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€ S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book = cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs Geometric modelling present-day software pac be able 10 ‘© Understand the vari sgeomerrie modelling 4 Stady various types « '¢ Develop various me ‘models, solid models f= Reconnize the vatio modeling ‘© Appreciate the conc the 3D modeling 5 ‘© Develop the various ‘© Discuss the various C ‘a avaiem for a piven € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Cd No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs large amount of duplicat ‘This may consist of som tion based om markot reso imovative new idea. Bas nary ideas could be deve can then be expanded i which are basically gros imo the various principh then one or more candid which needs further expl geometric modelling bes bbe manipulated at all the Treitionally. product with the prototypes for p information a designer ge of a CAM system, a5 ex ‘generated should be as Hing and manufacturing s “The Fimetions that are Design Analysis ‘* Evaluation of areas ‘Evaluation of mass '» Incrference check € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Cd No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs ‘¢ Manufacturing resour ‘© Scheduling. Inspection and Quality C ‘¢ Program generation fo ‘© Comparison of produc In view of such varied ap all sueh facilities for intra blies, raw material used, a assemblies, stock and tols) plans and command data fo ‘Another important aspec traditional designers are fol this interaction isthe “inter ‘The user (designer) would t any corrective action as req most of the eatlier modeltn ‘Therefore, it becomes ne tion on all aspects related v tune with the designer's me be desired of in any geomet 1. The configuration of s orientation. 2, The solid must have a 3. The solid must be fii 4. The application ofa € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs tion, if they start from thet with only a two dimension In contrast, the three-in required for manufacturing representation ean be arty 1. The line mode, 2. The surface model, 3. The solid or volute ‘These are represented i = CRPQ-PTTISRIpG—PTT cam +prineples+andappicaton Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew BS © ato myurary + | wtte review Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi ek BBL Fis. 43.4 Geometric A Reviews Sented in Wi Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications ert SS co Sl | oD o 0 BB Fe. 45 “Inposble 0 he Macioled € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Cd No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs ‘Table ‘Rutomatc view gensraion Iperpecive ani rtngrpbic) Crowacctoning mination of hen desis [Nomerial sont pplication "AIWCEOMETRIC CO [A technical (production) geometric representation. Ex ing requirements, assembly should be presented for cl drafting (AutoCAD) softwar tis ineumbent on the ge tion available at the produ Addition, che eurent day in the hassles associated with ‘The three-dimensional ge mally used are: ‘© Linear extrasion or ta ‘+ Rotational sweep, In addition, 3D solid gene book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > & fh d= pO-PTHTSRIpg-FTT fapnverac- rose cjcam rprinepes+-and + applcator Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa a Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book A oI KO 2 Audtemytorary ~ vate review € ak ct -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap books. my/bookskl=09" Google Books aa a Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews ‘we roiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs So “opetogy BB Fie. 4.8 Component: Transtationa trusion) € SS € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Cd No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh —— Fs ‘we roiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs Another type of construction tional sweep, which can be utili metric jobs as shown in Fig. 4 for all axi-symmettic component for various epplications. It is also possible to add twi the third dimension. Sirailrly, can be enhanced by the addition offset while sweeping to get he In CAM, sweep can be used in operations to caleulate the too swept by the tool when subtract enerate the final shape require 4.3.2. Solid Modelling ‘Though, the above techniques suited forthe purpose of input struction is the Sold Modelling Geometry (CSG). In this @ numt Some typical primitives ui analytical solid primitives gene possible ro use any slid obtain these solid primitives, the comp ¢ € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 103%, Google cedeamrinepiesans appears pn no: ad stansrt Books aa a Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book ‘ad to my ry ~ zs inti i Diterenea WB Fie. 4.16 Te Boo their Ef srction ‘technique for representin two primitives is shown i € Cc tt OQ books. my books kd=09% Google Books ae Bb Can No eBlak avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary Al solers x hhe A Reviews I) ive eviews CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Feshasatlasesws Roo sch inthis book || @e About this book a0 oe] ES apg-PT17Seipg-PTIL cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to yr ~ ecg cam +prinepes+-and applications! rpnirao- +65 From Fig. 4.16, also to storage of data required fo relevant dimensions of they bby making modifications t ‘operators always guarantee 8 CSG tree is evaluated f overieads are caused. There ation, the boundary represe model stored in any parame! Rational B-splines (NURBS ‘many of the highend graph ‘The primitives are normal analytical surfaces such as Also, special facilities have Hence, separate representa 43.3. Free Form Surfac There may be surfaces, whi examples are the car bodies aesthetics. An example of s bbe modelled is through a s € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Cd No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs nature of the surface desir cases. Some of the types of Bezier surfaces, B-spline su “The various surface type ‘analytical methods. The fre require a large amount of e Planar Saracee aa € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book = cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs cx WB Fie. 4.19 Ruled Sufuce the Right is Fe either by means of linear or cub all the patches. An example is fare shown in (a) which are then of Coons surface is its ability t used in reverse engineering. <— Baunder ~ Gunes ‘Gunes, € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Canes No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs Conte Potts ° DR Mig, 421 Bezier Cu Associated gon “The flexibility ofthe pro in space, thereby altering th as shown in Fig. 4.23. This surfaces. The flexibility of ‘extended forthe surfaces a € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap Google Books aa a Cd No eBlake avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary All solers 9 wi hh A Reviews Y) sre oiew CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Fosrasatilasesvs Roo [Search inthis book 0 About this book cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs The B-spline sure th forming the surface from a points to alter surface curv. ‘Uniform cubic B-splines most common scheme use known as NURB), which i represent a wide range of the surface having a weig ‘adaition of the weighing fe desiga alteration possibilit surface. Lofted Surface Lofied surface is a surface € > & fh;bo: 109%, Google Books ae BBs Can No eBlak avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary Al solers x hhe A Reviews ‘we review CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Feshasatlasesws Roo About this book aco apg-PT17Seipg-PTIL cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to yr ~ ecg cam +prinepes+-and applications! rpnirao- +65 Surface Fillet Tris is the ability 10 avion sculptured, The radius cou same fillet is to be genera in terms of the difference shown in Fig. 4.26, left ‘Modern CAD systems hi designer of many unvvante Fig. 4.26 | Tweaking ‘This is the ability to alter Da ett ace Ret a € © fk my,tor Google Books ae Bb Can No eBlak avilable Teta McGrail Education MPH Find in a ary Al solers x hhe A Reviews I) ive eviews CADICAM: Principles and Applications By Feshasatlasesws Roo About this book 08 of apg-PT17Seipg-PTIL cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to yr ~ ecg zs WS Mee. 427 Exarple of 7 Permission of using CATIA) In this type of modelling of ‘of the time the modelling star thereby producing the desired c is the mainstay of most of the retained 50 a8 to provide a con ‘The starting point for const € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 7 com +prinepes+-and applications rpnvra0- +65 Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa BE © adtomyurary + | wtte review | WGI Fig. 4.29 The Steich Shown Above w a Hy +-—— 2100 — ‘The dimensions shown in Fig. 4.29 can be the ‘other dimensions in the form of equations. Faciiti ‘can be inthe form of equations with variables. The \ properties of the material or phenomenom that i tak Airecly linked to the design process ‘The constrained sketch shown in Fig. 429 is swept along a linear direetion that is perpendicul the sketch plane producing 2 solid as shown in Fig. ‘This is a simple operation and casy to understand = rotor \eehopes anche pnerar-x Google — coseampnrapies nc apoicarns)pn a. cat stander Eu Books Qa BE HN co aadtomynrary ~ write review eons —- (BY Fig. 4.31 The Stetch for the New Feature (a Cu Similar processes are continued to make all the 1 and 2 counter bored hole are made resulting inthe fin ‘modelling process that resulted in the solid is maint Fig. 4.34. It is possible to go back and edit any of the necessary design changes. The model automatically affected by the priar editing changes € > S fh books r= 4 SYCRpQPTT5Rpg-PT1 75Rd =cacjcem +prineples-and-sappizatonsy-psrao- 0% Google — coseampnrapies nc apoicarns)pn a. cat stander Eu Books aa BE Hse Add to my nocary waite review a Design of In UB Fig, 4.35 4 Geometric Model Created fo ‘elt maintains a uniform thickness of material all interchanging the shell and hole operators in the € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 7 com +prinepes+-and applications rpnvra0- +65 Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa BE © adtomyurary + | wtte review Geometric Mc Hotes (9 Ofna a oo @ Neate BB Fla. 4.37 Feature Base! M ddauving without the dimensions. The job is ideatfe technolopical code described later. The skeleton pat as in Fig. 4.37. The user would then have to simply program. This approach is very convenient when one the made or for making very small corrections in only dimensions on the menu drawing, the actual proportio very limited application if a complete modelling modelling systems could be enhanced for special f macros within the modelling system by using the pro TN book € ct Google Books oo0ks my bo: -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap dat poPTTISRipg—PTT cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Q Q ‘ad to my ry ~ clean rprinepies and applications! rpnvra0- +65 Design oft BBE Fie, 439 Part Model Produ ye SEE Tae Frese ~ | won| Mike BBL Mig, 440 Examples of form Elements used Components in terms of lengths and diameters of the compont ‘operator directly from the part print. This method parts of 2C type. € © S th P= 4 SYCRPQPTTSRpg-PT17SRa =cacjcem +prineples and sappicatonss-rperao- 6% Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books Qa BE cm aadtomynnrary ~ wwite review Concenle Shot BGI Fiz. 4.41 Examples of Form Features for Mod Femmes € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 7 com +prinepes+-and applications rpnvra0- +65 Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa BE © adtomyurary + | wtte review chamerAogle a— Sectonal Gavaton (BI Fig. 4.43 Example Component Model It is possible to incorporate any type of feature convenient for tumed puts, a numberof such syste Itis possible to incorporate into the modelling sys symmettic but ae found on these components Exa the flange, gears, ete. Majority ofthe high-end CAD of features, but mostly from the geometric viewpoi "The major advantage ofthis kind of modelling i the people involved in the manufacturing process process is gencrally faster. Hence, macro languages book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/booksPi4= poPTLSepoPTt ccm +prinaplestandsapplcatonsf#pnera0- tex Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa B 22 | Aatomynoary + waterevtew Gromer. However, for higher order curves and for use in parametric form, the eurve is represented as X=aw) ¥=yu) Z= mu) Where X, ¥, Z are the coordinate values om the spa are the polynomials in a parameter, w. This repres XY, Z coordinates of al the points on the curve.’ X=a,us by or 0 Yoa,usb Z=aurd, 7 example 4:1 | Write down the (a) implicit and (b) paramewie f point (50, 50) (a) Implicit form: ¥ = $0 (6) Parameiric form: Defining the interval oft defined between (0, 50) and (100, $0). X= 100 0 Circle “The parametric form ofa circle whose centte lies ‘origin ofthe coordinate system (Fig. 4.44) is giver X=reos 6 Y=rsin@ book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € © S th P= po-PT1FSRpgPT1 cjecam + prinaples+and+applcations/-+prirraa- +02 Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books ala fe 20) | Aattomymiray + | | we seu Di of ample 42 Represent circle wih cence (0, 0) and adi (®) parametric form. (a) Implicit form? + y* = 2500 (b) Parametric form: Defining the interval oft the circle Ellipse “The parametric form of an ellipse whose centre li the origin of the coordinate system (Fig. 445) is by : Xeacos 8 Y=bsin@ ‘Where wand b ar the smi-major and minor axes ellipse. The implicit form ofthe ellipse is given by 2.24 ec PR Temple 63 book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/booksPi4= poPTLSepoPTt ccm +prinaplestandsapplcatonsf#pnera0- tex Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa B 22 | Aatomynoary + waterevtew Geom Mo “The intercept of the line i given by (Chasen 19 OP AP)C4DVPC-e Pad vec andthe slope is given by m= ‘The frst equation gives two solutions forthe sl P=) 84 2x4 x 366-12 + 4936 = 108 C+ 288 C~ 5760 =0 “The solution for C = 6.09, 8.7569 4-69 2 448.7569 2 ¥ “The slope of the equation 1, my = ‘The slope of the equation 2, ms = ‘The (wo equations of lines are: Y¥=-01742 X + 609 | .063 X= 8.7569 | A umber of such cases for calculating the lines a Curves ‘The general parametric representation of a curve (Fig. p= pu) Z, book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/booksPi4= poPTLSepoPTt ccm +prinaplestandsapplcatonsf#pnera0- tex Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa B 22 | Aatomynoary + waterevtew o Pes of coordinates are given by continuous parameter Kea | where the parameter variable, u, is constrained t Splines ‘Splines are the more general form of curves tha spline is a piecewise parametric representation parametric continuity. Cubic spines use a para ‘order continuity mainiained atthe intersection p Beier Curves ‘Bécier chose Bemestein polynomials a the bas Bare ("e ew ~ (: ‘Based on these basis functions, the equation for pio Sado» For n= 3, we got Bos = (eu book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/booksPi4= poPTLSepoPTt ccm +prinaplestandsapplcatonsf#pnera0- tex Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa B 22 | Aatomynoary + waterevtew Geometric Mod where 103 r 3 6 3 9 a) 1 0 0 0 vet ee Pe m Ps as Ps ‘As explained above, when the number of control point in a Bézier eurve increase, the degree ofthe polyniomi increases, and this provides for global modification ef fect rather than local, This means that whenever a singl vertex is modified, the entire curve gets modified. How ever itis also possible to break the Bézier curve int smaller segments and then link all of them, An exampl is shown in Fig. 4.47 where two Bézier curves, on defined by [pO pl p2 p3] and [p3 p pS pb} are joie -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap oo0ks my bo: cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ clean rprinepies and applications! rpnvra0- +65 Pie] Dein 5 -w ea |? 0 » Su! + Gu? + 120 1 will be possible to calculate the x and parameter u from 0 10 1 inthe above equatio Besplines ‘One of the problems associated with the Bezier points, the order ofthe polynomial representing ‘curve is broken down into more segments wit ‘while maintaining 2 simple continuity between ‘generate 2 single piecewise parametric polynom: the degree of the polynomial selected by the ¢ whenever a single vertex is moved, only those remains the same, ‘Similar to Bezier curve B-spline also uses the ba ptay= Ep, n,. ‘where N, «(Ware the basis functions for B-splin Ni@el ifisust, book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/booksPi4= poPTLSepoPTt ccm +prinaplestandsapplcatonsf#pnera0- tex Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa B 22 | Aatomynoary + waterevtew Grete ‘NURB Uniform cubie B-splines are the curves with the ps ‘most common sebeme used in all the CAD sysiem ‘known as NURB), which includes both the Bézier an as the standard curve definition for data exchange. Rational polynomials are factions where one pol ple, rational form of the Bézier eurve can be writen ‘where wy isthe weighing facto for each of the ver ‘of the conventional Bezier form, since 3a. =1 ‘Similarly the rational form of the B-splines can be w -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/books?i4=9a¥ ca +prineplestandsapplcatonss#pmra0- rex Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa E62 astomyorary > | wanerevew a ae ‘Where u and v are the parametric variables and a strained between 0 and 1. The simplest mathe ‘element forthe surface isthe patch bounded by th meisic curves in both directions. Patch is the b block for all the surfaces. A typical surface p shown in Fig. 4.48 with the parametric variables ciated with each patch is a set of boundary cor such as the four corner points and the four curves ing the edges. In addition to those there could b conditions defining the continuity with the adjiace faces/patches, et. Béder Surface ‘The Bézier surface isthe direct extension of the ‘cure, Points on a Bécier surfuce can therefore b P= ES py Bia WB, where py represents the rectangular amy of cont form ofthis equation for a4 x 4 contro points is -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap oo0ks my bo: cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ cjcam rprinepes+-and + applcator Geonerric ‘The matrix P contains the points that define the ch Pu Pa Pa Pa Pa Ps Ina similar manner, the rational Bézier patch can EE rims Ba Plu, y= Ste LE wy Fu 8 ‘ajo B-spline surfaces and NURBS can also be extended shown above, ‘The total modelling facilites that one would look follows: '¢ The geometric modelling features. ‘¢ The editing or manipulation features, ‘© The display control facilities. ‘© The drafting features, ‘¢ The programming facility ‘+ The analysis features. -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap © > S fh | Doc0ks. my books t4-05%, cam + prinoples rand-rapplcations/ Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books qa a Ho ee ‘Aid to my Worary ~ wirite review wa Deo 5. Skinning around regular and arbitrary sur arbitrary placed across any 3D curve. {6 Sculptured surfaces ofthe various types lik 7. Comprebensive range of transformation fac models generated by the modeller with feat 4.8.2 Editing or Manipulation Features ‘These sot of facilities refer to the way the geome for further modelling, Using thes facilities, it wo complete the modelling. thus improving the pro ‘category ae: |. Transformations such as move, copy, rota aubitrary coordinate frame. 2. The editing features used to ater the ale ‘simming or trimming to any intersection, d 3. Symbols in drawing refer to often repeated number of geometric entities that are groupe be recalled at any scale, at any angle or ex entities. Symbols can also be of parametric ‘without much effort. 48.3 Display Control Facilites In this range of features are all the facilities need obtain the necessary feedback atthe right time d Window — 10 identify a sec of emits for an Zoom — — to change the scale of display of | Pen — to move the image om screen w |CAD/CAM: Prnapis and Ap © © S th C8pg-PT1TSRIpgPT cam +prinoples rand-rapplcations/ Google — coseampnrapies nc apoicarns)pn a. cat stander Eu Books aa B Hse ‘Add to ery Wrary ~ waite review com € > © fh my/booksAH4= 4-5YCapg-PTLTSRIpg-PT L7SRdq=cacjoam #prinaplestandlsapplcatonsf#pnera0- Fox Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa 22) | Aaatomynrary + witerevtew o an fs ‘A latge number of types of views should be obt im the database. The types of views required may views, onhographic views (Fig. 4.52) isometric v that the views being shown should be scetioned 6 purpose, the section planes may be simple or compl have the automatic sbility to show the sectioning d ing depending upon the standard proctice. fk my,tor € Google Books -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 103%, cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards ‘ad to my ry ~ zs Geomene The dimensioning facilities one should look at sssociated dimensioning, if posible. In associative ated with the particular entity and whenever the ‘modification, the dimension automatically changes ‘The dimension types that should be available : fine, continuing, dual dimensions, tolerancing. f dimensioning to standards (150). 4.8.5 Programming Facility Programming ability (MACRO programming) wi feature. It is well known that not all kinds of fac CCAD system, Therefore, itis mocessary thatthe CA range of application processes specific to the com exists in a CAD system, it is possible to program s features available in the system for either model information generated during the modelling. Some GLUE in CAM-X. The availability of such a pro information for any required design, ifthe applica ring language, 4.8.6 Analysis Features Jn this range, the kind of analysis facilities that are ‘generated should be considered. The simplest kind under this category. The simplest fuiliies may be of gravity, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, e Besides these simple features of analysis, a gene Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The geometic mo € > © fh my/booksAH4= 4-5YCapg-PTLTSRIpg-PT L7SRdq=cacjoam #prinaplestandlsapplcatonsf#pnera0- Fox Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books QQ BLE (co awtomymway = | vateveuew Pe | ef as BB) Miz, 4.54 Exploded View and Bilt would only be posible if all the modules are de ProBaginer or Unigrahics for CADICAM integr ‘Bu in the present days, its possible that one n aplication in a specific instance. And therefore it as deseribed ebaper 5 would be needed with each o he lated tecnah Che tee Soeneniaes € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 7 com +prinepes+-and applications rpnvra0- +65 Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa BE © adtomyurary + | wtte review Geometric Me ‘The basic methodology for ll current RP technig. ‘= ACAD model is constructed and then convert ‘© The RP device processes the STL file by creat future model directly depends on quantity of th thickness, on the ayer's thickness; ‘© The first layer of the physical model is create thickness, and the process is repeated until com ‘= The model and any supports are removed; the ‘Machining also ean be considered as rapid prototy inherent geometric limitations. Sil, machining cant The technologies involved are: ‘Stereolithography ‘The mast commonly used process for rapid prototypi ‘These systems build shapes using light to selectively machines, convert thve-dimensional CAD data of ‘A low-power ultraviolet Laser beam is then careful polymer, producing a single layer of solidified resin- ‘The laser beam is guided across the surface (by ser cross-sectional patter in the ay plane to form a s incrementally by the height ofthe next slice, whereup traced on top of it (Fig. 4.55). This procedure is rep this was the frst process commercalised, itis expen plastic materials only. Scanning fe vine book € ct Google Books oo0ks my bo: -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap dat poPTTISRipg—PTT cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Q Q ‘ad to my ry ~ clean rprinepies and applications! rpnvra0- +65 ge Denn of Selective Laser Sintering In the selective laser sintering (SLS) process « ‘Austin, # modulated Laser beam follows the shap ‘object across a bin of special heat-fusile pov together, In SLS a layer of powdered materia is formed. A CO, laser then selectively traces the the cross-section alongwith fusing to the botto ‘melting or surface bonding. The unfused materia initial layer is formed, powder is reapplied, an ‘aerials used are, plastics, waxes and low-melt metal powders, this process is greatly used in investment and die easting applications. Scanning Mire Powder Feed Rote @Q=2 uss Powder book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/booksPi4= poPTLSepoPTt ccm +prinaplestandsapplcatonsf#pnera0- tex Google cecieam principles and applications! pn rac- cad standards Kw Books aa B 22 | Aatomynoary + waterevtew Geom Mo uid Power i | [Sl Fe. 457 Sotenatc of Tire Solider Process Solider RP machines are large, toobike units that m and a photo masking technique analogous to that used ‘of a laser solidifying a photopolymer into slices, an ul Fused Deposition Modelting Ti this process (Fig. 4.58) a plastic filament is unwou from a coil and supplies material (0 an extrusion nozz ‘The norze is heated to melt the plastic and has 8 mech book -ADCAM: Privcipts and acpi < WY € > & fh d= poPTTISRipg—PTT clean rprinepies and applications! rpnvra0- +65 Google cesicamprircipies anc appications! pn rac. cad standerls Kw Books Qa Bs 2 Add to my worary + wwite review Ga Design of Laminated Object Manufacturing ‘Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) mach ‘the object out of a sheet of paper fol and then supply roll and the laser then cuts around the ‘edge so that this can be easily broken away w the laser as cut out the top layer, a heated rol the rest of the object. A sensor is used to mes ‘machine will automatically adjust the dimensi ‘The result isa part that looks like laminated Ton View Larnrating eter 7 Laminating Rotor | ba Role € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 7 com +prinepes+-and applications rpnvra0- +65 Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa BE © adtomyurary + | wtte review Geometric M ‘© Promote concurrent product development ‘© Make many exact copies simultancously ‘© Make moulds for wax cores in castings f= Use as a master for silicon and epoxy moulds ‘A comparative evaluation of these processes is gi ‘Table 4.2 Summary ‘Siem Max build Accuracy Comparative Compara size m) (nm) Costs Bud Sexe sex Oa? 19 SC« Titoerphy 508 x 600 Seleive 380%330 10 10 Laer «400 Sing Feed 251x254 1-02 03 10 Deposition x 254 ‘Modeling Laminated 813x559 01-02 03 06 Object Modeling € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 7 com +prinepes+-and applications rpnvra0- +65 Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa BE © adtomyurary + | wtte review Po | Desi a Coney ‘Solid modelling provides the most wnambi ‘more compuing intensive. However to wel uilize solid modelling approach, 4 Suraees are more widely used and it is ne ts bsplines, Heri, NURB, lofted, to ge ‘© Constraint or parametric based modelling 3D CAD systems. This system helps in g ‘ellie the modification and rewse of the 1 Somme variant modelling systems are usd ‘© Form features is another form of modellin with more ineligence built into the ge -Eeomeire systems discussed thos fr. The mathematical representation ofthe ge ric form, the latter being the preferred 1 easier adaption in soiware developmen 4 The cure representation methods can be ‘used in fre form surfaces A number of modelling facilites nesd 10 sysiem for any given application, The | ‘geometric modeling features. the editing facilites, the drafting features, the progra connecting features. ‘+ Ropid prowyping is used o genera th aia, A number of different processes sintering, 3D printing, fused deposition 1 used for this purpose. € S fk -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap 103%, Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books aa BE © adtomyurary + | wtte review 49 410 au 412 43 4d 45 416 47 48 419 420 421 422 com +prinepes+-and applications rpnvra0- +65 Geomerc M ‘What is meant by sweep techniques available for ‘What are the limitation construction? Explain the concept of d ‘modelling. Give neat sk any two basie primitives, Give a chsifieation of ric modelling application Explain the coons and | applications for wich th Give a bret deseription ow do you model an ob Jer type wind? Bricfly explain the varia applications and limita ‘What do you understand struction? Specify the ap pvison to that ofthe vai ‘What are the problems w Specify the range of fie system. Explain the range of mo. predominantly mechanic Specify the drufing fea system required in a CIM What is the importance book -ADJCAM: Prnspis and Ap € > © fh | my/booksPi4= po-PTLISRpgTL ccm +9 Google | | vatevesew ples tandtappicato 46 47 48 asin oft ‘Weite down the impli (0, 50) and radius of Find the radius and ce (0, 30), (60, 30) and Find the intersection | SX + 30, and a circle € > © fi | © d00ks my/bookstet=dh¥_saC+-SiCEpa~PTLSRIpg=PT 1 /SEdq=cacicom + pritoples+andappleations/#pnerac-ten. Google cedeampinepiesans appears po: ad standrt cw Books 2 QB EFA ES ce Addtomywnrary + write review /CADCAM: Prscipts and Aepl «< WY € © & fh myo: 0 apgPT175eIpg—PT17SRcq, Google cedeamrinepiesans appears pn no: ad stansrt Books aa a 2 Audtemytorary ~ vate review o a ds |CAD/CAM: Principles and Ap pt sae Cag ATHISIHO-PTT jem tncpessandvarpcatorsfvanran- te Google coxeampnapies anc apaicarnsipn ao. cat stander Ew Books Qa BE cm aadtomynnrary ~ wwite review Cari Capg-PTLISRipg-PTL com + princples rand +appicatons/+pnsrao- +a Google cesicamprircipies anc appications! pn rac. cad standerls Kw Books aa 2 dato my rary ~ wate review apgPT175eIpg—PT17SRcq, Google cedeamrinepiesans appears pn no: ad stansrt Books ala B eo | | aaitemysnrary ~ | | wanteresiew Geomeiie Mod Capg-PTLISRipg-PTL com + princples rand +appicatons/+pnsrao- +a Google cesicamprircipies anc appications! pn rac. cad standerls Kw Books aa 2 dato my rary ~ wate review

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