Personality Deliverables

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Ruby Daliva

Speech 10
Tues. 6-9pm
After taking the Meyers-Briggs Personality Test three times from both
Discordia and Human Metrics, all test results indicated that my personality type
is an ENTJ. Although all test results specify an ENTJ personality type, the first
test suggests an outcome of a second possible personality type, i.e. ENTP. This
means that the scores between the criterion Judging and Perceiving only
had a 1% difference. The second test taken from the Discordia website also
showed a score of 7 for the criterion Judging and 5 for the criterion
Perceiving. This means both results showed a slight variance between the
two criterions. The focus of this paper, however, remains on the test resulting
on an ENTJ personality.

The acronym explained means Extraverted Intuition

Thinking Judging. According to the Human Metrics website, a person with an

Extraverted personality denotes acquiring their energy through outside
sources. Intuition personality suggests that the information intake approach
is derived through an internal source. A Thinking personality states that the
method of information processing is through being rational or reasonable.
Finally, a Judging personality means that overall daily activities are
approached in an organized manner.

In other words, people with this

personality trait have leadership qualities; have objective decision making

skills; and have a multitude of social network. This includes the penchant to

acquire and retain knowledge, as well as, the ability to apply knowledge
creatively. Moreover, the Human Metrics website explains that a person who
falls into the ENTJ category has a learning style that is directly motivated by
solving problems and the love of learning.

With this in mind, reading the

learning style section confirmed my predilection towards acquiring as many

resources to help the population of children with disabilities that I work with.
The ENTJ description also states that people with this personality trait possess
the ability to learn and apply subjects previously learned.

Reading the

description in the learning style section verified my need to accurately learn

concepts, understand, and apply the ideas that Ive previously learned. It is
very important in helping these children.

For example, Speech 10 class will

help me effectively communicate with parents and my team members in the

work place. Also, it will help me be more self aware of the way I communicate.
These are the skills I need to acquire and to improve upon. Another section
Ive read that I believe defines me as an ENTJ is my communication style. The
description states that I sometimes have a dominating conversation style that
may upset others. I am quite aware of this trait and try my best to monitor this
behavior. Overall, reading about ENTJ validates my personality traits.
Refining methods of utilizing interpersonal communication is important
when relating to others.

As mentioned above, I have a personality trait of

sometimes communicating in a dominant manner that may offend others. In

the book, Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others, expresses the
value of being other-oriented (Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, Redmond 2). This
is the ability to relate to others through being mindful of their thoughts needs,

experiences, personality, emotions, motives, desires, culture, and goals of your

communication partner while still maintaining your own integrity (Steven
Beebe, Susan Beebe, Redmond 2). This is important in my line of work because
I collaborate with parents, teachers, and other staff members frequently to
better address important issues that we all share together. Also, it can help
minimize conflicts that may arise with others involved in the solution process.
Harvesting and enhancing the skill of being other-oriented will in turn
enhance my ability to strengthen my relationship with others, as wells as,
increase my level of happiness (Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, Redmond 6). In
addition, being other-oriented requires the skill of appropriately adapt[ing]
messages to a specific person (Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, Redmond 26).
This is another term used in the book to help with enhancing relationships with
others. This means that a person communicates in a way that is inviting and
relatable, as well as, naturally taking an interest in anothers thoughts and

In conclusion, learning about ENTJ personality confirmed my

learning style and the challenges in my communication style. In turn, the class










Work Cited Page

Beebe, Steven A., Susan J. Beebe, and Mark V.
Redmond.InterpersonalCommunication: Relating to Others 7th Edition. New
Jersey :Pearson, 2013. Print.
Humanmetrics. Jung Typology Test, 1998-2015.

Web. September 29,


Discordia Inc. Just Who The Hell Do You Think You Are? Web . September 29,

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