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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 29, 2015

What are the obstacles in our lives that we must overcome and how?
Bhagawan clearly explains to us today.

Have high aims in life. Set before yourselves the examples of

great men and women who have figured in the history of our
country and the world. Take a lesson from their life of sacrifice
and heroism. You need determination to face the challenges of
life which is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures,
and joys and sorrows. These challenges have to be faced with
faith in God. The mind should not be allowed to waver and hop
from one thing to the other. A steady mind is the mark of a truly
educated person. Life should be governed by definite regulations.
Self-control is essential for leading a righteous life. Our culture
has always laid stress on the well-being of all. You should not be
overwhelmed by difficulties that you may encounter in life. They
are all transient; they come and go. The source of enduring bliss
is within you. Do not give way to weakness of will.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 21, 1988

Reining in your senses is the growing in wisdom. Baba

29 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swfy jIvn dIAW ikhVIAW AOkVW hn Aqy swnUM,aunHW qy ikvyN Aqy ikauN kwbU pwauxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Awpxy jIvn dw lkS au`cw r`Ko[aunHW mhwn purKW Aqy mihlwvW dy audwhrx Awpxy swhmxy r`Ko ,ijhVy swfy
dyS Aqy sMswr iv`c hoey hn[aunHW dIAW kurbwnIAW Aqy buhwdrIAW qoN sbk is`Ko[quhwfy iv`c,ieh idRV inScy hoxw
cwhIdw hY ik mYN Awpxy jIvn dIAW ic`nOqIAW,ijhdy iv`c,jIvn dy auqwr-cVHwau,kwmXwbIAW ,hwrW,KuSIAW Aqy
gmIAW hn,aunHW dw ft ky mukwblw krW gw[ienHW ic`nOqIAw dw mukwblw,Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS r`K ky krW gw[ies
mn nUM mYN,ie`Dr-au`Dr Btkx nhIN dvW gw[iek pVHy-ilKy mnu`K dI ieh inSwnI hY ik aus dw mn Acl huMdw
hY[jIvn nUM,iek Kws inXmqw nwl ibqwauxw cwhIdw hY[Drm au`qy clx vwlw mnu`K auh hY ijhdw,Awpxy au`qy
kMtRol hY[swfI s`iBXqw kihMdI hY ik swirAW dw Blw hovy[quhwfy jIvn iv`c,quhwfy au`qy AweIAW AOkVW,quhwfy au`qy
hwvI nhIN hoxIAW cwhIdIAW[auh AOkVW,AsQweI hn,auh AwauNdIAW hn Aqy cly jWdIAW hn[AwnMd pRwpq krn

dw sRoq,quhwfy AMdr hI hY[Awpxy p`ky ierwdy iv`c,kdy vI kmzorI nw Awaux idau[(21 jnvrI,1988 dy idvX
AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwaux nwl hI,bu`DI dw ivkws huMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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