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As far as I can remember, my learning experience was

shared with a friend of mine who was like a shadow to me, we
shared a lot of learning experiences which were full of chaos,
anxiety, language obstacles, bad teachers, good teachers, good
experiences, bad experiences, being punished for what we have
done, being punished for what we have not done, avoiding any
eye contact with the teachers so as not to be called upon to
answer or being asked to go to the blackboard, our names were
all the time on the absence sheet and we used to steal it and
erase our names, we hated philosophy and mathematics in
high school because of bad teachers who were trying to make
us learn, which made us hate the subjects along with the
teachers which had an impact on our grades, we spent most of
our time wandering around, exploring different towns near our
town, and whenever we were asked by the students affairs
board we would say that we were doing some kind of business
out of town, we were trouble makers, we skipped a lot of
classes, always seating at the back of the class making fun of
other students and the teacher alike, we rarely did homework,
we gave funny answers especially in philosophy classes just
for the sake of it
Nevertheless, we were hardworking students, even if we
did not attend classes much but we knew the tricks of the
trade, we did not need any teacher to teach us or show us
what to do, we were autonomous, self-reliant, and independent,
that is what made our teachers and classmates respect us and
admire us after all.

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