Ata Optik

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Ata Optik irketler grubu kurucusu Zeki Ylmaz, i hayatna, Ankarann nemli maazalarndan

Sekin Optikte, perakende maazaclk alannda alarak balamtr. Ara vermeksizin 30 yldr devam eden alma hayatyla, optik sektrnde deneyimli bir i adamdr. Ata Optik Konut
naat San. Tic. Ltd. 1999 ylnda Ankarada kurmutur. Merkez alma ofisi, Trkiyenin
ve Ankarann nemli i merkezlerinden biri olan Kzlay Meydannda, Atatrk Bulvar zerinde
Sakarya Caddesi 1 numaradadr. 500 m2 kapal ofis alan bulunan Ata Grupta 29 personel
almaktadr. lk yllarnda farkl markalarn distribtrln de yapan Ata Optik, sektrel baarsnn temellerini kendi tescilli markas olan Twinexte ile 2002 yl ve sonrasnda atmtr.
2005 ylnda Stepper markasnn Trkiye distribtrln stlenen Ata Optik, sonraki srete
markann kresel lekteki nemli i ortaklarndan biri olmay baarmtr. 2008 yl ierisinde
optik brann yeniden yaplandran firma, yurt d ticaret ilerini Ata Optik Konut naat San.
Tic. Ltd. ti. ile yrtmeye devam ederken; yurtii sat ve pazarlama ilerini Ata Grup Optik A.. unvan ile yrtmeye balamtr. Ata Grup Optik A.., Stepper Eyewearn kresel i
ortaklarndan biri olarak, 2014 yl banda Stepper Optik San. ve Tic. A.. unvann almtr.
Bu srete, dnyaca nl butik markalar bnyesine alarak yoluna devam etme karar alan
Ata Optik, 1 Ocak 2014 tarihi itibar ile bnyesindeki Stepper, Steppers, Fuson, Boxx, Kool
Boxx, Ceo-V, Ceo-V Active ve Twinexte markalarn Stepper Turkey nvan altnda ve butik
rnleri ise Ata Optik unvan altnda sektrn beenisine sunmaya devam etmektedir. 2015
ylbandan hemen nce, Zeiss, West, Laura Ashley, Linda Ashley ve Dakota Smith markalar
da Stepper Turkey bnyesine katlacaktr. Ata Optik ise, bu gn itibar ile bnyesinde bulunan
Dita, Dita Von Tesse, Thom Browne, Masunaga, Cazal, Cutler and Gross, Thierry
Lasry, Harry Larys, Bmw, Ve Silvian Heach gibi dnyaca nl tasarm markalarn,
sektrn gzde butik maazalarnn beenilerine sunmaya devam etmektedir.

Founder of Ata Optik Corporate Group, Zeki Ylmaz started

his business life in Sekin Optik, one of the Ankaras major
stores in the field of retailing. With his nonstop, thirty years
constant business life, he is an experienced business man
in the sector of optic. He established the Ata Optik Estates
Construction Company in 1999. His center working office
is located at the Kzlay Square being one of the most important business centers in Turkey and Ankara, on Atatrk
Boulevard, Sakarya Street, No: 1. In Ata Group having a
500 square meter indoor office space, 29 personals are
working. In its first years having done the different brands
distribution Ata Optik, lay its foundation of sectoral success
with Twinexte 2002 and thereafter. Taking the distribution
of Stepper at Turkey in 2005, after that succeded in becoming one of the major partners in the brands global extent.
The firm having reconstruct its optical branch in 2008, while
proceeded in its foreign commercial business with Ata Optik Estates Construction Company in 1999; it has started to
carry out its domestic sales and marketing business under
the name of Ata Group Optical. Ata Group Optical, being
one of the global business partners of Stepper Eyewear,
has had the title of Stepper Optic Industries. In this process, having made the decision of to continue by gathering
the most famous boutique brands under its constitution Ata
Optical, from the January 1, 2014 has gathered the brands
in which its constitution such as Stepper, Steppers, Fuson,
Boxx, Kool Boxx, Ceo-V, Ceo-V Active and Twinexte under
the title of Stepper Turkey and its boutique products Ata
Optical and still presenting for the sectors admiration.
Just before the beginning of 2015, brands such as Zeiss,
West, Laura Ashley, Linda Ashley and Dakota Smith will also
be joining to Stepper Turkeys constitution. Ata Optical, as
for today still continues to presenting world renown design
brands such as Dita, Dita Von Tesse, Thom Browne,
Masunaga, Cazal, Cutler and Gross, Thierry Lasry,
Harry Larys, Bmw and Silvian Heach for the sectors
preferred boutique stores admiration.

Ona sahip olduunuzda bir mr boyu hayran kalabilirsiniz...

hayran kalacanz koleksiyonlar
Dita gzlklerinin hikayesi aslnda bir yaam boyu dostluk hikyesidir. Ditann kurucular olan Jeff Solorio ve
John Juniper, Ditann nl tasarmlarnn ardndaki itici gc oluturmaktadr. Jeff ve John ilkokuldan beri arkadatr ve fotoraflk ile tasarm konularnda ortak tutkulara sahiptir. Tutkularn ve tasarm alanndaki doal
yeteneklerini ayn zamanda gzlk erevelerine yanstmaya karar veren Jeff ve John 1950ler ila 1980li yllarda
retilen vintage erevelerden esinlenerek tasarladklar k erevelerle Dita Gzlklerini 1996 ylnda hayata
geirdiler. Dita ereveleri, Jeff Solorio ve John Juniperin estetik ve tasarma duyduklar srekli ilgi, cesur tasarmlar ve cazip biimleriyle olduka tannan bir marka olarak srekli geliti. Dita gzlkleri 2013 ylnn Eyll
aynda Pariste dzenlenen Silmo Optik Fuar ereve Kategorisinde Silmo dOr dlne layk bulundu.


Having a pair of DITAs will seduce you for life

The story of Dita Eyewear is really a story of lifelong friends, Jeff Solorio and John Juniper
co-founders and the driving forces behind Ditas celebrated designs. Pursuing a passion for
design, photography, performance and style they have shared since elementary school, cofounders Jeff Solorio and John Juniper. With their natural affinity for design, they came up
with a plan to introduce stylish eyewear inspired by vintage frames from the 50s through
the 80s launched their first collection of Dita frames in 1996. With a constant interest for
aesthetics and design, the brand has grown to be renowned for its beautiful bold design
and alluring shapes. In September 2013, DITA Eyewear won Silmo dOr in the Frame Category, at the Mondial de lOptique (World Optical Fair), in Paris.

Modern malzeme ve biimler kullanan Dita tasarmlar kalite, grnm ve yze uyum zellikleriyle benzerlerinden ayrlmaktadr. Jeff ve John,
Ditann byk markal erevelere bir alternatif
yaratmalarn hedefliyordu. Ditann logo ayrntlar zellikle kolay kolay fark edilmeyecek biimde tasarlanmtr, bylece erevenin logosu
deil grnts ereveye hakim olmaktadr. Bu
durum, erevenin tasarmnn kullancnn yz
hatlarn tamamlamasn ve genel olarak tarzna
katkda bulunmasn mmkn klmaktadr.

Ditas mission is utilizing modern materials and shapes, designs distinguish themselves
with quality, look and fit. It was envisioned as an alternative to label branded eyewear.
Ditas logo details are intentionally subtle so that the frame itself defines the look rather
than the logo. This allows the design of the frame to complement features of the wearer
and contribute to their overall style.

john juniper

jeff solorio

Ditas design studio and world headquarters are located in Los Angeles, California. Ditas founders Jeff Solorio and John
Juniper continue to provide the creative
direction for the company and oversee all
aspects of design and production. All Dita
frames are hand made in Japan and use
only the highest quality materials: titanium, 18K gold, white gold and the finest
Japanese zyl acetates. Ditas quality and
attention to detail to each frame is unmatched. Simply holding a pair of Ditas
may hook you for life

Markann ok talep gren vintage esintili ereveleri, sz sahibi moda elitleri ve ad

her yerde duyulan nller sayesinde hzla
popler birer aksesuar haline dnmtr.
Dita, aralarnda Brad Pit, Mary Kate ve Ashley
Olsen kardeler, Jessica Simpson, Penelope
Cruz, Kate Hudson, Miranda Kerr, Jennifer Lopez, Lindsay Lohan, Beyonce, Nicholas Cage,
Lenny Kravitz, Kim Kardashian, Halle Bery,
Usher, Heidi Klum, Adam Lambert, Coachella, Ashley Greene, Avril Lavigne, Justin Bieber,
ne-yo, Lady Gaga, Eva Mendez ve Jamie Fox
gibi nllerden oluan etkileyici bir mteri
profiline sahiptir. Yllar iinde Dita uluslararas
bir ne sahip olmutur ve bunun karlnda Jeff ile John uzun mrl, Premium kalite
rnler retmeye kendilerini adam tasarmclar olarak isim yapmlardr.

They coveted Vintage-Inspired frames quickly become to hit accessory for high-powered
fashion elite and celebrities. Dita has built up an impressive celebrity clientele including
Brad Pit, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen sisters, Jessica Simpson, Penelope Cruz, Kate Hudson,
Miranda Kerr, Jennifer Lopez, Lindsay Lohan, Beyonce, Nicholas Cage, Lenny Kravitz, Kim
Kardashian, Halle Bery, Usher, Heidi Klum, Adam Lambert, Coachella, Ashley Greene, Avril
Lavigne, Justin Bieber, ne-yo, Lady Gaga, Eva Mendez and Jamie Foxx to name just few.....
Over the years Dita has acquired an international reputation and in return, Jeff and John
name as committed to producing longevity, premium quality products designer.

Dita kapsaml reklam kampanyalar, sper starlarla yaplan anlamalar ve toptan satclara rn verme gibi olaylardan
uzak durmay ve zgn kalmay tercih
etmitir ve yalnzca en iyi kaliteyi arayan ve bu gzlkleri takmaya cesareti
olanlar iin son derece talep gren zel
bir marka haline gelmitir. Trkiyede
Ata Grup Optik tarafndan distribtrl gerekletirilen ve sekin noktalarda sat gerekleen Dita Eyewear,
satlarn Dita Legends adn verdii
konsept maazalar araclyla gerekletirmektedir. Dita Legends, Ditann
eksiksiz gzlk koleksiyonunun yan sra
dier tasarmclarn zgn rnlerini de
bnyesinde barndrmaktadr. Dita Legends Los Angeles, Newport Beach ve
Tokyoda konumlanmtr.

Connection with the also famous pin-up model and burlesque queen, Dita Von
Teese, the story behind it is that she met with Jeff and John in 1993 and he asked
her if they could name the brand DITA, which she accepted. It was Dita Von Teese
who starred the shooting of the first prototypes and again this year, the Fall 2013
Look book, along with the legendary tattoo artist Mark Mahoney.
Dita tasarm stdyosu ve genel merkezi Los Angeles,
Californiada yer almaktadr. Dita erevelerinin tamam
Japonyada elde retilmektedir. retim srasnda yalnzca
en yksek kalite malzemeler kullanlmaktadr; titanyum,
18 ayar altn, beyaz altn ve en iyi kalite Japon zly asetatlar. Ditann kalitesi ve ayrntlara gsterdikleri zen her
erevede kendini gstermektedir. Bir Dita ereveyi elinize aldnz zaman ona mr boyu hayran kalabilirsiniz.
Markann nl pin-up ve brlesk kraliesi Dita Von Tesseir ile balants ise 1993 ylna dayanyor. Jeff ve John,
1993 yllarnda bir davette tantklar Dita Von Tesseire
markalarn DITA olarak adlandrp adlandramayacan
sorduklarnda Dita bunu kabul etmi ve markaya ismini
vermi. 2013 katalou iin gerekletirilen ilk prototiplerin fotoraf ekiminde de Dita Von Teese ve efsanevi dvme sanats Mark Mahoney barollerde yer alm.

Dita stay away from extensive advertising campaigns, the agreements made with superstars and events or making products to
wholesale dealers, chose to stay original. t is only for consumers
looking the best quality and become a special brand that highly
demands for the courage to wear these glasses. Ata Grup Optics in
Turkey conducted by the distributorship and sales that took place
in the elite point Dita Eyewear, Dita has established their retail concept stores as Dita Legends. In addition to carrying Ditas complete
eyewear collection, Dita Legends also stocks unique items from other designers. Dita Legends currently has locations in Los Angeles,
Newport Beach and Tokyo.

irresistible charm

kar konulmaz cazibenin somut hali

Jeff Solorio ve John Juniper, 1993 yllarnda bir davette tantklar Dita Von Tesseire
markalarn Dita olarak adlandrp adlandramayacan sorduklarnda Dita bunu kabul etmi ve markaya ismini vermi. 2014 ylnda Dita ve Dita Von Teese gzlklerinin retim ve dnya apnda datm iin resmi lisans anlamas imzalad. Dita
Von Teesein retro sevgisinden esinlenerek yaratlan vintage tasarmlar, bu gz alc
koleksiyonda modern kadn iin tasarlanan kedi gz, belirgin ve kadns formlaryla
dikkat ekiyor. Koleksiyonda, kk erevelerdense, eski zamanlarn gzlklerini
anmsatan vintage byk ereveler daha ok yer alyor. Dita Von Teese gzlkleri
aklda kalan ada zevkleriyle, yz oranlarna uygun tasarlanyor. stisnai malzemeler kullanlarak retilen gzlkler, sezon sonrasnda da moda kalmas iin tasarlanyor. Seksi ve onun efsanevi ada gibi zarif Dita Von Teese gzlkleri, sofistike ve
gnlk kombinlerinizin en zarif tamamlaycs olacak.

In 2014, DITA, Inc., and DITA VON TEESE announced their official license agreement
for the production and worldwide distribution of Dita Von Teese Eyewear. Inspired
by Dita Von Teeses love for vintage designs with a retro flair, this glamorous collection features cat-eye and other distinctively feminine sunglass styles reinvented
for the modern woman. Unlike the too small, grandmotherly proportions of most
vintage frames, Dita Von Teese Eyewear is designed and engineered with contemporary tastes and face proportions in mind. Manufactured using exceptional materials
and designed to remain in fashion season after season, Dita Von Teese Eyewear is a
perfect mlange of the best of yesterday and today. Sexy and elegant like its legendary namesake, Dita Von Teese Eyewear is sophisticated enough for any occasion and
comfortable enough for everyday wear.


Making a start in designing business with shrunken suits which were not accepted by
the critics at first, Thom Browne made quite an impression in a short time. Then, his
unusual view gave direction to womens clothing collection, bags and even eyewear.

Tasarm hayatna koleksiyonlarna hayat vererek balayan Thom

Brownen klm gibi grnen takm elbiseleri, ilk balarda yadrgansa da, bu farkl tarz ksa sre iinde kendini benimsetti. Tasarmcnn allmadk bak as, daha sonralar kadn giyim koleksiyonlarna, antalara ve hatta gzlklere yn verdi.


Thom Browne, Pennsylvaniann nispe-

Tasarmc yn kadar showman yn de baskn olan

ten eski ve ar sanayilerini barndran

Browne, 2001 ylnda smarlama takm elbiselerini pi-

bir kasabasndan gelmi olsa da, kesin-

yasaya srd zaman elde etmeyi umduu baary

likle mavi yakal gibi grnmemekte-

yakalad. Tasarmc 2008 ylnda Timea verdii rpor-

dir. Browne, 1997 ylnda New Yorkta

tajda: Bu, herkesin yapaca bir i deildir. Ama benim

The showman-provocateur-visionary

bir terzi ile alarak moda kariyerine

herhangi sradan bir tasarmc olmaya niyetim yok

gained the success that he hoped for

balad. Armanide bir sat eleman ve

szleriyle dikkat ekiyordu. Eletirmenlerin Brownenin

out when he launched his bespoke suit

Club Monacoda bir tasarmc olarak a-

dar kesim ceketleri ve kabark pantolonlarna snma-

business in 2001. People said, Its not

ltktan sonra, kendi iine balamak iin

s pek de kolay olmad. Ancak, Thom Browne zaman

what everybodys doing, he told Time

biriktirebildii kadar paray bir araya ge-

iinde sra d tasarmlarna herkesi altrmt. New

in 2008. But I had no interest in be-

tirdi ve be adet klm gibi grnen

York moda yazar Amy Larocca, allmn dndaki

ing just another designer. Critics were

takm elbiseye ekil verdi. 2004 ylnda

tasarmlaryla erkek modasna yepyeni bir yn veren

slow to warm to Brownes slim-cut

hazr giyimede girdi. Hem kendi markas

tasarmc hakkndaki gzlemini 2006 ylnda u szlerle

jackets and trousers with high-water

iin hem de Moncler ve Brooks Brothers

yanstt: Brownein pazarlamaya alt bir feti haline

cuffs. However, in time, Thom Browne

iin yapt tasarmlarla, klasik erkek mo-

gelen siyah-beyaz film erkeksilii. Tasarmc, 2007 y-

made everyone get accustomed to his

dasnn snrlarn zorlamaya devam etti.

lnda ilk kez bir kadn giyim koleksiyonu hazrlad. 2009

unusual designs. Its a fetishized,

Tenis ceketi desenli trenkotlar kabark

ylnda Thom Browne markasnn ounluk hissesi Ja-

black-and-white-movie masculinity

ttlerle sergiledi, buz pateni yapan, bi-

pon Cross firmasna satld. Markann ounluk his-

Browne has for sale, New York fash-

siklet binen ya da Mussolini dnemi bir

sesinin Japon firmasna satlmasndan sonra WWDye

ion writer Amy Larocca observed in

havuzda turlar atan modellere koruma-

rportaj veren tasarmc; Daha balarda ortamn

2006 regarding the designer who gave

lkla sslenmi pantolonlar giydirdi.

bir Japon firmas olacana ilikin bir dncem var-

a whole new direction to mens fash-

d. Japon kltrne gerekten hayranm ve yaptkla-

ion with his unusual designs. The de-

rna baylyorum. Bence dnyann en iyi tasarmclar

signer launched his first womenwear

Japonyadan geliyor diyordu.

collection in 2007. A majority stake

in Thom Browne label sold to Japans

Thom Browne may hail from the Rust Belt town of Allentown, Pennsylvania, but his look is anything but blue-col-

Cross Company in 2009. I had an

lar. Browne embarks on a fashion career by working with a tailor in New York in 1997. After toiling as a salesman

idea really early on that the partner

at Armani and as a designer at Club Monaco, he took what scant funds he could scrape together and fashioned

would be a Japanese company. Im re-

five shrunk-down suits, making his start in the business. In 2004, he branched out to ready-to-wear. For his own

ally attracted to the culture and what

label, as well as those he designs for Moncler and Brooks Brothers, Browne continues to push the boundaries of

they do. And I think the most impor-

classic mens fashion, showing tennis-racket-printed trenches with frothy tutus and sending out codpiece-adorned

tant designers in the world come from

trousers on models who might be ice skating, bicycling, or doing laps in a Mussolini-era swimming pool.

there, he later tells WWD.



Tasarlad sra d kyafetlerden sonra baka alanlarda

da tasarmlarm sunmak isteyen Browne, 2011 ylnda
Dita Eyewear Inc. ile bir gzlk lisansna imza att. ou
uniseks olan ereveler mimar
Philip Johnson gibi gzlkl
nllerden ilham alnarak

Besides his unusual clothes designs, he wanted to make designs in other

fields. He strikes an eyewear licensing deal with Dita Eyewear Inc. in 2011;
the mostly unisex frames will be inspired by famous bespectacled figures
such as architect Philip Johnson.



1953 ylnda kurulan Laura

Ashley, zaman iinde dn-

Laura Ashley, one of the worlds best loved fashion and home furnishing

yann en sevilen moda ve

brands, started from very humble beginnings. Founded on traditional values

ev mobilya markalarndan

and originality, our quintessentially English brand is revisiting its rich heri-

biri haline geldi. Geleneksel

tage to celebrate 60 inspiring years of innovative design.

deerler ve zgnlk zerine

kurulan, znde ngiliz markas, yeniliki tasarmlar ile
60. ilham verici yln kutlamak iin hazrlanyor.
Laura Ashley markas, Londradaki Victoria Albert Mzesinde geleneksel Viktorya kumalardan esinlenerek, Laura
ve Bernard Ashleynin 1953 ylnda kendi mutfak masasnda tekstil bask yapmas ile balad. Ba rts eklindeki
basklar baary yakalad ve Laura Ashley tannan bir marka ile uluslararas bir irket olma yolunda ilerleyerek dnya
apnda ne kavutu. Yllar getike, Laura Ashley giyim, ev mobilyalar, aksesuarlar ve koku alanlarnda rnler sunmaya balad ve zgn bir yaam tarz markas haline geldi. Laura Ashley kalite, yaratclk, bireysellik ile e anlaml
olan bir ngiliz markas olarak biliniyor. Bugn Laura Ashley ev rnleri, kadn giyim ve ocuk giyim iin nihai hedef
markas olma yolunda ilerliyor. Esiz konfor salamak iin hazrlanm prestijli Laura Ashley gzlkleri, sofistike koleksiyonlardan oluuyor. Modern ve ikonik tasarmlar Laura Ashley zerafeti ile birletiinde muhteem kyafetlerle
kombinlenmek zere harika koleksiyonlar ortaya kyor.


Inspired by a display of traditional Victorian fabric at the Victoria Albert Museum in London, Laura and Bernard Ashley began printing textiles on their kitchen
table in 1953. The prints, in the form of headscarves, were an instant success
and Laura Ashley was on its way to becoming an international company with a
brand recognized and loved around the globe. Over the years, Laura Ashley expanded to include apparel, home furnishings, accessories, and fragrance, and
became an original lifestyle brand. Laura Ashley is known as the quintessential
English brand, synonymous with quality, creativity, and individuality- a symbol
of timeless, relaxed living. Uniquely crafted to provide comfort, style and prestigious appeal, Laura Ashley Eyewear is available in fine optical stores nationwide. Throughout the collection, a modern twist has been coupled with iconic
Laura Ashley elegance to carefully create a collection for women who enjoy
fashionable eyeglasses enhancing their already spectacular attire. With Laura
Ashley Eyewear, be prepared to attract, inspire and welcome newcomers. You
will lose count of the times people compliment about your frames!




1975 ylnda, cokulu bir giriimci olan

Gnter Bttcher ve gen, enerjik bir
tasarmc olan Cari Zalloni yarattklar
marka ile hayallerin gerek olabileceini
kantladlar. Cazaln moda dnyasndaki maceras byle balad

In 1975 two
men proved that
dreams can come
true, when they
founded op Couture Brillen GmbH
in Passau: Gnter
Bttcher, an exuberant entrepreneur, and Cari
Zalloni, a young,
energetic designer
and eponym of the
brand: CAZAL.

stunning design


arpc tasarmlarn

Gnter Bttcher ve Cari Zalloni, o dnem gzlk tercih edilen aksesuarlar arasnda olmasa da bu kural ykp, tasarladklar gzlklerle
kullanclara adeta birer mcevher sundular. Her ne kadar dneminde allmam bir durum olsa da Cazal markas iin tasarm
standartlar, her zaman birinci plandayd. Kurulduu ilk gnden
beri markay en iyi tanmlayan nokta, zel tasarmlar oldu. Cazal,
kendine zg ve abartl tasarm ile adaln nabzn tuttu ve
baarya giden yolda emin admlarla ilerledi. Marka, 39 yldr ok
ynl bir ekilde ilerlerken, tek bir hedef gruptan daha fazlasna
hitap edebilmeyi baaran nadir markalardan bir olmay baard.
Cazal, sra d gzlk ereveleri ile sofistike bayanlar ve erkeklerin vazgeilmez aksesuarlar arasnda yer alyor. Genler arasnda
ise; zenli bir zarafetin eseri olan ve vintage esintileri tayan gne gzlkleri ile olduka popler. Hepsi farkl olsa da tm Cazal
modellerini ortak bir noktas var; tm Cazal gzlkleri, arpc ve
net bir tasarma sahip. Markann yaratclk dehas tasarmcs ve
kurucusu Cari Zalloninin 2012 ylndaki beklenmedik lmnden
sonra uluslararas tasarm ekibi, Zalloninin ansn tasarmlarla yaatmay srdryor. Cazal koleksiyonlarnn nemli bir ksm ABD
ve Japonyaya ihra ediliyor. Bunun yan sra sadece Almanya deil,
ayn zamanda Fransa ve Avrupann tamam, Cazaln datm ann
arasnda. 70ler ve 80ler de retilen baz Cazal tasarmlar, gnmzde tasarlanan birok modele ilham kayna oluyor.

These two men turned their vision of eyewear as pieces of jewelry for
the face into reality and at a time when eyewear was an unloved aid
to seeing. In a move which was at the time more than unusual for
the sector, the company made design standards one of its primary
focuses. What defined the brand from the very start was its special
styling, which polarized views even then and demonstrated a marked
unwillingness to compromise. The brand that has been making eyewear history like no other in such a multifaceted way for 39 years
and has succeeded in appealing to more than just one target group.
With unusual spectacle frames for sophisticated ladies and men, with
sunglasses of elaborate elegance for glamorous appearances, and
with hip vintage chic, particularly popular among the younger target
group. But all CAZAL models have one thing in common: they catch
the eye and speak a clear design language. Cari Zalloni once said you
had to be able to recognize a CAZAL from the other side of the street.
The creative genius of the charismatic designer Cari Zalloni still lives
on after his unexpected death in 2012. Inspired by him, his international design team will carry on creating a collection that surprises,
polarizes and sets its own standards time and again. More European
markets and the overseas markets are based on many years of cooperation with importers on the spot. Some of the legendary CAZAL
designs from the 70s and 80s still lead the field to this day.





1969 ylnda talyada alan Cutler&Grossun ilk maazasnda el yapm ereve

retimine baland. Atlyeye gelen mterilerin zel siparii zerine ereveler yaplmaktayd. Mentee taklmasndan camlara kanallarn freze edilmesine kadar her ey el iilii ile yaplyordu. Tony ve Graham kendi modellerini
tasarlamann yan sra, numaralandrmak yerine her ereveyi adlandrmaya
baladlar ve her sa sapn i ksmna, markann altn varakl logosunu yerletirdiler. Tony ve Graham, atafatl bir etiket haline gelen logolar ile erevelerini
daha zarif hale getirdiler. 1982 ylnda Gross, Cutler&Gross koleksiyonunu Paris
Moda Haftasnda sergiledi. Ayn dnemde Tasarm Direktr Marie Wilkinson
irkete katld. Markann klasik, ikonik ereveleri artk daha geni bir uluslararas kitle tarafndan talep edilir hale geldi.


Graham Cutler ve
Tony Gross tarafndan Northampton
Kolejinde optometri
okulunda kuruldu.

Cutler and Gross was founded by Graham

Cutler and Tony Gross who met in optometry school at Northampton College.


In 1969 the pair bought the Cutler and Gross flagship store at 16
Knightsbridge Green where they
started creating handcrafted frames
above the shop. Clients met in the
atelier for a true bespoke consultation. Everything from the milling of
the lens groove to the fitting of the
hinges was done by hand. As Tony
and Graham designed their own
models, they started numbering
rather than naming each frame and
chose to place the brands gold foil
logo on the inside of each right hand
temple. Rather than the logo becoming a gaudy promotional sticker,
the frames keep a quiet elegance
about them, a sort of firm yet graceful classism. Design Director Marie
Wilkinson joined the company in
1982 when Mr. Gross showed the
Cutler and Gross collection at Paris
Fashion Week. The brands classic,
iconic frames became known and
demanded by a wider international

Cutler&Gross fabrikas, imalatn tamamn

talyada yapan birka kresel gzlk firmasndan
biridir. Son be yl iinde, irketin rnlerine gelen
youn talep zerine fabrika geniletilerek modernize edildi. Markann retilen referans erevelerinde bulunan Handmade by C&G Italy etiketi
dikkat ekiyor. Kurulduu gnden bu yana farkl
tarz, ince el iilii ve sofistike detaylar ile dikkat
eken Cutler&Gross, ayn zamanda birok baarl tasarmc ile birlikte, ok baarl koleksiyonlar
hazrlad. Maison Martin Margiela, Giles Deacon,
Comme Des Garcons, Mulberry, Alberta Ferretti,
Martyn Bal ve Victoria Beckham, Cutler&Gross ile
ibirlii yapan nl tasarmclar arasndadr. Marka, 2011 ylnn Austos aynda Knightsbridgede
kendi mzesini at. Mzede 1969 ylna kadar retilen gzlk modellerinin yan sra 400 eit gzlk
ve insanlarn kendi gzlklerini retebilecekleri bir
blm de bulunuyor.

The Cutler and Gross customer has always been an individual, craving the handcrafted
feel of a bespoke pair of glasses, the tiny inaccuracies that give them character and
make them unique to the wearer. Cutler and Gross expansion plans, which required
the production of quality, handmade frames, could no longer be satisfied by the small
number of remaining factories in Italy. n 2007, Cutler and Gross started to set up own
production facility in the region. In the last five years that factory has been extended and
modernized to cope with high demand for the companys products. Cutler and Gross is
now one of the few global eyewear companies still manufacturing entirely in Italy reference is made to the unique factory in Italy where the frames are produced: Handmade
by C&G Italy. In August 2011, Cutler and Gross launched their museum, spanning the
entire top floor of their Knightsbridge store. The floor has a permanent display of more
than four thousand frames that date back to 1969. Also on the top floor is the bespoke
service mirrored room, where the clients can create their own glasses or choose a bespoke service and have a pair designed for them.



Japonyann souk k aylarnda tarmla

geinen bir toplum olarak daha ok i
imkanna ihtiyac olduu bir dnemde
Gozaemon Masunaga, Japonyaya daha
fazla istihdam imkan salayabilmek adna
bir politikac olarak Fukuide gzlk
retimine girdi. Bylece Masunaga
markas dodu.

giving life to solid gold

Masunaga Optik, 1905de Masunaga isimli bir politikac tarafndan Fukui,
Japonyada kuruldu. Masunaga, Japonyann drt bir yanndan mhendisleri Fukuiye ard ve toplumunun gelirini arttrmak iin hangi endstri dalnda ilerlemelerinin daha iyi olaca konusunda grlerini ald.
Birka farkl alanda mhendisle grtkten sonra, gzlk sektrn
girmek iin en ideal sektr olarak belirledi. Bylece ilk gzlk fabrikasn,
Fukui Japonyada am oldu ve tm Japonyaya yayld. Her bir fabrika,
Masunaga soyundan birine balyd. Yksek kalitede retim yapan birok
farkl fabrika varken bunlar dolayl da olsa Masunagaya balyd.

Gozaemon Masunaga, a politician, started with eyewear as a way

to bring more work
to the people in
Fukui, Japan,
then a farming
community that
needed more
jobs during the
cold winter.
Thus was born
Masunag brand.

Masunaga fabrikalarnda, 30lu ve 40l yllarda imparator iin el yapm

zel altn ereveler retiliyordu. 70li yllarda ok ses getiren bir olayla
ortaya ktlar. O dnemde ikonik hale gelmi olan dnemin en popler
gzlklerini zaman kapslne koydular. Btn dnyada adlarndan sz
ettirecek bir uygulama yaparak dnemin klasik ve ikon olmu gzlklerini kapsle koyarak optik sektrn temsil ettiler. Bir tank gibi retilen
gzlkler, el yapm asetat ve 7li mentee sistemiyle retiliyor. Masunaga
gzlkleri, birok markadan 2-3 kat daha fazla cilalanyor. Bu uygulama
gzlklere gerekten zengin bir parlaklk vermesinin yannda mkemmel
bir derinlik hissi kazandrr. Gzlklerin altndaki plastik ise; titanium ekirdekten oluuyor.


Masunaga Optical was started in 1905 by Mr. Masunaga who was actually working as a politician. So what happened was, he wound up hiring all
these engineers from all over Japan and he told them to come to Fukui to
pitch him on what industries they could start to develop so they could create an income for the community. After the meeting with several different
engineers from different fields, he felt like eyewear was the best industry
to get into. So he started the first eyewear factory in Fukui, Japan, in the
whole country of Japan. So every single factory that is in Fukui, Japan, is a
direct descendant from Masunaga. And theres a lot of high end factories
there, but they all have roots from Masunaga. In the early 1900s, in the
30s and 40s and they used to custom make handmade frames for the
emperor in solid gold. And in 1970 they had the worlds fair in Fukui, Japan. they had a frame that was so popular at the time it was iconic. They
put it in a time capsule. Because they wanted something that spoke to
the time period and also thats classy and iconic to represent the eyewear
industry. So with this handmade acetate, its a seven-barrel hinge, and its
pretty much built like a tank. Theyre polished 2-3 times longer than most
high-end brands. Theyre hand-polished and also polished with clay, which
gets out all the fine lines and little scratches and impurities, so it gives it
that a really rich luster. And underneath the plasticis a core of titanium.


Herkes gibi siyah ve koyu renkle retimden farkl bir ey yapmak isteyen Masunaga, karakteri olan,
esiz bir paralar iin farkl lamine ve rnlerle daha pop gzlkler yaratmaya alyor. Masunaga
tarafndan retilen ten rengi tonu, tenle ayn gibi grnyor, bylece yar erevesiz gibi grnyor.
Krmzyla ise, elma ekeri gibi nitelendirilebilecek farkl bir kontrast yaratyorlar. Masunaga gzlklerinde btn asetatlar titanyum kombinasyonundan oluuyor. Aslnda titayum olduka sert birletirilmesi olduka g bir materyal. Birok irket monel ya da nikel kullanyor. Masunaga dnda baka bir
markada som altndan retilen ereveler yok.

Everybodys been coming out with black and tortoise, and its nice and everyone wants black and tortoise, but we
wanted to create something richer, something with luster, something with personality, something unique, so were
doing a lot of laminates and gradients that just kind of make things pop. We made this flesh tone, so it almost looks
like on the skin its semi-rimless so it fades in, so its a nice contrast between the red, like a candy apple red, and the
flesh tone of the underwire. Theres not many companies that can make solid gold frames.




Dakota Smith itself is an attitude, a lifestyle with spirit and

conviction, designed to meet
the needs of 21 to 60-year old
trendsetting men, targeting the
much desired yet niche segment of the eyewear market.

Ruhu ve yaam tarz markas olmas dolaysyla Dakota Smith

gzlkleri, 1983ten beri Amerikada erkek gzlkleri konusunda lider 21-60 yalar arasndaki ok geni bir kitleye
hitap eden marka, yeniliin zgrln savunuyor.
Dakota Smith, kurulduu tarih olan 1983ten beri Amerikann moda gzlk markalar arasnda lider konumunu koruyor. Dakota Smith, ruhu ve yaam tarz markas olmas
dolaysyla sradan bir gzlk markas olmadn kantlyor. Azim ve idealizmi zetleyen
marka, naturalizm ve yeniliin zgrln savunuyor. 21 ve 60 yalar arasndaki tarzn yanstmay seven erkeklerin ihtiyalarn karlamak zere tasarlanan markann zekice
hazrlanm tasarmlarnda, net ve modern formlar, geleneksel renklerle k metal detaylar bir araya getiriyor. thal sac kauuk malzemeden retilen Dakota Smith gzlkleri,
dz renkli ve effaftr. Paslanmaz elik malzeme kullanlan gzlkler dokulu yzey lazer
ileme ileminden geiyorlar. Dakota Smith gzlkleri, Pivoflex patentli metal saplar sayesinde farkl yz ekillerine uyma zelliine sahipler. Gzlklerin retiminde kullanlan
pozisyon ayarl menteeler, camlarn zarar grme riskini minimum seviyeye indiriyor. Her
bir Dakota Smith gzlnde gz alc Amerikan kartal logosu mevcuttur.

Since it is founding in 1983 in Los Angeles, Dakota Smith has always been a leading
player in the American fashion eyewear market. It also epitomizes the Americans perseverance and idealism. Dakota Smith advocates freedom of expression, naturalism and
innovations. Dakota Smith is designed to meet the needs of 21 to 60-year old trendsetting men, targeting the much desired yet niche segment of the eyewear market. It
astutely combines clear modern form, conventional colors and stylish metallic detail in
its designs; together with its unique brand concept and the patented German Pivoflex
structuring technique for an ultra-light flexible frame, Dakota Smiths eyewear is pragmatic, fashionable and comfortable. Dakota Smiths spectacles and sunglass are perfect
for matching and enhancing styles. They are the essence to suaveness and sophistication
for independent and ground-breaking men. Material is of advanced imported sheet rubber, solid color, transparent, and not easy to be soured. Pivoflex patented metal temple
- gives comparable flexibility of a slingshot hinge, fitting different face shape. Colorful
frame with an eye-catching American eagle logo.



Aspex Grubu tarafndan gelitirilen BMW gzlkleri, optik ve gne

gzlklerinden oluuyor. zel olarak tasarlanan bu modeller titanyum, paslanmaz elik, asetat ve NXT gibi stn kalite malzemeler kullanlarak retiliyor. Tarz ve ilevsellik ile tasarlanan bu deerli ereveler, polarize gzlk camlaryla sata sunulmasnn yan sra, gvdeyle
entegre menteeler ieriyor. Bu zellik, ereveye ilave esneklik ve
olaanst bir dayankllk salyor. BMW gzlk koleksiyonu, bir gzlk firmasndan beklenen performans ve tarz sunmakta olan Aspex
ile eanlamldr. Koleksiyonda yer alan her erevenin sap ularnda
lazer ile ilenmi BMW logosu yer alyor. Koleksiyonlardan kullanlan
renkler k bir sadelie sahip olmasnn yan sra elik siyah, youn bir
lacivert, kahverengi, kaplumbaa kabuu ve kalay-kurun alam renk
alternatiflerinden oluuyor. Koleksiyonda ayrca ifte lamine plastik
modeller de mevcuttur.


Brought to you by Aspex Group, the BMW eyewear collection includes optical styles and sun wear models. The custom-made designs
are assembled from the highest quality materials on the market including: titanium, acetate, stainless steel, and NXT. Designed with
style and function, the collection features polarized sun lenses with
integrated spring hinges, providing additional flexibility and extraordinary durability to the frame. The BMW eyewear collection is synonymous with Aspex, delivering most importantly the performance and
style that are expected from the company. Each frame in the collection features the BMW logo, laser engraved discreetly on the inside
of the temples. The frames are classic in design with clean lines and
range in an assortment of frame shapes including everything from
chic shield fronts and retro shapes to bold and stylish wrap-around.
The colors offered are stylishly refined, including; steel black, rich
navy blue, semi amber, and double lamination plastic.





Menteeler / Teknik zellikler

Turboflex 360 derecelik Aspex Eyewear zel patentli mentee
Turboflex mentee zerinde kapak zellii ile dz
katlanabilir ereve
BMW iin zel olarak Avusturyada gelitirilen
entegre esnek mentee
OBE Almanyadan UBO yayl mentee
Katlanr gne gzl

Zengin ift ve l renkli laminasyon asetat titanyum
Paslanmaz elik
Karbon fiber lamine saplar
NXT Polimer (dayankl ve esnek, ince ve hafif)
TR90 hafif plastik
Gne camlar
Fla ve gm ayna kaplamalar
Degrade camlar
n ksma entegre gne camlar
Gmme etkisi montaj

Hinges/Technical Features
Turboflex 360 degree exclusive patented hinge by Aspex Eyewear
Flip Feature on Turboflex hinge to allow the frame to be folded flat
Integrated flex hinge developed in Austria exclusively for the BMW
UBO spring hinge from OBE Germany
Folding sunglasses

Sun lenses
Flash and silver mirror coatings
Gradient lenses
Integrated sun lenses into front
mounting for flush effect

Rich double and triple color lamination acetate
Stainless steel
Carbon fiber laminated temples
NXT Polymer (durable and flexible, thin and lightweight)
TR90 thin plastics



90l yllarn sonlarna doru, birok alanda olduu gibi optik ve gne gzl alannda da retim Uzak Douya kaymaktad. Souk savan bitmesiyle
eski Sovyet Bloku lkeleri ve in ile ticari ilikiler gelimekte ve birok
Trk vatanda da yeni ticaret frsatlarn aratrmak iin bata Rusya ve in
olmak zere, bu lkelere gittiler. Uzun yllardr perakende optik sektrnde
almakta olan Zeki Ylmaz, yapt aratrmalar neticesinde, Uzak Dou lkelerinin retim blgelerindeki teknolojik olanaklar ve sektrel yeniliklerin
Trkiyede ses getireceine inand. Buralardan getirilecek rnlerin, gzlk
piyasasndaki eksikliklere ve yeni rnlere olan talebe zm olacan grmekteydi. Ankarann kkl optik maazalarndan Sekin Optikte alrken,
bu frsatlar deerlendirmeye karar veren Zeki Ylmaz, o dnemde henz 27
yandayd. 1999 ylnda birka markann bayiliini alarak toptan gzlk ticaretine atlan Zeki Ylmaz, Ata Optik San. Tic. kurdu. 2000 ylnn
sonbaharnda, dviz kurlarnn bir gecede astronomik artlar gstermesiyle balayan ekonomik kriz, birok tccar ve yatrmcnn sonunu getirirken;
Ata Optik bu badireden sa kmay baard. Ancak bankaclk sisteminin
ald ar darbeler yznden ticaret yapabilmek, artk ok zorlamt.
Doal olarak, Zeki Ylmazn nnde iki seenek vard; ya irketiyle devam

edecek ya da cretli almaya dnecekti. Ancak krizin gzlk piyasasnda

yeni bo alanlar yarattn da yakndan grmekteydi. Bu skntl anlardan
birinde, yeni bir marka reterek piyasada kalmann riskli ama daha doru
olacana olan inanc artt. Markasn da bu srada buldu: iki olaslktan birini
seme durumunu tanmlayan bir sembol olarak twin ve ext kelimelerini
bir araya getirdi. Twin kelimesi ngilizce ikiz demektir, ext kelimesi
ise se emir fiilidir. Twinext ikiz ve seim anlamlarn ifade etmekte ve
iinde bulunulan iki yoldan birini seme durumunu yanstmaktadr. Buradan
hareketle sylenii daha vurgulu ve Trkeye daha uygun olan Twinexte
kelimesine ulaan Zeki Ylmaz, bu ismin markalamas yolunda kararlar ald.
2002 ylndan bu gne kadar zaman zaman, Gney Kore ve Hong Kongda
farkl fabrikalarda, farkl modelleri retilen Twinexte, ncelikle tasarm ve
kalitesi ile beeni kazand. Perakende maazaclktan gelen kiisel deneyimleriyle yzde rahatlk ve yeniliki tasarmlara ak olmak prensiplerini
ilke edinerek, modellerinde birletiren Zeki Ylmaz, zellikle gne gzl
kreasyonlar ile vgler toplad. Ksa zamanda saylar artan perakende bayileri de Twinexte konseptine ve firma prensiplerine inandlar. Twinexte 2004
ylnda tannan, ve bilinen bir marka olma yolunda ilerlemeye balad.

As it is happened to the many other fields through the late 90s, the production in optic and sun glasses fields is also lean to Far Eastern. With the
ending of the Cold War, the commercial relationships with the old Soviet
Block countries and China, progress and many Turkish citizens with the
aim of exploring the new commercial opportunities, go especially to Russia
and China. Zeki Ylmaz who has been working through many years in optical
sector by retail, as a result of his researches that he had done, believes that
technological facilities in the production areas of Far Eastern countries and
sectorial improvement in them will influence the Turkey. He sees that the
products which will be brought from these places, will be a solution to deficiencies in the optic market and demands to new products. Zeki Ylmaz was
only twenty-seven years old when he was working in Sekin Optik one of the
Ankaras rooted optic stores and decided to take advantage of this opportunity. In 1999, with having the dealership of several brands, Zeki Ylmaz starting
in wholesale optic commerce, establishes the Ata Optik Ind. Com. Ltd. Company. In the 2000s Autumn, economic crisis starting with the astronomical
increases, showed up in one night, in the rate of exchange while causing the
end of many tradesman, Ata Optik manages to stands still. However, due to
the heavy blows that banking system have had, being able to commence got
very hard. Naturally, Zeki Ylmaz has two options to decide; going on working

on his company or get back to a salaried job. Yet, he closely sees the new
opportunities that the crisis made. In one this troublesome moments, his
believing in staying in the market by creating a new brand would be risky
yet more correct deepens. He finds his brand at this very moment : as being
a symbol for choosing one of the two possibilities, he combines the words
twin and ext. The word Twin is in English means that two similar
things that form a pair and the word ext means choose is an imperative verb. Twinext refers to meaning of the twin and choosing and reflects
the statement of having to choose the one way when coming across to two
ways. Therefore, reaching the word Twinexte which its pronunciation is
more emphatic and more suitable to Turkish, Zeki Ylmaz, makes decisions
to branding of this name. From 2002 to present day, Twinexte, sometimes
being manufactured in different models, at different factories in South Korea
and Hong Kong, first of all, receive appreciation with its design and quality.
Zeki Ylmaz, with his own experiences from retailing, having his principles
as comfort in face and being able to open to progressive designs, gets
approved especially of his sun glasses creations. Retail stores, increased in
number with a short time, believes in twinexte concept and company principles. Twinexte has already progressed in the way of being a known and
recognized brand in the year of 2004.



Fransz tasarmc Thierry Lasry,

kendiyle ayn ad tayan gne
gzl serisini 2006 ylnda
piyasaya srd. Babas gzlk, annesi tasarmc olan Lasry,
kendini kalabalktan ayrt etmek
isteyen belli bir elit kesimi hedef
alan bir gne gzl markas




French designer Thierry Lasry

launched his eponymous sunglass line in 2006. Raised in a
highly creative environment by
an optician as a father and a
designer as a mother, Thierry
Lasry went on to create a sunglass brand aimed at a certain
Elite looking to distinguish
themselves out of the crowd.

Zaman iinde esas ilevinin stne kan Thierry Lasry gne gzlkleri, moda merakllar
tarafndan muhakkak sahip olunmas gereken bir moda aksesuar olarak hzla benimsendi. Thierry Lasry aralarnda Paristeki Colette, Le Printemps et les Galeries Lafayette,
Amerika Birleik Devletlerindeki Barneys, Bergdorf Goodman, The Webster ya da Opening Ceremony, Londradaki Dover Street Market, Liberty ve Matches, Hong Kongdaki
Lane Crawford & On Pedder, Japonyadaki Isetan ve Moskovadaki Boon the Shop & 10
Corso Como in Seoul, Aizel, Tsvetnoy, Kuznetsmosky 20 & Tsumun yer ald en zel
maazalarda ve Net-a-Porter gibi online maazalarda sata sunuluyor.
Moda aksesuarndan ok daha fazlas olan bu markaya ait ereveler, tarz duayenleri
iin vazgeilmez birer aksesuar olup, kendi haklarna sahip tasarm objeleri olarak kabul
edildiler. Thierry Lasry gne gzlkleri, vintage esintileri gncel, modern ve avangardms bir dokunula bir araya getirerek gelecee dnk bir vintage kavramn esas alyor.
Fransada en iyi ustalk teknikleri ve geleneksel teknik bilgilerle, tamam elde retilen bu
gne gzlklerinde, nl talyan asetat reticisi Mazzucchelliden alnan asetatlar kullanlyor. Hacim meselesi zmlenerek, asetat n gvde ksm sradan kesim tekniklerine
kyasla daha ok bir heykel yapmaya benzeyen bir sre kullanlarak retiliyor. Her yl, her
biri on modelden oluan iki koleksiyon tasarlanyor.

Surpassing their basic primary function, THIERRY LASRY shades were rapidly adopted
by fashionistas as the latest must-have fashion accessory. THIERRY LASRY is represented
in the most exclusive stores ranging from Colette, Le Printemps et les Galeries Lafayette
in Paris, Barneys, Bergdorf Goodman, The Webster or Opening Ceremony in the Unites
States, Dover Street Market, Liberty, and Matches in London, Lane Crawford & On Pedder
in Hong-Kong, Isetan in Japan, Boon the Shop & 10 Corso Como in Seoul, Aizel, Tsvetnoy,
Kuznetsmosky 20 & Tsum in Moscow and online stores such as Net-a-Porter.
Much more than a simple fashion accessory, the brands frames are considered design
objects in their own right, the indispensable accessory for style mavens. THIERRY LASRY
sunglasses are based on the concept of futuristic vintage fusing vintage inspirations
with an updated, modern and avant-gardist touch. The sunglasses are all flat fronted,
living a futuristic twist to retro-inspired shapes. Entirely hand-made in France with the
best craftsmanship techniques and traditional know-how, the sunglasses only use acetate from the reputable Italian manufacturer Mazzucchelli. By working out the volume,
the acetate front is made using a process more akin to sculpture than to regular cutting techniques. Aside from the brands classics, each season new exclusive designs are
added to the range, creating unique color combinations. Two collections are designed
per year, each composed of ten models.



Hareketli bir yaam tarz srdren, gnmzn moda akmlar takip eden ve moda
bilincine sahip olan Thierry Lasry kadn, doas itibariyle bamsz ve merakldr. Ayn
zamanda hevesli bir gezgindir, risk almay sever, yaratcdr ve hibir zaman bir takipi
deildir. Hislerine kulak veren, kendine inanan bir kadndr ve bamszllna byk
deer verir. zgr ruhlu, seksi, kendine gvenen ama ayn zamanda hassas bir kadndr.
Spontane olduu kadar sofistike biridir...

Obsessy, Orgasmy, Hooky, Slutty Tm bu modellerin isimleri Y harfiyle bitmektedir
ki bu harf, Fransz tasarmcnn hem adnda hem de soyadnda bulunmaktadr. Tasarmc
bu tasarmlarnn her birini bebekleri olarak nitelendiriyor. Narin, sofistike ve zarif
olan Y harfi, geleneklere uymayan, yeni bir klk aray iinde kodlar silkeleyen bir
markay temsil ediyor.


Leading an active lifestyle, fashion-conscious and tuned in to the times, the THIERRY
LASRY woman is independent and curious in nature.Shes a keen traveler, someone who
dares to take risks, a creator, and nevera follower. She is a sensual woman, who believes
in herself and who cherishes her independence. She is free-spirited, sexy, confident, but
also vulnerable. She is sophisticated as much as she is spontaneous...A woman of fashion, awoman of the world.


Obsessy, Orgasmy, Hooky, Slutty ... the name of each model ends in a Y, the letter found
in both the designers first and last names, as he considers each of his designs as one of
his babies . Slender, sophisticated and refined, the letter Y represents a brand that is
nonconformist, one that shakes the codes in pursuit of a new kind of chic.





Stepperin gen soluklu markas olan Fusian Eyewear, dinamik izgisi

ve spor modelleri ile bir adm ne kyor. 16-40 ya arasnda, olduka geni bir kitlesi olan Fusian, tamamen optik gzlklerden oluuyor.
Spor modelleri ile ilgi oda olan Fusian gzlklerinde, iddial kombinasyonlar ieren TX5, Titanyum, Rubber, PPSU, NXT ile iki renkli
kalplama teknolojisi ve dier nde gelen teknolojiler kullanlmaktadr. Kullanlan zel materyalleri ile dayankllk oran arttrlan Fusian
gzlkleri, inanlmaz hafiflii ile de kullanclarna kullanm kolayl
ve konfor salyor.

Fusian Eyewear young brand of the
Stepper stands out with its dynamic
lines and sport models. Between
ages of 16-40 years, Fusian has a
wide audience, consists of all optical glasses. Fusian Eyewear carefully crafted eyewear featuring ambitious combinations between TX5,
Titanium, Rubber, PPSU, and NXT
using two-color moulding technology and other leading technologies.
Fusion glasses, but also provides users ease of use and comfort with his
incredible lightness.



1970 the company was founded in Germany as

a joint venture between an expert in plastic
molding technology and Hans Stepper
a graduated optician.

Hans Step, 1935 ylnda dodu. Babas Stuttgart, Almanyada kk bir gzlk dkkan
at. Hans Step, optik erevelerin yan sra tasarm ve iilik iin gsterdii tutku zerine 1958de Helsinki, Finlandiyaya smarlama gzlk tasarm ve zanaat iin davet edildi.
Step, 1961 ylnda Almanyaya dnd ve baarl bir usta optisyen olarak mesleki eitimini tamamlad. Onun misyonu; enjeksiyon kalplamada, plastik erevelerin imalatnda
ve asetat levhalar kesme ileminde kullanlan geleneksel yntemi kullanmak deildi.
Bunun yerine geleneksel dz grnmde ve yzle mkemmel bir ekilde uyum iinde
olan kullanl tasarmlar sundu. Stepper ekibi 2000 ylndan bu yana inde ciddi oranda
bir baarya sahip. Tasarm zerinde kontrol, aratrma, gelitirme, retim, kalite kontrol
ve mteri hizmetleri maksimum dzeyde tutuluyor. 2011 ylnda irkete ortak olarak
Hans Stepin kz Saskia katld. Saskia sat, tasarm, pazarlama ve mteri ilikileri ile yakn ibirliinden sorumlu olarak Almanyadan alyor. Tm Stepper gzlkleri,TX5 kare
3-D tasarm ile yz evresinde boyutlu bir ekil oluturarak yze mkemmel uyum
salar. Stepper gzlklerinde 5 renkli tampon bask sayesinde snrsz desen ve zellikler
bulunuyor. Stepper, kullanclarn bir gzlkte arad en nemli ihtiya olan konfor ve
ilevi maksimum seviyeye tayor. Stepper koleksiyonlarnn retiminde ok deerli materyaller olan TX5, Titanyum, Beta Titanyum, paslanmaz elik ve NXT kullanlmaktadr.
Cilt dostu ve alerjik reaksiyonlara sebep olmayacak ekilde retilen Stepper gzlkleri,
dayankl ve uzun mrl olmalaryla da en ok tercih edilen markalar arasnda yerlerini
almaktadr. Son teknoloji ile retilen Stepper gzlkleri konfor, ilevsellik ve kullanm kolayln en st seviyeye tayor.
Hans Stepper was born in December 1935. His father was an optician with a small shop
in Stuttgart, Germany. He became an apprentice as a dispensing optician. During this
time he showed a keen interest and passion for design and craftsmanship with optical
frames, he was invited to design and craft bespoke spectacles in Helsinki, Finland. In
1961 he returned to Germany and successfully completed his professional training with
a final graduation as Master Optician. His mission was to manufacture plastic frames by
injection molding and not using the traditional method of cutting from Acetate sheets.
His unique frames were ahead of the times. He was sure and became determined that
STEPPER could be more than a material orientated brand. Diversification The most important thing was to use all the technology and material available to diversify the collection with combinations of Grilamide rimless Beta-Titanium models. Hans Stepper is very
proud of the team around him and their direct customer orientated manners and of their
satisfaction in doing the job right. His daughter Saskia joined the company mid-2011. She
operates from Germany in close cooperation with sales, design, marketing and customer



Stepper Eyewear 1970 ylnda,

plastik kalp teknolojisi kullanlarak Hans Stepper
tarafndan Almanyada




levsellik ve kullanm kolayln en st seviyeye tayan Stepperin en ok tercih edilen koleksiyonlarndan biri olan
Steppers, uyum ve konfor odakl nihai lider gzlk koleksiyonlarndan biri Gen kullanc kitlesine hitap eden tasarmlaryla dikkat eken Steppers, kullanclarna ada moda trendleri sunuyor. Gen nesil iin Stepper dokunular ile
hazrlanan Steppers, dayankl ve uzun mrl olma zellikleri ile en ok tercih edilen tasarmlar arasnda yer alyor.
Son teknoloji malzemelerden retilen Steppers gzlkleri, hafif ve zamansz tasarmlar sunuyor. Steppers, Stepper
Titanyum ailesinin malzemelerini TX5 ile birletiren, sofistike bir poliamid adaptasyon ile erevelerin sebep olabilecei alerjik reaksiyonlar yaratmayacak ekilde retilmitir. Ultra-hafif ereveler, farkl yz ekillerine iyi bir uyum
iin hemen hemen tm modellerde iki boyutta retilmektedir. Steppers, profesyoneller tarafndan profesyoneller iin
hazrlanm koleksiyonlar sunmaya ve salad mteri memnuniyetini kantlamaya devam ediyor.



One of the ultimate leading eyewear collections with focus on fit and comfort, state-of-the art materials, lightness and
a timeless design. Remarkable with Designs that appeal to the younger audience Steppers, provides users contemporary fashion trends. Prepared with Stepper touches to the younger generations Steppers with durable and long lasting
characteristics are among the most preferred designs. Steppers glasses made from the latest technology materials,
offering light and timeless designs. STEPPER combines materials of the Titanium family with TX5, a sophisticated polyamide adaption, making the frames corrosion free, ultra-light and free from allergic reactions. For a better fit to different face forms almost all models are manufactured in two sizes. A collection from professionals for professionals, with
a proven promise for customer satisfaction.





Tamam talyada retilen West gzlkleri, enjeksiyon yapm erevelerden
oluuyor. Spor bir izgiye ve unisex modellere sahip olan West, kendine gvenen ve elenceli bir bak asna sahip kadnlar ve erkekler iin retiliyor.
Cvl cvl renk alternatifleriyle hareketli, elenceli, temposu yksek bir hayat yaamay motto haline getiren kullanclara ulamay hedefleyen West,
15-45 yalar arasnda deien ok geni bir kullanc kitlesine sahip. Gne
gzlklerinden oluan West koleksiyonlar, gzleri gneten korumasnn
yan sra kullanclarnn imaj iin gl bir detay oluturarak fonksiyonelliine dikkat ekiyor. talyada en ince detayna kadar konforunuzu ve mutluluunuzu salamak iin retilen West, kaliteyi uygun fiyatlarla elde etmeyi
mmkn klyor.

All glasses produced in Italy West, consists of frame injection construction. Have a line Sports and unisex models
West, has produced for confident and fun perspective women and men. With chirping vibrant colors, West aims
to reach users that make motto to live fun, tempo, high life. Ranging from the ages of 15-45 has a wide audience. West collection consisting of Sunglasses as well as protecting the eyes from sunlight, creating a strong
detail image for users draws attention to functionality. West produced in Italy down to the finest detail to ensure
your comfort and happiness makes it possible to achieve quality reasonable prices.



Stepper bnyesinde retilen Boxx Eyewear, dinamik bir rn izgisine sahip. 15-50 ya arasnda her kullancnn zevkine hitap edecek
bir model bulabilecei Boxx koleksiyonlarnn en nemli zellii; deiebilen Titanyum saplara sahip olmas. Tamam faset gzlklerden
oluan koleksiyonlar, gndelik kombininize uygun, istediiniz renklerde kullanabileceiniz sap alternatifleri sunuyor. Yaklak olarak 40
renkten oluan sap alternatifleri; sar, pembe ve krmz gibi hareketli
renklerin neon tonlarndan lacivert, kahve ya da siyah gibi daha ar
renklere uzanan ok eitli bir yelpaze sunuyor. Sper elastik paslanmaz elik, TX5 ve kauuk kombinasyonlardan hazrlanan Boxx serileri
hayatnz renklendirecek.


Boxx produced in-house Stepper Eyewear, has a dynamic product line. Each user Between age of 15-50 years
will find a model that will appeal to the tastes of him. The most important feature of the Boxx collection;
having changeable Titanium temples. A collection consisting of all facets glasses, suits your casual combine,
offers many temples alternative you can use the color you want. consisting of approximately 40 temple
color; yellow, pink and red as the color of animated neon shades like navy, brown or black casuals offers a
very diverse range of color. Super elastic stainless steel, TX5 and rubber combinations prepared Boxx series
to spice up your life.


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