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What are our Surroundings Really Like?

Place is a theme of Geography. It allows us to know what a place is like and its
physical and human characteristics.
Place tells us what a place is like, what it looks like, and all its features. There are
also physical characteristics including Temperature and Precipitation. For instance
in Peru the climate changes to sunny or rainy seasons, but sometimes in the Andes
it can snow in the mountains way up high. A real life example is when my class and
I went to take a walk and we got to know the physical characteristics or Global Jaya,
such as: Globaljaya has a hot wet and dry climate, there are Rambutan, Mango,
Frangipani, Palm and Jack Fruit Trees. Sometimes there are animals including Olive
backed sunburn, the sucker fish, a butterfly and a swiftlet.
In addition to physical characteristics there are also human Characteristics which
basically mean culture. To illustrate, most of us humans have religions. Not only one
religion but there are many religions in this world. In places like Peru there are lots
of Roman Catholics. This influence the Peru since there are now many churches that
have been built. So in conclusion place helps us know what a place is like and its
human and physical characteristics. I discovered lots about different landscapes,
and the impacts climates, religions and more have to places. I have furthermore
discovered lots of new facts about the places I have lived in.

Concept Map
Classification system


Understanding of the world

A place is described by
everything in it, for example its
features like temperature,
precipitation and religion.

For place I made 4 models. A pie

chart and a graph chart show
the religion in Peru, another
graph chart shows the average
temperature of Lima, and there
is also a line graph about the
average precipitation in my
chosen city.

Highest percentage of religion:
81.3 % Roman Catholic
Lowest percentage of religion:
2.9 % no religion
When do the numbers trend up
or down or up and down?
Though Roman catholic is the
main religion in Peru, other
people have other religions.
These religions were influenced
and brought by other countries
from all over the world. The
percentage may also change in
the future depending on
What is the overall/main
According to my pie chart and
graph chart, a major amount of
population in Roman Catholic
(from which I know that there
are many churches) and the
least population has no religion.
In between of those two there
are religions like Evangelic and
other religions.
1.Highest Temperature: 23.3
3.When do the numbers trend
up or down or up and down?
From January till August trend
to decrease to around 16, then
from September to December
increases by a few degrees
4. What is the overall/main
source? Though Lima tends to
fell like the same temperature
throughout the year, at some

points it tends to decrease to

colder temperatures, where
you might have to wear some
thick coats.
1.Highest Precipitation: 2 mm
2.Lowest Precipitation: 0 mm
3.When do the numbers trend
up or down or up and down?
The precipitation of Lima trends
to change according to the
rain/snow. In the months
January, June, July, August and
September the precipitation
rises to 1 or 2 mm.
4. What is the overall/main
According to my graph,
precipitation in Lima, doesnt
change too much just by 1 to 2
mm. Most of the months in the
year have 0 mm precipitation.

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