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Palouse Mindfulness MBSR Course


Getting Started
MBSR An Introduction
MBSR Research Summary

Week 1

Simple Awareness

Week 2

Attention & The Brain

Week 3

Dealing with Thoughts

Week 4

Stress: Responding vs. Reacting

Week 5

Dealing with Difficult Emotions/Sensations

Week 5b

Introduction to the Body Scan

Introduction to Sitting Meditation
Introduction to Yoga

STOP: The One-Minute Breathing Space

RAIN (Recognize/Accept/Investigate/Non-identify)
Special Instructions for Physical Pain

The PAIN Process

Week 6

Mindfulness and Communication

Week 7

Mindfulness and Compassion

Week 8


Lake & Mountain Meditations

Lovingkindness Meditation

Developing a practice of your own

These materials and more can be found at

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