Sicilian Dragon - Kosanovic

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The complete black reperloire

International master

Sicilian Dragon

The Author

GO RAN KOSANOVIC, International master

Donated by

"HIVOKOMERC" ex po rt im po rt

22313 Vojka
S. Belegianina 28
Tel.: 0221301-091,301-478
Fax: 0221301-979
Produced by

INDIC DUSAN, International master

Text composition

Mladen Durie

First printing: Jun


All rights reserved. No pan of this publication may be reproduced or uansmitted

in any form or by any means: electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise. without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Index of Variations
l.e4 cS2. 00d63.d4 cd44..!Lld4 5..'Llc3g6

6.g3 .!Llc6
6.f4 .!Llc6



7 . .!Llbl

7 ..!Llc6
6.A,4 Ag7

7.hJ 0.0

8.1).0 tLlc6
8.. a6

6..tc2 _!g7




IO.l::tcl Ab7







8.lObJ .!Llc6

Ulcl a6


9 .. Ac6








7.AcJ tLlc6

8.h4 bS


8 0..0











MbJ .ltc6

IOJ4 'l!f,S

ll.c&hl i.g4


II.. !:dB


1.t4o2. 00d63.d4 cd44.!M4lOC6 5..:0c3g66.Ae3Ag77.0G-08.d2




28 .'LieS
IO .. .(:)d4


12.aJ ,8




IO.'l!fcl c6


ll.l0c6 bc6

12.ed5 'dS


12 .. .(:)dS
IO.cd5 tOdS

li..!Llc6 bc6

12.l0d5 tdS






I lito Ilea

12 c5



14.l0c4 :cs
14 .. ..b8



15. 1h4



9. d4


10 .. c5


IO.Ad4Ac6 ll.'itbl 'I!Jd 12.g4




9. . ..1d7


1.4 cS2. OOd63JW c:d44.'2ld4 tOll &6 Uuil.g77.o ().{)8.1l.c4 ttldi


9.l!t'd2 Jl.47


lO.. l:icl






12.AgS 'tll'aS




1.4cSl.!i)[.ld63JI4 cd44..:0WliJII"i 5.:t:Jc3&6 6At31l..(7 7.0 oo &"8dllUc69..fl..t4 Alf71

!lc811.Ab3 :UO Wt4 bS

13.1 'i:lc4

14. .Q.c4li:c4

IS. .!2lb3










16. 'i!;>b I ncB

17.g-4 l!t'cJ




1.4 cSl Od6ldA cd4 4.'2ld4liJII"i 5.:t:Jc3&6 6At3A(7 7.0 00 &'ti'dlltlc69..fl..t4 Alf71
!:cS n.Jl.b3 Wt4 hS 1J.ill5 .::::cS

14.1 bS




ll1!!'d3 bS

16. ..Q.c4lUfl


IB.Jl.b3 aS


IB . ..W








16.ltld5 nr.B


16 . . t!S




16.1!!'c2 bS
IU!'d3 bS





17 . .llf6 ..Q.r6
17.hS lUllS
14.'i!i>bl bS


17.f5 rf5

JB.cS dd


IB .. Jl.g7


I lt)f4





IS..ID!el 4




IS.g4 hg4
IS .. aS

16.hS lUllS


16 .. .lic3




16.ghS lt)hS

17. ..Q.f6






( 1]

Ermenkov- G.West

'@'b5=) 10 ... .ag4 l l.Qlf3 t!Jc6 12.<i;>bl

(12.e5 Qlh5! 13. .ac6 bc6 14.Ae7 f4
Miskolcffapolca, 1990
!5.'e4 deS! 16.Af8 llfB 17.''c6 ..c8)
l.e4 c5 2..!Df3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 ;ur6
!2... ..fc8 (12 ... h5 13..!Lld5 e6 14..c6
s.c3 g6 6..ags ig7 7. .abs
bc6 15. .!L!e7 h8 16.e5 h6 17.Ah4 f4
7.d2 t!Jc6 8.0-0-0 0-0 9.c6 bc6
18.'&e4 Af3+) 13.3.f6 (l3. .ac4 b4
!O.e5 t!Je8 ll.ed6 t!jd6 12.Ae7 'f!fe7
14.a3 .:Uc2! 15.c2 ll)e4! 16.e4 a4
13.d6 g5cc Rauzer-Kan, 1936
I ht;b 1 !lc4) 13... if6 14.d5 b4!+
7... id7
T.Horvath-Jovicic, 1984
7 ... bd7 8.d2 a6 9.Ae2 'f!ic7
9.id7Qlbd7 10.0-0-0
(9 ... b5? 10.tL\c6 6 .!Lle7+-; 9... .!Llc5
LO.h4 (10.f4?! t!Jh5!) ..c8 ll...h3 h5
IO.f3 0-0 1l.h4!) 10.0-0 (Fieck-A.Miles, (1l... h6!? 12.Ae3 h5) 12.0-0-0 0-0
1983) 10...0-0=
l3.:;!tb1 e6 (13 ... -&a5?! 14.c!Jb3 6

t!Jd5) 14.tL\b3 !lc6 15.f4;!;; Fro lov-Palk

ovi. 1990
10 ... 0-0
10... ..c8 1l.t!Jd5 h6 12.Ah4 '&a5
l3.'bl .:Ud5 14.ed5 Qlf6 15.t;Jb3 c7+
Ulibin-Ivanchuk, 1985
ll.f4 .!1c8 12.e5

8.. a6

8 ... c6 9.0-0-0 !lc8 ( 9 ... .!Lld4

IO ...d4 a5 ll.e5! .abs 12.b5 '/t:fb5
13.tL\b5;!;;; 9... 0-0 IO.Ac6 bc6 I l.e5;!;;)
1 O..tc6 bc6 ll.f4 0-0 12.e5 deS 13.fe5
d5 14. .!Lld5 cd5 15.e6? (15. ..hfloo)
15... fe6 16.t!Je6 '/t:fb6! 17.t!Jg7 fH'2!+
M.Ghinda-Sax, 1980


12.. . ..c3!? 13.bc3 ll)d5 14.f3?

8.. Ab5 9.lLJdb5 a6 10.ll)d4 a5 (l4.e6!?) 14 ... '&a5! 15.t;Jb5 5b6
ll.f4 t!jbd7 12.0-0-0 h6 13.ll)b3 'f/Jc7 16.Ae7 ''b5 17.c4 'f!ic4 18.i..fB AfB-+
14.Af6 t;Jf6 15.e5! Vitolinsh-Sher, Ko sanovic-Veli mirovic, 1983
l3.fe5 '&aS 14.0

14.Af6 ef6 15.tLlb3 (15.e6 t!Je5 )

15...d8! 16.e6 fe6 17.-&e6 !!nee
14... llc3 15.ef6 ef6 16. ..d7

8...0-0 9.0-0-0'&a5 10.f4( a6

ll.Af6?! ab5!+ Vitolinsh-Shirov, 1988;
1 O.llhe 1 ireS Il.tLlb3 .Q.b5 12. b5

17.e2 l[)d4+ Todorovic-Kosanovic,


l6.d2?? a2-+

16 ...fg5 17.bc3 c30 18..llb7??



9 .h3 !lb8 1O.a4 a6 1l.Ae3 b5 l2.ab5

ab5 13.l[)d5 l[)d7! 14.-tJd4 Ab7 15.0-0
tUdeS 16.b3 b4 17.!la4 .tJd4 18.Ad4 AdS
19.ed5 c7= Matulovic-M.Markovic,

18 .. :tll'al! 19 .llb l


19 .. . b2 20.2 lidS 21.l[)d4

2l.e3 Ad4!-+

21.. . .ll d4 a2 23.12

23.g3 (23.llhe1 !le4!) "t!fe6 24.112

9 ...Ilb8

23...laf4 24.1g3 a3 25.d 3

1O.b3 b5 Il..S.b1 b4 1 2. l[)d5 Aa6
13 .Ab2 l[)d7 14 . .g7 g7 15 .c4?!
( 15.lie 1=) 15 ... bc3 16.llel l2Jc5
17.lL!ec3 l[)d3 18 . .S.e2 e 6+ CondieKi.Georgiev, 1986
IO .l[)d.S b5 (10 ...lZ\d5? ! ll.ed5 l[)e5
12.h3 Ad7 13 .a4 c7 14.l[)d4 Bronstein-Szymczak, 1978) ll.Ag5 l[)d7
(ll...l[)d5 12.ed5 l[)e5) 12.c1 l[)de5
13.Ah6 Ah6 14.h6 Ag4 15.f3 Ae6
16.cot?h1 b4= Ajanski-Kosanovic, 1987
I O.h3 b5 1 1 .-tJdS e6 12.lZ\f6 Af6
13.c3 b4 14.Ah6 e8 15.'d2 Aa6
16.l:ife l Ae2 17 . .E.e2 bc3 18.bc3 l[)e5
19.l:ic 1 l[)c4+ Kagan-Tarjan, 1977

25 ... ..id4!! 26.b3

26.h3 d6
26.'@'a3 Af2

26 ... g4 27.h4 YJe7 28.ri!(g3 f2!

29.$f4 f6 30.'i!(g4 h5 0-1

[ 2 ] Kudrin Ki.Georgiev

Wijk aan Zee. 1985

l.e4 c52.l[)f3d63.d4 cd4 4 .l[)d4t!Jf6

S.c3 g6 6.g3tLlc6 7.tL)de2

7 .b3 g7 8.Ag2 0-0 9.0-0 Ag4

(9 ...a5 IO.a4 Ag4 1l.f3 e 6 12.f4 b6
J3.h1 -b4:c Tukmakov-Mokarichev,
I 978) IO.f3 Ae6 Il . d5 Ec8 12.c3 .E.e8
10 .. . a6 ll.h3
13.Ae5 ( 13.hl!?) 13 ... Ad5 14.ed5
1 l.lZ\dS b5 12 .ab5 ab5 13.g5 (13 .c3
&.Je5 s.hl
lZ\d4 15.f6 ef6! 16.cd4 f5
Hardicsay, 1984
!h-!h Kopylov-Nesis, 1992)
7....i.g7 8.g2 0-0
8 ... &b8 9 .b3?! b5 1 O.. b 2 0-0 13... lZ\d7 .E.eS! (14. ..lZlc5 15.b4
11.c1 (11.0-0 b4 12.lZld5l2ld5 13.Ag7 lL\e6= Nunn-A.Miles, 1980) 15.IldllL!c5
.tJe3!) 11...b4 12.lZ\d5 e6 13.llJf6 Jif6 16.Ah6 Ah8 17.b4?! .at 18.a1lZ\e6
14...f6 t'f6 15.0-0 a6! J6.t'e3 Ae 2 19.lZ\df4 (l9.f4 f6 20.c3 Ad7 2l.g4

c8+) 19. . . tDe5!0 20.tDe6 .i.e6 2l.f4]b5 a6 14 ..i.e3 dS 15.tLld4 .i.d7
b6 22.h1laaS 23.c3 (23.b2 a2 16.h3 lacS 17 .g4 c8 18.c3 frc4oc
24.c3 cS-+) 23 . .. ecS 24 .d2 D.Bakic-Atalik, 1992
4-+ Alexa.lvanov-Th.Emst, 1991
9 ...0-0
ll...bS 12.ab5 ab5

19 b4

13.3.e3 b4 14.tLld5 .i.d7 15.<h2.tLleS
i6 ::'a2 e6 17.tLldf4 b3 Vz-Vz Cabrilo-Ba
::as.. 1984
13.-.t'hl b4]d5 e6 15.tDe3 .i.b7oo
Sahaev-Panchenko, 19S3
13. tl]d7!? 14.fra2 e6 15.lDdf4
ci 16..l.d2 ..'Dc5 17.tDcl (17 ..i.c3 .i.c3
18.c3 b4 1 9 .lDa4 b3; 1 9 . . . fraS)
:-....1.b7 18.tDcd3 laaS 19.aS aS
:Oe1 a4 2l.c3 tDc5+ T.Horvath
KiGcorgiev, 19S4
13 ...7!? 14.'cl b4]d5 cS
16.J..b6 .l.a6!= 17.1J..g 7 g7 1S.d2 e6
19.-el !fe7 20.f4 IDeS 21.laf2 1J..b5
.,.., b3 J..e2 23.e2 edS 24.ladl aS


IO.d1 .i.g4 1l.f3 .i.e6 12.e3 b5

13.f2 b4 14.tLle2 .i.c4]d4 cS
16.cI e5 17 .tl]b3 d5 Cocola-Saed, 1984
10.d2 c7 11.tLld5 tLld5 12.ed5 b5!
10.a4!? a5 11.1J.. d2 h5 12. b4
.i.h3 13.0 a5 14.'b5 b5 15.tLlb5 .i.g2
16 .g2lafcS 17.c3 Short-Gulko, 1990
10.h3 Ae6 1l.dl d7!? 12.h2
acS]d5 ( l3 .fre1!?) l3 ...tLld5
14.ed5 .i.f5 15.c3 h5 16.a4 (16.1J..e3!?)
16. . .c4! 17.el Ae5! 18. .i.fl?! (1S.f4
.i.f6 19 . .i.e3 a6oo) 18 .. . e4 19.e4
Ae4+ Laketic-Sherbakov, 1991

10.d3 .i.e6 1l.tLld5 (1l.d2 cS

12.b3 a6 l3.ac1 b5 14.tLld5 tpd5 15.ed5
.i. f 5 16 . .i.e4 .i.e4 17.e4 .i.c3!=)
25...S 26.h4 a2 27.el a7
1l...cS (ll.. .tLld5 l2.ed5 .i.f5 13.e2
21.e2 c7 29.h5 tljd7]c41h-Vz
b5 14.c3 b8 l5..i.e3 J.Benjamin-Ka
likshteyn, 1993) 12.c3 lieS 13.h3 t'd7
[ 3 ] lilos - Gaprindashvili
14.h2 t'a4 15. .i.g5 tl]d5 16.ed5 .i.f5
Palma de Maiiorca, 1989
l.e4c5 2.0f3 d6 3.d4 cd4]d4 tLlf6 17.'d1 'tlfd1 1S.ad1 b5 19.fel f8
5. g6 6.g3 .!Oc6 7.1J..g2 tljd4 S.'d4 20.Afl bS 2l..i.d3 b4+ Arencibia
Dlugy, 1985
.!.g7 9.()...{)
2.5 ::n

10 ...aS! ll.'b3 .i.e6! 12.'&b7 .i.c4

9 .3.g5 (9.1J..e3 0-0 10.d2 tLlg4) 0-0
l0.d2 .i.e6 11.0-0 '&b6 12.a4 acS 13.lael tljd7 14.'c6

[ 4] Van Mil- M.Ghinda

Budapest, 1986

l.e4 c5 2.[Qf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lQd4ltJf6

5.!tjc3 g6 6.f4 LLlc6 7.[Qb3
7 .ltJf3 Ag7 s..td3 Ag4 (S .. .'b6
9.''e2 Ag4 10.'f#f2 f2=) 9.h3 Af3
1O.'f3 b6 1l.:Sb1 0-0 12.Ae3 aS
13.0-0 :SfdS 14..1Ld2 c7 1S.h1 a6
16..be1 b5 17.a3 e6 1S.fS tOeS 19.''g3
tLlh 5 20.'h4 dS= Sznapik-Karlsson,

14.e5 JabS+
14... tZ:\c5?!

7 ...abs Ad7 S.Ac6 Ac6 9.eS (9.'f3

!Lid7! 10.[Qc6 bc6 ll.eS dS+) 9 ... deS
10.feS l0e4! (10...[Qd5 ll.e6;!;;) Il.[Qe4
(ll.[Qc6 d1 12.[Qd1 bc6 13.0-0 Ag7
14.f!e1 tLlcS 1S.Ad2 0-0!=) ll...Ae4
12.0-0 Ag7 13..1Lf4 (13.f!e1 AdS 14.c3
0-0=; 14.c4 Ac6!co) 13 ... 0-0 14.c3

14. .. ltJe5! 15.'a4 !ibS 16.Ad2 !ib2

17.![abl !ibl I S.!ibl '@c7+
1S.e50 .lacS 16. '@f3 _ae5
16... de5+
17...ah6 lieS 18.J;adlc:c tt)d7
JS ... '@b6 19.b3!:, l;Jd5
19. .i.h3 !ic7

7 .. .Ag7 8.Ae2

19 ... e6

S.Ad3 aS! 9.a4 _ag4 IO.'d2 b6

1l.h3 Ae6+

20. .lae3! ..aa6 b7 22.'t!!'e2;t


8 ...''b6 9.Af3 ( e2, Ae3) 9 ...a5

22...!icS 23...ad7+23.d5 e6
23 ... Ab2 24.:Sd6
24.dl '@f6 25.c3 '@e7
25 ... dS! 26.f4 ..ad6 27.ladS? .tc5
26.c4 :Sb8 27.b3 lUeS 28. d2 a4
29.b4 .'Ud7
29 ...ltJa6 30.cS+.
30.Afi ltJb6 3I..b.e4 f6? 32...ags 'f#g7 33..1Th4
32.''d6 d6 33.J;d6l;Jc8

10.a4 0-0 ll.e2 [Qb4! 12.tLlbS Ae6 fifeS+ 14.Ae3 Ac4 1S.'d2
AbS 16.abS eS 17 .t;JfS [Qc2 1S.''c2 f!c2
19.Ab6 gfS-+ Stefanov-Inkiov, 19S4

33... ..ae7 34.Af4

34.Af4 :Sb4
34 ... g5 35.:Sde6
35.,l;.de6 fe6 36. .c7 rt;rl? 37. ..ah3
ltJe7 3S.Ae6 'it;g7 39..d6 gbl 40.c;!?g2
l0f5 4I.Ac5 .b2 42.a3 fl.d2 43.Ad5
.lad3 44..lae8 h5 4S ...g8 'it;h7 46.:Sa8 1-0

10... a4 tt._ae3 d8! 12.[Qd4

12.ltJd2? a3 13.b3 aS-+

12 ...e4 13.c6 c3 14.d8

(14.d3!?) 14...e2 1S.b7oo

21..i.d4 d7 22 ..i,g7 d2 23.d2



7L.fe3! 22.'f/!Ve3

13.b3 e4!

22.d8 .i.c3-+

13 . . . ab2! 14.1:lbl

22... 'f/!VaS?!

14.d8? ba1 1S.d2 h1 16.'bS

22 ... c 8 ! 23 . .!0dS ! ( 23 .llb3

l:i d 8 !-+) 2 3 ... c 4 ! 24 .e7 h8
14. . . bc6 15.e5!?
2S.l:lb3 .i.d4-+
IS..i.d4 (1S.l:lb2? e4; 1S.O-O? .i.a6)
23..i.a6 .i.c3 24.f2 .i.b2+ 25..i.d3
b6 16.d2 cS!? (16...0-0+) 17..i.f6
e5 26.e2 .i.d4?!
f6 18.eS deS l9..i.c6 f8 20 . .i.a8
27.'f/!Ve4! a2 28.b4 l:ic8?! 29.g4!+

15 . . .d7! 16..i.c6 .i.a6 17.''d2

e6 3o.nn c6 31.h5 e6 32.hg6 hg6

33.g5 c6 34.1:lf6 e4 35..i.e4 l:ic3
17 . .. 1:lc8 18..i.a4!
36..i.d5 l:lc2 37.<;;td3 l:lc3 38.e2 l:ic7
18 .i.f3 deS-+
39.1:lg6 40.ID'6 g7 41.d3 .i.b2
18 .. . 0-0!?
42.e4 ..a7 43.f5 e4 44.1:lf7 nn
l8 ... deS l9.dS f8!! 20.b4 ef4
45 .i,f7 c;t;f7 lfz-llz
17 ..i.bS .i.bS 18.bS l:ib8 6. deS-+

2Ld7 .i.c3 22. .i.d2 b6!-+ 6. e3


[ 5]

19.f2 deS! 20..i.d7 ef4 2l..i.c8

19 ...de5!!

corr., 1987

l.e4 cS 2.13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 f6

s.c3 g6 6.f4 tt:lc6 7.C:Oc6 bc6 8.e5 d7
9 . .i.c4 b6 ( 9 ... d S ? 10.dS!)
1 0.ed6 'f/!V d6 ( 1 0 ... c4 ? ll.d4)
ll.d6 ed6= Averbakh-Lisitsin, 1948
9.13 1l.g7 (9 ...dS 10.h4 hS 1l.e6
f6 12.ef7 f7 13..i.d3 ..tg4 14.f2
'f/!Vb6= Ubilava) lO..i.bS (10.''c6 l:ib8
1l.ed6 0-0 12..i.e2 .i.b7 13.'c7 .i.g2
14.d8 l;.fd8 1S.de7 l:ie8oo) 10 ... 0-0
(lO...deS 1l..i.c6 l:ib8 12...te3 l:lb2 13.00-0 e4! 14.e4 ..tc3 1S.1l.d7 .i.d7
16.1:id7.'f/!Vd7 17.'a81:ib8! 18.b8 'f/!Vd8
19.d8 d8 20..i.a7 c7= Gragger
Honfi, 1961) 11.c6 ( l l ..i.c6 l:ib8
12.ed6 ed6oo) 11 ...1:lb8 12..i.e3 a6
1 3 . .i.a4 deS 14 .0-0-0 aS 1S . .i.b3
(IS.l:id7 1l.d7 16 .'d7 !ifd8) 1S...ef4
16..i.f4 l:lb3 17.ab3 a1 18.'d2 'f/!Vb2
19.1:lb1 b8 20.c81:lc8 2l.l:ib2 Ac3+
Bronstein-Vasiukov, 19S9

ld7 c3 2l.d8 (2l..i.d2 ef4-+)
222 1:le2-+
20 ef4!
20...c3!? 21.c3 (2l..i.b6? 'f/!Va8!
!!.cJ eg2-+) 21 .. .'d7 22.feS g4+


Guzzardo - Copie



21.J.b6 .i.c3 22.'c3 l:ic3 23..i.d8
24..Q.g4 lle3-+

Ad4 16.d4 llb8 17."tVd2 'Oc5 Scher

bakov-Lisitsin, 1955

9 ... ed6

13.Ae2 d5 14.h4 (14.g4!?) 14... h5

15.g4 Ag4 16..g4'0c4 (16 ... hg4 17.h5
tt)c4 18."tVd3) 17.d3 'i!;Yb8 18.b3
(Larsen-Lein, 1979) 18 19.e3
lle8 20.t;&b 1 Af6co
13...Ae6 14.g4 aS!

1O.d4 l0f6 1J....a e3 (ll.b3 _ag7
12..b2 0-0 13.0-0-0 _ag4! 14._ae2?!
lDd5 15.g70 rt;g7 16.l0d5 f6 17..g4
cc:l5+ Timm a n - La n g eweg , 1 9 7 4 )
1l... .ie7 12....ae2 0-0 13 . ...af3 (13.0-0 c5
14.d2 d5=) 13 ... d5 14.d2 ...a g 4!
(14...'a5 1.0-0 .c5 16.'it'h1 \12-\12
Kasparov-Balashov, 1981) 15.0-0-0
(15.0-0 .an 16.llf3 ...ab4!?; 16...c5!?)
15...le8 16.h3...af317.gf3d7! 18."tlYd3
l2\h5+ Klinger-Tukmakov, 1985
10... e7
10... f6 (10 ... "tlYe7? 1 Ld4!)
1l.d2 Ag7 12.0-0-0 d5 (l2...g4!?)
13 ..ac5 Ae6+
l!.f3 d5 12.0-0-0 Af6 13..ad4 0-0
14.h4 .labS 15.''f2 gb4 16..f6 lDf6
17.a3 (Tal- Lisicyn, 1956) 17 ... b7=

15.f5 l0c4 16 . .c4 .c4 17.h4!

17.Ah6?! .S.e8 18.''d4 .g5
17...d5! 18. .h6lie8 19.g5
19.d4? .f6
19 ... Ad6 20.f6
20.llde 1!?
20 ...c7+ 21.'it'b1 a4! 22.h5 !!eb8!
23.hg6 fg6! 24.fide1
24.Ag7 Ae5! 25.!!h3 b6
24.h3 ...ae5 25..Sdh 1 'l:l!'b6 26.lDd1

ll.ii.e2 0-0 12.0-0 d5 13.a4 .Se8

14.'d2lt:Jf6 15.'c3 tt:le4 16.\'tl'c6 .d7
17.a6 '/:l!'c8!= Nunn-Sax, 1974

24... .a3!--+ .b2 26.l0b2

a3 27.lle8

11...0-0 12.0-0-0 tt:lb6

12...d5 13..:L\a4?! .Sb8 14.\'tl'c3 c7!
15.d5 .ah4! 16.\'tl'c4 Aa6! 17.'1:l!'a6
(17..Sd7 d7 18.'1:l!'a6 .l;.e8!) 17 ...cd5
18.d3 d4! 0-1 Allena-Kolenbrander,

27...e8 28 . .:L\c4 dc4 29.'d4 fiab8

30.r;t>c1 'tlt"n! 31.'t:'c3 !!b7! 32.'f!..d 1 'l:l!'e6
33.g3 c3! 0-1

12 ... '/:l!'a5 (12... tt:lf6?! 13.h3 6

)4.g4) d5 14.f5 .f6 15....ad4

l.e4 c5 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 tt)f6

5.l0c3 g6 6.Ac4 .g7 7.h3 0-0 8.0-0

27.'f!.. e7 Aa2!--+

[ 6]

Adams Shirov

Biel, 1991


8.Ae3 lL\e4! 9.e4 d5 lO.bS! a6! 16.Ah4 d4 17.lL!e4 (Jansa-Hellers, 1991)

(1 0 ... dc4 l l .'t!Vd8 !idS 1 17...gS+
II .AdS abS+ Shrentzei-Afek, 1984
14 ...d4 15.Ad2 g8 16.lL!e4 b6
8 ...c6
8 ...e4!? 9.lL!e4 dS 10.b5 a6 17.b3 AfS 18.ftel iiac8 19.ftcl!cc

15.c3 Ae6 16.lL!e2!

I LedS !rdS l2.Ad5 abS 13.AgS!?cc

-ThEmst, 1985

16.f4? d4! 17.cd4 ef4-+

16 . .. g5! ? 17.'d2


17.lL!g3 h6 1S.h5 Ah8+ !:::.. 19.h4

9...t.b3 i.d7 I O.Ae3 lieS!? 1 Uie 1
!? 12.e2?! (12.f4 e4 13.Ac4 fte4
17 .. .h6 18.h4! gh4 19.Ah6 f6!
!.ed3 IreS 15.!Iad1 a6!?= Tiviakov)
i2...c3! 13.bc3 lL!e414.f4!? (14.Ad2?!
d2 15.!rd2 e6! 16.a4 aS! 17.tLlb5 d5
18.1!e3 a6 19.d4 IreS 20.e2 e4
2l.ie4 e4+ AJeksie-Tiviakov, 1991)
14 . .3 15.trfl lL!e6 16.d3 aS
17. Ae6 18.Ad4 Ad4 19.'d4 e6!?
(l9 ... eS+) 20.!Ie6? ( 20.fte3 'ObS
:2t.ed3 !fb6+) 20...lL!b5! 2Le3 fe6
!2.ec6 hS 23..!:1d1 b6 0-1 Mitkov
Tiviatov, 1991

9 . ..! IO.Aii

19 ... ftf7 20...tg5! ..tf6 2l.Af6 't!Vf6

19 ... Ah6 20.h6 '!lgf6 2l.f6 f6
22.f4! ..tg4 23.fe5 nn 24.fl;;!;

20 ...tg5

10 ... !
IO ... Ilf7 1 Le4 h6 1 2.c3 Ad7
!3e1 eaS 14.b3 a6 1S.a4 aS
I6.ea2 4 17.d2 IreS 1S.lL!e4 e4
19.ec4 Ilc4= Jansa-W.Watson, 1991
1 4 12.Ad4 eS 13.Ae3

13 . . d5 l4.lL!g3
14..Ag5 !rd7 l5.lL!c3 (1S.f3? eS
l6.eb3 dc4 17.!iadl e6-+) 15 ...h6

20. ..tg7!? g7 2l.f4 h3! 22.!U2

(22.g3 h2! 23.h2 d4! 24.cd4 .i.dS
25.de5 h7 26.g1 !iadSoo) 22....!:1f6!
23.g3 ef4 24.ftf4 (24.f4 t'#g3 25.hl
.ars 26.'d5 Ae6!) 24 ... ftf4 25.f4
20 .. . t'#g6 2I ...th4 !if5! 22.f4
2-tLlg3? !If4

22 .. .g4
22...fth5? 23.Ag5!

23.Ag5 ?
23. . . ftaf8!+ (!:::.. d4!) 24.ru2
24.Irf3 IlgS 25.!ig3 t'#g3-+

24 ... d4! 25.cd4

25.fte I AdS 26.cd4 !IgS! 27.fg5 !if2

2S.f2 g2 29.e3 f3

25 ... ef4 26.Af4 Ac4 27.Ae3 .l:lf2

17.f 4
ll a 7 18.d6 ( 18.f e 5
b6)( 18.f5 f6) d6 19.lld6 ef4 20.llf4
28.f2 Ae2 0-1
Kindermann[ 7]
17... 't!fd6 18.lld6 lla7 19.l:Ud1 lld7
Lugano, 1986
20.l:id7 tt:ld7 2l.Ad5 Ad5 22.lld5
23.l:id6 tt:lc4 24.lla6 tt:lb2=
l.e4 c5\f3 d6 3.d4 cd4\d4 ti)f6
... b4+ 2l.J.. c 2
5.c3 g6 6.Ac4 J.,g7 7.h3 0-0 8.Ab3 a6
Ab5 f5 6.llc7 x c5
9.0-0 b5\d5 J.,b7
22.lld7 lld7 23.lld7 tt:ld7\e4?! ll.e2
11.r6 M6 12.Ah6 Ag7
26.lbd3 lbd3 27.Ad3 f5 28.fl 'it;f6
12 ... I!e8 (12... Ae4 13.Af8 'tM'f8
29.g3 'i!;>e5 30.c;t;e3 g5-+
14.c3) 13.I!el lt:\c6 (13... tt:ld7 14.c3
26... f6 27.e3 e5 28.h4 h6
tt:lc5 15.Ad5 d7 Y2-!/z Jansa-Sax, 1987)
29.Ad1 g5 30.hg5 hgS 3I.l0h3 f6 32.g3
14..'2lc6 (14.c3!?) 14...J.. c6 15.0 e6!
a5 rs lt)e6 35.J..e2 J.,g2
(15 ... c7?? 16.g4! +-; 15 ... b 4 ?\f2 f4 37.gf4 gf4-+ 38.2 'itJd4
16.adl) 16.c3 Ag5 17.Ag5 g5
39.b3 lbcS 40.,ad1 Ae4\h3 n
18.I!adl J;ed8 19.e3! 't!Ye3 20.lle3 <;&rs
2l.f4 rtl;e7 22.f5 ! Jansa-Petursson, 1988 Abl 43.c;!;>cl Aa2 44.c;!;>b2
13.d2 (6\f5; 13.Ag7 g7
Ab3 45.Ab3 tt:ld3 d3-+
14.I!el tt:ld7 15.J.,d5 c7=) 13...e50
14.J.,g7 g7

[ 8]

Pekarek Th.Ernst

Dortmund, 1992
l.e4 c5 2.f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 lbf6\c3 g6 6.Ac4 Ag7 7.h3 0-0 8.b3 a6
9.0-0 b5 10.1:le1
10.a4 Ab7 (10... b4?!\d5 b7 f6 13.Ah6) ll.ab5 tt:le4
12.tie4 Ae4 13.llel ab5! 14.lla8 Aa8
15.lbb5 ( 15.g5 b6!)
10...Ab7 ll.a4
15. .!Uf3!? f6 (15 ... J..e4 16..'2lg5 Ac6
17 .n!) 16.Ad5 tLlc6 17..:Sfd1 b6=

15...e4 16.I!adl
16... ,c6
16 ...l;a7?? 17.e3+16

ll...ba4 .
d 6 ! = 38 . .i. f 4 f4 39.!1c6 !lb4!
Il...t!Jbd7 12.ab5 ab5 l3.!1aS aS 40.b4
40.e6 g7 4l.e7 h6 42.'tffi
1-5 ltje4\e4 .i.e4 16.l!Jc7 b7
:_j_d5 (17.ttld5 t!Jf6!=) 17 . ..c7 g5!=
,_J7 d5?! lS. tt:\dS;;!; Stoica-M.Gon
40 .. .'tcl 41.h2 f4 42.1%-lh
z.a.les. 19S6) 1S ..Ae4 e6 19..Af4 l!JeS
[ 9 ] Cabrilo - Kosanovic
.b3 d5 2l..Ad3 c3= Stoica
Stara Pazova, 198S
11...t!Jc6 1V!c6 .i.c6 13.ab5 abS
. .

a& aS!?= (14 ... .i.aS 15.l!Jd5 e6

l.e4 cS\f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 lL!f6
:6.-V"6 Af6;;!;) 15.l!Jd5 e6!\f6 .Af6 S.lL!c3 g6 6 ..i.c4 .i.g7 7.h3 0-0 8..i.b3 a6
:-_d6l.. e41S.f4 .i.f5! 6. 19.g4 e5!
9.0-0 bS IO.!lel .i.b7 ll.AgS lL!bd7
12..1a4 'f!fc7 13..Ag5 ttlbd7 14.Ad7 12.d5
14. t!Jd5 15.ed5 ttleS (15...l!Jf6
:6.-0;6 e6!+) 16.l!Jc6 .i.c6 17.dc6 e6
i8...1f4 fd8 19 ..Ae5 .i.e5= Jo.Horvath
Sdmer. 1987

14 ... d7 15.t!jb3 ac8 16.d3

e6 17 a dl
l7.M?! .Aa8 l8.'a6 l!Je4 19.l!Je4
-4 20.f3 f5 2l..Ae7 .i.d4 22.h1

17.. .d7?


12 . ..e6
18.5:!::: res 19.c3 cS 20.c5
12 .. JeS 1 3.c3 lL!dS 1 4 ._A d5
cS 2l.b4 cc8 22.c4 AdS 23.ed5 d7
(14.ed5!?) 14 ...c7 15.a4 ba4 16.!la4
e4! "!rb7 25. .1_d2 c7 26.!lcl Ab2
lL!cS 17.!1 a 2 ? ! ( 17.!1a3!?) 17 ... e6
Zic2 ..teS 28.f!el e6 ?

18. .Ab7 b7 19.e2 (6 b4) 19 ...a5

20.'b5 c7+ Klundt-W.Watson, 1988

13.f6 Af6

14.Ah6 !le8 15.c3 .!Oc5 16.'tlVf3 _Ag5!
l7..Ag5 gS lS.!ladl f5! l9.lL!e6 !le6!
20.Ae6 lL!e6 21.!ld6 Ae4 22.g30
(22.!ie4 fe4 2 3.e4 cl 24.h2
f4-+) 22...g3+ Dabetic-Kosanovic,

29e5!+- deS 30.d6 '@d7 31.c5 !1c6

14 ...f6 15.c3 !iad8?


32 ..1p?

3" a2 B:a8 33.'lit/e4+32... f5 33 .!b2 e4 34.d4 !lbS

35.__ld2 !fg7 36.c4 eS 37.!la6


16.a4! lL!cS
16 ... ba4 17.Aa4 lL!cS 1S.Ac2 6 b4

17.ab5 lL!e4 18.f3 lL!cS 19.ba6 Aa6

20 .l:b6! tLi a 6 2 1.tLi e6!+- labS

8 ...h5 9.Ag5 6 10.'tlNd2, 11.0-0-0
22.t:L\f8 f8 23.c4 t:L\c7 24.dl dS
9.h5 lbhS lO.hS Ac3 ll.bc3 ghS
25.Ad3 tLie6 26 .t.n d4 27.c4 r4 12.h5
28.f2 dc3 29.e6 labl? 30.'c5 g8
. c8 1..{)

[ 10]

12...d7!cc 13. .te3 0-0-0 14.e2

b8 ?!

Vander Wiel

14 ...f5 !+

Reykjavik, 1985

l.e4 cS l.t:L\13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t:L\d4 .!Z)f6

5.!Llc3 g6 6 .tel

15.f3 lac8 16.'f2 a8 17.IDt5

17.a4 Ab3 18.cb3 lt:la5! !::. 19.b4?!

t!Jb3 20.laa3 .c3 21.0-0 (21.Ad2? lad3)
6.h4 lt:lc6!? (6 ... h5) 7.h5?! (7.Ae3?!
lL!g4; 7..te2 lL!d4!?; 7 ... h5) 7... lL!h5 8.g4
17 . .. f5! lS.ers .trs I9.d2
lL!d4! (S 9.g5oo) 9.gh5 (9.d4
19.a4 e6!
.tg7D 1 d7 1 1 . ds r6

19 .. J!hf8 20.a4 'f/c7 21.a5 b8

12.b 7 0-0; 11...Ac3 ! ? ) 9 ... c6
2l ... lt:le5! !::. 22 ... Ad7
(9... .tg7?! IO.h6 Af6 10.hg6
(10.lL!d5!?) JO...fg6 11.Ah6? (1l.d5!? 23.lah7
Ag7? 12.lah 7!; 1 l.e3; II.Ac4!?)
22.f2 eS 23.1 Ag6
ll....t h 6 12 . .E.h 6 b6 ! + 1 3 . d2
(13.!Lld5? b2 14.labl g7!) 13....tg4!
24.lah4 e7 ?! 25 .E.b4lt:lf5?
(6 lL!d4) 14.Ah3 lL!e5 15 .Ag4 li:lg4
J6.h3 0-0!-+ Velimirovic-W.Watson,
6....tg7 7.lL!b3

7.Ag5?! as+
7. . !Llc6 8 .h4
8.g4 b6! 9.f4 Ab7 JO .t.f3 o-o 11.h4
a5 J2.a4 lLlb4 13.h5 d5 14.e5 t2lg4!
15.lL!d4! lbh6 16.hg6 fg6 (1 6 . .. hg6
17 .f5) 17 .t2:\e6 d7 18.lL!f 8
19. !0b5 d4oo Smyslov-Korchnoi, I960

8 ...e6!

25 .. .'c3 26.''d6 'fi/c7 (26 .. .!c7 18.t!Jc1 a4 19.a3 b. l0d3oo) IS.tOcl l0b6
:-f2) 27.AcS!
19.l0d3 tOeS! 20.eS AeS 2l.l0e3 h5!
22.f4 Af6! 23.eS AgS 24.fgS c7!
:5.J..a7! q;;a7 27.f2 q;; a s (27.. _q;; bs 2S.ed6 (25.e6?! cS! 26.ef7 q;;n 27.h4
::S--2'51 28..b6! c3 (28 ...l0d4 29.cd4 q;;g7+) 25...ed6= Cabrilo-Velimirovic,
;...:: 30.de5 .Q.b3 3 La6!) 29.a6 a 1 1992
x .! 3 Ll0b3+II.Ag5 t0d7 (II....Q.e6 12.l0d5 t0d7
16... !fc3 27.a6 b6 28.'tWd5 c6
13.c3;!;) t0b6 (Kramnik-Serper,
-aS 7!-+ 30.a3llg8?!
1989) 13.a4! Ac3 (13...b4 J4.l0d5 .2.e6
;.J. s-+
15.l!dl b. aS;!;) 14.bc3 ,:Oa4 IS..Q.h6 He8
31. ba5 32-llb7 q;;d s 33.'as 16.c4oo Kramnik
ll . ..d7!
;.es 7::;
...lOdS 12.ed5 tOeS 13.c3 Ab7
31 .. ..117 32.d3 .Q.e6 33.l0c4 dS!
l0c4 ( l4 ... d7? 15.t0a5!)
16.Ha8 .Aa8 17.l0d4 AdS
3-4.n .!Od4
der Wiel, 1992
3L. ab6 35.'tld5 d5 36.tLlb6 .Q.f3

. .


r.=n ..tc6 38.g4 B:ct'8! 39.gf5 nrs

.._;e3 2! 0-1

12.a4!? b4 (12...Ii.b8!?) 13.a5!;!;

12 .. .e6 l3.t!je3 l0b6

[ 11 ] Zagrebelny - Serper

13 ... l0c5!?

Taskent, 1992


14.l0g4?! hS!
l..e4 c5 2.W d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 f6
14 ...Ab7 15.l0g4 c4 16.l0d2 b6
cl g6 6.ie2 .$..g7 7.0-0 0-0 8.l0b3
17.hl t0d2 18..Q.d2 f5! 19.Ae3 'fic7
c6 9el a6 lO.n b5


20.ef5? gfS 2l.f2 Hf6 6. Hg6, Ci:Je7dS+

20 ... e5! 2l.ef5 nrs 22.Ci:Jd3?
22.Ad3! Ii.f7 (22.. .ef4? 23.Af5 fe3
24.Ae6+-) 23.Ci:Jh3 6. Ci:JgSoo

22 ... Haf8 23.fe50 Ci:JeS 24.Ci:Je5

AeS+ 25.g4 e7

:o . I LAgS?! (I Lt0d5 6. c3)

: L. (l LJieS 12.l0d5 t0d7 13.c3
!.34 b4 IS.![Jd4 !;JdeS 16.f4 l0d4
:-_.:d.- c6 IS.eS deS 19.deS Ae6
:'Q_.,1.c4 :.b7 2 Llbe3oo Pliester-Sax,
: 9'.n) 12.:.b1 bS 13.;!JdS He8 14.c3 Ab7
:.! .. aS!? {j. b4-x:) IS.d2 lOd eS
:"'bd1 4 l7.'tle2 Aa8 (17...aS!?

2S ... Ac8!? 26.e2 (26.'e4 Ah2!)

26 ... Ah2 21.q;; h2 Ii.h5 d5 29.g3
(29.g4 Ag4!) 29 ... g3 30.'fig2 Hfl!-+
26.h3 HO!


10 ... tvc8

-- 26.fib1 tva2 27.fib5!

l6Jac5 hg5 27.fibl a2 28.fib5!?

IO... fic8 1 US (ll.iJ..f3ll)a5 12.fie1

lL!c4 13. ll)d5 iJ..d 7 14. ll)e3 b 5 =
7 !fe6! b. fid5
H.Olafsson-Petursson, 1985) 11. .iJ..d7
21---dS 29.fib7 fiaS!-+ 30.e2
( 1 L. iJ..b 3 12.ab3 a6 13.iJ..g 5 ll)e5
t!f7 3L!fel !ff6 32.fibl
14. fia4!;; Parma) 2-Ag5 (12.g4!?;
12.Ae3) 1L.ll)e5 13.fg6 (13. iJ..d3!?)
32...-cS 33 e2 G 34.!lb7
13 ... hg6 14.ll)d5 iJ..e6!? (14 ... ll)d5
15.ed5 ll)c4 16..!c4 fic4 17.'e2 'f!/c7
18.c3;;; 15 ... Af5!?co) 15.ll)f6 (15.Af6
J.Lc2 35.''h5
ef6 16..!Llf4 A c4 17.c3 fie8co) 15...ef6
35__:e7 \tff6 36. fie6 7i;f7
16.Ah4 d5! 1 7.ed5 tvd5! 18.'f!!d 5
35. .1Id 36. b2 tvh7?
(18..!f6 tvd1 19.iJ..dl ll)c4 20.Ag7 7i;g7
36 d3-+
21.fibl .!Lle3 22.fif2 ID"d8+) 18 .. ..td5
37-.!.eS 8 38.'h7 \th7 39.i.d4 19.c3 tLlc4 20.Ac4 Ac4+ Lobron-Ce
e7 6 4U!a7 c2 42.fia4
balo, 1985
Cl.. c5 44.b4



.Ud4 f5 45.gds e6 46. fid4


[ 13 ] Kavalek Sosonko

Haag, 1979
L.eo4 c5 2.00 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t0d4ll)f6


c6 Ue2

iJ..g7 7.0-0 o-o S.t0b3

9.0 Ae6 10.ll)d5 iJ..d5 11.ed5 ll)b4
1 b5!

ll. iJ..d3 lL!b4 12.ll)d4 Ag4 13.tvel

lL!h5! 14..!Llb3?! (14.ll)f3 e5co) 14...a5
15.Ad2 a4 16..!Llcl d5 17.a3 (17.ed5? a3!)
1 7 ... de4 1 8.ab4 ed3 1 9 . ll)d3 fie8
(Smirin-Khalifman, 1988) 20.ll)e5 Af5

1 L .iJ..c 4 12.fif2 !IdS 13.ll)d5 e6
14 ..!Llf6 iJ.. f 6 15. c 3 'f!!c 1 16.Ae3 e5
11-ti)dU;; Siguljonsson-A.Miles, 1976

13.a3 bc4 14. iJ.. c4 !!cS+

9.f4 b5 l O .iJ..f3 ( IO.iJ..b 5? ll)e4

i!-.l.c6 1Jh6+) 10- -b4 ll.ll)d5 ll)d5
!2..:d5 13.lL!a5 a5 14.fie1 c 7
15.a3 .J..f5 16.Ae4 iJ..e4 17.ge4 a5=

, ..,te610.f4


12.ll)d5 iJ..f3 13.'f3

( 13 .. olLlcS 14of3 Ennenkov-West, 1990) tLlb4 1 S oAb5 tOeS 16of3 e6
l7olie2 'I/!Je7 18oh1 I!fd8 19.I!d2 d5+
Vuksanovic-Matvejeva, 1992
10.. . h6!?

27 .th60

270Ad4'? la8f4-+
27.-tgS '? '@'gS ! 28o'@'gS lah3 29og1
Ah2 30oh1 Ag3 Af2

21.. osrs 28.1 r6? ?

2 8 o . .lH2 29.:S.e2 e2 3 0.' e2
(30o.te2 :S.hS ! :S.h4-+) 30.. .''h4 6.

10. . odS! I l.ed.S (Il.Af6 Af6 12oed5

Ac3+) I 10 .. lLJd.S l2otLld5 AdS =

lO . . oaS I LAbS ! t.Jd7 l2otLldS lieS

13oc3 a4 14.tLld2 lLlb6 lS otLlf3;:!; Ku'3 .to 3 0.:S. e5!0 eS? ! .

30.. odeS 3l.g30 gS!co

pr eichik-Velimirovic, 1993

31.h4 g5 32.el.!e4 33.Ag2 Ag2

ll.Ah4 gS
34.g2 ,ar6 35.e5 deS 36.Ag5 .I;.g6
11. .. d5 120Af6 Af6 I3.edS Ac3
37.h4 h6 38.'it'f3 bg5 lrf6 l4ode6! Ael l5oen :an 16oe1co 6.
40.<ot?e3 <;tf7 41.:S.gS+- ,ID'4 42.:S.e5 Eh4 Ad3.l0c5
43.'it>d3 'it;f6 44.:E.e4 :S.hl 4S.a4! rs
12 ..i.g3 dS 13.lLlc5! d4 14.l0b5!
46.ab5 ladl 47.'it'c2 e4 48.1 abS
1 4ol0e6? fe6 lS olf:)a4 li:)e4 16oAc4
49.c2 dS SO.<;t>d3 o;tc5 Sl.b3 'it'dS lt)g3 17.Ae6 h8 18.hg3 aS+
52.b4 eS 53.c4 d6 54.cb5 rl;c7
14o.. .tc80 lS.eS
55.d4 o;tb6 56.c4 c7 57.5 <ot?b7
15oAc7'?! '1/!JeS l6oAg3 eS ! 17ol0c7
58.b6 <;ta6 59.b7! a7 60.b8 1-0

[ 12 ]

'/!!fe7 18olt)a8 'ti'cS lt)e4 20ol0b5

a6 2lolf:)a3 lt)g3 22ohg3 bS +

Romero Holmes Leko

15 . . oli:)d7 .,td7 17 .,tc4?

17oe6!? Ae6 l8ol0c7 AdS ! l9ol0a8

l .e4 c5 2.l0f'3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 l0f6
I 7 olt)d4 ! tLleS l8oc3 b. c2,laad1
s.c3 g6 6..te2 .,tg7 7.00 0-0 8.l0b3
'&'b6 18.e6 Ae6 19.:S.e60 fe6
l0c6 9.:S.el ..te6 10.,tg5
Leon, 1993

0 0 0

I Oo..tfl aS (1O .. odS ll.tLlcS ..tg4 20.lbc7 ,l;.ac8!+ 21.Ae6

12of3 d4 l3ol0e2 Ac8 l4oc3 dc3 IS o<t:lc3

Zagrebelny-Leko, 1993) lloa4 .itb3
(I J.. . :S.c8 l2otLldS ,dS l3oedS tLlb4
l4oc4 d7 lS .AgS != Ennenkov-Chan
dler, 1990) l2ocb3 8d7 I3 oAe3 Ec8

21olf:)e6? lf:)a5 22oAd5.1ifS!-+

2l ..o'it>h8 22.Ac8I!c8 23.lL\e6 '&'b2




24ooog7 2S.h4 l!d8!

13 ... bS
13 ... e6!? 14.ltJf6 Af6 15.c3 "t!Bc7oo
Kindennann-Mejster, 1987
13...ltJd5 14.ed5 lt)d4 15.ltJd4 Ad4
16.'&d3 Af6 17.f5 c7 1S.c3 rUeS
19.Ah6 c4 20.0 h4 2l.Ad2 I!c5
22.l;ad1 Ae5 23.g3 hS 24.d3 g4=
Kindennann-Chiburdanidze, I 9S8
14.c3 b4 1S.Ad2 b7 16.fiael aS
17.!uf6 ef6
17 ... Af6 1S.e5 fifeS bS 20.f5 gS
21.h4 IJJ-1/z

[ 14] King- Krahenbuhl

Luzem, 1989
l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll)d4l!)f6
S.lQc3 g6 6.Ae2 Ag7 7.0-0 0-0 8.l!)b3
t2)c6 9 .1.gS Ae6 10.f4
IO."&d2 lacS II...th6 Ah6 12.h6
a5! 13.e3 (l3.a4 't'Ub6; 13.a3 a4 14.ltJd2
d4 15..d3 .!Dg4) 13...a4 14..!t)a4 .!t)b4
15 ..d10 (l5.lUd4? .d7! 6 e5; 15.Ad3
B.c2!+) 15... .!Dc2 16.i.c2 fic2 17.o2ld4
c4!+ Malaniuk-Glek, 1990
lO ... bS

ll.f5 Ac4 I2.'it>hl b4?! 13.Ac4 bc3
14.fg6 hg6 15.bc3 lt)e4 16.llf7 tit>h7
17.g4 d5 18.h4 'it>gB 19.llg7+ll...b4
ll ...Ac4 l2.lael e5 13.f5 b4!?
(13 ... b6?! 14.r;t>h1! b4 bc3
16.ll)c4 b4!? 17.b3 llad8
lt:l e 7 !0 I 9 .Af6 Af6 2 .!Dd5
2l."t!Bd5 gf5 22.ef5 e4! 23.Ae4 fifeS
24.Ad3;t;) Ad5 15.ed5 .!De7
16.fg6 hg6 17.a3 aS! (l7...ba3?! 1S.,lla3
ll)h7 19.Ae3 6 B.a7) 18.'it;>h1 f!!c 7 6
llJf5, a4=
11 ... E.cS (l2.'it>hl lL!d7
13.labl a5!?) 12 ... Ad5 13.ed5 lt:la5
14.ll)a5 a5 15.fiel b4 16.a3 ba3 17.I!a3
'&b6 18.r;t>hl 't';!ib2 19.I!a7 I!c2 20.llae7
.lld2+ Wagman-Passerotti, 1985
12.lZ)dS ..tdS
12 ... a 5 13.l2Jf6 e f6 1 4 . .ah 4 a 4
1 5.ttJc I a3 16.b3 gS 1 7.Afl rs IS.ef5 Af5
19.Ac6 Aa1 20.liJe2 Ag7 2l.liJg3?!
( 2 l.Aa8 '& aS 2 2l. .. I! a 5+
F.Silva-Almeida. 1988
13.ed5 .!LiaS 14.'e2 b6 lS.'i!;;hl
16.Ah4?! L2\c4 17.Af2 'fi!c7 18.Ad4
16... 'tM'aS 17.a3 fic7!
17 ... h6 IS.Ah4 (l8.ab4 b4 19.c3
c4) 18... ba3 (l8...fic7!?) 19.ga3 't[:Yb4

-.) . !ff4 2l.Ag3 c4 22.c4 I!c4

:3-n; A-Sokolov-Khalifman, 1986
Il..ab41!fb419.c3 cS 20.d2 I!b8
-:1a2 !fc4 22.!Ual ti)e4 23 .1Le4

15.e2 e4 16.f6 ef6 17.ef6 I!eS!+

18.g3 (18.'ti'b2 g5 19.fg7 I!e2;
18.Ah4 c4 19.'f4 A.fB+) 18...g5
19.'ti'b2 (l9.'ti'g5 I!e6!) 19 ...Ah8!!-+
( I!e6, h6, h7) Khalifman-Savchenko,


[ 15]

13 . .. .id7
13...Ac4? 14. .icl+-

Bled, 1991

14.'ti'h4 B:c8
L.e4c52.Wd6 3.d4cd44.d4 f6
14 (16.e5
c3 Ue2 .tg7 7.0-0 0-0 8.b3 Ab3 17.ef6 ef6 18.fg6 fg6 19.ab3 fg5
at ,ip ..le6 IO.hl tl)aS
1 O b6 l l .i.. h4 g5 1 2. .A g 3 d 5
:::.d d4 (13 ... .!0e4 14.3e4 de4
= fe6 16.c3 Ljubojevic-Korchnoi,
:;:sg:4.b5.tc8 15..Ac7 (15.ti)c7 I!b8
:5..d.5 e5 17.c4co A.Zapata-Garcia,
::1 15 ..!fe8 16.i..g3 dB 17.e5'2Jd5
:!_ 5 19.c3 ti)f4 20.i..f4 gf4
:: .ttcl !fc7 22.<i:)cb3 e6 23.I!ad1 a6=
I'",...,;=:XJ._Smirin. 1988
l i.. .td5 12.ed5 I!c8 13.c3 c4
:.L..i.: l !fd7 15.f4 b5 16..Af3 aS 17.CL\d4
:! e6 20.a3 'ti'a7
:: -! Romanishin-Lemer, 1980
. . .

20.I!f8 'ti'fS+) 16... I!c8 17 ..Ad3 i..d7!

lS.I!abl 'ti'c7 19.I!f3 'ti'c5 20.e2 'ti'a5
2l.I!h3 h5 22.f4 'ti'a2 23.ID"l I!c2!+
24.h5!? (24.Ac2 'ti'c2-+; 24.i..f6!?
.t f 6 25.g 3 h4!? 26.f3 iifc8+)
24 ... h5 25.g4 f6! 26 .i.. e 3 b3!
27 . A c 2 0 c 2 28.gh5 .Ac6-+
G.Kuzmin-Khalifman, 1990
15.d5 d5 16.ed5 f6! (l6!
17.fg6 hg6 18.c4CO 'Lla4 19..td3! .Aal?
20.I!f7!+-) 17..icl I!c2 18..!0d4 I!e2
19.e2 ti)d3 20.ti)d4 ti)e5oo
15 ...I!e8
I5 ... I!c3? 16.I!c3 t!Je4 17..ie7 .Af6

16.fg6 hg617.d5 t!Jd5 18.ed5 I!c2+
16.d5 d5 17.I!h3 (l7.ed5 .AfS+)
17 ...f6 18..if6 ef6!+

16. .. I!c3! 17.I!c3 'Lie4

!2.!fcl c8 13.f5 i..dl+ x b2
I" c4 .ic4 13.lae1 I!cS+
U. ..2 13.'l!fel
13.1tcl .!.c4! 14.e5?! (14.b2 i..e 2
:s.2 4 I6.f6 f6co) 14 ... .ie2


1l.ed5 ltidS bc6 13.lLldS cdS

14.c3 e5 15.:Sd1 Ab7 16.Ah6 :Se8
17.Ab5 :Se6+ Kudinov-Nesis, 1979

18.fg6?! hg6 19.licf3 ltig5 20:tgs

Ae6 2l.'@b5? (21.h4!? i.f6 22.h6
Ag7=) 21...c8! 22.c3 ltic4 23.g5
tileS+ Kruszynski-Ink.iov, 1988
JS. :S h 3 ! ? lilg50 19.g5 h 6 ! ?
(19 ... e5!? ltia4 21.lig3 Ac6!
22.c4co) 20.c1 Af5! 21.laf5! gf5
22.:Sg3 h7 23.B.g7! g7 24.b2 e5co

ll... bc6 12.e5

12.Ah6?! Ah6 1H'h6 de4 14.Ac4
(14.fe4 d4!+) 14 ... e6 15.:Sdl b6
16.Ab3 a5 17.!H4 ef3 18.gf3 ltidS+
Fichtl-A.Miles. 1975

I8 ... Ac:3 I9..!Lld4! dS

19.. .''aS (19.. .'b6!?) 20.'1b7
20:0! Ad4 2I.fg6 Af6

12 ... ltie8
12...ltid7 13.f4 (13.e6!?) 13 ...f6
14.0-0-0 (14.e6!? lLlb6 15.f5) 14.. .'a5
15.e6 ltib6 16.g4lL\a4 17.f5 ladS 18.lLle4
d2 19.:Sd2 hg4 Velimirovic
Ristic, 197 9

21...fg6 22.'d5 e6 23.d4 'g5

22.gf7 f7 23.Acl! 7
23 ...ltia4 24.h5 g8 2S.Ad3+-


24 Ab2 25.f7 'i&hS 26.Ad3 Ag7
27.h5 h6 28.g6+..

25.Acl 'i&h8 26.d5 Ac:6 27:bs

d5= 28.'Yd5 AdS 29.c:4 Ae6 30.e3
l;c8 3l.ID'4 .lgS?!

13.Ah6?! Ae5! 14.Af8 fSoo

13.g4!? hg4 14.fg4 A.e5 15.0-0-0 ltif6
16.h5! Ag4 17.hg6 Ae2 18.g7! Ah5
19.Ad4! 1-0 I.Carlsson-Starace. 1988

13 ... f6 14.g4!?
14.0-0-0 fe5 15.fe5 Ae5 16.g4 Ag4


32.Ad4 g8 33.Ag4 ! :Sc:6 34.e6 17 .Ag4 hg4 18.h5 g5!= Smyslov-Botvin

l;e6 35.g4 B.g6 36..aa7 f7 37.d4 nik, 1958
14.. hg4?
!id6! 38.g3 Af6 39. .af6 ef6= 40.!if4
14 ... A.g4
d2 4l.a4 b61h-1h
15.0-0-0 res 16.fe5 'ftaS?
[ 16] Zinovjev- Trofimov

corr., 1986

l.e4 c:S 2.ltJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t;Jd4lilf6

S.ll)c:3 g6 6.Ae2 Ag7 7.Ae3.!Llc6 8.h4 hS
9.f3 0-0 IO.d2 dS

16 .. . Ae5 17 . h5 d 6 (17 ... g5

I 8.Ag5 d6 I 9.:Sdfl :Sfl 20.:Sfl ltif6
2 l .Ad3) 18.hg6 A.f4 19.'i&b I e S
20.Af4 ef4 21.Ad3 g 3 2Ve2 f3 23.'e3
\'!t'f4 24.e7li:Jg7 25.lah4


19.Ah6? tL!f5-+

1 i ..h5 lib8 ( 17 . . . Ae5 1 8.hg6 A c3

:.;) I 8.hg6 b4 1 9.b3 AeS+
1-; 18.Ag4 b4 19.Ac:8 b2
JL.;4U c8 21.bS Ae5 22..id4 b8
:3...:&' 24.el! Ad4 2S.'tWgS! 1-0

I9.h7 n 20.Ah6 !lgS+

19...'#j'f6 20 .1,g5


: 17] Sines - Kosanovic

ovi Becej, 1984
U&ci 2..W d6 3.d4 c:d4 4.tlld4 tllf 6
&' Ue2 .ig7 7.Ae3 tllc: 6 8.h4
U U.S d5 10.hg6 hg6
f 1 l .ed5 tL!d5 l 2.Ac4 ! e 6
::..;. cd:5 l 4 . .1.b3 l2'ld4 1 S ..id4 'tWe7
:4. ;fl= Botvinnik
_ _ _

20 ... lL!b3! 2l.ab30 'tib2 22.d2

: Led.5 1 26 bc6 1 3.lL!d5 ''ciS !idS 23.e1 .ic3 24.e2?!
:..c._ c:d5 1 5.0-04: Smyslov-Botvin
24.Act2 !lct2 2S. tl!'h7 f8 26.h6
Ag7 27. '#j'f4 .1.f5 28 .!ld2 'tiel 29.'<te2
ll.- Jlc6 12.e5 e4
'tWh 1 +
24 ...'#j'c2 25.q;o'!ld3 26.Ae3 .ib7
27.'<t'f4 .ie5! 28.eS I!e3! 0-1

[ 18 ]

Kupreichik W.Watson
Frunze. 1985

l.e4 c:S 2.lL!f3 d6 3.d4 c:d4 4.d4 f6

S.!L!c3 g6 6 ..1,e3 Ag7 7. .1,e2 c6 8 .d2

:3. de4 14..1,d4 Ae6 (1 4 . . .'aS
:: .l.c3 ects 16.'tWc 1 ;!; B otv i n n i k )
: : !fd2 ttc7?! ( I S . . . c5 !) 1 6.f4 g,rcts
: - c:3 AdS 1 8.'ti'h4 B ojar i n o v
?::Odow . 1963
lJ...cS! 14.'@rd5l0c3 1S.'a8
l.5.ttd8 I!d8 1 6.bc3 Ae5+
15.. . 16.'!fe4
16.;!;e2'!? Aa6-+
1'--- 17.0-0-0 b6 18.'tWh4 f6
Il . .. d8!? 1 9. 'ft'h7 'it>f8 20. A h 6
-U6 2l.tfh6 8


8 . g4 ? Ag4 9 . lL!c6' (9 . .1,g 4 tLlg4

1 0.c!Dc6 l0e3) 9 . . . Ae2 l O.lL!d8 Ad l
l l .tLlrl Af3 IZ..:Lih 8 Ah I-+
8...0-0 9.0-0-0

9.!ld l tllg4 (9 . . . -=tid4 I O.Ad4 e6=)

I O.,ag4 .i.g4 1 l . f3 d7 1 2.0-0 c8
13.!lf2 -=tieS 14.b3 f5! ? 1 5.ef5 gf5 1 6.tlld5
tL!rlD 17.lL!e2 (l7.c4 f4 6. e5; 17.lL!f4!?
e5 1 8 .tL!fe6 ed4oo) 17 ... e6 1 8.tL!df4 b5 ! co
B . Larsen-A.Miles, 1 98 6
9.h3 d 5 l O.ed5 tLldS l l . tLld5 tLld4
12.l0e7 (12. j_d4? d5 1 3.Ag7 'tg2+)
1 2 . . .'e:t'e7 1 3.d4 Ad4 14.'e:t'd4 !le8
1 5.V!fe3 1f/e3 1 6.fe3 !le3= Panchenko
Krogius, 1977

34.l:!c3 h8 35.g4 'f&h1 36.c;!7a2 \'i:e1

9 ... d5 1 O.ed5 it)d5 6 bc6 cd5 13.\'i:d5 c7 14.a8 Af5 37.Aa6 d2 38.Ab7 c;!7e7 39.c6 Ac8
40.l0c4 f4 4l.Ab5 f5
15.f8 'it>fB 16.!ld2;t
10.,td4 Ae6
... fg4!
10... a5 11.b1 e5!? 12.Ae3 Ae6
... c;!7d8;t
gf3 44.l;e8 cc!7f7 45.l:!e6! g4
46.Ad3 g3 47 .Ag6 fB! f5
(48 .. :ec4=) 49.Af5 g2 5 0.Ae4 g1\'!lV
5 I .Af3 td4 52.Ae4=
46... c;;t> g 7 47.Ag6 e3!
47 ... g3? 48.l0f5+48.be3 'it'g6 49.l:!e8 c;;t>gS??
49 ... f 2 5 0.Ef8 g3 5 1.l:! g8 f 5
52.E.g3 fl 53.frd3 aS+
SO.ffi+- 'it:h4 51.c4 g3 52.l:!f4 1-0

[ 19 ] Cetkovic - Kosanovic


Sabac, 1985
11 ... a5 12.l?jd5 d2\e7 hB
l.e4 cS 2. .!Lif3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ft:ld4 lt:lf6
14.d2 -1:\e4 15.Ag7 'tJg7 16.l'Id4 tLlf6
s.c3 g6 6..i:.e3 Ag7 7.Ae2 lt:lc6 8.t:;Jb3
17 ...Q.f3 !lfeB 1B.tLld5 lDd5 19.Ad5 Ad5
0-0 9.f4
20.d5 E.e2 2U!fl l:!cB 22.c3 frc6 b.
9.f3 d5 IO.ed5 l2lb4 11.d6 '@d6=
9.g4 ..ae6 1 0.g5?! (IO.f4) IO ... ttJd7
n.,absO b8 (b. e4) I3.hel
I 1.h4 ttJb6 12.h5.c.Jc4 13.hg6 f g6 14.Ac4
S c4 15.'g4t2le5 16.h3 d7!+ Bron
13... aSoo I4...b4
stein-Go1denov, I941
14.Ad3?! !lfcB
9 ... .ae6 IO.g4
14 . .b4 15 . .b3 _cid4!? 16.'&"d4
10.1d2 !lc8 1 1.0-0-0 lt:lb4+
!2Jd5 17.ed5!
JO.,af3 ...ac4 ll.d2 .Bc8=
10 ....bc8
1 H1#d3 lt:\c3 18.bc3 li.c3+

17 ... d4 18.!ld4 f519.ire7 d8

20. .S:a7?! g5 21.g3 h5 22. h4
20...c8\d1 \t>111 22.g3 gS
23.a3 h5 24.h4 h6 25.c4
25.a4? f!e4!
25...g5 26 ..e2 g6 27...e8 :;t"c8
28.-1:\e3 f6 29.b4 ,td7 30.f3 Wd8
3l.e4 .f5 32.hg5 hg5 33.!lc4 d 7
33 ...'&e5 34.E.c3;!;


i l..g.S !i::47 1 2. !rd2 t0b6 1 3.h4 (1 3.0:-J 1 4. tb 1 /1Jc4 1 5.A.c4 I!c4

:..i34 ..tg4 1 7. flc 1 = Estrin-Veresov,
;.s;;:) I3 .. .d.S 14.0-0-0 de4 1 5.e 1 c7
:. 17 .bS Ab2! 1 8.b2 lL!a4
; ;-c 2 20.$la4 b6 2 l .d2 lL!e3
:: .:.5-+) 22./1Je6 fe6 23 .lic 1 a6
:.t 25.!r b4 lid4 26.lic4 lL!c4
::- !rc6 28.3 bS 29. /1Je5 lib4
:.: ; a.5 0 - 1 Hanson-McCambridge,

1L . ..!.d7
:: .. 3 1 2.ab3 d5 (12 . . . /1Je5 1 3.g5
:.:_:- :3..ed:5 (1 3.!? /1Je4 1 4.Af3oo)
::: . .;:M 1 4.a7 ( l 4 . A f3 itJfd S + )
: .t . .;:: 1 5 . ltJdS 1 6.A.f2 A.b2
:- J.. 1 8 . 0-0 lic2 1 9.lib7 I!d2
:!:.tPel 2 1 M nn 22.n d2
-: :,.-.t J.64 Large-Singh, 1988
::.p 1 3 .0-0 Ac3 14.bc3 CJg7
ll. .. 13.g5 c3!
13... 1 4. /1Jc4 15.Ac4 I!c4

A.g4 32.rut AO 33.AC3 ligS 34.Adl

b6 35.d2 a3 36.b3 ligl

36 ... c5 !
37.ligl gl 38.c2 AgS 39.'fNd3
Y!Vf2 40.A.e2 'ti'f4 4t.cc3 Ar6 42.$1b4
f2 ! (43.a3 a7 44. b4 'tiiVc S
45.a4 bS 46.cb5 Ac3) 0-1

20 ] Kovalev - Savchenko
Simferopol, 1 988

l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4./1Jd4/1J f6

5./1Jc3 g6 6.Ae3 A.g7 7.A.e2 0-0 8.0-0
tl)c6 9.Y!fd2 dS


1 0.lifd 1 tl)d4 (10 . . . /1Je4? ! 1 1 ./1Jc6!

1 2.d5 dS 1 3 . /1Je7 6. tl)dS)
:_..-J 1 S . .,b4 gfS ! oo
tl)e4 1 2.d5 tl)d6 13.b3 Ae6
"-- tS.eXJ Ar6+ 16.fg6 fg6
tl)f5 1 5.c4 tl)e3 ! 1 6.'1Jf6 Af6
r......_. aS IS. Ae6 d7
ll.d :CS lcl a4 22.h4 lieS 23.h5 gS
l l .eS tl)e8 1 2.f4 f6
lU6 !rc7 gl !r'b6!
1 3 . A f3 li b 8 ( 1 3 . . . fe 5 ? 1 4 . /1Jd5)
1 4.A.a lib2 1 5.Ad4 AfS 1 6.lifc l feS
1 7 .fe5 lib4 1 8.liab 1 ( 1 8 .tl)d5 ? ! lid4
19.d4 cdS 20.A.d5 h8+) 18 . . . !tc4
1 9 .lib7 lL!d6 20.Ab6 'ti'e8= Minev
Gufeld, 1967
10 ... /1Jd5 11.lL!c6
t t .lifd 1 /1Jd4 t 2.Ad4 Ad4 1 3.'fNd4
lL!c3 14. c 3 b6= Kholmov-Spiri
donov , 1 976
1 1 . /1Jd5 /1Jd4 12.c4 ( 1 2.Ac4 Ae6
fOc6! 27.lig6 hg6 28.lic2 1 3.A.d4 AdS 14.Ag7 Ac4 1 5.'fNh6 Aft
;la7lt !rc7 30.1!fd3lih5 31.licl 1 6. A.f8 f8= Honfi-G u feld, 1 968)

12 ...e5 13.f4 Ae6 14.fe5 li)e2 15.'e2

Ad5 16J:lad1 "f!/c7 (16... Ac4 17.'c4
'f:Yc8 18.''c8 :.ac8 19.:.d7 Ae5 20. Ilb7
a5!= Panchenko-Gufeld, 1978) 17.:.d5
.te5= lllescas Cordoba-Rachels, 1987
ll...bc6 12.:.adl
12.Ilfd1 'I/!Jc7 13.Ad4e5 14.Ac5:.d8
15..tc4 Ag4 16.lle1 lDb6 17.Ad3 Af5=
Mariotti-Parma, 1981

12 ... c7
13.Ad4 e5 I4..tc5 lldB f5
10.d3 (! .f8!+) 16 ...h6 17.c4 f 5? (1 0. d2? tt:le4 +) b2
hg5 18.cd5 cd5 19.'&g5 .e6= Ti
"tl:Ya3 12.c3 li)e4!+
moshenko-Beliavsky, 1977
10.h1 li)e4 c6
13 ... cd5 14."f!/d5 .te6 15.c5 cS
16..tc5 Ab2 17. .ta6 .a2 18.c4 .tf6 Ile8 13.Af3 f5+
19.lld7 llfd8 20.llc7 Bd2 21. .e7 e7 t\fb4 11.c3 aS I2.b4 'f!/c7
22.e7 llc2 23.llc7 llb8 24.c5 Ac4 1f.t-1/z 13.Af3 Ad7 14.llcl .SabB+
I O.e5 deS ll.fe5 lt::le5 'f!!b2! 'it>h8 14 ...Q.d4 (14.'d2 Ae6+; B c3!+) l4 . .. b4! 15.Ae5
Pula, 1988
( lt::ld5 d4--+-; 8
l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4
lldB IiacB 17.c3 e7 1B.LLla7 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7..i_e2 tt:lc6 8.0-0
llc3+) 15 .. ."tl!'e7 16.'d4 li)h5 17.Ag7
0-0 9.f4
tt:lg7 1B.Ad3 Ae6+
9.h3 d5 10.ed5 tt:ld5 lt::ld4!
IO ...Ag4!?
12..d4 d5=
1 0 ... lt::lg4 I J.lDd5 (1 J.Ag4 Ad4
9.f3 d5 bc6 1l.e5 li)d7 I2. f4
d4 13.'@'d4 tt:ld4=) 11...Ad4
e6! !::, c5, f6=
9.<\tlh1 d5 bc6 11.e5 li)e4! (I 1... dB? 12. Ag4 Ag4 13.f5+-) de4 13.''d8 b,d8 14.b.fd 1 .te6 12 ..!.g4 ( Ae3 13.h1 Ab6
15..td4 f5! 16.a4?! Wf7 17.a5 lld4! 14 ..tg4 Ag4 15.f5 gf5! 16.ef5 lt)e5
18.d4 llb8! 19.f4 ef3 20..f3 Ae5 17.'f!/g3 hB 1B.'@'h4 .dB 19.llael e6
20.f6 Af5+) 12 ... .te3 13.e3 'f!/e3
2J.!id3 llb2+ Adams-Khalifman, 1993 Ag4
9... b6

[ 21 ]

Podlesnik Velimirovic 6 'f!/b2 12.llabl Ae2

'f!/a2 14.LLlf8 llfS 15.b7 'tl!'e6oo

l2ld4 17.Ad4 lDe4 18.Ag7 g7 19.llel
f5 20.'f!/c3?!

20.'tvd4 Wf7 21.lla7 llcB 22.lle2oo

20 .. .'it'f7 21.'f!!h3 hS 22.lla7 lacS+
23.'f!/d3 'tlff6 24.'l'd5 'it'g7 25.lle4 fe4
26.'f!/e4 wn 27.h3 e6 28.d3 llc4
29.f5 gfS--+- 30.'!3 el 31.'it'h2 e5


=-tal f4 33.'' b3 d5 34 . ..d7 h4 2 0 . ' d2oo) 1S . ti:Jd S .. e 8 ( 1S .. . e6

16 .t0e3;!;) 16 ..i.gS .i.f8? ( 16 . . . Ab2
17 . ..b 1 .i.eS 18 . ..b3oo) 17 .a4 ! tOeS
::2] Westerinen - Gufeld
18..i.h3+- Tal-Fedorowicz, 1986
Havana, 198S
1 1 . . .Ag4 12.Agl

!:-7 d4 0- 1

J...eoC cS 2.-83 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t0d4ti:Jf6

Ue3 .i.g7 7.Ae2 t0c6 8.0-0

9_;"'..Ja3 ..le6IO.f4 ''c8 1Vhl
: :_Wd2 d8 12. fS ( 12 . .i. f3 .i.c4
! c5 14.d5 AdS l S .edS ti:Je7
_ i : :c.5 17 .d6 tt:lfS 18 . .i.cS e4+)
=.:.. ..1.:, !3.ab3 a6 14.g4 bS l S.gS b4!oo
, 1970
::.We 1\d4 .i.c4 13.a3 .i.e2
:.L we: 6 1S . l2Jc6 ( 1S . tt:\b 3 tt:\g4
:..; ..iroo=; ISJ.adl tt:\g4 16. ti:Jd5 l2Je3
:- =3 d 8 18 . c 3 e6=) 1S . .. b c 6
: ..; =a:: /Ld7 17 . .i.d4 eS 18.Ae3 ef4
:-;. ...,t_'EL 20.b3 (20...d6? b8 2 l . ..c6
W":::= Durao-Robats c h ,
19 7 4 )

: :..:.3 d8 12. if3 ( 12.h2 dS 13 .eS
c-L :.t.0hl g5!+; l2."e l dS 13.eS d4
-.L=tiiS.4=; l2.g4 dS 13.eS e4
:"eo' Ge4 l S . ''e l f6+; 12. .i.d3 dS
;;.;.=; 12. tt:\d4 l2Jd4 I 3 . .i.d4 Ac4
:-3c5 15.c5t0e4 16.f6 ef6 17.ef6 .i.f8
: 1!c4= Geller-Lipnickij, 19S O)
=- 13.ID2 (13 ...e1 dS 14.edS ti:Jb4
:..: +) 13 ... eS ( 13 . . . d5 14.ed5
15 ..(Jd5 A d5 16.Ad5 e6 17 ...d2
!!d5 ed5 19.c3;!;) 14...d2 ( 14.f5
:5.efS d5 16 ..i.g5 e4+) 14 . .. ef4
:.t -- et;7!'?) 15 .Af4 tOeS I6.h2 Aa6=
Va:u:rtic-Geller, 19S6
I.if3l0g4 ( I L . .i.g4 12. ti:Jd5 AD
W!3 ? 14.ed5 l2Jb4 l 5.e4 ti:Ja6
:5 :3= H u e b n e r-A . M i l es , 19 8 S ;
4; l l . . . !ld8) 12 . Ac l .i.b3 ! ?
::.. ..5 13.efS gf5 14. ti:Jd5;!;) 13 . .i.g4
:3.Jib3? .1.d4) 13 . . .Ae6 l 4.f5 !? Ad7
:.t .. .ic3!? 15 .bc3 Ad7 16 . .i.h6 ..e8
-:- bg6 l8.!l f7 !? .i.g4 19 ...g7 <it'h8


12 ..i.f3?! .i.f3 13. f;t'f3 ( 13 ...f3 't!Ve6

14.l2Jd4 c4 15.d3 d3 16.cd3 l2Jg4
17 . l2Jc 6 bc6 18 . .i.d2 f5) 13 . .. g4
l4.f2 ( 14 . 1 f3 15 . ..f3 ..ac8
16.a4 a6 17..i.b6 ti:Jb4 18 ...d2 l2Jd7+
Silva-Sosonko, 1976) 14 . . .h5 ! 15. 't!Vd2
bS !+ Serper-J.Piket, 1988
12 . . . .i.e2
12 . . . ..b8 13.a4 ( 13.ti:JdS .i.e2 14.'t!Ve2
e6! 1S. ti:Jf6 .i.f6 16.c4 b6 17 ...adl .i.g7
18 . l2Jd4 .i.d4 19 . .i.d4 fS=) 13 ... b6
14. ti:JdS Ae2 1S.e2 e6 16.d3 !?
ti:Je4 17. ti:Jc7 fS ! l 8.g4 d7 19. l2Ja6
ti:JcS 20. l2Jb8 ..b8 2 1..i.cS b7! 22.e4
bcS 23.c3'tVa6 24.c2 c8 25 ...g l g5!+
Kondali-Nesis, 1984
l 2 . . . !ld8 13. ti:Jd5 Ae2 14.'e2 e6
15. l2Jf6 Af6 16.c3;;!; Anand-Fedorowicz,
12 . . . b6 ( 12 . . . ..e8 ! ?; 12 ... e6 !?)
13. ti:Jd5 Ae2 14.f;t'e2 'b7 1S ...ad1 life8
16.c3 l:!ac8 17.Af2 l2Jb8 18.f3 f;t'a6
19. ti:Jf6 Af6 20.e5 ! Savon-Sosonko,
l3.'tWe2 g4 14.d2 b5
14 . .. ti:Jh5 1S . .. f3 f5 ( 1S . .. .i.c3
16.bc3 ! 6. ti:Jd4;!;) 16.h3 f;t'h4 17.ef5 gfS


1 li)g3 1 9. r;&h2 li)e4 fe4 13 . . . e5 14 ...d2 ( 14.d2 d5 !oo; 1 4.h3 d5
1 5 .ed5 e4oo) 1 4 . . . ef4 ! 1 5 .Af4 lL!e5
2 l . l;.g3 Kasparov-Gufeld, 1 98 8
1 6 ...d6? ( 1 6.lL!d4 ! a6 ! ? 1 7 .a4 Ae6oo)
IS...ael b 4 c8?!
1 6 . . .'tt' d 7 ! ? 1 li)b4 1 8. "e'b4 J6 . . . lld6 1 7.''d6 lL!f3 18.gf3 h3!+
Plohoj-B loh, 1 99 1
a5 !oo
12... d5 13.e5 .!De4

1 7.Ad4 !
17... li)dS 18.ed5

1 c6 1 9. ed5 'gib7

18 ... li)d4 19._!d4 .td4 20.d4
c2= 2l.e7 .B.ae8 22..e8?!

22 1
22 ... b:e8+ 23.b4 d3! 24.];el
.B.el 25.el d5 26.b3 d4! 27.g3
b2! 28.dl f2! 29.b4 h5 30.a3 d5?!

30 . . . h4 ! f3 32.'trg2 dl
f3 34. g2 d3 ?!

34 . . .'-1/fb3 !? e3 36.r;t>n cl 37.c;tf2
d2 38.'i.tfl dl 39.c;tf2 c2 40.n
bl 41. a2 42.c;!?fl bl 43.c;!;f2
a2 44. c;!;rl b3?! 45.e2?!

45... d4+ 46.<;tf2 d3 47.e8 g7
48.r;&e3 '@'c2 49.e5 'it;>h7 50.d5 '@'e2
5l.d4 'it,?g8?!

51 . . .'g7!
52.'t/ll'c4 h2 53.d3 h4 54.gh4 f4
55.e4 d2 56.r;&c4 a2 57.b5 a3
58.e8 'it;-g7 59.e5 r;t>h7 60.d4 a2
61.c5 g7 62.\t'c6 f6 63.'it;>b7 n
64.a6 rs 65.b5 f4 0-1

[ 23 ] Anand - B.Gelfand
Linares, 1 992
l.e4 c5 2.f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 f6
5.ltjc3 g6 6. .!e3 g7 7. .!e2 0-0 8.0-0
ltjc6 9..'b3 e6 10.f4 c8 11.!it'hl Iid8
12 .


14.lL!b5 g5 1 5.g3 ( 1 5.fg5 1i.e5 1 6.Ad3

.!f5 1 7 .'tl1 e 2 g 6 1 8 . llad 1 lL! g 5
1 9 . .!Da7 ! Timman-Tarjan, 1 974; 1 5 .
.. .!De5 ! ?oo) J5 . . . .ah3 16. tt) 5d4!? (16.llf3
gf4 17.gf4 'it:?h8 1 8.ll:l5d4?! ..g8 1 9.d3
li.g4 20. ..3fl Ah6!+ Morovic-Tringov,
1 983; 18 ..Bd3 Ah6 1 9.Af3+) 16 . . . An
17 .Ag4 e6 1 8.'go'fl 05
1 4. tt)d4 tt)a5 ( 1 4 . . . g5!? 15.e6 tt) c3
1 6 . b c 3 e 6 1 7 . A g 4 'tt'h 6 1 8 . g3;t;
1 5 . . .'tl'e6 1 6 . ll:le4 de4oo) 1 5. li)e6 lL!c3
(15 . . .'e6 1 6.lL!b5!; 15 . . . fe6 16.lL!e4 de4
1 7 . e 1 '&c2 1 8 . li,g4;t) 16.bc3 'go'e6
I 7 .Ad4 c8 (17 . . . tt)c4 1 8.1i.d3 c6
1 9.e2 e6 20.g4) 1 8 .f5 ! (Kiik-Asanov,
1 986) 1 8 . . . lL!c6! 19.e60 fe6 ( 1 9 . . . gf5
20.en n 2 l .Ad3 lL!d4 22.cd4 e6
23 .'tl'h5 'it>gS 24.g4) 20.fg6 lL!d4 2 l .cd4
c3 22.gh7 !it>h8 23.Ad3oo
14. ti)e4 de4 1 5.e1 g 5 !oo
14.. . f6

1 4 . . . g5 ( 1 4 . . . ti) c 3 1 5 . b c 3 li.f5 )
1 5 . e 1 ti) c 3 J6 . b c 3 li.f5 ( 1 6 . . .g f4
12 . .f3 li,c4 1 3 . l H2 ( 1 3 .Il e 1 e5 17.h4 li.f5 1 8. f4;!; K.indermann-Me
14. 'tl;d2 c7 1 5 ...ad1 ..ac8 1 6.'f2 b5 stel, 1 9 84) 1 7 . ti)d4 lL!d4 1 8 . 1i.d4 g4
17 .fe5 de5= Kholmov- Aronin , 1 949) 1 9 . h4 e6 20.h3 gh3 2 1 .g4 1i.e4 22.!i&h2

:-:' 23.'i!?h3;;!; Kotronias-Kir.Georgiev,

: ;.; :

IS..ef6 ef6 16.b5

:615 rs ( 1 6 . . . gfS? 1 7.loe2! h8
: -cd-4 j_h6 19.hS AgS 20.t0e6 e6
:: e'-..3 Ghinda- Rigo, 1987) 17.ttJqS
?....3 1S. !!Je3 ( 1 8.c4 tOeSoo) 1 8 . . . Ae6oo
l,_ f5 17.c3 <;thS
if? 1 8.a4 hS 1 9.aS h4 20.:0
:Lfg5 ..a.h5 (Barua-Tiviakov, 1 992)
=- =: .an 23.gf3 tOeS (23 . . . tOgS
12.Ae2 E:e8
:-L..!.""' bS 25. j_e3 t0f7 26.E:gl+-)
12 . . . 'tlfc8 1 3.Ah6 Ah6 14.'h6 cS
: d3 25.d3 de4 26.'ffth3
ll.a-$ .igS 19.a5 a6 20.t0Sd4 E:eS 1 5.h4 h8 1 6.d2 E:ac8 1 7. q;,b b5oo
Campora-Kudrin, 1988
c6 !Jc6 22.d4
=-.!.d4 e7 23.Ag7 g7 24.t0d4
1 3 .h4 aS 14.h5 t0c4? ! ( 1 4 . . . t!Jfg4!
28 .h3;t Ill esc as Cordoba-Tuk 1S.fg4 t0f3 1 6.Af3 E:c3 1 7.e2 a2 !)
1 S . Ac4 E:c4 1 6.hg6 E:fc8 ( 1 6 . . . hg6)
J:B;:or. 1992
::!- c7 23.t0c2 .!DeS 24.d4 t0b3 1 7 .gS E:c3 1 8 .gf6 .Q.f6 1 9.gh7 h8
-.: J...- ed6 26.a3 tOeS 27.b4 t0e4 20.E:dg 1 ! 'tlfa2 2 1 .E:g8 E:g8 22.hg8'tlV
:s...l.e4 e4 29.'d2 ae8 30.Ae5 e7 q;,g8 23.'tlfg2 fl 24.bc3+- Arakhamia
:1 e2 32. d3 2e4 33. d21/2-l/2 Ward, 1 992
13 ... l0e4
Dolmatov : !-' !
1 3 .:.'tlfd7 !? ? t0f3 !+
14.Ae4 E:e4 5.l0d4 'tlfd7 16.<;tbl
Beer-Sheva, 1991
16. '1:!:d3 f? E:fc8 1 7.E:d2;t
Le4 c5 2.M d6 3.d4 ed4 4.t0d4 tt)C6
16 . . . ID'e8 17.E:el tOeS?!
:...;..:._c3 p 6.Ae3 j_g7 7.0 0-0 8.d2
17 . . . eS !? 1 8. ,!tJe2 e6 19.E:hd l Af8 ! !::,.
c6 9-&4 .i.e6
f7. t0d7oo
: J_b-4 dS ! 1 1 .0-0-0 ( l l . h S t0d4
18.h4 dS! 'l:!:fb S 20.ed5! ''dS
;i.4de413.h6 h8 14.gS e3 ! 1 5.e3
20 . . . ed5 2 l .c3 !::,. h5
c lUd4 c3 1 7.h8 'tlfd2 1 8. d2
2 l.'tlfd5 edS 22.a7 d4! 23.b6
:= Van der Wiel-A.Miles, 1986)
:: -d4 1 2 . A d4 de4 1 3 . g 5 tL!hS
23 . . . eS ! !::,. t0f6-d5-e3
:.o-.A,i d2 1 S . E:d2 g7 1 6 .t0e4
:..::5= Psakhis-Smirin, 1 98 8
24.a3 eS 25.a5 E:4c6 26.c3?
II_. _fe6 1 1.0-0-0 tOeS
26.l0d2! l0c4 27.t0c4 E:c4 28.Ad2
26... l0e4! 27.ed4 ed4 28.Ab4 d3! t0b2 30.E:c6 be6!! 31.E:cl!
t0a4 (32.tOcS!O tOeS 33.E:cS A_d4
34.E:e4 cS 3S.el! A_e3 36.Ad2 A_d4+)
. .

-_ _ _

_ .



[ 25 ]

Anand Mestel

London, 1 985

e5 22.Iifl. ed4 23.Bb4 ..e8 24.Bd4 !h-'h

Schwartz Van der Linde, 1 986
l l . h 3 Bc8 1 2. f4 !Llc4 1 3 .Ac4 ?!
( 1 3.!Lle6) 13 . . . Ac4 l 4 .g5 ti:\h5 1 5.f5 b5
1 6 . b 3 b4 1 7 . l0b l ( 1 7 . ti:\ a4 aS ! )
1 7 . . . ..la6 ( 1 7. . .'&a5!? 1 8.bc4 Bc4 1 9.a3
.l;fc8) 1 8.'&b4 ( 1 8 ..Bhg l Ab7 1 9 ..Bg4 a5 )
1 8 . . . c7 ! 1 9 .c4 ti:\g3 20 .!Llc3 Ac4 !
( 2 0 . . . ti:\h 1 2l .ti:\d5 !:fd8 22 . .Bh I oo)
2 l .bc4 (2 l .f6 Aa6 ! ) 2 l . . .c4 22.'tlfc4
Iic4 23.d2 Ad4 24 .Ad4 .Bd4 25.'i!?e3
.Bc4 26.'it'd3 .Bc3 27 .<ctic3 ti:\e4 28. r;!?d4
.'t:)fl--+ S .Polgar-Sosonko, 1 99 1
ll ... Ac4
l l . . . a5 l 2.a3 .Bac8? ! 1 3 .h5 Ac4
1 4.hg6 fg6 l 5.g5 ! li:lh5 1 6.Ah3 .Bc5 17 .f4
ti:lc6 l 8.ti:\e6 Bykhovsky-Agapov, 1983
1 l . . . .Bc8 l 2.'t;b l Ac4 1 3 ..Q.h3;j;
12. h 3 a6 1 3 .b3 aS 14.'i!;?bl
14 . . . I:i:fc8 1 5.ti:\d5 d2 1 6.Bd2 ti:ld5
1 7.ed5;;t
1 5 .h5? !Llf3 1 6.ti:\f3li:le4--+
15 . . . lL\h5

J.e4 cS 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 l0f6

5.c3 g6 6.Ae3 g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'i#d2
tt:lc6 9.g4 Ae6 10.0-0-0 lL\e5

IO . . . .Bc8 l l .g5 ( l l .b l ) l l . . .lL\h5

1 VL\e6 fe6 1 3.h3 d7 l 4.f4 Ac30
( 1 4 . . . 8a5? 1 5.d5 !+-) 1 5.c3 ( 1 5.bc3
E.c7 /::,. l0a5 ; 1 5 . . . .t:lg7 ! ?) 1 5 . . . li:lf4
I6 ..tg4 .:t::l d8oo Zapata-A.Miles, 1 9 86
I I . S> b 1 !? c4 (ll...l:icS!? 1 2.g5
.t)fd7?! l 3.f4 li:lc4 14.Ac4 Ac4 1 5.h4
'@laS I6.h5 .l;fd8 1 7.hg6 hg6 I 8 .Bh4 ti:\c5
1 9 .a3 .'2)e6 20.Bdh 1 li:ld4 2 l ...td4 e5
22.f5! erl4 23.f6 e5 24.l;h 7 ! 1 -0lvanov
McCambridge, 1 985) 1 2 . .ad3 ( 1 2.Ah3)
12 . . . d5 ? ! ( l 2 . . . Bc8 1 3 .g5 ti:lh5 1 4.f4
!Llg4 1 5.Agl e5oo) 1 3.g5lt::l h5 1 4. f4 Ad3
( 1 4 . . . ..'2Jg4 1 5 .Ac4 dc4 1 6.e5) 1 5 .cd3
!Llc6 (15 . . . .t:\g4 16.e5 !) 1 6.e5 Zapata
Sosonko. 1 987
l l .g5 !2Jh5 1 2.f4 .!2)c4 13.ti:le6 ti:ld2
14 . .!Lld8 .:Ofl 1 5.I!hfl Ac3! ( 1 5 . . . I:ifd8
1 5 . . . ti:lf3? 1 6.f2'Lld4 17.gf6+16 . ..'2Jd5 B.d7 1 7.Ad4 h6 1 8.Ag7 rt;g7
1 9.gh6 't;h6= Paglil la-Ricardi, 1 9 88)
1 6 . .ag4 e6 I 7 . .ah5 gh5 1 8 .f4 ti:\g4
1 6 .!Llb7 Ab2 1 7 .ctt b 2 laabS 1 8 . .I!d3
( 1 8.Iid4 Bb7 1 9.\td .Bc8 20..Bc4 Iic4 1 9 .f5 Efc 8 20.f6 Af8oo De Firmian
2 1 .'it'c4 .ab2= Velimirovic-Kudrin, 1 984) Kudrin, 1 9 84
16 . . . c6 1 7.Ag4
18 . . . E.b7 1 9 ..Bb3 l::l,c7 ! 20.Ad4 (20.f5 f6
1 7 .f5 ti:lb4oo
2 l I; d l q;n 22.c3 fg5 23.Ag5 lf2-lh
Chandler-Mestel, 1982) 20 . . . ti:\f4 2 1 .Iif4
17 . . . lL\b4 ?


17--- 1 8..i.d4 i.d4 19.'ti'd4 lL!f4 1 7.Ag7 An 18.llh3 Ag4 19.llg3 cj;g7
::!:.e5 1fc50 (20 . . . deS 2 l .eS b4 20.llg4 llab8 2 1 .llb4 a 6 22.a4
1 3 . . . llc3 ! ? 14.'fi!Vc 3 'ti'a2 I S . c 1
::.-) 2 1 . !rf4 'ti'c3 22.ed6 ed6
::..:..Sl:ad824. h5lld6 2S.'ti'd6 (Anand Ag4 ! (1 S . . . llc8? 1 6.@a3 ) 1 6.Ag2
::a.::a_ 1985 ) 2S . . . b6! 2 6.lld l ghS ! (1 6.fg4? 'ti'a1 1 7.d2 lL\e4 1 8. 1 lL!c3
I 9.llal Ad4 20.Ag2 lObS -+; I 6.'ti'e3
JS...!.Ja5 p5 19.lL!f5 ! llfe8 20.lL!g7 AhS ! 1 7.Ah3 eS ! I S .Ac3 i.f3 ! -+;
1 6.Ae2 ! ? Ae6 1 7.'e3 !oo) 1 6. . . Ah6
(1 6. . . llc8 1 7.'ti'e3) 17.Ae3 llc8 1 8.'ti'd3
:L.822..i.c l .6. Ab2
(1 8.c8? Ac8 1 9.Ah6 al 20.d2
'ti'b2) 1 8 . . . Ae3 1 9.e3 'ti'a1 20.d2
- 23. 1!fc7 !+D.trf' g8 24.lld7 llf8 25.g6 'ti'b2+ Luijpen-Olthof, 1983
14.a3 liac8 lS.hS a6
- _.. 1 .6. llg 6) 1-0
1S . . . Ag4?! 1 6.fg4 eS 1 7.lL!dS O ti'd2
l ] Plaskett - Mestel
1 8 .lld2 lL!e4 ( 1 8 . . . ed4 1 9.lL!e7 cj;fS
England, 1986
20.lL!c8 lL!e4 21 . lie2 lL!g3 22.lL!a7+-)
Le4 c:S 2.00 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lL!d4 lL!f6 1 9.lle2 lL!g3 20.lL!e7 f8 21 .lL!c8 llc8
c' 6..A.e3 .i.g7 7.0 0-0 8.d2 22.Aa7 lL!h 1 23.Ag2 lL!g3 24.lle3+

c6 9-ct .t.e6 10.0-0-0 lL!d4 l l..i.d4

e.s I ID'c8 13.h4

13. (1 3 . A f6? llc3 ! + ) d2

:_J6 (l4 . lid 2 lL!dS 1 S .Ag7 lL!e3=)
: - -- A.f6 1 5. lid2 i.d4 1 6.lld4 lieS
:-Jl4 1 8.IDt2 liaS 1 9.b3 liacS
:a :hO 116+ Perera-Mish ra, 1 984
lhl .lc4 (1 3. . . llab8 14.g5 lL!hS
Karpov-Dueball, 1 972) 1 4.h4
.1:, llc4 1 6. i.f6 Af6 1 7.lL!d5
w-a ll.g7 19.lld2o;t>f6=
IJ . .
13 . . .bS? 14. lt)d5 ! 'ti'd2 (1 4. . . a6?
:5.7 1 6.lL!dS+-) 1 S.lld2 lL!dS
:s 1 6.edS a6! ) 1 6.edS AdS

16.h6 AhS 17.Af6

1 7.llh2 lL!d7! (17 . . . b5 1 8.Af6! i.f6
1 9 .lL!dS d2 20.lL!f6 ef6 2 l .llhd2)
l S.lL!dS 'ti'd2 1 9.lldd2 lieS (1 9. . . Ad5
20.ed5 ll6c 7 2 l .f4!;!;; ) 20.f4? (20. .i.h8
h 8 2 1 . g 5 tOeS 2 2 . llhf2 .6. f4 ;t )
20 . . . Ad4 2l..lad4 A g4 22.lL!e3 eS !
(22 . . . Ah5 23 .eS !Ci5 ) 23.llb4 ! (23 . feS
lL!e5 ! ) 23 . . . Af3 24.feS tOeS ! (24. . . lL!eS
2S.lL!dS !:::.. 2S . . . lL!g4 26.llh4 !oo) 2S.lL!d5
(Galdunc-Behnk, 1 99 1 ) 2S . . . deS ! .6.
2 6.llf2 lL!e4 !+
17. . . ef6
1 7 . . . Af6 1 8.lL!d5
18.lL!d5 'ti'd8
1 8 . . . d2 1 9.lld2i
19 . . . b5!?



l!)c:6 9 .g4 e6 10.0-0-0 l!)d4 . l l.i..d4

aS 12.a3 fc:8 13. h4 6 ab8

19 . ..d5 20.ed5 il.b6 21.b4!

2b.cb5 ab5
20 ....El.c2 2l.c2

21.l!) b4
21.b5 .ll c5oo

21 . . J!c:5 22.Ji.e2 f50 23.gfS f6!

24.l; c l
24.fe6!? .ll c2 25.en f8 26.d4
(26.l!)d3!? .ll d2 27.Bd2oo) 26 ... ,lle2
(26 ... d4 27 ..lld4 il.e2 1 d4
29 . .S.d4cc) 27.f6 f6 28.t2Jd3oo

24 . . . b30 25

25.fg6? c2-+

25 . . . deS 26.fg6 !
26.l!)d5?! d5 27.ed5 f5+

26 . . . c:b40 27.gh7!
27.g7? g7 28.hg7 (28..ll g 1 -e2-+)
28 ... .ll c2 29. c2 c2 30.'i!;>c2 ba3+
27.. . c;t;f8??
27... h7 28.e5! );dB! (28 . . . c2?
29. c2 il.c2 30.d3+-; 28 ... e5?
29.d3 g8 30.b3 e2 31..llg 1+-)
29. d30 .lld3 30.d3 't'#g6 3l.'t'#g6
c;&g6 32.f4=

2 8 .'t'#b 4+- '#J!Je7 2 9 .'#J!Jb 3 c 5

30.b4 b 4 3 1.ab4 f5 32..ll g1 f7
33.b5 d4 34 ..ll g8 m 35.c4 ri;e7
36.b5 1-0

[ 27 ]

14.b1 b5 15..!Lld.5 d2 l!)d5
(16.. d5! 17.ed5 a5 18.h5 b4+ Wester
inen-Ernst, 1988) 17. ..g7 g7 18.ed5
Ji.d7 19.ad4 a5 20..d3 b4 2 l .ri;a2 e5
22.de6 .!.e 6 23.b3= a4 24.Bb4 .ll b4
25.ab4 ab3 26.=;tb2 bc2 27Jrc1 \tlf6
28.l;c2 aS 29 . .:::::.e2 .:::a
::. 2 30.c3 .lla3
31 c2 Yl-'h l.Gurevich-Shirov, 1988
14.c.Jd.5 d2 15. .:::::.d2 .!2:ld5 (15.. d5
16.ed5 a6 17 . .h3 d7 1 8 . g5 Jlc7
19.d7 .:;.di 20.h5:: A.Miles-Kene,
1982) 16.ed5 (16 . .gi 3?! 17.i..d4
c.Jfl 1 b6 19.g5 !=Short-Sax, 1984;
16 ... g7 17.ed.5 ,td/ 1 8 .h5 .:;.c5?! 19.h6
fB 20..:;.d4 .:;.ocs 21. .td3 Campor.l
Krieger, 19 8 8; 18 ... h6!=) 16 ... d5
17..g7 f3 Hi ..:::::,h3 .t g4 19. g 3 g7
20..ll g4 f5 (20 . .. b6 2l . .ta6 c7 22..llb4
lle8 23.a4 f5:c 1arjanovic-Velimirovic,
1983; 20 . . .:;,ci 2i.a b6 22.ad4 il.c5
23.b4 Bc7 24.<b2 fS= S zn api k V elimi
rovic, 1983) 2 1.a4 a6 22..:;.b4 h6 23..lld5
(23.a4! f6 24 . .:;.cs:::: Shirov) 2 3 ...b5!
24 a4 c5 25 . .:;.c5 dc5 26.b3 (Dolma
tov-Shirov, 198 8) 26 ...g5! 27.h5 .lla8
28.ab5 ab5 29..b5 .:;.b&=
14 . . . b5 15.hg6 b4 16.gh7
16.gf7 f7 17.c.Jb l .b3
16.tLld5!? .$:.d5 li.g5 e5 18.gf6 f6
19.gh7 h8 20.g I ed4 21.h6 .llc2

Laplaza - Copie
corr., 1987

1.e4 cS 2.l!)f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l!)d4 .!Llf6

5.l!) c3 g6 6 .e3 i.g7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2


22.<it:c2 't:lfa4 23.d2 AeS 24.AbS 1 -0

Zs .Polgar-Lindemann, 1 991
1 6...h8 17.d5
!Ui)b l a4
17 ...AdS 18.g5
1 8.edS 't:lfdS 1 9 .gS ( 1 9.b l ba3 !
20. A f6 .a6!--+) 19 . . . a2 ( 1 9 . . . ba3
20 . g f6 ab2 2 l . b I e f6 22 . .a f6+-;
! 9 . . . eS 20.gf6 .ar6 2t ..aa7 a2 22.'h6
Ag7 23 .d6+-) 20.'tl#e3 eSO 2 I .gf6
Af6 22.!ig I ed4 ! (22 . . . ba3 23.'t\t'a3
Haratjan-Hachian, 1990) 23. h6 !ic2 ! !
( 2 3 . . . .aes 24 . .a d 3 ba3 2 S . !i g 8 +-)
24.c2 !ic 8 2S.rit'd3 (2S.d2 b2)
2S . . . c4 26.'i!;le4 (26.d2 'tlt'c2 27.'itt e I
.lieS--+) 26 . . .'t\t'e6 27. 4 (27.d3 fS
28.rit;d2 'tlt'c2) 27 . . . AeS 28.gS .f4-+
S .Arkell, K.Arkell
18 .. .'ti'a4!

22 .. a5!
22 . . . a2 23.rd2 f!b2 24.i.t;>e3
2J.ba3 Aa2 24.g8!= !ig8 25.hg8
'ii g8 26.I!dg1 m 27.!ih8 'i!?e7 28.!ib8
aJ 29.d2 f5 JO.!ia1 'f!Va5 Jl.d1 fe4
J2...1e4 rs 33..\tdJ
33.!ib7 i.t;> f6 34 . ..ad3 'tlt'd5 !
33 ...f!/c1 34.!ib5
34.!ih8 b6
34 ....\tc4! .AdJ 36.cd3 c3
37.a7 e6 38.!iti7 't\l'd3 39.1 't\t'e3
40.fl d3 V2-V1

[ 28 ]

Shirov - Golubev
SSSR, 1 98S

19 .edS ba3 20.gf6 Af6 21. b3 't\t'b3
22..af6 ef6 23.'t!t'd3 a2-+
19. .\tbS !? !ibS 20.gf6 Af6 (20 . . . ef6?
2l .g2+-) 2 I .!idg l ba3 22.!ig8 !ig8
23.hg8 <;!?g8 24.'tlt'gS ffi 2S . .\tf6 ef6
26.'t\t'f6 ab2 27.2 b4oo
19 ... .\tf6 20..\tf6 ef6 21..\tdJ
2l .edS? (2 l .!ig l ! ?) ba3
21 ...baJ 22.'t\fg2!
22.'t\Vh6 't:lfd4! 23.ba3 (23.!ihg l ab2
24.d2 f2 2S.Ae2 !ic2--+) 23 . . . Aa2!
24.!i h g 1 ( 2 4 .'i!;ld2 Ii c 2 ) 24 . . . Iib I
2S.d2 Iic2--+

l.e4 c5 2.ti)O d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ti)d4 ti)f6

5.tLlc3 g6 6 ..ae3 .\tg7 7.0 0-0 8.d2
t!Jc6 9.g4 .\te6 10.0-0-0 d4 11...1d4
aS 12.a3 ..fc8 13.h4 Bab8 14.h5 b5
15.h6 b4
I S . . . h8 ? ! 1 6.dS d2 1 7 . ..d2
d5 1 8.ed5 .\tdS ? ! (18 . . . .\td4 19.Y.d4
..ad7 20. .Ad3 Tal-Sax, 1 982) 1 9 . ..ah8
w 20 . .ID13 ,ag4 2I .!ig3 h8 22.l:lg4
cS (22 . . . aS 23.!ldS !lcS 24. ..cS deS
2S.!ie4 e6 26. ..eS+- ; 22 . . . fS 23 . ..b4
g8 24. .AbS) 23.!ie4! !lc7 (23 . . . Bb7?
24 .!l d 6 +- ) 2 4 . l:l d S a6 (24 . . . l:lcb7
25 .l:lb4 a6 26.a4+-) 2S.a4 fS 26.lib4 ..cS
27 .!icS deS 28.lib3+- Hazai-Diaz, 1 988
IS . . . ..ars ! ? I 6 . .\t f6 b4 ! ! ( 1 6 . . . ef6
1 7 .lt:\dS d2 1 8 .!id2 .\tdS 1 9 . ..dS;!;; )
1 7 .ttJd S ! ( I 7. 't!fgS !icS; 17 . .ad4 ba3
I S.bS IibS 19 ..LbS 'tlfbS) 17 . . . d5
1 8 . 't!fdS ( 1 8 . l:lh S ? 't!fa4; 1 8.edS ef6)
1 8 . . . !i c S 1 9 .'b 3 e f6 2 0 . a4 'ft/c7
2 1 .bloo


27.h7?? lic2-+
27 . . . f6 28.g5 g7 29.f4 hS 30.gh6
lt'h7 3 1.e5 deS 32.fe5 feS
32 . . . f5 !?
33. .ie5l2lf6 34. .f6 ef6 35...b2 dS
36.Wd4 d8 37.bf2! Af3 38.'i&e31i.h5

[ 29 ] A.Sokolov Kudrin

Lugano, 1 985
l.e4 c5 2.!Llf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4li:\f6
1 6.hg7 ba3 1 7 . li:\d5 ( 1 7. h6 ab2
g 6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8.d 2
1 8.d2 Ag4 ! -+ Plaskell-W. Watson,
dS 10.!Llc6
1 983) 17 . . . ab2 1 8 ..b2 Eb2 1\e7 g7
1 1 .h5 li:ld4 1 2 . .id4 e5
20. h6 h8 2l.l2lc8 b4 0- 1 Fernan
e3 1 5. d3 t2Jh5 +
des-M.Gonzalez, 1 985
I 6 . . J;bs I7. .bs b5 18.hg7 ba3
IO . . . bc6 l l .ih6

1 9.Af6 a2 ( 1 9 . . . ef6!) 20. 'tl'h6 al

2 l .d2!ic2 22.we3 't!'e2 23.wf4 Jc 1 !
24. E.c 1 d2=
19.ba3 .b3 ( 1 9. . . a4 20.Ab2! .b3
2l. l;.h2 Ac2 22.c2 E.c2 23 .Ec2 b.
24. J;c7) 20 . .c3 ( 2 0 .lh 2 ?! E c 2
2 1 .c2 c2 22J;c2 a6 ! +) 2 0. . . 'a4
(20 . . . c4 ? ! 2 l .lit:tb2 b 8 2 2.' it;> a 1 )
2 l .h2 a3 22. .b2 a4 (22 . . . 'tl'a2? !
2 3 . b4!) 2 3 . d3 (t:. 24 . .!idd 2 ,
25 . ..t?d 1 ; 2 3. . . li:\d7? 24.Eh7 ! +-)
1 l .ed5 a5? 1 2.dc6 .e6 1 3 ..2,h6
19 . . . ab2
( 1 3.a3 fd8 1 4.e2 Bd1 1 5 . 'tl'd 1 d8
1 9 . . . th4 20 . Wd2 ( 2 0 . b a 3 Ac4 1 6.'tl'e2 li:ld5 17 ...'Dd5 d5 1 8.c7 Ab2!
2 1 .'c3 Aa6 b. Ae2+) 20 . . . a b 2 1 9. r;!?b2 a2 0- 1 Voltsik-Rusenkovich,
(20 . . . B.c2 2 l .c2 d4 22.e 1 ! '@'b4 1 954) 1 3 . . . .Bfd8 1 4.'t!'g5 li:ld5 1 5.c7 .2.c3
23.c3 c3 24.bc3 .:'Lld7:=) 2 1 ..2.b2 1 6 .cd8 .Bd8 17.d5 ..d5 1 8 . 't!' e7 Ad2
1 9. r;!?b1 h6 0- 1 Slepohov-Smilga, 1 955
20.b2 Ac4 21.e3
ll . . . c7
2 1 . c3 ..c6oo
li . . . Ah6 1 2 . h6 b6 ! ( 1 2 . . . e5
2l . . . .ie2!+ 22.del
1 3 . 'tl' g 5 'f/ie7 1 4 . f4 !i e8 1 5 . ed5 ef4
22.1ac12 .l!b&cc
1 6 . 'tl'f4;;!; C ejtlin-Ve1imirovic, 1 974)
22 . . . .d3 23.!ih2 b3 24.ee2 .ii.c 2 1 3 .e5 lUd7 1 4.h4 lUeS 1 5.h5 Af5 1 6.g4
24 . . . a5
f6 ! ! 1 1:r4 ( 1 7. gf5 ? g5 t:. tOn-+)
25.b3 .1i,b3 26.'it>d2
1 7 . . . .Bab8 1 8 . b 3 g 5 ? ! ( 1 8 . . . Ad7 ! +
26.b1 e5 27.Bd2
1 9.hg6 lUg6 20.h6 .a.n t:. .l!g7, Ae8)
1 9.f5 e3 20.r;!?b2 .Bn! (b.e6) 2 1 ...d3
26 . . . !LieS! 27.r;!?e3

!tjc4 22.'b 1 tDa3 23 .b2 tt:1c4 24.i;!tb 1

V2-V1 Ljucko-S habalov, 1983
I I . . . .i.e6 12 ..i.g7 rt;g7 t3.e5 tt:1d7
!4.h4 h5 I 5.g4? (15.g5oo) 15 .. . hg4
!6. fg4 .i.g4 1 7 ..i.e2 .i.f5 ! 18.!idft e6
I 9.h5 !ih8 20.hg6 fg6 2 I ...a.d3 tLle5
22...a.f5 e f5 0-1 Vemiga-Palkovi, 1989
12...a.g7 ri;g7 13.ed5
!3 .g5 de4 14.fe4 ..a.e 6 15 . ..a.e2
l1ab8 !6.c5 a5 I 7 .g3 b7+ V.Kostic
Kudrin, 1984
13 ...cd5 14.h4
!4.g4 ..a.b7 15 ...td3 d4 1 tLJd.5
1 7 .h4 !iac8 18.h5 f4 ! 19.ri;b l d2
20.lld2 tt:1f4 2 l .hg6 hg6 22.!idh2 i.e4
23 . .i.e4 c;t;f6 24.11d2 e5+ Veroci-Chibur
danidze, I 983
14 ...h5
14... ..a.e 6 ? ! 1 5.h5 ! 6. 15 . .. tt:1h5?
16.g4 tt:1f6 I 7 . h6 c;ttg 8 18.g5 tt:1h5
19 ...h5 gh5 20. ..a.d3 f5 2 l.g6+14 . . . ..a. b 7 ! ?
1 5 .tLlb 5 !
(15 . . . b6; 1 5 . . . ''d7) 1 6.h5 e 5 17.''g5 !
e7 18.hg6! fg6 19. ..td3 11 f e 8 20 ...a.g6 ! !
hg6 2 1.ilh6 l1g8 22. g6+- Re net
A.Romero, I 985 tiJdS 16.d5 .i.e6 17.''/t9d4
r;!tg8 18 ...a,d3 IDd8 19.'t!:Ve3!?
19.'&a4 llab8 6. a5, !1b4oo
19 ...Aa2 20.g4 !labS 2l.gh5
2 l.c3? ! !ib6 ! ? 22.gh5? l1db8 23.lld2
l1b2! 24.l1b2 c3-+

2 2 . ri;b 2 ? !i b 8 23 . .i.b5 (23 .rt;c l
c3-+) 23. . .llb5 24.c;t;c 1 a5 !-+

22 ...llb6!
22 . . .'tfc3? 23 .gf7 c;ttf7 24.f4 ri;g7
25.l:Idg!+23.gf7 ri;f8
23 . . . f7 2 4 . 't!g 5 (24 . h 5 ? lld3 !
2 5 . ll d3 !i b t -+; 2 5 .'tt' d3 f4 -+)
24 . . . l1d3 25.lld3 (25 .'f5 ri;e8 26.h5
cttf 8 27.h8=) 25 .. . !1bi 26.d2 !ihl
24.'tl9g5 ..a.n 25.g,hel
25.ilhgi c3 !
25 .. .''d6 26.!ie5 b4 27.!ie4 a3
28.;t'd2 !IdS l:Ig6 30.ri;e2 tt"d6
31.fl !1g2 32.l1f2 ..g1?!
32 . . ID'2 33.f2 a5oo
33.a7 .!:IeS 34.tfa8?!
34.e3 !
34 ...<;tg7 35.lle5 eS 36.e4 f6
37.n 11g2 3S.ID2 gt39 ..n
3 9.!ih2 '&d6=

[ 30 ] Frolov - B.Alterman
SSSR, 1990
l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tljd4 f6
S.tDcJ g6 6 ...a.e3 ..a,g7 7.0 0-0 8.'d2
tt:1c6 9.0-0-0 dS 10.-&e1 e6

l l.h4 c7 ! I 2.ed5 ( I 2.tLldb5 a5!
n . ..a.c5 !idS 14.a3 b6! l5 .b4 a6oo;


13... '@c7 14.g3 '@g3 15.hg3 de4

1 2.h5 lDhS 1 3.g4 <Lld4! 1 4..i.d4 .i.d4
1 S. gd4 '@g3oo) 1 2... <Lld5 1 3.<Lld5 ed5 16.Ab5! Ad7 17.g5 lDdS 18.lDe4 b6
14.'@d2 hS 1 5.<Llb5 '@e7 1 6.Ag5 t;le5=
( 1 6 . .. c5 1 7.'@d5 ? b6! 6 Ae6oo;
1 7.e3=) 1 7.c3 (Kramnik-B.Ahennan,
1 990) 1 7 . . .d4 ! 1 8.lDd4 (1 8.cd4 d5!)
1 8 . . . lDd4 1 9.t;ld4 '@aS 20.'d5 Ac3 !
2 l .bc3? (2 l .'@a5=) 2 1 ...'@a3! 22.b1
f5 ! ! 23.Ad3 Ae6 24.b5 a2 25. 1
Ab3 ! 26.Af6 Ii fe S ! 27.Iihe 1 't\!'a 1
28 ...tb 1 a3 29.d2 'e'b2 3 0 . d3
1 l.'iPb1 e7 1 2.lDb3 lidS 1 3.Ac5
't\!'c7 14.Ab5 de4 1 5.l;d8 lL\dS 1 6.lDe4
l0e4 1 7.'@e4 Ad7 1 8.d7 'e'd7 1 9..i.d4
- Ivanchuk-Kir.Georgiev, 1 993


1 9.Af2llJe5 20.Ae2 IiacS 2 1 .lih4 a5

22.a3 (22.Iidh l lDb4 23.<Llc3oo) 22 . . .
Aa4 ? ( 2 2 ... a4 ! ?;!;) 23 . <Ll f6 ! A f6
ll... '@e7
Kuporosov-Sedrakjan, 1 99 1
1 1 ...lDd4 (l l ...c 7 ? ! 1 2. g 5 ;
1 9...<Lle5! 20. ..td7 Iid7 2l.cd5 edS
1 1 . . . .e8 ? ! 1 2.Ab5 !) 1 2.Ad4 de4
1 3. lZ}e4! ( 1 3.Ac5 tL\dS !05) 1 3 ... tL\e4 22.tDc3 bcS 23.tDc5 Iidd8
14. g7 gS 1 5 .bl g7 1 6.e4

23 . . . lac7? ! 24.b4

1 1 . . .e5 !? 1 2. tDc6 bc6 1 3.ed5 ( 1 3.g5?!
d4 1 4 .gf6 'tlf6+) 1 3 . . . cd5 1 4 ...Q.g5
24.f4?! <Llc4+
(1 4. c5 d4 1 5.Af8 f8 1 6.lDe4 lLld5oo)
24 ... t0f3 25.tL\e4 'iPf8= 26. bl
1 4 ... .b7 1 5.e5?! ( 1 5 . ..tc4!?) 1 5 . . .h6+ ac8 27.b3<Lld4 28.t0df6 Af6 29.gf6!?
Moroze,ich-Savchenko, 1 991
29 ... 'i&g8 30.g4 tDe6 31.ladel Iid4
1 2 .g5?! <Llh5 1 3.h4 ( 1 3 .ed5 lDd4) 32.Iih2 e8?!
13 . . . tL\d4 I4..i.d4 d4 15.Iid4 cs+
32 ... Iicd8
33.lad21ad2 34.t0d2 d8 35.tL\f3 gS
12 ... b6 1 3.Ab5 b7 14.ed5 ( 1 4.Ac6 36.c2 h6 37.e4;;!; d5 38.b4 h7?
..tc6 1 5.tL\d4 .i.b7 1 6.e5 tL\d7 1 7.f4 f6 39.lDe5 g8 40.a4 lt)f4 41.b5 !!d6
1 8.ef6 <Llf6 1 9.h3 <Lle4 20.lDe4 de4oo De 42.lac4 ID6 43.lac8?
La Villa Garcia-Romero Holmes, 1 992)
14 . . . tDd5 ( 1 4 . ..ed5? l S . .agS) 1
43... g7 44.llJc6 h5! 45.gh5 g4+
e d S 1 6 . 6 A c 6 1 7 . ..td4 A h 6 0 46.llJe70 h7 47.lac5 lt)e6 48.Iic41af2
( 1 7 . . . g5 IS. bl lHeS 1 9 . c3) 49.d3 f3 50.\tld2 g3?
I S .bl '@e 1 1 9.lihe l life8= Videki-Tol
50.. . <Llf4-+
nai. 1 992
Sl.g4 llJf4 52.a5 g2 53.b6 ab6
13. .i.c5
54.ab6 .b3 ss.gr4! (55... gl '@ 56.laf7
1 3 .g5 ? ! lD hS 1 4 .ed5 edS 1 5 . lt)d5 h6 57.llJf5 'l!;>h5 58.IDt7=; 55... .b6
56.laf7 h6 57 .1:!18!=) lf2.lf.l

[ 31 ]

Kuporosov A. Kovacevic

Vmjacka Banja, 1992

l.e4 cS 2.ttll3 d6 3.d4 cd4 tt:lf6

5..:t'lc3 g6 6..i.e3 Ag7 7.13 0-0 8.d2
.!l)c6 9.0-0-0 dS lO.'el eS ll.tLlc6 bc6
12.ed5 cd5 13. .i.g5 Ae6
13 ...d4 l4.'eS h6 1S ..!ld4!? 1J.d7
16.1L.h4! (16. 1J.f6!? .i.f6 17.d6 .i.d4
18.d4co) 16... g5 17.1J.g3 tLlhS 18.d6
.i.d4 19.d4

15 ... dc4 16. .i.g7 g7 17.'e3 AdS 18.1:ldS l;fe8 I9:c3
Iiad8 20.lihd 1 lidS 2l.d5 g8 !ex::
Frolov-Golubev, 1988
17... Ilab8 18.hel f6 19. e4;t;; b6 !It7?!
20 ... lifb8 (20... !ic8!?) 2I..l;.e2 6.
21.g4 f!.e7 22.g5 .i.g8
22... fg5 23.eS '&eS 24.!ie5 f6
25.lide!+23.f4 fgS 24.fg5 !Ic6 25.tLle4 '!l:fa5
26.a3 Ae6 27.ti)c3 lieS 28...d6 ..ars
29...edl c7 30.li6d5 lic6 31.el 17
32.h4 e4 33 ..d4 h2 34.ti)d5 eS
35.f!.d2 ''h4 36.'a7 g8 37.Iledl?!
37.b8 . i.c8 38.e5 e1 39.!id1 +37 .. .'g5 38.b8 .i.c8 39.ttlc7 1-0

[ 32 ] Ulibin - Savchenko
Tbilisi, 1989

l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ti)d4 tt:lf6

5.ti)c3 g6 6.Ae3 il.g7 7.13 0-0 8.'!1:fd2
14.h4?! (6. 15.ti)e4; 14.eS? h6)
ti)c6 9.0-0-0 dS lO.'el eS bc6
h6! 15. .i.d2 (lS..i.h6? tl)e47; 15 ..i.f6
12.ed5 tLldS 13..i.c4 .i.e6 14.ti)e4
..1f6 16.h6? .i.g5-+) 15 ...d4 16.ti)e4
gS f6 18.'tlt'g3.i.f5+ Moiseev
Kosanovic, 1989
14 ...c7
14...h6?! 1S..i.d5 .i.d5 16.lid5 c7
17..i.f6 .i.f6 18.t0e4 .i.g7 19.c3 b6
20.b3;;!;; Smirin-Kosanovic, 1989
14 ... b6 1S . .i.f6 (l5 . .i.d5 ti)d5 AdS!? 17.lidS e4 18.b3 ef3
19.g f3 life8) 1S ... Af6 1 6 . .i.d5
( AdS 17.lid5 lifc8; 17..i.d5
e45!!2) 1 6 ... li a b 8 1 7 .Ab3 lifcSco
I4 ... h6
Dvoirys-Stavic, 1987
14... b8 1S. .i.cS lidS 16.''h4 h6
14 ... b8!? 1S . .i.f6 (!?) 17.g4! ( 17.AdS?! cdS 18.Ae7 b6 !
15...dc4 16.Ag7 g7 17.e3co
19.Ad8 lidS h8 2l.ti)g4 e4!+
1S. .i.f6
Dvoirys-Raud, 1987; l7.Iihe 1 c7 =)
1S.Ad5 ti)dS c4 17.ti)c3 !7 ... c7 18.g5 hS 19.f2;!;;Dvoirys-Basin, 1988

14 .. .'ff!l'c 7 15.Ac5 .BfdS (15 ....BfbS

I6.Ad6 'tlfb617.Ab8 fibS 18.b3 h6 19.g4
<;!?hS 20.g5!) 16. 'tlfh4 h6 17.g4 .BabS
IS.g5 h5 19.'f2;!; Kra mn ik-Rosselli,
15.Ac5 f5!?
15 ....BeS 16.g4 "trrB 11.tOru;;
17 ...'tfe7 18.h4 e4! 19.fe4? tL!c3! 20.bc3
IS.tL!d3!'? An os...tL!b6 I9.b4!
PerezCruz-LopezGomez,I991) 19.a5
e4 2D..Bhel e3 (20 . . .'1''g5!'?) 21.'o/tc5
'tlfc5 22.l!}c5 f4 23.g3 g5 24.h4
18 ... tL!b6! 19.e6 ''e6 20.'it'bl0
20.'o/tb4 c5! 2l.c5 lieS 22.'tfa5 e4-+
2 0 ... l()c4! (20 ... e4 2l.f e 4 tL! c 4
22.e5!) 2l.b4 (2I.!!d3 e4 22.tL!dl .BbS
23.l;b 3 ,Bd 8) 2l ... e4 22.b 3 e 3!
(22 ... tL!a3'? 23.a3 e5 24.c3! c3
25..Bd7! al 26.\t>c2 'tfc3 27.<;!;>dl e3! ef2 29.l!fl+-) 23.tL!d3 tL!d2
24 ..Bd2 ed2 (24 ... f6'?! 25.c3 ed2
26.c4 'it;h7 27.';!?c2 lidS 2S.'it'd2)
25.d2 'tl!'f6 26.c3 l!dS 27.c2 c5$
21 ..Bd3 lDf4 22.fib3 il}g2oo
2l. .. fg4 22.fg4 e4!? 23.e4 f6
24..'L\d3 tL!c3! 25.bc3 fibS c3
27.e6 'i.t>h7 2S.'tl!'b3=
22.gf5 gf5 23.!!gl e4


24.!!g7! 7 25.fe4 fe4?

25 ...'ttf6 26.tL!d3!! (26.e5 'o/th4oo)
26 ... li:lc3 2 7 .'i.t>cl! .!t)e4 (27 ... li:ldl
2S.'ttg3 g6 29.b8 fe4 30.'a7 gS +-; 27... li:la2 28.<;!?d2 l:ib2 29.e5
'tl!'dS 30.g3 'i&hS 3l.g6+-) 2S.'o/tgl
'i&hS 29.a7 figS 30.'tfc7
26.lL\e4! eS
26 ...e4 27.'tfg3

27.'tfgl h8 28.d4+- .BeS 19.a3

'i.t'h7 30.c5 'tfd4 31.d4 6 32.c4
.Bel 33.2 li:le7 34.,l;d7 'it;hS 35. .Ba7
\t>h4 36.d2 .Be5 37.b4 hS 38.!Ud3 ,Be6
39.lL\f4 .Be4 40J:Ie7! Ef4 41.b5 cbS
41.cb5 l:;.a4 43 . .Be3 t;!?g4 44.b6 liaS
45.b7 l!b8 46.l!b3 h4 47.'0t>e1 1-0
[ 33 ]

Smirin Basin

SSSR, 19S5

l.e4 c5 2.l!Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4}d4 li:lf6 g6 6.Ae3 .J;,.g7 7.1'3 0-0 8.d2
li:lc6 9.0-0-0 d5 IO.ed5 tt)dS bc6 cdS 13.'t}'d5 c7

13...iibS 14.b3! 'e!ic7 15."c5! b7

'e!Jc6 17.'ti'bS .ars 1S.'Wif8 .ars
!9...Q.c4 Ravinskij-Trupan, 1952

t4.d2!? Ae6 15."c5 c5 16.Ac5
..Q.h6 17.Ae71:ifeS 1S.Ah40 Aa2! 19.b3
i.b3! Y2-'h Sarafanov-Kozurov, 1992;
20.cb3 !ladS 21.Ad8 l::dS=
14.aS Af5 15.''f8 f8 16.!ld2 h5
(16 ... b8 17.b3!co) 17.Ae2 (17.Ac4
i,b2+: 17 . ..Q.d3 eS+: 17.b1 'it'gS
!8.Ae2 e5 19...Q.d4 '!!f4 20.:hd1 A_d4
21.d4 h:?. 22 .an h4+> 11... bs
18.b3 Ac3 19.!id5 .te6 20.!ld3 (20.ab5
d6 21.'it'b1 a6 22.c5 Ab4 23.lid1
h2-+; 20.lic5 b4 21.'it'b1 Af6+)
20 ... b4 2t.b 1 .ars 22.ds 'it'g7
23.hd1 Af6 24.Ad3 c3 25.c1 eS-+
Stoljar-Bejlin, 1965
14.. .'b7
14 ... 'e!ibS 15.a3 (1S.b3 aS! 16.b6
e5 17 ...Q.d4 f4 1S..1.e3 e5=) 15 ...
Af5 16.g4! (16.Ad3 'ti'eS 17. .Lf5 fScc)
16 ... Ae6 17.Aa6 c7 1S.Ad4 liabS
19.Ag7 Houde-Herschel, 1986

15 ... .tiS 16.Ad3 liac8

16 ... Ad3 17.lid3 a6 !lacS
19.e7 lic2 20.'it'c2 a2 2l.d1 b l
22.e2 hi+
16 ... :Sfc8 17.aS Ad3 (17... '!;l!'c6
1s. .ars g rs 19.'ti'd2 f4! 20..tt2 fgc7co)
18..d3 fgc6 19.c4 f6 20.Ad4eS (Biod
stejn-Petrunko, 1985) 2l.Aa1! g5

17.'ti'a5 lic3!

15...Q.d4? .ars 16.'ti'b5 c7 17.c5
tlt'f4 18.Ae3 a4 19.''!Wc4 a5 20.'ti'd5
15.c3?! Af5 16.1bS 'ti'c7 17.'ti'c4
eS+ Byvsev-Bejlin, 195S
15.'ti'a3 .ars (15 ... as 16.i.d4 eS
17.Ac5 Ae6co Karaklajic-Geller, 1959)
16.Aa6 (16.c3 llfb8 17.Aa6 c7
18.Ad3 . e5+: I6.Ad3 gfbs 17.b3 aS
18. ..Q.f5 gf5 19.Ad4 e5! 20.Ab2 e4+;
16.Ac4 !ifcS 17.Ab3 aS 1S.lid2 a4
I9.Ad5 !ic2 20.!ic2 dSoo) 16...c7
(l6 ... Ab2? 17.b2 a6 IS.Ah6+-;
I6 ... c6 17.Ad3 !iab8 IS.c3 lifcS
19.Af5) 17.tlt'c5 b6 18.'ti'b6 ab6
19..Ac4 !ifc8 20.Ab3 a2 21.lid8 lidS
22.Aa2= Ravinskij-Bejlin, 1955

18.Af5 lie3 19.Ae4 'b8 20.g3 c8

2l.h4 hS 22.lihgl a6 23.!id5 e6
24.d8 lidS 25.d8 h7 26.c7 f5
'27.'ti'c5 c3 28.d5 b6 0-1

[ 34 ]

Podlesnik - Justin
Jugoslavija. 1989

l.e4 c5 2..!013 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 -t)f6

s.cocJ g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.0 o-o s d2
l0c6 9.0-0-0 dS lO.edS lL!dS ll.lL!c6 bc6
12. .!0d5 cd5 13.Ah6 i.h6

13 ...e6?! 14.h4 libS IS.Ag7 g7

16.hS f6 17.c3 gS 18.'ti'e3llb6 19.h6
h8 20.lid4 6. lihS, !ig4 Zagrebelny
Basin, 1989
13 ... Ab7?! 14.h4 eS 1S.Ag7 g7
16.f4! f6 (16 ...ef4 17."1Wf4; 16 ...e4
17.h5 6. Ac4!) 17.h5 gS (17 ...e4
18.g4) 18.h6 'it'hS 19.fg5 fgS 20.!ih5!
Garbett-G.West, 1989



e3-+) 19 . . . e4 20.fe4 de4 2 l ..i.e2 !ifc8

22.g4 .i.e6 23.hg6 hg6 24.b3 a5+

17 ...e4 18.fe4 b4 19.b3

1 9.'cl de4 20.c3 'tVb7 2l ..i.c2 h5 .6.

19 . . . de4 20 .i.e2 'tVcS! 2l.h5 gS


22.f6 Ilb6 23.'it'd4 'it'd4 24.lld4 f5

22.lld6 Ae6 23.'tt' f6 .S.fc8 24 ..He6=

14 . . . 1!t'a5

22 ..i.c4 !ib6 23.Af7 E.f7 24.lid8 nrs

1 4 . . . e5 1 5 .h4 f6 ( 1 5 ... d4 1 6.f4!; 25.E:f8 f8 26.''g5=
1 5 . . . b8 I 6.h5 b6 1 7.b3 .i.b7 1 8.Ad.3
22... .Hb6 23.ID6 .ie6! 24.c4?
f5 1 9.hg6 g6 20.'t\Ye3 g7 2I.!ih5
Zagrebelny-Nesterov, 1 989) 1 6 . .i.c4!
( 1 6.h5? g5+; 1 6.f4?! .i.g4; 1 6.g4 .i.e6
24... e3-+ (..6..E:b3) 25 .i d3 ed3
1 7.g5 fg5!? 1 8.hg5 e7oo) 1 6 . . . .i.e6 26.E:dn d2 27.E.g6 hg6 28.hg6lib3 o-1
1 7 .,b3 (.6.1!t'd2) 17 . . . 1!fd60 1 8.f4 !;;!;; At
las-Khachian, 1 989
[ 35 ] Fernandez Garcia
1 4 . . . e615.h4 f6 1 6.h5 g7 1 7. ''e3
fibS 1 8.c3 llb6 19 .hg6 hg6 20.f4 oc Feher
Komotini, 1 992
Szalanczy, 1 989
1.e4 c5 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 cd4\d4 li:\f6
I4 . . . .E. b 8 1 5 .h4 ( 1 5.' e 3 1!t' a 5
16.e7 a2 1 7 . ''a3 a3=) 1 5 . ..Af5\c3 g6 6.Ae3 g7 7.f3 0-0 8.''d2
1 6 . .i.d3 ( 1 6 . g4? .i.c2 ! 1 7.c2 c7 li:\c6 9.0-0-0 d5 10.ed5lLid5\c6 bc6
1 8.d.3 lib2+; 16.h5 .i.c2; 16 ... 1!t'b6) 12 .Ad4 li:\c3
1 6 . . . b6! l?.b3 0 f6! 18.b 1 e6
1 2 . . . .i.d4 1 3. ''d4 b6 1\a4 'it'a5
( 1 8 . . . Ad3 1 9.lad3 .E.b4 !? 20.h5 lih4 1 5 .b3 .if5 1 6.g4 (16.'c5 c5 1 7.lL\c5
2I.:i;h4 h4 22 .E:d5 hI 23 .<ct>b2
li:\c3=) 1 6 . .. Ae6 ( 1 6 . . . Ac2?! 1 7.!id2!)
1!i'g2oc) 1 9 . h 5 E:b7 ! = ( 1 9 ... 'tVg7
1 7.e5 ! (1 7.'it'c5 c7oc) 1 7 . . . 'it'b4
20.g5;!;; 1 9 ... d3 20.d3 l:!b7 ! ?
1 8.c4 a3 (1 8 . . . li:\b6 1 9.'c5) 1 9.'i9bl
2 l .hg6 fg6 22.l:!he l;!;;) 20.hg6 (20. . . fg6
llab8!? ( 1 9 . . . lL\b4 20.b2; 1 9 . . . li:lb6
2I..E.he l lacS 22.1!t'e3 ..c 3 =) '12-'12
20. '1t!!'c5 'tVcS 2 I .lLic5) 20.cd5 .i.d5
A.Kuzmin-Tiviakov, 1 989
2I.lLib2 ! .i. f3 22.Ac4 .ih 1 23 ..S.h 1
IS.'tt>b l .b8 16.h4 e5!
I.Herrern-Aib.Hemandez, 1 993
1 6 . . . .i.f5 1 7 ..i.d.3 a3?! ( 1 7 . ..'t!Yc3)
1 8 .b3 d3 1 9 . .E.d3 f:.fc8 20.d2 e6
2 1 .h5 Kuijf-Emsl, 1 988
1 3 ..i.c3 'it'd2 1 4.'it?d2 E.d8 15 ..i.d3
16 . . . d4 1 7 .b3 .i.f5 18 . .i.d3 l:ifc8 .i.f5 1 6 ..i.g7 Ad.3=
19 ..i.f5 f5oo Wolff-W.Watson, 1 989
13 . .. .Ah6 14. .Ae3

17. .td3

1 4.'bl ? e5-+

1 7 .h5 .i. f5 1 8 . .i.d3 c3 19.c I

(1 9.b3 e4 20.fe4 de4 21 . .e2 ..fc8 22..S.c I

14....ie3 15.'tt' e3 b6

17 ... Aa2
17 ...!Hd8 I 8. .Q.dJ .ta2 19 ..he1
Iiab8 20.h4 a5 21.!ie5 AdS 22.hS!
''al 23.<;!td2 't!Vb2 24.hg6 fg6 25.Ag6!!
l.Gurevich-Petursson, 1992
18.b3 aS!?
18 ... Ab3 (1 8 . .. !i fct8 19.Ac4+-)
19.cb3 b3 20.lid3 b6 2I.d4 Ilfe8co
19.b2 (19.:.d7? .i.b3!) a4 20.a2

15.. .'a5?! 16.Sc4 Aa6 17.Ab3!?

e6 18.h4 c5 19.''e5

19... fta10
19...a4? 20...d7+20.h4 a4 2l.h5 ab3

16 e7

16.''b6 ab6 17.a3 (17.Ac4 b5!

18.A.b3 c5 19. .Q.d5 a7=) 17 ... Ae6
18. .Q.d3 !ifdS 19.d2 (19..ae4 AdS=)
19 ... g7! 20.A.e4 (20..hd1 f5!=)
20.. .lid2 2l.d2 d8 22.<ot'e3 c5 23.f4
f5 24.A.t1 f6 25.h4 .Af7 26..dl .dl
27 . .i.d1 e5 28.g3 h6 29 .Ae2 Yl-Vz
Tiviakov-B.Aitennan, 1990

16... .i.e6 17.'f6

17.Ad3 (17 .h 4 ? 't\l'e3) 't!Ve3
(17... ..ab8?! I8.b3 cS 19.hel aS
20 . ..e4+- A.Sokolov-Dinu, 1991)
18... d20c5 ( 1 8 .....ab8 19.b3 aS 20.'&h4
!ib4 21. 't!Vf2 A.Sokolov; 21... '&e5
22.<;!tb I a4oc; I 9.'f6 c5 20.h4 c4 21.h5
'ti'h6 22. .i.e4 !lfd8 23.f4; 20 ...h5!?)
19 ...hdl (19.''h4!? c4 20.1lel c5
2Ule6! fe6 22 . ..a.c4) 19 .. . !:rad 8 !
20.h4 c4 2l...e1 b6 (2l . .. c5 ?
22. .Q.g6!+-) 22..e6! fe6 (22 .. .'e6
23. .Q.g6 hg6 24.Ild8 e3 2S ...d2 c3
26.bc3 gl 27..d1 g2;!;) 23.'t!Vc4
(Am.Rodriguez-C1avijo, 1991) 23... ..d4
24.'c3 .. fd8co
17.a3 f2 (17 ... 35 I 8. i.d3 b4
19 .i.e4) 18.'h5 ab8 (18 ... .i. f 5
19.'t!t'd2 't!Vc5 20.c3 't!fc3 2l.bc3 .Q.e6
22.c4) I 9.h4 h5 20.Ad 3 !? '&g 2
2Ulhgl '022.'g5 .Q.g4023 . .i.g6 fg6
24.g6ln-Yz Mackic-Kosanovic, 1 994

22.h6 ? b2 23.d 2 Ild8 24.Ad3
22.. .'e3 23.'Ct'b2
23.!ld2 (23 .c.t7c2 c 5!co) :.d7
24..hd1 .d2 25. Ild2 .Q.b3 26.Ab3
23... 'ti'f2 24.c3?!
24....Q.b3!0 25. .i.b3 I:lbloo 26.''d6
''b6 27.'a3 ID'b8 28.!1b1 e3 29.2
'e2 30. <;!t c1 'g2 31 ..i.f70
3l.:.d1 'f)-+
31... 32.hg6 g6 33.'a2 6!
34.'+)'al 5 35.Ilb7?
35.'t!fa5 .b5 36.IlbS ..bS 37 .'c3+
35 .. .'g5!-+ 36.c;t>d1 Ilb7 37.'f!Va5
IlbS 38.'a2 (38.. . Ild5) 0-1


[ 36 ] Illescas Ki.Georgiev

25.:Se1 != Velimirovic-A.Miles, 19SO)

16 ... i. e 6 1 7 . l[J b 7 h4 (17 ... c7
1S.i.f8 laf8 19.l[Jc5) 1 S.i.d5(18.Affi7
't\Yc4! 19.JLa3 a2 20.'ell[Jb6 2l.liJd6
:SadS 22.lad3 laa6 23.lad6liJc4 0-1 Maki
-Jadoul, 19S4) 1S ...cd5 (18 ...AdS!?)
19.Af8 f8 20.l[Jc5 i.n?! (20... laad8
21.a5;;!;;) 21.l[Jd7! (2t.lahe1 ?! laadS+)
21 .. . gS 22.:Shel e4 23.d4 Kamin
sky-Kotrin, 19S1
14. l[Je4 f5 15.l[Jd6 Af8 16.liJe8
(16.Ab5!? Ad7 17.lahel lae6 18.l[Jb7
tll'c7 19.a6 AcS 20.Sf8 JLb7 2t.Ab7
tll' b 7 22.i.a3;;!;; Beliavsky-Khalifman,
1993) 16...Ac5 17.c4 f4! (17 ...eS?
1S.cd5 cd.S 19.Ab5!! b5 20.'tVd5 'lt>g7
2 I .'@'aS+- K veinys-Savchenko, 1989;
17 ... b6!?) 1S.'iPb1 .ars os .....ae3
19.c2 eS 20.cd5 cd5 2l.d5 Af5
22.Ad3 lacS 23 ..if5! :Sc2 24.Ac2)
19.Ad3 liJe3 20.Af5 lL\d1 21.:S.dl d2
22.Ae6 f8 23.d2 .S.eS 24. i.d7 .S.dS
25.c2 Ae3 26.:Sd3 c5=

Manila, 1990
l.e4 cS 2.l[JI3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l[Jd4l[Jf6
S.l[Jc3 g6 6.e3 J;..g7 7.13 0-0 8.d2
l[Jc6 9.0-0.0 dS 1 O.ed5 !Dd5 ll.l[Jc6 bc6
12.Ad4 e5 13.J;..c5 e8

14 .l[Jd5
14. J;..c4 aS (14... J;..e6 15.l[Jd.5 cd.S
16.Ad5 AdS 17.d5 g5 18.t\!'d2 f6
19.c3 laec8 20.e3;;!;;) 15.l[Je4 (15.l[Jd5
c5 16.c 7 c4 1 7 . l[J e 8 'tV a2
18.g50 'l'a1 19.S>d2 'i'b2 20.l[Jg7!
g7+) 15 ... d2 16.:Sd2 Ah6 I 7.JLd5
J;..d2 18.2(18.S>d1 :Sd8 19.Ac6 h6
20.S>e1 labS Ab7+: 18.'b1 cd5 'iPh8 20.l[Je8 Ab7+) 18... ladS
19.f 6 (19.c 4 a6!+) 19 ... 'iP g 7
20.Ae7;:!; Zapata-Ernst, 1987
14.l[Je4 f5 15.c4 fe4 16.fe4 't\t'h4!
17. d3(17.e1 'i'f4 18.b1 Ae6 19.g3
n; 19.lafl 'tVh2) 17...rh8 1S.ed5 Af5
19. e2 cd5 20.:Sd5 (20.d5 :SacS)
20 ... :S acS (Ae6; 20 ...Ae6 2l.g3)
2l.g3 '@'e4 22.lahd1 tll'e2 23.Ae2 e6
24.Aa6?!(24.Aa7oo) 24...AdS 25.Ac8?
(25.:Sd5 BedS+) 25... .ta2!+ 26.b3 lacS
27.b2 .E.c5 28..E.dS J;..f 8 29.laf8 g7
.3Q.gf2 Ab3-+ Sax-Mestel, 1984
14.l[Je4 f5 .tfS 16.Ac4
(16.c4 Ad6 1 7.J;.. d6 '@'d6 1S.cd5 cd5
19.'i'd5 tll'd.S 20.lad5 Ae6 2l..S.e5 ,l;acS
22.d2 BedS 23.<it'e3 Aa2 24.Ae2 Ac4

14...cd5 15.d5
15.Ab5?! d4 (15 ...Ae6 16.Ae8 eS
17.a5 't\Yc6 IS.l;d3 d4+ Hazai-Peturs
son, 19S1) 16.-teS '&'eS 17 .'b1 JLf5
1S.lac1 lacS 19.Aa3 b5+ Dolmatov
Dorfman, 1 982
15 ... d5 16.i;d5 Ae6 17.Bd6
17.d1 ecS! 1S.Ae3 Aa2 19.Aa6
Bc7 20..S.d2 Ae6 Af6-e7=
17 .:Sd3 .ars (17 ...Aa2 1S.laa3 Ah6
19.Ae3;:!;) 18.la3 !leeS 19.:S.a50(19.b4
aS) 19 ... Ah6! (19 ... f8 20.b4 Ac5
21.bc5 !lc7 22 b6) 20.<;t>d1 (20.'it?b1
Ad2 21.b 4 .tb4! 2 2 .A b 4 lac2=)
20 ... :SdS (20 ... e4!?) 21.A d3 Ad3
22.cd3 lad3 23.'it'c2 :Sd2 24.<;t>c3 Bg2
25.b400 Lj.llic-Jovicic, 19S5



17 .. .Iec8? 18.Ae3 .lta2 19 ..Aa6!

:S,c7 20.Ilhd hS 21.Ild8 1-0 Play-Mor
bioli, 1984
18.b3 :S.ec8 19.Ild5 a5 20.b2 a4
2loAb5 (21oa2 ab3 22.b3 a5=;
2loAc4 ab3 22ocb3 e4 23. Jld4 c4
24obc4 Ac4 25o:S.d6 eO 26.gf3 ..Q.d4=
LoAoSchneider-Sax, 1980) 21 ... a b3
22ocb3 e4 23.Ad4 Ilc5! 24o!lc5 JLd4
25oilc3 ef3 26.gf3 Ab3 27.<b3 .Ac3
2803 !la3 29.d4 Jaf3= Mielke
18. .. a5 19.Ab5 Ilec8 20.Ad7 .:S.c7
(20 ...d8? 2l.Ac6) 2l..Ac6 (2l...i.b6
l:lb7 22.ba5 !la5! 23.Ac8 .Af8!! 24.Ab7
labS!!=; 2l.!ihdl ab4 22.Ac6 ID8 230
Ab4;;!;) 21...!1ac8 22.b5 itffi 23..:s.hd1
Ad6 24.Ild6 !ib8!? 25.b6 c c 8
(25 .. Jle7? 26.!ld8+-) 26.Jlf2;;!; e6
(26 ... Ac4!?) 27oite4?! (27og4!?;;!;)
27 ... a4! 28.b7 -!h Kruppa-Tiviakov,
19oila6 Ac5 20obc5 Ae6 2l.ib5
laec8 22.c6 Ilab8 23oita4 ?! (23oc4;;!;)
23.. .!ic7= Kruppa-Su1ipa, 1990
19 ...e4!+

23 ...en 24.AO .to 2S.go fid4

26.c3 !ld6 27.b3 hS 28.f4laf6 29.f5?
2 9 . o gfS JO.llfl f4 3l. h5 !ieJ

32o:.a5 a6 33o.a2 !:1 llc2, a4, c4c5=

320. of3 33.d2 :.e2 34.d3 ..d6
35.r;tc4 Ile4 36.b5 llf6 37.llh8? rt;g7
38 ..h3 f2 39.E:g3 h6 40.g2 ef4?

400 .!le2+ !:1 h5-h4-h3


41.c4 hS 42.c5 a6 43.a4 $h4

44.c6!= E:c6
44 ... h3? 45.E:g3 h2 46.:S.c3 :;t>g2
47...f2 Ilt2 48.c7+-

4S.Ilgf2 af2 46.f2 f6 47.b5 ab5

48.c;t>bS l:le6 49.c4 g5 lh.l/1

[ 37 ] Rodriguez Komljenovic

Burriana, 1990

l.e4 cS VL!fJ d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lL!d4 .!!)f6

S,o:L)c3 g6 6. ..i.e3 ..i.g7 7.fJ 0-0 8.d2
ct]c6 9.0..0-0 dS lO.edS lL!dS ll.'t]c6 bc6
12 . ..i.d4 eS 13. ..tc5 .1e6 14.tL!e4
14o..i.f8 rs 15.cbll:!b8oo
14.lL!d5 cd5 l5oAf8 f8 l6.'a5
(16o.Ab5 d4 17obl Ilb8 18...i.a4 d3
l9ocd3 e4 20.d4 ef3 2l.gf3 a3 22.Ab3
Ilb3-+) 16 .. . E:b8!? (16...e7 17.lld3
e4 18.llb3 d4 19.Ilb5 d3! 20.cd3 :S.c8
21.b1 ef3! 22.gf3 .Af5+) 17.!ld3 d4!
18.1ia3 e4 19.fe40 d3 20.Ed3 (20.c3? d2
2l.d2 ilb2 22.c1b8-+) 20... .Ab2
2l.d1 ..i.f6 22.'ite 1 h6+ M3Jjasin
I.Botvinnik, 1984

l4oAc4 h4 (14 ...'t]c3 15.'c3 'g5

16.Ae3 g2 17.Ae6 fe6 18.c6 lrac8
19.'tlYe4 ilf3 20.IDtfl E:f2= Trifunovic
2o..ars rs
1956) l5..i.d5 cd5 16.lL!d5
20 ...ef3? 2l.Ac5! Ad5 22..Ab5!+llfe8
21.b2 AdS 22.1lc5 !ladS 23. ..i.e2!
23o.Ab5 ef3 24.ite8 (24.gf3 .Af3
14 .. o!le8 15.h4
25.l:lfl Ae2-+) 24..ofg2-+

1 5 .Ac4 f#c7 1 6.g4 liedB 1 7. e.l

15 .c4 c7 1 6.,d6 b6 1 7.cS b7oo
1 5 .Aa6 'ftic7 1 6.g4 Iied B 1 7.el
tt:lf6:r.. Keres-A verbakh , 1959
1 5 .g4 c7 ( 1 5 . . . tt)f4 1 6.'c3 ..\ld5
1 7 ...\lc4 e6 1:::. L2\d4c:c Olafsson-Wade,
1 964) 1 6 ..ii. d6 '@b6 1 7 .Ac5 'file? 1 8 . ..\ld6
b7 19.$i.a3 fied8! 20...\lc4 (20.c4 "t:;fb6
2 l .!Llg5 Ah6 22.h4 f6 23.'it>b1 fgS 24.hg5
AfB!+) 20. . . b6 2 1 ..c5 c7 22."t:;ff2
h6 23.h4 f5 ! n+ Wedberg
Ki.Georgi e v, 1 9S4
15 . . .h6

17.h5 g5 1 8.''e l liedB 1 9.lih2 tt:lf4
20 . .Shd2 .l;d2 (20 . . . AdS ?! 2 l .c4 Ae4

22. '@e4 tt:le6 23.lidS lidS 24.lid8 'tidB

25 . c6 e4 26 . .a3 e3 27. '@d5 S vens
son-Emst, 1 9S4) 2 1 .'d2 AdS (2 l . . .a5
22.c4 fS 23.gfS Af5 Ae6 25.Ad3
lt:ld3 26.d3 'ftt n = Mohrlok-Mielke,
1 9 S 4 ) 2 2.' c3 fi d 8 2 3 . 'ti a 3 lid ? = 1HB A c 5 26.'ftic5 A f3 'it>h7 28.Ad3 lt:ld3 29.lid3 lid3
3 0 . cd 3 c;!?h6 3 1 . fS r;!:>h7 3 2 . h 6 f6
33.f6 e4 Amason-McCa mbridg e,
1 9 S4
17.h5 g5 J B.Ac4 liedS 19:f2 a5!
20.lid3 a4 2 1 .l;hd 1 liabS 22.c3 aS

23 . .a3 lieS (l:::.!!)f4) 24.fl (24.!i3d2

lt:l c 3 2 5 . A e 6 L2\d l -+ ) 24 . . . b 6+
( 1:::. 2 5 . . . tt:l e 3 ; 2 5 . . . ..Q.f8 ; 2 5 . . . l2lb4)
25 .tt:lc5 AfB 26.-1)a4 a7 2 7.AfB 'gla4
28.!i.d5 AdS 29.Aa3 Ac4-+ Sigurjons
son-Mestel , 1 9S4
17 . . . h5 18.Ac4 .Sed8!? 16.g3 'ftt d2 t 7 Jad2 tDhs
1 8 .g4 L2l f4 19.h5 ..\i d S 2 0 . h g 6 fg6
2 l ..Sdh2 h6x V an der Wiel-Tiviakov,
1 994

J6.g4 c7
16 . . . L21f4 17.'ftic3 AdS 18.g5 ( 1 8.h5
fS ! 19.gfS gf5 20.ti)d6 fie6 2 1 .lig1 f!f6!
22.f#a3 lidS 23.c4 ed60 24.Ad6 d6
25.d6 d6 26.cd5 cdS 27.d2 l2Je6
2S . .Sc I tt)g5oo Kolev-Romero, 1 9 84)
18 . . . .'2\e6 ( 1 8 . . . h5 19.a3 't!!!c 1 20.!Llf6
Af6 2 l .gf6 c8 22.c4 Jle6 23 . .Sh2 ..\lf5
24.lihd2 <2Je6 25. Ad6 l2ld4 2 6 . f4
J.L.Femandez-Martin Gonzalez, 1 9 S9)
1 9.gh6 !? .h6 20 . .e3 Ag7 (20 . . . l2\f4
21 .h5 gh5 22.<\t>b 1 co) 21 .h5 f5 (21 . . . g5
22.h6 .f6 23.Ah3 tt:ld4 24.l2\f6 f6
25.fid4 ! ed4 26.h7+-) 22.hg6 A.S ok
olov-Tiviako\'. 1 993

1 B . . . ..th7 1 9 . ..Q.b3 lied8 20.'ftt f2 f!a5

21 . ..tb 1 Iid7 22.Iid2 Iib7 23 .B.hd l tt)f4
24.B.d6 f!c7 2 5 . ,e6 l2Je6 26 . ..Q.e3
. A m.Rodriguez-Kudrin, 1989
J B . . . liad B 1 9.'ftif2 ! ( 1 9.fe l ti)f4
20.f!c3 Iid5! 21..d6 f#b6 22.rb1 fid4
23 ..Bd4 ed4 24.'tlt'b3 Ac4 25.c4 ti)e6
26.Iifl .SdB 27.f4 d3 28.c3 e3 29.fidl
'ftih3 30.fid3 h4+ Paoloz i-K G
L eor
g ie v , 1984) 19 . . .d7 20.fid2 .ll e dB
21 .ghd 1 Popovic-K.i.Georgiev, 1 9 87
19.f#e l lt:lf4 ( 1 9 . . . Bab8 20.fih2!
Maeder- N e s is, 1 9 8 0 ) 20 ...Q.d6 'ftib6
21 . .e6 tt:l e 6 2 2 . lt) f6 ..Q. f6 2 3 . g f6



c3 ! 25.bc3 :i!b8 26. .ib5 b5 27.b5

'!I;Yb5 28.c;t?c l g5 29.d l g l 30.d2
h2 3 l .c l f 32.d 1 f2-+ Sepp
Goluev, 1 985

20.lid8 lidS 2 1 .Ae6 tDe6
ovic-Kos3novic, 1990


15.h4 c7 ( 1 5 . . . f5 1 6. g5 e4 1 7.c3
c3 ! 18.bc3 35 1 9 .ct)e6 .ic3 20.'c2
.2.b2 2l.b1 .2.c3=) 16.h5 ? ( 1 6 ..2.d6?
b6 1 7. .ib8 !ib8 1 8.c4 .2.h6 ! 1 9 ..:t]g5
=2Je3+; 1 6..i.f8 .trs 1 7.c4 Ab4 18.h6=)
1 6 . . . :i!fd8 1 7.hg6 lDb4 ! ! 1 8.gf7 (l8.gh7
'i.t>hS+) 1 s . . 1 9.Ad60 32 2o ...tb 1
Pop- f;Yb6 2 l .c4 l:!.d6! 2VL\d6 e4-+ Jasnik
ovski-Perenyi, 1984

15 . . .'t\c7!
20 . . . t0e6 21..id6 aS
22.33 !?
22 . . . ..d7 23.l::::.d2 Elad8 24.::hd 1
(.6.c3) 24 . . . t!Jd4! 2S.c5
25 .f4 t0f5 !=
25 . . . lidS 26. .2.e7!? 8d7
26 . . Jlb8 27.c3 ..'tlf5 28.Af6
27.c4!? !Ie7 28.cd5 cdS 29.!Dc3!
29.t0f6 if6 30.g f6 lie6Ci.S
29 . . . lib7 30.lid3 (6. d2, .!De2)
30 . . . ttlf3?
30 . . . .tf8
l5 . . . 'c8 l 6. .if8 fS 1 7 .g4 f6
31.0 e4 32.lidS!+- oJ!Jic7 33.h3
1 8.g5 tbe4 1 9 . fe4 Van der Wiel-Sax,
c3 34.lic5 e3 3S.e3! 't'cS 36.E:e8
f8 37.!118 f8 38.'i!t'cS 1-0
1 5 . . . !le8 l 6 .g4 ( 1 6.b l ! ? lL!b6
[ 38 ]
Gruneveld 1 7.e l t0d7 1 8.Ad6 f5! l9..ib8 'ribS
De Palma
20.ct)g5 e4 2 Uld2 tOeS 22.e3 f4 !
c o rr., 1990
23 .'c5 e3oo Kosenkov-Nesis, 1 984)
l.e4 c5 VLO d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lDd4 !Df6 1 6 . . . ''c8 ( l 6 . . . ct)b6 1 7 . d8 !led8
s.c3 g6 6. .te3 .ig7 7.0 0-0 8.'t'd2 l 8 .:.d8 lidS l9.b3;!; Oll-Jurt3ev, 1983;
!Dc6 9.0-0-0 dS 10.ed5 d5 l l ..!Lic6 b c6 l 7 .Ad6 !) ( 1 7 .t0d6 36 t 8 .b3!
1 2..id4 e5 13. .ic5 Ac6 14.e4 b8 f6 19.e8 e8 20.g5 t0d7 2 l ..tb4;!;
S hort-S pee l m an, 1 9 S3 ) 1 7 ... la d S ? !
1 5 . g4 f5! ? 1 6. g f5 g f5 1 7 . lig 1 ? ( 1 7 . . . lL!b6 18.d6 a6 19.t0e8 c4! ;
( 1 7.g5) 1 7 . . . fe4 1 8.h6 '&f6 19 . ..g7 l 8 ..2.b6 ab6 19.d6 a6 20.e8 lle S
g7 20.'e6 h8 21 .i.f8 gS 22.'b I 2 l .b3 b5) 1 8.cd5 cd5 1 9.Ae7 ! f5 20.gf5
&f8 23.lie I (23.'c6 tbe3 24 .I;e 1 fl S.f5D 2 l .Ad8 de4 22. dS! Ae6 23. V$d6
25 .!Ifl e3 26.e4 2-+ Dolmatov ef3 24..1Lc7 !+- Pmsad -R3vi Hegde, 1984
16.Af8 .if8 17.cd5
A.Schneider, 19S2) 23 ... e3 24.1le5

1 5 . . . f5? ! 1 6.llJg5 e4 1 7.Ab3 ( 1 7.c3)

17 . . .'f6 1 8 . .i.d4 e3 1 9.e3
15 .. : 'l!Vc7?! ( 1 5 . . . a5 ! ?) 1 6.A.f8 Af8
17 . . . cd5 1 8.c3
( 1 6. . . lif8 1 7./0c5) 1 7.'it-b 1 (o 1 7.Ad5)
1 8.c;i?b1 de4 1 9.fe4 Ab4 b. 't\!'aS+
1 8 . . . 't'S' e 7 1 9. 'f,f e 5 c 8 2 0 . c 3 1 7 . . . b6?! ( 1 7 . . . 't\!'b7) 1 8.Ab3 .a5 1 9.c4
lLle3 ( 1 9 . . . lL!b4 20.c5) 20.c5 ! Ac5
2 l .tL\c5 c5 22...c 1 Af5 23.a 1 t\'d4
24.1!\ld4 ed4 25.g4 !+- Popovic-Smirin,
1 989
16.h4 aS
1 6 . . . c7 1 7.h5 f5 1 8.lLlg5 e4 1 9.Ab3
( 1 9.c3 ! ) 1 9 . . . e3 20.e3 lLle3 2 l .tL\e6
Ab2 22.'it'b2 Iie6?? 23.'tt#e3 1-0 Fernan
dez G:lJ'Cia-Hoffman, 1 989
17.b1 Ab4 1 8.''d3 lt)f4 1 9.c2
Af5 b. e6-d4oo

17 . .ib3 h6 18.g4 .a:as 1 9.a4 1!\lc7

20.g5 hS 21. f2 lied8
20 . . . A g 7 2 1 . 't\!' f4 c 5 ( b. d 4 )
22.:it>d2 b6 23.'it-e l (23.a4? a5
24.r,t?e2 g5+) 23 . . . b2 24 .tll e 2 E.c4
25.''e3 A 26.''b30 Ab4 27.f2 ..tc5
28.'e I Y2-V2 Oil-Basin, 1 985

. 2 I ..S.d2 (2 1 .bl ..tfs-+) d4 22.''d4

2l . . . .i,g7 22.e3 b4 23.d3 d4

23 . . . Af5 24.a3 a4 25.2co


24.a3 a4! 25.e4

25.''d2 dc3 26.E.d8 !idS 27.''d8
..trs 28.bc3 Y:M'a3+
2s . . ..trs
26.b7 dc3 27.c8 Ac8 2 8 . ..d8
Af8 29.lacs f4-+

,S.c3! 0- 1

[ 39 ]

2 2 . .S. d 2 ! B a b 8 2 3 . ..hd 1 'it'h7 ! ?

(23 . . . .S.b7?! 24.Aa3 bb8 25 .tt:lc5 Bar
skij-Kozurov, 1 992) 24.Aa3 Af5 25.tL\c5
( 2 5 . Ad5 c d 5 2 6 . d 5 !i d S 27 .ladS
c4oo) 25 . . . Ib8 26 ..$.d5 cd5 27 ...d5

22 . . . .S.ab8 23.hd l l!d7 24.Aa3

Popovic Sax

JHS 25.Ad5?
Subotica. 1 987
. . . cd5 26..lad5 cid5 27.lad5 1c4
l.e4 c5 2.tiJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4./0d4 CiJf6
S.llJc3 g6 6...Q.e3 .,tg7 7J3 0-0 8.d2 28.l!a5 a2 29.tL\d6
29.tLlc3? a I 30.-cib 1 e4 3 1 .!:ib5 lacS
tt:lc6 9.0-0-0 d5 10.ed5 tL\dS l l .!Oc6 bc6
12 ..td4 e5 13 .i.c5 ..te6 14.!0e4 B:b8 32.B:c5 .S.d8

15..tr4! ..e8

29 . . . e4 30.I!b5 .I;.dS 3 1.fe4?

1 5 . . . 'it?h 8 1 6. h4 f5 1 7 . /Qg5 ..tgB

I 8.h5;!; Sigurjon s son-Kudrin, I 983

31 . . . .ie4?


3 I .Iib3 ef3+

3 l . . . Ae 3 ! ! 3 2 . be 3 a3 3 3 . lib2
32.b6 Ae3 ! 33.d8 h7-+
32. . . a l ?
32 . . . AfS 33.e1 Af8! 34.lib6 d6!
3 S .Ad6 ( 3 S .lid6 lieS-+) 3S .. .' a 1
36.d2 a4-+
33.c;tJd2 b1 34.f7 c;tJhS?
34 . . . c;tJh7 J S .lie3 ( 3 S .e7 g l )
3 S . . . li f8 3 6 .Y$f8 A f8 37 .ne7 rt; g 8
38.lLJe4 Aa3 39.ba3oo
35.c7 nd7 36.c4 h l 37.lib8
q;,b7 38.'g8 1-0

1 7 . . . !lc5 l 8 . f4 E!,ac 8 ? ! ( 1 8 . . . Ad5)

1 9 .li h f l ( l 9 . b4 liSc6 20.b5 'ti'd8
2 l . c6 bc6oo; 1 9 . lide l ! ?) l 9 . . . b5
20.!Ide l d5 2 l .ed5 l0g7 22.Ae4 aS
23.'ti'f2 b4 24.h4 ! (.6.25 .h5 ! l0h5 26.f5)
24 . . . e6 25.de6 fe6 26.'tfd2 l0f5 27.AfS
lif5= Popovic-Ki.Georgiev, 1 992
13 . . . 'ti'a5 14.a3
1 4.'gS gS 1 5.hgS c!L!d7 16.Ag7
rt;g7 l 7. ..ae2 f6 l8.gf6 tt:lf6 l9.lL!bS lieS
20..!l:\d4;!; Ivanehuk-Kir.Georgiev, 1993
14 . . Jiab8

[ 40 ] Hellers - Ki.Georgiev
Haifa, 1989
l.e4 c5 2.tLIO d6 3.d4 cd4 tl)f6
5.lL!c3 g6 6.e3 g7 7.0 0-0 8.'tfd2
c!L!c6 9.0-0-0 c!L!d4 10.d4 e6 1
l l .lLJdS AdS 12.edS e7 13 .g4 feB
( 1 3 . . . li a e 8 1 4 .c3 aS 1 S . g S lL! h S
1 6.Ag7 c!L!g7 1 7.Ah3 a2!? 1 8 .Ac8
lic8Ci5 A.Sokolov- Velimirovic, 1 984)
1 4 . c 3 a S ( 1 4 . . . e S ? ! 1 S .de6 fe6
1 6.Ad3 Timman-A.Miles, 1 977) 1 S.gS
lL!hS 1 6.Ag7 rl;g7 17.c;tJb 1 eS!oo Tim
man-Sosonko, 1 978
l l . . . ''c7 12.g4
1 2.lL!bS 'ti'e6 1 3.h4 ( 1 3.c!L!a7? lia7
1 4.Aa7 'ti'a4-+) 1 3 . . .a6 ( 1 3 . . . lifc8 !?)
14.lL!e3 bS 1 S .hS b4 1 6.lL!e2 aS 17.g4 b3 ! ?
1 8 .eb3 ( 1 8.ab3 a4) 1 8 . . . lL!e4! l9.'ti'e3
lL!f6 20.hg6' hg6oo J .C.Diaz-Estevez,
12 . .rues t3.h4
13.gS tLJhS (13 . . . lL!d7? 14.Ag7 rl;g7
l S.tLJdS ! AdS 16.edS Popovic-Kozul,
1989) 1 4.Ag7 (14.lL!bS!? 'ti'd8 1 S .Ag7
rl;g7 1 6.lLJd4 lieS 1 7.h4 liac8 1 8.lic 1
Hort-Sosonko, 1 9 7 9 ; 1 8 . . . Y$a5 !=)
14 ... c;tJg7 !? 1 5.l0d5 'ti'd7 1 6.'ti'd4 g8
17.Ad3 ( 17.AbS? 'ti'b5 t 8.l0e7 rt;f8+)

1 5.Af6 Af6 1 6.lL!dS 'ti'd2 17 .c!L!f6
'O!i>g7! 1 8 ..!l:\e8 lieS 1 9.!Id2= Kuczynski
Perenyi, 1 98 8
1 5 .ltle2 'ti'd2 ( 1 S . . .' a4 ! ? 1 6.g5
lLJh5oo; 1 6.lL!f4?! Ag4!oo; 1 6.h5? Ji..h6)
1 6.lid2 a6 1 7.l!f4 c!L!d7 18.Ag7 'O!i>g7
1 9.h3 lieS ( 1 9 . . .h6 20.l0e6 fe6 2 l .gS
tLJCS:;t;) 20.g5 h3 2 1 .lih3 h6 (2 1 . .. lih8
22.b4 !?; 2 l . . . h5 22.lL!d5 lieS 23.f4)
22.lL!d5 hgS 23 .hg5 e6 24.b40 lic6
25 . .!l:le3 lih8 26.l:ih8 h8 27.rl;a2!;;!;
J ansa-M.Jirovsky, 1993
15 . . . b5 16.h6
16.ltldS 'ti'd2 17.lid2 lL!dS 18.Ag7
'O!i>g7 1 9.ed5 d7 20.h6 (Kuzmin-Geor
gadze, 1 980) 20 . . .rl;f8=
1 6.hg6 hg6 ( 1 6 . . . fg6 !?; 1 6 . . . b4?
1 7 .gh7 '\t>h8 1 8.l0d5 AdS 19.ed5 Y$a4
20.b3! 'ti'a3 2 l .gS) 17.'ti'gS Y$c7 18.e5
lLJe4! ( 1 8 ...de5 19.e5 'ti'b6oo Sabanov-


Kimefeld, 1 973) 1 9.fe4 de5 20.Af2 b4 [ 4 1 ]

2 l .ab4 !i.b4oo Sisniega-J.C.Fernandez,
corr., 1 987
16 . . . b4!
l.e4 c:S 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 c:d4 4.llld4 lllf6
1 6 ... i.h8 1 7.l0d5 ( 1 7.Af6 Af6
5.l0c:3 g6 6.JJ.. e3 JJ..g7 7.f3 0-0 8."@'d2
1 8.l0d5 b 4 ! + ; 1 7 .g5 b4 1 8 .l0b50 'L)c:6 9.0-0-0 llld4 IO . .id4 JJ..e6 l l. bl
a4 !oo)
"ft/c7 12.h4 l:ifc8 13.h5 aS
17..!Dd5 lOdS 18.bg7 il)c3 19.r;!;>al
13 ...l0h5? 1 4.JJ..g7 g7 1 5.g4 l0f6
1 6. h6 g8 1 7 .e5 ! de5 1 8.g5 l0h5
1 9.i.d3+- Evans-Zuckennan, 1 967

1 4.a3 ..ab8?! ( 1 4 .. .l0h5!?) 15.h6!
A.h8 1 6.JJ..f6 JJ..f 6 ] 7 .l0d5 'ti!t'd2 1 8.l0f6
ef6 1 9.,l;.d2 Gufeld

1 9 ...ba3 20 .bc3 a2 2 l . h6 l::I b l

22.gb1 ab 1 "@' 23. b1 lab8 24. 1 +20.e l
20."t'#h6 (20.c l ba3) n 2 l ."@'h7
20 . . .!DbS

14.h6 JJ..h 8 ( 1 4 ... .lac3 15.t3 "@'a2

1 6.\t/c l i.h8 1 7 .JJ..d 3 ..cS 1 8."@'b4;;!;
Psa.khis-Jurtaev, 1 980) 15.a3 ( 15.JJ..f6?
.S.c3!+) 1 5 . . .ttJd7 1 6.JJ..h 8 ( 1 6.f4 i.d4
1 7.d4 l0f6 1 8.f5 gf5 1 9.l0d5 JJ..dS
20.ed5 '@c5c:o Dolmatov-V asiukov,
1 9 8 1 ) 16 . . . \t/hS 1 7.l0d5 d2 18 ..lad2;!;
Psa.khis-Taborov, 1 979
14 ...hg6 15.a3 .l;.ab8

20...ba3 2 l.b3 ! t:. .lae3

21 .-tbS 'ti!t'bS 22.Iibl ba3 23.b3 'ti!t'b4

l4 ..ta7
24.'e3 a5 25.laeh1 a4 26.lah7 ab3
27 .cb3 ( 2 7 .lahS f7 28.g8 .Bg8
29 ..B1h7 e8 30.cb3 "t'#b3+) 27 ... g5
2 .e5 (28.l:ih8 n 29.B 1 h7 lag8 ! )
2 8 ... de5 29.Ae5 b3 30.!i.h8 Q;;n
3 1 .g S"t'U .l;.g8 32. la8h 7 f8 33. b3
15 . . . JJ..c 4?! 1 6.,l;.h3 ! ( 1 6.JJ..c4 ..c4 t:.
.lab3-+ Ponce-Ravelo, 1 990
ltJe4) 1 6 . . . b5 1 7.JJ.. c 4 bc4 ( 1 7 . . . lac4
24. . "@'d2 2S.lad2 liaS 26.Ad4 h6!
1 8 . ..dh 1 ) 1 8 . ..dh 1 ..ab8 (Short
27.a2 g7+ 28.lae3 laa4! (.629...c3
Velimirovic, 1 985) 19. c l ! lab7 20.g4
.lad4-+) 29.c:4 laa6 30.lac3 gS 3I.!idc:2
.);.cbS 21 .'@h2+JJ..n 32.,te3 hS 33.gh5 .thS 34 .tc:l .tn
16.JJ..d 3
3S.c5?? dc:S 36.lac5 !ib8 37.la2c3
1 6.i.f6 ( 1 6.g4 b5) JJ..f6 17.l0d5 '@d2
laab6-+ 38.a3 ..b3 39.lab3 l:lb3
40.a4 laf3 0-1
18.l0f6 g7 1 9.l0h5 gh5 20.lad2 !ih8=


1 a4 ( 1 6 . . . d2 1 7 .!id2:;t;)
17.g4 bS 1 8.g5 b4c:o Ivanovic-Velimi
rovic, 1 98 1
16 . . . .Ac4
16 . . . b5 1 7.g5 .i.c4 1 8. f4 ( 1 8 . .i.c4
!lc4 1 9:tOd5) 18 . . . e5 1 9.fe5 b4 20.ef6
gS 2 l .fg7 f6 22.Ac4 g7 23.tiJd5+
Cuijpers-Berendse, I 984
16 . . . b5 1 7.\!tgS d5 1 8 .ed5 ( 1 8.e5 b4
l 9.ab4 'Vb4 l0d7c:o) 1 8 . . . b4
1 6 . . . b5 1 7 .'Vg5 'f8c7 1 8 .e5 deS
19.Ae5 'VcS 20.f4 Van der Wiel-Sax,
l7.Ac4 ( 17.f4 b5) !lc4 18.Af6 Af6
1 9 . tt)d5 d2 20 .!ld2 g7= S . M ar
janovic-Mesing, 1984
17 . . . bS 18.Ac4
1 8.g5? e5-+
18 . . . bc4
t8 . . . lic4 t9.Af6 .i.f6 20.l0d5 ! d2
21 .lid2 rt;g7 22.lidh2 ,l;.g8 23.lih7 f8
24.tLlf6 ef6 25.lid1;!;;
19.<itlc l ( 1 9.a l !?) lib7=
19 . . . lib7?!
1 9 . . . lic6 ! ? 20.!ib l (20.tLld5 d2
21 .lid2 l0d5 22.ed5 lieS 23.Ag7 rt;g7=;
20.g5 lia6=; 20.'Vh2? ! lia6 2 1 .tLld5
tt)hS !) 20. . .lia6 (.6.21 . . . lib2-+) 2 1 .a1
(2 l .c 1 eS 22.Ae3 dS 23.Ah6 Ah6
24.lih6 d4) 2 1 . . .e5 !? (21 . . . e6; 21 . . . gS !?)
22.Ae3. d5 ! 23 .Ah6 ! (23.ed5 l0d5+)
23 . . . t2Je 4 ! ! (23 . . . A h 8 ? 24 . A f8 ! ;
23 . . . Ah6? 24. 'ti'h6 lOhS ! c3
2 6 . bc 3 +-) 2 4 . fe4 d4 2 5 .tt)a2 ! c3 !
26.'Vc l ! cb2 27.lib2 Ilb2 28.'tli'b2 Ah6
29.lih6 'tli'el 30.'ti'c lc:o
20.lih3 llcb8 21.libl e6 22.g5
22.'Vh2? ! e5 ! 23.Ae3 'Vc3! 24.bc3
!lb l 25.a4=
22 . . .tLlh5 23 .tg7 g7 24.'tli'd6 llb6

24 . . . 'tli'c3? 25 .b8+24 . . . g5? 25.h2+2S.'t!Vd2 lla6 26.c;!;la l c;!;lg8 27.'t!Vd4

27 . . .'b4 28.IDth 1
2 8 . 'Vc4+- li a b 6 2 9 . tLla4 ll b S
30.'flgc3 't!VeS 3 1.''eS lieS 32.b4 a5
33.tLlcS lla8 34.tLld3 ligS 3S.b5 !ib8
36.c4 t2Jf6 37.eS tLld7 38.c:S f6 39.!4 !ihS
40.!ih5 ghS 41.b6 r7 42.b7 c;!;le7 43.c6
rt;d8 44.cd7 1-0

[ 42 ]

Timoshenko Gallagher

Jaclcsonville, 1 990

l.e4 c:S 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 tLlf6

S.liJc3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.0 0-0 s:d2
l0c6 9.0-0-0 J,d7 10.g4 !ic:S U.h4
1 1 .l0c:6!? bc6 l2.h4 't!VaS l 3.Ac4 lib8
1 4.Ab3 .A.e6 1 5 ..Ah6 cS 1 6. .Ag7 c;!;lg7
1 7 .e5 !;!;; Kapengut-Stukaturkin, 1979
11 . . . tOeS
l l . . .'fBaS 1 2.b l l0d4 ( 1 2. . . lifd8
1 3 .tLlb3 'tli'c7 1 4.h5 Huebner-Hort,
1 979) 13.Ad4 fd8 14.h5;!; Huebner
1 2.h5 aS ( 1 2. . . tLlc4 13.Ac4 !lc4
1 4.hg6 fg6 I S.eS ! Klavin-Heuer, 1 963)
1 l1c3 ! 14.c3 c3 15.bc3 l0f3 ! !
1 6.tLlf3 (1 6.hg6 hg6 17.l0f3 Ag4 t8.Ag2
l0e4) 16 . . . Ag4 I7.Ag2 tLle4.6. 1 8.Ad4?
es 1 9.h6 Ah8 20.llde l Af3 2t .Af3 l0d2
22.c;!;lc l l0f3 23.llefl ed4 24.g_f3 dc3-+
12 . . . aS 13.tLld5 'Vd2
13 . . . 'Vd8 1 4.l0f6+14.l0e7 h8


15 ..id2!

1 5 . ..d2 laceS 1 6.lLld5 lLld5 1 7.ed5

15 ...,cle8 16. .ib4 lLlf3! ?
1 6 . . . ..e7 1 7. .id6 llfe8 1 8 . ..Q.e7 .Be7
1 9.Ae2
17.t:Of3 lt:le4 18.lLld5 _ig4 19. .ig2

1 9 ..ie2? lLlg3-+
19 . . . t()f2 20. .id6 llg8! h6!
21 . . . .ie6? 22.tLlc7!+22.n h7 23...dn lLlhi 24 .Bhl
24.Ah 1 ? Ae6-+
24 . . . ..e2 llg2!! 26.t0g2 .tn


27..Bg1 !? Ad4 28.lLle1 .ig1 29.lLlf3

.if2 30.c4 g7 3 l .lLl7e5 .ladS 32.Ac7!

(1 0 . . . lt:le5 1 l .Ab3 'tlfb8 1 2.h4 Hartson

Ciocaltea, 1 972; 1 0 . . . ncB 1 l .'it;b1 'l!i!c7
1 2 . .ib3 a6 1 3.g4 Bellin-Meste1, 1 984;
13 . . . b5 14.g5 lLlh5 1 5.lLld5:t) 1 l .Ab3
lt:lb3 1 2.cb3 a6 1 3.d2 b5 14.1ittb 1 b4
1 5 .lt:lce2 'l!i!b8 1 6.g4 d5 1 7.g5 lt:le8 1 8.ed5
'tVb7 1\f4 lt:lc7 20.lLlc6 .ic6 2 1 .dc6
c6\d5 it)d5 23.'t!t'd5 ..ac8 24.c6
..c6= J.Amason-Petursson, 1 992
9 . e2 lt:la5 1 0 . .id3 ( 1 0 . ..tb3 e5
1 1 .lLldb5 a6 1 lLlb3 1 3 .ab3 d5+)
1 0 . . . e5 ( 1 0 . . . it)c6 1 1 .0-0-0 lLld4 1 2...td4
.ie6 1 3 . .ic4 Keres-Lombardy, 1 969)
1 1 . lLlb3 .ie6 ( l l . . . d5 1 2 . ed5 lt:ld5
1 3 .lt:ld5 'tVd5 1 4..ie4 d8 1 5 .0-0 lt)c6
1 6.nfd 1 Hellers-T.Emst, 1 98 8) 12.0-0
llc8 1! ( 1 3.llfd 1 it)c4 14 ..ic4 ii.c4
1 5 .f2 b6 1 6 . .Bd2 c7 1 7 . l ? !
lt:le8 ! + Tal-Gufeld, 1 972; 1 7.a4 c6
1 8 .a5 llb 8 = ) 1 3 . . . a5 1 4 .lLlb5 d 5
1 5 .lt:la7 llcd8 1 6.lLlb5 Bd7 ( 1 6 . . . de4
17.fe4 .ig4 1 8."e1) 17.'@e l (17..ic5 !
I;.cS 1 8 . b4 a S 1 9 .a4 ;l;; ) 1 7 . . . a 8
1 8 . .g5 lieS 1 9.a4 de4 20.Af6 Af6
2 l .fe4 .g7CX5 Frolov-B .Aiterman, 1990

B.d 1 33.<;&c2 llh l 34.Ad8co

27.. J ie8 28 ..ig3 I;.f'8!= 29.g5 hg5

9.. . Ad7 IO.h4

1 .l;b8 1 1 .0-0 b5 1 2.lllf4 a5

1 3 .a4 ( 13.a3 a4 1 4.Aa2 b4+) 1 3 . . . b4 !=
30.hg5 c;1?g8 31.lLlel ..dB 32.lLld3 Ae4
Bologan-Ki.Georgiev, 1 992
33. ..d2 ladS 34.Af4 llf5 35. .ie3 .Bn
36.l2lcl .ie5 37.llf2 llf2 38.Af2 a6

10 . . . h5 ll.'l!i!e2

38 . . . .if4!?
39.Ae3 f 7 (40 . .. e6
4I.tLld4 .id4=) 1h-112

[ 43 ]

Velimirovic Ki.Georgiev
Sarajevo, 1 986

l.e4 c5 2. lt:lf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lLld4 lt:\f6 g6 6..ie3 Ag7 7 .f3 0-0 8. .ic4 lt:\c6
9 . .ib3

9.e2 .id7 (9 . . . lt:le4? 1 lt:lc3

1 1 .l2\d8 l2le2 1 2 . .!Lln) 1 0.0-0-0 lt:la5

l l .. J1c8

I I . . . e4 1 2.c6 'Oc3 1 3.d8 e2

! 4.f7 g3 1 5 ..!!Je 5 cc1ih7 1 6.d7 !ifd8!
( I 6 . . . h i 1 7.f8+-) 1 7.!ih3 fSc:c
1 1 . . . a6 1 2 .0-0-0 aS I 3 . g 4 eS
1 4 .llJf5 gf5 I 5 .ef5 Ab5 1 6 .'t!Vg2 hg4
I 7 .hS cc1ih7 I 8.fg4 Ac6 I 9.'h3 llJg4!?
20 .'g4 .h 1 2 l ...h 1 Ah6 22.Ah6
cc1ih6-+ Kontic-Kosanovic, 1 987
12.0-0-0 tOeS
1 2 . . . aS 1 3 . g4 hg4 I 4 .h5 !Ub3
I S. ab3 gf3 1 6.f3 ..c3 1 7.bc3 ''aS
l8 ..i.d4 e5 l9.h6 ed4 Z.O:'Dd4- 't!Vg5-,+
Kontic-I.Markovic, I 989
I 3 .cc1ib l !ic3 ! ? 1 4.bc3 't!VaScc
13 . . . dS 14.ed5 (6.15.g4 hg4 16.f4)
14 . . . a50 15.a4 e8 ! 1 6.b5 Ab5
17 .''bS b5 1 8.ab5 l!:lc4+
17 . . . 't!Vd7 't!Vf5 1 9.!id4 ljd7

lt::lc 6 9 ..ic4 .i.d7 10 . .i.b3 d4 U ..td4


20 . . . h g 4 2 1 . fg4 't!V e S 2 2 . c 3 !
(6.23:0; 23. ..ic2) 22 . . . rso 23.grs
23.Ac2 f4 24...e4 d5 25.!id I f3 !co
23 . . . 't!Vf5 24. .i.c2 f3 2S.'f3?
2S.'t!Ve l eS 26.hS ghS 27.!idh4
25 . . . !if3 26.!ie4 (26. . . lt::le5=) lfl-1/1

[ 44 ]

Tolnai Leko

Magyarorszag, 1 992

l.e4 c:S 2.lC!f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 lt::lf6 g6 6...ie3 ..ig7 7.f3 0-0 8.gtd2

1 2.0-0-0 aS 1 3.a3 b4 14.d5 d5+
Damjanovic-Musil, 1 969
t 2.l!:ld5 d5 I3 . ..tg7 'ittg7 I4.Ad5
:.c8 I 5 .d4 ( 1 5 .h4 h6=) 1 5 . . . 'ittg8 16.c3
a5 17 .a3 Ae6 I 8.Ae6 fe6 19.0-0 .S:c4=
Zuravlev-Lazarev, 1 963
1 2. a4 b4 ( 1 2 . . . ba4 1 3 .lt::la4 Ae6=)
1 ( 13.e2 e5 14 ..i.e3 ..ie6 1 5.Ae6
fe6 1 6.!id1 d5 ! 1 7.b4 labS+) 1 3 . . . .!lJd5
I 4.ed5 ( 1 4 . ..tdS ? ! .i.d4 1 S .'t!Vd4 !ic8
1 6 . ..tb3 ''a5 1 7.0-0 ''cS=) 14 . . . Ad4
1 5 .''d4 aS 1 6.0-0! Romanovskij-Niko
Iaevskij, 1 963
I 2 .0-0 a5 ( 1 2 . . . b4 1 3 .tl)d5 .!Od5
1 4 . .i.d5 .i.d4 1 5.d4 !ic8= Kaplan
Levy, 1 970) 13.a4 ( l 3.a3 !ib8 1 4.e2
'f!/c7 1 5 . .i.c3 b4 1 6.ab4 ab4 1 7 . .i.d4
!ib7= Smyslov-Rabinovic, 1 939) 13 . . . b4
1 4.lLld5 ( 1 4 ..!lJb5 Ac6 1 5 .c3 bc3 16.'c3
'f!/ d 7 = O rn s te i n - F o r i n t o s , 1 9 72)
1 4 . . . tDd5 1 5.ed5 .i.d4 1 6. 'f!/d4 !icS= Be
liavsky-Gufeld, 1 975
1 2 . . . a5 13.h5
1 3 .a4 ba4 ( l3 . . . b4 1 4.d5 e6 15.lZ:lf6
.i.f6 1 6 . .i.f6 'f!/f6 1 7 .0-0-0t) 1 4.lLla4
( 14 . .i.a4 !ib8 15 . ..ib3 eS 1 6..i.e3 Ae6
17 ..i.e6 fe6 1 8.0-0-0 d5= Nei-A.Geller,
1 963) I 4 . . . e5 1 5 .Ae3 ( l 5 .Ac3 Ab5
1 6.g4 d5! 17 ...td5 lt::ld5 1 8.''d5 'f!/b8!05
K1ovans-Cseshkovsky, 1 975) 15 . . . .Ae6


20 ...nn 2l.Ab4 lid7! 22.edS lidS

23.e3 .ars 24.0-0

16.l!Jb6 ( 1 6 . .ab6 'tiVeS 1 7 .0-0 .ab3!

1 8.cb3 e6 1 9.lafd 1 "t\!'b3 20.d3=)
16 ...!rb8 1 7.ll\c4 ( 1 7 ./Od5 .,ads 1 8.ed5
e4+; 1 7.a5 .,ab3 1 8.cb3 d5 1 9.lDd5
lL)d5 20.'f#d5 d5=) 17 ... Ac4! ( 1 7 ...d5
18.lL!a5 d4 1 9 . .,ags Ab3 20./0b3 b6oo
Beliavsky-A.Miles, 1 973) 1S ..ac4 B:b2
1 9 . ..Q.b3 d5! 20.ed5 e4 2 I ..ad4 B:b3
22.cb3 ef3 + 23.gf3? d5 24.0-0 lDe4!-+
13 ...eS
1 3 . . . a4 1 4 . .af6 ef6 1 5 . .ad5 I!cS
16.hg6 ( 1 6.a3 f5 1 7./0a2 fe4+) 1 6... hg6
17.h6! b4 1 8.I!g6 h7! 1 9.B:g7 g7
20./0e205 Apicella-Moldovan, 1 993

24.l:ic 1 Ac2 25.lDc3 l:id4 26.l:ic2

(26.Ac5 .af5!) 26 . . . lib4 27./0e4 l:iab8
28.0-0 l:ib2 +
24 . . . labS! 25.a3
25 ..ac3? .ars-+

2S . . . Ac2 26.tvl2 lieS 27 ..fel e4!

28 ..t.c3 Ac3 29.ll\c3 lid2 30.l:ie2 lie2

31.lDe2 ef3?
3 1 . . . d2! 32.fe4 l:if8 33.'tle1 t!t'e3
3 4 . h 2 l:i f2 3 5 .ll\g3 f3 3 6 . g 1

32.ll\d4! .!e4 33. ..e1 AdS 34.lL!O

14.Ae3 a4 1 S.Ad5 b4 16.tlle 2 lDdS
f6 35.ll\d4?
35.'&'d4 d4 36./0d4 ]ib8+

1 7 .ed5 'IJ!!e7 18.hg6 fg6 1 9.Ah6 Ah6

20."t\!'h6 Iifc8 2 l ."t\!'d2 Af5 22.c3 a3+
Gusev-Hasin, 1 977
17 .. .ie6 18.YA!'d2 dS!

3S . . . g5 36./00 t!t'fS 37./0d4 g4

38...e2 .,ag2
38 . . ...f8-+ 39.I!e3 .an 40 ..f3 liO
41.0 0 42.gf3 'itfl 0-1

[ 45 ]

Mortensen L.Karlsson
Esbjerg, 1984

l.e4 cS 2.ll\f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll\d4 /0f6

S.lDc3 g6 6 .ie3 .ig7 7.0 0-0 8.d2
.!Dc6 9.Ac4 .id7 10.0-0-0 ..c8 l l ..!b3
.!DeS 12.g4

1 2.lihe1 ll\c4 1 3..!c4 ..c4 J4.'b 1

'&'b8 1 5.g4 b5 1 6.g5 b4! 1 7./0ce2 /Oe8
( l 7 . . .lD h 5 ! ? ) 1 8.ll\b 3 c7 1 9. d 3
Ab5:x: Janev-Tiviakov, 1 989
12 ..ih6 .ah6 ( 1 2 ...ll\c4!? 1 3.Ac4
Ah6 14. h6 ..c4 1 5.h4 ..c3! 1 6.bc3
a5 1 7. d2 ..c8 + Kagan-Lee, 1 966)
1 3 . h6 ..c3 1 4 .bc3 a5! ( 1 4 . . . 'lh5
1 5.b2 ..c8 16.''d2 b6 1 7.a1 a5
1 8 .Ad5 llld5 1 9.ed5 l0c4oo) 1 5.a3 ( 1 5.a4
19.Ac5 de4! 20.Af8 f8 2 1 .hg6 hg6 '&/c7 1 6.'&'e3 '&'c5 1 7.d2 .aa4! 1 8.laa 1
22.fe4 "t\!'c505
Ab3 1 9.cb3 d5 ! + Geller-Korchnoi, 1 97 1 )
19 . . . fg6 20.Ac5
1 5 .. .a 4 1 6 . .aa2 '&'a5 1 7.tvd2 lieS
20.1!t'b4 lib8 2 1 . a3 '@'aS! +
1 8.b2 b6 19.a1 '&/aS 20.b2=

18 ...b3 1 9.cb3 ( l 9..ah6 Ah6 20.h6

"t\!'c7+) 1 9 ...ab3 20.a3 d5oo Romanishin
A.Miles, 1973
18 . . . "t\!'b8?! 1 9.Ah6 Ah6 20."t\!'h6
l:ia7 2 l .f4 ! ef4 't1Vc8 23.0-0 Ac4
24.l:H2 '&'g4 25.a3 b3? 26.cb3 .ab3
27.l:iaf l I!a5 28.hg6 hg6 29./0g6 1-0 Tol
nai-J.Stojnov, 1 992


12 . . . b5!
12 . .. a5?! 13.a4!
13.h4 b4
14.COd5 ds 15.Ad5 e6 16.Ab3
14 . . . a5 15.a4
15.h5 a4 16.hg6 ab3-+
15 . . . ba3 b6! (17.. 1"3
18.cOf3 b3) 17.Aa2 b7 (618 . . . li)f3 e4) 18.g2 l:lb8 19.c3 l:lfc8

20 . . . li)f3!? 2l.hg6 hg6 22.f3 tt:Je4!

12 . .. aS !? 13.h4 1:lc3 14.'1tlc3 b5 15.a3

'/!:VaS 1 6. d2 l:lc8oo Glauser-Velimi
rovic, 1973
13.Ac4 !lc4 14.g4
14. h 4 b5 ! 1 S . h5 b4 1 6 . .:Uce2 eS !
17 .lDb3 d5 !+
14.l!Jb3 ?! aS 1S.l!Jd5 l!Jd5 16.d5
14 . . . b5

1 4 . . . c7 ( l 4 . . . aS ? ! 1S.l!Jb3 ! )
1S.h4 !reB 16.hS;;!;

1 S.h4 b4! 16.l!Jd5 e6 ( l

22 .. . e4? 23 . fB 24.i:rde1
'@ f6=) 17 . . . a5 1 8 .ll)d3 li)e4 ! 19. fe4
( 6 2 5 . !l h B ..thS 2 6 . A h 6 ) 24 . . . g4
25.g4 Ag4 26.cOg5+l S.gS li)h5 1 b8 1Vijd4
23 ...tdS?
!Ifc8 ( 17 . . . l!Jf4 !? 1 8.ce2 e2 19.e2
23.Ad4? li)c3 24.bc3 A.d4 25.!ld4 !rfcB 20.!:id2 !lb4! 2 1.l!Jb3 aS; 1B.l!Jd5?!
l!JdS 1 9.ed5 Ad4 20.Ad4 A.f5) 1 ! li)c3 (23. . . d5 ! ?) 24.b7 ( 1 8.a l li)f4!) 1B . . . <;!;lf8 19.c3 e6 20.l!Jf6
li)a2 25.b1 1:lb7 26.<;!;la2+
l!Jf6 2 1.gf6 A.f6+ Byme-Soltis. 1971
23 . . . b4-+ 24.Ae4 ..c3 25.c2
1S.l!JcbS ! ? eS !? (15 ... b8 16.ttJa3 ! ?)
l:lc2! 26.c2 Ab2 27.b1 A.d4 28.<;!;lcl 16.l!Jd6 !rd4 17.Ad4 ed4 1 8.!!'d4 ( 18.e5
a3 0-1
tLl g 4 ! ? 1 9. fg 4 A e 5 2 0 .l!Jc4 A g 7 )
1 8 ... l!Jg4 19.'a7 f6 20.c3 Q:)eS
Schekachev [ 46 ]
15 . . . b8 16.l!Jd4


1 6.b3 AbS ! 17 .bc4 Ac4 1 8.<;!;la 1

( 1 B . c 1 1!#b4 1 9 .tLlb l +) 18 . . . 1!#b4
1.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4.cOd4 tl:lf6 19.Ad4 (19.!ib 1 1!#a5) 19 . . . eS (19 .. .'aS g6 6.i_e3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2 20.g5 ! ) 20.Ae3 aS 2 l.gS (2l .!ib1 d5 !
ll)c6 9.Ac4 ..td7 10.0-0-0 l:lc8 1 t.Ab3 22.Ilb2 d4 23.l!Jd5 a6; 23 . . . d8)
2 l . . .l!Je8 ! 22.llb I dS ! 23.edS (23.llb2 d4
li)eS 12.<;!;lb1 li)c4

Dimitrograd, 1988


24 .li)dS dB) 23 . . . d6 24.I!b2 e4

2S.Ad4 e3 26.d 1 c3 ! 27.Ac3 Ac3
16 . . . I!fc8 17.'it;a1
1 7. 1 ( 1 7.b3 ?! Ag4!?; 1 7. . . a5 !)
Ag4 1 8.fg4 I!c3 1 9. bc3 li)e4
17 . . . Ag4!
l 7 . . . Ae6 1 8. de2?! ( 1 8 . I! b l ! oc)
1 8 . . . Ag4! 1 9.eS Af3 20.ef6 .Q.f6+
18.fg4 e4 19.-&e2
l 9.'e l li)c3 20.bc3 Iic3+
1 9.e4 !!c2 20.I!bI (20.'c2 I!c2
2 l .b 1 Ad4 2 2 . Ad4 c4 2 3 J h d 1
e5-+) 2 0 . . . !id2 2 1 .li)d2 e5 22.t2l4b3
rs !+ 23. gfS gfS 24..bhg 1 f4 25.Af2 d5
26..th4 h8 27.I!bc 1 e4-+ Yim-Nesis,

19 . . . I!c3 !?

24.Ac 1 "&d5 25.a6 I!c4 26.I!e 1


24 . . .' dS

25 .b2

25:th6 .bb8 26.Ad6 d3 2 7 .AbB


b8 0-1

[ 47 ] A.Mikhalchishin
Hastings, 1 98 6

l.e4 c S d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tL\d4 f6

S.,!LJc3 g6 6 ..e3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8."&d2
,!Uc6 9.Ac4 _A.d7 1 0.0-0-0 I!c8 l l.Ab3
tOeS 12.Ag5 'l!!!'a S
12 . . . ltJc6?! 1 3.ltJc6! Ac6 ( 1 3 . . . bc6
1 4 .e5 ltJe8 1 5.ed6 l0d6 1 6.he1 e8
1 7.e7 l:ie7 1 8.d6+-; 13 . . . c6 1 4.e5
deS 1 5 .Af6 ..d6 1 6.''d6+-) 1 4 .h4!
aS ( 1 4 . . . b5 1 5 .hS b4 1 6. A f6 ! bc3
1 7.Ac3 Ac3 1 8.'c3 Ae4 1 9.'d4+-)
15 .r;t>b1 ! I!fd8 ( l S . . J;re8 1 6.Af6 Af6
1 7 .li)d5 d2 1 8.,!Uf6 ef6 1 9 .Bd2 I!cd8
20 . ..hd 1 +-) 1 6 .h5 ! "&e5 ( 1 6 . . . l0h5
1 7.ltJd5 ! "t:#d2 1 8 .ltJe7+-) 1 7 .hg6 hg6
1 8.Af4 ! '&aS 1 9 .h6+- g5 20.Ag5 c;!;lf8
2 l .Ah6 ltJg8 22. f4 1 -0 Mikhalchishin
Tolnai, 1 9 89

1 9 . . . c3 20.bc3 ..c3 2 1 .d2 b4

1 2 . . .b5 ? ! 1 3 ..!2ldb5 AbS 1 4.l0b5 b6
22 .gb l a4 23 . ..b2 d5 24 .' f2 ! a6 "&a3 26.I!b3 ..b3 27.ab3 I!c5 . 1 5.'e2 I!cS 1 6 ..!2lc3 ltJd3 1 7.I!d3 ligS
28.c3 ! I!c3 29.I!c2 Ad4 30.Ad4 b3 1 8 . f4 ..aS 1 9.e 1 Planinc-A.Miles,
3 1 .b2 d1 32.a2 '&a4 33.'it>b l I!c8 1 975
3 4 . e 3 ! d l 3 5 . a 2 a4 1h - Y.z
Richardson-Nesis, 1 987
1 3 .b1 lacS 1 4.l0d5 ( 1 4.Af6 Af6
20.bc3 tt:\c3 21. d2
1 5 .tt)d5 d2 1 6 . .!Llf6 \t'g7=) 14 . . . ltJd5
2 1 . a6 li)d 1 22..S.d I fic2+
1 5 .a5 a5 1 6.d5 (1 6.ed5) 1 6 . . . e6!=
2l . . . a8 22."&d3? !
Byrne-Sosonko. 1 9..76
22.c l d5 23.'b2 .!Lid ! (23 . . . e5?
13 . . J lc5
24.f5!) 24.I!d l "t:#e4-+
1 3 . . . li)c4? 1 4.Sc4 I!c4 1 5 .e5 deS
22 . . . eS 23 ...dfl ?!
6.l2lb3+23 ..Bde l +
14.f4 ltjc6
23 . . . ed4 24.Af4

26.g3 b5 27.l!)f3 aS 28.a3 g7

29.1id4! d8 30.'e2 Ad6 J l.tUeS VJ/i e7
32.1id2 lUe4?
32. . . b7
33.1id5 .i.e5 34.'e4 lidS 35.VJt/dS
Af6 36.'bS VJ/iel 37.a2 d2
37 . .. .i.c3 38.'c4!
38.'a5 h2 39.c7 h6 40.g4 ! 1-0

[ 48 ] Wahls - B.Alterman

Manila, 1992
1S.l!)c6 Ac6 16.lUdS d2 17.1id2
l.e4 cS 2.l!)f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t!Jd4 lUf6
AdS 1 8.ed5 !le8 19 . ..aa4 bS 20.b4 !rd5
g6 6.e3 JJ.. g7 7.f3 0-0 8.''d2
2 1 .Af6 lid2 22.Ag7 iig2 23.Abs iic8c:c
c!Oc6 9.JJ..c4 ..ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS l l.JJ..b3
1S.eS? deS 1 6.Af7 !lf7 17.lUb3 b4
.!LieS 12. .ltgS tL!c4 13.Ac4
1 8. .i.f6 ef6 19.lie4 lic4 20.a3 c3 !
1 3 .e2 b2 14.b2 lic3 1 S .JJ.. f6
2 l .bc3 lie4-+ Jadoul-Ernst, 1988
lib3 16.ab3 f6 1 7.c3 b6 ( l 7 . . . aS
15 . . . Ae6
1 8 . f4 c7 19Jihe1 lic8 20.e3 eS
1S.. . Ag4! ? 16.c;!;b1 lic8 (16 . . . ...a. n
2 l . fe5 Ae5oo Westerinen-Tarj an, 1 974)
17.gf1 1ic8 18.fS) 17.lUdS lUd5 1 8.ed5
1 8 . f4 e5 1 9. fe5 JJ.. eS 2 0 . d 3 IreS
lUb4 19.a3 lic2 20.Ac2 lic2 21. b4
21.lihfl JJ.. e 6 22. ..c 1 JJ..c4 23 .'h3 lic7+
b4 22.ab4 lib2 23.c;!;c l lig2 24.lig l
Nunn-Mestel, 1976
lig l 2S .lUg l Adl 26.c;!;d l e6 27.de6
13 . . Jic4 14.e5
fe6oo Leko-Sal anzi, 1 993
16.c;.t;bl lic8 17.lUd5 AdS
17. . . lUdS ? ! 18.ed5 (1 8.'aS? ltJaS
1 9.edS AfS+) 18 . . . lUb4 19.de6 ..c2
20.ef7 h8 2 l .c2! lic2 22.lUd4 ! gc8
23.lie7+18.ed5 c!Ob4 19.c3!
19.a3 lUfd5 ?! 20.ab4! lUb4 2 l.ltJd4
.ltd4 22.d4 lic2 23 . .i.h6 eS 24.feS+

19 . . . lUbd5
19 . . . lUfdS? ! 20.cb4 lUb4 2 l .a3 ..c2
22. .i.c2 lic2 23.ab4
14.lLlb3 ! ? JJ..e60 15.eS lUe8 16.lih e 1 !
20.Af6 lUf6 21.lie7 dS 22.lUgS
(16.ed6? ! lUd6 l 7 . .lte7 "f1/ e 7 1 8."tlt'd6
22.lUeS l!)e4 23.d4
f6) 16 . . . c7 17 .b5 'f!/b6 18.tLla3
22 . . . li8c7 23.e3 .ltf8
lic7 1 9.Ae3 (R.Mainka-A .Schneider,
23 . . . c;!;f8? 24.lif7! lif7 2S.cS ! cS 1987) 19.. . "f1/a6 ! 20.ed6 tljd6 21.tLlcS
lieS 22.JJ..cS tL!c4 23.tL!c4 't\c4 24.'&b4
"f1/a2oo (24 . . . Ah6 !?)
24.lic7 'f!/c7 25.eS 'f!/d6
25 . . ."eS 26.fcS lUe4 27.lUf1
14 . . . de5


1 4 . . . lOeS !? 1 5 Jlhel ..Q.e5 ( 1 5 . . . f6

1 6.ef6 ! ) 1 6 .Ile5 de5 1 7 .4:\db5 4:\d6 !
I S.l0d6 Ild4 1 9.'e2 f6!
1 4 . . . lOeS ! ? 1 5 .e2 Ilc3 ! 1 6.ed6
(1 6.bc3 ..Q.e5) 16 . . . a5 ! ! 6 1 7 .Ad2
a2 I S ...Q.c3 ..th6
14 . . . ttJeS ! ? 1 5.l2)d5 ! f6 1 6.ef6 l2)f6
( 1 6 . . . ef6 1 7 ...Q.f4 l0c7 1\e3 !) 1 7.4:\f6
l:lf6! I S ...Q.f6 ( 1 S.b3 l:lc5 1 9.Af6 ..Q.f6oo)
I S . . . ..af6 1 9 ..!De2 Ae6!oo
1 5 .ti)b3 lac70 1 .a5 1
'f/ic7 I S.'it'b l ( I S .g4 .e6 1 9.Ilhe1 lacS
20. 'it>b 1 tl)d5oo Byrne-Tarjan, 1 97 5 )
1 S . . J!cS 1 9.1 ! b6 ( 1 9 . . . c2 20.'{g'c2
Ac2 21 .lac 1 ..Q.f5 22.E.cS AcS 23.lac 1 !:::.
.c7+-) 20.c3 Shirov-Petrenko, 1 9S4
1 5 .lL\db5 a6 ( 1 5 . . . b6 1 6. ..Q.f6 ..Q.b5
1 7.l0d5 e6 1 S ..!De7 hS 19 ...Q.g7 g7
20.lL\d5 6 .he I ) 1 6.Af6 ..Q.f6 ( 1 6 . . . ef6
1 7.d7 a5 I S .lad5 !;;!;) 1 7 .'t!,Vd7 'f/ib6
( 1 7 . . ." a5 1 8 . 'fli b 7 ab5 1 9 . 'f/i b 5 )
1 8 ..!2l d 5 ( 1 S .l0a3 ? Ilc3 ! 1 9.bc3 .g5
2 0 . : d 2 la d S 2 1 . tl)c 4 lad7 22 . .!D b 6
l;d2-+; 1 S.'it'b 1 ! ?) I S . . . 'flib5 1 9.ll)e7
..Q.e7 20.'t!.Ve7 (A.Mikhalchishin-B asin,
1 985) 20 . . .lafcS 2 1 .lad8 ladS 22. 'flidS

16 . . . .ars 1 7.4:\c7 c7 lieS

1 9.'it'b l b6 20.Ilh e l e4 2 1 .Ae3
't!.Vc7 2 2 . A d4 e5 23 . ..Q.g 1 eO 24 .g0
'flic6:0 Wahls-Koch, 1 989
19 . . . b5
1 9 . . . lL:leS ! ?
20.b l ? !
20.g4 !? Ae6! 2 l ..!Db5 't!.Vb6
e4! 23.Ae3 (23.fe4 tl)g400; 23.Af6 Af6
2 4 . l::r e 4 . a 2 ! oo) 23 . . . 'f/i a 5 24 . .!De4
't!.Va2 ! oo
20 . . . b 4 2 1..!De4 lDe4! 22.fe4 Ae6+
23.'t!.Vb4 h6?!
23 . . . 'flic2 ! 24.'it'a l 't!.Vg2 25.'1l!t'd2!
(25.l:lc1 Ilc l 26.Ac 1 h6! !:::. h2+;
25.'t!,Ve7 h 6 ! 26.Af6 't!.Vh2+) 25 . . . 't!l'd2
26.l:id2 f6 27 .Ae3 a6+
24 ..ae7 a5
24 . . .' <"c2 25.a1 'f/ig2 26.'t!.Vd2=
25.'t!,Va3 'flic2 26.'it'al lac4 27.'t!,Vf3!
cot7h7 28.h3 Ild4!
28 . . . Ila4 29.Aa3 AfB 30.'f/ie2 f9'e2
3 1 .l::re2 Aa3 3 2.ba3=
29 ..aa3 ? !
2 9 .. c 1 tt'a4 30.Aa3
29 . . . 'flic4 30.b3 tt'bS 31.Ab2 a4

15 . . . lac7 1 6.lL\b5
1 6.Af6 ef60 1 7.ll)b5 Af5 ! ( 1 7 . . Jc5
1 8.lL\ec3 a6 1 9.'t!,Vd7 'flid7 20.Ild7 ab5
2 1 .lab7+-) 1 8 .li:lc7 't!,V c 7 oo 1 9 . li:l c 3
(1 9.r;t>b l ! ? !:::. 20.lac 1 , 2 l .a 1 ) 1 9 . . . lac8
( 1 9 . . . Ae6? c4 2 l .'it'b 1 f5
22.'flid3 't!,V c 5 2 3 . c 3 'fli f2 24 . la d 2
J a d o u l - K o o l , 1 9 8 7 ) 2 0 . 'it' b I A e 6
2 l .li:le4? ( 2 l .'(!;'d6 c4oo; 2 l .g4 ! f5
2 2 . g f5 A f5 23 . .!D e 4 oo ) 2 1 . . . 'f/i c 4 !
(2 I . . .f5 22.lDg5 Ac4 23.'&d7;;!;) 22.b3
'flic6 23.c4 f5 24. t?lg5 Ac4 ! 25.1!c1
(25.bc4? e4; Kindennann-Ki.Georgiev,
1 91 ) 25 . . . tt'f6!+

3 2 . A d 4 ed4 3 3 . lad3 ab3 3 4 . ab3
32 . . . ed4 33 . .dl ab3 34.a3 Ac4
35.l::r ct4? .2.d4 36.Ad4 f9'a5 !-+


35 . . . a5 36.d2 a6 37.b4 .i.e6

3S.g4? !
3S . . .'e2 39.e10 c2?
39 . . . h2 !

40.'.d2 c6= a4 c\l.'cl

'Ja7 43.lad1 'fg-b6 44.'Ud2 'fga6 45.b 1
c6 46.!iel .i.eS 47.d3 _ac4 4S.d2
a6 49. a 1 i.d3 ! ? 50.b4! _ac4
S l.c5 .i.g7 52.e5? !



52 . . . d3 53.'!!fd4 Ae6 54.ladl

55.a4 _ag7 56.'Ct'bl a8! 57.h4?
57 . . . g2 5S.d3 ,1g4 59.c3
60.a1 _ac2! 6l.Scl h5! ! 62.!ic7
63._ab2 c6! 64.b l n 65.c1
66.b2 e5! 0-1


1 6.c3 c3 1 7.bc3 gh5+

16 . . . t;Jf3! 17.t;Jf3 t;Je4 1S.d30

1 8 . e l ?! ( l 8 .d5? a3 l 9.d l
rs t;Jc3) a3 1 9.d I t;Jc3 20.'d2 t;Ja2!
,1e4 2 1 .t;Jd4 b4 22.e2 c3 23.d3 .1d4
rs 24.d4 ..abs 25.e3 e5 !-+
1S . . . a3 !
I S . . . c3? ! 1 9. g6 !

[ 49 ] Pjaeren A.Odeev

corr., 1 987

19.b 1 ? c3 20.a 1 a2-+

1.e4 cS 2.tOO d6 J.d4 cd4 4.t0d4 .!!Jf6

19 . . . c3 20.e1 MS! 2UWc4 d5
S.t;Jc3 g6 6._ae3 ,1g7 7.0 00 8.d2
2 l . gf3? 22.hg6+t;Jc6 .c4 .i,d7 10.h4 lacS 1l ..i.b3 h5
22.f4 a6!+
12.0-0-0 t;Je5 13.dg1 a5!
22 . . gf3? 23.'tt'f5 ! ! gf5 24.h6 I!d8
13 ... t;Jc4? ! 14.c4 lac4 1 5.g4 hg4 25.hg7+( 1 5 . . .'ti!Va5 1 6.gh5 lL!hS 17.ngs) 16.h5
23.lih2 gf3 24.'ti'f3
t;Jh5 ( 1 6 . . . gh5 17._ah6!+- Hakki-Tol
24.f5? gf5 25.h6 f2! 26.f2 e6!

n a i , 1 9 82 ) 1 7 . fg4 t;J f6 1 8 . h 2 ?
( 1 8.t;Jf5 !) 1 8 . . J lc3 ! -+ Kereszturi
B.Kovacs, 1983
l3 . . Jic4 1 4.e2?! !ic3 1 5 .bc3 aS
1 6.d2 d5 l7.g4 hg4 1 8.h5 gf3 19.t;Jf3
Ag4 20.lag4 t;Jeg4 2 l .h6 h6 22.h6
c3 23 g7 al 24.'d2 hI 25 .Af6
de4 26.d4 'tt' f3+ De Firmian-M.Peturs
son, 1984
1 3 . . . a5 ! ? 1 4 .a4 d5 ! 1 5 . d5 ll)d5
1 6.ed5 Aa4! 17 .a4 .!!Jc4 1 8. d3 ll)e3
19.e3 b6 6. lic4



27 .no f4 28.hg7 lacS-+

24 . . . e 6 ! 2 S . fl aS 26.a4 b5
27.d2 .i.e4 2S:egh3 ba4 29._ac3 ab3
30.Ag7 g7 3 l.b3 f6 32.e1 cS

[ 50 ]

Stara Pazova, 1986

1.e4 cS 2.0 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll)d4 ll)f6

S.lL!c3 g6 6.e3 g7 7.f3 0-0 S.d2
t;Jc6 9..i.c4 d7 IO .i.b3 lacS 1 l.h4 hS
l 2.ll)d5 ll)d5 l 3 .ed5 ll)d4 1 4.d4

.fi.d4 1 5 . d4 a5 l 6.c3 bS 1 7. g4 a4

14 . . .hg4 15.h5 !!cJ!


1 9.gS lL\hS\ce2? ! /Oc4! 2 1 .''b4

J S.Ac2 a3 1 9.b4 hg4 20.Ad3 rs 2 l .fg4
fg4 22.h5 eS 23.de6 Ae6 24.hg6 f6 a5! 22.b7 .!DeS ! (.623 . . . a4) 23.c3 li.:\d3
2S.f6 lif6 26.d2 lif2 27.cct?e3 licfB lb<:S 2S.'l!Vb6 eS 26.Ac2 lib8
2S. .Sh7 nsn 29.td4 l1d2 o- 1 Mali 27.a5 lib2 2 8.<b2 lL\d3 0-1 Ljubo
jevic-A.Miles, 1 986
sauskas-Ki.Georgiev, 1 993
12. . . .!LleS 13.g4
19 . . . g5!
1 3 .de2 bS 1 4 .Aa7?! b4 1 S.lL\dS
1 9 . . .lifd8 !? 20.lighl lL\eg4! 2 1 .''g2
.!LldS 1 6 . e d S 'f;V a S 1 7 . A d 4 lL\ c 4 ! ? l!c5 Polugaevsky
( 1 7. . .lic7 !) 1 8.'f!fg5 lL\eS 1 9.b 1 Aa4+
20.lih3 lieS
Haag-A.Miles, 1 97S
20 . . Jlfd8 .6 fB-e7co A.Miles
1\d5 lL\dS 1 4.Ad5 .!Llc4 1 S.Ac4
21..Sgh1 .Sfc8 22.ti)f5!?
.lic4 l 6.g4 hg4 1 7.hS g3 1 8.h6 AeS 1 9.b3
22.l!h8 'f:fh8 23.Jlh8 h8 24.'f:fgS?
c8 20.h7 q;hs 2 l .Ag5 (Povah-Hindl,
1977) 2 I . . . b6! 22.Ae7 IifeS 23 .Ag5
22 . . .ef5 23.d6 li.:\g6 24.ef5 l!5c6
cS 24.f4 Ag7!

2s.d2 .!Dh4 26.l!h4 gh4 .trs!?

28.gf6 f6 29.lL\d5 e5 30.g5 f8
1 5 .f4 lL\c4 1 6.d3 \aS ! Szeli-Sax,
31.!Lle3 .lig6! 0- 1

13 . . . hg4 14.h5 lDh5 15.Ah6

1 973

[ 5 1 ] Bucciardini Poli

l5 . . . e6!

corr., 1 992

1.e4 cS 2 .!Llf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l;Jd4 li.:\f6\c3 g6 6.,te3 .tg7 7.0 0-0 8.''d2
c6 9..i.c4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS 1 1 .tb3
lUeS 12.h4 h5 13.'it'b1 lL\c4 14 ..tc4

1 4.d3?! li.:\e3 1 5.e3 l3.c5 1 6..She1

a6! .6b5, aS

14 . . . l!e4 15.!Llb3
1S.'f:fd3 c8 1 6.l2)de2 bS

1 6.Ag7 g7 1 7.fg4 li.:\g4 I B.lidg I
li.:\hf6 1 9.g5 lic5+ Levy-Pavlov, 1 965
1 6.Ag7 g7 1 7.lidg l .ShS ! 1 8. fg4
li.:\f6 19.g5 li.:\h5-+ Calvo-Sosonko, 1 974

1 S .lL\ce2? ! bS 1 6.c3 ( 1 6.Ah6 eS !

1 7 . ..Q.g7 g7 1\b3 dS 1 9.ed5 AfS\c3 b4+) 1 6 . . .'bS 1 7 .lL\b3 l!fcS
1 8.ft)ec 1 c7 1\d3 aS 20.f2 l3.c6
2 1 . tt)d4 .Sa6+ Csesh ko vsky-Gufeld,
1 978

15.ft)d5 lL\d5 1 6.ed5 c7 1 7.c3 aS

1 6.Ag7 r:j;;g7 1 7 .f4 li.:\c4 1 8.Ac4 l;;c4 1 8. e2 .Sfc8 1 9.g4 'f:fdS 20.gh5 Ars
1\de2 Ac6 20.d3 b5 21 .b1 f6+ 2l ..:t)f5 f5 22.'d3 h5 23.Ag5 e6
24.l::idg I E8c6 25.f4 B.4c5+ Nikogosjan
Fedorowicz-Petursson, 1 990
Dautov, 1 982
16 . . . f6 1 7.Ag7
15 . . . c7
1 7 . fg4 ( 1 7 . A gS ? li.:lf3 -+ ) A h 6
15 . . . a5? 1 6.e5
16 ...ad4 .i.c6

1 8.h6 f4+ Godman-A.Miles, 1 9 74

17 . . . g7 1 8.fg4 .!Df6 I 9.!lh4


[ 52 ]

Murrey - Mestel
Hastings, 1 987

l.e4 cS Vt:IO d6 3.d4 ed4 lL!f6

5.e3 g6 6 ...ae3 ..ag7 7.0 0-0 S.d2
e6 9.e4 ..act7 1 0.0-0-0 !:reS l l.,tb3
e5 12.h4 h5 13.<bl lL!e4 14 . .ae4 ..e4
15.b3 !:reS
1 S . . . !lc5 ? 1 6.e6 fe6 17.i.c5 deS
I S.eS
1 6.de2 c7 1 7 ...ad4 Ac6 1 8.g4 e5
( 1 8 . . . hg4 1 9 .h5 gf3 20.lL!g3) 19 . ..ae3
d5 ! ? 20.g5 (20.ed5 l[Jd5 2 1 .tl:ld5 i. d5
2 2.g hS !lfd8.x:) 20. .. ttJe4 2 l . fe4 d 4
Camacho-J.C.Diaz, 1 986; 22.-i)d4! ed4
(22 ... !1 fd 8 23 . .!l:\db5) 23 .i.d4 .. fd8
24.e3 Camacho
16 . . . lL!d5 17.ed5 b5
17 . .. "f!Jc7 1 8.c4? ( 1 8 . ..ah6.x:) 1 8 ... b5 !
1 9 .cb5 '@b7 20.Ah6 '@d5+ Murrey-
K udrin, 1 984
1 7 ... !:reS 1 8.e 6 ! fe6 1 9.i.cS deS
1 8.i.h6 !1cS ! 1 9.g4 lldS 20.Ag7 g7
2 l .l[Jf5 nrs 22.g f5 ..Q.f5
IS . . . ..e5! 19.e6!

1 6 . . . ..ae6 1 7 .g4 lieS 1 8 .ghS ltJhS

1 9.lldg 1 h7 20. ..ag7 ri;g7 2 l .l[Jd4
Tukmakov-Sosonko, 1 974
1 7 .g4? eS ! 1 8 ...ae3 hg4 1 9.hS gf3 !
20.h6 l[Je4! 2 l .hg7 l[Jd2 22.l[Jd2 llg4+
Popovic-Soltis, 1 976
17.e2 bS 1 8.eS l[Jd5 1 9.ed6 d6
2 0 . l[Jd S .a ct s 2 I . ..a g 7 (2 1 . '@ d 2 e 6
2 2...ag7 g7 23.d4 !lfc8 24.g4 !lh 8 !
K ap l a n - A . M i l e s , 1 9 7 7 ) 2 1 . . . g 7
22.'@e3 e 6 23.'@a7!? !la4 24.e3 llfa8
(24 . . . '@g3 2S.gS f2 26J1d2 '@a7
27.a3 b4 ! 28.ab4? ..a1 !) 25.a3 g 3
Cseshkovsky-A.Miles, 1 97 9 ; 26. '@g S
'fi/c7 .6b400
17 . . . e5 18 ...ae3 !1d8 19.'fi/d3
1 9 ...ags aS 6bS !?
19 . . . b5! ?
1 9 . . . d S 2 0. s ! b S 2 l.edS !IdS
22.l[JdS l[JdS 23.!le4 ..ab7 24.l[Jd2 !lc5
25 . ..ae3 lL!e3 26.!le3 ..ah6 27.tije4 !+
Spina-Pecis, 1 990
20.ttJd2 dS 21.ttJe4 be4 22.e2 d4
23...ags !lb8 24.e4 b7 25.b3
25.'@b3 (2S. 1 !?) '@c7=

1 9.fS ( 1 9 .gh5 ..d5) gfS 20.gh5 h7

19 . . . !1d5
25. . . dc3 26.''e3 lieS 27.'th5 lL!d7
1 9 . . . fe 6 2 0 . A c S !l f3 (20 . . . dcS
28 ..ael .am 29.Aa3 Aa3 30.a3 ltJf8
31.'@a5 '@bS 32.!le2 lL!e6 33.lled2 h7 2 l.de6) 2 l.gh5
34.e3 1/1-1h


1 6.Ad4 b4 1 7.Af6 bc3 1 8.Ac3 l!c3 b6 20.b3 'tl:Vc5

20.d5 Ae6 2 1 .b5 (2 l .e4 c8 !)

21 . . . c7! 22.Ad4 lacS! 23.lah2 hg4

20 . . . lad2 21.lid2 hg4! 22.l!)b7?

1 6.e5 !? deS 1 7.Ag5 l!c7 1 8.Af6 ef6

( 1 8 . . . Q.f6 1 9.g4) 19.g4 ( 19.lL)b5 lab7 !)
1 9 . . . e8 ( 1 9 . . . hg4? 20.h5) 20.gh5
.i.e6 2 I .!idgl b4 22.lLle4 f5 23.h6 fe4
24.hg7 'T!;g7 25.h5 Aa2! 26.c;!?a2 'tll'a4
27.'it;bl ladS 28.'tl:Vd8 c2 Y.z-Y.z Liber
zon-A.Mi1es, 1 976

2 2 . fg4 ladS 2 3 .h5 ( 2 3 . la g 1 ! ?)

23 . . . Ag4 24.hg6 fg6 25.Aa7

22. . .Ac6! 23.l!)d6

23.tba5? AO 24.lag1 Ac3

23 . . . ed6 24.I:id6 Af3 2S.l!O lae8!


16 . . . b4

26.Aa7 g3!

26 . . . Ad4
26 . . . lae2 !

27.,tid4 f5 28.cct>b2?
28.a4 a6 29.lid6!

28 . . . r;t>g7 29.a4 a6 30.abS a b S ?
3 l .c4
3 1 . . . 'it>h6 32.d7 e4 33.l!gl f4!
34.c4 bc4 35.bc4 g3 36.W Af5 37.c5
c8 38.c3 lieS 39.4 l:!aS 40.f8

tihS 41 ..h8 S>g4 42.hS lia4 43.'ite5

e4 44.'S ghS 45..g8 r;t>f3 46.0
2 0-1

1 6 . . . Ah8 1 7.e5! deS 1 8.l!)e4 l!c7

1 9.Af8 f8 20.'tll'a5 Kap1an-A.Miles,
1 976

1 6 . . . a5 1 7 .Ag5 ( 1 7 . Ag7 c;!?g7

1 8.ltlc l .6 ltlb3, l!)d5, g4) 1 7 . . .b4 1 8.ltld5
tL!d5 1 9 .d5 l!c5 20.'1!'d3 Ae6 2 1 .ltlc 1
Bil, 1 993
a4 ! 2 2 . Ae7 lafcS 2 3 .l!d2 Ac3 ! !
l .e4 cS 2. d6 3.d4 cd4 tt:)f6 24.Ad6 Aa2 ! 25.lba2 !!aS-+ Suetin
5. .!2lc3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 o-o s . d2 Sabo, 1967
17 .g7 c;!?g7 liJdS 19.ed5
.!Llc6 9.Ac4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS 1 1.b3
lL)eS 12.h4 hS 13.cct>b1 l!)c4 1 4.Ac4 l!c4 a5 20.b3

[ 53 ]

Kiril Georgiev

lS.lL)del bS
1 5 . . . c7 1 6 .Ad4 ( 1 6.Ah6 Ae6
17 . .i.g7 r;t>g7 1 8.l!)f4 aS 1 9.l!)e6 fe6
20.h3 lifc S 2l .I;i.g3 lac3 22.bc3 Iic6 +
Stin-A.Miles, 1974) 1 6 . . . Ae6 1 7 .b3 c6
1 8.lbf4 lieS 1 9.l!)e6 fe6 b8
21 .c4 b6Xl Matulovic-Mestel, 1 975
15 . . . Ae6!? 1 6.e5 lbe8 1 7.Ah6 _aes
1 8 . U8 r;t>f8 1 9.e3 aS 20.l!)d4 li)g7
2 l .li:le6 - Sax-Sosonko, 1 9 8 1


20.lihe 1 Af5 21 .ltld4 'tl:Vd5 22.l!e7

I!fc8 23 .l!a7 c5 !? 24.l!)f5 'l!'f5 25.l!c1
c5 ! ?oo Grunchacz-A.Miles, 1 9 80

20 . . . cS 2 1.g4 lifc8 22.'1!'d4 cct>gS

23.lid2 h g4 24 .fg4 eS 25.de6 Ae6 E:eS 27.d3 dS 28.d5 nds
29.g5 aS 30.l!hhl cct>f8 3I.r;t>b2 e7
32.a3 ba3 33.'T!;a3 l!h8 34.l!df2 Af5
3S.l!)f4 lad4 36.c3 lad1 37.c4 'T!;d7
38.lDd5 Ae6 39.lLJf4 Ji.fS 40.ltld5 Ae6
4\f4 i!d4 42.l!)e6 fe6 43.laf7 c;Pc6


44.f6 e5 45.lag6 IDth4 46.IDt4 IDt4

1 9.fg4 Ag4 < 19 . . . ttJg4 20.b3! ncs
"7.lagS lag4 1/21h
21 .tLld5 V1ad-Lav.Kiss, 1 986) 20.e5 deS
2 1 .tLJe6 Ae6 22.d8 d8 23.!Id8 .i.fSoo
[ 54 ] Sax - Ki.Georgiev
19 . . . e5
Burgas, 1992
19 . . . lib 1 20.!lh 1 b6 21 .f5+20.fe5
l .e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLJd4 .!Of6
5.tLJc3 g6 6.Ae3 JJ..g7 7.f3 0-0 S.d2
20.lL\de2 lah 1 2 1 .lih 1 lL\e4 22.tL\e4
c6 9.Ac4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS l l.Ab3 (22.'t!fcl3? lac3 ! b. tLlf2) 22 . . . !ie4 23.fe5
e5 12.h4 hS 13.Ah6 t0c4 14 .1c4 c4 (23.tLlg3 laf4 24.d6 '&e8 25.lae 1 lad4
15.Ag7 g7
26.c7 fl 27.e5 't!Vf6+) 23 . . . lae20
24.h6!? (24.e2 '/At'g5 25.d2 d2
26.d2 de5=) 24 . . .'fl 25.h7 'it'e6
26.'t!fg6 eS 27.IDt5 'it'f4 28.d6 f3
29.d5 f4 30.d4 f3 3 l .d5 c;tff4
32.d4 V1-V2 G.Gal-Nizynski. 199 1
20 . . . deS 21.ltJde2

1 6)L\d5 ?! eS 17.ttJe2 ttJdS 1 S.d5
.ae6 1 9. 'ti'd6 'ti'aS+
1 6.b1 a5 ( 1 6 . . . a6?! 1 7 .ttJde2 ! .
a5 1 S . ttJ f4 Ae6 1 9 .tLJce2 ! ? d2
20.lad2 Ad7 2 1 .b3 lac5 22, a4 ! Rogers
Kudrin, 1987) 17.ttJb3 c7 1 S.ttJe2 lacS
19.c3 bS 20.e3 aS 21 .lL\f4 a4 22.ttJd2 e5
23.lL\d3_ lac6 24.tLlb4 -Vl Marjanovic
Tatai, 1988
16 . . . hg4
1 6 . . . e5 ? ! 1 7 .l/Jf5 ! gfS ( 1 7 . . . A f5
1 8 .g f5 lad4 1 9 . 'ti' f2) 1 8 . g f5 A c 6
( 1 8 . . . lad4 1 9.g5; 1 8 . . . h7 19.d6)
19.ladg 1 ! ( 1 9.lihg1 h7 20.lag5 !Id4 !)
1 9 ... h7 20.lag5 lagS 2 1 .lahg 1 bS
22.b3 ! lacS (22 ... lad4 2 3 . g2 f8
24.l/Je2+-) 23.b 1 b4? (23 . . . f80
24.lL\d 1 ! dS 25.lag8 ltJg8 26.g5)
24.ttJe2 dS 25.l/Jg3 lagS 26.g5 g8
27 .'t!ff6 de4 28 .l/Je2 1 -0 Khalifman
Smirin, 19S8
17.h5 lah8 18.hg6 fg6 19.f4

2 1 .lL:Ie6 Ae6 22.'t!Vd8 nd8 23.lad8

2 1 . . .!1h3!?
2 1 . . .'e7 22.g}t8 c;tfh8 23.lah1 g8
24.tLld5 tLldS 25 .'d5 ''e6 (25 . . . JJ..e6
26.''e5 lac2 27.d 1 !+-) 26.'/At'b7
2 1 . . .lac8 22.'ti'g5 'ti'e7 23.tLJg3 h 1
24.h 1 lah8 25.lid 1 JJ..c S Vl-V1 Judasin
Smirin, 1 987
22.lahfl laf3 23.lah1 (23.laf3?! gf3
24.tLlg I 'ti'e7 25 .tLJf3 .1g4'+) 23 . . . lah3=
22 . . . 'ti'eS!
22 . . . e7?! 23.IDt3 gh3 24.tLlg3
23.lahfl tLlh7 24.d2 Ac8 25.'d5


2 1 .l:ihg 1 n 22.h5 gh5 23 . .lag7 s

25.l!d7 (25 ./0h5? h 8 -+ ) d7 24.f4 /0d3-+ Goinzburg-Soltis, 1 970
2l . . .g5!
26./0h5 h8! 27.1!Ve5 g8 28.1!Vg3 l;ic6
29./0d5 d6 fl h2-+

23 . . . gh3 24.t:Dg3 t:Dh7! 25.'e3

25 . . . Ag4 26.lan dB 27..!Lld5

27 a7 d4! 28.'t\!'b7 h6-+
27 . . . g5! Iid4 29.c3 dl
30.I!dl A.dl 3l.t:De3 A.f3 32./0en f4
33.a4 lOgS 34.c7 /Of7 3S.d7 Ag2
36.d3 f2 37.a2 f3! 38.t:L)h2 d3
39.cd3 6 40.t;&b3 gS 0-1

[ 55 ] Miljanic - Kosanovic
Beograd, 1 988

2 1 . . .lDh5 (2 l . . .gh5 22.f4 !+-) 22.f4

I.e4 cS 2.t:Df3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t:Dd4 !Llf6 (22.1:lh5 gh5 23.E:g1 .g4=) 22 . . . ll)d3
5.c.Jc3 g6 6.Ae3 A.g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'"d2 23.g6 tllg 7 24.h7 n 25 ..lah2 I!c8
t2lc6 9.c4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 I!c8 l l.b3
26.a4 d4 0- 1 Durham-Kudrin, 1 989
,!tJe5 1 2.h 4 h5 13.h6 A.h6 14.h6 c3
15.bc3 as 16.g4
22.1:lhg l (22.f4 lDd3-+) g4 23.c l

1 6 . e 3 la c S 1 7 .'b2 ( 1 7 . d 2 ?
t2Jee4 ! J 8.fg4 :.c3) 1 7 . . . b6 1 8.'it;>a l
cS 1 9 .g4 a5 20.gh5 lDh5+ Pritceu
Soltis, 1 976
1 6.b2 .E.c8 1 7 .d2 b6 1 8. a 1 a5
1 9.a3 c5 20.b2 Spassky-Mestel,
1 982; 20 . . . d5!+
1 6.f4 c3 ! (16 . . . ll:Jfg4 1 7.'t!!'g 5 c3
1 8 .b l tDc4) 1 7 . fe5 ( 1 7 . ll:Je2 e3
1 8.'it;bl e6+; 1 7.'b 1 ll:Jc4+) 17 . . . a l
1 8.d2 '&d4 1 9. 1 al 20.t;&d2 lDe4
2 J .e3 c3 22.I!d3 't!!'c5 23.d4 A. f5+
I6 . c.3 1 7.'i!;b 1 a5 18.gh5
1 8.a4 b5 1 9.ab5 a4 20.A.a2 a3 2 1 .c l
1 8 .t:Df5 Af5 J 9.gf5 a4+
1 8 .a3 a4 1 9 . .a2 .E.a8 20.g5 t2le8
. .

2 1 .t2lf5 A.f5 22.ef5 :.a6 23.fg6 gb6+ Ci

A.Miles, 1 979

(23.fg4 ll)d3 24.'t'#d2 d2 25.Iid2 lDe5+)

23 . . . c l 24.lac l n+

22. . .'it>h7!
22 . . . n 23.d2=

2 3 .' d 2 ? ! ( 2 3 .c l l1c8+) 1!'d2
24.I!d2 lDf3 ! 25.lDf3 lDe4+ Golubev
Dautov, 1 985
23 ... l1g8 24.f4 ll)c6!? 25.ll)f5 iUS

26.f5 'it>hS+ 27.lac2 e3 28.I!d6?

d4 29.l1d4 d4+ 30.I!c8 lLJe8! 3l.e5
d2 32.I!c2 l1gl 33.b2 d4 34.a3
:g8 35.l%c4 \'!rdS 36. \'!rf4 e6 37.h6 b5
38.l:ic2 g6 39.I!h2 ll)c7 40.h7 I!a8
4l.b2 llld5 42.e4 ..a2! 0- 1

[ 56 ]

Lo Conte Lotti Fabio

corr., 1 989

18 . . . a4 1 9.hg6 ab3 20.cb3 fg6

I.e4 cS 2.lLJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll)d4 lllf6

20 . . . t2ld3 2 1 .gn (2 1 .I!h2 ! ? ,l;. c 8 5./0c3 g6 6.Ae3 A_g7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
22.1t!'e3 t2le5oo) 2 1 . . .f7 22.d2 d4 /Oc6 9.c4 Ad7 1 0.0-0-0 I!c8 I I .ib3
23.d3= Gufeld
tOeS I2.h4 hS 13.h6 h6 14.''h6 I!c3
15.bc3 't!l'aS 16.'it;>bl I!c8


1 6 . . . 'c3?! cS ( 17 . . .'tl:Vb4?

1 8.Ild4! b6 19 . ..hd 1 aS 20.ll:)f4 a4
2 1 .ll:)g6 ll:)g6 22.:S.d6!+-) 1 8.g4 ! ( 1 8.ll:)f4
e6 1 9.'tl:VgS r:ti;g7 ll:)d3 2 l .lad3
.i.bS 22.c4 Ac600 ; 1 9.g4!? ll:)f3 20.gh5
ll:)hS 2 l .Ild3) 18 . . . a5 ( 1 8 . . .hg4 1 9.hS
ll:)hS 20.IDlS+-) 19.l!Jf4 e60 20.t0hS ! !
D.01tean-Necinger, 1 984
1 6 . . . bS 1 7 . g4 c3 1 8 . ghS li)c4
1 9.c 1 l!Jh5 20Jid3 b4 2 l .h6 labS
22.r:ti;n 1 c5 23.lagl e5 24.ligS f4
2 S .lad 1 '/l!Ye3 26.lag6 1 -0 M a g e m
Romero, 1 987
1 6 . . . bS 1 7 .t0e2 'tl:Va3 1 8.l!Jf4 l!jc4
1 9 .li)d3 dS 20.e5 li)h7 2 1 .cl nS
22.t0b4 e6 23.f4 fS 24.ef6 ll:)f6co Lanc
J.C.Diaz, 1 98 8
17 .li)e2 AbS 1 8.lahe I ( 1 8.l!Jd4 .i.c4
1 9.g4 'tl:Vc3 20.ghS tOn 2 1 .Ild3 .1Ld3
22.J.f7 f7 23.'ti'g6 1 -0 01te:m-Vegh,
1 983) 1 8 . . .ll:)c4 19.a1 e6 20.lad3 l!JeS
21 .'tl:Vd2 ltld3 22.cd3 ltld7 23.l0d4 tOeS
24.J.c2 .1Ld3! 25.J.d3 eS+ Nicholson
Meste1, 1 987
1 7.'tl:Vd2 c3?! ( 1 7 . . . ltlc4; 1 7 . . . bS !)
I S.'tl:Vc3 lac3 1 9 ...he l !reS 20.lae3 b5
2 l .b2 aS 22.a3 Kribben-Mnndl, 1 982
17 . . . 'tl:Vc3 18.ghS l!Jc4 19 .1Lc4 lac4

20 . . .'b4 2l.b3 lDbS!

21 . . . a5? 22.hg6 a4 23.eS deS 24.lad7
lad4 25.g7 ltlh7 26.II.g l 1 -0 Howcii
Cemmell, 1987
22.1ld5 'tl:Vc3 23.nh5= Gallngher-Me
ste1, 1987
22.'gS l!Jf6 23.lahd1 lacS 24.e3 aS
2 S .''e l '!lt'b6 2 6 .c 1 lacS 27 .' t\t'c3
Ae6oo Schiller-Herbst, 1986
22 . . . b6 23..l;tg5
23.lag2 .i.h3 24.lagd2 .i.e6 25.e3
e3 26 .!le3 g7 27.lad4;!;; MainknKoch, 1989
23 . . . f2 24.!id2 ! :S.b4 2S.!lb3 labJ 26.ab3
24 . . . 1"3 25.:S.dg2 .;of40 26.h5!=
26.la2g3? (26.lag l ? e4-+) d I
27.b2 c2 28. 1 't\t'e4-+
26 . . t0g2 27.hg6 dl 28.b2 c2 dl 30.b2 c2 'A-Ih

[ 57 ] Ivanov - D.Radulov
Sofija, 1 98 8

l.e4 c S 2.0 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 ll:)f6 g6 6..1Le3 J.g7 7.0 0-0 8.d2
l!Jc6 9. .i_c4 .i.d 7 10.0-0-0 lacS l l.Ab3
ltleS 12.h4 hS 13.Ab6 Ah6 14.'h6 Eic3
1S.bc3 aS lacS 17.g4 ll:)c4

20.'tl:Vd2 l0h5 2 l .c3 llc3 22.b2
Iic4 23 .'it>b3 bS 24.c3 l!Jf4 ! 2S.lld2
1 8.Ac4 Iic4 1 9 .tDe2 .Ae6 20.ghS?
lia45S! Perilli-Picardi. 1 986
(20.e3 a3+; 20.gS lacS+; 20.d2

Iib4 2 1 . c b4 a 2 -+ ; 2 0 . la d 5 oo)
20 . . . Iie4 ! 2 I .lt)c l (2I .lZJd4 Iid4 22.cd4
a3 23.d5 .td5 24.nd5 lZJd5+) 21 . . . laa4
22.hg6 .aa2 23.b2 f!a3 24.lZJe2 .tb3 !
0- 1 Topuria-Dushkin, I 988
1 8.lad3 a3 ( 1 8 . . . lZJa3 1 9.b2 l2\c4
2 0 . a 1 ) 1 9 . .tc4 Iic4 2 0 . e 5 ! tLld5
(20 ... de5 2 l .lt)b3 !) 2 l .gh5 lt)c3 22.lc3
c3 23.hg6+- Tolnai-Harlcanyi, 1 988
I 8.lad3 hg4 1 9.h5 gh5 20.fg4 e5
2l .gh5 1 -0 Riemer-Pantaleoni, 1 989
1 8 ..Bd3 b5 !? 1 !? ( 1 9.gh5 lt)h5
20.E.g1 Iic5 2 l .'i!?a l Ci::Jg7 22.Ci::Je 2 .Bh5
23.f4 !i)e6:o Rogic-Kosanovic, 1 98 7)
1 9 . . . ..f5 20.gf5 't\!'a3 2 l .'t\Yc 1 c 1
22.c l gf5 23 .ef5 c5 24.Iig 1 'it>fB
25.E.g5 lZJe5oo Jovcic-Kosanovic, 1 992

!i)e5 12.h4 hS 13 ...g5 I!cS 14.lahel b5

15.f4 '2\c4
1 5 . . . b4? ! J lt:ld.5 1 7.fe5 !

1 6.d3 '&b6 1 7 .Af6 .tf6 1
l:l.d5 ! 1 9.ed5 Ag4 Levi-Findlay, 1 983

16 . . . .l;c4
1 6 . . . bc4? ! 1 7 .Af6 ! Af6 ( 1 7 . . . ef6
1 Iic6 1 9.e5) 1 8.e5 ! Karpov
S osonko, 1 979

1 7.e5
1 7.JH6?! $.f6 1 8.e5 Ag7 1 9.lZJcb5
't\Yb8 ! 20.&.Jc3 de5 2 1 .fe5 Ag4+ Nunn
A.Miles, 1 980

17 . . . b4

IS . . . !i)a3
1 8 . . . '2\h5 1 9.'2\e2 e6 20. .Bhg l 0Jg7
2 1 .g5 B.c5 22.c l l!Ja3 23.'i!;>a l ..ac4
:!4 . .c4 !i)c4 25.B.d5 !i:d5 26.ed5 d5
27.f4 tLle6+ Vlad-Gociani, 1987 c3 20.d3
20.hg6 a l 2 J .d2 d4 22.we l
c3 23.r;!1f2 lt)c4 24.Iihg l ..e6 25 .6d3
e5 26.Iig5 h2 27.f!g2 e5 28 ..Bg5
Y.z-'h Minibock-Pirisi, 1 987
20.g6 'it'h8 2 l .gl (2 l .h6 li)h7)
2 I . . . A b 5 ! 2 2 . h 6 ! (2 2 . lt) b 5 ? 't\Y c 2 )
22 . . . 't\Ya 1 2H!?d2 't\!'c3 Y.z-Y.z TishbierekPirisi, I 987

20 . . . 't\Yd3?
20 . . . 't\Y a 1 21 .\td2 'il:fh 1

2I.hg6 dS 22..Bgi d4 23.gf7 n

24._id5 Ae6 25 ..lag7 r;t>eS 26.h8 cct'd7
27. ..1te6 e6 28.'t\Yc8 !i!;e5 29.'t\Yc7 1-0

1 8 .ef6 ef6 1 9.d3 Iid4 20.'@d4 bc3
2 1 .'tl}'d6 fg5 22.'t\Yd7 'tl}'a5 23.Iie8! a2
24 . .Bf8 Ji.fB 25 .bc3 gf4 26.'tl}'e8 'tl}'a3
27 .;!;>b1 c3 2 8 . .Bd8 b4=
1 8 .ef6 bc3 1 9.e2 Iid4 20.fe7 'jgla5
(20 . . . Iidl !? 2 1 .tfd 1 'tl}'b6 22.efB .tfB
23.b3 d5oo) 2 1 .ef8 r;!?f8 22.'e7 'itJg8
23 .'@d8 dB 24 . .td8 cb2 25.'itJb l Iif4
26.Iid6 Ae6 27.Ae7 Iif2 28.Iig1 lae2
29 . .tg5 Ae5 3 0.lag d l Iig2 3 Uie6 fe6
32.Iid8 Y.z-Y.z Prikhodko-Todonsev, 1 9 86

18 . . . .l;d4 1 9.d4 bc3 20.Af6 ef6

[ 58 ] Poleksic - Kosanovic

20 . . . b8 2 l .bc3 ef6 22.ef6 Ah6+

Pula, 1 985
2 l .'d6 aS 22.d7 'tlfa2 23.bc3
l.e4 c5 2.&.Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ltjd4 f6 feS+ 24 ..Bd3 ..h6 25.'t\Yb5 ef4 26.1!;>dl

5..:Uc3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8.'&d2 a6 27.d7

.:Uc6 9 ..ltc4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 .l;cS I I ...itb3
27.'t\Yb3 '@'a1 28.'itJe2 Iie8-+

27 . . . a5 28.E!e4 b l 29.e2 a4
30.'a4 g 1
30 . . . ''c2 3l.n l:I.b8 32. ..d2 1ib l!;>f2 c1 34...a8 .trs 35.c;!;>O 'tlc3
36.d3 b4 37.d4 '!l:Vb7 38.'t:':fd5 'tfie7
39.'d3 ..fl ! 40.t{f2 '{i9b7 0-1

[ 59 ]

Beliavsky Kiril Georgiev

Wijk aan Zee. 1985

1.e4 c5 2.Ct)f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tDd4 .!L\f6
5.tDc3 g6 6.Ae3 i.g7 7.0 0-0 8.d2
tDc6 9.Ac4 .ad7 10.0-0-0 l!c8 11.Jl.b3
tDe5 12.h4 h5 13.i.g5 !lc5 14.t{hel 'tla5 !le8!
1 5 . . . !lfc 8 ? ! 1 6.tDdS d2 17 . ..d2
lDd5 1 8.ed5 lDc4 19.Ac4 lic4 20.lie7
1 6.de2 ( Ae6 ! 1 7 . .!i.:\f4 lL!c4
1 8.i.c4 i.c4 19.b3? Jl.b3-+
1 6.d5 d2 17 .lid2 lL!dS 1 8 .ed5
1 6.a3 !? (.6..!.a2)
16 . . . lL!c4!
1 6 . . . c6 1 7.e5 ! deS 1 8 ..2. f7 ! ! f7
19.lL!b3 ''b4 20.c5 c5 21 .i.f6+-16 . . . eg4 17.e5 !+-17.i.c4 t{c4 18.A.f6!
1 8.b3 ( 1 8.e5 dS !) a6 19.e5 lL!g4
20.ed6 (20.d5 deS 2 1 .lL!e7 !I.e? 22.i.e7
.trs 23.lic l ef4-+) 20 . . . i.c3 2 l .bc3 e6!
22.i.e7 liec8+
18 . . . i.f6 19.d5 d2 20.f6 ef6
21.lid2 fS!=

22.b3 !lc3 23.itd3 t{d3 24.cd3 fe4

25 .lie4 fl.e4 26.de4 Ac6 27 .b2 Ae4
28.g3 a6 29.b4 !=
25 . . . i.f5! 26.5 gf5 27.e5 (27 . . . f6! (28.e6 c;!;>f8.6. r:i;e7, ..c8+) deS
29.fe5 lieS! (29 . . . fe5 30.fl.d7 e4 3 1 .
Wei=) 30.1id7 !le2 31.!lb7 1ig2+) 1/z.l/z

[ 60 ]

Sadovoi - Lecroq
corr., 1 992

l.e4 c5 2.t[IO d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 f6

5.lL!c3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.0 0-0 8.''d2
!bc6 9.Ac4 id7 10.0-0-0 lieS 11.i.b3
lL!e5 12.h4 h5 13.i.g5 !lcS 14.f4
1 4.de2 b5 1 5.Af6 Jl.f6 I 6.f4 tDc4
1 7 .Jl.c4 lic4 1 8 .e5 Ag7+ Whitehead
A.Miles, 1980
14 . . . c4
1 4 . . . eg4 1 5 .1ihe I b5 1 6.e5 b4
17 .e4 ! e4 1 8.!le4 d5 19 ...e2! f6? !
( 1 9 . . . aS 20.e6!) 20.Af6 !+-- Petelin-AI
terman, 1 988
1 5 .e2? Ag4 1 6.f3 b2! 17.c;!;>b2
aS 1 8 .b1 e4 19.c;!;>c 1 c3 20.ti)c3
a3 2 1 .ci!;>d2 Ac3 0- 1 Enzuist-Sand
strom, 1 989
1 5.i.c4 iic4 1 6.d3 ( 1 6.e5 ti)e8.6.
f6) 1 6 . . . licS?! ( 1 6 . . . 1ic3 1 7.bc3 ti)g4co)
1 7.e5 i.g4 l 8.lL!f3 Af5 19.'e3 a5
20..i.f6 ! ef6 2 l .ed6 Ziatdinov-Galahov,
1 9 85


20.lahe i fg5 ! 2 l .t;Jg5 f6-+;

Ab 5 20.d5 'i!?h8 2 l .'t!b5 f g 5 ! -+ ;
I 9.B.he i ed6 20.t;Jd6 t;!;>h7 ! 2 l .f5 tt)d6
22.fg6 'it'h8 23. Af4 e5 24.1i.e5 fe5
25.t;Jf3 e4 ! 26.'d6 ef3 27.l:re7 li.g4 !
28.''e5 d 1 !!-+ Ljubojevic-A.Miles,
I 9 8 0 ) 19 ... lLlf2 2 0 . g 6 li. e 8 ?
(20...e8 !) 2 l.g7 r;!;g7 r;!;g8 fg5 24.de7 fif4 25.lod5+- Ti m
ma n-Schenk, 1986

lS . . . bS

17 ...g5
16.f5?! ( lL!b2 ! ) tt)e5 17.e3
a5 18.fg6 lL!g6 19.a3 b4 20..f6 .f6
2 l . a4 a4 22.Aa4 b6 23.h3 ba3
24 . '& a3 .ad4 2 5. lrd4 .Irc2 26.r;!;c2
d4-+ Ivan ovic-A.Miles, 1980
I 6 . .f6 Af6 17 .e5 Ag 7 18.l2!e4
( 18.e6?! fe6 19.'@'g6 .E:f4 20.t?le6 Ae6
2 1 .W'e6 h8 22.lud5 f'2 23.-E:hf l ? .E:d5!
24.'d5 Ah6 25.b1 I;.f l 0-1 Hlavac
Vag e n k n echl, 1984) 18 ...l':ic8 ! 19.e6
e6 20.t2le6 Ab2 2 l .b1 fe6 22.t2lg5
..f6 Pokojowczyk-Mestel, 1980
16.!lh f l 'l?:l'a5 !? 17.f5 h7 IS.Af6 ef6
19.g4 !? e5 20.'e2 g4? (20. . . llc3!
2 l .bc3 c3 22.lL!b5 b5 23.''b5 a1
24.d2 '@'d4=) 21.'Ct'b i t2le5 22.lL!d5
A.Gonzalez-Markeluk, I987
16... !2Jg4
I 6 ...de5?! I7.$i.f6 .if6 I
.Ub2 !? 19.g6 Ag7 K lovans
Gufeld, I 978
I 6 ... '&b6 17 .. f6 e f6 I 8.e6 fe6
19 . g6 Ae8 20.'@'g3 .n 2 l . f5 ef5
22.l;h f l
17.e6!? .:t.Jf2 ( 1 7... fe6 I8.g6 '@e8)
18.en h7 19.e2 h i 20.Ae7 '@c8
21.. f 8 f S 22 ..:t.Je6 ..ae6 2 3 .e6
Benino-Pin ardo, I985; 23 ... tt)g3oo
17.t;Je4 Bc8 (17 ... Bd5 18.t;Jd6!)
18.ed6 f6 19.lLlc3!? (19.d e 7 ? 'fif e ?

17 ... tt) f2 ? ! ( l 7 ... f6 1 8 . lL! c b 5 ;

l 7 ...d6 18.'g6) 18.'f!'O !? l::l 1 8. . .
o.?Jd l l 9.de7 a5 20.efB r;& rs 2 l .ladl
.ag4 !+- Nun n
17 ... .:l)d6 I 8.g6 (18.lL!e4 tt)e4
19.e4 lL!f2 20.g6 lac4 21.1i.c4 bc4 f g6 23.t2ld8 .g4+; 18.lahfl lit;h7
19.e4 tt)e4 20.e4 t;Jf6 2 l .e3 !?
c8!l::l 22.e7 fie8 23:n laf8 24.'e7
e8=) 1 8 . (18. . .l0f2 l 9.Ah6 lL!e8
2 0 .lZ:le6 ! ) 1 9 . 't!# e 4 ( 19 .' h 5 l0f2 )
19 ... f2 20. e7 l;g5 2 l . d8 ladR
22.hg5 lZ:lh 1 (22 ...$i.d4 23.ltd4 lL!h I
24.b5;t) 23.l2\c6 .c6 h7oo
I8.fg5!? ( l 8.e2 e5; I8.de7 'f!Je7
19.hg5 lZ:lf2 20.'tt' e2 e3) .!Lif2 19.'e2
.t)d1 20.fid 1 (20.de7 t;Jc3 21.bc3 aS
22.e f8't\l' 'it;f8 23. .c4 c3 24.l2\b5 li.b5
25.$i.b5 a 1=) 20 ... d6 2 l .l[Jcb5! l2\b5
22.l0b5 Ab5 23 .li.n! r;!;h8 24.1it'b5 'f!Jc7


25.Ab3 ttVf4 26.b 1 h4 Rocha

Langier, 1989
18 . . . f2 19.'e2 tl)d1 20.l:rd1
20.de7 tbc3 2 1 .bc3 ttVa5 22.ef8
20.tlJd5 Ad4 ! 2 1 .de7 Ab2 22.d t
20 . . . tl)d6
20 . . . ed6 21 .tlJcb5 Ab5 22.lob5 t0b2
21 .tl)cb5? tl)b5 .Ab5 23.'b5
2l . . .b4!
2 1 . . . Ag4 22.l:id2 bS (22 . . . h7
23.lL!db5) 23.'t!fg6 tl)c4 24.Ac4 bc4
25.'e4 e6 26..!0c6! b6 27 .lL!e5 'tlfg I
28.lod l c3 29.bc3 Ad l (29 . . . .1e5 ! ?
3 0.'t!fe5 Ad l 3 l .l:id 1 1/!l'g2 3 2 .' d4
g4;t) 30.l:id 1 Klovans-Ivanchuk,
22.lL!d5 aS
22 . . . e5? ! Af6 24.g6 .1g7
25.fe5 !
23.'t!fa6 $h8!=
24.lL!b6 $_g4 25.l:id3 ''c7!
( 2 6 . 'ff a 5 ? tl)b7 2 7 . 't!Vb4 't!V f4 -+)
26 . . . 'ffc5 ! 27.'t!fb6 't!Vb6 .:Of5 Ae2 30.l:id2 AbS+
24 . . . Ac6 2S.''c6 tbiS 26.g4
26.c3? bc3 27.bc3 b8+ 28.g4 lieS
29.b6 Ulibin-Shirov, 1 988; 29 . . . hg4
30.b8 l:rb8 3 U g l I:!cS! 32.g4 e6!-+
26 . . . tl)d4
26 . . . hg4? 27.fih l g8 28.'t!fg6 !+27.c4 e6!
27 . . . lt:)b3 28.b3 !? e6
28.fid4 ed5 29.lid5 'ti'eS+ i.f6 29.gf6 lt)b3 30.ab3 't!Vf6
3 1 .gh5 gS 32.fg5 g5 33 .b l fi.dS
34.fi_d8 d8 35.'ttc5=
28 . . . h4!+ 29.Aa4

29 ..lih l gS !?
29 . . .'t!Vd6 30 .rut ..d8 3l.''d3 'fe7
32.tbc4 eS! 33.fe5
33.!le I lL!e6
33 . . . g5 tl)c6 35.'t!fe2 tOeS
3 6 . A b 5 ? ! tl)g4 3 7 . ,1 e 8 e3 ! ? -+
38.'tlt'e3 't!fe3 lieS 40.t0c4 h3
41 .fih 1 'it>g8 42.a3 e4 43.CL\a5 ba3 0-1

[ 61 ]

Adams - Tiviakov
Oakham, 1990

l.e4 c5 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 lt)6 g6 6.Ae3 i.g7 7.0 0-0 8.d2
tl)c6 9.$_c4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 fi_c8 l l.Ab3
tl)e5 12.h4 h5 13.Af5 E:c5 14.f4 t0c4
1S.'tvd3 tbg4 16.Ac4 f2 17.'t!Ve2 l0h 1

1 l0g3 1 9.1/!l'd3 Ac3 20.bc3
1 8.t0d5 I:id5 1 9.Ad5 b6 20.!r.h 1
Ad4 2 1 .c3 l:c S 22.'c2 (22.c2 e6
23 . .tb3 a5 ! ? 24 .a4 b4 ! +) 22 . . . e6
2 3 . Ab3 Ag7 24.!lfl ?! (24 . f5 ! ? e f5
25.fl co) 24 . . . aS 25.f5 a4 26.fe6 fe6
27.$_a4 a6+ Mironenko-Stavich, 1988
I 8 . f5 t0 g 3 1 9 . d3 b5 20.Ab5
(20.Af7 l:if7 2 l .fg6 fl ! 22.l:if1 tOft
23.'t!ffl rs 24.'d3 Ad4 ! 25.'t!Vd4 ''fl ;
20.Ab3.1id4! 2 1 .d4 l:ic3 !) 20 . . . Ab5
2 1 .t0cb5 a6 ! 22.'t!fg3 ab5 23.fg6 fg6
24.t0e6 c8+
18 . . . a5
18 . . .Ag4 1 9.l0f3 t0g3 20.'e l !


'it>h7 27.Af8+-) 26.\1/Nd l Adl 27.'dl

1 9.:::4 !? 'tUb6 20.f5:::o (2Q 'LJf3? .ac3 E.n 2S . n 2 9 . r.t'e2 Klovans
Tivi:::kov, 199 1
2 J .bc3 :Sc3+)
19 . . . l:!g5
19 . . . a4 20.Ad5!?
1 9 . . . lL!g3? 20.el
20 . lL!a4 ! ? (20.An n-+) --a4
1 9 . . . Ac 3!? 20.bc3 Ilg5oo
2 t ...aa4 ll:Jg3 22.d3 (22.'t'e3 lac4!+)
1 9 . . . .9:c3 ? ! 20.bc3 f2 (20 . . . liJf2
22 . . .Ad4 23.g3 Ag7 24.Ab3 h8oo

2 I ..E.d2! t:Jg4 22.e5) 2 1 .'el ! e 1 0

2 2 . .E.e l liJ g 3 ( 2 2 . . . ll:Jf2' 23.I!e2 ll:Jg4
2 4 . Ae 7 ) 2 3 . ..a e 7 li e S ( 2 3 . . . .a c 3
24 ..I;:e3 ! Iie8 25 ..d6 lt:le4 26 ..aeS+-)
24 ..$i.d6 .'2le4 25.e5 !

20 . . . '@'e8
20 . . . a 3 ! ? 2 1 . fg 6 ? ( 2 l . e 3 ! oo)
21 . . . Ag4 22.gf7 'h8+
2 1 .a3 ! (2 J .fg6? e6+) Ad4 (2 I . . . e6?
22.f6 Ah8 23.Aa2) 22.ad4 e6 23.fe6
(23.a2 ef5) 23 . . . fe6 24.Aa2 :Sg5 ! ?
25.hg5 'f1Je7oc

20 ..'2!g5 .,g4 ! ? 2 I .t2lf3 .ic3 22.bc3
f2 ! x 23. f2 ( 23 .\t-d2? Af3 ! 24 .gf3
h 4 + : 2 3 . , c 4 e2 24 .Ae2 c.Jg3
25 .1:.d3 fS !+) 2 3 . . . ll:Jf2 24.lae l .a r3
25.gf3 lUh3 26.f5 g7=

21 . . .hg4 22.'file3
2 2 . h 5 ( 2 2 . g4 lt:lf2-+) l2\ g 3 ! ?
23.g4 ll:Jh5+

20 . . . Ac3 2 1 .h l

22 . . . e6 23.f6 Ah8 ! 24..ib3?

2 1 .bc3!? .'2lf2 22 .Efl ll:Jg

24. Ab7 d8 25.:h I Af6 2 6 . .i f6


2 1 . . . .1.b5!

24 . . . e5! 25.f5 gf5 26. .9:d6 c6 0-1

[ 62 ]

Anand - Tiviakov
Moskva, 1 989

J .e4 c5 2.0 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll:Jd4 ..'(Jf6

5.,!0c3 g6 6..t,e3 g7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
l1)c6 9..tc4 d7 10.0-0-0 ..cS l l.Ab3
t2le5 12.h4 h5 13...tg5 c5 14.f4 !Z:Ic4
15.d3 ll:Jg4 16 . .t,c4 tt)f2 17.e2 -1Jh l
18.ib3 b6 19.ttJf3
19 .d5? d.S 20.ed5 .id4 2 l .:Sh I f6
2Lth6 (22. e7 :. n 2 3 . '&e4 ii.f5

24.e8 :gfB-+) 22 . . . .a.n+

I 9 . f5 ! ? Ad4 20.f:d4 .s rs 2 J . e f5
(2 l .d l ? :ggs 22.hg5 Ag4+; 2 I .A.e3 ? !
o2lg3+) 2 1 . . . d4 22.fg6 (22.'t\!l e l f5
23.h 1 e6oc) 22 . . . g1 (22 . . . e6 23.h5
fg6 24 .g6 g7 25.Ae6 Ae6 26.e6
f7 27. d6i) 23 ..-dd I (23.'it>d2 d4 !=)
23 . . ..g4 24.gf7 'itg7 (24 . .l;n 2s . .n
f7 26.e7 g8 27.d6+-) 25.d2
d l <2S . . . .E.n ! ? : 2s . . . o2lf2? 26 . .h6

2I . . . Ag7 22.LUh4 Ag4 23.\'td3

22.'l'd10 e3! 23.<;!;>b1 1J.. g7
23 . . . Ae2? 24 . '&g l ! Ad2 25.lDd2
Wd2 26.''f2 !+24

.!2Jh4 ? !

24.f5 ! e4 (24 . . . ..t'h7? 25. f7 ! .a. n

26.fg6 g6 2 7 . ..'2le5 ! ; 24 . . . h8 25.fg6
fg6 26.,2Jh4+-) 2 5.ll:Jh4 Ac4 ! 26.$.c4
c4 27.fg6
24 . . . .i.e2
24 . . . e4? (24 . . . e6 25.f5) 25.l:e l
f}. .'!Jg 6-


52.fl f3 53 . ..e8 fg2 54.c;tlg2 f4

25.c l !? c I 26.c;t?c I h7 27.f5 g f5 ss.c;t?n f3 56. .IDS c;t?e4 57 ...e8 dJ
28.ef5 (28.Af7 fe4 ! 29.g6 c;t?h8co) Vz-Vz 58.lie5 d4 0-1
Anand-Kir.Georgiev. 1989
25.d5?! c;t?h8! 26. f5 '&g5 27.fg6 [ 63 ] Berman - Homenko
corr., 1 985
d5 28. .ad5 e6! 29. .ab3 .,ag4+
2S . . .'t':fd4

l.e4 cS 2.lL!f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 tUf6

5.lL!c3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.0 0-0 8.'t\fd2
lL!c6 9.Ac4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 ..c8 l l.i.bJ
lL!eS 12.h4 hS 13.g5 ,llc 5 14.g4 hg4
1s ...ar6 r6 t 6.h5 gs

25 . . . e4 26.lL!g6 lie8 27.lL!h4 !?

26.c l Ac4+

26 . . ..adJ!

26 . . . e4 27 . .ac2 ! c4 (27 . . . '/t;l'e6

16 . . . gh5 !? 1 7 . f4 ( 1 7.lL!d5 e6 1 8 ..!:lh5
e d 5 1 9 . h 6 .. e 8 2 0 . A d 5 !IdS -+ ;
28.f5) 28.g6
1 7.b l g7! 1 8 ...h5 lih86. 1 9.!idh l
!-+) 1 7 . . . e6 ! ( 1 7 . . . lL!c6 1 8.ttJc6
27.Ac2 Ac2 28.c2 gc8+
27 . . . e4 28. d2 Ac4! 29...el 'tlt'c6 c6 1 9 . f5 ! ) 1 8.'ti h2 lL!g6 1 9 .tUd5?
( 1 9.e5 Ae5 ! 20.fe5 lieS; 1 9. f5 ! ltjh4
20.d6oo) 1 9 . . . h4! 20.f5 ed5 2 l . fg6 'tl:'e7
30.lie7 .abJ 3 1 .ab3 ..e8 !=
22.lL!f5 A f5 23.ef5 g3 24.'ti'g2 't!:'e5
JO . . . AeS
25.gf7 g7 !-+ Vaindi-Pekarek. 1 9 84
1 6 . . . ;!LJ f3 1 7 . lL! f3 g f3 1 8 . ;!LJd5 !
( 1 8.hg6? Ag5 1 9.gf7 lif7 20.!ldgl e6
2 1 .lL!d5 lig7 22.lig5 'ti'g5; 2 1 .c;t?bl !?)
I 8 . . . !ld5 ! I 9.Ad5 ( 1 9:d5 g5 20...hg l
g4 2 1 .e5 .aes 22. f3co) 1 9 . . . e6 20.!ldg I
Belov-Deduh, 1 984; 20 . . . g5! 2 1 .e5 de5
22 . .af3co

1 U!'JdS lidS!

3 1 .Ac2 d5+

J l . . .AbJ 32.ab3 Ag3! 33.g7! ..e8

34 ...b l Ah4 3S...h4 'lt'g7 36.d4?
36 . ..h5 6. lih8 37.lih8 c;t?h8 38.g6 fg6

36 . . . eS 37.'f2?
3 7.d l d5 3 8.h5 g6! 39.d 1
1 7 . . . e6 1 8 . lL! f6 f6 1 9 . fg 4 a5
37 . . . d5!-+ 38.0 e4 39.h5 a6!
40.'1t'b l g6 41.'h6 '@h6 42.gh6 c;t?g6 20.lihfl e7 2 l .a4 b5 22.lL!b5 Ab5
43.c;t>c2 fS ! 44.lih3 IDt8 4S.!ig3 'lt'h6 23.ab5 lib5 24.'ti'd6 d6 25.lid6 lL!g4
46.c;!;ld2 ..h7 47.c;t?e3 ..g7 48...h3 c;t>gS 26.!ld7 Belov-Nikolaev, 1 9 84
49 . ..h8 f4 SO.c;t>f2 g4 5 l...d8 e3

1 8.Ad5 gf3 1 9.c3 g4+

18 . . . gO 19.Ildg1
19.c3 g4 20.'i!;lb l b6 2l .Ac2?! lf:lc4
22.c1 l1c8 23 . .'2lf5 lt:la3 24.'it'a 1 Ilc3 ! !
25 . .'2le7 111 0-1 Koval-Berrilan, 1 9 85
19 . . . g4 20.f4 <;t>h7 21.'i!;lb1 Ilg8+
22.c3 !? Ag5 23.ii.c2 r;&h6!
Af5 25.'f5 Ilg7+
22 . . . gS 23.e4 <;t>b6 24.c3 c8
25 .Ac2 I!g7 .6.f5
25 . . . 50 26.b 10
26.Ad7 fe4 27.ii.c8 lieS-+
26 . . . I1f8 27.d7 d7 28.e6 Ilf6
29 . .'2lg5 c;t'gS 30.h6! ID"8
30. . . I!h6? 3 l .c 1 f4 32.IDt6 r;&h6
33.f4 r;&g6 34.l1h l +-3 1 .e1 <;t>g6 32.b7 r;&g7 33.e3
33 . . . f4? 34.f4 !
34.h6 Ilf6 35.hS f4 36.'\lgS 1118
37.''h6 e8 38.Ilh5 f2 39.0 !rf6
40.'g5 g3 0-1

[ 64 ]

I vanovic - Sadiku
Jugoslavija, 1 985

l.e4 c5 Vof3 d6 3.d4 cd4 li:lf6

5 . .'2lc3 g6 6.Ae3 g7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
c6 9.i.c4 ..ad7 10.0-0-0 I1c8 1 1.Ab3
e5 12.h4 hS 13.g5 Ilc5 14.g4 hg4
lS.hS tt:lh5
1 5 . . . Ilc3 !? 1 6.h6? ! (1 6.bc3) 1 6 . . . f3
17 .o2lf3 ti)e4 1 8.hg7 tl\d2 1 9.gf8 111
20 . .'2ld2 Ilb3 ! 2 l .tl\b3 f6+ Tarkach-Se
ledkin, 1 987
16.f4 lt:lc4 17.e2


17 . . .Ilg5!
1 7 . . . b 5 1 8 . f5 a5 ! ( 1 8 . . . b 6 ?
19.g4 li:lb2 20.Ae7 ! li:ld 1 2 l .g6! l:if5
22.Bh5 ! 1 -0 Ivanovic-Kosanovic, 1 985)
1 9.'t:Ng4 tl\b2 20.ii.e7 lt:lc4! 2 l .li:lbl lle8
22.ii.g5 d5 !-+ Kucin ar- I .Markovic,
1 986
18.fgS b5
1 8 . . . ltJe5 1 9 . ll h 5 ? ! ( l 9.e3 e 6
20.ltJdb5 Ab5 2 l . l0b5 ttJf3 ! 22.ltJd6
g5 23.'t:Ng5 lOgS+) 1 9 . . . gh5 20.h2
g3 !+ Kajumov-Serper, 1 986
1\f5?! e6 !
19 . . . ltJa5
1 9 . . . ..ab5? 20.Ac4
1 9 . . . ttJe5!?
20.ti)c3?! ltJg3 2 l .h2 ltJhl 22.llh1
ltJb3 23.ab3 lle8+
20 . . . e6
20 . . . l0b3 2 1 .ab3 e6 22.ltJg7 g5
23.d2! d2 24.lld2 r;&g7 25.ltJd6oo
21 .lL!fd6? g5
2 1 . . . g5 22.<;t>b 1 bS
22 . . . ti)g3 !+
23.'e10 l0b3 24.ltJhS ghS 2S.ab3
'&'eS 26.h4 Ae2 27.d6! g7 28.!1c6
.an 29.b4 !? ..ae4
29 . . . ..ah I ? 30.llc5

30.I!c5 AdS 3 1 .h5 hS 32. ..h5

30. . . 1'5 31 ..c5 AdS 32.a1 ..b8
33.b5 a6
33 . . . f4 !+
34.ba6? 1'f4 ! 3S ...a5 1'b4
34 . . ...bS 35.'c3 'tlff6 36 ..e5! g6
37.'ti'd3 h6 38.e3 g6 39.d3 g7
40.'tlfd4 'tlffl 41...e1 eS??
4 1 . . . 'tlff6 42...e5=
42.e5 f60 43 . ..d5+42 . . . 1'!4 43. ..dS??
4H!fd5+43 . . . d2 44...d2 rs 45...d6 e4 46.c4
..eS 47.b4 f4 48.c5 e3 49.c6 f3 50.:ad7
h6 51.c7 C2 e2 53.c8't! el'
54 ..n ..e8! 55.c6 ..e6 56.ID6 ..f6
57.'!6 h7 'n-lh

23 .fg6 e6 n 25.!ie 1 e5 26.'b3

f8 27.lafl g3 !+ Valiente-Romero Hol
mes, 1 990
1 8.'@'f2 b5 19.fS aS ( 1 9 . . . lad5 20.ed5
b 6 2 l . c 3 b.Ac2co) 2 0 . a4 ba4 ?
(20 . . . ..dS 2 l .ed5 b6 22.c3 lL!eSco)
2 l ..i.c4 ..c4 22 ...h5 ! ghS 23.f6 ! e6
2 4 . tt:\ e 7 lae7 2 S . fg7 ! +- B ec e rra
A.Martinez, 1990
18 . . . b5 19.f5

[ 65 ] Fernandez Aguado

Benidonn, 1 989

1.e4 cS 2.lL!f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lL!d4 lL!f6

S.lL!c3 g6 6.i.e3 A g7 7.!3 0-0 8.d2
lL!c6 9.A.c4 A.d7 10.0-0-0 lacS ll ..i.b3
lL!eS 12.h4 hS 13.A.g5 ..cS 14.g4 hg4
15.h5 lL!h5 16.lL!d5 ..e8 17.!4
17 ...h5 gh5 1 8.'f!h2 ..d5 ( 1 8 . . . gf3?
1 9.'f!h5 f2 20 . ..h 1 'fS'a5 2 l .c3 a6
22.'ti'h7 f8 23.Ah6 fl 24.Actl ! !!c3
25 .bc3 a3 26.b l 'ti'a2 27.a2 g2
28.Ac2+- Gude-Engl, 1987) 1 9 .Ad5
'ti'b6 20. h5 e6 2 t ..tb3 gf3 ! 22.Ah6
Ah6 23.h6 f2 24.lL!f5 ef5 25.!!h 1 fl 'f!l
26.laf1 d5 0- 1 M.Gonzalez-Romero Hol
mes, 1 987
17 . . . lL!c4 18.d3
18.Ac4 ..c4 1 9.lL!f5 .trs ( 1 9 . . . gf5
20.h26. lL!f6 21 .lL!f6 ef6 22.h7 f8
23.Ah6 Ah6 24.h6 e7 25.e5!+-)
20.ef5 lad4 21 .'f!e3 !!d1 22.lad 1 ''d7

19 . . . .td4
1 9 . . . a5 20. .i.c4 bc4? ! (20 . . . ..c4 !?co)
2 l .'@'e3 f6 22...Q.h6 e6 23.fg6 ed5 24..i.g7
g7 25.1lh5 1 -0 Donchev-Semkov, 1981
1 9 ... .. d S 20.edS .i. d 4 2 1 . fg6
(2 1 .'@'d4?! A.fS 22.Ac4 bc4 23.'ti'c4
'f! c 8 + H e l l sten-B o u g h e rt y , 1 9 8 S )
2 l . . . A b 2 22.b 1 fS 2 3 .lahS aS
(23 . . . Ag7 24.'ti'g3! tileS 25.'ti'h2 tt:\g6
26...h7 .i.eS 27 .'f!/hS tt:\h8 28 ...h 1 +-)
24 . .i.d2 (24 . ..dh 1 Ag7 25 .g3 'ti'c3
26.c3 Ac3 27.Ac4 bc4+ Donchev
Semkov, 1982) 24 . . . lL!d2 2S.b2 lL!c4
(25 . . . tt:\e4 26. e3 e6 27 .labS ! 1 -0 Martin
Gonzalez-A.Romero, 1984) 26.b 1 tt:\a3
(26 . . . b4 ! 27.c3 'ti'cS 28 .!ldh 1 'ti'f2
29 . ..5h2 'ti'f4 30.Ac4 bc4 3 l .'ti'e2 g7
32.lah7 g6 33.I!e7 I!e7 34.'e7 'ti'e4
35.'ti'e4 fe4co Nevcevski-Poleksic, 1 988)
27.c 1 'ti'b4 28.I!fl (28 . I!dh 1 f4
29.b2 lt:lc4; 28.Ilf5 ! ? lt:lc4 ((28 . . . Af5?
29.f5 lafS 30.'f!/e6 g7 3 1 .'ti'e7 g6
3 2 . 'ti' f8 +- ) ) 29 . .,tc4 bc4 30 . .. f4 ! )


2 8 . . . 't!l' e4 ( 2 8 . . . l H8? 2 9 .' e 3 f4

30.'t!!' e 7+-) 29.'l-'e4 fe4 30.lin ! b4 !
3 l .S>d2 a5 32.c;t>e3 a4 33.'i;f4 ab3 34.cb3
lLlb5 35 .S>e4 tLlc3 ! 36.'i!?d4 g3 37 ..!ihh7
Yl-Yl Bellon-Sosonko, 1 985
20.d4 }1d5 !? (20 . . . e5 2 l .Ad8 ed4
22.tLlf6 'i;g7 23 .Lt:le8 .2.e8 24.Ac4?!
((24 ..E:d4 !?)) Iic4oo Hellsten- Macleod,
1 985) 2 1 .d5 e6 22. .ad8 ed.5 23 .fg6 fg6
20 . . . .ab2 2I.!it'b1 fg6 22..lTh5 Ag7
23 ..E:h2

23 . . . d5 ! 24.d5 e6 25.Ad8 ed5

26.-th..t d4 27.Ag3 }1e4 28.d6 Ae6+
29.c5 g3 30.!ihh1 g2?! 31.l:!hg1 .Eel
32..td4 d4 33 ..l3.d4 7 34.a4 lLla3
35.'itb2 c2 36 ..2.c2 $i.f5 37.ab5 Iic2
38.<;!ib 3 39.r;;t>c3 ID3 40.d2 l:ib3
4I .a4 b5 42.a7 <t;6 43.!la2 Ae4
44.e3 5 45. lf:-1h

[ 66 ]

1 8 .c3 e6!+
18 . . . c8

1 8 . . . a5 1 9 ...h6 (I 9. f4 ltJf.3 ! 20.Lt:lf.3

g f3 + ) 1 9 . . . ttJ d 3 ! ? ( 1 9 . . . a4 20.Ag7
'i;g70 2 l .Ad5 e6 22.fg4 Lt:lg4 23.l1h5
ed5 24.l'!d5 ttJf6 25.l'!d6 d6 26. Lt:lf5+
N.Gonzalez-Cabeza, 1 987) 20.cd3 d4
2 l .Ag7 Ci!>g7 ! (2l . . . g7 22.fg4 ltJf6
23.g5 i2Jh5 24 . .l3.dg 1 a4 25 .Ad 1 a3
26.Ah5) 22 ..l3.h5? (22.b l !;t Velimi
rov i c - K o s an o v i c , 1 9 8 8 ) 22 . . . .E:c 8 !
23.'it;'b1 gh5+ 24.g5 f8 25.h5 e6
(25 . . .' g7 ! ? ) 2 6 . fg 4 a4 27.Ac 2 a3
28 .h6 7;e7 29.g5 f6 Aa4
3 1 .b3 Ab3-+ Milenkovic-Kosanovic,
1 994
1 9.i2Jf5?! gfS 20 ..ID15 [Qc4 2I.h2
Ab2 22.'i!;>b 1 AeS! 23.f4 Lt:la3 24.1

Kiril Georgiev Komljenovic

Bil, 1 989

l.e4 c5 2. .!i)f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 lLlf6

S.lLlc3 g6 6 ..e3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
.!Uc6 9.l.c4 .d7 10.0-0-0 c8 I l..b3
.!DeS 12.h4 h5 13.,tg5 c5 14.g4 hg4
15.hS -2Jt5 1 6.lLld5 lidS 1 7.d5
l 7.ed5 gf3 ! l 8.Ah6 Ag4cc
17 . . . b6 (6lLJf3) 1 8. i. b 3


2S.g3 lic2 26 . .llc2 b2 27.d2

"t\fc2 28.e 1 (28.!;!;>e3 li)c4 29.f3 fe4)
28 . . . Ac3 29.fl d1 b.h5-+

2S . . . gh2 26.e7 b3! 0-1

[ 67 ] Mueller - Marhun
corr., 1 990

1.e4 e5 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.d4 li)f6

s.eJ g6 6. .ae3 g7 7.0 0-0 8.'!\d2
e6 9.e4 d7 1 0.h4 h5 1 1.0-0-0 e5
12 . .i.b3 !I.e8 n.,ags HeS 14.g4 hg4
15.f4 e4 16.e4 ..e4 17.e5
24.d3 e6 Af6!-+
24.e2 e6 2S.hg5 't':YgS 26.llh5 h5
27.f4 '&gS+
24 . . gf4+ 2S.IDte1 d5 26.llg1 d7
27.d3 f3 28.e4 f4 29.'tlfe2 e2

JO. b 1 g1 Jl.edS .ads 32.ligl e6

JJ.hS Aa2 34.!;!;>al a6 35.e8 .i. g8 dJ 37.a1 f2 0- 1

[ 68 ] !.Markovic - Payen
Singapore, 1 990

17 . . . 'LlbS!

l.e4 e5 2.0 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.d4 f6

1 7 . . .bS 1 8.db5 ( 1 8.ed6 b4!? 1 9.de7 s.eJ g6 6.Ae3 ,ag7 7.0 0-0 8.'tVd2
e7oo) 1 8 . . . .i.c6 1 9.ef6 ef6 20.d6 Hc3 e6 9.Ae4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS u .abJ
2 1 . 'tVc3 .llh 1 22.fS 'tVb6 ALbert-Dur e5 1 2.h4 h5 13.Ag5 lieS 14.g4 hg4
ham, 1 987; !
15.f4 li)e4 16.-&e2 b5 17.fS

1 7 . . . li)h7 ? ! 1 8 .'tVd3 lld4 1 9.d4

1 7.eS ? ! deS 1 8.db5 tt:)b2! 19.b2
Ac6 ( 1 9 . . . tt:)gS 20.hg5 .ars 2 1 .d5 d7 ( 1 9. feS ti:ld1 +) 1 9 . . . '&a5 20.lld7 d7
22.lld2 lieS 2 3 . c 3 e6 24 . ..dh2) 2 I ..ae7 lic3 ! + Westerinen-Mestel, 1 979 f6? (20 . . . de5 2 1 . '&cS A dS
17 . . . gf5
22.lld5) 2 l .c4 c;t>h8 22.hS+- Sher
zer-Kudrin, 1 98S

1 8.ed6? lld4 1 9.de7 lld2 20.ed8'tV
lld 1 2 l. .d1 lld8 22.Ad8 Ac6-+

18 . . . lld4! 19.d4 Ae6 20.dS f6

21.e4 h8 22.f5 fg5 23.fg6 llf4 ! !


1 8.ef5 .e5! 1 9.t\ld3 ( 1 9.g2 /Ue3

20. .te3 e3 21 .lbd5 d5 22.Ad5 e6;
1 9 . f2 lbe4 20. /Ue4 !ie46 b 6 )
1 9 . . . c80 2 0 . Ii d f 1 ( 2 0 . A f6 A f6
21 .tt:le4 Ag7!+) 20. . . /UdS! 2 1 ./UdS .E.d5
22.f6 ef6 23.Af6 Hartman-Kir.Georgiev,
1 985; 23 . . .''c5 24.Ag7 (24.c3 Ah6
2s ..a8s .a8s 26.hgs gs-+> 24 . . . g7
25 ..E.f4 f5+

22 . . . /U e S (22 . . . .t d 1 ' 2 3 . lbc 6 ! )

23.Bdg l d7 24.tL\d5 .e8 25 ..h5 /Ug6
23..bdgt rs
23 . . . d7 24.i.c4 bc4 25 .lah4 f5
24.lah5 ! neS! 2S ..tc4 bc4 26.l:US
26 . . . ae 1 ? 27.I!el .trs 28.l0f5 g5
18 . . . .tf6
27.liJf3 h6!
1 8 . . . ef6 1 9 . Ac4 ( 1 9.ef5 ? ! A h 6
20.b1 lL!e3 2 1 .Ildgl af5 ! 2 2..!Llf5 .Af5
27 . . . h3 28.g5 f8 29.5g4 f3
23. :S.g3 E.e8 !co) 1 9 . . . fe4 ? ! ( 1 9 . . . !ic4 30.l1g8 e7 3 I .Ii.e 1
20.ef5 .th6 2 I .bl h7 22.'g4 lagS
28.d l t'g6
23.h5 B,g7 24.d5 !; 19 . . . bc4 !? 20.
28 . . J e l ? 29.e 1 e6 30.ltJe5 !
ef5 Ah6 2 l .b1 .eS ! ?;l;) Mark Cejtlin f8 ! 3 1 . l H7 e 8 3 2 . .g4 t\leS
B.Aitennan, 1 991 ; 20. .tb3 ! f5 2 l .d5 33.Be4
Ah6 2 2.' b l Ae6 2 3 . lL!e 3 ! d 7
29.l!g4 'ii' g4 30...gS 'tigS 3 l.ltJg5;;!;
24 . .E.hf1

1 9.ef5
1 9.t2lf5 laf5 ! 20.ef5 .trs 2 1 . .tc4 bc4
22 ..!dd5 c3! 23 ..hg 1 cb2 24.c;i?b 1 d7
c8, a4

1 9 . . . .b.f5
1 9 . . ..td4? 20.g4
1 9 . . .e5 20.E.hg l 6Bg4

31 . . .'g7
32.ltJf3 rs?
32 . . ..11d 8
33.llJd4 f4 34.dS . d 8 3S.e7
cJ:Jn 36.ljJec6 ladS 37.2 $>e8 38.cct;f3
'i!;;d7 39.4 o;t>d6 40.4 ligS 41.t!)a7
.E.a5 42.ab5 1-0

[ 69 ]

20.g4! gS

Corfu, 1 993

l.e4 cS 2.lL!f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 liJf6

5.c3 g6 6.e3 Ag7 7.1'3 0-0 8 d2
c6 9 . .tc4 i.d7 10.0-0-0 lacS l l. .tb3
e5 1 2.h4 hS 13..tgS lacS 14.g4 hg4
15.f4 c4 16.'e2 b 5
1 6 . . . c8!? 17.!5 eS !? 1 8.liJdb5 .tb5
1 lib5 20.Af6 ! .tf6 21 .Ac4 llb4!
22 .td5 gf5 23.E:dfl f40 24.lahg1 .eS
25.l;g4 fSoo Yudasin-Tiviakov, J 993
2 1 . e4 .g4 2 2 .E.dg 1 i. g5 ! +
17.f5 a5
Keschitz-Palkovi, I 987
1 7 . . . b6 1 8.h5 liJh5 1 9.t\lg4 lL!b2!?
20.'i!?b2 .E.c3 2 l .c3 t\lc5 22.tit'b2 Ad4
21 . . ..tg4 22.gf6 ef6!


23.b 1 Ag7 (23 . . .' i!fc3 24.!ld4 d4

20 . . . b6 2 1 .tt:ld5 !ld5 22.ed5 llh8oo
25.Ae3 !) 24. .ah6 ! 't!t'c3 25.Ag7 'tlt'g7 23.c3 Ad4 24.'t!fd4 d4 25.!ld4 Af5
26.!ldg 1 Topalov-Romero, 1 993
26.!lg3 (i)e5 27.a4 a6 28.Adl Ad7
2 9 . Ae2 f5 3 0.ab5 ab5 3 l .c;!;>d2 f6
1 8. fg6 tt:lb2 ! ( 1 8 . . . fg6?! 1 9 . .af6 ! ? 32.e3 llc8 33.!lg I Ae8 34..1la l tt:lc4
.ar6 20.d5) 1 n n ! 20.b2 'tlt'c3 35 . .ac4 bc4 36.ga7 llc5 37.llb7 Af7
2 l . b 1 d 5 ? ( 2 1 . . . !l e 5 ! ? 22 . .a f6 38.b4 cb3 39 .c4 e5 40.de6 Ae6 4 1 .!lb3
((22.!lhf1 ? ! !le4 23 . .an f8 !+)) .ar6 Ac4 Vz-Vz, 1 993
23.!lhf l oo) 22 . .af6 !lf60 (22 . . . Af6
2 l.d5 lld5!
23.e5) 23.!ld3 'tlt'a5 24.ed5 !1c4 ! Gof
2 l . . . Ad4 22.!ld4 e l 23.lld 1 f2
shtein-Mestel, 1 99 2 ; 2 5 . e7 ! ? !I n 24.!lf3 h2 25.tfg3
. 22.ed5 b600
1 8 ..ac4 !lc4 1 1!9a6 20.h5 e4!
2 1 .e4 Af5 2Vt:\c3 !lfc8 23.hg6 .ag6
24.b 1 e 6 ! 25.!ldfl b4? (25 . . . !lc3 !
26.bc3 !lc3) 26.Af6!+- Jensen-Boye,
1 985
18 . . . Af6 19.g4


19 . . . <t'g7
1 9 . . . d5? ! !ld5 2 l .ed5 e3
22.g3 d l (22 . . . Ad4 23.d6 !) 23.d6!
e6 24.fe6 Ad4 25.e7 Af5 26.ef8 c;t>f8
27.!ldl +- Nisipeanu-Stavrev, 1992
1 9 . . . !lfc8!? 20.d5 !ld5 2 l .ed5 e3
22.'tlt'e4 f5 Af5 24.'t'e l a2!
25.Aa2 !lc2 26.c;!1b 1 !lb2 27.c l llc2
28.c;t>b 1 0 - 1 Kuentz-Umbach, 1 993


23.c3 b4 24.Ac4 !lc4 25.t!)e6 Ae6

26.'c4 .ar5oo
23 .!lc3 Ilh8 ! 24.h5 tt:le5 ! 25.119e2
23.llg3 !lhS ! 24.h5 g5oo
23.Ac4!? !lc4 24.llhd3 119c5!oo

23 . . . b2!+ 24.d20
24.b2? .ar5 25.e3 Ah3-+
24 . . . c4? !
24 . . .'tt'a5! L).a3. (i)c4+

25.Ac4 bc4
25 . . . !lc4 26.l:lhd36. fg6oo

26.c3 llb8 27 ..g3 AeS 28.llgg2


28 . . . Af4? 29.fg6 ! 1!9b2!i>d l

20.'tlfg3 Ae5 (20 . . . !lfc8? ! 2 l . fg6 fg6
29.!lc2 't\t' a3 30.<;!i'tl2 llb2 3 1.fg6 fS!
22.!lhg 1 e5 23 .tt:ld5) 2 l .f3 e6!
22.h5 g5 (22. . .ef5 23.hg6 fg6 24.'h3 !) 32.'t\t'e3 f4 33.'tlt'e4 llc2 34.tfc2
23 . fe6 Af4 24.b 1 Ae6!? 25.e6 fe6oo
34.c2 a2 35.c I a 1 36.d2
20 . . . ID'c8
Aa4 37.(i)f5 f6-+

18.'t.\'e3 h7
34 . . . 1Ld4 35.cd4 e3 36.d1 f3
37.cifl .a4 !-+ 38.'tl!'a4 'tl!'fl 39.c4
1 8 . . . b4 1 9 . .Q. f6 ( 1 9 . li) d 5 li) d 5
39.'e8 d4 'tlff4 4 1 .c;&c2 f2 2 0 . .Q.d5 gf5 !co Bakalarz-Pekarek, 1 985)
42.e7 g6 43.''e8 c;&g7 44.e7 'tl!'f7 I 9 . . . .Q.f6 ( 1 9 . . . bc3 20..Q.g7 cb2 2 l .r;!ib l ;
2 0 . . . g 7 ; 2 0 . fg 6 ) 2 0 . lt) d 5 g f5 !
45.g5 c;&h7
( 2 0 . . . e 6 '? 2 1 . fe 6 fe6 2 2 . li)f4 +- ;
'tll' g 1 0-1
20 . . . .Q.g7 2 l .fg6 tLlg6 22.h5) 2 1 .tLlf6
Rachels Rao
[ 70 ]
ef6 22.ef5 a5+ Kulozewski-Nizynski,
USA, 1 986
1 9 86
l.e4 c5 2.tUf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lUd4 tUf6
1 9 . h 5 g f5 2 0 . h 6 .Q.h8 2 l .ef5 a5 g6 6.i.e3 ,g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'tl!'d2
.!i.Jc6 9 ..c4 .d7 10.0-0-0 Iic8 l l.i.b3 22.tLle4 tLle4 23.'tl!'e4 :tl#a8 ! 24.'a8 !laB
es 12.h4 h5 13.j:,g5 c5 14.g4 hg4 25 ..Q.e7 a4 26.d6 ab3 27.tLlb3 Iic2!-+
Gruenfeld-Hansen, 1 986
15.f4 c4 16.'tll' d3 bS 1 7.f5
19 . . . l2\g6 20.I;dn lic3! 2 l.'c3 'tll'b 6
22.e3 tLleS 23.IDt2 aS+ 24.!lhfl a4
25 ..d5 g3!

17 . . . lt:\e5
1 7 . . . g f5 1 8 . e f5 c 8 ( 1 8 . . . lUe5
I 9 .'tl!'e3 b4 20. .f6 ! bc3 2 l ..Q.g7 cb2
22.<it;b 1 rti;g7 23. g5 h7 24. h5
g 7 2 5 . h g 1 l! g 8 D 2 6 . a g 4 LDg4
27 .!!,g 1 ! +- Wiese-Bojadgieva, 1 9 85)
19.E.dfl ?! ( 1 9.,l;.hfl lt:\e5 20.e3 E.c3
2 l .'tll' c3 c3 22.bc3 i!c8 ..t>fB
24. .d5 Y2-Y2 Sax-Kiril Georgiev, 1 986)
19 . . . .'2Jd5 20.tUd5 d5 2l .f6 ef6 22.i.f6
c5 23. .g7 'i!?g7 24.Ef4 Ilh5 25.Bhfl
f5 26.e2 e5 27 . .Q.c4 bc4 28.''c4
I;h4+ Krieger-Schacht, 1 986
1 7 . . . b4 ! ? 1 8 . .Q. c4 ? ! ( 1 8 . . f6 ! ? )
1 8 . . . bc3 1 9 . J H6 b6 ! 20.b3 e f6 ! ?
2 l .Edg I .h6 22.'it>d 1 gf5 23 .ef5 d5
24.I;g4 h8 25 ..a6 Iia5 26.a4 Iia4 !
27 .ba4 'tll' b l 2 8 . 'it>e2 'tll' h l -+ Neto
Macleod, 1 98 8

26.f6 ef6 27.j,f4

27 . .f6'? tLlg4-+
27 . . . t:Llg6 28.tLlf5 'tl!'e3 29.,te3 g2
30.Ilg1 j:,fS 3 1.ef5 ltjh4 32.j,f2?!
32.Ag2 lUg2 33.g2 !le8+
32 . . . .!Uf5 33 . .e4 ,th6D 34.d 1
lt'g6 35.!!g2 ,tg5 36.Ag3 Iie8 37.,td3
.2:e3 38. .e1?
38.Af5 f5 3 9.Ji.d6
d3 ! 0- 1

[ 7 1 ] Herrera Alzugaray

Havana, 1 990
l.e4 cS 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 tLlf6
5.Lt:Jc3 g6 6 . .e3 ..ig7 7.f3 0-0 8.'t.\'d2
Lt:Jc6 9.i.c4 .d7 10.0-0-0 Iic8 l l.Ab3


LQeS 12.h4 bS 13.AgS lieS 14.g4 hg4

15.f4 'l)c4 16.d3 b5 17.Af6
1 7.e5 'l)h7 ( 1 7 . . . b6 1 8.Af6 ef6
1 9 .e6 Podkraj s e k - Popo v i c , 1 9 8 8 )
I 8 .ed6 tZ\g5 1 9.hg5 e 5 20.'l)db5 t0a5
2 l .t0d5 'l)b3 22.ab3 lidS 2H'd5 ef4+
Berrocai-Rinaldi, 1987
17 . . . Af6 18.e5 de5 19.dbS
1 9.'l)de2 tt:lb2 20.b2 ef4 ! 2 l.h5 g5
22.g6 h8 23.h6=

21 . . . lic2? 22.c2 c8 23.<;!tb2 Af5

24.t0a7 ! (24.'tlifh5 11.. e 4 2 5 . fe5 A h l
26.lih l c6 27.lig 1 b5 28.lig4 e2
29.c;t}a3 a6=) 24 . . . Ag6 25.tZ\c8 ef4
26.c;t}a3 ! (26.'l)c3 lieS 27 .lie I f3)
26 . . . li c S ( 2 6 . . . Ae4 2 7 . e7 h 7
2S.lihe I f 5 29.1J..d5+-) 27.lide I +22.tfh5 tfc8 23..!lja7 !
23.c5 Ab5
23 . . . tfc7 24.t0c5 'l!!/ a7 25.lid7 c5
26.1l.. c 4 c4 27.g4 ef4 28.ligl cJ
29.g7 tfg7 30.lig7 g7 31.lie7 f6
32.lic7 liaS lf1-1h

19 . . . t0b2!0

[ 72 ]

Sherzer - Shirov
Santiago, 1 990

2 0 . b 2 (20 . tf d7 'l)d 1 + ) e f4
(20 . . . lib5 2 l .g6 Ag7 22.b5+.-;
20 . . . e 4 ! ? 2 1 . d7 '&a5 2 2 . li d 4 $1 ;
20 . . . '1!!/aS !? 2 l .d7 ef4 22.lid4 lifc8oo)
2 l .c 1 (2 l .g6 1l.. g7 22.h5 lib5 !+)
2 1 . . .'1!!/aS (2 l . . .!.tfg7 ! ?) 22.d7 (22.g6
Ag7 23.lid7 lic3 24.t0c3 c3 25.e4
f3=) 22. . . Ac3 23.t0c3 c3 24.'i!tb l g3
25.'&g4 f6oo

l.e4 cS 2.t00 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.Ct:ld4 f6

S.Ct:lc3 g6 6.1l.. e3 1l..g7 7.f3 0-0 8. d2
t0c6 9.1l..c4 1J.. d 7 10.0-0-0 lieS 1 1.1l..b3
lUeS 1 2.h4 h5 13.Ag5 lic5 14.g4 hg4
15.Af6 1l..f6 1 6.f4 ttlc4 17.tfd3 b5 18.e5
Ag7 19.h5
1 9.ed6 e5

20 . . . Ag7
2 l .h5 !.tfhS (2 l . . .lic6!? 22Jld6 ed6
23.h6 f6+; 22.g5 tOd l 23.h6 lih6
2 4 . li h 6 e 6 ! +) 22. 11.. f7 d 1 2 3 .lid 1
2 l .b2 ef4 22.b 1 a5 ! 23.lid7
lic3 24.g4 b5-+ Delannoy-Moingt,
1 993

19 . . . de5 20.tQdb5
20.'l)de2 lic7 2 l .t0b5 b2
20 . . . tQb2 21.<;!tb2 libS


22.tfd7 'tlifd7 23 .lid7 e f4 24.hg6

(24.lic7 lih5) 24 . . . lieS 25.gf7 (25.lie7
2 l. . .t0c4!?
Ac3 26.c 1 h.b3 27.ab3 fg6) 25 . . . f8
2 1 . . .lac4 !? 22.Ac4 t0c4 23.th6oo 26.lid3 l:lc3 27 .lic3 lieS 2S.lld 1 Ac3
Geenen-Oltkof, 19S6
22 . . . l:lb3 23.cb3 ef4 24.gf7 rt;f7

24... Iif7 25.h7 fB 26.h8 Jt.h8

27 .IihS rt/g7 2S . .dS

25. d7 't'S'd7 26.l:ld7 IlcS-+

25 . . . c8 26.d5
26...g7 rJ;?g7 27. "f!id7 d7 28 . .d7 g3
29.l:le7 rt/g6 30.Iie 1 f3 Iie8
32.Bg1 g2

26 . . ..b6 27.e5? !
27..g7 g7 2S.g5 'it;f7 29.' f4
rtleS 30.t!l'a4 Jt.d7 3 1.''a7+

1 9 ..f4

19.'g3 ladS 20 . .f4 (20.ed5 tt)h3!)
20 ... l:ld4 ? ! (20 . . .,l;.h5 ! ?+) 2l.l;d4 e5
( 2 1 . . . .d4 ? ? 2 2 . h2 ) 2 2 . h2 IieS
23. h7 'i&f8 24.h6 tvf6 25..c4 ed4
(25.. . bc4 26 . .d6!) 26.lafl !

. 21 . . . gs 2S.l:ld4 .ars 29:r4 g6

30.l:l:c4 t!!'e6 3 1 .h2 :i:!d8 32.'c7 .d3
33.,l;.c6 d6 34 . ..d6 ed6 35.d2 dS
36.a3 d4 37.tua4 e3 38.'c6 rt/gS
39.!:ih2 g3 40 . .g2 d3 4 l . d 6 eS
42.''d5 t!l'e4 43.'!:!-'dS rtlg4 44.d2 f4
45.d3 d3 46.t!l'd3 1!!!'m 47.b4 o o-1

[ 73 ]

19 . . . e5 20.g3 ed4
20.. .'Yg5! 2l.rJ!;;b 1 .d5 22.ed5 ed4
23 . .c4 bc4 24.Y&e2 d3 25.cd3 Ilb8 26.d4
c3 27.b3 Af5 2S.d3 lac S 29.rJ!;;c 2 d4
0 - 1 Sket-Djordjevic, 19S7

Qi Jingxuan Speelman

MontetaJtco, 19S5

2l .c4 bc4 22.' d2 nds 23.ed5

1.e4 c5 2.QJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 . .!0d4 QJf6
5.c3 g6 6.e3 g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'ltd2
23 .. 1M'b6 24.'h2 E:bS
.'Uc6 9..c4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 :gcs l l.Ab3
.!DeS 12.h4 hS 13.g5 lacS 1 4.g4 hg4
24.h2 g5 25.i.d6 Iie8 26 ..de1
d3? !
15.f4 lLJc4 16.d3 b5 1 7.h5 QJh5

n .. . ng s!? 1 s .rg s ttJh s 1 9 :;.t;>b 1

26 .. .lae4! 27.Iie4 Se4 2S.e1 f56
( 19.t2)db5 Jt.b5 20 ..ac4 ,c4 2l. '&c4oo) aS+
19. . . e6 20. .ac4 bc4 2 l.c4 (21. '/:M'e3!
27.,b4! aS 28.i_c3 .e1 29.el g3
b6 22.nhel labS 23.b3 e5! 24..!tJd5 ed4 30.'g3 i.c3 3 1.bc3 r/Bg7 32.'e5 g6 de3
33.llfl i.h3 34.e4 g7 35.'t\l'd4 'it;lg6
1SJ5? Jt.d4! 19.'d4 e5!-+ A m.Ro
driguez-R. Hemandez, 1984

1S . . . lt)f4 ! ?

36.'e4 'i&g7 37..e 1 dc2 38.r;t-c2 tvc8

39:t'd2 .$i.f5 40.'e5 g6 4 1 .d6 g7
42 . .;;n f6 43.e 1 Q?g6 44.'fc6 1l!!' b 8
45.'e8 e8 46..:;e8 Q?f7 47.,l;.a8 'i&e7
48.'i&e3 1-0

[ 74 ] Akopian - Sedrakj an
SSSR, 19S6

l .e4 cS 2.Lt:Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 lt:Jf6

5 .1:)c3 g6 6.e3 i_g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'"f!id2
.1Jc6 9. .c4 d7 10.0-0-0 l:lc8 1 1.Ab3
LUeS 12.h4 hS 13 ..$i.g5 lacS 14.g4 hg4


1 S .f4 lt:)c4 16.d3 bS 1 7.h5 lt:)h5 f6 19 .Q.h40
19.e5 !ld5 ! 20.g6 Ae8-+
1 fg5 bc4 2 1 .Ac4 d5 !
22..Q.d5 !ld5 23.ed5 l0f4-+
19 . . . e6!

24 . . .'e7?

24 . . . 't!Ve8 25.ti)g7 .Q.g4 (25 . . .g7

2 6 . e 2 ! ) 26.ll)e8 .Q.d 1 27.ti)f6 ii f6
2s.Af6 .an+
2S.'ti'g6! i.e6
25 . . .'tli'e6 26 . .lidg 1 lif7 (26 . . .'f7
2 7 .' h6 ! +- ; 26 . . . e7 27.Af2 ! af7
2 8 . 't!V h 7 6 h S +-) 27 . h6 ! f8
(27 . . . f5 2 8 . .i.f6 ! ! +-) 28 .!lg7 !lg7
29.Af6 n 30.!lg 1 +26.Af2?
26.!ldg 1 ii f7 27..tf2 'e8 2Ulh7!
e7 29.!lgh 1 +2 6. . .'fJ..c 7?
26 . . .!lfc8oo
27.'t!Vh7! 28.h5! g8 29.!ldg1

1 9 . . . !ld5 ! ? 20. Ac4 (20. ed5 lt:)f4

2 l .e4 g5 22.Ag5 fgS Ae6
24.de6 lif6 25.h7 fS 26.h8 -thS
27 .!lh8 q;g7 28.!ld8 lt:)e2 29.b l lt:)d26
g3-+) 20 . . . bc4 2 1 .c4 lt:)f4 22.ed5 g5
23 ..Q.g3 c8co .!Of4 21.'0 I!Oe3 22.f4
22 . . . 1!0d1 ! 23.l0e6 Ae6 24..Q.e6 nn
25 ..lid 1 g5 (25 . . .h7 ! ? 26 . .Q.g5 !lg5
27.-tn .Q.h6 28/c!tb1 "f/e76. e5-+)
2 6 . "f/ f2 ( 2 6 .!fe3 'c7) 2 6 . . . "f/ e7
( 2 6 . . . g h 4 ? 27.'c5 ! ) 27 . .Q. f7 f7
[ 75 ] Krivencov - Kozurov
28 ..Q.g3 'e4 29.Ad6 iic66 g6+
Rossija, 1992
23.'g4! eS?!
1 .e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 ll)f6
23 . . . 'e8+
S.ltlcJ g6 6..Q.e3 jlg7 7.f3 0-0 8.'d2!
li)c6 9.Ac4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 iic8 l l.AbJ
tOeS 12.h4 hS 13 ..i.gS !lcS 14.b1 bS
1S...hel lt:)c4 16. .i.c4
1 6.e2 a56 17 ..Q.f6 .t6 1
1 6 . . . bc4
1 6 . . . iic4 17.e5 b4 18.ef6 ef6 1
fg5 2 0 . lL! b 3 Ae6 2 l .hg5 a5 Mnat
sakanian-Sapi, 1 990
77 ef6 bSoo 24.b3 1i.f5

1 7.1i.h6 't\'b6 1 8.1i.g7 llb8 1 9.'t\'c 1
g7 20.de2 (20 . ..e3 ?! c7 2 1 ...d2 25.b2 ..d7
B c b 7 2 2 . d 1 ? e 5 -+ ) 20 . . . .. c 7
25 . . . l:!c8 !? 1i.e6co
(20 . . . b4; 2 0 . . . e5) 2 1 .d5 ! (2 U!d2?
26.a5 I!c7 l:!fc8 28.l:!e2
B c b 7 2 2 . d 1 't\' a 5 2 3 . a I e 6 ! e6 29.'a6 l::ra 7 30.'t\'d6 bS 3 l.d3
24.ec3 ..b2! 25.b2 c3 26 . .8.de2 aS 31.a4 b4?
a3 27 .c3 tt:ld7+) 2 1 . . . lL!d 5 2 2 .ed5
32 . . ...b71i5
f2? (22 . . . ..cb7) ! h4 24 . ..e4
33.'b5 c3 l:!a5 35.b6
f6 25.laf4 e5 26J!e1 d5 27. .8.e7 e4 36.l:!d8 l:!d8 37.'d8 7 38.liJd l, 1 990
c5 39.l:!e4 ..a7 40.''d4 c7 41.l:!f4
17 . . . de5
f!le7 42...f6 r;t;h7 43.c3 l:!d7 44.e5
,cld2 I!d5 (46.l:!f7) 1-0

[ 76 ]

Sluchevsky Blumental

1 98 8

l.e4 c S 2.-'0fJ d6 3.d4 cd4 4.d4 .!0f6

5.c3 g6 6.e3 g7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
Qlc6 9.c4 d7 10.0-0-0 !lc8 1 1.1i.b3
lt:leS 1 2.h4 h5 1 3.g5 lacS 14.'it>b l b5
IS.fthel a5 1 6.f4 .!0c4
1 6 . . . Q\eg4 !? 1 7.a3 ( 1 7 .e5 b4) 1 7 . . . b4
1 7 . . . l::re 5 ? 1 8 . .lle 5 deS 1 1 8 . ab 4 a b4 1 9 . a2 ( l 9 . lt:ld5 ? ll:\d5
Af6, d7
20.Ad5 d5 2 l .ed5 f6; 1 9.lL!a4 Aa4
20.a4 a8 2 1 .b4 l!a5 22.b3 fibS -+)
18 ..tf6
1 9 . . . a8 !+ B oudy-Dia.z., 1 987
1 8.-2\de2? Bc7+
17.c4 i:rc4
1 8.t)db5 a6 1 9.1i.f6-+
1 7 . . . bc4 1 8.e5 b6 1 9.1i.f6 ..b8
I8 . . . Ar6
c 1 ef6 2 l .e6 fe6 22.e6 Ae6
1 8 . . . ed4? 1 9 . .g7 dc3 ( 1 9 . . . c;t:g7
20.d4t. c5) 20.h6
1 8.e5 b4
1 8 . . . ef6 1 a6 20.d7 d7
2 l .l!d7 ab5 22 ...b7
19 ..!De6!
19 . . . a6
20.d7 d7 2 1 .Bd7 ab5 22.b7
(22.g3 l:! b 8 + ) 22 . . . Ah4 23 .!ld 1 f5
24.b5 b5 25.t2lb5 e4+
20 . . . c7 2 l .Qld5
2 1 .-'Uc4
2l . . . .Sb7
1 8 . . . g4? 1 9.f6 ef6 20.e6 Be
2 1 . . . c 3 ! 2 2 . 8 c 3 ( 2 2 . t2l f6 e f6 + )
22 . . . .h4 23.e5 b8+
Jiavsky-Huebner, 1 986


19lL!ce2? lL!e4 20.'tlfd3 d5+

1 9.ef6 bc3 20.e2 .!ld4 2 l .fe7 b6
22.ef8 Af8 23.b3 Ag4 24.e8 .!ldl
25 ..!ld 1 Ad 1 26.Ah6 Ac20 27.c2 'tlff2
28 .c3 c5= Za. Varg a-A.Schmidt,
1 9.lL!cb5 de5 20.fe5 lL!d5 2 l .d3
ireS 22.lL!d6 b8 23.lL!e4 .!lc7 24.lL!b3
Ae6 25.lL!ec5 a4 26.lL!e6 fe6 27.g6 ab3
28.'e6 h7 29..!ld5 .!lc2 30.frd3 fre2
3 I ..!le2 .!lfl 32. .ltc I c7 33 . .!lc3 ba2
34.'tl,Va2 bc3 35.bc3 Ah6 36 ..!lc2 'tl,Ve5+
Santo Roman-Koch, 1993
19 . . . .!lc3!
1 9 . . . .!ld4 20. d4 bc3 2 l .ef6 ef6
22.d6 fg5 23.hg5+19 . . .'c8 20.ef6 ef6 2 I .llJd5+19 . . . .!lc5 20.ed6 ed6 2 1 .lL!e4 .!ld5
22.b3+1 9 . . J::i: c 8 20.ed6 ed6 2 1 . lL!e4 d5
2VDf6 Af6 23 ..!le5 Ag4 24..!lde l
20.bc3 lL!dS 2UDb5

24.'tl,Vc4 Ac2 25 . .!lc l Af5 26.c3

d56. f6oo; 24.d5 !?oo
24 . . . d5?
24 . . . Ac2 ! 25 .frd6 (25 ..!lc l ..ars+)
25 . . .'d6 ! ! 26.ed6 .i.d l ! ! (26 . . . Ad3?
27.de7) 27.b l (27 . .!le5 c2 28.'tl,Vc6
.!lb8 29.a4 ed6-+) 27 . . . c2 28.c 1 Ab2!
29.b2 .!lb8-+
2S.b7! f6 26.ef6 ef6 27 .!le7 'f;ffe7

28. !/!!ie 1 fgS 29..:d5 .if6 30. !/!!/e 2

Jl..!lfS gfS 32.'tlfh5 1-0

[ 77 ]

2 l .ed6 b6
2 1 .lL!e2 b8 !

Kovalchuk Buschtovoi
corr., 1990

21 . . .lL!c3 22.lL!c3 bc3 23.a1

23.c3 Ag4 24.f5 b8 25.b3 .ad I

26.f6 ef6 27.ef6 aS 2 8 .a 1 .!lb8
29.'11:fa3 Af8 30..!ldl d5+ Yurieva-Shush
panova, 1987
23 . . . ..ars
23 . . . Ag4! ? 24..!lb1D Af5 25.'11:c3 f6
26.ef6 .!lf6!+
24 a 6? !


1.e4 c5 2.!!j f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lL!d4 lL!f6

S.llJc3 g6 6 ..aeJ Ag7 7.f3 0-0 s:d2
l!Jc6 9.Ac4 .i.d7 10.0-0-0 .!lc8 1 1..i.b3
tOeS 12.h4 hS 13..2.gS .!lcS 14.c;tibl bS
15.g4 hg4 1 6.h5

1 6.Af6? ! .i.f6 17.lL!d5 .i.g7 1 8.h5 e6

1 9.h6 Af6 20.lL!f6 f6 2 l .fg4 .!lfc8+
Zaitsev-Basin, 1983
16 . . . lL!h5 17.lL!dS

17 ..!lh5?! gh5 1 8.lL!d5 .!ld5! 1 9 ..i.d5

ljf3 20.lL!f3 gf3 21 . .i.h6 e5 22. .l..g 5 'l!:t'b6
23.Ae7 'l!:fd4 24.'tl,Vel f2 25.h l 'tlfd l !
26.'tlfdl Ah3 27.Af8 f8 0-1 Ferraro
Fejzulahu, 1 990
17 . . . .!le8
17 . . ..!ld5 1 8 ..l..d5 gO 1 9.lL!f5 !+1 8..!lhS

1 8.g2 a5 ! ? 1 9.f4 lt:\0\f3 gf3 28.f6 ! ef6 29.Ah6 <;tfS ! 30.Ag7 <ite7
2l .f3 a4 22 . ..h5 ab3 23 .ab3 d5 3 1 .f5 e6 32.Af6
24.!!d5 gh5+ Zomy-Koroviansky, 1 987
26.Ae5 !idS 27.!id5 '&g1 28.<itc2 f2
18 . . gh5 1 9.h2 dS
29.Ag7 <itg7
26 . . .'e2
26 . . . fe6? 27.e8 Af8 28.Ah6
27.l:id4 't!l'fl
27 . . .fe6 2 8.e8 .ars 29.Ah6 n
30.'i;c2 g2 3 I .<itb3oo
28.'it;lc2 '&g2 29.ri!i'b3
29.I!d2 f2 30.Ae5 fe6 !
29 . . .'l'g4 30.f7 <;t f8 31.Ae5 h5
32.h5 e5 33.f4 Ah6 lh-lh

19 . . . lt:\g6 20.h5 aS 2 l ..ID1 1 !idS

22.'t\rh7 r;!?fS 23.h6 Ah6 24.'&h6 <itg8
25.Ad5 e6 26.f5 1 -0 Karpov-Petre,
1 987
1 9 . . . !ic4 20.c4 bc4 2 l .h5 f6
22.f4 ! ttJn 23.Ah4 ! b8 24.h1 c3
25.b3 '&b7 26.f5 tt:le5 2Vt:)e6 1 -0 Kar
pov-A.Sznapik, 1986
20.ed5 ? ! lt:\f3 2 l .li)f3 gf3 22. h5
20 . . . 'ti;Vb6!
2l .h5 e6! 22.b3 gf3 23.Ah6 Ah6
24.h6 f2 25. <'2lf5 ef5 26Jlh 1 f l '&
27.E.fl d5-+ Ivanovic-Romero Hol mes,
2l . . . Af50 22.ef5 gf3!
22. . . li)f3 ? 23.'t!#h5 ! lt.)g5 24.'&g5+23.'t!#h5
23.E.g 1 ? lt:\g4 ! ? 24. .tn wrs 25."&h l
d4 26.f6 ef6
23 . . 'tl'f2! 24 .tr4
24.l:ih1 g3! 25.h7 wrs 26.Ah6
!.h6 27.h6 g7 28.h8 g8 29.f6? !
.!2:lg4 ! 30.'&g8?! g8 3 U1g l f2! 32.E.g4
'it'fS 33.I!f4 ef6
24 . . . !ic8 25.c3 l:;c5
25 . . . e2 26.g 1 ! d3 2 7 . <;;t; a 1
d5 ! (27 . . . f2 ? ::!8 .E.g7 ! <;;t;g 7 29.e5)

[ 78 ]



SSSR, 1 9 89

l.e4 c5\f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.!0d4 lL!f6

5.!0c3 g6 6.ke3 .tg7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
!Oc6 9 ..tc4 . Ad7 10.0-0-0 !ic8 l l.Ab3
li)e5 12.h4 hS 13.Ag5 fic5 14.!i!;>b l b5
15.g4 hg4 1 6.h5 Iic3


1 7.bc3
17 ..f6 Iib3 1 8.Ag7 fib2-+
1 7.c3 li)h5 1 8.fg4 Ag4 1 9.!idgl
17 . . . lt:)f3
17 . . . lt:)h5 1 8.h5 gh5 1 9. h2 lt:\c40
( 1 9 . . . g f3 2 0 . h 5 Ag4 2 l .'t\'h4 f2
2 2 . h I +- ; 1 9 . . .' a5 20 .'&h5 c 3
2 l .h 1 E.e8 22.h7 <itf8 23 .Ah6+-)
20 .h5 f60 2 l .lL!b5 ! Ulibin-Tiviakov,
1 9 87

19.'d3 a4
18 .tt.)f3
1 8.'e3 !? e4 1 9. .ah6 c3 20.'tlfc3
1 9 . . o't!fc8 20od5 ndS 2 l .ed5 .trs
Ah6 2 t .t0f3 gf3 22.hg6 Ag7 23 .f3 e6 2V!]f5 (22o'ti'e2? .!Da3 !; 22og3? 'ti'cS+)
24o'tlfh5 fg6 25o'&h7 <lo>f7 26.dfl 1 -0 22 . . 't!ff5 23oc3 ll)e3 !+ Karpov-KiroGeor
Sznapik-From, 1 990
giev, 1 986
18 . . ott.)e4 19.''h2 .!Dc3 20.'c l as
20.Ji.a2 e5?!
20 . . o gf3 2 1 .hg6 tt.)e2 22od2 aS
23o<lo>e3 't!fc3 24.'f2+21.hg6
zt.nd4 .arsoo
2 l . . ot0a2 22 ..ia2 a3 2J.i;>d2 c3
24o<lo>e2 f3 25o<lo>e 1 'tlfe46 g6+
't!fa3 'h-1/2

[ 79 ]

Kurgansky Koroviansky
corr., 1 988

l.e4 cS 2.c!t.)f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4..!Dd4 tt.)f6

5..!Dc3 g6 6 ..ieJ .ig7 7.0 0-0 8.'d2
c6 9.Ac4 ..id7 10.0-0-0 c8 U.Ab3
e5 1 2.h4 h5 13 .ig5 lacS 14.b1 bS
15.g4 a5 16..tf6
1 6ogh5 a4 1 7oAd5 b4 1 8ott.)ce2 c!t.)hSoo
16 . . o.if6 17.a3

2 1 . .!D d b 5 ! ? .i b S 2 2 . tL! b 5 lt) b 2

23.b2 ef4 24.$b l ?!
24.'c 1 'ti'b6 25oe5 Ji.e5 26o''g6 Ag7
27.t!)d4 ! nc2 ! ? 28oC2 .id4 29ond4?
'tlfd4 30o'tlfg6 q;hs 3 1 . 't!fhS <lo>g7 320 'tlt'g4
<lo>hS 3 3o'tlfh5 V2-V2 Kasanchuk-Korovian
slcy, 1 988
24 .''b6 2S.c4 Ji.eSoo 26.''c2?! 0
27.hfl ? nbs 28.cb5 bS 29 ..ib3 ab3
JO.'cl 'ilt'e2 0-1

Short Kiril Georgiev

[ 80 ]

Novi Sad, 1990

17 .c!t.)dS .ig7 1 8.a3 e6 1 't!ff6 !?

17 . . ohg4 18.f4
1 8oh5 gS 1 (l9.f4 gf4 20of4
<lo>h7 2 t .ltlds ngs) 19 . . . nds 2oo.tds
18 . . . tt.)c4
1 8 . . oltlf3?! 1 9 . .!Df3 gf3 ( l 9 . . o.ic3
20obc3 gf3 2 1 of5) 20oltld5

l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 tL!f6

S.tL!c3 g6 6 ..ie3 Ji.g7 7.0 0-0 8.'d2
lt)c6 9.Ji.c4 ..ad7 10.0-0-0 ncs 11 . ..1b3
lUeS 12.h4 h5 13...ig5 ncs b5
1S.g4 aS 16.gh5 llJhS ..e8 18.a3
1 8 .lt)f4 tL!f4 19. '$'f4 tt.)c4 20. 'tlfg3
(20oh5 f6oo) 20 . . .'b6 2 l ..ic4 (2 l .h5
d5 !) 2 1 0 obc4 22.c3 e5 23.tL!f5 ..trs 24.ef5
dS+ RaoRodriguez-Marin, 1994
1 8 0 . lt)c4 19.'d3
19o't!fg2 b4?! 20oa4 ..ac6 2 1 .Ac4 ..c4
22ollJc6 llc6 23ol0f4 llJf4 24.Af4 d7
25oh5 AoSznapik-Sehner, 1987


19 . . . e6 20.c3? !
20.ft)e6? fe6 2 l .ft)c3 ft)b2+
20.ft)e3 !?
20 . . . J:..d S 21.ed5 c8! (622. . . ft)a3;
22 . . . lldS) 22.ft)c6 ft)a3!+

39 . . . !Dg3?!
39 . . . lL\ e 6 4 0 . J;. a 5 lt) c 5 4 l . 'it> c 4
40.1:..c 2 ft)e6?
40 . . . lt:lfl ! l':.ft)d2

22 . . . ft)b2?! 23 .b2 Iic3 2 4 . c 3

41..2:a5 ft)gS 42.ii.g6 ft)f3 43 ..l;.a7
Ac3 25.3oo
43 . . . e6 44 . .Q.n f6 45 ..td5+
23.ba3 Iic3 24.b5 '&f5-+
44.J;.n Wg6 45 ..2:0 l[)e4 46.r;t>b4
23 . . . ft)c4
r;t>gS 47.c4 .ar4 48.'i&b5 AeS? !
23 . . . a4 !?
48 . . . 'it>f5+
24.llhe1 e6!
49.f8 l2lc5 SO.cot?c6 ft)e6 Sl..ID"l 1h-1h
24 . . . ft)b2 25.'it>b2 c3 26.c3 ii.c3
27.r;t>c3 e5+
[ 81 ] \Viech - Nizynski
Polska, 1 987
25 . .Q.c4 bc4 26.c2 l;c6 2 7 . d c 6
l.e4 c5 2.l2J[3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ft)d4 l[)fti
25 . . .'1c6 26.en rt;rf7 27.J:.. c 2
5.!2\c3 g6 6 ..ae3 .ag7 7.0 0-0 8.d2
27.1le8 '&e8 28.d6 .tf8-+
!2\c6 9._ic4 .Q.d7 1 0.0-0-0 l!c8 1 1 .ii.b3
27 . . . g5
tL\eS 1 2.h4 h5 13 .tgS l!cS 14.'i!tbl bS
27 . . .lf5 ! 28.ges '&e8-+
IS.g4 aS 1 6.gh5 a4 17.Af6 Af6
28.f!e80 e8 29.hg5 ft)f4 30.e4
e4 31..Q.e4 Ae5--+ 32.ii.c6 b4 33.Wb3
ft)e3 34.1lel ft)f5 35.l:ra l bc3 36.bc3
lt)h3 37. .d5 rtle7 3S.l::r a 4 ..Uf4 39.ii.e4

I S . .tdS

1 8 .hg6 ab3 1 9.h5 ( 1 .:\ic3 20.gf7

f7 2 l .c3 tt:Jc4 b6oo Chan
dler-Petursson, 1 987) 1 9 . . . bc2
ct'lf3 2 l .h6 gS 22.-!idS ! ? eS 23.g l
fg6 24.e3 Ae6 2S .llc5 deS 26.ct'lcd5
AdS c4 28.hg6 $J.. g7 29.gS I:ifl
30.c2 !if2 3 l .b 1 V2-lh Gorbachev
Khomenko, 1 988
18 . . . e6 19.hg6 ed5 20.h5 .a_gs
20 . . . I:lc3 2 l .'&"h6 !
2 l . f4 tt)c4 (2 l . . . Ah6 22 . .:;Jd5)
22.'t\t'g2 (22.h2cc) 22 . . . tL!e3 23.g5
( 2 3 . g 3 tt)d 1 24 .t!:)dS I:ldS 2 5 . ed5
t\Vf6-+) 23 . . .gS 24.fg5 d l 25.gf7
n 26.I:ld l .i.g4+ Nizynski
21 . . Jc3 22.bc3 ct'lc4 23..d.dgl a5!

17 . . .
1 7 . . . .:\ifl 1 8 .hg6 .!!:\g 6 1 9 .hS tt:JhS !
( 1 9 . . . tt)f8 ? 20Jdg l h7 2 l . e5 ! +
lvanovic-Feick, 1 988) 20..hS tt)f4 !
1 8 .f4 b4 !
1 8 . . . ttlg6 19.h5 e5 20.h6
20.'tlVg2 ! ? g8 2 l .h6 i..h 8 22.f4 tt)c4
23 .h2 tt)b2 24.dg 1 !ic3 25.h7 .g6
2 6 . fS ..g5 27..gS !ic 8 2 8 . 'ti h 6 eS
A . S c h m i d t-Za.Varg a; 2 9 . !ig 8 ! tt)g8
(29 . . . a5 30. g6 e7 3 l .I:lg7 !+-;
29 .. ."g8 !?) 30.g6 e7 3 l .tt)c6!+20 . . . tt)c4 21.g2 i..h 8 22.h7 '&aS!
23 ..i.f6 b4! ab3 25.cb3 Af6
26:tt)d5 Ild5 !-+ Bertoluoci-Poli, 1989

24.g5 f6 25.h6 (25.f4 b4) 25 . . . b4
26.h7 h8 27.g7 (27.gS fg5 28.gS
g7) 27 . . . g7 28.h8't\lf !lh8 29 . .ilh8
bc3 ! 30Jab8 Abs 3 l .'it'a 1 tt:Je3-+
24 . . .' c3 25.gf7 r:t;f7 26.d5! r;t;e8
27.'a8 28.'d5 '<te8 1/J-1/1

23 . . . a3!-+

[ 82 ] Ivanovic - Kosanovic
Star.l Pazova, 1988
I.e4 c5 2..!Llf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tud4 t"Uf6 g6 6.Ae3 i.. g7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
ttlc6 9.i.. c4 .i.d7 10.0-0-0 !::ic 8 1 I.i..b 3
ttle5 1 2.h4 hS IJ.i.. gS I:lc5 bS
15.g4 a5 16.gh5 a4 17.Jif7

24.I:lh6 8 25.,!LJb3 b4 26.e5

26.c5 ab2
26 . . . ab2 27.Ab2 !ieS

27 . . . lL\b2? 28.ef6 .lac3 29.g6 'it>d8

30.fe7 ri;e7 3 l .l;d655
28.f4 LL\b2
28 .. Jic5
29.a8 30.g2 lL\d l ? ?
30 . . . lL\g4-+
30 . . . ..ag4-+
Jl.'t/ll'g6 e6 32.'t/ll' g8 != lrf7 33.'t/ll'g4
.ars 34.'t/ll'e2 I!eS 35.''g4 1/z..lfl

[ 83 }fh.Ernst - B.Alterman

1 992

l.e4 cS 2.tDf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.!0d4 lL\f6

S.c3 g6 6.e3 g7 7.f3 0-0 8.d2
9..tc4 d7 10.0-0-0 ,llc8 l l ...tb3
tOeS 12.h4 h5 13.ii.g5 lieS 14.'it'b l b5
1S.g4 a5 1 6.gh5 a4 17.h6 b8

2 3 . ..af6+-; 2 l . . . 'it>g7 2 2 . Ah6 'it>g S

23 .g7+-) 2 l .h2 ! gh5 22.Af6 f6
23 .h5 A h 6 2 4 . f4 ti)c6 25 .e5 de5 1-0 P.Eslr.lda-Espinosa, J9SS
I9 ..ar6
1 9.h5 b4 20.hg6 fg6 2 l .lt)ce2 lt:\d5+
I 9.a3 b6 20.Aa2?! (20.Af6 Af6
2 l .!Llce2 lt:\c4 22.Jlc4 bc4 23.c3 IibS
24.cloo) 20 . . . b4 2 l .ab4 b4 22.Af6?
(22.lL\d5 lL\d5 23.Ad5 t\lb6+ /),24.l!..e7
lL\f3 !) 22 . . . lL\f3 ! ! 23.ti)f3 ( Af6
24.d5 Bd5 ! 25 . ..ad5 lLid4 26.c3 b6
27.cd4 Ad4 28.l::i d 3+) 23 . . . Af6 24.e5
(24.lL\d4 IibS+; 24.a l ? fibS 25.fibl
l;c3+) 24 .. JibS 25 .a4 (25 .'c l Be5)
25 . . . a4 26.ef6 BaS 27 .lL\g5 lig5D
28.'i:!t'g5 a2 29.<;t.c l Ba5 ! 30.g2 al
3 l .d2 b2-+ Ulibin-Savchenko, I 98S
19 . . . Ar6 20.f4 b4
20 . . .c4 (20. . . lL\g4 2 l .h5 b4 22.An
gh5 23.Ag6 ! r;t>g6 24.e5co G .Popov
H.Muller, 1 99 1 ) 2 l .Sc4 l;c4 (2l . . . bc4
22.e5 de5 23.lL\f3 l!..c 6 24.'t/ll'd 8 l:rdS
25.d8 Af3 26.1:ie 1 !G.Popov) 22.'e3
.d4 23.Bd4 b6 24.!;hdl e5 25.fe5 de5
26.4d3 e3 27 .Ile3 Ac6\d5 f5
29.ef5 AdS 30.Ild5 fif5= Emsi-Veskovi,
1 992
21.ce2 BdS!

1 7 . . . ab3 l 8 .hg7 bc2 1 9.!0c2 e8

20 ..f6+IS
I S.h7 li:lh7 o s . . . wh7? I 9.h5 LDhs
20.h5 gh5 2 l ."&h2+-) 1 9 . .d5 b4
( l 9 . . . tt:Jg5 2 0 . h g 5 . g 7 2 I . .b h 4 e6
22.Bdh I Iie8 23.Bli7 f8 24. f4 .{Jg4
25 .f5 ed5 26. '@' f4 Bc3 27 .fg6 !2Je5 2S.gf7
0Jf7 29.Bg7 ! -;!?g7 30.h7 ! 1 -0 I . A l masi
Videki, 1 993) 2 0 . .'t.:)ce2 ti)g5 2 l .hg5 e 6
2 2 . .Uf4 .Slg7 23 . .{Jde6 ! ? fe6 2 4 . !Je6+
22.ed5 lt:lc4 23.b4?
Gild.Garci a-Kudri n , 1 9 89
18 . . . h7
23 .d3 "VJtfc7 24.1:idg l (24.h5?! A f5
1 8 . . e 6 ? 1 9 . h 7 lit h 7 2 0 . h 5 1._ g 7 25.hg6 fg6 lLib2 27.e4D lt:\d l
( 2 0 . . . ed5 2 1 . h g 6 r;i> g 8 2 2 . h 8 h 8 2 8 .Ed l gf5 29.''f5 hS+) 24 . . . IicS !


(24 . . . .ars 25.'Llf5 .!Llb2 26. hJ !) 25.h5

..ars 26.hg6 rg6 2Vof5 'ub2 28.'&e4
.!L)c4 29.c l b3 30.ab3 ab3 3 1 .cb3 ! .!L)e3
3 2.< d2 'l) f5 ( 3 2 . . . g f5 3 3 . d 3 ! )
33 .!lg6 't\fa5 34.b4 al 35 .e l 'i!tg6 ! !
36.!lg l wh6 37.f5 .ah4 38.d l 't!Yb3
39.d2 't\fb4 40.<;td l =
2 3 . . . 'tlfc7 24.c3 ,ag4+ 25.IDtel
25.d3 :Ob2 ! 26.:i;b2 .e2 27."e2
'$'b6 28.Wc I Ad4 29."e7 e3 30 ...d2
d4 !-+
2S . . ..b8 26.b3 c5 27.c l ?

27.a l ? .!L)a3 ! 28.b2 tUbS-+

27.h5 .lth5 ! ? 28.!ld3 ..ae2 ! 29.f[e2
t!Ja3 30.<t;>b2 .!L)b5 3 l .c5 deS 32.c3 cd4
33 .c4 .!L)c3 34.:.e l a3 !+
27 .!:ld3 Af5 ! 28.!lf3 (28.g3 ab3
29 .ab3 I::tb 3 ! ! 30)ob3 Ac3 3 l .c5 .ae 1
32.g l .f2-+; 28.h5 ghS ! -+) 28 . . . ab3
29.ab3 'tla3 ! 30.'c4 gcs 3 l .'l!!l'c 8 i.cS+
27 . . . ab3 28.cb3
28 .ab3 aJ 29.c;i?b l f[a8-+
28 . . .'fa3 29. b t .ars JO.r;tJal a2!
0- 1


Index of Complete Games

I . Ermenkov - G.West
2. Kudrin - Ki.Georgiev

43. Velimirovic - K.i.Georgiev

44. Tolnai - Leko

45. Monensen - L.Karlsson

46. Schekachev - Golubev
47. A.Mikhalchishin - W.Watson
48. Wahls - B .Aiterman
49. Pjaeren - A.Odeev
50. Mir.Markovic - Kosanovi c
5 1 . Bucciardini - Poli
52. Murrey - Mestel

3. Milos - Gaprindashvili

4. Van Mil - M.Ghinda

5. Guzzardo - Copie
6. Adams - Shirov
7. Kindermann - Ki.Georgiev
8. Pekarek - Th.Emst
9. Cabrilo - Kosanovic
1 0. Van der Wiel - B.Larsen

I I . Zagrebelny - Serper
1 2. Romero Holmes - Leko
1 3. Kavalek - Sosonko
1 4. King - Krahenbuhl
1 5. Kotronias - Khalifman
1 6. Zinovjev - Trofi mov
1 7. Sines - Kosanovic
I 8. Kupreichik - W.Watson
1 9. Cetkovic - Kosanovic
20. Kovalev - Savchenko
2 1 . Podlesnik - Velimirovic

5 3 . Wolff - K.i.Georgiev
54. S ax - Ki .Georgiev

'' '
1 :,

22. Westerinen - Gufeld

23. Anand - B.Gel fand

24. Dolmatov - B.Aiterman
25. Anand - Mestel
26. Plaskett - Mestel
27. Laplaza - Copie
28. Shirov - Golubev
29. A. Sokolov - Kudrin
30. Frolov - B.Aiterman
3 1 . Kuporosov - A.Kovacevic
32. Ulibin - Savchenko
33. Smirin - Basin
34. Podlesnik - Justin
35. Fernandez Garcia - Tolnai
36. Illescas Cordoba - Ki.Georgiev
37. Am.Rodriguez - Komljenovic
38. Gruneveld - De Palma
39. Popovic - Sax
40. Hellers - Ki.Georgiev
4 1 . Mishkovski - Niemand
42. Timoshenko - Gallagher


55. Miljanic - Kosanovic

56. Lo Conte - Lotti Fabio
57. Ivanov - D.Radulov
5 8. Poleksic - Kosanovic
59. B eliavsky - K.i.Georgiev
60. Sadovoi - Lecroq
6 1 . Adams - Tiviakov
62. Anand - Ti viakov
63. B erman - Homenko
64. lvanovic - S adiku
65. Fernandez Aguado - Hoffman
66. Ki.Georgiev - Komljenovic
67. Mueller - Marhun
68. !.Markovic - Payen
69. Rajkovic - B .Ai terman
70. Rachels - Rao
7 1 . Herrera - A lzugaray
72. Sherzer - Shirov
73. Qi jinghuan - S peelman
74. Akopian - Sedrakjan
75. Krivencov - Kozurov
76. Sluchevsky - Blumental
77. Kovalcuk - B uschtovoi
78. Lanka - S mirin
79. Kurgansky - Koroviansky
80. Shan - Ki.Georgiev
8 1 . Wiech - Nizynski
82. lvanovic - Kosanovic
83. Th.Ernst - B .Aiterman

Alphabetical index
Adams 6, 6 1

King 1 4

Akopian 7 4

Komljt'M vic 37,

B . 2 4 . 30, 4 8 , 69, 8 3



Korovi ansk.y 79

Alzugarny 7 1

Kosanovic 9, 1 7 . 1 9. 50. 5 5 , 58. 82


23 . 2 5 . 62
B asin 3 3

Kotronias 1 5

B e l iavsk.y 5 9

Kovalev 20

Berman 6 3

Kovalchuk. 77

Kovacevic A . 3 1

B lumental 76

Kozurov 75

B uschtovoi 7 7

Krnhenbuhl 1 4

C abrilo 9

Krivencov 75

Cetk.ovic 1 9

Kudrin 2, 29

Copie 5 , 27

Kuporosov 3 1

De Palma 38

Kupreichik. 1 8

Dol malov


Kurgansk.y 79

Ermenk.ov !

Lanka 7 8

Ernst Th. 8, 8 3

. Laplaza 27

Fern andez Aguado 65

Larsen B . 1 0

Frolov 30


Gallagher 42

Leko 1 2, 44

Gapri ndashvi l i

Lo Conte 56

Garcia Fernandez 3 5

Lotti Fabio 56

B. 2 3

Georgiev Kir.


Marhun 67

2. 7.36. .43,53, 54,59, 66, 80

Markovic I. 68

Ghinda M. 4

Markovic Mir. 50

Golubev 28. 46

Mestel 25, 26. 52

(iruneve!d 3 8

Mikhalchishin 47

G u feld 22

M i los 3

G uzzardo 5

Miljanic 5 5

Hellers 40

Mishkovski 4 1

Herrero 7 1

Mortensen 45

Hoffman 65

Mue l ler 67

Homenk.o 63

Murrey 52

Illescas Cordoba 36

Niemand 4 1

Ivanov 57

Nizynski 8 1

lvanovic 64, 82

Odeev A. 49

Justin 34

Payen 68

Karlsson 45

Pekarek. 8

Kavalek. 1 3

Pjaeren 49

Khal i fman 1 5

Plaskett 26

Kindennann 7

Podlesnik 2 1 , 34

Poleksic 5 8
Pol i 5 1
Popovic 39
Qi Jinghu:m 73
Rachels 70
Radulov D . 57
R ajkovic 69
Rao 70
Rodriguez Am. 37
Romero Holmes 1 2
S adiku 64
S adovoi 60
Savchenko 20, 32
S ax 39, 54
Schekachev 4 6
Sedrakj:m 74
Serper I I
S herzer 72
Shirov 6, 28. 72
Short 80
S i nes 1 7

Sluchevsky 7 6
S mirin 33. 78
Sokolov A. 29
Sosonko 1 3
Spee l man 73
Timoshenko 42
Tiviakov 6 1 , 62
Tolnai 35, 44
Trofimov 1 6
Ulibin 3 2
Van der Wiel 1 0
V an M i l 4
Velimirovic 2 1 , 43
Wahls 4 8
Watson W . 1 8, 47
Wesl G. I
Weslerinen 22
Wiech 8 1
Wol ff 5 3
Zagrebelny I I
Zinovjev 1 6


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