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Term Coursenp Respondents| Question NR Valid %A %B 4G 4D WE AB 0 81 7647 2187 “196 000 "O00 S604 0 51 7265 2549 196 O00 000 see © 50 7600 2800 O00 O00 200 10000 © 80 000 2000 000 do 300 {0000 © $1 7059 2541 000 noo Geo joo00 © 51 6883 5837 0.00 000 Geo too00 0 51 7285 2540 195 OOD O00 ‘see 1s 7200 2800 000 000 000 10000 0S! 74st 2549 000 000 O00 i000 D 51 74st 2549 000 000 900 0000 9 81 7481 2549 000 000 000 0000 9s! aes 2157 880 000 oo ‘som 9 51 Tea? 2187 195 00 O00 a 9 50 7800 2200 000 000 200 190m © Si mst 2363 198 000 O00 ‘set © St sea 5725 392 O00 G00 Boe © 81 785 2543 196 O00 G00 soe 2 $9 e800 2800 G00 000 200 © sxan © 51 74st 2383 9s 000 O00 sae © 51 7080 2745 198 000 G00 ot 0 0 7300 2000 200 Oo 200 9800 2 50 6400 3000 400 200 200 oxo © 51 g030 ier 000 000 O00 10000 © 8 moss 2745 198 000 O00 soe + § 8600 3400 000 000 400 10000 1 5 6800 3200 060 00 000 tanm0 27 aa tim me atae 0m Dee. 24 27 9530 ‘370 “000 “000 009 r0000 B] 33 13 sis 76970 00 aaa es 4 2 5000 000 #000 000 0m S000 a ols} = = 1 100.00 000 “a00 000 800 10000 poe alld vad Reepensce(Dooe not count the No Opinion answers) 4: Instructor reflects an intros inthe subject. 16. Instuctor employs a vary of instructonal methods. 2. Instructor provides infomation and perspective beyond the course textbook, 17 Instuctorrturne assignments and grades within a reasonable length of time. 3. Student partcipaton is encouraged, 1. Instructor expiains the cra used to evaluate assignments and exams, 4 Instucor capably answers students’ question, 18. Assignments support the objectves of he couse, 5. Course objecves are cary statod inthe instructor's sylabus, 20, The textbook s used to suppor the obpctves ofthe course ‘6 Gourse requirements clearly described inthe syabus. 21 Instructor provides regular reports of student progress. 7, Gourse abjectves are met 22. Assignments are returned wih helpful feck. 8. Subject matters presented in an organized manner, 23. instructor exhibits Cnstian character. ‘8 Instucter shows evderce of preparation for las, 24. Cass begins with prayer for global and personal needs, 10. Instructor communicaies clearly and effectively. 25. Instructor is avalabe for consultation wih students 411. Assignments accurately measure what is taught. 12. Exams accurately measure whet is taught 18. Instructor maintains 2 leering envionment 14 Instructor encourages an atmosphere of mutual respect. 15 Class bogins and ends on time. 25, The qualty of instruction has been satisfactory. 27 Classification 28. Undergraduate Major 29, Undergraduate Major 30. Graduate Major 31. Graduate Major |instructor ‘Sanders, Christi Term Fal 2013, ‘Course/iD BUS 417800 Respondent ‘Question Bs cs de NR Valid %A %B MC XD HE AB 0 18 8333 1667 000 000 000 10000 0 18 778 2222 000 000 000 19000, 0 18 8889 1111 000 000 0.90 100.00, 0 $8 8933 1667 000 090 090 100.00, 0 18 7222 2778 000 000 000 10000, © 18 8233 1667 000 000 090 100.00 0 48 778 2222 000 000 090 10000 147 8235 1765 0.00 0.00 000 100.00 © 18 778 2222 000 000 090 10000 © 18 889 1111 000 000 000 10000, © 18 889 1111 000 000 000 10000 0 18 7778 167 555 000 000 ‘o444 © 18 880 1111 000 G00 000 10000 0 18 s889 1111 000 000 0.90 19000, ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 3 3 48 8333 1657 000 0.00 000 100.00 +6 18 7222 2222 555 000 000 94.44 a7 48 8889 1111 000 000 000 100.00 3 47 35 1765 000 0.00 588 100.00 cH 18 8333 1667 000 000 000 10000 FE) 18 8889 1111 000 090 090 100.00 a 48 8889 1111 000 000 000 100.00 a 17 7847 2353 000 000 588 100.00 23h 18 8889 1111 000 000 0.00 100.00 2al 18 8889 1111 000 0.00 000 100.00 25 48 7778 2222 000 0.00 0.00 100.00 23 48 8333 1667 000 0.00 000 100.00 27 15 000 000 3333 6567 000 000 15 10000 000 000 G00 000 10000 117 4288 0.00 000 0.00 5718 4286 38 0 ADIVIO! #DIVI! sDIVi0! 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Instructor Sanders, Christ Term Fal 2013, ‘CoursenD BUS 1343.00 Es NR Valid %A %B %C KD KE AB 0 13 6154 3077 769 000 090 9231 0 13 6t84 3077 769 000 000 9231 0 13 7692 2308 0.00 000 000 10000 © 13 e462 1538 000 9.00 000 10000 © 13 8462 1538 000 0.00 000 10000 © 13 6154 3845 000 900 090 100.00, © 43 9231 000 769 000 090 saat © 13 7692 2308 000 000 090 10000 © 13 6923 3077 000 000 090 100.00 © 13 6154 3848 000 000 000 10000, © 13 8462 1538 000 000 000 10000, © 13 6923 2308 769 000 000 saat 0 13 sez 769 769 000 000 231 0 13 7682 2308 000 000 000 19000 0 13 7es2 1538 769 000 000 9231 0 13 5385 3845 769 000 000 9231 0 13 69.28 2308 789 000 000 9231 0 13 7692 1538 789 000 000 G21 0 13 8462 1838 000 000 0.00 100.00, 0 13 7682 2308 000 000 0.00 100.00, 0 13 8231769 000 9.00 000 10000 0 13 7882 2308 000 0.00 000 10000 0 13 8462 1538 000 0.00 000 10000 0 13 68.23 3077 000 9.00 000 10000 4 13 7692 2308 0.00 000 769 19000 1 12 8333 1667 0.00 000 0.90 10000 1 12 3333 2500 2500 1667 000 58.33 1 12 8187 833 0.00 000 000 10000, 7 8 S000 wer 1657 000 1667 6667 2 $000 9.00 5000 000 000 5000 2 1 10000 000 0.00 000 000 10000 WR No Response Valid _# Vaid Responses (does not count the No Opinion answer) Instructor ‘Sanders, Christi Term Fal 2013 Course/lD MGT 2313.00 Respondents[_—70] Question Ae Bs c's Ds Lad af ool ts of] —9] zo] 0} ato —o) [ala of —o) fatal of 9 7a] a of 9] faa} 9] fas of 9) 11] o_o} uf also 9] a a: a) fe of fal o_o] fal] o_o] 1 10] a0] of 9 vf 2 of ol 1 ‘to pf see a a a) |} | —of —o] |__ay 70] of 9} xo J Z| x ai J ai] NR No Response Valid # Vaid Responses (does not count the No Opinion answers) Boccocccccccceasccc0ccscc00 valid 20 2 9 9 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 20 0 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 20 20 20 19 20 %A 80.00 75.00 62.16 73.08 6000 60.00 55.00 60.00 75.00 70.00 55.00 6000 6000 6842 6500 50.00 6000 4800 6000 50.00 57.89 4500 70.00 55.00 4737 4800 ue 20.00 25.00 36.64 2832 4000 4000 45.00 40.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 2500 4000 31.58 35.00 50.00 4000 45.00 36.00 45.00 36.84 4000 30.00 4000 5263 55.00 “co KD ‘000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 040 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 (0.00 0.00 1500 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 500 0.00 500 0.00 528 0.00 10.00 5.00 000 000 500 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Me 0.00 0.00 528 526 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 526 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 000 8.00 526 000 00 00 526 000 ‘0 40IVio! DIVO! FOIVI! DIVO! #DIVIO: (0 #0IVio! #DIVi0| #OIVI! #DIVIO #DIVIO! © ¥OIVIO! #DIViO! #01VI! sDIViO @DIVIO! © #DIVI0| sDIVi0' #oIVI! #OIVIO! #DIVO! 0 DIVO ¢D1Vi0: 2D1VI0! #OIVIO #DIVIO| rey 100.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 10000 100.00 100.00 00.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 85.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 95.00 95.00 e474 85.00 100.00 5.00 100.00 100.00 ovo! wow: s01vio) s0IV1 s0Ivo1 [Comments Sanders, Christi Fall 2013, sic ‘BUS 4113.00 BUSINESS ETHICS 1. Ms Sandersis great. I've loved this elass. (SIC) ‘BUS 1343.00 PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS 1. No comments Mr 2313.00 (88) Aitle more hands on assignments or things In lass would be great! Di. Sanders was defintely a great ire and sucha grea aon to the business program nere at sAGU! really enjoy this clas fel ike professor sanders fully understands what she i talking about and wants to help usin any way possible. ‘Thank you for providing real-world examples of how the information applies. Class wasinteresting and fun to take part in. | eel have learned information tat | can take with me,

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