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What in the World Does It

Look Like!?
Place is consisted of Place tells us where its at, Human and Physical
Characteristics which make up our chosen place. Place tells us what its like

with Human and Physical Characteristics, when place tells us what its like we have a
good picture in our mind what the place looks like, feels like and how different it is to
other countries. It also shows us how the people living in the Place are different from
other people. Human Characteristics is basically is what we do to the Place for
example like building schools, homes and malls. Human Characteristics make the
Place habitable with building and roads to go across. It also brought culture and
religion to the Place. We made a Pie Graph to illustrate religion in my chosen place,
San Antonio, it tells about 10 different religions in San Antonio from the most popular
Religion to the least popular religion. According to my graph, religion in San Antonio
is not many most are Christian. Physical Characteristics are natural occurrences that
happen to the Place for example temperature and perception. Everything natural
from that Place is Physical Characteristics for instances Plant life and animal life to
Climate and Weather. In class we made a Bar graph and line graph to illustrate
Temperature and Perception and the graphs show the average Temperature and
Perception each month. According to my graph, temperature in San Antonio gets
higher in January to July then it goes down at July to November. The overall
understanding of this is to know the average temperature in San Antonio each month.
According to my graph, precipitation in San Antonio it goes up March to May then
goes down at May to July. According to my graph, precipitation in San Antonio it goes
up March to May then goes down at May to July. Place is one of the themes of
geography and is one of the most important of all the five as Place starts most of the

What in the World Does It

Look Like!?
Religion Pie Graph




Roman Catholic
other Christian


Other or unspecified


rs Classify
the world

And make
models of
the world

the world

What in the World Does It

Look Like!?

We made 3 models
Pie, Line and bar graph,
the Pie graph shows
different religions the
city we have chosen has.

Highest Temperature: 84.9

Lowest Temperature:
Highest Preception: 107.2
Lowest Perception:
The Line graph shows
Biggest Religion:
the perception in our
chosen city, and the Bar Smallest Religion: Buddist
graph shows the
When do the numbers
temperature in our
trend up or down or up
chosen city.
and down?
They trend up depending
on the season or climate
like near December the
temperature drops while in
July the temperature goes
What is the overall/main
understanding from this
According to my graph,
temperature in San
Antonio gets higher in
January to July then it
goes down at July to
November. The overall
understanding of this is
to know the average
temperature in San
Antonio each month.
According to my graph,
precipitation in San
Antonio it goes up March
to May then goes down at
May to July. The main
understanding of this is
to know more about your
cities perception.
According to my graph,
religion in San Antonio is
not many most are
Christian. The man

What in the World Does It

Look Like!?
understanding of this is
to learn the different
religions in our chosen

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