Creative Writing Formula

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Creative writing formula

What time is it set in? what era?
Opinions / stereotypes at the time.
What sort of issues were present at the time?
What sort of culture?

Flashbacks (memories)
A mix of both

Be either
Imaginative CREATIVE writing
Think of things that you may be more familiar with family migrating to a new
country, new kid at a new school, gender inequality at workplaces, etc. (these
are just examples that could possibly inspire you with some ideas)
Just a single event.
Make the story meaningful


Add emotions, (make them memorable to the reader)

A reflective tone
If you make it relatable to yourself/reader, this makes the story much more
believable and real.
Have a motif.
Give your character a strong authentic voice (first person is very effective)
Give them a personality that is believable.
Make them unique in a certain way. Maybe they experienced a trauma that
scarred them for life.
How do they interact with events that are occurring?
Dont forget the small details (actions, the ways the character describes
things, senses things, what have they learnt

the ways the characters describes things = maybe his/her culture

depicts a certain object (?) differently to another culture. Or maybe his/her
way of understanding/perceiving things is different to the norm.
No more than two major characters.


Write about scoring the final goal (sports)

Dot make death your main theme; however having death as an event
Teenage angst
Car accidents
Massive time jumps

Dedicate a maximum of 40 minutes / 700 words to your creative
Dont overwork yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quality > quantity

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