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Lalla dudlellinallulliclall Se JUMCMBAFTIMAYISI030 17 Mareh 2015 [ROKIBUL HASAN Seetoa #10, Road #11, House # S6@A), Uns, 1230 Dhaka, Bangladesh Dear Ms. Raga, ADMISSION FOR MAY 20142015 INTAKE (FULL-TIME) Congratulations! We have the pleasure to inform you tht the University hus decided to offer {you admission ito the programe of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Gpedalzatio in Statege Management) you ages withthe tems and conditions as state in the ataced appendices, kindly sendin yur accepce Iter by mail fax latest by 23 March 2015 (Mand). Please also arange te pay the nonefindsble repstaton foo of RM $00.00 (Ringgit ‘Malaysia: Five Thowsand and Four Hundred Only) either by bank dra, postal order or ‘rose cheque payable to HUM Graduate School of Management Inte! by 23 March 2015 (Monday). Pease ee tothe aachment for det of payment I we donot eeive your pa confirmation by the stilted dats, please be advised tat we wil afar your place tothe next deserving candidate We would like to remind you tat the Schoo! doesnot guarnte the availability of on-campus housing since university accommodation is very limited, you may be required to lve af campus if on-campus housig is unevalabe. In deciding on our ofa, 1 would Hike t urge you to keepin mind that ur programme is

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