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KG1 Team Meeting

September 3, 2015

1. Orientation
a. Did everyone check smart boards?
b. Orientation attendance-sign in sheet or do it
c. Put away some classroom toys
d. Portal-more information will be coming soon
If necessary, refer them to Bryan Lee
2. Monday 9:30
a. Ideas for activities
b. TRY to keep parents out of the classroom?
c. Keep parents that didnt attend orientation to fill
out student form
d. Do you know how each child is getting home on
3. Do we know where to take kids for specials?
a. PE-meet teacher outside of the pool
b. Art/Music/Arabic-walk them to the classroom
c. TAs walk classes to specials, teachers should go
along for the first few weeks
4. Big Playground
a. Off limits until further notice (cant walk on track)
b. Indoor recess

Other notes:

Student Nametags (for at least the first 2 weeks)

1 newsletter submitted from KG1-take turns creating
1 planning document submitted for KG1
Sample of lesson plan-on Shared Drive
Septembers teaching calendar
NO worksheets/review work is to be sent home
Review work will come from the weekly
newsletters/resources on Portal
Need pre-approval from Sara before sending anything
home to parents
2 field trips (one before Christmas break and one after)
Please let me know Sunday/Monday how many bus
riders/car riders you have.
TAs and Helpers on Mobiles

*Does anybody have an extra hand-washing poster for

*Ms. Sue is collecting toilet paper rolls and juice bottles for art

To Do: Car Riders/Bus Riders posted inside classroom door

Bus Map to be taken with teachers at dismissal, Car
rider list to be taken with TA
Emergency Folder for fire drills: class list, contact
numbers, map, red/green cards
Bus Tags (TAs)-finish before Tuesday

Some things to think about.

Classroom Routines:

Student arrival
Getting kids quiet
How to sit on the carpet
How to line up
Rotating centers
Washing hands or using bathroom
Getting snack or lunch
Eating snack or lunch (what will they do when they
Using water bottles
Transitioning to specials
Packing up at the end of the day
Walking to busses

Behavior Management Strategies

1. Tangible rewards (stickers, stamps, prize box)
2. Consequences (time-out, loss of privilege, eat by
3. Buddy room
Parent Communication
1. OVER communicate!
2. Portal, e-mail, lots of pictures
3. Take note of those parents that may need some extra
attention at the beginning of the year

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