Sample Sound Engineer CV Template

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Sample Sound Engineer CV Template

Alec Jenkins
123 Rowden Street,
Flintshire, Wales
Telephone Number: 12 345 6789
Mobile Number: 07123456789
Career Objective
To become a sound engineer in a production company and be able to use my skills and knowledge in
the music industry
Educational Background
Bachelor of Engineering in Sound and Broadcast Engineering
Glyndwr University, 2003
Work Experience
2002-present: Sound Engineer, ABC Productions

Collaborate with producers and performers to get the specifications of sound effects and background
music in productions
Maintain equipment to ensure optimum performance during productions
Record, edit and arrange in chronological order all sound effects, recordings and music

2001-2002: Sound Technician, Smart Sound Studios


Scheduled all recording sessions

Oversaw and supervised all recording sessions
Edited and mixed different recordings as specified by the client


Keen to sound details

Knowledgeable in sound engineering software
Extensive experience in stage productions
Patient and diligent
Creative and updated with latest trends in the music and sound effects industry


Listening to all music genres

Composing songs in the piano
Fishing and canoeing

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