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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 28, 2015

Most people have had wonderful opportunity to be with the Divine. What did
Bhagawan want us to gain from those fleeting moments? Bhagawan lovingly
reminds us today.
You have had the valuable opportunity to listen to Divine
discourses and directions, they have been printed upon your
hearts; many of your conversations is centered on Me or on My
divine play (leelas) and glory (mahima). My advice to you is:
Apply this adoration in your life. Let your companions see how
disciplined you are, how sincerely you obey your parents, and
how deeply you revere your teachers. Be a light, radiating
virtue and self-control wherever you live, just as commendably
as you did when in My divine presence. Do not slide back into
indiscipline, bad manners, irresponsibility and evil habits. Do
not complain against food; eat with pleasure whatever you get.
Do not protest against any errand that your parents may assign
you. Run gladly and fulfil it. When they want you to nurse them,
do it happily, intelligently, and feeling glad that you got the
chance. Live anywhere but such that I can pour My Grace on
you, more and more.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 22, 1968.

am with you, in you, above you, behind you, guarding, guiding and protecting you. I know all your
thoughts, words and deeds. Baba
28 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: keI lok,ies qrHW dy hn ijnHW nUM Bgvwn dy nyVy rihx dw sunhrI Aqy AdBuq mOkw imilAw
hY[Bgvwn,swqoN aus suinhry mOky qoN kI hwsl krvwauxw cwhuMdy hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: quhwnUM,Bgvwn dy pRvcn Aqy aunHW v`loN id`qIAW nsIhqW nUM suxx dw suinhrI mOkw imilAw hY Aqy aunHW
nsIhqW dw quhwfy idl au`qy Asr hoieAw hY[aus dy nwl-nwl,auh swrIAW lIlwvW Aqy mihmwvW dw vI quhwfy au`qy
Asr hoieAw hY ijhVIAW myry Aqy quhwfy ivckwr,gl-bwq rwhIN hoeIAW hn[myrI,quhwnUM ieh nsIhq hY ik ieh
is`iKAwvW nUM,Awpxy jIvn iv`c Dwrx kro[quhwfy ivvhwr qoN ieh pqw l`gxw cwhIdw hY ik qusIN,AnuSwSn iv`c
rihMdy ho,qusIN Awpxy mW-bwp dw kihxw m`ndy ho Aqy Awpxy A`iDAwpk dI ie`zq krdy ho[qusIN,pRkwS dw iek puMj
bxo,Awpxy guxW Aqy Awqm-SkqI dw ibsqwr kro Aqy ausy qrHW ,dUijAW nwl ivvhwr kro ijhVw qusIN myry kol
bYT ky Awpxy swQIAW nwl krdy ho[myrIAW nsIhqW suxx qoN bwd,jd qusIN vwps jwau qW nw qW AnuSwSnhIxqw

kro,nw burw brqwau kro,nw gyrju`mydwr bxo Aqy nw hI burIAW AwdqW pwau[jo vI Kwx nUM imldw hY,KuSI nwl Kw
lau Aqy ies bwry iSkwieq nw kro[ijhVw vI kMm quhwfy mW-bwp quhwnUM sONpx,aus dw ivroD nw kro Aqy aus
nUM,KuSI-KuSI pUrw kro[jd auh quhwnUM,ieh kihx ik ies cIz nwl swfI syvw kro qW aunHW dI ieh d`sI ie`Cw pUrI
kro ik Bgvwn ny swnUM mOkw id`qw hY ik AsIN Awpxy mW-bwp dI syvw krIey[qusIN,ij`Qy mrzI rho pr ies FMg nwl
rho ik myrw AwSIrvwd quhwnUM imldw rhy[(22 PrvrI,1968 dy idvX pRvcn)[
mYN quhwfy nwl hW,quhwfy iv`c hW,quhwfy au`pr hW,quhwfy ip`Cy hW,quhwfI r`iKAw krdw hW,quhwfw mwrg-drSn krdw
hW Aqy quhwfw bcwau krdw hW[mYN quhwfy swry ivcwrW,vcnW Aqy krmW nUM jwxdw hW[(bwbw)[

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