259 Academic History and Certificates 2

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RODRIGUEZ has completed the required course of study and ts awarded the BAsIc CHILD DEVELOPMENT PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION by authority of the Beard of Trustees of the City Colleges of Chteago, ‘Community College District 508, County of Cook and Gate of Manet, May 11, 2013 ecnmenn a, Child Development Associate® Having satisfactorily demonstrated competence in working with young children through an assessment by the CDA National Credentialing Program JUAN RODRIGUEZ is hereby awarded this CDA Credential by the Council for Professional Recognition Council for Professional Recognition é. Deputy Director Vatora WO: President/CEO/Chairman July 01, 2012 Valid for three years from date of issue CouNCcIL for PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION Dear CDA: Congratulations on earning your CDA Credential! You should be extremely proud: your ctedential is testimony of your demonstrated competence in working with young children and their families. I'm delighted to now welcome you to the CDA community of over 300,000 teachers, assistant teachers, family child care providers, and home visitors who work with infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and families. As a Child Development Associate, you will be teaching our nation’s youngest children and helping them grow and develop at the most critical period of their lives, ‘The importance of this work cannot be underestimated. You are laying the groundwork for the nation’s future, As you grow as an early childhood educator, the Council will continue to serve as a resource for your professional development. Be sure to check our website (www.cdacouncil.org) frequently to stay connected with and leam from your CDA community. Your initial CDA is simply the first step in your journey as an ECE professional. Please remember that you will need to renew your CDA in three years to demonstrate your continued professional development. Again, congratulations on this significant achievement! With Admiration, Vosora askeagion, Valora Washington President and CEO The Illinois Network of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies Continuing Education Certificate This is to certify that Juan Rodriguez has been awarded 1.5 CEUs For successfully completing El Curriculo Creativo® para Educacion Preescolar - 5th Edicion Training Date: November 9 & 16, 2013 Training Hours: 15 Instructor: Luz Maria Macias Sponsor: Carole Robertson Center for Learning Ilinois Action for Children | GATEWAYS TS ORRSRTUNITY 9 Mmm } Ilinois Professional Development System inccrra illinois action for children Certificate of Participation presented to Juan C Rodriguez El Curriculo Creativo para Educacion Preescolar CDA Area: 5 Hours: 15 Date: November 9 & 16, 2013 Event ID: 637537393 Trainer ID: 115753584 Si Moe apr. Lite, —— ‘Maria Whelan tT panidye Draper Kathy Kloppenburg CEO/President Director of Provider Programs Director Illinois Action for Children Illinois Action for Children Carole Robertson Center for Learning f Carole Robertson Center for Learning illinois action for children Certificate of Participation presented to JUAN ROIDRIGUEZ Entornos: Configurar su Espacio para la Calidad CDA Area:S — Hours: 15 Date: December 7, 14, 21, 2013 Ba ilan/ Wappen — th, Maria Whelan Monique Draper Kathy Kloppenburg, Director, CEO/President Assistant Director, Provider Resources Carole Robertson Center for Learning action for children t&. Carae Robertson Center flares ‘escurces community. advocacy, Chicago Public Schools Office of Special Education & Supports 4125S. Clark, Chicago, I 60603 Certificate of Attendance Awarded to: Juan Rodriguez License Address: Building Bridges: Transitioning from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Presenter: Expert Panel > * % = * od a xe March 12, 2014 -, Arturo Velasquez Institute & & * x * * * % 2800 S. Western, Chicago, IL. (5)ContactiClock Hours, Cot eon DSSERRETUMS | Taser raaten | RAE HOUIOT Continuing Education (CE) ‘Speech Pathology/Audiology | IDPR #202-000101 ‘Continuing Education (CE) ‘Social Work TOPR #159-000238 Cnn Eaveton (CE) | Pyscal eay inp FED Contig Edveaion ce} | Sosa hang OP 420003 Gxevays Coder Trang: 2550007 ElCredits 5.0 Working with Families | Centr: nes Child Development Associate (CDA) IV: Working with Families fap bad Project Direétor, STARNET Region ¥ STARNET Support and Technical Assistance Regionally Chicago Public Schools Office of Special Education & Supports 125. Clark, Chicago, IL 60603 Certificate of Attendance Awarded to: Juan Rodriguez License #: Adiress: Instructional Strategies for Young English Language Learners ‘Thoughtful planning of both languages and curricular goals is critical to supporting their success. In this session, we'll examine key cultural and linguistic instructional principles, consider how the principles can be used across the day review several instructional strategies that utilize those principles develop lesson plans that include those principles. Presenter: Patricia Chamberlain Mareh 19, 2014 Charles Hayes Center 4859 8. Wabash 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (5) ContactiClock Hours ng Pioesion/Deveopment Unis 7 reser Recotaion | SEE MOOI07 Continuing Education (CE) Speech Pathology Audology | TDPR RDI2-D00TOT Continuing Education (GE) ‘Social Work DPR #158-000208 — Continuing Education (CE) Physical Therap TDPR #216-000046, Continuing Education (CE) (Occupational Therapy DPR # 224000038 Ch Derapman Asai Con) | Ce I To Ase Phys ne hic ‘Gateways Training Event ID 307633113 Apt bad Project Director, STARNET Region V ‘Department of Children and Family Services saandated Reporte, ONLINE TRAINING CERTIFICATE -/ COMPLETION PRESENTED TO v Juan Rodriguez 3/12/2014 | Awarded 2.0 Continuing Education Units £

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