General Psychology 20

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General Psychology 20

Miss. Legge
The objectives of the 3 credit courses in psychology are designed to develop skills and
understandings that make possible more effective living in our complex world. The class will
focus on the scientific approach to understanding human behavior so that students will
understand more fully the reasons that underlie ones own actions and the actions of others.

Course Content
General Psychology (3 credits)
1. History of Psych. - Major Thinkers and Approaches
2. Principles of Learning - Classical & Operant Conditioning, Social Learning
3. Obedience & The Power of Authority
4. Frustration and Conflict
5. Mental Health & Illnesses
6. Emotion & Motivation
7. Altered States - Dreams, Drugs & Disorders of Sleep
Formative Assessments .....0%
Assignments ...40%
this includes written responses, worksheets, experiment analysis etc.
Projects & Quizzes ...40%
Final Exam ..20%

What is formative assessment ...

Formative assessment is focused towards providing feedback on student learning without using
traditional number grades. This could occur at the end of class when a student hands in an exit
task for teacher feedback. The benefit of this is that you can receive feedback without fear of it
affecting your overall grade. A student could also receive formative assessment by handing in
work early for feedback. This allows students to make adjustments to their work before
submitting it for marks. Students must complete all formative assessment tasks in order to write
quizzes and final exams. A formative assessment chart is posted in the classroom and part of
this course outline.

Student Expectations and Classroom Guidelines:

See your agenda for the list of school-wide rules

Treat peers, teachers and classroom supplies with respect.

Come to class with all necessary supplies

Be on time. If you are late, check in with me after obtaining a late note from the office.

SUBMIT WORK ON TIME. You have three days from the due date of an assignment to
get work in to me, if you are past the three days late your assignment will be marked
only after all on-time assignments for my courses have been marked. Assignments more
than one week late will not be accepted unless other arrangements have been made
with the teacher.

You must have permission to leave the classroom for any reason.

Complete all assignments thoughtfully and to the best of your ability.


such devices will be confiscated and returned at the end of class if they are impeding the
learning/teaching environment.

If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and to make up
work missed. It may be a good strategy to find a buddy who will grab extra copies of
assignments during your absences in class.

Missed quizzes/tests must be completed during your own time. Please see your teacher
to set up a time for you to write your missed tests/quizzes.

If you experience difficulty with an assignment, I am available after school, during lunch
and during flex on most days.

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