Mechanics of Materials Homework

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ENGR 325: Mechanics of Materials

Homework 4: Torsion
Due Date: 10/28/2015 (Beginning of Class)
Homework solutions should be neat and logically presented, and should follow the
format requirements described in the homework handout
Make sure to draw complete and clearly labeled free-body diagrams
If you use any results or equations from the class notes or text in you solutions,
please note and reference them (but you better be sure they are applicable to the
problem at hand).
Show all your work, no credit for just answers. When applicable, try to solve the
problem algebraically first. Only use numbers/values in the final steps of your
solution and be sure to include units when you insert numbers

Consider the hollow steel shaft (G = 200 GPa) shown in Figure 1 that has a series of torques
imposed on it by external power machinery via the gears. Due to design constraints, the
maximum allowable shear stress, all = 85 MPa.

Figure 1
Assuming that the bearings supporting the shaft are frictionless:
(a) Calculate the internal torque in each segment, and sketch the variation of the torque
along the length of the shaft. You can set x = 0 to be where the 600 N-m is torque is
(b) If the outer diameter of the shaft is 150 mm, determine the minimum wall thickness, to
the nearest mm.
(c) For the wall thickness you calculated in part (b), calculate the twist angle of B relative
to A.

ENGR 325

Homework 4

Due Date: 10/28/2015

Composite Shaft
Figure 2 below shows a composite shaft which is produced by shrink-fitting a steel sleeve
over a brass central core so that the two parts act as a single solid bar in torsion. The outer
diameters of the two parts are d1 = 1.6 in for the brass core, and d2 = 2.0 in for the steel
sleeve. The shear modulus of elasticity for the brass and steel are 5400 ksi and 12,000 ksi



Figure 2

(a) Assuming that allowable shear stresses in the brass and steel are b = 5 ksi and s = 8
ksi respectively, determine the maximum permissible torque, Tmax , that may be applied
to the shaft.
(b) If the applied torque T = 15 kip-in, find the required diameter d2 , so that the allowable
shear stress s is reached in the steel.

Fixed End System

Figure 3 shows a circular bar AB with both ends fixed against rotation. A hole of diameter
d1 = 2.4 in drilled out for half its length as shown. The outer diameter and total length
of the bar is d2 = 3.0 in and L = 50 in respectively. Determine the distance x from the
left hand end of the bar where a torque T0 be applied so that the reactive torques at both
supports are equal.



Figure 3

ENGR 325

Homework 4

Due Date: 10/28/2015

Geared Systems
Gears are unavoidable if we are going to discuss rotating systems. Consider Figure 4 below,
which shows two solid steel shafts (G = 11 106 and y = 16 ksi ), connected by gears.

Figure 4
For a factor of safety of 2, determine
(a) The largest torque, T0 which can be applied to end A of shaft AB
(b) The correspond angle through which end A of shaft AB rotates
In your free-body diagrams for AB and CD, make sure you account for the forces that
arise due to the contact of the two gears.
Recall the peripheral distance travelled by the gears are the same. This may be helpful
when considering your kinematic conditions.

Power Transmission
At a small-scale power station shown in Figure 5, a turbine develops of 200 kW power,
which is transmitted to external machinery via the gears at C and D. The system has been
designed such that C transmits 60% of the torque, while D transmits the remaining 40%.
If the angular velocity, , of the 100 mm solid steel (ASTM-A36) shaft is 800 rev/min,
(a) The absolute maximum shear stress in the shaft
(b) The angle of twist of end E relative to B.
You can assume that the journal bearings at E are frictionless.

ENGR 325

Homework 4

Due Date: 10/28/2015

Figure 5

Rotating Shaft Design

You have been tasked with designing a steel (ASTM-A36) tubular shaft which will transmit
100 kW of power from the turbine to the generator. The shaft has a length 1.5 m with
inner and outer diameters of 30 and 38 mm respectively. Knowing that your design must
incorporate a 2.5 factor of safety against shear yielding, and that the angle of twist must not
exceed 3 , determine the minimum frequency (rpm) at which the shaft can rotate.

Stress Concentration Factors

The powertrains of vehicles typically take the form of stepped shafts shown in Figure 6
below. In this application, the steel (ASTM A242) shaft must transmit 70 hp of power at
700 rpm. Determine the minimum radius r of the fillet if a factor of safety against shear
yielding of 3 must be used.

Figure 6

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