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"seat pecomt Congress of the United States nua oe House of Representatives ae cor sc Se MO REMC edionin, EROS acta October 29, 2015 Dear Me, President, Over the last several wees, In has demonstrated hostility towards the United States an ou alles through a series of increasingly provocative actions. Such provocations are further proof that the Iranian regime does not negotiate in good fait and will not moderate its behavior as a result ofthe terms agreed upon inthe Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement. Given the stakes involved, I urge your Administration to respond with concrete action in order to senda ‘strong messege tothe Iranian regime that its egregious actions will ave consequences. ‘As you are aware, Iran tested a medium-range ballistic missile inherently capable of delivering a nuclear warhead on October 10, 2015, in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 and the spiit ofthe JCPOA. Two days later, it convicted American journalist Jason Rezaian ‘on the bass offivolous charges after unlawfully detaining him for nearly 450 days. Most recently, Iran has deployed additional military personnel from its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Comps (IRGC) {Syria to futher support the brutal Assad regime's slaughter. These actions followed repeated ‘heats issued against our key ally in the Middle Eas, Israel, including from Iran's leader who ‘vowed Israel would not exist in 25 years and that he would support anyone willing to atack the Jewish state, ‘You have maintained that you will confront Iran and hold it secountable for its nefarious activities despite the adoption ofthe JCPOA. As recently as October 16, 2015, for example, you said “sanctions that are related to ballistic missiles, hnman rights violations and terrorism ~ those we will continue to enforce.” Iran's leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, recently issued a direct challenge ‘o your position by declaring that the imposition of any type of sanctions, including terorism- related, would be considered a violation ofthe JCPOA.. [call on you to follow through on your promise and disabuse Iran ofthe notion that it will get a free pass to sow terror and instability. Your administration can start to convey American resolve by ‘working with Congress to evaluate the current status of the IRGC as it relates to the list of US. foreign terrorist organizations (FTO). As you know, the IRGC is directly responsible for exporting terrorism abroad through the use of is elite Quds Force, which has planned, funded, and helped carry out multiple terrorist attacks on Americans and our alles. However, despite this fat, your ‘Administration has refiained from classifying the IRGC for what it is ~ an FTO, AAs you are aware, in accordance with the JCPOA, Iran will recsive immediate sanctions relief following “Implementation Day” of this agreement. In light of this fact, iis critical that your ‘Administration thoroughly analyze the IRGC’s previous and ongoing actions to determine its ‘lassification as an FTO. Doing so ean serve as an important component of broader effort to target ‘a key conduit of Iran's terror and aggression, T urge your Administration to work with Congress expeditiously in pushing back against the world’s leading state sponsor of Istamist teror Sincerely, Wilt MEX Michael T, MeCaul Member of Congress

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