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Concept Map

the world

And make
models of
the world

d the

Classification systems


Understanding of the

What theme is it? Define

it in your own words.

What Models did you use

and make? (map, graph,
chart, diagram etc)

How does this model help

us understand the world?

rs Classify
the world

Classification system

And make
models of
the world

d the


Understanding of the

We use website. We
made location maps with
and Longitude. And we
included relative location.

I learned that Surabaya is

7 degrees South and 112
degrees East. Additionally

Classification system


A place is an area that is

defined by everything in it.

We use website. We
made a

Understanding of the
I learned how to make
graph and also knowing

Location tells where it is.

There is relative and
absolute location.

Concept Map
Place tells us what the
location looks like.

rs Classify
the world

Graph about the

temperatures of Jakarta.
We were using to know
and write the
temperature of what my
country looking at.

And make
models of
the world

Classification system


A region is an area that is

defined by certain similar
characteristics. A region also
tells us

We made graph about

religion in Indonesia.
According to my graph in
Jakarta. Also, we took a
photo of our school

Classification systems


Human- Environment
Interaction looks at the

We took a photo around

the school. We took a
photo of the school
environment. We wrote
what did we change on

relationships between people

and their environment; how
people adapt to the

about the temperatures

in Jakarta. Now, I know
what the average
temperature and
precipitation of Jakarta.

d the

Understanding of the
Now I know that how
much people in some

Understanding of the
Now I know what the
human need for the
environment. Also, I
know now how we
depend on the
environment, how we

Concept Map
environment and how they
change it.

the environment, what

did we use on the
environment, etc.
Example, We took photo
of the soccer field,
animals, trees, etc.

change the environment

and How we adapt the
environment. Before, a
long time ago, in Java,
theres only forest in
there, Now we build
buildings, malls, bridges,
roads, train track and
shelter. We build building
for work or company or
industries, malls for
shopping, buying food,
Bridges for us to cross the
river or something, roads
to go anywhere, shelter
for us to live.

Classification systems


Understanding of the

Movement refers to the way

people, products, information
and ideas move from one
place to another. An example
of movement.for example,
how did you get to school, or
how did humans get to North
America. It can also product,
for example, Samsung was
founded in Korea and made
in Korea, Samsung was now
famous and imported every
country so now many people
use the Samsung product.

We took a photo of
products in our school.
We took a photo of the
bread, the meat, the
cheese or the air
conditioner and my
friends phone. The reason
why we took a photo of
our schools product or
other because we wanted
to know where it came
from and how it made
and etc.

Now I know what

movement means.
Movement means like
when something move,
for example how did I get
to school, or how did
humans get to north
America. Also, I know that
movement is not only
humans but It can be
products, for example
Samsung is an electronic
gadgets or etc. Samsung
was made in Korea and
its imported in every
country and now many
people use the Samsung

Concept Map

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