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Drawbacks and their remedies

Inadequate Feedback: The present training system lacks detailed feedback on the
educational and training courses from the students as well as field army. Whatever feedback is
obtained pertains to the existing syllabus. Updating of syllabi is limited to the thinking and vision
of few officers, who with their myopic outlook confine themselves to the present training and
educational requirements only. Utilizing organizational development (OD) interventionists,
educationists and psychologists with experience and vision for the overall requirement of
training in the emerging scenario may result in a balanced syllabus suited for changing
conditions of strategic, tactical and operational scenario.
Frequent turnover of person: The combatant staff is not permanent and is posted on a
three year tenure basis. There are increasing non-training commitments due to tremendous
operational and administrative commitments of Units/Formations. Since no individual or
collective training programs are planned before posting, little time may be allocated to
educational programs for officers and PBOR. Case may be taken up with ARTRAC for
increasing the tenure of combatant staff in training institution and posting separate staff for
administrative duties.
Absence of internal learning: Emphasis is laid only on the external learning acquired
from classrooms, books, media and society. Internal learning aims to induce introspection
amongst learners. This is very essential for self-realization and development of Spiritual Quotient
(SQ). That is how a person can evolve himself as a fine human being and be an educated person
in the true sense. Internal learning must be initiated under the supervision of faculties. This
practice will lead to self-realization of ones weaknesses and thereby brought about personal
improvement in the learner.

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