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In the modern era, money has been the source of conflict, happiness, regret and hope. However,
these emotions arent just what they are when read out loud. In fact, they provide the basis upon
which a basic human survives. To state it in a clear manner, a man needs regret, conflict and
sadness in his life just as much their desire of happiness, hope and relief. What we have realized,
is that all these emotions tend to be connected through one common medium; Money.
In the modern era, business competition has been upped more than ever, and this is all due to the
immense increase in spending power a common man has
Business, nowadays is a simple word. For all it defines is the practice of making one's living by
engaging in commerce. However, in reality it is much more than that. For instance, a good
business requires patience, will power, dedication, and the ability to think out of the box.
Moreover, it can be enhanced using a good marketing strategy, multiple backup plans, a
sufficient capital source and hardworking employees. All these attributes when put into good use
can provide its owner with an exceptional income.
Our group, therefore, has selected this topic to discuss amongst ourselves since it can provide
much insight into the setting foot into the corporate world for young entrepreneurs. This is
because many young potential entrepreneurs tend to step back at the sight of the possible
difficulties coming towards them, and since a majority of them seem to have no proper
experience or plan. Thus this group symposium could help them to get results from their ideas.
In the group symposium carried out, Nor Asyqin will claim the role of the host, with a career as a
university professor prior to retirement from that sector. Furthermore, Abdullah Fakher will be
cast a successful businessman, owner of MyTeksi application to be precise. Later on, we will see
Nur Amira, carrying out the role of the owner of Little Twinkie, a new, young and striving
online business. Supporting the cast will be Yap Tong Qin, who will take her role as an Small &
Medium Enterprise (SME) agent. Lastly, we have Teon Yap Fun, who will be cast as a young
entrepreneur, CEO of EONEON Homestay.

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