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Name: Alexa Huerta and Karla Ramirez

Book: America: Imagine a world without her
Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today's reading. The other members of your
group will be counting on you to give a summary that conveys the key points, the main highlights of
today's reading assignment. It is a good idea to jot down the main events on scratch paper before
you complete this form. Be sure to write your summary in complete sentences!
When you have finished your summary, give your summary a short title that is different
from the title of the story--something that captures the main idea.
My Title:
Summary: It all started when Columbus came and then the Europeans after him, they started to colonize in
America. They brought many diseases such as small pox, measles, cholera, typhus, etc., so Indians died
because of the diseases, of course they did not have any cure for those kind of things, it was new for them.
But they could not call it genocide because Europeans were not actually killing them, for them they were
just plagues. They made them slaves for many years; they took their land, even though hey say it was not
Then it comes the Mexican territory theft issue. There was a war and during that war the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo was made, and it said that half of the Mexican territory was going to be given to
America and it was signed. The people who was Mexican and was on that part of the territory decided to
stay there and not come back. They say there is one solution, combine Mexico and United States into a
single great nation.

My group agreed that my summary was complete and accurate _____yes

add what is missing on the back of the sheet)

________ no (if no,

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