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yaworxoowr VAY ANN Pole) 220101 ia Ptr aad babe tae eee lel tae) pce Ret dala Ey ae >= Wn BAe 9) See oan ae aaa Ee BROKEN SPACE istanbul_terusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Final Project 2008-2009 In+Formal Architecture | Research Unit | Bezalel _Stucients: Revital Saga_Nimrod Schenkelbach Instructures: Arch. Senan Abdelkader, Liat Brix-Etgar, Yael Padan, Eran Tamir-Tawil oman. Saies te notion of ay nae ary oraniniuahterthevote 15, yun nay aay mood wanes fasNen MENA Man 3) REIS Ow NE Irusenecesony ba ptr othe arts frou takeaway the whele man yeu cannes foto gaps ne elena apical andremainyunlesby equceton. Ma ey then proces sina aun pi ram ea aR os Sma eee IVR Indu enim saute ts comporsapeten goverment Rata scythe gett 7 ‘retoswolebuthetht incapable ste rsocompietem himself es not toma Iaternopor ataciyasabeastora ged wae verchtellat vs nw bomen ammo Sm ThUT aA, -oRBN MS ] £ 2 pry ph see geen ase bom wrnsem abans on ra ME | ‘Arstte ying pil statement thet te cy states anata oneSO jong sarm monn sono we ohn so sine yp re munca mrsens rsa sncthat mans z00m polio pol al anima oe sSe4 Aten mm Den BID SAO SON AN A HEY MY TTS ‘pottea space'aman could actualy tealze hit natural beng 5 ‘The palsy state according to Aston bee 99 harmony 1 _/on lpm nt was rN an MA NP MM MAD tratgomento smal ontrprsesand by Gaemanainingsmar wetteing: —\\_ sbinnann mmr ha prope orerov Mp he 49 pm | MD! Pr APD ‘Thesmaleresterpsses ste vila can fll ase daly maces yet ony ‘Baars Pe AAS A YOO Ma a ABN TIEN FEY VAN IED ATT the rcs oan can ava acs ders Man \ X * “me omaen Jervis anatonoutboth contain within the soley’ buikzarappunds Ss), T Blyu te mma anew pin 2 Mow? erm MED mew omnes ae aa ra nak ey HO Hrapy awn Tew ODN wT bemahegulcrsprr ep lanea eapelrarep leo plenpcyemoot | “saes'naonn jazi Toaed pmon rox on ake "> in araban ea Independent way to satressimmedot extent secossuchasicome " petalgewn ne ? i ‘otrecsandshekerontheare han onion he thease Spor a3 ho orem seo MrOND TER IO pial soaleges teary conor socoeconare arenes Anaigaing of bth oma ad fal come in Sina ad tat sen ennann ona ama Brpos sme an Ks BOI SHE AyD Ns SIN IT my tat ngage ttn th salle eres hie a l Bare poe thatbotn ata ses cabecton ofindkidl sang mars rao eedom. oo Irarder tao the coexistence ttm space and event detent specs ‘ona maprnan nanan sah pp evn mon anand poms se RINRN TH tree enamine a bot ications uch a Ownership: Does ommerhip eas ra tenn son mp ne fm ee nena eso MMA NEN ee ‘sn posteston of propor Ay How can you sma sition the Wi eestor era tiphud anenopnal Inhabtnt towards re common space though age? Municipal, what rmanosypuisiesra me spice eae ene re the vers of vetrences of te municpaly? Ang areec pose Exnane pb ose ya ons use memo A IBN BNoN eA BDH APE fortnearenaecttocreste spacious engagerten What re the means cide bvalablefortie toe orem constant movement hack al forth between locality and strategic planning, Pre move move mee smo ty pene mare manage owen aren pen amen en hd lacitdel and ed utne-oncssery pac tetcons sees \ powers ena erov anion soaaonace mea son re OPw Ny NI Pa peeset apap pet Lepper eperniperdr ‘Spin pw nan a pen A MNS trac! imevemon nun there ata, animus BSP Se tian cour Sy ‘Along with the unification of Jerusalem in 67; the planner were, asked to plan Jerusalem asa whole. Defining homogeneous identity, Architecturally as well as socially was one of the main objective, ‘The legal system which relayed on the Brsh mandatory tuling system was completely diferent form the existing local culture in the country. tremendous gap vas created between the westernzed authorities and the local inhabitants ‘The basic needs of eastern Jerusalem habitants faced confusing and unfamiliar formal system Parallel to that system an informal infrastucture established corresponding immediateneeds and problems ofthe locals. The contemporary istanbul is located on top ofhistorkcal layers which had shaped the current appearance ofthe clty as itappears today. ‘During the ottoman period, mid 19th century, the urban layout started to change rapidly, mostly influence by western Jeninlery ‘urban planning methodology perceptions, ignoring the local Mecoowntheas topography, climate and socal and cultural values which has ts always determined the development of the house unit. neighborhood and the city layout during the last 2000 years, leading toss of diversity which had always been a crucial part of the city Identity and character Istanbul Ce ee eer eae ee ees Ce ee eee eer ees Pen Re ee es Ae ec ee BROKEN SPACE tstanbul_terusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Typology Jerusalem Capitol Nehlect Old iy Thiet Tewe Babee BROKEN SPACE stanbul_ierusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Typology Istanbul, | Kagithane BROKEN SPACE stanbul_terusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Formation ee Gecekondu Form Development Shaping the Leftover space over time i fe BS Peart Oe & Problematic conditions were created and became the foundations of the later urban development BROKEN SPACE tstanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Indi ath | InFormal reside areas (©) ovens “A trtormat subdivision BROKEN SPACE tstanbul_ierusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Vocabulary ‘Sareements, ownership, Soda structure ect i B s Istanbul_. Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Kagithane ‘dy wares BROKEN SPACE tstanbut_s Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Kagithane Spreading the Mes over the neighborhood reveals the monoxon Using the Mesh ro intersty the impact of open public spaces, ahd medibty ofthe ban fabri and lack of eal pubic spaces ibaa continuity anadefining dentin BROKEN SPACE istanbul_ierusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Street Inversion vial area which ng longer have te character tegie planning ofthe stenbul muni ic Ted auatreddentl growth and tee varus publ and ictive Infrastructure BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Street Inversion Lower street level Steet sweet level ‘Upper steet level By adding news functions which serves variety of peaple we define a system which allows Iceat sustainable exstence and identity ue smeteneousy connecting to a arger Scale network which dened the urban entity Suggested functions BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Inner Infrastructure , BROKEN SPACE istanbul_ierusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Inner Infrasructure ‘ anbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Constructive Infrastructure _Jerusalem ual Path | Jabel Mukaber East Jerusalem 3etween Urban Form and Indivi BROKEN SPACE tstanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Jabel Mukaber East Jerusalem Bashie family compound Jabel Mukaber, Arabic neighborhood, East Jerusalem. Currently is disconnected : by the urban infrastructure and network which was formed on the Wester Israeli side ofthe ety afte's7, as part of strategic political decisions taken by the Israeli authorities. BROKEN SPACE {stanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Jabel Mukaber East Jerusalem ‘The Potential ofthe American Road ‘torecannect Ramallha and Beit Lehem, and to allow the «mall vilages along the road to be pert ofa bigger urban entity. ‘The Urban net’ evaporates towards East Jerusalem. 'Net’=infastructure, services, ‘education ete BROKEN SPACE istanbul_lerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Generating Compounds Suleymanye 1. Compound of several diferent series and cultural functions 2. Creating the pubic apen space within he functions 5. Private neighborhood and publi mutual space. 4 Ubon network ie fyatqe —ShmfeNovue ——SulgmanyeNngue thai BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Generating Compounds. Compound ‘iat Sener etic vee American Road spotcone HE tervention Public Spaces aid. ea Wadi Path okt Cormerca! Locating key points on the American Road and defining them as generating compounds suchas services, cultural, commercial, educational and reall area, based on the existing land ownership and collaboration withthe residents themselves BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Bashir Fa East Jerusalem is currently disconnected by the urban infrasteuctute and network which was formed on the Wester ira sie ofthe city after’67, as partof strategic politcal decisions taken by the lsraeh authorities, Municipality Community Bottom Up process ~The Bashir Family In order to develop end allow further private housing building strategic urban planning must be taken place. Nevertheless this process ‘cannot take place inthe fermal way and! must ‘engage the clan families, the municipalities and the planners. BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Bashir Famil ‘The Origin of Bashir Compound _Bashir Compound Today Land Ownership By understanding the informal architecture components as election ofa local social and cultural order and character, we believe thatthe sense of belonging toa greater vital space will be possible to perceive, ‘yet maintaining plurality and local identity BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Ownership & Leftover Who is responsible for the leftovers inside private property? Land Ownership (One ofthe main problems in east Jerusalem s registration ofthe land and understanding the land division which unt recent mas based on personal agreements between the inhabitants themselves BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | Ownership & Leftover ‘The open paths and space with inside the compound are the result ‘of prior agreements between the inhabitants. Today these areas are left without formal owners therefor left neglected. BROKEN SPACE stanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | The Political Space Constructive Space tween Urban Form and Individ' BROKEN SPACE Istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | The Political Space Defining the boundaries of both sides ofthe American Road according to land ‘ownership and through minimal intervention, ach side has a different form and function, ne function asa bearing ‘space; constructive function ina tited topography. ‘The other side fs disintegrated, allowing the landscape tobe part ofthe road, One Space Multiple Functions Spatial arid determind according to the size of a praying mat can serve different functions long the day. Mass praying ,local market and an open space for common events BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | The Political S| ‘One Space Multiple Functions ‘Asimple action of the defining ground floor grid and bearing walls. BROKEN SPACE |stanbul_Jerusalem Between Urban Form and Individual Path | The Political Space Library - Cultural center Modul inbul_Jerusalem vidual Path | The Polit ween Urban Form and Ir cal Space Cee ay Eres paren eer teen cere etn BROKEN SPACE istanbul_Jerusalem en Urban Form and Individual Path The Pe Political s (One Space Multiple Functions ‘The upper partis open towiards the inner neighborhood due to ‘the topography creating a sem public space. N SI »nbul_Jerusalem tween Urban Form and Individual Path | The Political Space

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