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General Rules

Field dimensions are length by width 80x 40 yards and end zones including 10 yard end zones
Full team payment and player waiver forms are due before the 1st game or your team will be
issued a forfeit, if you participate.
No jewelry (except wedding rings), ball caps (stocking caps are permitted), sunglasses (unless outdoor
league) or any loose article
of clothing that is not your immediate jersey or shorts or pants may be worn. Any cast worn must be
properly padded to the satisfaction of the referee.
A team must have five (5) players in order to begin the game. If a team does not have the
required number of players to begin the game, the players may be split up to other teams. There will be
a maximum of six (6) players per team on the field at the start of play. Each team is allowed a total of
ten (10) plays on their roster.
Uniform Rules
All teams must supply their own jerseys. All teams must play in matching or similar color
uniforms. That means exact color or varying shades of that color i.e. Kelly green and forest green are
both green but Kelly green and Grey are acceptable. If the team is already down players and loses one
for uniform violation then they forfeit.
All jerseys must either be tucked in or the flag belts must fit over top of the last layer of clothing.
NO PART OF YOUR JERSEY MAY COVER ANY PART OF THE FLAG or you will be down where you are
touched during play unless your jersey came out during that play.
Players may wear cleats on the field(no metal spikes). Any player found to be wearing metal cleats will
be asked
to leave the field and may not return until they have proper shoes. If that team is already down players
then that team will forfeit that game.

Roster Rules
The maximum roster limit is ten (10) players.

Once a player plays a snap for any given team they are locked onto that team and MAY NOT be
removed from that roster without consent of the Staff of the Christ the King Bowl.
Non-rostered players will not be allowed to play at anytime. If a non-rostered player or illegal
player is found to be playing or had participated, the team will automatically forfeit all games in which
the illegal player participated.
Coin Toss
Each game shall be started with a coin toss. The visitor will call the coin toss. The winner of the
coin toss shall have the option of starting on offense to begin the first or second half. For any overtime
periods, which are used for playoff and championship games, the choice of
offense or defense to begin the 1st overtime shall be selected first by the team with the best seeding,
for the 2nd overtime period the choice will be rotated to the other team. For the 3rd overtime the team
with the best seeding can choose offense or defense to begin the period, or they may defer the choice
to the opposing team for the 3rd overtime, putting the team with the best seeding on offense first in the
4th overtime(should there be one), which is sudden death.
All players must play with their flags exposed on top of their shirts. Should a shirt come un-tucked
during a play, the play shall continue with the referee
notifying the player at the end of the play to tuck in his shirt.
All teams may provide their own full-size regulation ball. NCAA or NFL size.
Flags must be placed on each side (hip) of the player. Players should examine and fix flags after
each play. Any excess belt must be tucked away or will be considered a 3rd flag.
Should a player lose their flags during the progress of a play, the player shall be considered
tackled when the defender touches the player. The defender is cautioned to touch the player without
excessive force or pushing.
Plays cannot be started by the offense until the referee has placed the markers for the line of
scrimmage and for the seven (7) yard defensive rush line and stated RUSH LINE. Beginning a play

before rush line is called will result in a 5yrd penalty and repeat of down.
Game Play (timing and clock)
Each half during the regular season shall be a ten (10) minute running clock. A game will consist
of two (2) halves.
There shall be a three minute half time break. Should the games be running behind schedule
this break maybe reduced to one minute at the sole discretion of the referee.
Once the referee places the ball on the field in the ready for play position and calls rush line a
team has fifteen (15) seconds in regular season games in which to snap the ball. Failure to do so will
result in a delay of game penalty of 5yrds and repeat down. Under a minute the clock will be stopped
when this penalty is issued if the team on offense is leading.
The clock may be stopped, at the referees discretion, should an injury occur resulting in an
extended delay.
Once the ball is hiked (snapped) the offensive team shall have seven (7) seconds in which to
pass the ball. If the offensive team first pitches the ball and then wishes to execute a pass play, the
seven (7) second timing does not apply. If a play is not completed in seven (7) seconds, referees
discretion, the play is declared dead
and the ball is spotted where the quarterback is then holding the ball. If the spot is in the defensive
teams end zone, the defensive team is awarded a safety. Should the defensive team choose to blitz the
quarterback, the (7) seconds will no longer apply once the blitzer crosses the line of scrimmage.
The team shall begin each new offensive possession, except a possession resulting from a pass
interception, from the five (5) yard line.
The offense has four (4) plays in which to cross midfield. Once they cross midfield they are
awarded a new series of four (4) plays. Failure to cross midfield results in a change of possession.
Once the offense has crossed midfield, it has four (4) new plays in which to score a touchdown.
Failure to score a touchdown results in a change of possession.

All offensive players except the snapper may move or be in motion laterally or away from the line of
scrimmage at the time the ball is hiked
(snapped) as long as no player is beyond the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped. Should an
offensive player be beyond the line of scrimmage before the ball is hiked (snapped) an offside penalty
will be indicated. (5 yard Penalty)
The line of scrimmage referee must place the ball at the start of every play. Once the ball is
placed the ball may not be lifted off the ground until ball is hiked. The ball may be rolled side to side to
find laces but may not be lifted in any way. Lifting the ball will result in a false start penalty and the
offense will lose 5yrds and repeat down.
The ball must be placed in between the hash marks to begin play. On fields where there are no
hash marks the ball is to be placed in the center and then the offense may walk 5yrds right or left of the
center. Referee has final say of where ball is to be placed.
Running and Rushing Plays
Any player may initiate a running play or receive a pitch after the quarterback has touched the
ball. A quarterback may not initiate a run, unless rushed by the defense (see below).
All plays must start with a snap (hike) from the center to the quarterback. The ball must first
touch the quarterback each play or it is considered an illegal formation.
If the ball is fumbled while a player is in possession and running, the play is considered dead
when the ball touches the ground. If fumbled forward the ball is spotted where the player fumbled the
ball. If fumbled backwards the ball is spotted where the ball first touches the ground. 4. If a backward
pitch or fumble first touches the ground in the end zone of the defensive team a safety is awarded
Spinning by a runner is allowed. A player may jump and spin but may not dive or hurdle. If a
runner dives or hurdles, the play is declared dead at that spot. A PLAYER MAY NOT JUMP TO ADVANCE
THE BALL Power running is not permitted; runners are not allowed to lower their shoulders in any way.
The runner has the right to whatever lane he is on while running. The defender while attempting to pull
his flags can get in the way of the runner but that is at his own risk and no penalty will be assessed if

contact is made while trying to pull flags. However the runner may not adjust his lane to initiate contact,
if this is done the play will be whistled dead and the ball will be moved back 5yrds.Penalty for power
running is considered an illegal run penalty. (5 yard penalty)
Ball carriers are not allowed to flag guard at anytime. This means ANY ACT WHERE THE BALL
CARRIERS ARMS AND HANDS DROP BELOW THE WAIST. This can take place at anytime a defender is
within reach to the flags. Arms and hands are never allowed to push off or block a defender from
reaching the flags as well. If contact is made above the waist this is not considered flag guarding
however may be considered unsportsmanlike and up to the referees discretion to assess the penalty.
Penalty for flag guarding is, the play is dead at spot of foul and a 5yrd penalty is added on.
Fellow teammates can proceed down the field with the ball carrier but can only make basketball style
picks. Should a blocking penalty be called the play is ruled dead at that spot and a 5yrd penalty will be
assessed. Illegal blocking is any extension of the arms toward a defender to hinder a flag being pulled
Receiving and Passing
All players are considered eligible receivers once the ball has been hiked. 2. Pick plays are
considered legal as long as the picking player does not initiate contact with any defensive player. A
receiver can run pass patterns in the defenders covering lane but cannot initiate contact with the
ROUTE TO INITIATE CONTACT WITH DEFENDER. Defenders may jam inside of 5 yards from the line of
scrimmage. Penalty for an illegal pick is considered offensive pass
interference. (5 yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and loss of down)
Receivers are not allowed to push off. Incidental contact, referees discretion, is allowed.
Pushing off by the offense is considered offensive pass interference. (5 yard penalty and loss of down)
Once the ball is in the air the defenders and offensive players have equal right to the ball. This
means that as long as the defender or offensive player is playing the ball (eyes on the ball and body
moving toward the ball) that if contact is made there is no interference call. Interference will be
assessed when any player offense or defense plays the opposing player and not the ball. Defensive pass
interference is a spot foul and automatic 1st down. If this takes place in the end zone ball is spotted on

the 1yrd line and it is 1st down. Offensive pass interference is loss of down and 5yrd penalty from
original line of scrimmage.
Receivers must catch the ball with one foot inbounds to be ruled a legal catch. If a receiver has
left his feet to catch a pass and incidental contact by the defender causes the receiver to land with both
feet out of bounds, if in the referees discretion, the receiver would have landed with one foot in bounds
except for the defensive incidental contact the catch shall be ruled complete and the play shall be ruled
dead at that spot. Should a defender and receiver simultaneously posses a thrown pass and both players
both of their feet on the ground, the pass shall be ruled complete and the play ruled dead immediately
at that spot in possession of the offensive player. Players should not be allowed to fight for possession
of a jointly caught pass.
Whoever first handles the ball after being hiked, snapped, shall be considered the quarterback.
A quarterback cannot run until they have been rushed by the defense (see below). The
quarterback is not considered rushed until the defensive rusher has crossed the line of scrimmage.
A pass may only be thrown forward once during a play.
A pass may be thrown forward or backward, overhand or underhand. The determination of a
pass being forward or backward is at the sole discretion of the referee.
Any pass that is intercepted by the defense may be returned down the field. The offense will
start at the spot the play is dead, not at the 5 yard line.
The object of the defensive player is to grab one or both of the offensive players flags before
the offensive player scores a touchdown.
The defender pulling flags may either hand the flag back to the player after play is over or MAY
PLACE IT RIGHT WHERE HE STANDS. Any throwing of flags will be considered an unsportsmanlike penalty
and will be 10yrds and other team will be awarded an automatic 1st

A player that loses one or both of their flags during the play will be down when they are
touched by a player from the other team; defensive players are cautioned to just touch and not push
such a player.
The ball will be spotted where the flag is pulled not where the ball is located at the time the flag
is pulled.
Only a defensive player(s) who is seven (7) yards behind the line of scrimmage at the time the
offense hikes (snaps) the ball may rush a passer. Should a defensive player cross the line of scrimmage
and not at some point during the play have been behind the rushing line, a penalty will be called on the
defense for illegally rushing. (Illegal rush 5 yard penalty - repeat down)
Any rusher or blitzer who is chasing the passer must work their way to the passer without
extending any part of their body to impede or contact another offensive player. Should a defensive
player who is rushing the passer intentionally contact (referees discretion) another offensive player; an
illegal rushing penalty will be called. (5 yard penalty - repeat down)
Defensive players who start in front of the defensive rush line may retreat behind the line and
then rush the passer. Defensive players that rush the passer may not contact the passers at all. NO
penalty of illegal contact will be assessed for such infraction. (10 Yard penalty automatic 1st down)
If the defensive player who has left his feet causes any contact with the backside of the
offensive player or causes an offensive player to lose their feet and fall to the ground that player shall be
called for illegal tackle. Discretion of the referee (10 Yard penalty automatic 1st down)
A blitzer who pulls the QBs flag intentionally after knowing the pass has left will be given a 5yrd
penalty or take the play at the offenses choice. THIS PENALTY IS AT THE REFEREES DISCRETION AFTER
the offensive player has possession of the ball, is not allowed and will be penalized as illegal contact. (5
yard penalty from end of play)

If a players flag is pulled before he has possession it will be treated as though his flag fell off
during the play and the play will continue until he is touched or his other flag is pulled.
A defensive player who while attempting to grab a flag, misses the flag and grabs any part of an
offensive players uniform will be called for a holding penalty. If the defensive player immediately
releases, referees discretion, the offensive players uniform a penalty may not be called. (5 yards from
Defenders may not contact, hold or push an offensive player who is attempting to run a pass
route. Incidental contact, in the referees discretion, will not be penalized. (5 yards from line of
scrimmage + automatic first down
or offense may decline and take ball where play is dead)
Touchdown team is awarded six (6) points
Successful point after touchdown from the five (5) yard line team is awarded one (1) point.
(Successful point after touchdown from the ten(10) yard line team is awarded two (2)
Safety for any tackle or a player in the defenders end zone or safety occurring as a result of
penalty or ruling of a dead ball the defensive team is awarded two (2) points and a change of possession
will occur. A defensive team that intercepts a pass during the try for a point after touchdown may return
the ball. If they return the ball to their end zone they will be awarded two (2) points. If they do not
return the ball to their end zone, they will begin play at the five (5) yard line, as if a change of possession
had occurred.
Playoff Rules
The staff of Christ the King Bowl reserves the right to change or modify these rules prior to the
beginning of each playoff session. Teams will be notified in advance of beginning the playoffs of any
such modifications or changes.
Each game will be two (2) ten (10) minute halves.

If team(s) rankings are tied at the end of the regular season, seeding will be determined as
i.-Head to head games during the regular season.
ii.-Least points allowed
iii.-Most points scored
iv.-Flip of coin
All teams will participate in the playoffs
All league rules will apply during the playoffs
Should games be tied at the end of regulation play the following overtime rules will apply; which
are similar to College overtime rules. (note: the section titled coin toss to determine who is on offense
Each team will start at the ten (10) and have four (4) downs to score.
The team that started on defense will switch to offense, after the first team scores or if there is
a change of possession, and will then have an opportunity to score.
If the defensive team intercepts a pass and scores the game is over. If the defense team
intercepts a pass and fails to score, and have not yet been on offense the ball shall be placed at the
ten(10) in their possession.
15. If teams are still tied at the end of first overtime, the ball is placed at the twenty (20) yard to begin
the new series of four (4) plays for each team.
16. If teams are still tied at the end of the second overtime, the ball is placed at the five (5) yard line.
First possession will decided by coin toss by the visitors Third overtime is sudden death

Misconduct Rules
The staff of Christ the King Bowl will not tolerate any violent or unsportsmanlike behavior. We
reserve the right to take corrective actions against any player or players. OUR PURPOSE IS TO MAKE THIS


There is a zero tolerance policy for referee dispute. Only the CAPTAIN or COACH, is allowed to
question calls or conduct for their team to the referee during the game. This needs to be done in a
professional manner during halftime or after a game. The referee does not need to explain any calls to
any players, captains or coaches. Any infraction will result in an unsportsmanlike on the player which is
removal from the game for the half and automatic 1st down if offending player is on defense and loss of
down 10yrd penalty if the offending player is on offense.
All disputes against a team or player should be addressed to the staff of Christ the King Bowl or
referee before the start of the game. Otherwise, it will need to be addressed to the manager on duty
ONLY after the game is over.
All team captains or coaches are responsible for all players actions on their team on and off the
field. The staff of Christ the King Bowl reserves the right to issue extra penalties to the team captain or
coach as a result of actions by members of their team. Up to and including game suspensions
Players are not allowed to question judgment calls by the referee. Any questioning of calls will
result in same penalty as Line 2 of this section.
Fighting: To take part in any violent or physical altercation or act deemed to be aggressive by
referees on the field with/toward any player. Any player(s) involved in any physical altercation with
another player, official, or fan will be
suspended for the remainder of the session with the possibility of a ban from the league.
The staff of Christ the King Bowl reserves the right, at its discretion, to suspend any player from

all leagues for that season or longer for any player receiving a season or indefinite suspension.
Ejections if a player is ejected from a game for UNSPORTSMANLIKE conduct or a penalty other
than fighting:
1st offense player is removed from that game. A 10 yard penalty and loss of down (off) or
replay down (def) will be issued to the team.
2nd offense player is removed from the tournament. A 10 yard penalty and loss of down (off)
or replay down (def) will be issued to the team.
Engaging in violent activity
Throwing a punch, towards anyone on or off the field (punch does not have to make contact
with opponent to be a league suspension).
Deliberately inflicts or attempts to inflict physical harm to a game official, facility manager or an
opposing teams coach or players in any manner.
Behaves in a manner, which is critically detrimental to the conduct of the game, including
spitting on an opponent or coach of an opponent, game official, or facility manager.
26. Verbal abuse of an official or opponent.
27. Verbal abuse is considered the intent to inflict harm.
Penalties and Yardage
For any penalty the offended team may decline to accept the penalty or accept the penalty and
decline the yardage for the penalty.
A half or game cannot end on a penalty by the defense unless the offense declines the penalty.
All accepted penalties shall be for the distance indicated or if the penalty is incurred inside the
five (5) yard line the distance shall be half the distance to the goal.
Offside being across the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped (hiked). Penalty is five (5)
yards, replay the down.
Two (2) forward passes by the offense second pass is declared dead at the spot of the pass and

the down is considered complete.

Too many men on the field penalty is five (5) yards and the replay of the down. Delay of game is failure
by the offense to hike (snap) the ball within fifteen (15) seconds of
being marked ready by the referee. Penalty is the loss of five (5) yards and the replay of the down. (5
yard penalty)
Blocking by the offense (as defined in the definitions) if during a run the play is considered dead
at the spot of the foul with a loss of five (5) yards and the completion of the down; if during a passing
play the penalty of loss of five (5) yards will be assessed from the line of scrimmage and a loss of down
Holding penalty by the defense shall result in a five (5) yard penalty. If against an eligible pass
receiver after the ball is received the penalty is assessed from the end of the play and the down is
considered complete or from the line of scrimmage and the down is replayed if the pass is incomplete
Illegal tackle if the defender is called for an illegal tackle the penalty is ten (10) yards from the
end of the run and an unsportsmanlike is assessed and a 10 yard penalty will be issued to offending
player. The down is considered complete. During the game the second offense of an illegal tackle by the
same defender shall result in the removal of that player from the rest of the game.
Illegal rushing is rushing of the passer by a defender who was not behind the seven (7) yard
rushing line during the play. Penalty is five (5) yards and a replay of the down.
All contact on the QB before the ball is released is considered illegal unless on the hips where
the flags are. Any contact with the QB will result in an automatic 1st
down and 10yrd penalty to be
assessed on the end of the play or line of scrimmage if the pass was incomplete.
Pass interferenceOffensive loss of five (5) yards from the previous line of scrimmage and loss of down
Defensive pass is considered complete at the spot of the foul, automatic first down.
If the defensive pass interference occurs in the end zone the offense shall put the ball in play at
the one (1) yard line and be awarded a 1st down

Illegal run including diving by a runner and flag guarding is a penalty of five (5) yards from the
spot of the foul and the down is considered complete.
A runner leaving both of his feet at the same time to advance the ball shall be down at the spot
of the foul. A player may leave his feet if its in the best interest of both players to avoid contact
(example- a player is on the ground and by not jumping the runner will step on the other player). This
will be at the discretion of the referee.
Use of excessive force at any time the referee rules that excessive force was used by a player
the player must be removed from the game for the rest of the half or for the remainder of the game
(referees discretion, depending on severity). The team is assessed a penalty of ten (10) yards and
automatic 1st down. The team does not play down a player; just the assessed player may not participate
for ten (10)
minutes. 24. Unsportsmanlike conduct as determined by the referee this includes the use of foul or
abusive language (also includes yelling "7 Seconds" from the sideline or playing field.) or the throwing of
an opponents flag after it has been pulled.
By the offense ten (10) yard penalty from the line of scrimmage or the end of the play and loss
of down & the offending player will be removed from the game for a period of ten (10) minutes.
For a 2nd offense by the same player the yardage penalties are assessed and the player is
ejected from the game.
By the defense ten (10) yard penalty at the spot of the foul and automatic first down & the
offending player will be removed from the game for a period of ten (10) minutes.
For a 2nd offense by the same player the yardage penalties are assessed and the player is
ejected from the game.
Trash talking, taunting, using obscene, profane and abusive language this includes a
celebration of a good play, touchdown, or win.
By the offense ten (10) yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and loss of down & the
offending player will be removed from the game for a period of ten (10) minutes.

By the defense ten (10) yard penalty and replay of the down & the offending player will be
removed from the game for a period of ten (10) minutes.
1st Offense Player will receive 10 minute player penalty. A team 10-yard penalty will also be
2nd Offense - Will result in player ejection and automatic suspension from next league game. A
team 10-yard penalty will also be assessed.
Any verbal abuse towards any official/referee or player will result in 10-minute penalty or game
ejection. This will be up to the referees discretion. (Any player ejection from a game will result in
automatic suspension from next league game)
Fighting is considered an unsportsmanlike act. Fighting includes the throwing of a punch even if
the punch does not make contact. Punching, spitting, elbows, shoulders, kicking and throwing the ball at
players or officials all are considered acts of fighting. The yardage penalty will be assessed as an
unsportsmanlike penalty and the player(s) shall be immediately removed from the game and suspended
for the remainder of the tournament.

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