Costello Qut Project Management Plan PHD Research Proposal

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GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT


Name: Internationalisation & Commercialisation of Innovative Companies in
Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
Start Date: March 1, 2010
End Date: March 1, 2013

Author: Daniel Joseph Costello
Version Date: October 22, 2009
Version Number: 2

1 Overview

This project will address methods for increasing success rates of smaller creative and
innovative companies in internationalising and commercialising their intellectual
property, products or services specifically in the Bay of Plenty Region of New
Zealand through identifying a wide range of global best practices in Australia,
Canada, the UK, the EU, China, India and other nations of the OECD. Current growth
rates even with significant business support and capital investment from government
educational and/or business resources could benefit from cross-cultural
comparisons of success factors according to Dr. Terry Mughan at Anglia Ruskin
University. He describes many factors contributing to lack of small business success
rates such as poor financial, business planning or managerial skills, lack of global
mindset and the complexity or availability of support systems. This project will be
designed to comply with University of Victoria, Wellington PhD proposal guidelines.

2 Deliverables

A PhD thesis which identifies and gives significance to:

 current commercial and innovation success drivers globally applicable to New

Zealand SMEs locally
 recent methods for improvement in commercial and innovation consulting
processes and communities for New Zealand SMEs
 leadership and finance management alternatives for New Zealand SMEs
 TQM assessment of regional international trade bureaus serving New Zealand
 improving universities mandates in boosting competitiveness of New
Zealand’s SMEs

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

3 Project Lifecycle

Phase 1: Initiation and Concept

Negotiation with project sponsors at VUW University, The School of Marketing and
International Business to confirm viability of PhD thesis proposal to satisfy
stakeholders with a deadline of March, 2013. Review current research and suggest
further research. Provide tentative thesis structure. Attain acceptance of supervisors
and revise thesis proposal to meet recommendations.

Phase 2: Planning
Design entire project plan, determine quality, cost and time estimates, produce
schedules and list necessary resources, identify budget and time requirements, identify
risks and possible pitfalls, attain stakeholder acceptance and/or revise make changes
to the plan.

Phase 3: Execution/ Implementation

Initiate research project, manage changes required, monitor and assess progress,
ensure quality and contingency time planning in place, monitor and meet stakeholder

Phase 4: Handover & Evaluation

Ensure research meets key objectives and deliverables, meet thesis committee
presentation requirements, establish originality and descriptive function of the thesis,
complete successful defence of thesis, determine whether approval, with or without
corrections or resubmission or re-approval are required.

4 Project Purpose and Justification

The goal of this project is to assist New Zealand SMEs in developing greater
internationalisation and commercialisation success. Funding would originate in a
Victoria University scholarship approved by Faculty of Commerce and
Administration Research Committee with the possible cooperation of the Foundation
for Research, Science and Technology, The New Zealand Ministry of Economic
Development, or the Asia New Zealand Foundation. Funding sources would be
contingent upon the project’s benefits to the New Zealand Small Business Advisory
Group, Small and Medium Enterprises, SME support services, media and the
academic community.

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GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

5 Project Stakeholders

Name Role Contact details communica Needs “Nice to haves”
tion method
Daniel PhD Phone: +82-10- Email Access to VUW academics in Cooperative
Costello Candidate 8856-3554 School of Marketing & PMR training
Email: International Business
costello_daniel@ Planning decisions on thesis terms of research
Unique and original research

XXX Senior Phone: 04 463 Email Good communicator Reasonable

Lecturer - xxx Agreeable lab policies expectations
Supervisor Email: Fosters comfortable work Relevant expertise environment Availability
Challenging mentoring and training Style and personality
background fit with candidate
To be regularly appraised of
project developments
XXX Head of Phone: 04 463 Email Good communicator Reasonable
Dept.- xxx Mentoring and training background expectations
Assistant Email: Agreeable lab policies Relevant expertise
Supervisor Fosters comfortable work Availability
environment Style and personality
To be regularly appraised of fit with candidate
project developments
XXX Senior Phone: 04 463 Email Good communicator Reasonable
Lecturer- xxx Mentoring and training background expectations
Assistant Email: Agreeable lab policies Relevant expertise
Supervisor Fosters comfortable work Availability
environment Style and personality
To be regularly appraised of fit with candidate
project developments
XXX Convener Phone: 0-4-463 Email Good communicator Reasonable
Human xxx Mentoring and training background expectations
Ethics Email: Agreeable lab policies Relevant expertise
Committee Fosters comfortable work
To be regularly appraised of
project developments
XXX Convener Phone: 04 463 Email Good communicator Reasonable
Research xxx Mentoring and training background expectations
Committee Email: Agreeable lab policies Relevant expertise Fosters comfortable work
To be regularly appraised of
project developments

6 Project Objectives

6.1 Time

Schedule for completion respects realities of full-time versus part time studies with a
target completion date of March, 2013 to account for variations on nominal
completion estimated at two years. Part-time studies will observe constraints to
accommodate full-time studies and part time work schedules.

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

6.2 Cost

Cost of the PhD thesis project is limited to current salary differences between
scholarship provisions and/or additional funding sources to provision a reasonable
standard of work and living for the duration of the project term.

6.3 Quality

The thesis is required to meet VUW examination requirements and should identify
and give significance to an original contribution to internationalisation and
commercialisation knowledge beneficial to SMEs in New Zealand.

The thesis content objectives are:

 identify applicable commercial and innovation success drivers
 highlight improvement measures for consulting processes
 reveal alternative leadership and finance measures
 compile TQM assessments of trade bureaus
 make university mandate recommendations

Completed thesis should also be successfully submitted and benefit future

employability and academic credentials of the candidate. The supervisor will assist in
ensuring academic validity of the project and follow up assessment of successful
application of its employment and academic record of viability will be made by the

7 Assumptions and Constraints

Objectives may need to be reduced to fewer key focus points of the research. There
may be more desirable focal research which could be introduced either through the
research supervisory committee or the Head of Department at VUW.

The period of study in terms of full-time and/or part-time may need to be adjusted due
to possible scholarship, stipends or financing shortfalls. It is hoped that for the
duration of the project a suitable related employment either in consulting or advisory
capacities might be available either through VUW or its affiliate government and/or
SME partnership programs.

8 Project Options

Stakeholders may identify opportunities to either compress the described list of

objectives or to focus on a few of them rather than all of them. For the present
providing a wide scope allows identification of shared interests which could achieve
“buy-in” from the possible list of research committee members who possess a shared
however diverse knowledge base in each and all of these topics.

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT


Project Name: Internationalisation & Commercialisation of Innovative Companies in Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
Start Date: March 1, 2010
End Date: March 1, 2013

Author: Daniel Joseph Costello
Version Date: October 1, 2009
Version Number: 3

1. Project Scope

Overall Scope
The scope of this project is to develop a PhD thesis to assist New Zealand SMEs in developing greater internationalisation and
commercialisation success. Research initiation and concept will require approval from consulting faculty of VUW to solidify the purpose
and need for the research supported by a literature review. Planning and development includes a quantitative methodology to compose
a matrix of assessment criteria to identify internationalisation and commercialisation matrices in terms of evaluation, culture and
management practice. A case study to exemplify an innovation framework for skill sets, criteria and evaluation measures will comprise
the execution phase of the project. The evaluation portion will include a thesis submission, defence and oral examination.


Initiation & Concept
Concept Research Consulting all VUW Stakeholder Consultation and Disagreement or dislike of
Purpose and professors consultations mentor time purpose
Objectives difficulties
Concept Literature Domestic business Globally applicable Conflicting Timeframe may need to
Review practice norms studies and conclusions on be adjusted
research locally similar topics
Planning & Development
Planning Methodology Quantitative data Qualitative data Limitations on Disagreement or dislike of
analysis desirable research methods methods
Planning Internationalisati Unrelated Assumed that Local limitations on Possible excessive scope
on and discipline stakeholders and global knowledge of relevant data
Commercialisatio matrices, non- sponsors provide base resources
n Matrix, related access to
Criteria, Culture, organisational information and
Management cultures, unrelated necessary data

Implementation/ Execution
Execution Case Study Domestic business Willing business Business participant Business case study too
models participant unavailable exclusive or non-

Execution Internationalisati Unrelated results, Availability of Unavailable Evaluation measures too

on/ skill sets, comparable best workable examples stringent
Commercialisatio irrelevant practices of superior
n Framework, evaluation implementations on frameworks and
Skill set, milestones global comparative methods
Evaluation data

Handover & Evaluation

Handover Thesis Ill timed deadlines On time submission Unreasonable Failed deadline
Submission deadlines
Handover Defending Thesis Numbty evaluators Reasonable Insufficient research Failed examination
& oral evaluation and results
Examination examination

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GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

2. Work Breakdown Structure (Sequential Representation of Iterative Process)

m s


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GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

3. Schedule


GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

Project Name: Internationalisation & Commercialisation of Innovative Companies in Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
Start Date: March 1, 2010
End Date: March 1, 2013
GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Author: Daniel Joseph Costello
Version Date: October 22, 2009
Version WBS
TASK3 STAR END CALENDA 01-Mar- 01- 01- 01- 01-Mar- 01- 01-Mar- 01-Jul- 01-Mar-
T R DAYS 2010 Jul- Oct- Nov- 2011 Jul- 2012 2012 2013
Activity from Effort Duration Key Dates 2010 Start
2010 2011 Finish 2011 Completed/Actua Notes
WBS (Days)/Actual (Days)/Actual Date/Actual Date/Actual l
TASK ONE: 147 days/____ 105 days/____ Meetings March 1, 2010 July 26, 2010 Subject to task Early/Late
INITIATION with monitoring completions
supervisor subject to
1-2 hours ---------------- ---------------- iterative start
every one to date
two weeks modifications
1.1 28 days/____ 20 days/____ Meetings March 1, 2010 April 12, 2010 Subject to task Early/Late
Literature with monitoring completions
review & 14 days/____ 10 days/____ supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
Project 1-2 hours iterative start
rationale every one to date
two weeks modifications
1.2 42 days/____ 30 days/____ Meetings April 12, 2010 May 24, 2010 Subject to task Early/Late
Carry out with monitoring completions
investigation & 14 days/____ 10 days/____ supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
analyse data 1-2 hours iterative start
every one to date
two weeks modifications
1.3 21 days /____ 15 days/____ Meetings May 24, 2010 June 14, 2010 Subject to task Early/Late
(6 months) with monitoring completions
investigation supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
report 1-2 hours iterative start
every one to date
two weeks modifications
TASK TWO: 266 days/____ 190 days/____ Meetings June 14, 2010 March 7, 2011 Subject to task Early/Late
PLANNING with monitoring completions
supervisor subject to
1-2 hours ---------------- ---------------- iterative start
every one to date
two weeks modifications
2.1 Finalize 14 days/____ 10 days/____ Meetings June 14, 2010 June 28, 2010 Subject to task Early/Late
questionnaire with monitoring completions
methods supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
analysis & 1-2 hours June 28, 2010 July 26, 2010 iterative start
Identify target 28 days/____ 20 days/____ every one to date
group and two weeks ---------------- ---------------- modifications
carry out study
2.2 14 days/____ 10 days/____ Meetings July 26, 2010 August 9, Subject to task Early/Late
Analyse with 2010 monitoring completions
questionnaire supervisor subject to
review study 1-2 hours ---------------- ---------------- iterative start
every one to date
two weeks modifications
Holidays 14 days/____ 14 days/____ August 9,2010 August 23,
---------------- ----------------
2.3 Redraft 28 days/____ 20 days/____ Meetings August 23, 2010 September 20, Subject to task Early/Late
questions for with 2010 monitoring completions
survey & supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
Establish group 14 days/____ 10 days/____ 1-2 hours September 20, October 4, iterative start
sampling every one to 2010 2010 date
approach & two weeks ---------------- ---------------- modifications
Complete October 4, 2010 January 24,
survey 112 days/____ 80 days/____ ---------------- 2011
TASK THREE: 254 days/____ 182 days/____ Meetings March 7, 2011 November 16, Subject to task Early/Late
EXECUTION with 2011 monitoring completions
supervisor subject to
1-2 hours ---------------- ---------------- iterative start
every one to date
two weeks modifications
3.1 Write 35 days/____ 25 days/____ Meetings March 7, 2011 April 11, 2011 Subject to task Early/Late
report on with ---------------- ---------------- monitoring completions
findings & Final 14 days/____ 10 days/____ supervisor April 11, 2011 April 25, 2011 subject to
draft of 18 1-2 hours ---------------- ---------------- iterative start
month report & every one to April 25, 2011 May 9, 2011 date
Holidays 14 days/____ 14 days/____ two weeks ---------------- ---------------- modifications
3.2 First draft 35 days/____ 25 days/____ Meetings May 9, 2011 June 13, 2011 Subject to task Early/Late
of 24 month with monitoring completions
report supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
including 1-2 hours July 4, 2011 iterative start
second 21 days/____ 15 days/____ every one to June 13, 2011 date
investigation & two weeks ---------------- ---------------- modifications
Final draft
3.3 Carry out 49 days/____ 35 days/____ Meetings July 4, 2011 August 22, Subject to task Early/Late
further with ---------------- 2011 monitoring completions
research supervisor ---------------- subject to
and/or analysis 1-2 hours August 22, 2011 iterative start
& Prepare every one to October 26, date
chapter 91 days/____ 65 days/____ two weeks ---------------- 2011 modifications
headings and
drafts ----------------
TASK FOUR: 385 days/____ 275 days/____ Meetings October November 14, Subject to task Early/Late
HANDOVER with 26,2011 2012 monitoring completions
supervisor subject to
1-2 hours ---------------- iterative start
every one to ---------------- date
two weeks modifications
4.1 Conference 56 days/____ 40 days/____ Meetings November 14, January 9, Subject to task Early/Late
submission & with 2012 2013 monitoring completions
Job supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
applications 133 days/____ 95 days/____ 1-2 hours iterative start
and interviews every one to November 1, March 1, 2013 date
GW: 20.07.09 v8 two weeks 2012 PMR Workbook
---------------- ----------------
4.2 Prepare 77 days/____ 55 days/____ Meetings November 14, January 30, Subject to task Early/Late
draft of chapter with 2012 2013 monitoring completions
headings & supervisor ---------------- ---------------- subject to
Prepare and 42 days/____ 30 days/____ 1-2 hours iterative start
submit to every one to November 14, December 26, date
GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

1 INITIATION 01- 14- 147 days 2010

. Mar- Jun- funding
2010 2010 deadlin
2 PLANNING 14- 07- 266 days 2011
. Jun- Mar- funding
2010 2011 deadlin
3 EXECUTION 07- 16- 254 days 2012
. Mar- Nov- funding
2011 2011 deadlin
4 HANDOVER 26- 01- 385 days
10- Mar-
2011 2013


Project Name: Internationalisation & Commercialisation of Innovative Companies in Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
Start Date: March 1, 2010
End Date: March 1, 2013

Author: Daniel Joseph Costello
Version Date: October 22, 2009
Version Number: 3

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

1/22/... 8/10/... 2/26/... 9/14/... 4/1/... 10/18/... 5/6/...

TASK ONE: Initia...

Project rati...

Carry out investig...

Write report on investigation(6 month re...


Finalise questionnaire identifying methods of statistical ana...

Analyse questionnaire and review pilot ...


Establishing target group and sampling approach for su...


Final draft of 18 month r...

First draft of 24 month report, including second investig...

Carry out further research and/or ana...


Job applications and inter...

Prepare and submit paper to jou...

Prepare for ...

4. Resource Schedule and Budget

Project Name: Internationalisation & Commercialisation of Innovative Companies in Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
Start Date: March 1, 2010
End Date: March 1, 2013

Author: Daniel Joseph Costello
Version Date: October 22, 2009
Version Number: 3
Activity from No of Cost per Cost per Date Total
WBS / Item Hours Hour No of Items Item Source Required Cost
TASK ONE: 420 $40.00 1. 56% Living Weekly rent 1. NZIDRS March 1, $16,800
INITIATION allowance: $150 Scholarship 2010
Annual cost Food $175 NZ$20,500 per
$ 23,280 (est.) Purchases $15 annum living
Transport $30 allowance
2. 44% Graduate Internet $20 (NZ$1708.33
cost balance Telephone per month).
$ 18,220 (est.) Local and
National $10 2. VUW
3. 10% Supplies Telephone Scholarship
Computer, copies, International NZ $21,000
lab materials, etc. $10 per annum
$ 1,820 (est.) Mobile Phone Domestic
$10 tuition fees
4. 50% Travel Electric / Heat $500 thesis
$ 9,110 (est.) $30 allowance
5. 10% Dentist $10
Communications Misc / Cycling
phone, postage, $25
$ 1,820(est.) Weekly Costs
6. 30%
Balance of Direct
$ 5,466 (est.)
1.1 Literature 80 $40.00 See above See above See above March 1, $ 3,200
review & 2010
Project 40 $40.00 $ 1,600
1.2 Carry out 120 $40.00 See above See above See above March 1, $ 4,800
investigation & 2010
analyse data 40 $40.00 $ 1,600

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GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

1.3 (6 months) 60 $40.00 See above See above See above March 1, $ 2,400
investigation 2010
TASK TWO: 760 $40.00 1. 56% Living Weekly rent 1. NZIDRS June 14, 2010 $30,400
PLANNING allowance: $150 Scholarship
Annual cost Food $175 NZ$20,500 per
$ 23,280 (est.) Purchases $15 annum living
Transport $30 allowance
2. 44% Graduate Internet $20 (NZ$1708.33
cost balance Telephone per month).
$ 18,220 (est.) Local and
National $10 2. VUW
3. 10% Supplies Telephone Scholarship
Computer, copies, International NZ $21,000
lab materials, etc. $10 per annum
$ 1,820 (est.) Mobile Phone Domestic
$10 tuition fees
4. 50% Travel Electric / Heat $500 thesis
$ 9,110 (est.) $30 allowance
5. 10% Dentist $10
Communications Misc / Cycling
phone, postage, $25
$ 1,820(est.) Weekly Costs
6. 30%
Balance of Direct
$ 5,466 (est.)
2.1 Finalize 40 $40.00 See above See above See above June 14, 2010 $ 1,600
analysis &
Identify target 80 $40.00 $ 3,200
group and
carry out study
2.2 Analyse 40 $40.00 See above See above See above June 14, 2010 $ 1,600
review study
Holidays 14 days $0.00 $ 0.00
2.3 Redraft 80 $40.00 See above See above See above June 14, 2010 $ 3,200
questions for
survey &
Establish group 40 $40.00 $ 1,600
approach &
survey 320 $40.00 $12,800

TASK THREE: 728 $40.00 1. 56% Living Weekly rent 1. NZIDRS March 7, $29,120
EXECUTION allowance: $150 Scholarship 2011
Annual cost Food $175 NZ$20,500 per
$ 23,280 (est.) Purchases $15 annum living
Transport $30 allowance
2. 44% Graduate Internet $20 (NZ$1708.33
cost balance Telephone per month).
$ 18,220 (est.) Local and
National $10 2. VUW
3. 10% Supplies Telephone Scholarship
Computer, copies, International NZ $21,000
lab materials, etc. $10 per annum
$ 1,820 (est.) Mobile Phone Domestic
$10 tuition fees
4. 50% Travel Electric / Heat $500 thesis
$ 9,110 (est.) $30 allowance
5. 10% Dentist $10
Communications Misc / Cycling
phone, postage, $25
$ 1,820(est.) Weekly Costs
6. 30%
Balance of Direct
$ 5,466 (est.)
3.1 Write 100 $40.00 See above See above See above March 7, $ 4,000
report on 2011
findings & Final 40 $40.00 $ 1,600
draft of 18
month report &
Holidays 56 $40.00 $ 2,240
3.2 First draft 100 $40.00 See above See above See above March 7, $ 4,000
of 24 month 2011
report including
investigation & 60 $40.00 $ 2,400
Final draft
3.3 Carry out See above See above See above March 7,
further 140 $40.00 2011 $ 5,600
and/or analysis
& Prepare

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GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

headings and 260 $40.00
drafts $10,400
TASK FOUR: 1,100 $40.00 1. 56% Living Weekly rent 1. NZIDRS October 26, $44,000
HANDOVER allowance: $150 Scholarship 2011
Annual cost Food $175 NZ$20,500 per
$ 23,280 (est.) Purchases $15 annum living
Transport $30 allowance
2. 44% Graduate Internet $20 (NZ$1708.33
cost balance Telephone per month).
$ 18,220 (est.) Local and
National $10 2. VUW
3. 10% Supplies Telephone Scholarship
Computer, copies, International NZ $21,000
lab materials, etc. $10 per annum
$ 1,820 (est.) Mobile Phone Domestic
$10 tuition fees
4. 50% Travel Electric / Heat $500 thesis
$ 9,110 (est.) $30 allowance
5. 10% Dentist $10
Communications Misc / Cycling
phone, postage, $25
$ 1,820(est.) Weekly Costs
6. 30%
Balance of Direct
$ 5,466 (est.)
4.1 Conference 160 $40.00 See above See above See above October 26, $ 6,400
submission & 2011
Job applications
and interviews 380 $40.00 $15,200
4.2 Prepare 220 $40.00 See above See above See above October 26, $8,800
draft of chapter 2011
headings &
Prepare and 120 $40.00 $ 4,800
submit to
4.3 Complete 120 $40.00 See above See above See above October 26, $ 4,800
and submit 2011
final draft of
4.4 Prepare for 60 $40.00 See above See above See above October 26, $ 2,400
viva 2011
Total Cost 3,008 $40.00 See above See above See above See above $120,320

5. Quality Planning Matrix

Activity from Quality criterion Method of When Person Recovery
WBS Measure responsible Procedure

1.1 Literature Comprehensiveness Thesis April 12, 2010 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
review & Project advisor/advisory
rationale committee
1.2 Carry out Accuracy Thesis May 24, 2010 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
investigation & advisor/advisory
analyse data committee
1.3 (6 months) Descriptive; Thesis June 14, 2010 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
investigation report analytical advisor/advisory
2.1 Finalize Accuracy; analytical Thesis June 28, 2010 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
questionnaire advisor/advisory
methods analysis & committee
Identify target July 26, 2010
group and carry
out study
2.2 Analyse Descriptive; Thesis August 9, 2010 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
questionnaire analytical advisor/advisory
review study committee
2.3 Redraft Descriptive; Thesis September 20, PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
questions for analytical advisor/advisory 2010
survey & Establish committee
group sampling October 4, 2010
approach &
Complete survey
January 24, 2011
3.1 Write report on Comprehensiveness Thesis April 11, 2011 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
findings & Final advisor/advisory
draft of 18 month committee April 25, 2011

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

3.2 First draft of Descriptive; Thesis June 13, 2011 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
24 month report analytical advisor/advisory
including second committee
investigation & July 4, 2011
Final draft
3.3 Carry out Descriptive; Thesis August 22, 2011 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
further research analytical advisor/advisory
and/or analysis & committee
Prepare chapter October 26, 2011
headings and drafts
4.1 Conference Credibility Journal or January 9, 2013 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
submission & Job employment
applications and advisory committee March 1, 2013
4.2 Prepare draft Descriptive; Thesis January 30, 2013 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
of chapter headings analytical; advisor/advisory
& credibility committee December 26,
Prepare and submit Journal or 2012
to journal employment
advisory committee
4.3 Complete and Comprehensiveness Thesis December 26, PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
submit final draft of advisor/advisory 2012
thesis committee
4.4 Prepare for Credibility Thesis January 16, 2013 PhD candidate Rewrite if needed
viva advisor/advisory

6. Project Communications
Person responsible
Stakeholder Reporting needs Preferred medium When for creating the report
Daniel Costello, Supervisory Face to face, call or Ongoing continuous Daniel Costello,
PhD Candidate assessments, revisions, email to make an improvement and PhD Candidate
approvals, all aspects of appointment updating of plan to
plan meet amendments
Thomas Borghoff, Senior Approval and progress Face to face, call or End of each phase of Daniel Costello,
Lecturer - Supervisor reporting for each plan email to make an project lifecycle, weekly PhD Candidate
stage, thesis committee appointment ongoing
Val Lindsay, Possible alternate Face to face, call or Possible end of each Daniel Costello,
Head of Dept.- Assistant approval and progress email to make an phase of project PhD Candidate
Supervisor reporting for each plan appointment lifecycle, weekly
stage, thesis committee ongoing
Joanne Scott-Kennel, Possible alternate Face to face, call or Possible end of each Daniel Costello,
Senior Lecturer- approval and progress email to make an phase of project PhD Candidate
Assistant Supervisor reporting for each plan appointment lifecycle, weekly
stage, thesis committee ongoing
Susan Corbett, Approval of survey Face to face, call or Preapproval of survey Daniel Costello,
Convener Pipitea Human methodology, thesis email to make an methods phase PhD Candidate
Ethics Committee committee appointment
Rowena Cullen, Approval of budget and Face to face, call or Pre-start funding Daniel Costello,
Convener Research funding sources email to make an deadlines PhD Candidate
Committee appointment

7. Project Procurement
Selection Person responsible for managing Human Recruitment Person When
Activity from process for selection process Resource Process for responsible needed
the WBS item to be needs for item HR needs for
procured to be procured managing
TASK ONE: Competitive 1. Education New Zealand 1. NZIDRS NA NA March
INITIATION Annual Scholarships Manager - Scholarship 1,2010;
Renewal; NZ$20,500 three
Annual thesis per annum years
committee 2. The Scholarships Office living annual
approvals; Victoria University of Wellington allowance renewal;
Ongoing PO Box 600 Wellington (NZ$1708.33 duration
project quality New Zealand per month). of
evaluation Phone: (04) 463 5113 or Fax: project
(04)463 5557 2. VUW
E-mail: scholarships- Scholarship NZ $21,000
per annum
tuition fees
$500 thesis
TASK TWO: Competitive 1. Education New Zealand 1. NZIDRS NA NA March
PLANNING Annual Scholarships Manager - Scholarship 1,2010;
Renewal; NZ$20,500 three
Annual thesis per annum years
committee 2. The Scholarships Office living annual
approvals; Victoria University of Wellington allowance renewal;
Ongoing PO Box 600 Wellington (NZ$1708.33 duration
project quality New Zealand per month). of
evaluation Phone: (04) 463 5113 or Fax: project

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

(04)463 5557 2. VUW

E-mail: scholarships- Scholarship NZ $21,000
per annum
tuition fees
$500 thesis
TASK THREE: Competitive 1. Education New Zealand 1. NZIDRS NA NA March
EXECUTION Annual Scholarships Manager - Scholarship 1,2010;
Renewal; NZ$20,500 three
Annual thesis per annum years
committee 2. The Scholarships Office living annual
approvals; Victoria University of Wellington allowance renewal;
Ongoing PO Box 600 Wellington (NZ$1708.33 duration
project quality New Zealand per month). of
evaluation Phone: (04) 463 5113 or Fax: project
(04)463 5557 2. VUW
E-mail: scholarships- Scholarship NZ $21,000
per annum
tuition fees
$500 thesis
TASK FOUR: Competitive 1. Education New Zealand 1. NZIDRS NA NA March
EVALUATION Annual Scholarships Manager - Scholarship 1,2010;
Renewal; NZ$20,500 three
Annual thesis per annum years
committee 2. The Scholarships Office living annual
approvals; Victoria University of Wellington allowance renewal;
Ongoing PO Box 600 Wellington (NZ$1708.33 duration
project quality New Zealand per month). of
evaluation Phone: (04) 463 5113 or Fax: project
(04)463 5557 2. VUW
E-mail: scholarships- Scholarship NZ $21,000
per annum
tuition fees
$500 thesis

8. Project Risk
Risk Impact Control When Planned Response if Management Financial
(conseque Strategy triggered Responsibility Responsibility
nces x (avoid/
likelihood) mitigate/
Failure to secure Medium Retain Early on and Cancel project PhD Candidate, PhD Candidate,
adequate funding annually NZIDRS, VUW NZIDRS, VUW
Disagreement or Medium Mitigate Early on Reformulate purpose In agreement with NZIDRS, VUW
dislike of purpose sponsors and
Timeframe may Medium Mitigate Continuous Request extension or PhD candidate NZIDRS, VUW
need to be reduce scope
Disagreement or Medium Mitigate Continuous Reformulate methods In agreement with NZIDRS, VUW
dislike of proposed sponsors and
methods stakeholders
Possible excessive Medium Mitigate Continuous Reduce scope PhD candidate NZIDRS, VUW
scope of relevant In agreement with
data sponsors and
Business case Medium Mitigate Continuous Refer to new possible PhD candidate NZIDRS, VUW
study too case study options In agreement with
exclusive or non- sponsors and
representative stakeholders
Evaluation Medium Mitigate Latter stages Request clarification of Committee NZIDRS, VUW
measures too evaluation measures
Failed deadline Medium Mitigate End results Re-edit and resubmit or PhD candidate NZIDRS, VUW
request deadline
Failed examination Medium Mitigate End results Re-edit and resubmit for PhD candidate NZIDRS, VUW
Delay in project High Retain 2009 Defer until 2012 PhD Candidate Candidate
Overlapping tasks High Retain Duration of Employ multi-task and PhD Candidate Candidate
project iterative orientation
absorb buffer scheduling
Extension of task High Transfer Duration of Employ multi-task and PhD Candidate Candidate
duration project iterative orientation to
absorb buffer scheduling
Re-scoping of High Retain Early Defer to stakeholder PhD Candidate VUW
project approval agreements

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

Illness or sickness Medium Mitigate Duration of Maintain regular regiment PhD Committee and VUW
(encourage project of exercise employing Candidate
stakeholde Merida TFS800 hardtail
rs to guide Maintain 8 hours daily
candidate sleep schedule and three
to hardtail square nutritious meals a
local trails day. Drink green tea and
and cycle- ginseng extracts to match
ways) project chart border
shading and minimize

9. Project Monitoring & Control

Completion of Reporting Schedule Stakeholders Risk Management
activities System
listed in WBS -

Actual Duration, Activity reports Weekly/biweekl PhD Candidate, Apply iterative overlapping of tasks strategy and advance
Actual Start & y consultations VUW schedule updating of WBS; Integrated into activity schedule.
Finish Dates with Supervisory
supervisor,six Committee
month semi-
annual reports.

Schedule Activity reports Weekly/biweekl PhD Candidate, Adjust and adapt schedule to early or late completion.
-Actual y consultations VUW
Completion with supervisor, Supervisory
Date six month semi- Committee
annual reports.

Staying on Activity reports Weekly/biweekl PhD Candidate, Supplement cost over-runs through further investments from
budget - Actual y consultations VUW alternative source funding (e.g. candidate’s retirement fund).
Effort, Actual with supervisor, Supervisory
Costs six month semi- Committee,
annual reports, NZIDRS
annual funding

Achieving Activity reports Weekly/biweekl PhD Candidate, Maintain collaborative dialogue; update and/or reorganise WBS
agreed criteria y consultations VUW in ongoing improvements.
with supervisor, Supervisory
six month semi- Committee
annual reports.

Realization of Activity reports Weekly/biweekl PhD Candidate, Activate risk management plan. Current status of plan: defer
risks and y consultations VUW to 2012 start dates on resource discussion.
problems with supervisor, Supervisory
six month semi- Committee,
annual reports NZIDRS

10. Project Handover & Evaluation

1) Handover of draft report to Thesis Supervisor
2) Additions and changes according to feedback
3) Handover of report to Thesis Committee
4) Additions and changes according to Committee feedback
5) Handover of final report and presentation of project conclusions to key stakeholders
6) Handover of final Thesis to Faculty
7) Documenting lessons learnt about the project management activities

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT


Resources: Further planning in this critical area of budget analysis is necessary due to
the importance of obtaining sufficient scholarship funding which relies upon the
perceived viability and value of the deliverables of the project. The economic
formulas for calculating actual weekly or daily wage are not provisioned in advance
by NZIDRS or VUW scholarship funding sources. The viability of alternative funding
sources available for the project is unknown. The acceptability of provisioning by
additional corporate, government agency or NGO sponsors is also unknown.
Projected versus actual costs of living could be conservative. Implementation will be
necessarily delayed until a true picture of resource availability is known.

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

GC Research Commercialisation PROJECT MANAGEMENT

Addressing these key funding constraints with VUW Manager, Ms. Jacqui Fitzgerald
School of Marketing and International Business on September 22, 2009 received a
response on October 21, 2009 of an inability to answer questions regarding these
topics and that the School is no longer accepting PhD applications at this time which
is directly contradictory to its previous invitations to forward proposals at any time.

Therefore the hypothetical nature of this project proposal itself reveals the real risks
associated with attempting to plan budgetary constraints due to lack of information
sharing, unannounced or unsolicited policy changes, or managerial prerogative. The
risk retention of budgetary constraints is realised prior to proposal completion or even
completed submission. Nothing shuts a project down like a lack of funding and I do
not think spending my retirement resources on a project for such fickle suitors is a
wise economic choice.

GW: 20.07.09 v8 PMR Workbook

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