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Name ______________________________

March 26, 2010, Period ___________

Chapter 23 Sec. 2 & 3 WS
Student may work quietly in pairs. However, each student must turn in a worksheet.
The instructor may assign this as a solo exercise at his or her discretion!

Turn in all work at the end of class! This will be available on line as a study guide for
Tuesday’s test.

Define/Indentify the Following:

Section 3:

Trench Warfare:

Total War:

War of attrition:

Woodrow Wilson

Battle of Marne:

B. O. Verdun:

B.O Gallipoli.

Explain/Answer the following:

Why did WWI require total warfare?

List 4 ways that governments increased power, in the U.S. and in Europe, during WWI:

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________
Section 4:

War Communism:


A. Kerensky:


V.I. Lenin:


SR: Why did Lenin accept the terms of the Brest Litovsk Treaty?

SR: What advantages did Russia’s Red Forces have over the White forces in the Civil

List three things that the Red Forces did to maintain control over the Russian people:

In 1914 it was said that 1/3 of all Americans supported the Allied Forces in WWI, 1/3
supported the Central Powers, and 1/3 remained neutral. List at least one reason for each
of these positions.
Support Central Powers

Support Allied Powers

Support Neutrality:

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