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307 Process Diary

Student Desk
Jonathan Beard S00145141

Friday 31st July

Commencement of Market Survey

Beacon Office Desk. Retrieved from:

This Tasmanian Oak office desk meets some of the requirements set out in the initial
constraints. It is made from locally sourced timber (constraint 6). It also contains the required
storage (constraint 2). The unit is quite large and appears to be a relatively simple
construction. It's thick end panels would require large amount of material to manufacture
making it relatively expensive

Jonathan Beard S00145141

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Laura Writing Desk. Retrieved from:

The Laura Writing desk is designed and produce in America. The model shown is constructed
from walnut. This desk meets the storage requirements of constraint 2, with the three "pigeon
holes", as well as two draws providing storage for devices and materials associated with
university. The unique design allows a large writing surface, as well as the possibility of a
raised monitor.

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Katakana Desk Retrieved from:

The Katakana desk is manufactured from black walnut and has an inlayed leather writing
surface. The degree of difficulty in the manufacture of this desk would be relatively high due to
the complex angles and curves. While this desk is not available in Australia, the purchase price
of 2350 (5070 AUD) prices this desk well out of reach of most university students.

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Friday 7th August

Computer modelling

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Monday 10th August

Computer modelling

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Wednesday 12th August

Computer modelling

This desk is an adaption of the Laura writing desk as seen in the market research phase. The
addition of drawers helps the desk address the storage constraint of the project.

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Friday 14th August

This is the final desk design, depending on timber availability and price.

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Wednesday 26th August

Model Making

After the full-scale model construction of the desk in plywood, I am happy with the from and

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Friday 4th September

Final CAD redraw.

After costing the materials for the desk, it became apparent it was not within my budget or the
cost constraints originally set out. I consulted with my mentor and reduced the width.

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Beacon Office Desk. Retrieved from:
Katakana Desk Retrieved from:
Laura Writing Desk. Retrieved from:

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