l'Orido£ ~1ag ,a~I~~'ljhe~ ~

M~kuol ulP L¢a .. inl~e;·~ ,o~I'IJ ~I.(r.~~h;, to hal'RrJiil~~(~n~rifl~ ~~~ Pinch a wtl;: !'It tie ~nne:" 'Corl'l'ef.'ot.·erid1 ~~I and rutth~Join ~n;d.s ,0f'te.ntfe m 'maWe it ring,,:m.s"l:ittin nt do~ceS@( cenVe en 'pei'a~~.



'i'a;rn~ ~ ~l~"OI' ih d~el!i .pm~ ~}, ~~ pmk {~~ ~'t"id Jgi-eeM (:C) ~;f@G~e;s.~"2 d~Ij~)g~p~r-Itfi~ ~i«h1$. f'i@dl\§!t

F ~owe:r' lh;ing A, ,caSli tin "Ell .ru..

bt row (R.5) .K1-" [kltog.M.·tn1. ~1. m1:, k4. ~ ~i] Jtime.;.

2nd Wil'd WS: rows: R

'~pe>.it 6rst ·aFr~ 2rid, ffil,lV£.5 tima~, U:iing)3, r1l~~t ~~ al1;rj.~d f]@"'V·H)l'ilCe, then' '\\VDrk firSt row ag<3iio.

Gs:t oil' p1Jriwlse.

~t~m H5i~ C .and', dOl1ble-po.(ntecl needfe~ nn~'1! 12(;m (4;y.;itl)'kiril'! ~-st oort,i' q~~ ~e 'U),

M~~i'~g .IJ~' Fir:'! out ~liiot£. ~n~lpres.S, Takil~g. fr;l ~ff a st 'fi"flt'n ~¥!jjh ~ Jpii .sip¢>~nt.~~"it~.Qlf ~~e'D,indh~. ~otd '~1' poinittOrroei:ffby J;~mJqln t~~j~S'9rm1~J:Qf ~-Qr1' ~~e: ~ .full'

-.a;s the n9~ oDlcst'IV,;.f.·.?ir~hi.~ wn~il'ling po1nlSi1lM jQin 'the ~ P1L1n ,aif -diagonal$; I~ng a 'small aperiilifg 1n Lentre fou' ~m.ll1i&t and 1.ftB,d;], .st®

EAiNATI()N d11$;~"'ew poge' 1]

Val" D~ ~I in pink ~l; (Pi) Ne.edles·;l:·,-d(ll!!lhie-jlnil1'~ ~ini nt;:iRll~

FI0Wer l!J&.r1g A cast on 7" sts. 4' 1 ~ rOW (R,S.) P

2nd .nIIW (Z;ast. em ~ sts by albic ~I;l'¢l s.lfe ~ 1 ~l, c~t mr 3 ~ts. k, to if:md

IWMt fmtn ~ 4B. ti~s. G. ·tiff pur!wise. flfll4L:t p icCtt .f)e:Ia~s ~nd ore$S, WIfI.:h reverse -~,,5t io \"lh~ ,a~de, ~1I j'emab:i~r t1gh1:ily and

stn<:h d~d, .

Base' USing 6". cast ,pn·1.·SIS

~ tst rGW (R5) P.

lod r.Q'W Caston 1·st, (~ 6fr 1 st. k to end. 'Rt;~~at h)Clrr'l" "c"61im~"S. ,t~ ciff purlViise, ~1~e~st'i9 tl1~' o~e"joih rrJill atuP? Sl}!'4.,1:;!!}'1;I the ba$e ® '"the l4~al~~

S~ U~mg 1$ artd! d®lJ~pblf'lted I1rs.ed~es. i11t1~:a .~m (iXi~1 ,i,Qng.].st"q;.ro (see page. 1l!:- Gather the h~~'of the ~r 'tq!= tap 0f 1he stem

FLOPdlBUNDA ~OS·E -directOi'}' r,iew page 23


f'ecals Leaviflg an ~tra'-k~·ng )filrr'l end. cast on 1'0 sts, htrow K1. pS, k4.

2nd roW' KB.ldb. k1. 11' sts lid row K1. p6, k<f.

4th ,and 'hh r.ow~ K

SUi. !lOW ~1, p2tog. p!!l. k4. -m sts,

7th rgw' C~ off" 6. sis k:niWYf',;m. k to I<!rd. 4· ·st~-

81lf1 row Kill, turn, cast on 6 sl!: by cable, m~ (~ page ~ 6). 1,0 514:,

IV!peat lst-6th ~s t61Jmes.'e.~ing wilh a 7th to« 4 s(s,·ust.?::fff:

Ce:ntjf'il! iLea-vill"lg M .e~-k>f1g end. t1a~.'on 4 si~. WOJ"k ~~' ro'WS·glt~til!r sb'tcli . (k ~ry.rcw.). Q.st_off. ~~l!Ig.<l1"l ~xLrc.",loog '~Il;i

M:".kjnJg, lIlP ~gJr.lnipg a:t the::~~·on '~qge, 0011; cerrf[e

i rrtGi a tig11t~pkal, ~irtg, tl'i;~ 'hrst end l:o'·secure it iiliS ,you Zq. ~nii)g~,t tt>.e :crrsl:~oo :edge and viEt11 st-st side to W ·otmide. ooH the petitt stiip'arouGid the centre. Ure . the nr.§1; y,~i'n end to secure·the p.etals and stretch ljhe l'ail few petals sO'lhat" ltiey are p~i,tbru;:d hetwee:.fII the ~Is M the prevbl;S;,roU1d.l~r1Icl by catching .d'"ovm the ~ast,.Qff'~.

HOLLY-HoOCK tJrec:;toty.'!'it\ll page :?S

"YotItiCl: "I.pIy C'¢~, if'l'.m~p. irik ~~ ~nd pa;lc p,i ~I¥(B}

~,eedle;s! 4 doobt$patrr(~d W,rulflg'

ne¢dtes ..

r1'iET~:O ID Usi~A cast,oll '6 sts, Slip 2sts on te ~ach.D 3 ool.lble1ldit'llt$d 1'1,.ed'~ and rominu~ in rounds;

f(2. rounds.

lr-d .n;I"':[JId·~fo IS times; 1'2. sk lK J. rounds

jIJ,t"h mund Rib i'2 tHm·e$. 21li sts, oK 4 rounds.

11 d1 .f"Olllf"ld I<Jb 24 tii-Il~~ is'':!". ;(6 rol.!llld~

18th roimnd Kib 48 ·timeS'.. ~6 ill. Ch;.1nge. to' B .. K g rD~. Ca.S':t. elf. M3kinlg up Press ~\ghU)f. F~ld ciFdeio hElI~ pirn:f:'I 1Ft ,t:enlre, and mil lo (elm' JlO'tver; ''Catch str~h fG4\'# in· pl:~i~.


t:Jilte.s.nn KJ); j:)~g~f 6>--f '!

CHI ERR ~ IES ~w&'N~·~5

Va.nne 4-pJI WOQ.k:oit-Gn In "N~cl (A) md gre~ (B) t';leedles;: 2 aoul)!!!-p¢il~ k:i1itt:i'l, ~I~. 1 .;~I jl~dl'e &uas:Wadding


Cherr:f"(rl'rake 2') U.5ing A. cast. oM 12 sts bY crab1e methtil;:! (s.e~ ~ge 1 t:»,

t5t n.wt (RS) K12

2nd, .. ow Pt,O. wrap 1, turn . .3 rd row K8. wrap 1, L~m. o!Id'n fCllIN ~~·Vi'D'ap"·1. tum. :51:'" I"6W 1(4, vvrao 1,lum lid! I"'a,w,p to -end,

R-epeat· lsl.~ rows 4- drl1eS, cast off.

St@m l.Js:ing.8 aoo double.PQjnted needtes.. and ~.ving e>ctra~l6ng,jends, m"ake'tWo Scm CLj~) ~~ 3-st co.-iN (Slee ~ge.17).

'IM~k:i i'i,g 'up, 5eam---ea.,d1 ~he!~'y and nsert w"dd'Jl& oefQ;re dWsng tJ:i~ ~<m1i"i; Trvead (I ~nf endfrornone stem on t9 a. 'WGdl needle and Uike it through the··rentre.of a cherr)i, pull it tig-rt en.oughto shape'til"Be merry wm take it balk througt. to the tap and fa'.)ten off;,Jd n me 2' s:"~m~ lilt he 'l;dp· 'by lkr' tfi€! IilOOS arid then using, hem to make Hhortchain (see 'p~ge 17),

Sp,E!l:.:ilfi,c,· te.thlil iq,u e

WI"aP 1 -fa' minm~'the holE! rrmdelb,y,tumlng il"l, mltj·row; slip next-Sit punvJire, 'I.~ke'yaM-t0 opposite -s;rde of WcOrk, sl'ip '~ b.a(1k ~n ta left~d r~edl~ l1Wdy 1.0 tum: and work fte'.>d ahof"t r('Iyi,

LADifBIRD' drf~l.lIo/ !1ie1" fx;ge 36,·j f

Yarfl~R( ~~111'1 ilia (A, antJ btBt" W ~~c'Waf!ding

Upp,~r bQ.~i;r .u,;ng A (&1 ~ J sis.

Ibt .. OW (F(S) .Ieb tWl~, Id, 5 !.is, Jlnd and' WS ~s ~ ~

ltd rpw K:fb. [k1 , mt] twk:e klb. 1<1. 9' st5';.

5dii row Kt t kl m1. 1\.1 ,m 1,1<1, 1Gb, ~1. 1 J,: sIS. 71t1fl ~'(!iW l

9lta ~w (Kt ~k] twice. kl, [k2tog, k1] t~e. $stS.

1111::11 row' K'1 , :ic2~R~.k1 i k2~~-slip' £1. just made ~d.deerl 0 ;e,ft.ihand needl~, pass rle}!1 st over ft 51 st:b~el§',.Qn to rlg~t&h2nd ne.Bdle. ~1. 5 $K Qh'Wlge'~ B~,

lltfll"OoW R

llttll iiCiI* K1, ~2kpo'l·k1. 3 sts.

141tb, MW ~~ -1 •. p.t.iOg.· p!S&Q ;F~'i!l\1 oft Ufl~ler.stde U:sin& B;:. '\1\'0 rk ss upper bod~ too l .. d row K~ 1&. Jdb, K1. 7 sis"

StI1 and 7th: nWli K.

9lih row K1, $;k,.I<1" k2t0g; k1, -5.$*!$. Utili TOW·K4. :i2lcpo. kt .3 ·sls;

12th ww 'S1Jp 1, ~:2.lO:g. P~q" fabt€fr-oif.

MiiUOg Up U'Sing B!, SWiSs dam 5· ~ .()i11 l.,~booy~WS roget1i& and' ~Ol"l @dge~' t~j~ tlS'1?: -A_' to j~il"'l upper body to uAderside. inserting, ~add1ihg befQiJill dosi ng ~t heaG,lf~ -A stirthes Sh'O'N on Lh~ I..hc:br".S&de. (~rth~m wI;J,eijJa~mg off S:,

SP~€ijit ~bb,"e'!jiatiol'l

l"ftiGn - ~lp.2 sts-as iftro. 1.;2;~,k1, pas!> ~fp~d'

st;S ~r.

Cl.OVE. CAjRrNATU3)N mroe:tmy:vie ..... ptj; 34

la~nc. 4"Diy. WOOl In llme' pm!\< lA1~ md-W!lk(B~ Ded (q' ni:l.gfflen·tO:) Ne~d~',es: -4 d(::t,",b;e'-:p0in1l~ I«iifti~ [;"Ieedr~s, plu!!: crochet htlok


flo:wer Using A cast on 5 sts.

tse t"ow (J~S) Kt ~I&.. [k11. )'0 e , k1] iii next. ~t; kl· ~2kpo~ repeat 1i"O'm * 4 ttr.'l', kJ., [kl •. 1O, 11::1] lin ne.xt st, k1j.'rQ\tqg k1 ,.thmge ~ B ..

2nd ·row ~

Continuing w1th' B:. wQt:k 1 sl;' II'QW ",.Iil. ·Ohange· tQ' A. \oV01l< 2m:i {In.d 1 st roWs, ~hange tq.B,;¥I/Otk '2r'\d .md 1'rt n\~. l-:=h.ange 10 C,. ~oJk 2nd OInd 1iS=: I~~.

Ushg creme! h~ oor1UI;1lJe witlli C. Cas.t-off rew Ss in flnt st, 3ch,~? If! same st. # ss ill mxt st 3m. ss iA sam;$: 'st; repeat. (rGlm '* to' @r'id:.F.a$l~n aff.

·Stem ·U.s:ing D 'tina 2: doub1e..,poinw'd n@ed~, l'f'l.ak~a.'2~5(.m (Un) ICf,g 4~G WI tI C1\~ 'jJugr,i f/) CLIp ·tcirt1nlUe vmh Al·· dQuble-pointed ~€dle's:

1 st round'Kfo 4 timiR 8: !itt •. Ii( S reund&.

lih loI'oUl'ld K In' fr;orflt, back and front of-each ~ ~4 ~·:Orst OfF.

'M.aI[gng:.l,ip Keepfng p,oih'h;.pf .dl€,.,.,~n together. ~tol,1 ~fer E~ of ~0I0Ve{ :HghOy, curving. outer row ~nds .. d(""rn aid ititd"llng~n pla~.SeN 0['1 CUj)1 ttmg ~r.n endS, 'to fll h oot.

:Sp1cdfic abbl'E!lViOltioliS

ch - ("'pin (crochm);

'SS - sWP s:l:ioch (crtJ~hct) ~2kp~ - $Iip 2 SiS. $.

If to kiWg. k1. RGSS slipPed ~~r"

CiIT'lftUS LlEAf d'r~"OfV 'i')'fw ~ll' 18, 43. 4'f

'Yarn! .i1~* ;rootm

N@edl@st2 d~ll hlle<;pElin~d kr:littiog needles


Sum With (,~ubl&-poim:ed needles, m~ a 2S-am (1fnJ !ong J·st-cOfd (see page 1'7). Now work 0fl"i:hese .3 as in rows:

bl; rQYIr tRS) Cast en '6 sts by ~l3ibl~ method (9i~ p,age 16). !r;. to last st. p1.9 'm.

l'l'Id i'o(loW C~5i 006 sts. as tJe;~t; ertcl. 15~>

lrd row ~k4.ssk,·w')llr5lrp 1 purlwise.!~og. ~.leIlb,l<1;

4th row K R~pi!a.t 31~ and 4th rOyiIs .. 3 tlmtils. 11th ,row K1, ssk. k2, .:Slc, \IVY·if ~Iip 11 r kZtog, 1, IoQibj, 1(1, '1'1 'SIs.

12tlnl :and! W5 Iro',,,jiS K

i 3th F'O ..... K$;VoJYif .slf.~ 1, 16,

t Sl,;_~~ NW' K1 j'~~ 'tlNPt~,..~ ~11p 1, kitog t>.¥.icc,

kl,15ts. .

'17~h row K3~ lAyifs.Up ·1~ ~:

1 'lIdl r'DW K~ .$~ I,~ slip 1" .kitsg. kt, 5 .st!. 1 ~ se I"o.w· K.1· , 51<21'0, k~. 3 sts,

lJtdi IjI"oQ'W Sklpo. C#~ alf remaining st,

Specifi ti abboo\l'iat.liol!fi sk2:P() _. Silip one Sl 1mtv~5e. k21bg,

pess . slipped S\' .'t~V€C'


QAK LlE,AF diro«OfI/ o1tW PD~ 4 J

Yarn; DK W&~t irn'l'tve~~~e,o {A},(J.cI~:e ,@ 'and I€If!OFl {D} NeedJ~$: "2 400Pi~-~h~d ktIitlin,g n.eedl~

Note A S,titch coltlt after a cast-off indLJd~ me mtch ,already QO the r,;eedte.

V~ing A an'd d'Gul:l~PbirMd needes, m~ke <I, 1,5cm (1 in) long,3·st c-e-rd (see page 17). Now:WCfr'k.ontl~se·3 stsin ~~

1 s:t rl)ll!l,ll east an 5 m by Ql1;ili;l methQ~: (see, l6},i iD" pi.,S st'S,

2nd 'row (RS}, Cast -on 5: $tS:. as before, kS. ~ 5'~p. 1 pUFI~, k6., 13 sf$, On .. dl subsequent P;_$ rows sli!,,' hEi'!'ce)1h! rt In th~ w:;;ry,

lrcil row K

4.:11, row 1<9;, slip 1, ~ IRepe~t 3rd ,and 41hroW5. "fIJ! I"O'N Casto , ~ 11:11. 1'1 sts,

:lJth row QsL elf '2 sts, k4.$~ip 1. k4. 9,stsJt\lork ,2: rows straight 1-1,th i'OW Qst 00 :2 sts, k11.1i'1 sts,

t 2t~ !"Ow Ei-lst 011 :2 ~,,!kG; :f!lip 1, k6.. 13 sis. VWfik 1 r'U'li'T,'~ Wd~m! {_h;[IR~I'1g.~o> 6 ll)r1'2fltl fl'CMitnth row c..1)t-Off~ S"!.s:k~ro.10 slsi

t4th t·ow u~ ~off!tsw.J~~,·srnp 1. k3\, 7 stts:\NOrl 2'mws ~T~ight 1! 'th row Cast on l st.s, ~.~ SIs.

2Otl::!h row' C~ on 2:,$1'$" k5:'$~p1, 1k.5, 1'1 sts, WI'ji'k i roM'S 'svaigllt !:h,anging to .c.qFl: ,In¢ tQ~,

1.1rd raw Cast of( 3, sts, k8.--.lJ st.c;,

Mtih row Catt ~ff 3 rts, k2. slitd I' 1<2. ~, SItS.,Work 2; ~ straight. 27th mw ,S51t;. sl~ to k2tog 3 sb.,Q~st ,qn


~rort Y.iew page ,,-1

'(g;l'lI::t1-pty ,coti.Oh N~etll~t~~aJ;tbI~p-eJimed I9llJmM'g '~edles (xff"O)~'W~din~


Cast en 3 sts,

is.t row fRS) Kfb twke, kl 5 5ti. 2lidl ro'N P.

lrd row K1, [1"111. kl] "'l tim~$. 9,$lU_,$iip 3 $tS on t;a, each of 3, dooble-,pOfllted: needles an!! wmirue in tQJnds: ht'r.Qun,d II(

lind rol!lmd Kl. [rTl1. kl Hwce: J1ei1ea:t rro:m ;4;. ~e.15"Sts. ltd l"i)ul;Jd K

'fflilr-o.lllndl K1.. (m1.k1] <I tiff'lCSP' from -rMt:ii!l. 27 sts

I'( ~ roundS. - -


,2th Ml!Jlld -Kl.m1.kS, m1.K2:;re,p~aI: ro1fl1.;(,Ji~;~3 st, K B" roinds,

Utb t'lDund • K3, m1 i 16, m1.1d; n~pea~ bvrn twice,.:N, rttki: S: voonds.

2.1 'S't' roum;l" ~ t:2.; K2rog.. 1<$, ~W&: k2; repaill from ,_,,' iI,'Wdoo. 33 SI$.. ~ JI'laIUEiGi,

25th N;'U!'10 f Kl, k2tog U k2tog,k~ ~p~at from ~,.21'sts.,

K: :lroonds. '

29th Rlilillililil Kl; k1tog 4 tifll5; repe~t (rom L'Wit':ifi!. 1,~ ~ K 1 wl,Jnd

3,t~ flo!lllld'~' 11<1 r, ~2tog twiQe;repea.l 'lI"O,m'~ tw~~. 9 S[S, ~ 1 :Iuund. IMret1 Wadd1ng.

3,] rdl'lI"OlIJi1Ild _,jj- 1t::1,:k1wg; repeat foom '* i'w,Ia€:. 6 sLs.

34th "Oil nd K2log 3 tirnes.Fa5ten, off by t~t'lg yam ~mu..w ]; retnaini~ 's:11S;. Glos!hro\Al' ,end~ 3t tl'le"besirioing.

l E Mi i£);P;] BL 0'5;$ o M ~rJ~!1.(1 ~rOyf p<lsP-oM

~ti~:& t.lsi~A.'OO"rOfl; 4: m, ~'stl'~~'·

In III rdW (f!:1 ;, ~'l , ~ll,¢j J 11(1) in rrr~t st, fum J0,:ll!:ltn; rill.

1!IJrrr,·.J,Q, 'iil!ll"fi, :~imi~t\ijiQe. !P~ • 'lake ~rn tp'. back; ~nd ~ .t-l'~~HA! n~Mf.$li~ 2~1 alld c1rds'b'; CM'lt' fir~ i@ ~~W"·Ifr~~, ~ w~, "hlITlJ: ~p~ ." k2,

1.-G, rqw' ~4,

~~~'~M-:rm roWs. 3 1:imes,'ihen 'VOck'1,;i Mi:Jllnd I~fu '~"~ efF frtIl'lwse,

tM akiW1!i \1iip:Wfth '~ 'w"Gb!~e, ~~ni ·~~~pn o1rltt ('aSt?o#~Sc ~1i$rftlY gather 'c~h"Ir<i;~ Uiihg a :mt¢h ~ ftrI~~®aJll90ps ~r~.i"Il'd oofr1tr.e, ~~f,jQriilg·~ch wi··~

~ ~~r'I v~,?:l!It bGp$ ~ inrn th~;fI,

AFtVM Lllil¥

di'fiI!'torl' L'iliw"'~~ 4tiJ

fam~Gl~~ liA.paki'!,~~rJ~~.-~ite. (it) m ~11t~"W,E~' tiiJ:eed~es,-4 dml.l~~p1JirNM kEl~t1:ifla r..~dlru.


S"liel'il~ Using.i\ anrl 2: d{)~e-pqjmed n.e~ ies, ~J~ a 2.Sem (1 in,) lo~ ~~!it ~om ,(sG'~ page 4: T), N~ '1Mor!c 9n~ f'CiW.:.

I s.t mw (R5j ~k If! '~ -st 9,. sts~ g.jvr.d~' st;.S; pUni~ 3 .~ -ani each of :3 -qolJD1e~i ~ n€OOles ij~ ';;Olltirue, in, roJ.fid~ ~th s.~

he: rnun:d I(

l'J'!d ro~lIld [K']'j kpk r.n r..ext'~ k'11 j,6rnes, 15~" K 4 r:wF:ld~~F.i~1 t'i"-i$ ~vi1ly'wi~h,gpar.e ~. lJjfi)· ,Mund' eK1, ,Q~ 1t1 J :3 till'les .. £l 'sl£

'Spa:tl'le)t4 rown~ 'ttrm,;t;nl'mnt!~ i111f'~ btl mJ1IUS!i'ng ;6:QUbJe-po!m.\ed n~t.

I ~tand WSf\Ow:s; R I

lml rnew '1(:1, [!', kj] ~e it!itm'~11 5l$,

4. [!'lOW ~.JmtblJ 16tiM~. ~t3~.

~~grm1in,g Wi:lil,l J' p,,~.k Sxo.!

8th ~Q'W Er.::t k2~~gJ . 4, ttm~s. ki . (~ .~] ~ tirne~.l~ sts, n)W tK2)Q.tb1tl 3 tirne~ M ,r~4141 3: tfrnfJa. 1.9 ~ Ulth mw 'rKilt ~~~g) Wt.e. k3. t:S5k 'k2J W{;!l, 1 S SUi, t,4th II'()W K4 ~l:~! ~'%".;~1J:p~ 1&, &5l<;. 42. 1'1 ~.

'16th 1;GW ~ k2.tqg; ~0. ssk, ~. " :n.

hi:mh row K1 s2kpo.! .~(2., 5 l>ls:.

2,(Jt'h I:'DW' Kl si.kpo. t.;.1 •. ~Jts:

';llrnd! t'feJin $~Q; fasteti'Qff :rerrmlri:1as·.st.

$pl~~el U~thg C; ,~~ .cnt1"O s:t~ K 1 ~. SUFPitlg, fli;&. s'l, CJst,r§fr., Mal·dng YIP; iln:tert S;P'~"~riJ s:ew!~.

$p~dfl C ,~bht"le""m[ffiol~~

kpk. - k:i~ fro,ni;.:j;%frl ~:I< in~'Om of st tGl' make :3 sts 'Worn IQn;~

S"~P:Q ~ Sl~ 2\g~,dS j( t& I<2mg;k'4'; p~!'. ippe.d ~~'I'i§

S-'ri::l."e • ~I

~~; ~pW~:QI, io @I~ "(~~d,gden ~ Neej!J;l~s:'-i!>do~;blW'e)~Cln~nftttllig n~~


F!owe:r ;USin~A Qst,!.:;lfll '15. ~S~ 51:: trow (RS,) k.

In.d tOW Po

3 I'd vow [K!'l:Qgi¢] T~n~, ~1, l3~jfl!1ing "i\lfib 3 .P' row, "oVQ'j',k 3 ·r"()Vl{~ st-$

7th· I'!)W' CI?$}Jei,rl herfl( ,Ol"'lsert'Tt~~ilitI rnee:d!e ln ri~ ';>1., t!Ilitn ~n .ta~'bCfl "of tli!Jn~p.QRIdihg:05t :6f,~st·~o .it:N v-and k2toiJ 15 ti~" a-e~ilrn~ng ~ith a - p ~i Vl€Irk.,5 WAls sf·st,

1'Jth n1lwS2k~o :Sfi,'n~5'sts,:P 1~, ~)'a'rn and ["pn wcl th~9\gh-~t~ :!ia1th:er 1bem

'tW!m w~ing $ -and ~0u~'POlnled' nee-dles; 'm~ke a 6cm· (2%ii1)I,Qrr;;,~st cordi {~e .P1~.11J:

ri1'otki6.g U p lq.lrl~ o! fl~~i(:$e.i!ir~~ in ~er:1 at base.Wrth.B. ~,a .$t1".a11 ~ an.datLliCo instde HOINer::

SpetJ[I~ a!l'iibr.'e'llia;ilioO

$2.~o- -~11jl)'1 Si.s'a5 .. [f to 'kQ.wg. k1 , pas.s; -5l[p}tl~. %t-s :O'\rel':

~)m;ist ~~ ~n ~p:~ve ,~. rn't!'\H)J~ (8, aM~~ Iblu~ €€J

CeJ)l~r~ U;jl'"l~l'>r,Gl.$t $0 4s~. Qbn~~t·hl~k .yal~,

~ st row (I\$) lJ~ing B" k3:.:rum. wrih ii!m aJt i:;J_jiok sfip' 1 pt,lrlW£W1 "2. Do t('

'2.nlil an ~ JM ~ow!l l:.l$if\l!l: A,.k ~II 4 ~&

Rt1Jpea't 1s1:-31"d 'tn> .... s 9" tirnellr i:herl'wcwk 1rt and 2~ ,~:s·a~n;,C;<!Slofi'VI.ili1h,A

PetalS; WrtIi1R$ ~dn,g and u,"vr,g C p1dtw,p an-d III ;.s:l: from ~ch '~rlpe" along I~h~ etlR,Ie.22 sIS. l:st 'rQ,W ~fuI '16 ~., 44' 5l$.

G~t~.of fX:,W 'I< 'C<1~--OD 3;,$:bY·q.Jl?le method ,se;~ p~ , 6). '~>brr 51 sts, It~r~ lri:m~nlhgg;~ 't0l.e:f!.T-Mnt!, OOMte: rep.9. frnm."',!€n>i!ll~ t'2Sct"oif 4 sl\S,,' . Mia"~rf'l:g !JJ?1f6fn .end5~['(errme: into,la;, ring and ~tI':J;ef.·:thesh0rlef' ~d~,;ttihto/- PlrYQutlJ'l$~l!l ar-d 'p.JreSS-.


~r.T\' 4-~i't~1 iA Wr~I;,l~ ~~ ~Q :gr~eTl q,a) N~eidie~~ ~ubfiEF~ntt'd ~ij;tlnl·,N~~s


Fl~6V!i'~" h ~ a d ('W-dr\'ti'J f~ th'e t€:iR ~~wru;;t!~) 1l:J..slr'lg A. GSL Of'! .3 .~" bt row ,~) Kft:)"iwk~",k1 . .5 ~

2liJd mW P.

l,rd ,l'Io;w' &elbA: ti rf.l.~S. 1<1.. '9 ~ 4ili row R

,5th itQw 1%1, ~tast:__on J stS by kril1:ed ,c:as:hnn l1'1elfio'l:t ~~ p~1i~~ c1st 'off 3 ~l$, k1]~ l:inres. G~'ff~Y' w:g eith tall ~$l:t'lighten tt

6m fll!I"VI RW:p¢<rt Sth <t'lQ'6th rows 5.~lrne$, I'tili'l !5(lW GJ&fiipvj 't;im~"I'-' sts"C~An.b~ W B. ~~3.U~F:lg 2. douE4e.~dtil~ nlt'lt':t!~~~ \ill 100m

1~4i1lj hl~g 3~$l £Ord (iee 7),. Casr oil

IMakin''; u p'W9.rmg:on {see.'inv:Si:~e:

S¢amlfJig.~!2; 1'7) J;lrtd 'bkingih'haffa st r~ ~~k ~1rle~t61'fl1h~ row ;enJrl$ Qfth~ .ll'~r bi\\~.

Spll! f1!blbr;~¥i~,I~'fI

s&&lp0 - 51 rp OI1~ Ptn\li&:'"iQtbg. psss slipped '.5'1: ~t

~AM ~~AJ~~ UL A. Gf~ry #I!\'i'Wg~]9

1'lIr(;l:"'H?)Y ~\lW1 &'I.~~~,~ ~rni .~I'l {r~}

G!~~~ J(.l )ielm ~~. . ,

NeQ'dfl~:·'4 OO(;jI3I~~DJ~'~~f1~~h~tl

M'E,TIfID I) H~~F W~il;g A.~St on l/sts.

hI:' r'tillln:d :&1ip sts ~ 19 J. d:6Whl~·,pdimoo ~Ie:'i":ialid ~On:tU"lt.te inl~lin$ t{J. nJuJl!j;s; iN r:.ol,lUl~ ~:Q:j~ Jjm% kl, 13 S'tS. K4 oo~nd~, 1m rcanll iGb 1,2 tim~51 ~ : '25 sis. K 16 t}Ju 11ds. 1l~ !:tw~llI'Un d ~~~ [1(1. yo. k,J . ''tCk k1. ~ ~1 ] ir:r ~~~;:~~~t frorni!J 'i;irr.:es.45 sts, t1: j ~~~'tii!~ Qf(,

~~rp ~~~g 13' a.·ltd '2 d~le-pdinted ~0dt,~f fl]]!ke ~ )9:im (1f~) kmgJ·rt ,oo:rd ,see ~,e.17}. ({1o· r.lM Iil~k ,l&lll1'l..

~:I~dJsi~.4f f;lby.OIe~PQi'nft'oo ~~ed1eS'. ~r~ in ~.r{~~

liSt rQ.IL!rrrd I'fbf3. Hil'1@t9'~.<K 1 fPUrtd. ~1!'H're.uI!'lld JK1(.IOO'J}ltirnie,,·1i5 ~ K1 round JSep]i~s (K~i'.l'Um, P.), ;tl.:rn. s2%);!o.~cterl' aflJ '5:'ti~~s.

~b!jl!iiiJ':!:e ~i,*$@!fiI!;i' ba~~rJtb. f1.('J:#@f' and i,;J4ng ~d~i ~~.itg:kt~am~sepi1I,'Ml· ncrNa: Make 3 do~ble ~ots ~ a ter:tgr:h ·G:if Oram.,GGl+"',anGi rit"AJ 't:hem _ ~-f.''!];l~r'I' ai1ach ir.side·~11 Offf~1Z


~f - ~ in fram;'b,,1tik and"won1: ,of st to molke: '1~ -troff1 one,

i2~'-lSl1p 2'~ as 1~ m k2L~g. lKi, pass 5!tpp~:d

ojI ... ~." ",,~ "'"

fE"tUNi!.A dir.acwiy:!iiew- ~ir'J~

¥arn: 4-. p.:~tt~~. in. :f.~~le. (A~.a.~ parE!~ .. rma\IVS (0), f1)f\ ~'mol m ~n (q Nll!.Mlres.: ~At6dl2le,.,p!DIJ)ltOO h:ifiI~.g rteeeo~s


FI!o.wer, lJ§;ng.Ai~bn 10 sts,

~[;'t row CRi) Kfb. ~. ~m, vmh )'flm ~. !:tack. ~p 1 Mitwi$~, ~'iO 0nd.11 ~,

2'nd FGW klJlb:,'k5; ~ITI. slip 1 as: before, kt~ .e!rld~ 12 $.Oaa~j~ao: B,.

3rt! ;and "'th· rrnws. K.

Stl'll n:rW Kfu. :144, Wmi 'Slip' 1. ki,€i md. 113 'SW: ,6th ~·I<fb'+'l, tum, IJlip 1,, 14 ~< 1'tb trOW '~£ k4.rurn/sllp·<t ~ t',Q end. 13 S~. 8th hlW !l@t~g·k5. tUlrl"l,5<li~ 1.k to;:el'Wl. 12 Sis. C~~tQA.

I '9th. acl'ld' ~IOdi:H'~WP K

1111·ith tOW ~g, It&. tum :lllip ~ ,ft;4,'o 0f'ifd.11 5'~ •. nth row tatc_g;, J{7" lu,m. :slip 1, ,k 1tq~:d, 1'9' SJ5',

'f%~JJ~ 1~-1llfh '~$·1 times. ~~ {)~!'. JS~pab Using C, Ql~ on '6'4~"

• htra,w ,(R~ R4 . .1iJ_rrt ·~rth 'WJfl at. bart"".);~lP 1 knl'Lwi~O!'. ikJ.

2i!i1G mw l<E(k~ 7- ~

I 3rdl f'Qw,fu off 6's.~TriImSrer I1er~iril'1~ $1' 1;0. te;ft-b1fl~ ii:'e.etjJe.:'r:~ on 5((;$fs:b,y'tcbl&rnethQd (Se~' pa~ 1&), k .atl 6 sts; ~~ ~"* 31:lrn~ then waik 1 sf; oaoo 2riiJ ~ ~Il. Gb"i off ~re ru,

fl£'fa<:ln;g; 3!IQrlf}~ight ooge;,~ic~ ~"'arl:(H;; ~ ~1l rii'Oi"fI ~acho;;e01, Hi 3:1;1, ~ ,,,! r.q)V;

1fH1 rQW.:Sk2po 5, th}es, 3), as. 1& 3 rQws.

6t~ row lUteg:.. k'i , ~k .]. 'Sts. Tranrfe-- there z:ls1.'O ,~ clOI)~!?lo-klt~d needf'e:wd m~ a 3CI"!1 (1 }£in) roA&'~01~ (~~~ p~e 17), Cast .off

Mr<'l~U!rug. ~p .fl'in C1!'ut petal poiniS'ilnd pr~·IJ;gl1l1)f. s.a~trI'm GuU;·ide.join&~on ande&rt·olf e:iffges of IT~r, D~l"h in enqs df A and B aklPlg'rine .

sari~es: on 'OW1Ce.Jalli mse ~fsep'a~s:·and r.:tltarn to OO,se ~f rn~ .u~ir1g.c. m:a~'a s'~n ~i:!Itln oor"ltrn df t1~I~

SP.<et;Mk 'a,bIb re,vi ~tion

s;k2po· - slip ~"it;: ~~.6se;k2tofil. ~ ~i~ .~-O\ffl.~

60 I



WI!C~tiI}' lifuv{ pilEe 16

c ~ i11ltrl1!l~ USiing A. cast Qri .5 .$.

bt II'~ tRS) 1[K"1 • .y.o.·k1] in ea,dl st 15 sf's. ~pd FtJ1W e

3rt!! row [~. 1>1, ktb] S 1im~s. 25-sts. 4'1:b mw F '[1 A. 313, 1 A] 5 tlme-s:

Fnr:~:I);. f-!'l!:!!t;d

'bt row {'p,$) K1 C, lJ$lng B kfQ 't¥ttce, k1 12;, k1 C, wn 7 sts 2nd t;I)W P~C .. u~rrrg 'B plb twi~ .. p1S. f?,2.:C. 9' sts.

3m row U~ing C k,fb, ~C, [k16.11C] tw~,e. usinj C iQb, :1<.1 C. 11 sts, :Contln!Jlrwijth C.

4th m·w Pfb .. pS, plh, pt 13<!!:t·

·5tl:illrcw K1. [kfb. k2] ·4 ·Efmes. 17 ·SitS. &~f"Inng p, INOrl;: 5= ro'/Tk;st"St 1, 11dl row 5~k twic@, k'9', kl10g twi!:e,'1] sts

nth a.nd: 11,tth ""PINS F!

'1: l,th t'0.W K'f,.''Ssk; k1. k2mg k'~, 11 ~

11S:th 1'O'''If"·k1."'sslt·ld, s2kpo. k1. kitrDgi 1<:1. 7' sts

W01"~_ p2tog .. ~ ~~(M erfd of ~ and' :pulling .. yat-I'i thr60g last $I: for -a sm~1M iLM~lh{-c-ast :olf.

':2n<li, !-lFd .. ·~thl al1l~ j~b' p:e~~b Wrd'l' R,S r~ing, ja<fn yam ltl'!d ~"Ii'Q(kas-fint ~etal·<ol'iH~a€h'or 5: sts'lg p j~n f9!i.Y ends ofter-rti1€ and g~~el(" (ast~on. roi.ll. V/otk.aJ few ruiinfF1!l'-5ts ·ar"Ot:loo· eam bobb!e' <lOa pull.lJ:p fi~mty:

~1p~d~l:(l; abb re'vi:1j'l1i,o'll s

01 - m~..e,a bObbie: [k.1.yo, k1 " .,'0, k-1] hn' U1.t»d; 51 tun pSi, t rn 16 ~IIP·lnp. Jrd 4V1;-' atrIo' 5th sis OrIel first st.

s2.kpo - ?tip.2 sts as. iflo k:1to~; k1, p.[S:;'. slipped ~tS'f.{:.~(';

glLA-e K .. BERRY 1fV:~G1'('jlieW ~~ -(.-j.

otm; "tlPI?$ry~' il':J cIa..rt pl!.irpJe t~ Jlli'(c:ligre@n tB)

~-: 54 b~k ~ed~ . hnle:s. ratrg.@' eMT'tQ . Ire ~m:'\'4lddji'lg


Not:~s, U:5@ :ne,edl~~ srmlLet 1!hM'l 'lJsual for lire yam vieigfiU 1:Q make afnrrn fabnc.Th~)j b"eads 011 w,~m before (¥eirtg ,00.

Berry {1inake 1 bMk (and 1 rroi'l~) U~ngA C.N0f1 3 sts 1 st row, (YVS) KIP; p11, klb. ~_,<-sts,

2nd (,OIN :[K1.'bi] twk;e. 1<1:

:l red roW K1b. pJ, kfu. 7: sts,

<:lIth,6t1i1. 6th i!l11I,d: 1-2:fl [I"OW~, [K11, h1] to 1a:st'St. k1, . . 51dlt row.kfb, p5. k1b, -9' sts,

1tib rOW Kfu,p7, r:lb:'11 sts.

;t'l~., nu! aJ"~ 13,m, mW'!i K1.p~. n, 11. Geh r.ow K), [b1., k1] "4tirn~ k1.

114th row S*,[b1 kj] 3 tii'les., bl ; k2tog. if .sts, Uth li'(fw t;i. p7, k1.,ast of[

C~II:yx~ :(rm~. 1)· So W:~"'® ~6 $"~, 'lSti"OW O~}' 3 sis, k2lsts.

11'1d rc,w B wm; cast q. ... 3 ·sIlsu~ingtl~.~~ble method (see page 1,(5) .. 6' SlS.. ,Repeat fim . .and 2nd r~ 3 timiA!l;. ood'lI"Ig wrt'h ",fit'St t"'ON'~nd c~ng off all th~ .sbl.0f1 1hi3, ~'flN1;

N1a,kjrJ:f:g "U!P ~\~, baiZk"il~d fmnt 'kl§ether;: in-ser<t'ing \l\"addiPl- .tkfat.:e j'olnii::1~ ·~ast·,dff edges at t1(lp. Wrth R5 to'Qtotstde[l"d1 £aI)'X: and s-eClJI:e. cast -orl fjnd ca~-bff edg~ at st; 'ght ~j 1\~ sew-tp lOp 'Of b'adsbal)~

jSip·edfu:c ~bb r,@v.j~t:lQln

.b,1 - bhing ram tp I'hl:nt stlifn~ sl p'l..JrrrM~"s;ljde.beadl ~bng filFI'l ~ 1hr it sltS's.lltJglY 'against work. t~ke yaJl1fW 11l3.¥k I~dy t9 k it next t.


a.:+.'J:m' \~cw ~1t..p J(j

vanr.OK 'li'l"Gol n ~ (f<) and #l'1i!en i) N$dles: Z doubte'f19in,t~ knItting: f1eedtes

P.elllals-!'UsingA cast on 4- sts,

1 rt -and It''d rows 1t(1b,. ~ te $"1_d.

2nd and 4d1 rows F' to 1ast 2. sts, pfl;:l. p1" ~r:tnb~.Nrtfl a Icmw, WGrk ""l rOlAl'S st~St 1;1' ~h I'QiW ~, K2tog. k to end

10ft" row I?to ~am:, ] m.~1t!Og~ p1. '6 sts, ,?e~,' lm':.:...'10d-L roWs ~nlre.B sits,

Repear 'lst-lGJh ro\\t& onee mare, U.l-sts, Cast off. Ba.s:e .,USltiJ l cast on 4~.s.

ht 1'0l1,l,I' (B$) P.

2l1dm~ ~ 'On l'*-> by knitl_,atf. c:as,tnfWl rnethQ~ (~e P¥ -1"6)., ~Ldf( ~ h3. -1 sts,

l,rd row P.:

4th rlfw ~ Re~l>eat '1st.-.4th ~ 4 'OO1es:, €as:L off.

WPi;i'r P&r.~~:pi¢kup a.nd k·12 Sls:alongs;traight edge" P' 1 ~.

f'.I~t t'pw ib:tog IS 'lim!!!&" 6 sts, f:;! ~1 ~: .

Nqt I'OW Kltog 3 tirn!:!5-3 sts. De-not bre.ak )am. SIL~ ~~ on fa,. dOuble~J:lt€ij r1€!edte'ru~d make·a -tcm {l~ill) '[{)l'1g c:ord· (ilie p~e 17). Cast.pff. ~:a}(citlg '[lp rr1M5 petalS'. 21'ld ('01 I ilhern fr;em,the :G!.~-Oif·~ ,wJt:h re~(:$e st 4tt to ~~~lde, Gath~r ,qJilng·sbaiglt edge ard stittn, join ·"lfie siCle ~~ ~{td' .to lmake a cup and sew bUG inside, It



Cast on S'~. Small p~tiii.ll s

1st .. ow Krb. M. ·6 4l

lind I"DW P4. ,pftJ. p1. 7· sts 3nf I!'OW 10,

lI'Itloli i"ti.W P'1,

StI'i ~w K,1. kZtqg:k4, ,6 sts.

tittl' row P3 .. p2:tog. p1, 5 Sl;s. Rep5Cl!f 1st:-6th rn"'l'\l'S 3 ti~ Do fllot Ii~yarn.

Mie-d i 11111"1'1 p,!!!ta,I~'1

1st ''IiI;di 31:'11 W.w~ i(Jlb, k 'to ~-rd,

2nd! and 4ti1 1'Q'W''5!p tQ laSt 2 sis, pfb~ :p1-. St!h 3ifli:O'"tb rows K9.

6tih Wld 8t~ mw~ P9.

~d1i.jJnd l' ten raw~, K1, IU:~ k {(Ien,d.

1 'llth iutli Uth m,ws P to htst],.st:s. .p;2tcg, p1 < 5, s [S. Repeat 1 st-121h rG~1wice.Cb mM bte~. :rarn~

lLaJ:"g~ Ipe'ta1i<s

tst. ,lrd and 5tt, ·t"W~ ,Kfb,·,k to -end,

lnd. 4th ilJicd 6th rows P 1:Q tast'2:$ts;, prj), p1. 7th, 9th ,uull t 1 th 'rows K11.

8th, tOth and tltll ,'QW!> P11.

Utll, Uth and 1'lth I'QWS 1<1, k1tog. k to·,end,

l,o!!Itib" ~ IS'th aI,nd 18th mW:!I, pi: 1'ZFJaS'E 3 5~ p2t'og. p1, 5 sis" Pepetl.t 1st-18tn I~ r.ifJte,

N~t row K1. k2'"~ 1<2,

,N eoct row P1, pl~ p1.

INimc;t row K1. k2to~

N'!!"¢ il'OW P1J:0i Fa!mn 01

t1aidn'g li.!p Pf~ \lVIj,h re; n-st to oIJIsH;~ •.

roll up I'bosel),·'rrQrn tbe·\:9.~1-0M end,.Uglitir ~"II8

stitch the stMight ,etlges together to farm ;!j ft'atbasE(,[ilf'ici-ijh,en push 1.Jp·"e. G3:tier and stitch outside edge~t base" Tum back pemll;; slid steam if neces;!l:~.ry.


mis Q1l ~{ /@,w ·'1$-1

Outer- pe~ilh'(rn~~) Us u") g A (:~Ofl ~ W. h::t a.flid :3 ttl IfQVi'$ {BS] K.

2nd row M)J'b 5· t1r'fL9Si k'Li 1 SIS.

4th rciW' I~,~]' ]. times; ~,k1. 1.5. sm" 5ttt-rl~ "'ws ~

1131::111 row [&In, ~?i15 ti~, 10, sts. 1.otfh II'I:IIW K

1: 5th !'QW Kl~6g 5~m~ ~ sts, L,~~ ~t$ 9n-i!. spate fI~r2(!jle,

To jcin~et' ~Iip'~,ba~k, 00 ID'Nd~rag (,I~~d~, k'~gh ~ of.5 $.15 ~~ Ii;. 1 ~, ~~t,~ K{ &r~tog. kit] ~·times.1~ sts; ,f( 1 roW:

Ne.lCt Jf-'OIW Kl, kltqg.91jMet,"'11~··m.Qstp1i[ lon:er peta.Js (ma~' 5) ,V<sir)g A:\,·Q]'iJ 4'.st~ 1 s:t 2Il!cl·1I,rd tlows. K .

2nd rpw ~'-11ljm~!. k'l, 7 ~

~otWi lxi¥-' .f(:1, ['\;lfbj k1] 3 ltlm1\ts. io ~ Stl'l-11 Otl'lr@wS' ~

11 thmw -m,. Lk1t~t<113. ~im$-.7; sts. ~ 2th, :I!".OW It.

13th ~W' ~g 3tr m~s, kl. 4 sts. ~ave rt~·Gn.:.d. -$p\l!!t"e 'rJeedle~

TQ J,oJ.n pe MI~i: S1tj:! ~ back 'On tcr '\o'l@f~g rl~~le, lQeat~1 ~1" {If''!- s1S.i ;'ZO sts,

K 1 t'Oli1.

N,*ui.1W [l\4. ~ k4] 5 tiM~ 15. ses. K 1 r1lJN.

Nfl1ft t'lOW to.t~ 7 titir~~ k1. ·a.~, Q~ off.

rj' 'I ,.

ell! IlItre ~lt'Jg~B.. G~·O~'.5 ~

• !it ni'lH (f%,) 1<1.4' tow 1, '~11: n~pel1!% ~'Om ~ ro:·~nd,

'2!'11d ,t-"CW ~" k t9. I~~ 1; Sbs"~Jb,k1.~p~t ~ ~J'Id 2nd ~0.~~..$}. sts,

W@rk 1 J1 f'OW ~ih.

:S~h row tt

'9'f'h r'cYw lOO"p 1 ,,'* k1,i:p9.p1 ;nep~at 170m *" to;.E!f'ld

101lh .I"OW Ki'to_g, k ·to hst.2 -sl:s, ~og,. ~pe~t.·~ ~rd 10;tt1 F(Jwson~. S.:· st~ U'iJst:oft'.

Making up ]Ci':l!n 5t£h!et (1j,f pet:31s: Into a. ri~, F~~f'> (!)If €(.l.d),~l~,g 1:h~~ ~t th~ b~g ttO !!>@.CYl'e one pcl:aIlbfihind 'tt!e r!e~ S~t: the in (jet" petal ring imide 'the ,' me .. Gathed"ttg,it 5JighC!~ strbth ..cantlie in plaoo.

Spedfit :5~itJ;:'1'i

L~op 1 - ,k';1 ~.([~ obi tlj~ i$t"frQ[r"i r'leedfil~l: ~~ :(tim fu!~ b~~e¥1 A'e.¢dles, take it GI~~k.'Wi~e:·a!1quO~ l€~ ~m~ a~d·tt~ ~OONe.~n ~9dj~(;k' 5l,~m f~['t~hEJt<t ~dJe igalh, slip;P[fig It

. -. - .

atf n th~ uciJalvway,'Qrl'aigN:,hana Mt~~le $lip

lnd ~ Ol;~I"~st·jfJst made.



"itfm. D~~~ 111 PJnk(A~ ;2~d .~~ {~) N~edres~ ~ :!lI.9Ulbl~.;P.9f~ ~I)g neecl~



F,i \lS:t p~:eall (make 2) U~ng.A. ~en:3 sts,

15 !'OW K

2nd:and WS rows- p.

Jtd ...ew R~; m1 1\, k1 i m1 L k"1.5 sts !it'lti ,~w *1. m1 H. kl, 'm1 LJQ. 7 st,S, 7t'li'iill"'Qw ~f m1 R. 10:4., m1L. ~)~, $S.

5'Ul ro.".,. .lK~, m1,R. 1<1, m1L. k4.11 $l$. -t.,i. ~gftflning. Vliftrl a prow, wql1( 3 fGW~ st;":St 11$ r~w ~kr k7, k2tqg:' 9 sts..

15th raw 55k. k5" k2tcg. 7 ~

1.7th r'bw ¥kt.. cast ~fn rtlii !&tog. "'ip 2nd

Ml1;ght-hand ne\l;ldJe,ov.:~r 'first Fas,ren QfI'. lYil ~u'ld 'O:&tl1 pe[iiJls,VVork~as frr'Sl p~r to '~61* :5 I~ st!.;sct1iheh ,c'OO'1iplete' JlS f.~.,~eta~

:5t'l'ul'od !Sdr jitetals \(VC)f1< .i'l.sf,~rsl P-~ i btJ( 7 .I'U.V£ rt-st. nn Wi'l'fplet.e: ~ fl(.St t(ttal.

S~em ~fIE 8,am 2 ¢l?ubl.e-poffd:ed ~eGl§. m~'<e 'ij.. ~(m (1Yijn) tong J·st cord Oe~ I3lge' ')1 7).

Cup VViIh + dpub~p...9rnred needles:,

1o.t r.'oEIUild' K~k3 time;:, 9 .~, K' ~i r(lUr'id~ tltlil ~Qy,nd"SJ(:tp;Gl ~:time~;" l'sts.

7th J"OlInd [K1 •. yQ, k1,yo.,k'f] n .each of3,Sls, 15"~,

Hr~t sepal

b,t ftlIW {RS}

2nd ,and 4th IrcWS- ~ lnJl'\llw S~ k:1, !&:tag3'sts, ~th row stafl>o. Fasten off.

''lnld:'i.nd 1r~ s.~p':tl11S: With 8;S f<'.ci~. j.QPr; r~' .pr:d work .as, first :lloptil on 'cad'i iQ'f 5· sts,

r1a,k~ng up R:oUiln.1 petllliightly and secure, Arrange other petals: in a spiral. arCl!Jr.ldmis. ttitwrng e:a:ch in Io.llTI, )(I;sro pOlntof @O'lcn ~plJil by unfastening' loot :rt ati'ld Working ,a rew d'lalrn: 'St5. SUtch ,-oup' in Fl~~.

Sp<e~ ~jJ.c~ aibb're)fiaVflon:s:

!q5k- k in front, p i r:i bat: ,k in frOFit of st to mifke-"1·sts; ft'"Olii~1$,

1"f.l1l-wilh tip ,.of left.-hart.d nee¢!e.'lift S1irand ~etw~ ~ so tha:tjlliG!S the ~ way as emer sts, o,lid k if) back ~ irt

rrrl R - with tip 'of left·~d n~le, lift; strand ~m so:that it lies:theopposite way to oOthersts. :<I,!,d Ie in 'rron~ of rt.

SrilRO'- '~~p ooe st kn~L"wi:§er k'Zt'6g1'pa~ ·slipped·SB:ltCh GVer:



0ieffi1ry viEW DCJii! .J'1


C'l!lflll"1!! Using A G;iSI. on 5 $I;!;.

hit _.. ..... (~) Kpk, p1. k1, pkp k1. 9. sts,

2nd, Jf~d <'Jl1ItUth rows 1<.1" p1. k1; oopeat fr1Qm to end.

5th I'drW Kpl:, [J11, k1J 3 tih'l~~, IitP. k1;; 113 sts, 'th-14~I'tI,WSi A!i.,Hlt;j)'OW.

~ 5th row 1<1. p3,tcg; [1<.1. :po 1] bNi:c:£, H, p2togJ.t 9 sts, t'lfnh,~ 17"th 1i!Jlild HI'lkl1l"ows·,6(s·2nd.11l"N.

Cast off. ~]f.tfng· ~I i p3~og. kl ! pJ(Og.i<'l arross roN. Petals Wlih RS fach~ and usinf; 8. pick up aadk 1St firorn eeg~ii;;tn'gferthi$'st to l~fI:-hand· ~Ie, cast on 3 sts by knitted oo5t-on method (see pag~ 1 fi) cam: off 3. sts "'w P&~~ up i!'h:l k 1 st·lfO~ edga~ ~IH;~ :lilrwdy om, ri,gr.r!:~rr~d needle O'!,!r!r £t: then tl"'ansi'er lew st to !>eftmnitod'~:ed Ii;'i 1UI$.l" on,.] $t$"~ .befq-I"€r eMil: off 3'sts.; repeat f;1)m :t. aro"UJnid" .edge. F~.e1"l off.

·~pe~ifi ~ abhJ]'",e"l"nati Ot'bs

·kpk - (k in'lront p in from, k if1 ~) d ~:to n~e 3 sts from one,

pkp - (p. in li'bnt, Idn bar.Jk, p in'front) ',pf:sttc ma1::e 3 sts from' orre,

ce M M0N SlU E EtWTT s ~'F'L Y' u~~rt w~ ~~ u

YaJr:«. D~ w~~ jfii FJ~~c ~I~ (Pi) Ne~i~eg~'1, oo~ElI~~~I!Jted 'WlfEHffi!.,


R~i[ght UPlI=H~'r wmg: Lhing A c:~ 00 ~'sts. '~.n n)W CR~J ~fu:3 tim~·!l:. lit 7. ,~

lfi,d ~ 'Pt~lnl, [~1 ,~1~1] 1. time~

~~ ro..., hi1t~ [pj, ~i'tbl] 3 time~ Repe:at2r:1drMd 3Fd rows (rib}·) ti~;';' I, Ith rOW ~) R.i~,5. ~llJm . .slip 1 pUi'lvrise. ~'lJ to' end,

'I Heh. roW' ~b 3. \w.rn, ~ip 1 ~ur~. ril) t\;I'enc;l, ' ~ B~ ;:liim.·S!lp~,an' to ojt1er n~dl~ .. Whh F{$ fadRg';:a.nd .tJSing ~i w.qr4<ing in bask W1If1d o:)~ Df 5~ ,at, 00'\11 €(QdlS. p~Gk.l!p·' and k QI'IG-,st; froffi 'Sh,orre.r side, e:d~'j k 1 from n'e~d!e. pk~ yp_ im.d k ~ sis fmm ~onget .dele .edg~. (If l'leceSSll~ pick,'up'side 'edge, 5tS on ~ep~,F,lt~ne~~, l'hGil'l tlip tMni £!il;l"~ Wmf~ir"!'i·n~.!?dl~)." 11 ~

S'l ippingflt>'5t sl. ~t 0'[ I~Glly knilw.$~.

~R;~~ihtIO'fl>~r' lrinng R5J~'cil1g. and USlf1g·i\ 'Norkj~ in bOOksWIlQ QI'l1j .&ind S\Wtlng (fL first 1Vfi/. pic:k'upi~nd k S sB.aJOnJrfirst; tlaJr~J'sh.QJt&f':ti'l(jg~pr U~p¢r ~f'!:g,

hi row PTkhin fim:st~p1tbl, kl,~· iii n~~:P1'1nL 7'$ '!llId miN ~~1tll; [RtF kl"lelj J time's.

ll'ld t'(IwF1tb~lJ<1, p1'$.g J. ~i~, ~p@'t 1n~Lan~ Jtrl ~J$ 6n~~.

6tt FOW' (RS) Rib·5:tUfft s~.R. '1~lU!;I~sQ; !ib t1u!~; s:li-p 1 .~~~~~. dbt6· end,. ~kWtrn~ <:i;'liR ~",'11WI to d1I:h~' }"~~te,. Wil:h 'R;S fal!:it:'l8. :and ~g,~. VJJ:emrlj...ln ~k ~!1Id at r~' ends, 'Rick up <!1M k:1 ,s.t~ ·f.:&rr si~·"ed~·, itlfrtini flI~edj!!l; pick up 'W1cl "k~' fi-oMJ 2.rnd "side ad:ge 1'1 ~~, C<l!$t '(iff' ai i:5~foi~ ..

L@i·!: !.!Ipper will'lg W\tilrk' as' right upp.e.·W4ngto {Ii,then . ¥iOr I{?:'ncl , ~"f£iW ~kr. ~ Uh, ~ ,(R<$i~ ~bc·5', turn, s1ip 1 purfi,.\,tire,·rlb to: end.

t2t1h row' Rtf:) 3" lUn\ o.Slrp 1 PtJrMt~. ilitftQ e."L(l, Continue as frgn:t IJP~r Wi~g. tom n. pjr;:Wfig up .3 ;9t5 w~m I0n~r- .side ~~e .and €,Ihe st from 'shQtier'etlg.a l~k low~r wi.nig. w~ t~ :rfI:t!,tdr right. ~~;jgr \fling; pidJ~ JJp. S¥l. l1Jl:qi:1g. iie~nd haJf;or ~WTtfll\ed~',nf ijPl1~ ~iil'lg,

JBoG:Y U~n% B '~f'jd '~Ol:bl®,p6i~ re~ 16%'~ 00" :!~ KH) ·b;.Vice'; tvn, l5~t0g ~te, WPfI" NO'W ma~· a J:cm (1. ~in.) !eng 1.;;t (on1 (see ~ge 17). S~o. Fasteihi d(

Ma~i (JIg up PrQ{:s. t~·~Ni-pe.. J!o,n pairs Of Wii'1~ rn ~erit~· ~mj atta'<:lllktdy. lJse s!~~~~'G~4 B fur MrenrJi1I{e:,

;Sip~ cllliiC' '1I,b~l~e'Vifr(,tao '~llib'-'ptiH In f~"'ll ~en, k ~n batt; >of~t~.mah 1 StS: 'frorn.,0ft!l.

A;S'P'A.R AGU.:S dteCI:'Qry iIfNiI m~ 1.5

'lf3iI'rnI~ PK ~I ipcr );"l~ute t~,,;, ,-~le ~-eeR <~J Rnd. ~ (@J' ~~dlE!$~\1, dow~fl6In~, ~ittirg,l'n~d~e~ ~Qir;s~Ylfiad~n~


S~I k.JJsiryg A 8H 011 9 sts 'Sip'·),~., on to eadl (jf J tlell~le"f;6i rmed nge~e.§: and oonllnue in roun1k ef, ~ VVotk.:2]:c!'fl t1 in) endjH.g ~~e!1 ooecf[e;;:, Db !!ld hi"eak ?"1m. C!{ar:;&~ te .8.

F~r,~~ bf~.:c:t I< 3 'SI;S'Orl ~Stt nQ~I~, ~'rI. 1'1 'fiQITI. S'lKpo. ~~~ll'l d~ ~eA ClOO, 'VP,rtrng into A ~ts IJd1ind and'b.e:riI~l fir-Slfa/(i of B, -m;, pj~ up iiU'l:0l k 3" st!, Cbml'ol!e OM all S!'ns, yror1<ingbrads ·on '~~n needle in rum and at iap~immru/.J;6cm «11 n) Lnterva;Js until ~MOrbnearu.res 13cm (Sil'lj. Bre~k.' offA;M{ll €Qf}linu.e'Vi~th B.

T~:p 10'f SJJ~p0.ragij$ *' {IK1. Ifl1, WI. m ~. k1) 'in ~ 3 sts; tum . .c'()l1tinue crl1·these S ~:pS, 16, pS, ttrn.

Nlec.!(t mw {RS).K~~ k1,,~k:[il'3,

N~t rOW S;]k_p'P: F'aS\;erli ',off uem.:itr1ing ~ ~&rt: 'llrorri ~. t""""cc, U.:;ing 1~,fJitk, ll~:1!mi k ~ $illS· f~rYI1,ehir.l:d befo!'''e, C1GfI'liJ'w~r~n rnUM&.Mth~,9' 51::&. K 2. ('O'!,l!1di!

3td rQ1ui1d [ttl, rn1, k1! rn1 j 1<11," nei( JsU] 3tim.e:s:'1'~5 Sits..

K j 'munds, ~Ch~nge to, C. 1'th tltlilll1ld [frlfiQ.g, k1,.sskJ J tirn~.9: ~ K'.1 ·rQ'.,Jf:fG. Fill tiP Vllith "MiI~d~ and, ~'f1' ~'ndS'_

9th r1;IUIl d S2kpo. J tftiil,* FS:;j:,(~n 4Wby tlweadlrlge'nd' throiJgl rerria'hii~:J: SiS ..

Mi:lilkinlg ~Q,P ,\la:ll(i) ~~"",(1 tj~ of ~\l UGIff1& Ghd'i ~'a peritJI .~ push w.aS9iflg in~ stalk. .cl~ h.a.~ePlht!Ll~ .by >r,~ end

, '


·s!p!li1ld~"t. :;!bbl:~iil~i~r1

s2f\p~ - :slip, 1'$ Mrlf to k2't0J. kt, pm~sli\IlPed 5'"'1$. ower:

~iOJ~.NI,~ N 'G G LO R'Y tJjl&rm:y~~E! 4.0

,*rt!~-~y.~ h ~hi~ ft:.j, anclJ~ (ffU) ~~dl~"'~' 'd~rl;lbJ~~~ k1lfditi ~"ti~~le5


Am~rar lJ'iSll\g.A::·cart IDfl5 ~,Sy '$ts.Q:11i to 3 dput:le.pcJt1te~ noot;J1e-s ar.:d WnUnue i~ FPund~ K] rou~d.

2nd I'4!!lln,d '~lb .s, times. 40 sts, K 4 fe'Ul7It8s-, lril Hmu-d ~1b 1. e times. 20 sts., K'B f'Q'::Jfl.Us,

t6d1 round [K1, ~}1'O tlme-s,3Q:};-iS, K4' rounqs. ~~ IF,QWI~ [~1;15] 1Qiifne>AO ~J{~ oo,U~~ 14~ ·ra U!'I:d ;[~3:, !<i$J ~$tim~EQ· $. ~. ~ i'iO~nal!s. 17:l:h round [~1l~] 10 timli~.66 ~.1\3 ml!nQ~

C~5t .... ffr:>9.u n!:l. Qst '¢jJ'5 ~! :tl' returtl stbl1 r~~rnnj;l ~ro.l~ to 1eft.,h;:mtl .l'IeMI5,an~~~i1n2sl:S ;#~.!£:ast otra st9J+!~'''!I:;~tr~m Ittl) Wi. fftimest ,t:eI1l~' lM,"", ~fu, . (?"TSj. ,off. :t ~F'<!;s:te1r:J d(

~llil~lbe: .!4s);ig. Bi·(a$t-on 1 st

1,sfyOw; ml1tl·"~$.t:ylQ!f:;1~ LUl '1 $it'S' sis e~i!rrmini:with a p ro.W, Wodi. .l.~~l~

~~n1I~ R5,~pg;i~~r'!l ~QI

Sllt!~ !dJimg Bjlnq i 'dil,uble..~o1nt@j n~e'd~, m£l~ a! 4_5cm C1~inJ rdll!!lli

4:?s~~~<~~e p~e 171~ ~ not' ~~~~nn, _

rn:ljy~ •. k1, yo;,~, YJ;),J<;)] irn~iildi· ~l' Wm. 29 ~ ~rOff; ') .. ~rng:AI,R SeN ~f1t'r.e insid~ ,n'~ tlfi)Q j,0111 ~fl W (fQ¥lleT~

le:aof Ushg B lil:nd fl.<itr'Qfmit~~g nB~ctJe~ Cil~ Off 3 ~ '1ist :l"<lw.K

2nd and 'W'S. 'r'oV\ls'R

lJ'"'d row ~'1Wice, kl, 5 m

5!th niw tct" kl,b t'Ii'lit;;e, k2. 1 ~ 'th .. ow 1(2, lOb l'lffl~,k3,' sts, 9,th loow.K), k'b ~ce, IrA, 11 ~

~ 1 UI, row ,K4" ~fu tWJ\i;fE: ,. k5-, 13 ~. ~j3th_ t'ow K?'!'11b:tW:i(~ k~, '1':S' sts, U ~h I'QW, K6. kfb' t.iI~, ](7, 17 m. ~Jt;h rtMII lt1.~ tw<t~~" kR 19·m, 19'iih r,o,"", KS, kfb rw-Jce. ,,$t2;1 $'~-:

list !'Ow '10. "Slip ~ kJlilwjse't.v.Ift~, >ill; Ijltmcr'st 1E'111¢~haind ne.eitlle, GV~r rr1it !tarm :Slip this grpurw'i$e~.Iift 2nd SWR~S'tt en tigJlt-hal'\~ n~~~ ~ P.'url\J'1;1s~ !llip ~. ~~ "M1!=m' ~st L'6 :lefi7"hru'td f1~edUe ~ re~~t frnm ~ l'1Jfr~e . *, 'k1, km twice, ~~ silpt' t knit~A~ ~e, ~eail: Ji"01lT ~ to· ll*,'M~in, 15 s:ts-:

~W~~~ ~fd~,

N,e:lt1i: Ii'OW' rvv:sJ' fif. 'hJr\f'I.

b1,~tr,~w K1,slip 1 ~rl~twire.~~e.d~pe:~ffom. ~~;~i';Qt.,21~.·rew tl~d~~ ~.,] s:ts:. ~ otT; WKi,h V/;5H~WJg'~:slip oo~;· st.al1d ~rk 2nq. std@ ·liSnr~

ilde'~; 1:em~triit1g Jru:. ~

,~item j0iin 'B t~ 'cerrtr-~ gt and m~~ 6 m~iA mt:§ie' ~~ 11).Ja,sren ·dL t"1 ~:Id:~~ up j~ rear ~ro ~t';'sre~'1>j dil_lTIr~ ti!wltd· in Ithain to. Wcn'~etl1d stem.



l!fffiGh~tAitMyi·a_libpJ: :fiGft 18

MijleS''!t)'lr~be~ 11~~ ~~,;",f'


IH ElILE,:BO'R.E dilOC!Vfy" VJ1e .page 39

O~fl1t:"@. Usir,'l! A (nilk,e kh,jtl:l1f! wi;lh s~ into a ,in,g.

t!l;t round (R'S) 3d11., 2_:..!;t tr'd~rr i,d [3~st tr cfIusmr. 2ch] 4 time!!" WJ1iti B\1stot!:p ell. of.3ch, 5 Clus;!'ers: alid S'ih SIP, COJrftrnlu~;rYVit:I"l B.

:lind rO'ull!ld [S~k In th. s,~ 9 ti.m'e;,,·wrt~ C s'S'1o. frr5t 4:" Z # C9\r.UJi.iIl,J'C vyijh\ 'c·

Jrd round [S~,in nex.t d(;;,Jth.~dtr in each of r~ XII:, 3th, ss in n€oo;Aj~) ~ times. ss to iirst ss;, Fa~en a'if rn\iisi'bty. (see.,pa;_ge '1'9).


di~lttillY Itew pcg-f-:3B



I.J~~, 'roP~ 4(4). ~Din ....&th $5 !nit') a rin~

'·undl {RS)' 1ch 4,dt i1 ring, wlth B ss In 1 rn. 5·~. C~t1Itinue 13. 2nd !"Gluind leh,:ide in ch b.eICi'N."](f.c. in &tdh ·ofll~ 4dc.With C 'W, In 1cn. 15' ·sts,'C0fi r'1l1e' with C.

lrd ""und ~.l-ttdec 1'r'D rext 2d{~ 2m'ss, lin rlfcxtd~1 S times, entl~ng S) in ~ if p.f'~Qi~'.1; rpl.;l~d MstGn .off irwisilify (5$@ page 1IJ)

011·.····.······ \!J

.n ' . - f\.

t/ .,.-, \J

,.,' . J_ .-

= ,.-+ .. '. - Q'.,C'"'--._

e ,~"JI& Ii' . '~"

Y' n. f"~"""

. II ., l~O;'\

...... ,.' .. " ':' :

.~ -~ -fs.,~})>r "- tJ.

V j\ n.O O~I .... : .... - .. ·.···. ' •..... ~' ... ,. ' u-. 0

.... 0 ~,-,

-.~ '10 -,.' .'G,',



!GHI RYSANT HI iEN.U M ~~ fJ.~ pd~ ]1



t Sil!: doub~@ Ir.Ow MI':SS lCh, 1dc lr'l ~,ch d'ne~llch.17"h. urn; 1 de ~ ,each df lac. 1 ~':C In Wp ch of 2¢h.

'lAd dlil,uble ,,'Ow li;h, '10:: frI, ~!:h .of next Z<:k, 17ch, tum, 1'qG in eadl ,of ~oc. tdc in 1d"J. R.eQeat. 2nd OO1J9~e ro.N 31li ti~f1es. ~nr or:

M'1!kiijif up Ptn out lcoss and pJt!S,s,'Coil (ihe...strafght "edge" -rtftth IllS 2S i"9t-I go..

o~,·:,~'~~~~:ttt ] Pepeat

Ooo;o~o~o;p+++ ·c:.o>c:.~~C':'o~~++O


S8 I


LAZ.r DArst

d~aOf.y ffilM:I'lc,v ~1

Centre Using A make fim, jon wi,th··ss into.a rir.g,

't'$t NUl'!d (FtS) 1 eh, 11ot;k: ih, 'f\'rig. using B ss rn 1" ch. "'j,2 Us. p·~a,I~s C9nJtf.nue vviID B.

lnId fO'I..II1d [1 ".(h,~ in !1E!::<t dl=] 12 times endi~ ss 'in ss 0ffirst wund. Fasten.aff irwiSiI~o/' (se~· ~ge 1i9J.

FlA.REID ROSE direclQl'Y r.i€W~ge 22

lieav,i"g. a lang, end of 'yam, make 46th.

1 Sf: I'iI1W (RS) Miss 4ch. 1 dtf in each Clf next 43ch, 11f in ~,ch.4S sts, l!lldl"(l,lf>' 3~, ldti'" itJ eamof nll!xt 43d1!r, ltr in lop d1 of ~,ch. ~1Ste:n on: ~~ii9g a IOf'lg end.

M:~khllg"'~fP b:tend inttease.oorge {2nd raw) 'Of~p~!,;'~1 chain' ant~rU;qkY(lse,.st3rtfrn,g with '~ti(lii~gin~:ifigMtrrefirst rO'fN. ii!1lll ~in.g tne ,Iomg .end to .'$fitth as yO\] go, VVhen the millis CGflI·)~.,c~kh t{i,€!' yarrt~d (t/ 1h~ 2nd FO\'V and tS,ke jt·dtrwn·th!ia1.l,gh tt~ce~tr~ <ith.e:I~e.


C·E,N::T1 ROLlA I~OS'E ~rr !l.e.v .r;mfe 25

";mall tOSil!l

YsiQg B" mal\(e 4fkh.

Peta'i 1-3 a~ ~tals; 1-4 :l!boiJe. but wonk . S"tfur:IiQ['I$ 'it'! ~l'iare brac~i twiee.

P~t1L~:$ 4-6 'as: :peta~:;j :5-9., but ~f'k ir'lStfo.JC'dOf1lS ·tn ,sgu~ b'f:aC~ 3 'tiriWs.

~eta.~s ., ..... , as petals ~t2,,~'lJ~rk.ilii::s!Jro~n~ in

~~~ ;.11li~$.

Maid nillp k atioYe:


L;f'1g A, rna~ 99th.

Pet:afS: 1,-4 M~s!i Hr in GIlC," C)f "eXt 2d-l. 2m, S!> in ~ 'ch; [3.0\ tir in 'e'-3'C~l or neKt 2Ch 2ch. 55 II'! (De?Jt til] 3t1m*ar)'tinue.Wj~ R

Fet;il s-S-f t4,~rv. 1 q& in eadl6fn~Kt 4ch,. SCh" $~ in ~&] ~ 11t1-¢'1i;

Pi.' 1',1' ... 12- [4(11; "1l.dtt ~.~. of f\eXt 6ch, 3 en, S!! in

, ,

11e'~dr] ti~

P'fltals 13- Hi {Sch, 1tttr'in each of oe.xl 80h, idl, ss .in ,\e-KIt ~JI 4 . mes, Fasten ·olf.

M<llcin" u,~ PFess pe~ls to $h:.:'Ipe. Starting with the ~llGr pm:.a~s and st1tcl1.i.n~ asyou go, ~oil ihe ~ of ~S:Wiiiv~ -a.Aat·bu~ :mr,tg ifq~ itrninSedlge.

70 j

NlliCH'A.:E.LM.AS DAUiY dteaQf) \'lEV.' ~ J(}


IPetals Using Aj [rnal~' '~n. fl1'SS 1 cb: .55. in each of ii~ 801] 37' times. F1lStQ'n "iff. "n (£jut r¢w ~f ~wJg aAd press.

C'e!fll;rce \t':/ithsaJ'r.le.siele (at'lng and usirig.·8,,: jIDln. yam ill the space bel,V\een first al"Jd 2nd' pe~a,ls, 3(h,J-st,:tr·~<: in I'leld. 3. sp~es, ~ 4-51:, 'It dec in ntxt 4 !lP~repeijtfr¢im *1() 'erij"Fif~ Of. ,*,rjnl'·ar.lit'fng¢~.

MJking up Goili~he ~~nb:e:\S"iFehatlh~ ",.n; 11!l~hhofpetals::·Gathe.ring c~mre ~Jigh~ ~ff£:h In FDlace.Taka f'!.'t':fI' en.d ~ 'C:~~ .<L'td ff~ake s:t,em~ 15.ah; miss. 1! ~~, ss trr each ~r r1f:);:d 1.4~. F~~F1 ¢ff~




WfngA ra~ 4t:h. join ~$ ioto a rjRS·

1St 1"~lIIrnl ~) '3ch, [1clc. 2m] 1;wi(:c il . ring. with IS nr5l:. of ]ell. . :rm~. ~. ~ch $p .. 13cnuaue· \Nith B.

2nd rou nd [4th; )mst dtr du§t;er hell sp; 4ch. 1-dc in wp-of ·clu:s:te'1 4ch; ss in ~xt'dl; itJ;rlkst iwnd] 3~tin1es; eroding ss in SSt·of n~ rniund.l1!s~ P.ff:

FORG ET-M E-NOT ;;jtrK:crty 'o'i~~.mcisI~ ::n

.FIQwer IJ'srrigA make &th..jQil'l·witl'i ss mO'a ring.

ht J"llund (RS) 2c'l1, 9dc: in lfiilg, witn Bss- ~O top cfi c( kh.1 0. .sts, COntinuE with B .

·.2nd .round S,h, 1 mr ~n eadh cl'rie::-ct 9-dc. ss to 'Wp 'Ch tl:sen f1l$'f;eri Of:

Stem Vsih~ C .. make 12idh. miss 'lch ss in ea:eh·.of n@ 7el1; le1l.f5,m, mri5S\ 1dl,11:l"' ni'lOO rn,.14~ in. IwXt·th. ss ir:rr n~mehi'ss ~"~lcl1' of ml"fI~miog .kh.

r i;\$L~n off. .

Makil1g, LIp: Pre$ stem ('.nd Ie..qf only 1hen attach to .pack: cfflQ\il.18:r.


MECONO·PSIS dirlC[:cn' \roW p!:!~·1.2


U5>ing A. make ,6th, join with S~'intO:"1 mg.

htround (RS) 1 d."I!r 9dc rn ring; with B ~ to 1 d'i. H),Sts. ContioJe 'Ntth 8. '2 hid round' [4",11,24 .dt. tk.!5ter h nextoc.4Gh. 1 de ijn fleX!: de] 5 times, ,ending ssin 1 eli ~r"fllistTCl!Jrdl f~en off irWisfb.¥ (~ page 19),

BORAG.I:: d'i!'eao.'I' 'lfJ!u'fXJ1!f!' 32

Flow,er' (rm.~ 7) Using-A m<ke·~J.Pin with ss inlJp a ri"B,

1$1; JOYnd (RS) [200, 1~2~, So'S' n linj] 4' ,tt""l"1E:s. l' p.$ls ~. of!';

2ml roUind Using B\ jgin y~mt~~ween ~e1talS'; [1d<. between I"etals"and into ring, 1 ch behind' p'e~!] -1 t:lrn~ ss in l;i,ack offJrsl de, mlke 1Ckh for stan, Fai~1l bW inv.i~ibly (se'a: ~e'; l:t)

+ Sp e'i~c s)'!lOJbo,1

1, 1 dt wo~d over-de and

T ti."Itg. iPlki .oorrltre· space,

~~f>VE'A. l'E,AJF di,1?Cto~ ~.PO~ I~

~:Ilt,r ti~:O,


;;;;,I~lt_ M-~ 5~ R$, fal;il1§ m~s- acfT .. '1 d~ irt], ~l#;'±, en. 1:tdn 1'1e4 G~(

lMtr. il~ l~d':i~~ln;f'1lID'laihing mrrd Q,r~ea~bJ t;b:1tr';A 1h± in fI~':e~, ~,ifl'n~ cfi. FdS~"I BT:f,

~~ iW~f1®lre the'$:me,b~~ ~.v~t faSit~r~j1i1g .. dif the' ~.ast Me'.

$teoo (~r'~ ~hed ~ 1i_r'ltJ: ~ RSfatin~ m~1<e 9.d\ 'mlS~'l~ch~ $, r~' €a,'h of n~ Siit ,~!,"iF.i, '~~st 'of '~(fJed I~b~. 'S$' ntc1 fiiirt st :afJltcl Ir;::;!:!e:;,ss. j~fif'Zt ~.,"'i fif&f ~<ib¢"'S':l·i(l ~h- S$,qt ~¢Il'\. F~ Q'W iri\ii$lb1t (s_e¢ PIJi~';l'~)·

Mi j~$ T ,,=,~ Tie E ate'!'lbi<)"';~e'IV ~'1l'

l,ea(V~ (AS) lJsitIg'A * rn~ 144~"m&>S@h. Jtrlrln :OOJliI"'fGf oom: 1ih. '~dtr'~I('L~Lh af next L"1:t.(, ~fi",iri eadlofn:exLkh,'1t11:r: it']. MxfGt\, 1'dc ~ ~e<:!.Gh:Orn~2.d~; repeat fl'lDlTI ~Mc~ sg.jn rer'flaiilJing. S:~nfl. 9rtlf' ,Dtl h(M :fasterl:df:.

Sioefm r-11ah'li 9l:ft rniS51~h. :5~ Oi ~~ 13tn-ejif8.thF~1'l dflfW1'Si)1y (~e p~g1:l!'19l

BJe.rry (m;-ake 2) UsIng Si' '~~e 1~, r:n;~,1~hit1ll!tf1d~~il1 ncyt<crn. IF~~ §iJr r~:sMy.

M:lk!l)g~lJP Fret'S lea~ T~ ~ ~m ~dp,)r~d'l' 00rr,¥,1nro ~@w on tct JooVf§i'

.sTlTe~ Ji$1 ~,t:1fImln.

'~f~et:A'~~~ons; 'b~~.s ~S·

:fliI~!~q_Q ir~~f:te~ ~lg~~, Ui.,.f'

II LYC!l~ THE VAL[,.fY (/.I~ ",leW"txme4))

IfIOw}!'!" l~]) l!s'lng,.A. rn~ ~I-.~ip riGS t~e page 1R),

l at ro!lilll'td t~ 4e:h; ~w·~tii f'1hg. ~ull tl~Clto' dQ~fPi~ ~"I;O tfSp.' ch Of 31d" to .~

~ ~r .... '1.':L ~"",' ....,.: _ _;;. .. - f.J. II'fri;>-[' .,1::1'111.1 I"rQl'Ui:1 .. .t,,'GfII,; ,I'~ ~n !;I~11. U;" 5,.r1l" ~u:' ~~ m

n~ :lI:r.1GI'h] 4 times. So'S"" T1i t~iJ -of firs[ 0:

lWI f~lJ~d 4ch,,1S in rlfSt'CJf4c~. [!$S in iAn lOr 2nd ~jfd,<;~ n il~x:t !cle~, 1'~h. ". in (~ qf'4~11 11tl~~ ss ih' ~ th, Fwren dff IrWif5~bV (see pa:ge 19}

St!em Using B. m.:tlre ::n~A\ ~tS$ 1" eh. ss 'in ea~h 9f n.~1 S'ih I:*H. mt&i first 0f ~eh, ss i.1 ea'dtr ®1f fi~~~,::2~n; ~r! main ,~ ss in ·~.;;:h Qf r:J~·7~ml tWic-e,,1oc, jA laiit d1c F.,c,$1!i.'f1i o.ffir:NJsibltf.

le!af1:~ in' mi~ rollJHd iwllih gS f~cing) Using '8;; r'n!)k_e' 1'?l'c"dMiss'1'~h, 1~c in ~~n' of rle~ 3d"" 'I'htt 11 rI~ d~ 1tl'in~_;:;;w~n~ 6t.~" 1mr'm 'n~ ch, ld~: in ~~d1 9f'rtm .lqh, ,5th. miSs, j~h.1 dt 'iFlr:i~ £n, '! ch/Y'Il(0rking in the D'EllJmairi,ne:strarrw~r,~ri~naJ b$e'd1i~1'dc tn each :pr~!;sE 2ch, 1 htr 1n 'f1~~ '!l::il. 1~ti· in ~il!;~h';d.f :nre!<t (k;h, '1lW-in n!:;:w;: :eh, ldll ,'in el::l!:':n cl'nexl Jcl1,

, - ,

'lN9r'Mt\g ir:l;..bOth'sT!rarllels ote'tim d~~ i de i(lh~~ dl, 15m, mj~ 1ch, ~,11'1 each J:lfneoit 1r~~h, 'ldc tn rnext~b.. ,Faste:o ~ff irlfi,isib~'

Mal<mlg\'up Sew 3. ~:I" '1:'0 tfl~ 'l'Qi':t:,offu'~~~mi ail~1.1oo 'im::f¥affi~rs~; bt;anth, Join ~m <lind t€~t.

SJ(;: 'A 81 G U $, ~'i'IeW~jJ

e~rl1f!~ 'UsirilcG A rn.ilhi3 a $~rp ,rin,~. (~ page 12).

is]; f,OlIRtJ (~ lch, 15tr in ring, P!J,,'!ii:flQ to dooe'ri~lg, ss 111 'lGiP fh of kh


tnd F'quliI,d 4t~. [ss tn tn€ from strand -Qf fleJ¢,'tr; len }15 tlrnes ss trl first

pf 4th F~n off jrwis1b1y .c~e Rage 19).


lfl'd II'Ol!Iild ,~) WoJ"kin.g behind 2in:EI t'OLlnd aM ir.rto the fI'rst I"'OUndl'jbin B IF! the'top GIl of 3cl\ 6en VvorWoE in 1:l1e b2ck si:nndof each tr. [ss> in re.xl tr. S!:ifil, lk bfni$, $s' first of ,6th, F'$l~ ·Offim,i'sibly (see page 1 ~};


P',EIR I "IN I NKLIE ditec~'(J?" ~w pc;ge JrJ

~rn;4-p'ftOOt1;t,l)n In'paLe: bJ~, A),.d 'P' ~ue (6 ~d~ l/lale:,;~l"een .rr;)


F:I)::in;..'ey· UsingA.mr3~ 4ch,jcln ~,ith S~ il"lto a rir:'lfbtrolfmf (RS) 'kh, "'kA1,r in O~·ffi to iop ch of 4tch. 5 st$,

lna TO'Uind Sell'. floc :in next d:tJ;.4ch] 4 tImes, ss in first or Sen, .5 .ct'! ,loops. Fasten 'Off.

Jrd f'\ound With 'C'el'Iil:re ,of fkl\;'~er f~dm. jOln ~dn fir'S't..di iQO[). 3d., 2eSt tr dustwi'iJ'C.l:uid do 'loop. Jtn. ss·jr'l, 'tart'le: loqp, [ss, ~f"i" 1.;t '1.1' ' 3th,

ss in n~ loop] 4·1irnes; ss to fir$! 011. 1F~I1·qff irWlsibli '~e page '19}, Stem lJ~l)g C, rruke. 11 d'l~ miss 1!ch, 50S ill eaPl~~ rn:!Xit 1Ck.h,F?$tetl off. Maikhlg up rPress p.etals.. Th~d oneyam *''''d fru.m the stem through·fue ,C~b"e Of th¢. ~~r from beiO'N. Knot it {Io%~ to the 'n~ and 1rim. Us\?, ~€!«:od .eif1id :~Q a1;ta,dI~"~~nl t~ pf"~·




O'!'IKtory :.1I!'W po.J:l'! 28'

Ce:rli ~te A, m.]ik .. d:'ch, RQin Vo;oith.~!i IIli;o.:a. rirlog.

ht t<ou C1Id (RS) 'j ch; 7dc: in ring. wfJ1. [S'ss to 1(1\ 8 sts Continue' wilh 6. lji d ,1'0'11 nd 2m. lac r, 1fih lb~p'N. 2.en. [1s:lc ill next de, 2c,tl] 7 times;.5"5 in top dl Miell, F1i.'rt:e!"l off.

3Td "o~nd Jdh'C' il 4h :sp, 2.lrh, rrl~ a pt:?p}l:0I'f1 In <:h $P b~cw. Qch, ss in-same-ch sp,l~sin Rem th ~P.r;&h. rtJaM pGp:com lr(;~.$$ i~li"!'le -c:~ sp] 7 twnes. fFn off iA"lisbty (s:ee page 1,9).

Speciiflc .sti(-th and-symboJ

P'o:I*-Onl'l ~ ~dt.r; -mkl€: hOOk. out orl(>Q,P at top, d I'a:st 1(j~ n9'e'tt: liJ!jo,~ lil1~r 1 SiU"arids ail t@.p,afflrn dtr; thieri h loop<'yrnl pull ~!"l t,flI"9"l.mhr' ~ Qr-! ho9k:


~I'e(Forr·!Olew.pPp'~ ·1$


Grape (d"i1ake' 49) UsingA rmke- Srzh, Miss 4ch. irlI next ,d\ !flake ~6,",Sl: dttdusi~~J\111 ya:rn tijit ~o:~ut st:i$;hes c:uM vitI;. :smooth ~de (RS) i~ the Q!illii~, Make ttch, from the.:ibadi: ss in:1D dl ;)1 'base -of wste:r: Fa'sWn o[ $mem i; B, -rfl!:ll'i,e 18ch. Mtss 1 (n. 'ldc in, eectt of next 6ct'1'. S(h, ntis..s,.1 rn, 1.cic 'in. ,ea€h of next <!len. ide IClJeach of remaif'iing 11th. F.aste,n Giff ir.fvi;ib'iy

~s~ ~i 4;9'}.. , '

M killjg up St..~1 grape~ in 1l. fq~"fI'):atiQJI'Qf 1. J; .3, 4,5, 4 :a~ shcMil1 in d~~grait~ vllr:rin:g.d~if!ruol'l)Qf S'l$.All,adl tlre shon:esLJ:n')~II~!Gh ~r the stem behind' the'

11\ V

SP'l3ld'ft~· a:bQl'e'li'uatiQr1 clind .~yrnbo;1 6~sl: ~:'tl:uS1er -a .d,urter made IUp 'Of' .ym Nfi~. insert ~ok ~nd pun toa[!l ihi'Oifjgn. [yril and pulil}'Wn th~ 2'~~pa o,tlI'hc,ok] iwi:t-i.l!? frorn ""\~d;ill~s/ym a!'1~ pulr~rn throughalli ,IQCilps.Oi) hq:tk.

~tJ .fUC.U lA ~~~ Vlf'W jE\'3~ i28



~~If. .troRit!.@;/t {llid Ie~~'a-n €Ild ,!PIl"q>:i~t~lr 5c!'fl"l tQ.fh);'fI'iak€ 4[1),

lItin vM.l:ll,~ ;~ a·till¥_. ...

bt ~uindi \R$) .i~h" li]dtt II'l ringo'ssW tep. :(h o.f4-ch. 7 $1is, ,~Sien IG1f

~Mjj!"ls:eB f.l-i~'1~}

In(h"f,o~d ~tJ;i inside of (I;lP fad~·Plrl B in a :dm-f4m. 'lab~'ii1,sl b~bvQ' , ~frI;,1dra:- ,In ne)tt ~. 6 t:imliJS~1'ittt. \ll.dth" '€!i5 ttn'topldJ oaf4dh.'1.1 ~

, '¥(ntn C.

3r(d Rl~nd 3th 3'tr irrne4"",r;t_lf, ttr in riel« .r;]tt; [l1iii$1 dl, 1((h, 1 tr In 'iI'iie~~ cl~ 31]' irt tflfl\>tt :dIr;'1 U2 irrnell{t dT:J ,6 'ib1m~ l' (ii, W1ttih'o .~ ic:lrop, ti:b· 8f ~ch 't~f1;iii(:IlJJe: w~lh 0;

~\Jht'~ulI.d'1,(iJI~~ Itr in n~'~ 1;~w1rnl~ 'b';,l:tr (If! rlffi.l~ -m'1dc!rr'~ b; :, tMi ~i0lhli1d "~h of 31'\11 .~Vnd aJr!d lcll of~d rwnd', :[fdC in, n~t iI.'!"; ,2lr in n~~ l:;~dtr iM !l!~ 1:r(2tr't:r:it il~X& !t. 1 dil in next 111" clC·11..fOuMd 1d~ .of3rrJ 'fiQg'j.Ei" [lrrd'" €h .d ]fiG ·t'dWiI'l~ '·tImes,.$ to 'lth. F~ ¢iW in~S1b¥

-S:ml'l'l~ W'srifm;A:;' ma~ 1Sirih, ~i~'1 rn, tdt'in)~Bcl1 ~fn~~~4m. F~i'li· lOW. Mt'I~~I'lI, u p' IHo<;t~ fi~A. i§rJId ,frito.(ogoW· Grff~.r. miX ~eW dose 'to '~;if~ :l!n(iJ tr~rh: At~ g,I)~fi~

+ ~$pe<::i'nc: ~9"mb,~1

I 1~J;; .around -1 e,rr'M ~31"d . r.oVll-d -and

, 'Lbh· cirf roo~.

"7lJ' l'l;l1I

A~TER ~rq:ry'\,j~p!w PI

F~Qwei' Lea.vif®a !anr~"encl, LJ~Ato'm€i~ a sjip.r~l"Jg· (s~ page: '1.8)., 15ifl r-o'w (reI) ~oh, 4tr ,in. ring. pull, end! ro d~ tif"~ S ~,

l:li1i,d !"'Ow Jdl~~tji' in' €.'.a,d'i ~f O~~ J1r,'lItr in tiOp 'ch 'Of :3&1, g. $, FaSten off,

lrd: row)it) eJ in Fi;p~t,;stra1d of tGp.of ,L351i,';lr. i!kn. SS 10 fr9!1t· ~tand· of l!e~"1r] i& 1Jf.ii1i:s, 5:d~:, ss in. fR:lrtt s.trift~ IGlftGp (ll; 'of lOl, 7 l"OOiDS".

F.aster! '·~f ffiiM~~ty {!j;~ ~Ell'1~)..

o1d1lm-wWt}l .Rt:fjfJ~,f~kl" toop.$ fbl~~.,~@ j@i(U,t:in I»ok$nd of end tror-Li'ld I12W, i1l€l'li, mfgs f etJ, ~ dc-in ne){L d'l, 1:i:ltr tf'l' J'ilext dl; '1(1' if'l {£~h cf 00;([ ]; th, tilt' I'A n~~ c~. 'i,dc ih nliPit ,ell. ss in back S'tI;aFid '~f oa"Xit Ii] ,'"fmM'; B'ndir.t!.,~' in bfu;t s~th:i tdfi dl 'm"3;;:h dilnd ~

f i!~~ri :Qff. :1Ti\1~rb1y.

~u:m, R;S f~dJ)g\ .oli¢h h~gk. in siP: lill§, ~r b~>e'·~t RI:J!III Iq ~filId tl1i'O\I;'gh ~:;Jke.~1~vmr~.,tch" ~ kl ~, otad\ ~S!en:·,


. §J.

~.; .. ".<,J" .. :\.i.'}\ .. ~.'.'

: R_ tJ :\., ~t,\ll

!--'-. --~ ~ - 0.~' ," _~ ~'." ,- .

, n = n :'1". -if) " .

r-.·rl'~ .. ,.t/' ··~.·.iit;z;, "..... )4~. ~.- ' .. !?

., &~~,tL ~O 00 .J;) iCt~1II , "'\

C ij' ","W ,~ . ..~. ()~.; (I'''') >.t

. _.r:tJ;. o ~ .. r9~; .. ~ .. r. '.::dV.'·' w- .•.. !/ .. '.~ .. ~ i' {."' •• (),.~.O .. ' ".~ .. ~

~Q1 .., "':;':;" ,().I

~~' ' ' './ e

~~ ' I" .'." ., .,'

"~' "

" p



SiCOTTISH TH~ISTlE ~~P!1g~::lg

,1Js~~A make S:Ch.jdin with ~ irr[8 '4' ring.

1':1:'1: li"a_d lRSJ ~,Ii:h, 70lein f!Fl5' ss-1o'WIP'C~,Of l-ch';:-sts,

:!~d ro imcl·1.ith·, fl~ jA r;;6xLci~, i'(:k i(J n6~Jbj.;J1 :'( -:eiii'les, klc 'i 1f1)~l ,~; ll.5tQ 1!,:~. t2 sts

·lri'lI'Q'Uf.ld 1·c;h, D2dt rn ne~ di:; 1dt in·I1~d.tJ, \5" 1:iri"!es, rd~ in nt~1 w1'd;i. 1aN~. ~rl~rt a n~~;!I .. ktlr,a~d. waJ"k }lwui'ld~.of d';,.oontmi)tElus,

7th i"9u~d [~iF-! rl~ 2:qc, lG';: in ne~ck:1 &ti~ in $~~A~lI4< 21-r~l:Jl'!d~ :sl~~ihl,.(;:Rdil!~~ 1F,').·I"II~xt ~~.

lOtla! reline! .~ 1;cr" ss lil first' ~h) ~ rrrne~ st;. r-epJ~·.at 'fi~ "<t ,,-enOir'J~ ~ In fil'st ch. Fi!51Bn :ofr it'lVi9bly {Eee·~19).'~ Cut ~oomf'B ap,p;j~mm~ t3c.m ~~irf}lcI'r)8"and erlo6g~tq. fin 1!Il~)e'h~ v:merl' ~~~l Fold &,. n~rF ~n,Q tJ@ in'.a ~~I.I~M ~"'$~ ~or1i with a ~fll!ile' spi~~' yaf'tHdf ·~dd'~'.s~ ~ ,an.!1 tii'rl,

~t.@mJ.,J~iY)gd~ .. ,rrta~~ .~~~ ml;s&"'1iClJ. S~ in ~ 41ch.;!:llmn, 1<h. mi~~ tss, ="$ ,!til si~ ~Pand: b!"lZac'h .. ~~inlhg:S5. f,.m:et1 Q,[ .... Sew tQ'b~e J::ilfthfsiBl'e.



;;;o~nd MUsill8Al'l"IQike a slip ring (~@ ililge: 1B}.lch.

'l~ in,:r~ j:'l141[ .end to <lo~ ring, S$ t(l.·op dl of 2d1, 9 ~, ipd mLln"d~r~.,& irl I)~ o.f r~-:Sl. -ch, 2dc in each -O'f Il;~ 7 ,gs., ss tQ Jtdp. .c.t1' or2ch~ 16 sts,

Jna ~ufuf qch. r M~ 1 dc. 1 de in ne")(i, d:, 3J:h] 71im~s. $S to U.t;h\ 00f'4fW[,)kh Sf'..,

,'!d'l n;.Ylld [1ck.1Mr;1'tr,-·1h;~(.1'dcJ Ih e!1t:~ c:r.sp,S pe~s, F~$t:Bfl ~'If Nitti B. C~mtin!,J~ with B.

5. ro1l0)1) foJpjing'p.eta)/s, fpP.l'IJ.ardi aJ'ld W6'rklr;g rrrt9' -me bao'k' (If ~s. ~\rt1lhEr:~ straJl~.tha" form !he bare (}f = ,6fli'm 3 .s1:S' if! iii' R$JI. [300..1 de IrdJiIIge of tr 'dt <entre.. OTc next·:pf'ta~ 7>:tt~S"t l~. ~ lnJj"tI"~f 3:i1&;

6m round [1 at, 1 h teo 3tf; 4 hrti, 1 de] itt .e'a,,:h cl1.:§p. Fa~il·'O'lf with t. r;£ol<'i:bnue wi,tl;l C.

7th hlmn,d FokIi;1g, ~.a~ ft}fflard and worki~ hID 1h@ ~k <ilr iZlareJ"s .aT; ~f~ ss iM ilr<.Se'a.f ea~h 'Qf ~em:4 st£ [Sen, 1dt in ~~fi~;n·~."11'].7 tmes,.Scll, 55 in 4'~h gf 4~

S' tr>umli [1do. 1 h1lr.St.; 1ht~ 1d.e] in :;pat;hr.:h. sp. FaS't!?'1O'[

I R'iIS H Po:O S ':1:

dlfX~'1' ~;f j;!i1lill 1.]

~rp~ "I"P w,~ i ,~p RjitlktA-j,~I/J~plnk is,) artd~l~rpifl~~q



IR€)il6ED RQ,S:E AN,D IlOSEB'LJD5 ((~I 'O'i~v~.e~15


P~cc.t I'W'W USing iA,.rrerake .s(;hi.,rm_Is~ 4ch, '1rclc lh 'Mxt ~lJ. [8&.mi~ ,~ch. 1'ac in' n·¢1tt,~n] ,6, j]m,~ :t!u,r1'l;,] pt~,

hlt rtlw 0N~) 1~, rd~ ~tl ~rst li9~t ~.I~ ~ ~ atth. 7dc n n~ pitQ!] 6 tim~, F~ri .~, Do ('lQt ty rn, jOin e i!1flbt d1~

lind ~w 'lJh. [1dc in ,eooh'y.'tO:-, 2Mif' in eath df'~ 3de.ldc il'l eaCh e.,f ne.~ ~dCi S$.,~ 3o,", ~I':! ,p'r~], 5 tirn~~ ,~ off. Do r':!()l t.Jr-n, io~n tin ijam !:d:'j~

3;r-'d 'row i ch. tldc. in ~,a~ Of2Q;:! 1 hlJ" Ifi. nen htr. ftf" il'iH';)~Ci1l· 611' reJ<itll'hDl; ~ 11ir in ftelXI. Ii~ 1 t'lG i~ ~h ~1 next lac, S~())>ler 3tJh ret\ov.een pkotsl3- ti~'S, F_'il G1t

With ~ri'1liiJlle~ pe-,t;al$ itt ,eml~. roil ITn~ .siiIdl,

S1;@;m Leivi'ng.,an eRd~a~pj~iff.t1l!l~y't\::m (4inl !€)ngj~ri 0 moorsec\)if"O.&El. W€i;D.!i~ 'cenci ~O"oos b~ert ~"icWch" ,rT!~~' 11 chr Mfs~'1'i:h~, 1 de in, a'lliOh ,of

.. .

n~ 1,l:OCh Fil,~en ~ff.

S~p9<ls 'rv~a~ lS'~h. \M~~h am!.lf'ld s;refft1ood ss 11"1 firoSt c:h. 'bto'I((I~~d 1 oh,~~~ in' Sch SPt 2dn fi!'st·§:.Ic$' sts., 11!:u1rmilntt 1Ch.1%k in each ~,~,'iI1Mnt~c.:,

lrd i"o\Ii',iiillfl '1~ciI'l, [2cl'.e inifim.-:di!:. 'i.,* in ~h ~'n~ 2d~ ~·'I:;mes,·s;.: in ,~rst d~ 12>sts,.F~n off. k:w,if!@><ln ~~ te ~~n ~epais:t~> ~ 6f 1CDS'e. Il@s;e~l!'a: tn,. 3) Vsing>A_'~rkp'·~@t rov,;r~:s'f(lr rris€: W"il'tU 6 pt"c:ots have baen.lZ:dT1:1p!'.lm.Wf:lrii< 1'Stiuw; mpeaiog i~tuGtibnS in bn~K,ets 5. t[m~ Ffiist-elf \()'Il

tN01lir1g~1: ~I~ ~ ~RS. rOll :J)~d Sllltxm to fl;1rln r~~(h.

, S:t~nilAJ~f!i,g D;:m~ 'l2t1h::5;s Lr1 ~$«Qr'1l~ ~ebiict i~ am, '.~ iJ!r,~acliii" of 4~J mak!€'4,!Zt1,~' r,, ot:2rld·oo~@oo.t\!nn ?!Rd'Si~,irrmd1" Qf'"'1i;;h, ~ke' 4th. ss inc·.bl'l~ Of 3u~ '~ud" 'tiJm a;~p ss. ih~h of:4ch'~na lirst;gd1. Fasten 9fT:

S~p',<lJ!S ,H9fld~ ~~: in :1~~ harwl, wrOJP ~arn QI1Q~ .a('9~a TII'lgW pn:¢:l ~e Qf',~.~~~~ to':furm '~i]~g.

11.5:1:, WOIlll'lldf d~:6d~ i ill !'1!!g~PUJ.i' end' tq dO;j1e ring. ~ i~: ii:~L de.

2ndI'DII~J[r 1ch, 2j!f€:'in ceru:h Ji'C .. ss.~F!ijl11oc. f.''!Steo·om FiniSh·2nd ~jil'dl 3rd. ~YrJ~ iR ~ w~··S;l;ttfih'~I::@ls to ~e 'of'ro~ttl.!ds,

'\/iV,1 LD' ROS.E

diM([(){Il' ~' •. I>' ~ 14

Ge.Irl~,"e: Us~ng A rna ·e (I 5Jip. ring (see p<:l~ 18).

1~~ qrblilLodi {R.S) 2ch, 9dc if) nn~. pilll end to dose ring. U;ilng ,8-~. in'tcf>,ch 01 ~eh;~1G' :~'Cod1itif'U~ 'WlI"'th B.

'2nd uro lIu'Iod 1 th. [:2tIc in ne;¢ Ole. 1 dcrn o~xt .dc] 4 times. 2.d~ in ne:¢ d~. lJ3ng~ ss il"l1'di. 1.5 sts Fasten off. ContinueoV\lith·C.,

IiTrst pet)'tl

bt raw (~> 4!.,d'1,'1dl: irHtach: of tbe.;« 2dc. 3 sts, 1:nd ro,w d1, 11 d'c. in, n~ >I!Ic, 'I de[ 1rl ",cll,

3rdi"AW ~h. (1trtu; 1d~ iIil gc.l)ebW" Ur Il"I next4c:. Cldtr,1trtr;"1 dur) in

~. 7 sf.s:, F-artenolf rnvki~ (see p~ 19).

~,nd f;l,e~1 (R{» J6irvC in n~~dc mind roJ.rdard iben'\VOr!k,as first pe.tal. MM~·3,more.·~ta~$.ir1h€(2. d ~l

'$}tiIIle:rp C!;It ~ I~rlglhs (lfA.>~irll·app~~!y·l,2.(m{"IMtn) lo;ng; TI1~ _~t1@ Gn ~ Wool n~edle~ le~wing an ead lrin:g- (M,?{Jgh to mot, taJ<e {t,tJt::\:!Iugn ~ eG(~ of1he "(!Wf~ ri"r'I~rlmlflke. a, ~ltm oo'~e WS ·a.nd ~flg,Jt"tb !he fjpJrt ~ ·the· ~me vJ: rel'1'1ai)'IJir~g'~ -of A. .·t~e'I' ~ct tl'je.n -a ~hrirh th$"n'


ditEaOfy we,,;, ptJ~ Hi

Cl}iltr.,e; Usiog; A, ffielke a ~lip ting/(.s:e.e, 18) ..

1 lit: .1"0 Ill" di (PS} 3ch. 9tr in rin_g. pl.lll I@l'ld to dQSill' ring. \i:'A'th B' ss ih top ch of 3(1). to sts, -ccmtioue' ..... in B.

lQd' rn~RIlI !I,d\ ldc .in st; ~low, :291;: !n ~achrof n~~.9tr. wil1'",~.c S'S ,IIi'! tdi, 4:0 sts..Cmrti;):l:Ie. wrtth C.

FipS'[ p~taJ;11

hli:;,rew (RS) -4d-1.:2.dtl" in'e:a,en erFiOO 3dc,h.iTrII, 21l1d row 1Qb.1,dcin ern:h of ne.'ld5dtt.

3·m raw [4th, 55 illliext de] i t@es,'4tb~ s.s i'l1ch do no!: turn. "Iceh"Ss' . Off;;a: dcti 2nd round. W1tnout fastentng.oft work4. more parus in fiis 'Nay. ending ss'in first chofl1rst petal. F.~n· oll'invisibfy (see pa~e 19)'.

.. Q~~~~l7.q .l~~.b o~.o ... o.-.:,i\.""~'.'.' ·~._l.·~ .. T.' .. ~. (),(j~'(4.' .• ~'~.f.' .. xl .• · ... l .. '.~ ..... ;._.

~~: ... Oi·~··.',x'·J'.

~ .. '... .../J '., .... · .. · ..• 0

~ -. 'V..' . " <.)( _ %

r..:::;. .• ~ .. tS:- ~ .. ~ .. ~· ~.·.·-~.O·.:...L . .I";.v "_'" :.~ 0.- ~ !rd

~ _ '_ Q4( j ,:\0' V"l! ~

0;;;:,; .. ' .'. ~l'" 0

?,o.+ _ '. D~,:., '.0. Z.·~ .,X ~t9_

~. : '"l ''"''-d~ ·"-t-.-PQ>d;.

<:2._+H~. . ~ ........... ~.!_ \""-o,;L'Q ~~" _

(/::: .. r ..' '.' .' . .' r.' .. j.; .... " =r .. "., . '_'-.' c:o".' . .,...,. ~

~7"'" A-~. ".:'.' r :" .. -. '.' ._J_~.'

,. -,.':''', _ ' .. ""_'" T~=

.: -'., '.~' .. ( , .' " ,

''''''' : .. )i{.~. "".rP·:.: ~" L _.A ~.- .. ~'-.' .. ~ .. ' ';''''~' ...• ' -I..' .. '~'-~

. ...., ··u a· ., r..~' '. < '. ",. I .... ~.-

'.' t!2' ~ ~. ':.. r . . ' - ,

[ '~' 5:!r."'"'· . , :', -'.'" ',.' •

~~o ! .. ' .~' .. ~ .. ' ·L.N' .. ~."~.,.".X'~.~ .. ' D,

. ' .,' il'I. ~y'~ iO

',' . 'Iil "''> ~Yo:

oPl'1- + -+ '~b ~&

~,.jO.' ...... ". ,......, ..

- ~ _OO· . ~ ~

·0 ~i;?~i~'P

l~t~EH; 5~Hi E S direc~(lftJ4El'r1/'. ~ 4.5

Ri:±!di sh !lJsil'lg A,aM I~n~.-al'l €f'ld of appr:tOXii¥t3tety Scm (21'n).rn:.ake tkh.,ml~S 3th, Sc~ rn 'r'I~ d·t

11:51:" i:'O~~d11 (RSJ1Ii:h. 51j1::; irif ring) ss i~'ltJp d"J ofld'f.,& s~

lliliL'll t'4i u;pd Uit;1;:€1',f. In st ijl§:!oil,<:;!dt irl":€M(lh:!JC, wtth S" Sf~n foP ·GJi,o_f 2th. l2 !S'l_s/>eoi'lt1r'1t.~ wil;h ,~

3iffl rn.u~ 1~c in each ~t

~,~hl ",,~~ndl tide i..'i hW¢ 'd% 1!!1~ IrJ 1i1~l:$k'l6Jl5m@{ 1 a:-st&. G~~ ~ .c~ :S!;h-£l~h rO'I,i!~I!i~ 1 ~-io ~h ~.

9th rOl:l!ll1di [1i dec in r'l2$d:_ 26q "1!~ '9 -~ H!C1Q~ ikst enri.t-e -Ffs.lh!:'!fj rOS~"tN'1~Gjng 1110, c~

10thmUifid 1 ~dtil nel«st [~ (j~dn- n~~ 2 §l$] ·ni,~es"5 ,sIi_s, F~st.ei"l 91t Lea:f {m~-:~ r8t e;~rr'f.a-d~§ti}Ustng '0; m-a~ ~d1, mls,s 1cl1, ,tac- ~n, ~ch of ne~ &b. 11 d).wo,t.i~ In ~mntn~:';tM:n{ij' bf !Chi 1 de iff ~·..sf r~ ,6;:h, turl'l. ~I ch. 1:~c.. In eam"GK Ili!'xt ildC:,.3dC In 1:cil 'sp, ldt;: in each pf ~(. F~"Off: At·tac~ II~df te-- ~d:ISf'r,



++ot+ ++0++ ++,O++++0.++ ++0++ P+O++

.0+ .0'+


~rpLE. IUJOI.$SOMI ~~,. \!Iirm" ~.13

¥ar.n: 1D'K~Ql 1n IlfIl~ {A' ';:lif1~l i'f1k ~~

_,f;lrMr.e· U1ng A mak~'iI. snp· riMe (see :~f lS~,

hp'OU I'i.d (~) :rr:d1, 9d", in ring. p!i:111 &!H~m Cb.51,;! !-f~ U:>~ B,s"fl ~n top ~n sf~ i~¥w.~~r'ltfr.i~'Vi4"Jy 8).;.


1l1ld rAwii'lill1dt~(11~1trtr.·4.dtt) iitn~Ud~ ss'in r!l€'xt~d.(:',ropeptr!'8m ~ ~ 'I!~~es mCf'&,.,\1ii]tr.':1uMI; '1tH:r) io A€:~~~tdc,.$ iA 1!i!ih. 5~alS'.

~ef'i .. &IfIFJ,voi$iWy COO¢. p~,e1~9~ .


(\-1i:., .'

'V , .


• ~ ~ I

~~' , ,

1:t ~.

'. ..~ 'O·i'·~" ·tA

. "<i/' ....... ' ,

C'-II;~. ' ,

,II T. ' .

. . .

. -,

. ' .



P·ELA~B;GON:ruH 6i~i"f L;~t ptJ~ 23

Fifi)Wl~'r; (fr~ 5)

P-e::t;als~ U.siI1~A [ocn. n'lis5.5m,1tclr 1r'!'I'1~ m.5c~. 'ss: iff fiftj_'4:;Jf 6ili] 5 tlrne~. j[o~n irrtP,a mg. ~ ss i~ fi~ .. dl" F~Fi 4'ff ~invi5i9~ (~4 pog~' 19J ~~!nt~ rns: fadng,~~d' hol_9ing. y~rn uuV~f.f1~atbt, j9ir:! pvHIf\@? a Joap lnTr'QUr&h the ~ '01<one'p~ta~~s-Jn the base Qre~oh'Q'f next 4· ~~taI$,

S'S in jck~. l;eav:rrl.g)l.··bng eJ'ld,of·aJ)\Pro:~·maJt~o/. ... ~6cm (mr:t1·fa:.;1~ off iU:lVoi~1y. Thread thfl$ won to a ~~I rleoo~ .arm t<Jke-ttmu~'tbte ~@ntl'€: 1.Q the \IllS. !=~~tl"Off iill cnr$,e'-"<C:cpt ,this :pn~.

-St"~m l;nm "the.5 lo:ng lendS' clooe to. the: fbw'frs:/S.~r.tilf'Dg at ~ knol, ~se d'iifH::OO tOI ilVct~.1fk!.t: tMeJ'llh~ other tl·~. F'~n Gf{ frrvislb\:l. Or~ ~t a 'time, ffi~ocl'.ari entl on IDa ntle. wGoFnee(Jre, take it Oi\IIer a 9:~d iiKeh, :f:rrrnuSIf~e.rtI@ml·~Thefl~r.~r~ 1·6r "3qr ~~t~ krt.6trC! ~Cll~ 'th~~0~'~ :~ll q[,

C8:.0CHE-T ff",lSTRU"Cr,I{)NS


ooc(Ory ~1'eW QoJ!e 32. jtj!.


Fir'StC ~pair of wing;s. UsfilgA make 5ch.jain with $5 into !lI1]l~ .. i~ I!"OW' (YVS}3ah. 41:r in rin& 5 5"'1.5.

2nd row ldI. '211' 'n ~a<h' of ~~ 3tr, \lv.oFl<iJng last 'N'Jra~ with B 'ltr in t<;~p q:h or :SOh. a SiS, ComlntJe \Mth B.

l'rd ,row lch,. 1frt.r inn~'1rr;0tr in; 1 btr in eadi .~f next2tr:3tr in i:1exttr. 1 htlfl i1€!X,t 'It WQr~irl2: ~ wrap .with C 1ld('tn .~op ch ·ofkh. 1'1 S".s.C~ltin~~ v~,~,

4th row 1c:h,'1 dt in htr, Zd,c in ead'r of next 2tr;"I4: in next tr; S:!. ut:l~r

:3 'Sl'mOOS ofn~t i'rtr; 'Me in neXt htr~ 2& in 'next trt(ltr; 1dtr,: ltr) iF! oexr: 1Jr; itr in next b:1dc in htl:;ssin 1<11. f~en e:ifillvisl~ (~page 19):

21ild' palr Qf,wings \'IllID 'W'5 faciilg .. loin A in 5c.'i, ring IDa: ~rk'1st 0300 '~ ~firs:l: pail; of wihrgs,

'4,tlh "'ow 1ch,. 1<k. i.fI ntlj"1;t)"" ilill ,mxt tr..(1'lr;'Mb'; 1:ttj ,n nexftr,20c,·in !lei{ 1tI; lode fI1 ~ h1r. ss; under ,3 st)''a!l1ds:01f,(ii1W htr.1d~ in ne>1 tr; Ide ill each of rUM 2;tr., .1d~ lrr ho;~'lfH:h, Fasten O'f iooS'bt);

Body,usif\g A-make tOch. 1r:riS$.2d'l. ldc in next di,' 1th, ss in ¢ach 0f ~iniKg 7_ch, Fa~&'"dff. .

Maikil':l(g up ~oif.lwlngs. rn·.~el"!tre,O).:riJd ~h bod~l. qyer jQJ:n.

BUJ1.B.LE,iBi'E; E~ ~t.(lq 'l;\w,oq~ jol.

g'Ddy, W~li?l, 'ma"re 1l ~n~· ling ~'.f'll:'~fi€J~,

~ ~timun~ l~) Jim. 7tr in ritlg; 'p~I~1 errl'.ll·to d(j~ ioffllg;.with 13:"~ m lop ~tl~r ltnJ~ sil. Gonll'htte ~ 8.

ll)d !"bill,n ~I :2¢M.I1J;tc: III o:~t tr:; 1 c:k ul'l rl~X:~ 11r] .3 tiEl;!~, ]de iiA n~L tr, ~. ~.s~ to !9P' en ·or 2~h. 1.1 ;S1'§,~oom\le ,vJitrr~,

30tld foOlI,I'U:l ~cl1. 14c tf1. leaG) :Of [text 1'1 de. ... "iiith B: ~ ;kl topr(~ .of2(il<. 0t1'1i~i1~ wMh B:.

4~ ~;!!lWlcl lA'S, l~ rtoi.lndt ~ng~$$;.wi"J'I A ,~f1IlJje 'with A

Sil'ii ~rii!d 1 d1!, ,[ij!r 4~jn .1'i~Xt :ad!:, 'I d;;; if! ne:>::t }Jc:] 3'~t'mei, -cltJr~dec ·u ,;go," ""&,;. . *'" 1JlioibS ""p c..·~i_ ,- f:f ""'_'': "J;.;~ r'~' - - E§. T~}

Iu 8i~n::~.-SS """,' I~L. 3",JQ,nl~""",dJ': I~'~I!S"',Y \seJ .. ~g_ .•.

M(t;n!2~' LJ§j~ ·C. [mal!§ :em, miss: 8th, 2~ tf1rd!Siter if\1 r1~l eh. ~&\, ~ii'f~~~~b~ dU~.fJ ~v,ilte. F~~fi'©lrim,;i:ilb1)f..

~Ja.,l?Jm~ ~pJ.,.!~e,xa;r'n.i_<l~~1 'b,~'Witf-l:~pl~~r'j~5 ~~@T~~~, ~~n

~k1~' Mli1e;,a!\d wtdlA ;jqlJ1lu*'~ _~ qftIJe- op,e"lf!g tGW [he h~ld-,

t&1taJ W,i~ WIt. A. . .


dil~C[.QP1 "'1;"3 ~ Jt'l


C.enli:I'eJJ5ilig~A 'm\llS!;e'4'i!}~;JdFrr With !IS; i~,.a rjr)g,

1,!lt t"Otlnd 1(RS.Y1 eM. Side in I~~illrr.g~ sS'~1'ck gSls."Coot.iJ'Ill'e ~ JB" 2nd t'Oillllnd Jth~ng.Jn 'the:, fI'brn; mnd pf ~il.ekm..:,iltr rr~'~ OO!b"N. ~tt iM e$:ch 4E}.m:5d~,:~]n 3WJ~r:_kh",;]:r~"T~1~['l'qirirWiS;~y {Sl;~'~~ 1~.

P~1iiaILs:. Leftthl.lJiillo il"lside thf!HeI"tU€;snd 'P.5di~i~ilJlg; wrark·,jr:rth~.back stml1"d of€~llst 6f the fli't't rGond: ja-ill 'Cin ,a-de·of ih~ IUllnd.[6ch. rri~~ ~ d1. 1dc in ne:<t ch 1 ~f ii'i ne'~ d'i,4tr'ir; neM'cl\ 1:dlT in'next d'l/1b11" in n~::\ct'd1, ~Jin n~, $t ~":nt''St i'b.kJfI¢.l] 6 Limte''il; ending ~ in ·~ame: st.a~ 4QJn: ,rfa~el'l ~

\' O·

'~""" 0." .... P-

" 10

,,', ,~ ."

~"".!).? _,._

""~A"I'\ k· ~'XJ

'7- .-.. . i'}'1''''' .. + ....•• ~ .•. ;)j;;€~... .

:., l\.~ .. ',,'

, .

- , . .

f' ,

'. ~

SA,NTQ IL IN A ~ 'I'kw p~g:e s~

F~.~,er' Us.ri1~ A makt,d slip, ri~, (~~'pa# 1 Sj,

W.QI'~i"lg· in a' l'OO~ w,rtl1 AS, i~tin~. m~ S.c~, it:'ltO rir'igwtr~ 2,,~trtr

..djEt-er 7 'tiri1;@,pull (210tR W~dM.e: ri i'l@. ~:.3eh @Jl;d~ iri '~p; 9lf ~,ttUi~l~

F~n, ofF ~aYlil~ ~d' Ig(lg,~flp~ fQ.~thw·!op 'Ohtl,J~I~, '

"S:t~em Usllflg'~, t:td'!, '1l1~ :k~h~ SS'"'lmr , tlf !l~" ;th, lQlih m~s 1 ¢;h, ss ~ €-unef Ae'~ "1dl:8cIrl!m~s: 1~h,;s;; ill each·ef 1I®4; i~F1, '1dt ss !~H~ach 6f ~Ml:,5~h, '~~h 1\$ i!"l egch '~h,

Fas(~fi: 6Ii jrWijil;:jy {lae pagt 1~~"

MI~JIk~ lIi,Ip 1ih-g io..~·dil;il~e'l"s::"Mill hlive-~~·r.Ieili to n,.ba~R I'fttjrol~,'5aJ.Lls.e ·tMe' yarrfWfd .tb~]h~r 'f;(eM'it 11itt:ie .rr(Oi'@t'ar.d se(J..!:-e them .. Atl:at1:! ~m.,

Hjt.LEr~uuM ~if \4Il)t;~ JXIi~.le

Centre 'lA1ngA, trH~Ite·a·~iprli\g .(see ~ag-e lB..j,

lIst 1B!1I~liIIdi (~) ~h. 7&.in ~,p'ulilendro moo6! ring,'S£: 1l'l:top~rhaf2_rn. B::sts,

lnd rn~nd 1fl;h.2d'~ If) ~,d!:~[1'~~ in n~>tt d'Gc.~~ p,., n~'d(] 3 'Jlfr,et w~h'" ~ ss .. in. 1:th 1 ~ 5"tiS. Co~rrue",WI)h S.

lrd r(!~Wld t"k~'Si~in f~niliS1r'<1nd,rn.fl'e..;'<t de] 12 hes.enming S$ ij~,:S5: of tP~lW!; r-e.\Hld, f1: II~rw, ,Fi';:st~n, orr TMli~ib~ (,see .~~ 19)..

41!;b round J~tn. tin itfe bi!J.~mflGl o(rirse 9~ im 2ri9 riOuncll

1[10th. 1dc.i r'l back'S;'I]':a.nrl of 11 e-t<t. ,~J 'l1 L 'ir:im@s, Mding'M un f~m dh, 12 ~OO,PS' IFib1;M; off il1\jisj~

,6; S:p,.e.c'ific~s'.l"mbQiI 'if de 'in ~a'dqt~QP O"f:d~ tJf iPd ~~If1d.

CA'MG)MILE d1~iOO' ~ r)::Jl~ ·m



€Zl'=nl:!f'e Usi:ngA.l'l'ln~'a sliJli ring (~ pa!::l'18).

1 rotiJl,ld ~PS) 2cl-rt.5at in ring pull end to dose rrn,g;. S$ in top chi ~f 2m.


'1rrdi .-mJllllld 1ch, "kit In, S[ I;le~ow. 2.dt in each Of next .;dc. SSiJ'l 'h::h. 12 sts, lrd r,ofl!lfHlIl tch, [Uk: in !I"Ie4 dc, 1 de ~n ne,xt oc} 5tirfl~, 2ck'trJ rte;;;t dc), 5ljPl 'ijh','1'$ S'<f:s.

'dIth m~ nd 1 m" [2dc'ln nIDct dt.; " Pc h each 'efr,~ ~c:J 5 'tini~ l(ljc: tn li~ §h:; 1 rk in f!,e{{t.J;:!c,,"t~ith 13 ~~ in 1ch 2.4 ~ CXi'l\Iti.~-e ~""'Lh B.

5th fO!nJnd 1m,. [2Qc In n~.(:h!.1 de. n each 0fllextJdc] 5 times.lck in fI,~ de, 1 de: in e.adyofn~ 2ac, wiitr C'ss in 1d1. Do rot bld yam 13. ap,-$fS·

6~'h Irglillilld Using c.!,~Chf [1tr-ineatlh of next 2<:k.1c'h, misS 1 fk:] 91 Limes, £If 1n' eadl or ~ '2dc, 3~h" ss in kst -tIM Itt{ 3th rFastm of[

~tth. ooJUl[nd ,Using B, iF1~~~OO~ ln S!:'~OW1Q~1'I ;tI1G m~~' de OlI"errns, ~f (ddmg ?etali fOl'Nard.ll'lS:erthQBl<im en'l~'Oc; cf ~Ita·ous r;ou:r~d, pJll ~ iffifd~h'1tt.ler.1ita"ke"hoolk dver7d1 1'$ mike ~ ~~ eMlospr'lg rcl"iJ 9. times. 3d.JJ ~$Ji'11 '~ra1 de. F~d'~o:fi'''

+ S1P'€lcific symbol,

,t d"c Worked '~r,ch and irto j dL"<':.r pre'fious·round.


ilirot@V i..ti!'.~ ~'ilf! 21 3'6,,·n


MiI~ 12(;11:

1~ tQw', ~~Miss kh, 1dr::: in clfTf@xMOch. 5:di: iw ('le>rt r;:h, witl1otm: '~urnk1~ ~~. 'fLh[!J workil~g tn 'tl1_ei~~FiiiF\t ,~I~M·(ijf ~:e Ch;1~t it'j le'aitl1 ~f rt~~ 1"1kh~ 3(~. ,Wo'~ uf).~ L--oth stran&~~OreQ<;ll g: '1~ in ~~ of next ~¢.twtt

l:!'Id IIPw' 1'cn ,~I"'king.,iri bad ~trnfld only; 1~ in ~ch drre¥t0.8tk. [1 dci~ hack~Me·of 1'le.:4' M'; 1'dh] ·to.M~.loc in ~eh. 1tlc. in ~ -0,1 F1e'~ ~d"" rum,

3rt! .miYJl' ~kh rMS It'Xt ~ng tJ(der oo1th"S"~:afl,d!}:. l\j~ 'In\eQch of I'let<t 9¢.ltm, 1 aG',in IMJ>:d>stl '4 irr eacFi.@'fr:rd~! tum.

4dll to0'W 4th, r1Iiss' ldt ~'fI;i]Ag~n bad<5ttar!:tI>oti!y-; 1u,c illi"'ea,'th o,fr1le~ 2O:~i·:!i.lm;

S~ retW 1d1;'~~ 1~ wwklngoin bdtl"i'$'b1Inds, 111111::.1" ~iD 1r1hi~:'5i\it!iJ .!>!~m\ '1~h!~ lcl\ ss,in eiiG1h.,Qfreu 6t;h,.s~ in IIMt'dtlo(,]rih'(Cli'N.

Fil,"~ ~ff irM5jb.lY. ~~ee 'p~~ ,q 91"


~f(itil' VIe .... ~ ~7

'P,et~J::s (P-s), Us1!'1,gA, [m-ak-:e, 7a\ffl~ Jat, 5tr in ~.c". OllSS 2dl. ss in n~t ,~h] 9 iil1MiS. 9' petals;, Fast@1'! ~[.

Jail:lIiFl[gJI"OW RS:®:ih~ pla«: eet(llkdfut,."'S'I.hllgilt~~ upp€:f~~artcll joJo A w~ 'tl. ~ rl~th l:ih,cl1rlStp~tal,w~rkj~ ~h.rld·p~t-at, fl,th/1j:k in 11Q'I ~h ,61 flM ~ 8 times, 1 m, $S 'JIil'flifsi {ic,Fasta) djf.,

.c~Jl1(re; Usirlg'B. ~ ?(';~ jmh'·~h ss In:t~ linj Work:lir.g::.O)l),el! yam 61tfb' <rdd~~j ~~itli 'I elM; 51dr: in, riillg,,~i;J tml <!h. F.1st¢n ~Ffirrvli~i~y' t~ee: 'MSe

~ 'tJ, ~f1'g' an :ehd tO~ s~ ViJifrii.

Ma~l~~ up' D<I'111~'~n ~~l'1a~ ~f ~e~l$ TUl'l'lr ('¢0~ t(yW~§> afi(iI,JlSlI)g-bac:ImI'tth1 ~r·'~~ 'clh,;ill'),s;I~:to ~en~~;ornl;1\N~~


'M ETr IlliF!Q O·


is!! l'(!w(RS) 'Using A. mii!~ 1&h, m~s 101"1, ss in ~3(~ of next 9cb; 7th miss Sch, 1tr in,eadi ~/ FI~ 2:ch.1ec in '~e:d1 ('if oe;:.g: 1&1: 9ch.m1ss 3ch, 1tr n epch of next L'9h, 1* in next ~h; ~kh. miss 1!cthi. 1t(' ·in n.m ·chl 1 d: ifi M'Xil dh~ 6th. miss Jd1. 11r'in next ch; 1 de in eao:::h ot next: 2dh: 5th. mjss ~,'1tr in next. Ch, 10(.',ln irre~ eh; 1d'cinem::h ,brad! .st@m; tim, mi~ 112'h, 111J1i; ~fl¢f rte.* 20:1'1. 1& in' ne# .ch 1: de in e~k:h! 6f loli ~@m: 7t:h. rtIi~

diiE.h" 1 tr in ea,~ho:f ~ :leh, 1 r.k WI each .ofne*l 4ch. ~.~ l!l~' ~h 9r stem F.a~0ff.

2D1d row' CR'S) Working in single re;"'nijjni':lg strand! at ell a base of sts frorn If'iQ'W 0": join B in iirst en of first 7~h. tcn.1dc in eadh of Mld -9 !it$; worl<ing jrirta 2: s:lt!(')d$ or 3 fi-ee chal1d 1O~ of-m (rom now 'Oil: lck; ill H~t ~h. 2.d1r In 2nd.en, tee in 3rd ch,1dC'h '001_:h' of next J sts; 1(!;( un 'centre ch 'Of stem 1dc irl eadh -dfnext 3"sts:, (tdlt, ide, 1 ck) 1n 3ch.1dc.·jn each.of next 3 $., hie rh oon'tlrie m of !>terti, ],eIE lio :each 'Dr rJeIJ(t 2: 'g,,tt,. (1 die, 2d~.1 at)

jn 3~h, ·1.\d'~ in n~.m; mlSl!ol 'l;n. '9f skrn, l' 9C in ,~a<Ch ,?f nw 0 dltt. :2dc, 1 de} in ]~J-d C;fc hU::ii~b L':Jf rm;;¢ 5 m. (kk. 2d~ 1 da) in 3~h, 1 d~ in ~ea~h of 1he. next 1, sts. miss 1ck, 1 de. in next de, miss next: de, ldc i.n-·~ath or next

3 sts. (lac, 2-dc, 'Ide) In 3th: "1~c in ~ch of [.lex! 3 m. mtss 1d'c..1OC in ,n@;Xl ~k, roiS'Il n 6;..1 dc;1 dCln each of ne'xt ., sb; (1 dc. 2<1c, 1 de) in 3ch, 1 dIt in each of ne>:Ct :3 &!;..-$S- in next; st ~n '!Jffilwisibly {s~ pag~ 19},

tirnINILG,G)' LEAf dr"{~.:t(J7 ~ oof!! .:1



t:.t !"Ow CR$) Miis~olch.1 d,c fti ea",h'Qf i"IeXt .~.:h, 1 lib' ,in MxI: ct"!;1tr. it!'! et'!ch 6f ri'~ 5C'h. 11 .~, frolJl o::W{·bi'I. 'Ic~ff!t in lhe bl(Il:·~rarrd rjjf ,e:ac!1 ·st

2i~d row let, 11.- rn e1J~h~bf ,ne>;t~ 1: h1r tn1 ~ 1 de 'I.rreadl of ["ifM 4dot, '1 ~ in '1 tlt

3,m row 1t:Rir 1;00 In e<!,ch' of n'e:xl·,dc, 1: h,v- lin ~ Jil'lr,-l'ibriri eaq;h'qf 1II'ex~ 4~ '1:tr 111 toP.' CIT or ~ch\

Ath row ;As-2nd row,

,5,th :fO,W +ch, 1d( ineaQh.(lfn~'4~; 1htr~Ul1hftt, 11t·in~<of ne:rl.3tr; WFfi

,"~ r,I;lW A~~. m~ ]~, 'tv in it~.d'l11'v in, ea~h !O(neXii, ],tr'(1htr in 'llltl: 1fGJ~ IQ 1eilthof I~ 4:dct.1« rn1ch

7fihtllJW .f\s, ,Joo raw!"

~ !rQW As ]fttj ~h,<ir.

'9~ ~w M 3r.d'~< ~~ :QfftMVisibty (~ 'pa~ 1 ~

B'?!sie 'thrt)~tQ~ R.S.·W9~m;S ~.oo~2 ~fid~ p'n )tam {ri,"1'tiI1,~. ~li'!nfhg;~ffJlC& t'd!W,,~th.~{~~.dustel' in 1!cl)·Of:3i;d 5th. 7111 ,ani .9:tM ~ 00 oo~Jast.erJ 0JI.

.:OOm·'~lli!~lQ{lh" ~~s 'lc:h:, 1dc ri .. ,~~h tlfn~ ?!<!fi faS!l~riR'C5!f"

dO"':::;> 0 ~~,~ .


.a ~ ..... F t: ,~~ .. 0 ... ,·".~._'.".""" '~.~. '.~:::."'.'."~'&;.!~."_' cP'0'~~'X' Y'~.)--4 \< '~C<' $$'" ~

. .......:~.. ; "- _ «'> :: c r : ' ....• ','.' "::-" '~

" e .. ~)1 ~ -~

....... l' ..:.·· · .. 7'.·. ,~ .. ". / '._~ ' ~ .. ~.' )+ ...•• ,.H. , Jt.. ~ :.':,~ ~ '\._ '\ '.; ......•......... ' ..•....•.....

'!/)Y), c.' ~)+ift & ~,~~ ..

. ·~~Z!.i .. '·,.·,~.·.·.·~.~'\ .. ;.iJ ~.' ......•.•. ~?+~ .... r% ~-&.<~.,;;.).,., ~,,~ .• 0:'. ~.,.

~,~ ~~ ""~J'yr '! -.. ~.'~"". *--J;~''Y \.

~ s. ¥- #:,~ ~. . .' .

"'~~ 1:;;;. >:./ : '.


-, 0+

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AI u+

0+ 'Q+ 0+

O· .,




I'VY LE.A.!fr ~~~~43

PE'RN L,EAF d:l'I13f[f)[rrie.or.~1i1 22. 33;43:


~~ll"l bkirJ,g'A. mak!:: Heh. miss .2dh. 11dc in ne;;.ct {h. 55, in ear:;h (jflllext 9ch. DQ jfJ~t fasten off.


1st ~w l~ ~0h, ffif'Slf:'1Ci1"l.'I,(jc in fleX(: <:11] 3 1im~s,. ss rn remajl1111g ~ eIi~'Gr~emi,turn..3 ch !Mps~

2nd ftIW tri' frit IbO,~: ttl:b:;,.1,cl),;;, 2dc)Hrll::nG ~Qlx,Otjc.l1r. ~1"d1. [11~J[~ 1~] 'tW'~e,'h!,1~);ir1 .ltd k~op: (f:d.r;, 1t~ .. !"1"'~, 1 di:. 2~~, UIi"n: Fa!l't!en 0ff ..

ltd "UW Jdin S '!n '~st;l;k tpf 2ncj ~ Iibs:t.10~ed ch, lac. if! 1"1le.':>itt e$j:" 1d:c, jrll ~~1ii.1tAj 1~ in ·tt71clvlt,j( :in 1dh;2d:: 1ft r]~ ,tic::; RS.rt rt~ d~:.2'trd l~tDenfdc ~~t, Hir in fn1;Qh, f(~, {~tr.1(h,1:brtr) ih-drr. rn~s: 1d\ rn ~4tzy 'It!' ~t) "kh. (1'1:f;. 1"dq In. t\~ 'h~~in 1 ~:(:' 3td l~b~ 1JJt n d~, lic: if! ni);')J4s" 'ide 11"1 1 di,'1ih, 'iv in h;"1(;h. 2&j~ 1d1, 2d~ in, ~, 1 ~ 1n ~kt de, ~]eD (;i,JW ii'NcibI1{~~ ~·1, 2).


MAIR.IGDLD drrocroryvlew pafY 3;


Using. A. m1!k~ a slip lio.g· (~ pa_ge 1'8).

1st r;"'ull'Ild (RS) l~h. ~~c in r'in~ P-YI1, ~nd to dose ring. .:s~ to rop d'r 0.1 2.I~h. 1 (l se

2nd mUllld [Sch, mis.s"'·im~ ef r..exr 4<::n, ~. in front SftrMd ooly 6i n'eli{t:~st] TO times;

10 petllls.

lr.:ll t'9 ... hd ~~(lfihg;p~~~'od in orxfcrto· .Vi'Cfr~ l[1Ito th~ rc:WI~.1fIil1g,;~tr;and or each firm: l'o1;lrld, s-s. in "lit:st g;, 2m 1 de fl1 each G)f n~t 9. Sj:S. S, III top m of 2011. lG sts.

4th round [$'011" il"l"tSS 1 dl. SS 1n ,~¢l of n"Iext tkih, ss i front ilrand Qnly cifs!: ~elaw,.5d:'r. mss lith, .~ ifl-eac.M of next 2Jch. ss in frefl,l.stmnd of '1:l1e' ,~st] -10 tmes, 10: pt!taJ~

UOJj~ c_ro~h.e] T ~1ft&!JJe; '~i!~m

Nf~~~o~ C~L1~~t .Mge~. 1 B--~"~

1 U-~P1.a G'(D.€ ( t r Dgyb!~~~~ 'fi ;~f1)!JlIet

.sil:!hround 8$nding petalS' faNIW in order to YlOrk il"lt:o the l'ernilning sb7iii'id of ead'r S! of

311::1 roLfrid. -S-S infln.[ 51., ~FllNDrk.. ~ .o:1th round, ending ss in firs:!:Ss .. lO.petals;Filsten\d1f~ Ste,mlaJli1"d' !lep3ib Using. B. cnake '11'00, miss. 1; cit :ss ~n ~,dh -of r'I~~(l10iCtI. :r~h ~ in t'e~1 fling ~~r~ ch titst.~\.:ss·iFl i~'th~f 3~h.t!;.Jm jl1qwort~ilirQI..Jnd ihsirje or q..lp; [2ch, rn~·1: Qh. ss in ~ d'l.S5 in next st] S times.. Fa.q-en eli irlVlslbly '~E;!~ p~# 19).

IMa.king. .ulp·Wth.A.l~l!ke)r small ~~. grid :rtring ItwithrJB. Thread B 'Qf'! to a wed needle;·taikc· lit ,I::h~ the·ij~l!tre Q:ftl'!€ ~~rand'<use j1: 10 5eru~ theo-sepalls and !i:erf'tTritn 'ta$el.


'G66RB,ERA. di'fgtIDr:Y \o:iew ~ge 36

1:Jl:iill,i\e lJ~n,g A. make aJ slip ,ling (ses page 18) ..

1~£ i"Ql;!llnd{RS')"1 ch, f2d>i: in'mg. ranove ir10bt insertii"Ol1'1 bBitk·.in fI~ dc. :@t¢1 loop gn~: puIl1:htO~, pull end 10 do~ tjn~

1041 round 101, 1: ~~ amu'Acl the stem oieam 4~. {'e~ h';i9k, iI~ert fp:)fll back in ~I:st· dc. catd1 IO¢f;l"drldp:_lll·thPOugh.

Fa~~if irwd~ib¥ (see ~e; 191.

r-idt' I'IQU nd of' p~EaI's. JOlrl, B. in a de df2nd rO.lJi'ld of CE!i'TtiFe.

''I:: ••

1!i1t ptlb.d Milke .Sen loo~~, 'V!Iorl;.ing in10 the back loo-? O>'1f of each (h

ea~ liroe"f:f)ISS 1 dT, S5 If.) next ch. 1'Ck: 1n .eech otnexl:.'ldl; 1hlli" jn ~ch of

e;ib4Gh" offlIT'I0Ve· hook, insert from ba~k in SMle dt of In(h-aund. o';itdh ~'$ItI pun through

lfld-t2:t; pai~~ RelllQ\re h!OQ~ in~i ifc:mJn5nt in Mld: dt of 2nd I'oul\d. rtaililti1Qbj;i ilnd pul,l through, :then wo~k~ ·1st petti!,

Sp,ec,liit; ~SYlil1lb'011

t qI~ ~rewn'Q the stern {(ttm"

, f;;i ba~lof'the. stikh indr~~,

lfi!l~ rQ.l,lr:Jid ·af petals

tlh~)!t ,roUiDd. Wtrking befJ lAd fiicst roull;C! of petd~, I~ hook insert from (ro.nt i?I !l:tr"lll1'd at base of 1st peul" (dt~h loop pull through. 1ch. 1 de in sp:me sttaJi!l\ [~ eh, '1 de; in strantfbel~1 neXl: 2. petals] 111 ti~, r:en'iQV·e hoOIi<.. insert in Ijffim..:Oi" fij's:l; de Ci;;!ien IMp and pUll tJ1ltl!.Jl&h.

'Petab· 'W'dk; ,o~ p.ete)] L"I~"adn dC"of preyki\Js roooo. ~s :p.etat~.Of ·lrstrGUln<l:, So1;,em Jon" C in !iI mod De~® petals of 2lrrd round.

1. !!;!>'t,Qu.IH! WOI"kin;g-bel'iind ~tali, 1 ~h. 1 d.r: In ~me·I1'a.e,e as join. [1 de In 2. $1J;an~ b~'1~tl'rrr~t '2 ·~s 1'1 ~ ti~, ·$5,. in tnt de, 112 st$,

2nd rQ und 'lch, 1 de in .each dc, 55 in f stpc,

Jrn:j !"ill Ulnd 1,d'1, [1..;dec ill ~t 2d:. 1 de in·l1Iext d;t:] 4· times, 6'5. iQfir:;i 5t: B .5iI.:S:. 4th l~lIll!J1lld 1,e· . (1 dec in rI'E!><! 2··stsJ 4 t1~s. 4 'sis;

Worn 5- :!1Our.'Ids- de, f~.en off.

DAFFODIIL di'-rea.Wlo" ~ poge 18



'I $t' Ifjng (RS) 1'-1ake j 2~h, f6in with ss into a ring_.Sell. 2-rt . -wOe<: in ooJoct: 2t;;n of ring: .. len, rni5S. '!>chi ss in h~ .eh,' Seh ss in !"!~ ch .¢ tlA,g,. [$,}.rirli reXt th. xh, 20St 1Nr d!!_C. In hext 2ch, lch, n]s,<;;'1 dl ss in iI~X11 eh, S(Zh, ss i n,e"xt Gn] :t\Nk,e_ F~sten off ~I)v'~~ tS~ i~ge 1 ~) e ,

J petaJ$"

lnd 'FilnK As first ring.

T'rrympet Jo11'I rings: RS YpPerniQs:~,pIa(;.e'ori_ r-in.gof!pi';:tal~,'oh "[;op,oftne other: ~Ile top petals. lY,irrg :at- an e:ngle: to th'ooe te:10W'; HbfdAg the yam 1.:.!I'Idelneatfl ·and u;ii'li- a MI':Ial i"'$rre hook. In.~ert the. nook thXn the rep in a remaining single mnd :.of 2 ch in the 01' rig and in, 'fue rernainil'lg.'Sha~a of the .th· f.b~ rirtg ImMed~~I!' bel~w. )t111, pul'llc1:;ip ~ IljQitll1' ch, insertirr;,; hoOk i (M~.;~P.:~- ),Qm ~nd pIJ11 it 'th~'1 iadps bf'lhf$Q~ to make ill .dt.·V'(.Qfk, lm~ -&l,Cti ~ir 9f en if) !;his'way tiM 11dlZ M{.f; been OJmpJetOO. ~'a¥e I~P; W .yarn tp.~app.~mate1y4rn (4;.wd} l!en,gtJ1 and pull Ihfs.tnro¥gh ~entl1"e nng:'M ·o~r tq WOrl ,ir~~ th~ de j!jst; m~de,

1st round (R5)" 1d'l, '1 tk inc· eatl of nexfHq~"ss rn ·lEn.

2:nd t-"Ound 3'di, itt in .eaeh d neXt 11 dc,_.iS& In top dh :of3.;1\.

lIed !"Quod [2eh. miss hh. ss .In ~xli:. ch, ssl~nrl!xt tfJ 1::t times, ending ss

inl lim d . Fa'Stell .oil irwisiijy. .

'QIIl;A:N,G E .. TWP 5,UTTER.:Fl Y df~ 'o'J'eW ~~ 24.28

l'SI,o@: The ~ttlWflr kS' W'OI7kedin rows. But these are :all ri~ht side ~ &~1i pil~,rs of, wins!> U~h'1g A, make 5(h.

i's;:t l'€iW')t~·.Mjss 5$, )b'tr in ne.>q:,<;;h, 1"h, "f'V rn ~<d;~.ich,lltrllr, iin d1~~ th, 1.dJf h !'lex!: {h. 3.rh, ss in ne1~ th~ 1m 1 dtr in next .c;1l, Inrin 'l'le::<l 01.

dr, 111; iq Re5rt '~M, ~d1; 3tr1:r in ,~,en, 5th. ss in n-eil ch, FastwY Qff.

1mrd ~Q¥f lH_$;}ilio~,Rlj~iR'yam in: ~nd, d1 or ~d wing., '1,:h, (ldc 1tr) in l1$1ti~.t1!trdchdd't:r. ~tr) 1ft next s:t;,(1t~ 1&) in'n,M it, 1 c.h.s,dl'l top ·,h.of 3th. F~ n off ;!'lV1i~lr (se;e ,p~c "19).

l~ f1~ ~~~lr1g B, j_OIfi ~fjPl in 3fdoh· of 3ltl· wiR;§ 1 (h, {1dc.. 1·11') in n~ ~ (1'1(; ~cllr; 1 ch, 111} Irli new>~ l'Jtr.1'(jc} in ~ it. lch;-ss in 1(h. Fa~ olf;'ir:iVi51i6L

4~h t'1IlW ,(~) tJ~M .c'i~1rn ~ iM ~hd fn;:)Plnd w1n~tip, ~ch.(1ltk.1(:n. 1~ l~"~ 1Ii:h,'S$ 'nU ·F.(I$t~1f'I pifinitisil'jjy.

5,tft ~iilIW ~~ Vsing C.j()in y;M!1ln .2qd tr'of3oclwinglipl 1(h.{1.~c; 1dli l"~il} dU~ 1,d1.$ irC ne;.d tr. F'Qi&t'f!O ~fI' fr:Ms~

&a;aiy:JAfRtJ'J C, iffi.~k¢ ~fl; rni~1: clI. t.lllit jl): nexj\'ci'i; Faslern'~ ir.'IVi$ibJy.

M~'Ri(, 'g l!lpl .. ~~'I1g,up s~rY. jOin wif1~in ~'enbe. Se~v body in. plat~ .. 1e;p~2 'ElA$ Q:f'~ 'fi:2f?.rl,te(lr}a~ ~tit.f'i~ yam .jli1d wf .~~ :erwe?S. s1rairld~ W:rcl+Z, ~'r,ibmkf;er':a ~pbt 01'1 eachil.rpper wing.

A~'" . ,. ···..-...·0

y ~~>-= ~ O·~?~ '\l

\J: f) .~. '~' .... ~. '~.'_; ... 'l\::] .~ .•.... '.' ... ' '.' .(l.' . 1< .... ~ ,,) '."., ". r\ 4 .. 1 •... ~.·.·.

' •. " ~, ~ () .~ \JIO

'~, ~ , .. ' "', '.; /J~" ~.'~' · '·.·'.'·' .. i·.Y'.'."··.".'·.· ~ .• ' 'Y'

. L_ £iA V ,(">,. , .' "

%._ .. I'.~ .',' <, 0 .\j.......~ . n .... O.~ .. ·

~ 10 ' Ui

~I I 0: J (J';~

,.'. () . CJ. '. O· r If'

WtJ .., '.)

"" 0" ....

c...... :'.:., .';' .

"'0 " ",- __ -.


"6 I


SU IN F:ilOWEIR. ~;¢ry'VJ131 ~ 37

Centr.e: Using A Iillake ajlip: rir.g .(see page '18).

1 t round (RS) 2dt 7d-r in mS, pull end to d~ ring, $S Inwp Gh of :t:c;h, 8: sts,

ll[!d round ~,'* (1 popcorn, 1ch, ld~, 1 ch}in fJ.'$t rdc;.r~peatl'rom to. 6 nmes.l popcorn in ssiQ'f ~U$ rouryd; 1d'n.s in 2rld of 3cb.

'8 poocorrs' iJirn.a 8 5".1:5.

:Iud l'Oun:ul 2cR:'I.ldc. 31'1 ·'cn I~. [1dt in f1ext dcJl7 times;, ss ~n 1hd ofldi~ 2'4 st!l.

4tlh re lI! nod 3th. [1 p6p'~Qm ~iT-M>:t ek:, 1, 11; 1 :c i., 'next CIt. 1 dJ] 11 limes. -1 p,opCdrn i nextt dt. 1t.h. ss in 2nd of3dt 11 pop.c41.1ms ~i"!d'll sts,

S:th ~IU nd 2th. tCc i.1' same cill 'betoVII. [3dc in next- de] 11 times. ss i 2hd cl; of2~h, 36 ~S\

6th round Jch, [1 popoom ,in r~ d(;',1d,.1 de irkn~ ;1!t~1 ttl] 1i 7 times, 1 po~t"l) ir"'l r.1~ de, 1d\ ss im Zrd ,qf 3~b. 1,8 POP{1't)r.;rr\O~a.rH11 '1 & 51$, f.asten orr;


7th fOund' (Rs) l~n B io.a ck. [~(h. mlss '1d'l(, '1 de ill next .ch, -Uw il'1 next d\ 11r in, next:' rh, 55 ., fl~: ElZ ef 6th' rct.ilnd] 18 tirftr:le~, Fasten Qfl'il"lVislQlY (s.e~ page ;19).

0., Spetiifkstitdif'al1(i iym~QJ

, i~QPGom - 9;tr'Pr) Dext:St,W'ilhjjr.a'W hmo~ leaving ~()QP"~~e"if't!rie1;

hook. tn 1he t-cp, o-f'ffM!: m; f"ten iFlllf« {eop • .,ni

arid pull 'ram

iUlro~h bdthl,

J.\e([lfi'( Using 'A, mat:e: 5th, join \I'Jlth '~ rnt:J:l!;a'-rinz ~ sf: 'I'P 'na ~'R$j 1~, 7~ iih tiflg."&1! in1 dZ1.·£j;· ~,

ili'i'd ,,"OtllnP ~(;n. ~,,'irl F1rort.Q~'.1d'c. in r1~~~] 3tJro~s.?~.dcln·n~dc, ".';A '~W1. '1,2; ~t's.

].iid fioUIM 11~I'l.l4~·111 $am pc, ss i n .~ r:;h, F~!?!n. ~ff ~nvi~ib¥ {s"B~ ·~4~~ v A~rJ$V' 9Jh€"!oP~ shal)ti:''to .(:[Jrl so 'that the Ws of fhe~~JS G .(alSil'i~.

c4!~h ,l'OllIIlI'Id N\Q\I ..... v.l'O:fl<l!i1gjrh the -o¥!ps-s:l~ di~oO':1;~ ~~'~~CH,H I'¢~nd M~ ~oo"Hd~,l~ Ildiok fir; tIi~ iirygie l'iSiG< ifitli'3ild ~l e"t<;1ii '$t [:cHin B, l'idii, .~~:.W ~e in !'1~t::i ~~. [4s;.r" ~c ir'Yllexr-;4.~] ltildCe',,~, Iro~.Ch~'~f 4i€]l ~~Cl ~@iff:

~il~ th~ mp; ~fffirlg lli~ ~toffl 'lMitli B )\am.

~tieimc l!..J~ing A ~~ H~n. Mitf' '1'1('1), ss in ~~f;K .q( r\e;.it 4 Om ~~:tmlJloff i ... ..iC.,~·.0tta~ktQy.b~ lOf ari'1iI.n,

I ""~.; ~I,p;~.::: ., ~.. . "~i-

Tl,JU'IP TI\EE llEAF di~tiry Iff', .... p.1g~ "J

f;]tli!ote 1 g";;:h,

bl: !'Ow ~R$). Mi~. 2d\, ldL~ iii' each ®if n®:(t Bch; irr fir,:q. ofSdi, 2d~, mrkilflg;~ rnrnbinTng:~dI"-Qf..b~~.fh; 1"qlc k1"i$~~rrQf~'8-cli, 1;~~ ifl~p ¢n~1f 2,Ch;,3~h: worf;:ing in bJick-str;an"d)ilillly ~m {1WW nn;1<jt. in 1ch. 1 de ill mdl Qifr.€rl·~dC. 1'lltr in, n'6!Xt ale. 'lif illl ~.(h of ~ 40c tunn.

'211i1 d llIo,w3"m, 4 tr intltlrn ,or ~ 3i:r. 1 fr~t"inl Mr.' 1d( iO"e2:oh of tIM. ~,

", . ~ . . ~.., . . . .. - '.

Sdt ~n .lith .~ 1 dt: rl'l ~c;h ,~ ~ 4dc, 1 i'$t in, nex!: dJ!. itt ~1'lI ~~h ofl"!e~ 4, :$;,1tJm~

311\:0 1rO'W ]'dl, tit' in J:!a(:h 'Or n~t 3~ l'hIir In h1Jf, 1 dl1 in- j)r[.le~ (J~C:; lei;' niSs, ltfc: 4 dc, i n :ealb w n9'i<! Mf, 11TIli" ~n ~ 1 tr 'in cea:ch of ne:.<t lj $!S, tum ..

4t1Jil'~ Jtl~; 1tr rnAf<Jt;lP(qf~ 3tr:;:1ijtr-i!l-hb;1.d1;~fn ~~h'of~ ~$, ~d¢ 'irf'l; 's;:fl,sp"hrlt· !n~'~"'\?}f Lt~ 6d.!l:. 1 Mr'ih "im.1tr in ~ ·o~ rnf;xt4 Sts. ~le[1·9ff ii~l~b,l)f C~e~! pa~ 11) •.

,~te-m, lium ~aJtQ VNfJ. ]oifn. ~m lil baQ'l(.oJ oenu"e qc o~ I)as€ .. %I~, 1 de in leach IG?€ .... o~ e~.:55· in ~se of !~af. Fa.sten gff:.


I~) 0'

,~ooG>~~1f~~o~,¢6q ~-I-( I-H: ~ + ~,+)-H ~f-~ )-!-l,}-+-I ~~ F-+-{ + Q- + rHo )i:---t-ll~ )=/-~ I~: r+----( I i € +~. +~ {--L:t I I:)--H)--;HI

r---{ H if-----{ +.~ +>.---l ~ ~ ~ :K +( +C4 ~ +)+ .iJ+. ')+, )+

§ '. ". ' '. "

-tt -K f(+~+~ It }J- )IF

-K +t -tf+,f.,-Kl)+· )1-. J;r. ~

. .':-f ~ +'~c~ 1+ ,\,

4t "r"- c.t"'J,' . .I:f- ~

1ft.~ C> I[.l~ . '

,.r ~ . ~ + ~ . ', 0t 1." ...- Jf' ~.-'b;

~,'~C)O'R~ ~-J,..++.,

·M -ti$~

~fk%.·y.. _ ',o k~ ~ f..+.rX? dp:a

fE·A.fOD e1"mdN)' "\.f81t:~~ 4',1.


Pbd'1"felrllij' UsingA ~~ 2.8th.

~:~t "am '(RS) M~' h:h(1.dc iA"fi~,ch. ~htriA ne;iidn, 1'b- ill f1€";::.¢ (~, 1&tr In''~ :d\ 1 tI"b- 'rr~h .~ Ii!LOO 1:£~h. 1 ,cit, ~ eeeh Qf Ilexl·lch. ~tl"' in elLdi rcif !li~'1~rd flU 1n eath of. t')~ ~2'd'li,.1 d; in ~<;ch,,".5$ in r~"'t (h ".H·oke

10:11. F~~ ~tr 'i n\lisi~iy. ~~ ~~ia ~.~~ .

2nd !"C,Y!!' Tum ~r:¥: tOo ~ and JJsi~ :a .. ~~II~ sire hooJ;jQ!n B ~.1 011 at ~~ ~r.peQ.WC1t!(ing ~!1.tAe;'te~Wlng 5!!'~rtd ~f Q\I,;gt1'-'la1 ~:jiilre ~, . .s,\'l·~.atn

c-'f rlext. '1.~h. ' -

1:¥~ pea 2M, lum, ro~lRS', i~sen~Mi,g h!lG:k frOm rtgrt,:'1D let S$ in top v~rap .(j--rldtr, ldt. turn t~ WS mtti'ss ITl sane baise' t::b a's;JDeftore:, SK iTT e:ad1 of i'iiext 4 ba~ d".

1nd. pGa Pftl.. ·~~st.pb' dU$toY iFf i:ame-b~~:Ii tom to' ~i.S;: iff'll to;p wr...p .iGf,trtr'<lb~,. ]gi'YU~ tQ'W-:5 ~F~d'lS ~ firM ~rr~h their! 51], if) '~l"te ~'ih ~.b~u¢". $S, in e~frl ,or I'Il~);t-1 b~ GJ;r] .3 'l\J'IT1~$, m~ 11i$l ~a. (ti$: f~~'Sjr)

eaclil,-GF ri~ e titiS'B .0'1. ~t'oW.irwisi~. .

,B:a~~' WQrl),.~ pbd ff'"9.n:il f~rn ~ ~'~.·F~,$r-'irl"l:ii~bt}t

M<iiki~g !!alP P!ate'·b~d.;>L~ll'!~:ah: pbd.: edg~r' a. stilif'pl'lp€!f 'Cutout,'( J'li~€ded; ,stnt.i.:h the t'WO i~~tcer 'With ~~~~h.u~€t'i'\e¥Jl "~e:

I(i&! $Ol'l' RSA;::vri (Ra~ ~m b1t~stli~g;;ft ar'OkI!'icl" a p.!e:Pf,cit

5~ ~'11t:l:1; mis:t2d1. 1 qc ~n eOl'Gh ,~f n~ lch.,lS in Jmm efij~xf l~h. D@ fIOO ,(~n iDJt


l'u IrOlUl rid (~ l~U~e 1ri clI, .~ i'J:iiss J;,eh,1 'It in' ,eooh,of lI~l 1&, 1 htr m f)1!<;.l'!tIt ide in'n,ext,ch; lntirin-ne:tt ~h"hf iR' l'1Iext.c:h.1dtr in n~' a._ ~9Il ;2jltl.lQbIll1:2'~h, l!lti mis.s :k:h. '1 in ',e;urh of'n:~:-rt jth, '1:tc in r:1,er.Gt: ~,'1 ht.r irr nl~~~:>~j), {de in n(~(t{j)'j,~ht:ti[1 ne-xuh,hf in n~l, di, 1Id[r~rr n~u:h il't,~ 11M !o~,l4m,ml~ 3th., lrltr'frr,Mdl ,orn~ Sm, l1rin ~attH)f'l'lI~t4ch!, 1lrtf ttl n~ l!;h; 1.dt ifi ri'~'dl" [2,00. "n'stehy df n'eXt.dl:r] twite" ~ fu tcip .th

'~;;, +...",,1" .~t 'II ~"'" ex , c~ 'n A~ ar : '''+.:<-1' ,~

.' ",_u::-JJI, turn 11IG:ll.~,r'OJ'JI!-Im~ Jr;n ('@1JIi1!:1 u _ ""PpPS! .... 'Jlr€"'ll.l'n;·

~" lOb:' ~r 1"1 tho ~.rOrk·a~ fir$[ ro,bG:W~ >$:, tQ **. ~,irt .~ f¢ ~It in,

, 'd~...,j·. ···fn. 1-

-SWIll f"~,,\.a"_o . rsl;' ".. . ......,~

M ,/i;!~e. 12~h, work as 2nd lope frprn'~ W: ,~,; S$ t'1.-fi~'Qf 3~t:,irJi ~trn ~j.~b" 0flnd ~g6e. F~~n dji F'iltim n0W Ilf1i Werll: in}ir.i!')~~n1n~sti-a~~ ~ftFnNh~~ f.'lW'e~¥. ¢tb'ei)Nbe un~,er :2 ~~'OO£ qf~n 5't ind~dit\g, eh,

ll'ld rounlll (~ 19/dQe '~9in f'Wn in ::if'14 m ~ fit1l19b~. 1 Qh, 1 de jn' n~t 00.1 hft ~f1I~l ah. 11r'~ri r~t eli, ittif' j'n ~a<::h d fi'leXJl1chol2dtt 11'1

~, ,

~(::h'Qf 'ne.m §: ~ 1ttr in ~1r.1hu in nem tr.1dc no htr,.~s ~[l, e:asrr:Qf" n~ 3~ ,yj~s'dlr.

2nQ ,robe '$'Sjn ~rn @f ne>rl:- 3d1,.1 de: in ne.ld cl;, 1ihlr in ri!=,::it lCh 11tr in,n~ th, 1 dt!' i~ eerh sf Ii"'~:xt;,l{h. 2cltr in, .~ tlJr l"Iexi: S:-s~ 1dtr f!'11f'11e»it otr, 1'tr in rrei.:uJrto 1 fuf' in i; lode .il) Pi~ro (14l dt de:: in ,I~ i st1':j JWiGe.

J:l'tftdb,e ~2-st de dee in ne)(t 2;m,.1 ec [Pi nM'r ahl 1il'iltirln t'I.e¢ chi 1 tr irl'"efL'Ch of ii~t ]1th,.1'd(f Tri eiLj,d) ~rn€xt ~h ldtr rrfea.~h .of I'l~ 5 -Scts; 1,dtr h of ri€;(t: :.1 ':Sts. 1i~r in etJ~11 o'r ~ ]: its, 1:hu" [·11 ~ex~ tr.1;oc iIQ ~e1Xt 'tt'

2.~ d!rd~ fiJj' fl~ 1.:,sts,

SrJl' (Q,be. L2~:st ·«.;..:d8£ kl !l~t :,l'Sit:5] twioi;l', i,de in'hll; 1lhibr in m.11f·in~dbr~ 1,dtr iill ,r'!l~~ ~r iI'T~~h !l;;ff.l~;q ~ $;,1 dtr fn~~~yh Qf ne~ ~ch; 1tr in 'M~ d'l, 1 ~r io n~ Gt.w,. ~ .dt in'lle;Q: Ch, $;in .oo~n :&f A~'i;f ldle

'~th lcif!.e, t"H~ d1;~ ~li~ e.1f;:i1G1f ~~~ ~~; 1!cjlr in h~ lhtr'iirl:~ 1tf' h f1e~tr." :itt in ooc:h d"r'!!!!~: 5 stS{1"w ha ~d1 of [f'!~xt :kb. 1, h\b' i h tnext: d'!\ 1dc:·in'I'!!'e>;;~-d~. ~~ ;n-'I"Iext 'cn. F~n ~ ~lblrig62 '19),



di"Edix$ f!W pti'g~ 35,2·


Lea:f' ('st round (R.S) U.9f'1g A, r"I'"Ql«! 12cl1, miss 1ch. . 1rl" in ~l~ ch, 1htr In nG.'l<.t ~n~ 1 tr in next!ih" 2'tf' ,in ne~ch. ldh" 110 "c:xt err, 1 dtr in ne:>U ch 2dtr irl next d1.2tr in n~ch, 1~· in next d'), HID" rrl ([®{t.rn, 1d(; ijr-l' next eM 1''', "ich. rtliS'Si 1 d1, 'SS in next rh, 1 de in next m, 1 en: \IilIQfkJng in' l-ema·il1lng SiiJ:1lJlld of1" original base ch,~at from .'to .

:SUI'I1 9ch.-miss t,ch. ss io E:1Il¢fl c/ rifikt 7dl,1;eh- CoritlniJi;; aklng,;5iI;s 'of tr'st roUM: 1id: in de, 1d~ irtt !itr: J~h; (1'11511 1:·di. ss ill ,h~ ch 1 de in (rex! eh, 1dc: in'e.l:ch ofl')pcl 3 sb>. [iCh miss 1ch. ss in ne>.1. ch.1dt in flf.fxt ch,1lTtr in n,e)(jt ',cn. mi~ next st, 1 de ~n ~ of next l sts] twfce, 3c:h, mls~ 1 chss [n next dl, 1dt lin next: dl, 1dc [(I h1J. 5& [ tr..~ft* F~n O'rr~f'I\<fSiWy

(see page 19).

2Mi'd. ed&e TIJr!' M to worn. ~oog ~~~t e~e" arffil~st. roui;td! join fA iii 1 il!h a5o.v~ ste l, ·then V':Qrk. r~'oI'I11J**, to *,>IVi'IIJ. Do not flls1en off. Pin Out and press poi FIts, 1ttcn 'fokl IMf aloog centre am on VVS, usiog a 5m~llw ~.ze 11iSlOik and A,. work 1« in -eaQ:\ bar of t!)rtgiftal bsss eh, iaerr'y (make J) U~ni B. rnake;4Ch, 'miss 3(h, 4-st dtr~cluter in first en, Lch, 'fl"(jrll Qa" k ss in f)·t;t ch. ~~h o(f.lJse one Yah"! end toipad the ~berry and

~ q()C!r 'W'ettar::n j( 19 the' {eaL .:;;;:.


\\ P, J. \J ," +O+~,

0: :" ~ + 1-:9--" + + .• ,0

=.= + ,..._O-f--l -Ii- oe><:.:>

+ "'"--11 ~ +

((:. + 1 ... ~v~ + T -I:- .. n Vooo+ ~O~ _lOod'


f'v": +.,.+ ~~,' ·O~, .,., +, + ~

"'',;;:n::lo -I- .rt~j + 0'0

• _V~.J..

0."" + ....,.._O-+-l + :+. "',9 qo + 'lr-O---JI -I- PO

~-r~OdCJ T


Q. 0 .. ,






Cent,,@ U1irng A make a sip ring (sei,: pilg.e 18).

In nJlblnd (PG) 3t::h. t2-st trdec in ring'] 6< -orne'S, pl.:'l €rl.C! to' ~ rhg; SS in llOll! rn of Jc:h <; sts.

:huJ round 3.c:h.ltr in each or fle';.q 8 rn. \Mth Ihs U, to'P:~h"d xh, Cl;)ntinu~ with· ~B.

Fh~,t peed,]

1 ~( rQ'IfI CAS) 1 cit 1 dG;' in 'i1lll:th ~r Ilexl 2lr; turn. 3, sts

2nd row 3c;h, ttr in de below, HI' in ne,xf dc; 2tr 11'1 lch. 5 sts

3 fld, t"It!lIW 3chr ~ng lq;~ "Nt,a,p 'l.\\lith A 1 it· in tr 6elon, 'Nith A. 1tr in iNi£h Df next Jtr; rmtking: last l>!'i{t:1ip' "'lith B 1 tr in- fie>4. tr. 'VI;fuh B 2'itf rn''tcp ell of sen.. '7 SIS, C.Qf)iirlue. whir a

,fro ~f)W 3dl, HI" iwl;dJ!';!IQ.\'1, hnl'1 ea~h or next .m 2w in ltQ~. ch ur3d't '9 Sits.

5 U! rg:w 3d). 2-st tr dec in next 2;tr, 3~ tr: dec ,j Il nsxt 3tr; J,--st I;r'·dec

in -r:)ext Iii 1 tt in top- (11 of :kh:--S $. ~~n" off \rM~b.t (stw. W$f. 19), 2nd peta,l Rt: facing. f9in 8.. in :n~*t !;t Qf .;e.~. -complete as '1 ~~ r'NfS of {Irs:!: p~aI,

Jf"d [IlitN<ilJll A!;.·21·1;!: relaJ.

Bars e,o held r:emruning '3 ,p'e:taJ:s R'S. f:aLals-and ¥."OI"Rt~·befirJ1d pe:mts, join· B in b~k o.f GeNcre (lc at bare of ii~ row of one petal,4dt [1 d:: in backd [el1~:e de or ftiort~, of :lext ~wl. 3th] ~;$'S in first.en 6f4 ch, ,4th petal ArolJf'I~ MXf: batr-lioIOrk 1c;h, 2&. Co~:DIe:~ as 21"i1d-Sth r~ ··or ~~l p-etaf,

5d"11 ~.Irrd~jJt'J p~I_al:S' As -lth pem ~,

Sb!ll1elU~ddH,'\!OO1 n',e!:!.d!e \.'!At, f: ',1\ /. 1 -, l' ~,

A aftdl ::nake 'Ioops:arcund ~!il centre, ". l' t' T { . f;)

~n.choong tnem wrtlh badslitc:he~" t ~:r f r V

Tii~ the IOl?Jps:and use tl"le t'lI~dte '! 1 . ! . .Y' "

b~h~~4~ ~V'· r \. ,

...lL. .f

, .

\ f I~

,\.,.1' ~" " <->: \

h<-.~Q~_" ,

/~\~ /

RUffLEID ROSE ~''O')' v;e.w Pc~e U



L.kJ'tIgA., make 1oth,join with ss IFf to.a ring,

rt .:.oJ.1'i'ld (~~ 7ell. [1 dll' if"! rFrlg, ')ch] 9 tlm~ $5 In 4th d1 of 7cn. Od'! ,",{rF'\5.

lniiil round 3:cb" Jlr'[!r~L.,w,d ~rs;t l.t;,h bar. ["Iu ar,o,und next, dill~ 1tr in o::f"'I'tre nil» ~tr ~ro.und I~&,f,' 1e~\'i~ eee 30h bar free work 4tr aroond l1eoo 3t:h ~i4 tlm~, 4tr aroond r1ext db~'1tr in ring. 4tr 6irolJrirl4d1. S$ in top eh of ~h Pa'Ste'n~ff im~$lbly (see ~ge'-' ~),

Jl"d pound Jbin Ie. around- ~l frea 3,t!h bill'; 7ch, [1'dlr MOUnd baT; ::kh] J~S'. ~un:d next3ch ba.·'WOi'!<: [1 db; 3th] 4;ti~ r-ep'e'a,t'frum" J.'trne$. 50S in 411 m of 7th. 2Gcft bar~

Speciilk symbol d;~cti@n ,QfcWQ!lk.

4mrollnd 3ch. 3traroul"ld 4t:hi ltf ;n sp be'1ow. [~u ,around rf~ dll; leaving ene 3d! ,h.r9iifree work 4trOll'o!Jndlch b?l.~<41:J' around f'l.e1<it dlJi 1tl'1(I sp beJow],9 limes. 41r i1ro.lI!'l~j' next db: "'1,tr aroul'd last 3th ~at; ss in 1'q) ch of :'kh, Fasten ·off-irnXsibly. D'~m in. '~Tids.

Srm found This RS '!"t!(md will fdd naturaU)'to the ba~<oflhe Fi:J.$e~ rejcin B MC}ui"Id a "I're~ 3~h bal:; 3th, 2"5t dtr duster <lfwhd hal'; [1c.h, 3-.;;[ du -elu51:@,r arDun(jl next :bar] 9 tmes; 1<h.$ In top ch 01 3m. 10- dl.l~te'S.

6th iOlilnd 3th, [2·st ¢rrluster il"I flext 1. sts] 10 times ss in top ri:h 'of 3ch. Fa~en ,o,ff I~~l'lg <If.! 2Oll"nI (Sin) ana, Ru'1 e;"ld tIi!:ou:gi'I top of ear:h d~r _ Ad ,draw up,

C~M E:IlL!A-

di~1>iY 1f.fN) pafe J'l

:c:enue lhing A, m'ake a sUp ring (see p,age 1 S),

ht I'aun d {RS) 1 (h. ,6de in "iog pu11 end to dQ5e nng. hs:tt;!n off irwisibl>r {$2~ ~ '19). Join B:in a eli!: of ifrrt rourw::L

2nd mund 1Eh. (1dc. 3(h, 1 ct) in ,each ,k:.f~9\<e hQQ~ jl'1~rt fi"OlRIi baok iniir.:st 9,c;catch Ictlipartd-pull throLJWJ',.o pecot's,

J,rJ!il rnund 1 ch, [im.ieJ~~r.1g hook fi:om back b~lirNee!"'! lC1~ of 2nd rOl.m~ .~ lime: \oVOF':k 1 de in neYi de offrr.;t rOi.~!"1d. 1 chl 6li rnes, ss in 1 r::h. Fa~(;m o-if. Fwsl p¢it.<lil join (3 in ar-Qc of3rd- ooll"ld

'1St row (RSj1th, 5(;!1i_ in ~me di as: join. (~T1tJ\.'e hdo.~ imej1. fl~ bad_( in same cit of Jrd IIU1JnQ, ~l IOQP and j:liiJlI thrQulI'I. 5'ID.

1l1ld!tOW 1 di. 2de in fir-:st de, Ide trle3th 6f na1: 3ete, 2tic iA ia'St dc, 'remove l"eOk insEf1: ftom rrpnt[n'sarne ,de o'r 3td ·rOtri'ld,.~ loop' -and Dum thro\4gn. 7sts;

JrdI row kh.1dc. in first 0:, tdc: rn ~c.m of lI1ext 5dt.2d: IwliiliSt de l'erno'fe

- . .. .

fiQ.Q~, ~OSEY1; frorn hack-In s,~T!e de: Of'aOj r:oon.g~, eatCl1 roop Md pullthl:oughl.


4tih ro'w kll, 2dic irr~."":rt dc, 1 de in each of fle';l(1; 7tk. 2ek ih liWt del remove KPok iMe Hrorn rr.ont in ~m~'d(;; of Jrd round,.('atd! I~odfld pull ~hf()lIBh, "f 1 S'tS ..

5th row 1 Pl, 2d~ in '~md€" 1,d.c [n ea,&! ~r n~1: 9dc, 2dc in t~ dc, remove hook 1"I!k">rl Ii'om back in &arne SC.6~ 3rd I"Oltlndl Gltcl1loep i!.nd pu11 throLt,gh. , i. 51;$. Fas .. €1'i off.

2nd an,d 3rd petals LellNing 1'~h.1dt,l(h of 3.xl mUI:I:t::! of centre freebetween pe·1at) . .eadl tim.e,'WOI'k. illS 1 st.pml

.:j'lin pe:~at jQin C in de: ~~ 1'$11: and 2nd P!!l~Js"

1':5:11; rOW (RS) 'tech, (1dr.Jtr;1dc) n.5am-e doi'is job- r~l1ove hook. il1<llsrt

from bad<: IT'! same d(2 Of 3itll~lJnQ, q;ooh loop and PLJU thi'0l,Jgt; 5~ S1$.

2n~ nJW 1 en, 2a: i!lfi~t'1k, 11ri .. ~th of r-r;oe-xI;' '3tl'; ~d.c ln 1\)s1 de, i~I'i. HOG>~ fum front in same de of 3R1 roond. catch looP arl(j.pulll1hro4~h. 7 sts, 3M IroW 1"dl. 2:dc. in first dc. tlF [(I,·each .e{rlext 5 sts, idt in 'rast dc, iose t h~ox D-c-:lf"rj'ba(:k II'" :!1am~ d~'of3~ fOOntt catch loop- and puii'tM'l'J:I!lgh: 9 stS., 4th row kh, :ldt in ,r,ro; dc·, 2tr 'tl'l e~dl'of nexl 7 sts. 2dc ~F'I. I~. d>::. i.nse:rt Ito~k .. hm fronit il'l'.same.cle: o'f'lrcl' 'QI~h loap a"ld: pun ;})POtIgh, 1 [j srs:, sen ~QW"1 ch, iCc In fi~"M, dc, '~~~ il1'e_am fir ne>;;t i 6 St~r Tat in ~ast dc, IrhS!';-rt h:oo.'k; from ,back in samede elf 3r;d' -ro1;lnd"cakh·loa;p· ,:and pull 'ihrol;lgjl,<\2,C1\ s:ts. Fa$i.~ off

5tt'u ;;t!nd' 6th, petals JOfnirlg C b~ ~'als~~d1 time. work as 4ti'rp.rJiL

SpeciJlfc s:y.mbol

t de trom· COld in G': of f' - round.

"~ FiemQye ~QQk, i~rt if] de :Of 2~1!j round {fI'OiI1 b.adk on R'5 rows .and 'from fF-qn$ en ws reINS). ~h loop. ~ pull ~ralJgh.

I Ci2..

IR:OSETirE Q¥e.:;lm.y vjl!-.~ ~ 17

;Cellt{e' U?i.NgA rA9.f'& a sUp rln}t,{s,~. pa_,g~ 18),

t n rnun d (RS) 1 ch We in >l'ir,;g. 1P'U5 Md, to d~t'lqg, ~ ki'l ~~,

l"~ I"Ql;dilild tch, hie in WY:!~· ,~~n,'3dt [']dc in M'lddc. 1'<lh] ,]) !:i~~ ~~. :i~ ·~~h. f{js:ter. ,off ~r1vi$'i9ly~e p~e 1.~),

,Fir's:!; ri~'p'f p~R:~~S' pin ~ in a 3cln JR'

1 st roldlmd ~ (1:en, lde. 3trtJr.'1,dc] in~h ':p, remGl!'"e·hook imert'fmm ~Q;ck ill"' :3(lrm.e 3di '5p, ~ch loop and ~1I throu~. fflI'fIO"II':e t.or:;k. inrer-t~m ihIDt ir'l neJti:t 3;dl sf'. <~ lOop ,anti pl;!!l: ili~:t ~~ *- .stim~· md'e, ~rniltihgJ()5t F"lll tli"r:Q"Igh LQ fI~nt;

::il'nt!il roy n:d 1 m, ·tare' h®'!<.,Ib(j,ml\tI p~~ ~nserting rtrDQrI'l bac~ Ihi!ke 1'dll: ,around sJ;e'.m l'iJ.f firSt dctrf2nd rG'UM .ot (eot~E.3m [1'aC" MCi41Ffd ~em Of ~ de of.l~& r-e'';!rld ,ofcoot~ 3dl] 5\_s. $'S·II"J.. ~r''St¢. f.~n d,

2nd r1ul"I~:¢;f p,~,t:ab )iqi~ Cii'l ill 3th· gp,

1st1lfCtillilcl"* [J.(j~, 1i!;lh:, n~tI'131tr, 1~lf in ~(tl>Af?lihfe:I'1. ho~ fl'!;)m b-ai:.kfn .same, j(Jlr. ~<lI"!.d pulll lOOp·It1~:oUgtl, rem~, heit:m1i; i~nh80krr«n 'frorll1in r~ 3tfl.S~ afi~ pull J~.fhrough~E"ep@ijt 'Worn ~ :s. times, tlmittlrt& last pull ·~~rw(,.l.Jih to"fh"nt

2'i1drcund 1ch, mite hlltik,b:eHnd,pel:i:l~ ifl~"tin,g It fi'ortl 1#Ltlf.1ina.~ 1 de. l!~nd ~ 'sf'lk~ dc ¢r 21'1~ rou~ 0f first ring of paUlS, "kh. [1 d;:: .arQlIr:rd st:@m' 0'[ !"i~1:" dc.d 2nd l"(::Iur'.d! on~~ rfngd pm;d~ 4th] 5 til'rll;!'~ ss jj'l

first de. f:aSl'en olf,

1rd r~iing 'or p:,e;~~ls j-oi'i1 D in'a 4.CI:l 'sp ..

1511: fliilUliid ~ [1 eh, 1dc, 1 htr.1 tr; Jdb";.1tt; 1 hti~ 1 ck:] in 1ch ~W. i rJ5ef't hook, fi'"om ~1r;k irr:1;,arne 'Idl 'lip, pMl f.oOp thrQt~, mis.iaii'ihoo',;:: fl'G:ffi front il')'!l8}t{ 400 !>p. puU Itlop 1f'\rt)u.a1~; -rep~at fivili * 5 lirr~t{ommtl)g_ las;t pDi! ·tMrq~gh. iniJ M1und ld1,"IIi.J p'.Is. insrilg-jt ln~rffbq£b;,m~ 1~j;; al"!;:iurrd stem {)f1i"rn: ¢ qf'"2tW riJ·rl~ qJ200 rin~,of' ~5.5ch~ [1·~tl~wntl st,effi of ne.rtclt" Gf 1lr;~ rou~ Of 2nd rlng;pf?~~h", 5th) 5 tftf1es,ss iii first de F~n tl.ff.

'4th rifIlig '>OJ.permJl:s Join ,E n.;!, Soh 5p;,

Last I"c:~nd i,j. [1~h,1!dc, 1i hfr.'fir; 500~ 1ifF,] 1 mr,.1 de] il1l 5'cn>Gp. ir"lse.M: hClok r~ Jb~I!;:,I.iI1 i~am-€."·5th':S~ pl1l fq.o~ 'i:l)r-Gtlg11, mserr iII:Or:J[ in nm &dl S-,{), pull toopj:n;ough; rElp*at'frXlF:n;iJ :5 t~, omimihg ~rn pun t~JOtlgfl" f,a~n all':.


DIANTHUS dI.'t(~-qry WOw ~ "of


Ce'i"ltr,e Vs.iJ"Igl:A milke a slip ri-J1g (see pil1ge 18),

1 !t, WIlma (RS) 3ch. ttr ttl ring. puU end ro.dase nn;g, \AI~h B;;5 tr:i O'f 3th. 1 0 ~, Contil';Ue IMth B.

lll:d 1"0 Lind 3th. ·t" " h st belew, _")tr In each cf i'!eX't 9[11 'With C 55 If'! top dt .ol 3m, 20. ~. Continue: Vl.qth C


3,m rolJnd r"11~. 2tr. 'tl- 9dtr in next tr. mi~:s 2;b~5S in next: tr. take ho ok behind petal jurt rrmde <lndln~rt from' front W·back fl1 first tr·at\er·~ o.entre. j'r;fr Md plil I .yarn throt,.lgh tr al'ci loop 00 hQQk" n"'lllking ~;,<t pMal

in II' ~ml'l1e.d~ely aft.ef ss of preoliQ\\5 pet~ re:pl¢i!:! Ih:lrh to Lf ti~es. el1ding<SitJ~ peJ~ with ssln the tr befQ~1ti:e fr51 pe:till, th~n

take l>iook; behind petal just rnadeaod 58 in to:p ofl~· db- of 1ir5t pffi31, F.Ltten off.

4th rDund join B in the 'fittt dtr or-a petal" 1 en. (fdf" in tntirN:lv, 1 ch:p.f 1illi~.N~ in ~'fd"tI;;11 yrrin),j\i~l!J1t {See-pa&e 1'9)" ~·OOCh p-etallhi$.\iWi~

/-.. .... Sip¢tifi,c symbols,

r 1" Take Mok behind petaf just mtl4e (~ee. 3r~ 'fOlUnd .Jb:~i'~1l:),

. .

Fi~"Ll :)5 of 3rd I'Qllr1d {see above).

.f:UJC H' S I A di~ wr;w ptI~ l''i


Om,erf1a~er Using A, make4(h. join with ss. fmo a rirl.g, ~s,t; I'otIllnd (f{5) '3(h, 5tr i"I rin.g. s~·in top·ch Of 1d" 6:"s:!:g,

'Inti i"QUl1d left 'ldc in stbefovoi.ld:c. in ~d:ch of rieX'r Str,-SSIn top eli oi 2:ch 11.$,

1m round t1(h, 'Idtr in each of n~xt 11~k15S in 1:opc.h of ig.,

4th 1r,Q und {5(h~ I-st trtr clust\:e;r in next db; Jch, m1$S lch, ss in tne~d eh. 2-st trtr ~lu:!itO" h~ next dtr,- Sdi .. ·$}' if( ·neXt dEr) 4 ·tl'mes. erLdi,"S'~$. '"'$oS of pl'eviG'.J:5 fl'Q'Jnd. Fasten off irNisilOOy {~ page 19}.

a'ell! U~~g. ~, m&ke·~h. jOil'i ~ ~ inlo a ring.

ht: rnund (RS) 2en.8dc in riflg~:'i~ in l.Gp Ch, rn. 2n.d lr'OliIVoIdild.; 1tr ,in earl, ef rie:.<t Bde,'$5 iM top ch d 3dh.

]:00 I"Ol,.lnd .5ch.1lir1:r in MNi: lr. [1b1r in rt~ 1i:"1trtt in ~dl qf ~ 2:tr:J ~ce. 2t--tr'il'l next" !ir'; ss in top. ch or 4th 12 SiS, Fasre .. oil in ..... islbly.

S"-te:m U'SingAmilk-e 1Ss:h, rrl"~.1cl'l.liS in each 9{ ne.;wrtH.dh; Fasten ali ~i:ulll'illen's 01r ].,.shCn Jengths.. ~t' A. 1<n9t th\i! "ends' snd U'1m:

M n.g lip :Se .... :rOA sfe:m, A&cl1 ben Ir .... &irJe '~r; 1h~ <$~lSifl~ide b~n,

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