Questions in Exam and You Have To Attempt 5 Short Questions and 1 Long Question

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Dear Student,

While preparing for the final-term exam, keep these questions as your
learning objectives for topics. There will be 7 short and 2 long
questions in exam and you have to attempt 5 short questions
and 1 long question.

What is a Supply Chain management?

Facility role
Facility location
Capacity allocation
Market and supply allocation
Factors Network Design Decisions Influencing
a) Strategic
b) Technological
c) Macroeconomic
d) Political
e) Infrastructure
f) Competitive
g) Logistics and facility costs
h) Market and supply allocation
The role of forecasting in a supply chain
Characteristics of forecasts
Components of forecasts and forecasting methods
Basic approach to demand forecasting
Time series forecasting methods
Measures of forecast error
Forecasting demand at Tahoe Salt
Forecasting in practice
The Role of Information Technology in the Supply Chain
The Supply Chain IT Framework
Customer Relationship Management
Internal Supply Chain Management
Supplier Relationship Management
The Transaction Management Foundation
The Future of IT in the Supply Chain
Supply Chain Information Technology in Practice
The role of transportation in the supply chain
Factors affecting transportation decisions
Modes of transportation and their performance characteristics
Design options for a transportation network
Trade-offs in transportation design
Tailored transportation
Routing and scheduling in transportation
Making transportation decisions in practice
Purchase functions and procedures
The objectives of purchasing

The functions of purchase Department

1.Hand To Mouth Purchasing
2.Scheduled Purchasing
3.Market purchasing
Speculative purchasing
Seasonal purchasing
Group purchasing
Sub contractor purchasing
Responsibilities of purchasing dept.
Lack of Supply Chain Coordination and the
Bullwhip Effect
Effect of Lack of Coordination on Performance
Obstacles to Coordination in the Supply Chain
Managerial Levers to Achieve Coordination
Building Strategic Partnerships and Trust Within
a Supply Chain
Achieving Coordination in Practice

Wish you good luck for your exam.

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