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By: Evelyn Clinton, Ryan Lucas, Sam Hennessy, David


La Introduction
Nous sommes Evelyn, Ryan, David, et Sam. On fait un projet sur le Rwanda.
On a choisi le Rwanda parce quon aime la culture et la musique. Tout dabord on va
parler de la tradition et de lhistoire de Rwanda. Ensuite, on parlera de la
gographie, de la musique, du sport et de lindustrie du film. Enfin, on va discuter
des attractions touristiques.

Music and Dance

Traditional music and dance are very important in the Rwandan Culture.
It is used in: > Ceremonies
> Festivals
> Social Gatherings
> Storytelling
The most famous and traditional dances are the intore (celebrates bravery of warriors) and amaraba.
These are highly choreographed routines consisting of three components:
The ballet is performed by the women.
The dance of the heros, is performed by the men.
The drums are played as well. These are played by the men and have a rhythm of seven or nine beats.

Dance and Music

> Chiefs in the kingdom established some of the

warfare dances. These dances contained elegant
female dancers and rhythmic and steady male
dancers. Warlike fighting motions are included
in the warfare dances.
> Many people gather for the performances.
The crowd adds to the rhythm of the
drums by clapping. They encourage them
by cheering.

Traditional Instruments




Ce projet tait une grande occasion dapprentissage. On a beaucoup appris au
sujet de la vie au Rwanda. Avant ce projet, je ne savais pas quils parlent franais
dans plusieurs pays dans le monde. Cest incroyable! On voit les valeurs de la langue

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