Three Months Sample Workouts Gym-Jones

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\ l : i r k i - r r r r | : \ , l l u n t r u r\ l r r l ' r l j n ( i r c r : l , l t x ) l .

' ( X l : , \ l t R l ( ; l l f j ; R l S l , R \ F I )

SampleScheduleand Workouts
3 N{onthOperator F'itnessProgram

v. l.t

,\nr tltrc'siions'.)
('()ntiict: .\tlrk lrvight at nark(_!t.tttjo,r(.t.r'(nn
[.rr.(lin]lrltxl 31/1r(.(,771(i,qrrrrjt)tt.,s
t t)t,t

. ' ' \ 1 ; : r k I L r i g h t .\ l , r u n l . r i n\ t r r b r l i r y( i 1 . r ; p . l t x ) l
l ( I t i . . U . 1R l ( ; l l T ' SR F S t : R \ . L l )

( i l r i ; l t ( r l : ^ ! \ l .' { l I R l ( i l l l : R l \ i , R V I

Note: Keep in mind that adequatetimefor rest and recoveryis

built into the following program oNLy if the athlete adheres to
the proper diet, remains hydrated, and gets enough sleep.In
addition, non -training related stressors (alcohol, work, h ome,-Iife,
the craly stripper girffiend, etc.) must be kept to a minimum. If
theserequirementscan not be met the schedulemust be altered
accordingly to avoid overtraining,

\ f : r r t ' f s r t h t . \ { ' ) u n t t l n \ l r t r r L r v ( ; 1 ) 1 p l t x ) l _ . ( r 1 ,. ri L l t i t ( ; l l
fS RI:SLt\ I:tr

t \l.rtl Irr rrl:t \l,r.rrrr|r

\ l , , h r l r r r( j r : : r f : . , r ) l l l ) | r \ l l R l ( ; l l l
\ ^R l : S l ; R \ L t )

Iiourrdationll\krnth #l ):

is litttrs,.'tl
on cicrrt'|irll'lrr'src:uI
((;l)lr) antl is tlcsigrrcrl
to clcl'clopu blsc 0t'l'itncss.corrccl irnhrrlanccs,',,u..t
fbr morer
is,n circurtr,,n.t
but in.rdcr to achievcrrncl
rnarn(ui.a hr.acrlevcl ,l'fit'e s.sthis phasc inclirdc:
I x Strcngthtlr [)orverday everv l4 tlays
Ix Intcrvalday cvcrl l.i days
?x Entlurancr:d:ryseve
ry r -r t'il;-s( 2 .,f thcsc rviil he tsrcathingI .addr:r.s
>-10m in)
lx Rccovcryclaycvcry l.l days

phaserequiresa training volumc of

lpproxinratei-vl9 hourspcr month.

Day l: Warm-up, Circuit (I.ocus)
Day 2. Warm-up,Srrcngrh
Day 3: Warm-up, p<twcr_Endurancc
Day 4: Warm-up,Ftogrcssion
Day 5: Endurance<9o nrin (*utiiizc
a Brcathingl-adder>30 min)
Day 6:
Day 7; Rcst
Day 8: Wann-up,
9: Warm-up,Circuit (Complcmentary)
Day l0: Rccovcry
Day I l: Warm-up.Accumulation
I)ay 12: Endurance>90 min
Day 13:Res(
Day 14: Rest
Day 1.5:Warm-up,Circuit (Iircus)
Day l6; Warm-up.Strenqrh
I)ay I7: Warm-up. I'owci_Endurance
Day ltl: Wann-up. progression
Day l9: Endurance<lD (+utilizea Brcathing
Day 20: Rcsr
Day 2l: Rcst
Day 22: Wann-up, Intcrval
Dav 2_l:Wanrr-up.C.ircuit(Conrplenrcntar),
Da.v2{: Rccover;,
[)a'y']6: I:ndur;rncc>90
Du'ul7: Rcrt
Dll -lll: I{csr

\ i L R t ( ; l {i s R l i L R \ t : t )

, , \ l u r k l r r r : ' h t . \ l t t . r r l . r r r r \ l , r b r l i t r ' ( i r.i)l {r lfi ' ll ( J r i . ' . \ l . l H l ( i } l l S R F S I : R \ ' : r l )


Po\\'crphaseis tircuscdtrn incrcusirrg
pcuk torcc.tntlthe rlrteo1 lirrcc protiuctirrrr
Irclricvcand maint:rina brortj lcvcl ol'l'itncssthis phrrscmust inclrrdc:
-1xl)orvcror Purvcr-Elrtlurancc
days cvcry l-l duys
lx Hndurancedly cvcr-vl-l da,vs
2r Rccovcryday crcry l-l days


phasercquiresa trainingvolumcof apprcximatelyl8 hourspermonth.'l'raining

licquency must rcmain high so no ctTortsshouldbc done to completefailure.This rvtll
allorv quick and efl'cctivcrecovery.Bccau.scof thc lack of gcneralsystemicstrcss
imposedduring this pha.setrvo trf the Recoveryrvorkoutsarc undertakenon Restdays.
Day l: Wann-up, Powcr (Explosivc)
Day 2: Warm-up, Circuit (Complcmentary)
Day 3: Endurance>90 min
Day 4: Warm-up,Accumulation
Day 5: Warm-up, Power-Endurancc
Day 6: Rccovery
Day 7: Rcst
Day 8: Warm-up. Porvcr(Explosive)
Day 9: Warm-up,I)rogrcssion
Day l0: Recovery
Day I l: Warm-up,Power (l.itvinov Conversion)
Day l2: SMMF
I)ay l3: Rcst
I)ay l4: Rest
Day l5: Warnr-up,Powcr (t')xplosive)
Day l6: Warm-up, (lircuit (Focus)
l)ay I7: Endurance>(X)min
Day I tt: Warm-up, Accumulation
Day l9: Warm-up,Porver-Endurance
Day 20: Recovcry
Day 2l : Rest
Day 2?: Warm'up, Porvcr(Explosivc)
l)ay 2-1:Warm-up.Prtrsrcssion
I)l;- 24: Rccovcry
[)ay 2-5: Wanl -rrp.Prlrvr'r (('arditl..;rscLr
[)l;- 26: Wanl-up. Intcrral
L)r,v-27. Rcst
I)ul lli: I{cst


i t r . \ 1 ( , . I t r . r l n\ l , r b r l : r ( i r r r r r pl l x r l : r l ) ;

\Ll. Rl(illTS RESF.RVtlt)

( ' ; . : r i 'l i ; r l l . - ' i ] { )..\ i l . R l ( ; l l T S R I : \ l R \ ' l l )

F l n d u r a n ce( Ikrn th # 3 ):

ller(lsslt hrtrtttl\l)cctnlt]l
lirr lrrrlrlhlctt-r'c(luirinql'
l)hlr\cis rlcsignc,.i
*'cck titltr is inc rrtletl
rr ith lrn cnt:rhlsisrrnF.ltdtrratrcc.
to allow thc rrthlctcto pc'1kat thc culnrinationof the -l nttlltthpr()grilm.'lititchicvclntl
rrrlintlin I hrturi lgvql ot'l'itncssthis phrrselnustinclude:
lx Strengthttr Porvcrtlay cvcn l'1 days
-5xHnduranccdays cvcrv l4 days
.1x"Trvg-a-Dlvs" cvcry l.l days lrvhcn trvtl norkouts arc cttmbinedirr onc day it is
prcfcrredthlt an endurrncclirllrrrv intcnsiryif that scssionrvill crttphasiz.c
tcchnicaland neu:ologicallydifficult nlovcm(:nts)
2x Rccoverydays cvery i'1 daYs
This phascrcquiresa training volumc of approximately26 hourspcr month.Becauseof
the generalsystcmicstrcsscauscCby cnduranccefforts and multiplc Trvo-a-l)aysthe
Rest 6ays and Rccovery workoutsare of pilr:rmountimportanccand must bc respccted
Day l: Warm-up, Porver(ExPlosive)
l)ay 2: Warm up, Interval
Day 3: Warm-up, BrcathingLadder & l:ndurance<90 min
Day 4: Recovcry
Day 5: Warm-up, Circuit (Complcmcntary)& Endurancc>9O min
I)ay 6: Rcst
Day 7: Rest
Day fl: Endurance<1)0min
Day 9: Warm-up, Intcrval
Day l0: Warm-up, llreathing Ladder & flndurance<90 min
Day I l: Recovery
Day l2: Warm-up, Prosression& l]ndurance>fi) min
Day l3: Rcst
[)ay l4: Rest
Day l5: War,n-up,Circuit (Complcmentary)& Endurancc>9Omin
Day l6: Warm-up, Intcrvals
Day 17: Recttvcry
Day ltl: Warm-up, Strength& Enilurancc>90 tnin
Day l9: Rcst
I)ay 20: Warm-up. tsrcathingl-adclcr& Endttrrncc<90 rnin
Day 2l: Rccorcrv
Da_y2l: Wann-trp.fttogrcssion.t f;.ntlurltnce
Day 2.1:Recorcrv
Day'25:l:ndurlncc <90 nrin
I)ay 26: Recorcrv'
Dry 27: Rcst
Day 28: Rest


.till ..rli:.\l I RI(;H fS RFSI,HVF:)

l r r : . r r : . \ l o r . n ! u r n\ 1 , r t ' r l : r r( i r , r : r p

\ f . . l l f r r r : ' : r \ t r \ u D i . r ) n\ f u h r l r l i t i r L r . r |
. ' l r ( i l , , r ) {i , , \ L l . R I ( ; l l T S R t . S F R V F f )

of nilsinrrvourll(xlv.scoretcnti)cr.lllurc
t'r*'i'g") irrrdprcp.rring
it f,lir[c \v()rkthrl is ubruri, rir,orv.-r.hc

shrtuldntlt bc strc'u()us.llt),9h thlt it c'n:pr.'tiscs

the ,,vrlrktrul.

Notcs: ;\ W:rnn_upcall bc a singlc tn()\.crncnt

likc rorvinqrrr a scricsof un_
tvcightcdand/or rvcightc<J
dt:ne in succcssion.I)epcnclingon lht:
physic:rlor psycholttgicalrtoal of a rvorkout,
a warm-up rnay not be ncccss'ry.
2K Row, only brcathinsin and out through
thc nosc
-8-9 rnin
6x 30/l-5secintcrvarsrancromizc<i
with Squat.Jumping S<1uat,
Tuck Jump, SraticHord
and rest
-4:30 rvarrn-up
30 sec rvork period, l5 sec to srvitchposirion.s.
Altcrnatestaticand d,rrnamicstations,altcrnatc
tcchnical(balancc)and durnb stariorrs
I Ring Support
?. Knees-to-Elbows
3. I;orwardLeaningRcst on rings
.1.Squaton invertedBOSU
Sir on parallcttes
6. Pull-up (dcadhang w.hcnvou san no longcr
- l2 ntin warm-up
-10.sccw.rk peri'd, l5 sec to srvitch positions,
fbur rounds
Alternatc'staticand clynamicstations,altcrnate
technical(balance)and tlumb smtions.
altcrnatclegson single lcg movementsas sequence
| . Invcrtcdhangon rings
2. Stcp-up(lighrload.shortbox)
3' Singlc-lesbalanceon unstablcsurlace(BOSU.
.1.i\ir Squar
5 Ring Support
6. Single-lcs. C)nc-hanrtcd
- [(l rnin \\ iln]t-up
6()lnRitck(';rrry{,. lr i,se613*
(o 10" bor (lr _j-:#
-l0x Rack.Stcp-rrp
Kll r +
fi0rnR:rck(-an-l rc lr ll# KB +
l{)x Rack Stcp,upra l0" b3r 1lr l-l# Ktsi +
(r0rn Rack ('arry-6", lx
-5.t#Kg +
l0r FarrnerStrp-up<ril-1" tr911lx 5-t#

\ l . r r l f * r . ' h t \ 1 , ' r r n r . r r\ nt r r h i l i r i ( ' i r r , u p J r X l l . . t p , r . . \ l

t l{l(;llISR}.SLit\1)

, . \ J r t r kT r r r l r t . \ ' l L r t . r t r l t\t1 , ' f r r l i i r( i : ' r L ; ;lr( x i ! , ' i ) ( ) . . r . \l .l R l ( i l 1 ' 15 R l ' S L R \ 1 r t )

k trsiltgtot;.t'
re[)cittJdirt st'r1ucncc.
l)clrrrrtion:,\ scrics()l rr)()vcrnr:l'lts
RL-stpcri()dsrr('not includctlin lttc circuitS()"'tcst
tirrrcLrsthc lltLritsurerncui.
into thc totll tinrc (i.c. the clmk kccpslicking whe(hcrthc
takcnis l:rc:tored
athlctcis *orking or no().With the goai trcingthc hcsttirrtcan individualtan
achicveit is cxpectcdthat thcsccircuitsbc cxc:utcdat high intcnsity.'l'hetrvo
t)'pcsof circuitsarc Complcmentarylnd Focus(akaIrulllllncnt).('ornplcrnentary
ditlercnt musclc groups(Squat+ Pull (lp). Focus
('ircuits stresstire sarnemusclc groups in different manncr,alternatingbctrvccn
urindingand explosivcslimulus(c.g.Deadl-ift + Box Jumrr).or by changing
stimulusand/or load (c.g- lJcarCrawl + Push-up).
Notcs: Circuits utiiizing e heavy load or technicallydifficult rnoverncntshc'uld
accommod:rtefatigue with progrcssivereductionof rcps.
Complementary Circuit:
Dcadlift @:125%'of brrCyweight+ HandstandPush-up
J0-20-| 0 rcps of each
Burpee/ Pull-up combo + Pu.shltess (4 75#
repsof cach
KB Sling
- l - 5 - 3 0m i n







KB Step-up@ 2x 35# KB & I ti" box + Knees-to-F.lbow's

50-10-30-20-10reps of cach
-25-40 minutes
"l,ouder than 10"
- 5 xB a l l S l a m+ l 0 x P u s h - u p+ l 5 x K B S r v i n g
Illcvcn rounds
l5x Dcatllili t.r btilyrveiglrt+ l5x Ring I'ush-up
Fir c rouncls
f 00x Pull-up+ .i0r (ict-up kr.)5# + l00x ['ush-up+ -]0x(ict-up <a l-5# + l(X)x,,\tonrrc
.Sii-up+ 30x Gct-up tw 25i + l00x .\ir Squat+ .l{)x(}et-up (4 :-s+
*J-5-fi) rnrn
Ovcrhcad[,unge @ 26# KB + 2x Ropc (iiimb + 20x GHD Sit-up
J0rn C)ne-arnr
Fir c' rounds
t \tuk-fr;::hr Iluntrin\lrrh:lirv(irrupllrll 'ixl.:.\tl RIL;llTSRISFrR\,1]I)

' ! \ l . r r k J ! \ : r ' l : r\ 1 , , r : r r r . r\ lI Lt ' ' : l r t ,(ri r I r ) l )' l N i l j t X ) t . \ i I R l ( ; l l l S K l : \ ' i : R \ l I )

_ 5 r . 1 ' r v r r - ; rKrB
p r( - l t : r r n l 1 s i t i + l ( ) r R i r t r P r r - s h - u+pl 5 x S q r r r r l
I;ir r: rotulds
Rou' + FlcnchPrc:ss(?i.l-15#
Fir c rt;untls
tocus (lircuit:
",\n F-asyAh [)av"
GHD Sit-up+ V-Sit + StaticIlold on rings(top of push-upposition)+'I'uck Hang-r
Right Plank + Irront Plank + Leli Plank + Vcrricrl Sit-up
3l) secondsof cach tbllowed by -j0 secondsof rcst during rvhich five pcrfect push-ups
n',ustbc tlonc = Oncrorrnd
Three rounds(24 rnin total)
Ball Slam @ 25# + KB Stcp-up @ 2x -]-5#Kts onto 20" box
Bench Prcss@ bodyrvcight + Burpee
repsof cach (digrcssion-progression)
OI{S @ 35Vcof bodyrveight+ Ring Pushup(fcct higher than hands)
30-20-l0 repsof each
Run l(X)rn+
Run l[X)m+
Run l00m +
Run l(X)m +

20x Ball Slam (rtrl0# ball +

l5x Ball Slam (o)l0# ball +
l0x llall Slam (e l0# ball +
-5xBall Slam (erl0# ball

Wall tsall @ 20# ball + llall Slam (rir20# ball

-50-.1030-20-l0 reps of cach
l0x Dcadlift (al I l0-l l-57chodvrvcight+ 400rn Run
" l ' 7 75 "
l7x [JurpccPull-up+ 75x Squat
Four rulunds
l 5 ( ) r nR t r r v+ l ( ) r l ) c l d l i f t r a l J - 5 , ; ; 1 ; l b o d l r v c i s+h t l l x ' l ' h n r s t c r( ( t ,r x : . 5 # D t s
. 5 O r n O n c - h a n d o r e r h c a d I - u n g c ( f b r ruvtl r2d6l #K R ( r r , c a k s i d e ) + . 5 0 r n o n c - h a n d
Orcrhead Lunge lbackrv'ard)G.t26# KR l.stront.ritic)+ Ji)0m rorv
Iii"c rounds

\ l r r L J ' r r l h t \ l \ i : r r r ; r i n\ l { \ i r : l r l \ ( i l , , r ; 1-' ' r I - 1 ( r ; 1 l I R I ( l l 1 . l SR I S l R \ i l l )

[)ctirrititlrr:Workoutstircuscrl()n Ihe (lcv(:l()prncnt
ol'rttaxinurnli)rct prrxhrctrorr
rnd rnu.\cular
incluclcOne Rcp IVIax(lRNl) ef'tirrtsor sirnilarlv
lorv-rcp.hich-lo::tdcfllrrts using a slorv ntovcrncntrvjth thc rvcighttravcling a
linritcd distlncc (e.g. Deadlifi).
arc typically heav,'".slorv.qrindinq
no explosivccomponcntsto theln.
Notc.s:r\ progrcssionto a I RM should begin with a lowcr rveight:rndslorvly
rvorkup to thc flnal lift. Repsshrruldbe limitedto2-3 at thc lightcrwcightsrvhilc
only pLrliingsinglesas you approachthc lRM. Allorv rnaximumrest betwccn
lifts. 3--5nrin is idcal.
Progrcssionto I RM in one of the following movemcnts:
Bcnch Press
Front S<1uat
StandingMilitary Press
3x-5x Laddersfrom | -3 rvith ProgressiveLoading (18-30 reps total)
Rathcr than a fixcd sc( (c.9. 6 reps), a Ladder increasesby I rep within the rep range (c.g.
a l-adder l-3 means I rep, then 2 rcps, then 3 reps).Do the reps within the ladderwithout
rest but allorv a mcaningful rest pcriod (no lessthan 3 mrn) bctweenthe ladders.Use
progrcssiveloading by settingup thrce bars:#l =957c lRM, #2 =(il)'VolRM, #3 - 85c/a
I RM. So the wcight dccreascsas the reps incrcasc,All rcps must be technically perfect.
Utilize this method with rhe followine movemcnts:
Front Squat
StandingMilitary Press

, \ l . u l T s . r r h t . \ ' t i " . , r r r r n\ l r b l l j 1 1 G y 1g t j { } } l l r x ) l , \ L i


\ l . r r l l r r : t i r r \ 1 ( , , r r . r . n \ l r r h : l : : \ ( l r r ' [. t' tr l t l l] i i ( i : , 1 . I l R l { j } i l \ R [ . \ l


Workouls lircusr'tl()n incrc:lsingthc nrtr o, l()rccpr()duction.Ihcsc
workouts.trescpurilhtdittto thrcccltcgt)rics:Ilxpl()sivcPrlrv':r,Carclirlvlscrrlar
Pttrvcr.enclLitvino\ ('()n\crsions.Ilxplosivc Prrrverrvorkoutsrefcr to sirrglc
(c.g.(Jlcan)that rcquireextrenrclyhigh rnuscularrccrui{nrcntlirr
duratiottsof lcss th:tn onc scctrnd.Thesc movr:lncntscan bc done as singlc lifts or
within vcry lorv rep scts.ExplosivcPower rvorkoutsalso usc c<luplcdmo\erncnts
that combinc a forcc componcnt'ivitha spcc-dcomponentrvhiclrboth use thr:samc
musclcsant-lncurul pathways(c'.g.Dcad l,ifts + DepthJumps).Cardiovascular
Powcr rvorkoutsrefer to sub 90 secondcfforls of maximum cardiovascularoutput
(e.g.,500mRorv). Litvinov Conversions,althoughsimilar to couplcd movcnrenrs.
concentratcon thc splrt sccondphaseof changinggearsbetwecnthc frrrcc
componcntand specdcomponent(e.g.Front Squat+ Sprint). 'Ihc emphasi.s
Litvinov C'onversionworkouts is on the transiti<'ln,
the quickerthe better.
Notes: All Porvcr workouts arc concernedrvith maximum recruitment and forcc
productionas quickly a possible. Becauseintcnsity is paramountforcach lift, sct.
or conversion,allow a rninimum of 3 min of restbetweeneach.
l)xplosive Power:
Progrcssiunto I RM in onc of the following rnoventents:
Push Press
Clcan & Jerk
3x Dcadlift cQx)-95va IRM + 3-6x Dcpth Jump & Broad Jump combo chaser
Fivc scts,five min rest betrvcensets
-3xWeightcd Pull-up Gt 90-95ch IRM + 3-6x Clapping l\ll-up chaser
ljive sets,five min rc.stbctweensets
Cardioyascular Power:
- I - c s st h a n | : - 1 0
I-itvinov Conversion:
lJx Front Sqult (rr 70'" lRIl + 20rn Sprint [)rag (o -100#
Three sct.s,restas nccdcclhctrvccnscts
l0x GobletSquat(rrl7ll KB + l00m Sprint
rcst as necdedbcnvccnscts

, \ l r r r k l i v ; t l : t . 1 l , . , r n i f , i \nl u b r l , r r ( i t r i r p : r ' ( | l . ' t X t t . \ l I

Rl(,lll'S RI-.SlRVlI)

, \ l , , r k I t r r f : \ 1 , , r r r : . r\r1l L , l . r i r(tl rr , , . r n. ' 0 0 1 . . ' ( n.\\;l I R l ( ; l l f S R I : S F R \I : l )

hruts ol-highrntr:nsitv
rcst;tnods. rel)cltcdnrirnvtirnt:s.'l}is tvpc r:f rvorkrrcst
structurineallorrslirr a highcr totttlvolurtreof higir intcnsityw,ork.Intcrvai
structurcnttv bc lltplicd to tnv t)pe ol'c()rnrrx)rr
and cardiovasculitr.
Work to Restintcrval,s
are nutcdas a riltio (c.g.
I :l indicirtcscqual rvork to rcst pcriods, l:3 irrdicatcsJ rcst pcritxl thrce timcs as
Ionq as the rvork pcriod.ctc.). Activc rcst refersto a rrst period in which thc
tnovcrncntis continttedat an easypacc until the ncxt irrtervalbcgins.
Notes: Thc fabata Interval rcfers to a 20 sec rvork periul follou'cd by l0 sec rcst
pe-riod(2:l). This is typic:tllvdone tbrt:i*ehtintervals,a total of 4 min. A variant
of this prot(xol is the 30/30Intcrval which is a 30 scc work period followed by -10
sec rcst pcritd (l:l). This is typically done for four intervals.a total of 4 rnin.
Ruu'4x I min rvork pcriod/l}0secactivercst (2:l)
Rcst for 3 min (get olf thc rorver),4 interval sessions
-25 min
Row 6x -500m(@^- I -5scc sl,rwer than your I'R 5fi)m pace/-1min active rest (- l:2)
Attempt to keep all intcrv:rlscqual to or fasterthan thc first one
-30 min
rest while walking back to startingpoint (-l:3)
Sprint l0x lff)m a.slast as possible/active
Paccoff 100m,sprint thc distanccat an all out effort, slowly walk back the startrngline:
and immcdiatcly rcpeal fcrr a total of ten .sprints.
-10 min
7x 80OmRun (cDyour PR 5K (or PR 3 mile timed run) pace/cqualarnountof rest ( l: l)
-35 rnin
l0 min activerest pcriod bctrveencach4 min interval session.shtmtforover l00m pcr
20 scc rvork periotl
--12rnin total
Grrn Sprints.i(l0x l(JrnRcsistcdSprintl.rcst -J-5scetxrcls
ntinutcshclrrccnscts.'l'hrccsclsof ten sprints.I-hctircusis rrn lccclcratitlnand
scllc load lrcc<lrdinqlv.
-10 rnin

, \l.rri

\ { r \ r . 0 .r r ! r\ 1 , r . r i L . r( ; r . , 1 .

:{}{t- \l l Rl(.;}iT\ RL-\[RVI:1)


()f r ()nI)ct'inition:.\lr
tltlrtlr })rtlgrc\sionis crlrnprrscd
rc[)cttingrlto\c renls exccutr'dwith low t') nlodL'rltclolds:rt high rcpctititlnwitlr
str(:ssevcr nlusculilrstrcss.Progrcssions
lastfronr l0-90 nrin, with thc corltr))on
clrrratiolbcing I-5-l-lrnin.

shouldhe organizcdsrlthli mrlretechnicalmovcmcnts
carly in theworkoutrvhcnthe('cntralNcrvrrus
Systcm(CNS)is ticsh.
sho,rd becomcpnrgressilelysimplcrasworkoutcvoll'es.
.lOxH.SI'II+ 40x Pull-up+ 50x KB Swing(tr)-53#+ 60x Sit-up+ 70x Burpce
Row 500m+ -50xBox Jump(@24" box + -50xPush-up+ -50x.Sit-up
+ 50x JumpingPullup + -50xBackExtcnsion+ 50x Ring Dip + 20x Get-up@ 26#KB
lOx Pull-up+ 20x KB Su,ing@ 53#+ 30x Box Jump(Q24" Box + 40x Push-up+ 50x
Sit-up+ 60x Burpc'c+ l0x Pull-ups
- l O - 1 0m i n
l00x Thruster@ 15#bar + Ifi)x Wall Ball @ 20# ball + l([x Ball Slam(@20#ba]l
25x l)ull-up+ -50xDcadlitt(cDl3-s#+ -50xPush-up+ -50xBox Jump@ 24" box + 5(lx
FloorWipcr (@l3-5#(one-count)
+ 50x KB ClleanandPress@)35#(KB musttouchfloor
bctweenreps)+ r-5xPull-rrp
- l - 5 - 3 0m i n

t \ 1 1 1 1[6' r , r r ' h \ f t r u n r : r rl l r h r l r r y ( j n , r : n] t X ) l -j t x ) ] . \ i L R 1 ( ; l l ' f sR t : . S F R V i : I )

, \ ' l . r r kI \ ' r , ' h i \ 1 , , . r r 1 . i : n \ 1 ' r l ' r l r t r ( i r r , r r t r-. 1r r1: !Or )l ; . \ l IR l ( ; H ' i\ R I S I : i < \ l r I )

tkrnconc irt'tcrthc olirt'rrvith;t -i rrrinrcst
L)ctinition...\ lcrics ol"'rtrrtri"\v(-)rkout\
bctrvcencrch. BcL'luscof thc significirrrtrcsl pc:i()d.creh "nrini" shoulrlbc
trratcdils iln eirr:honc shttttldFrcdrtneat ltrarirnurt
l: 5x Sprint Start(Forwarcl){rli(iicen Band + l-5xPlrlllctte Push-up,tltreerounds
2 : 5 x S p r i n t S t a r t ( B a c k w a r d l (( lor .e e n B a n d + l 0 x D c a d l i f t ( al)- 3 5 # . t h r c e r o u n d s
-l: 20x Box Jump @ 2.1"lrox + 7x ClappingI'ull-up.threcrounds
4: l0x Gct-up(tslindfrrlded)
@r35# KB
I : Tcarn Jerk l.addcr 5x 1-3 kl 75-t]0c/cbodyrveight, .30reps total
Gct-up Ladder 2:< l-1(each arm) (@53# KB, 40 rcps totai, 20 with each arm
-J:Team Declinc Push-upLadder l-10-l (fcet hrghcrthan hands).100repstotal
-30 min, and say goodbyc to the shouldersfbr a few da1's
l: KB Round The World (passKB around waist)
KB Figure 8 (passKB through legs in figurc 8 pancrn)
Kts Snatch(one-arm,alternatcarms)
KB Step-up(@10" box
()nc minute of cach. th;ec rounds(12 min total). use a 5-l# Kll, KB may not be sct dow'n
2: lOx fjat Bar Dead Lifi (D 105# (or more)
-10scc Dcad Hang lrcm Pull-upbar or Rings
Irour rounds
l: 20x Goblct Squat @ 53;l KB + l00rn Sprint
2:2Ox KB Swing @ 53# + l(X)m Sprint + 100m l;anncr Carrv (d 2x 5.1#KB
3:20x Coblet .Squat(., 5.l'l KB + l00m Sprint+ l00m SuitcascCarry (+rlx 53# KB + tx
"Dccide and Throw" (lnstructorcalls one of threetarscts,athletethrows mcdicineball at
Scoreis total lime firr a.llthrcc eventsminus thc rcst pcriods
-3:30 is a good scorc
l: 60m I;armcr('arry' (rtiBlasterBars,f<rurrounds.rcst as ncedcdbctrvccncarrir-'s
2 : l 0 x F a t t l a r l ) e a d I . i l t ( r ,1 0 5 # + 6 0 r n C ' r o s s w a@l k, ? 6 #K R ( h i g h ) & 5 l # K I J ( l o w ) .
rest as ttecdc.lhetwcencilrric-s
-l: -5xSquat@..|,15#+ li)x Pull-up,lcn rourrtl.s

\ t : r r k - J r i : l l r r .I f t r i r n r . r i \r lrr ) h i l r t \ ( ; r ( ) [ p ] r / . t l - ' ( . 1 f .. \ l I R l ( ; ] { f $ R I ' 5 L R ! l : I t

- ,,-^ .',,^)

, \ 1 - r r l i. ' . j : ' i : t \ | r ' L l r t . r . n \ l r h t l r t( ri r , ' r r n : l n ' l l a t l ) i A I l . R I ( ; l l f S R F S l : R V i r J . )

t)() lv tiR-ENI)UR,tNCE
l)cf initiorr:(''ltrclirlr:rscul;.rr
frv llorvt:rprrxluctionfrrr
c\tcn(lcdpcriods.lnrrn:lrrcc-nrin rrpto ryproxirnatcly.10min (e.9.lK Rtiw).'l'his
lr;ry irls()dcscribcu rv0rkrlrrlu hcrc l)()wcrrnust bc gr:neratc(lintcrmittcntlyOvcrlr
Ionl prcriril(e.g.5r I-unsc+ .5xI)ushPrcssiirr l00nr).
Notcs: Ilrcathing L-addcrs<.i0 min as u'cll as ncn-('lrditlvascularIntcrval
and 30i'30vanctics)can be usedfbr PorverEndurancervorkouts.
Perfbrm as rnany KB snatchcsas possiblcin l0 min, alternatingleft and right hand as
dcsircd,KB may be set down to rest il'neccssary,thoseare "Official" (aka Gentlemcn's
rules). "Tier One" rules dictate that tlfe KB nray nct bc set dorvn during the l0 min cftbrt,
only onc transfcrswing is allowcd to changehands,and any rest must be takenwith the
KB hcld ovcrheadin the locked-outposition.Mcn u.sethe 53# KB, women usc thc 35#

-"rl sc'oreof 100 is lt'thurpic. That is only I snatch every 6 .seconds.If that is all you r-an
mu.\t(r, thankyoufor tmi'tg, do somemore training... 150 gctsa good sweatrolling, and
e score ()f 200 is vt'herewe startfecling -romertal pain.250 repetitionsplaces you in the
elite class.275 is the recordund is heldby arec:lusein
Montana that is rurelv-setn."
One nrin rcst bctwccn moi, sum of all reps
l. TabataSquats(rcst in b'rttom hold, thighs parallclto lloor)
2. TabataPush-ups(rcst k:cked out at top, aka Fonvard Iraning Rest)
3. TabataBall Slam @ 20l ball (rest rvith ball ovcrhcad,both arms locked out)
4. TabataSit-up (rcst with legs held straight6-12" abovefloor, headol1-floor)
KB Srving (s)5-l{ (rest without scttingKB dorvn or supportingit on your body)
-1milc Run, all <lutcl'fort
-Less than 20 min
5x I-unge+ -5xPush Press,irr 400m
Whilc holclinga-l-5#bar. lt 2-5#DB, or simrlar load,do -5xl-ungesfollorvedby -5xPush ntil vou hrr,c trinclcd.l(X)m(this is typicallydorvnas I lap
;lrounda trilck)
- 10-10 rrrrn
-iK Ro*. all out el'tilrt
.- l-essthanl0 lnrn

\ 1 . t r k l \ : r : l : t \ l r , : : n t : [ Q\ t ( \ h r l r l \ ( ; r , ] . r l i . ' ( r ( l .l ' t ( r . . \ l t R J ( ; l l ' i - \ R J \ l : R V l I )

[ ) c l l n i t i o r tW
. t l r k u u t st i r l t t r t i l i z ci r s J ) c c r l irc] t c . h c )o(fl h r c i r t l r i nigv h r l el r t ' t r r r g
\vcightsto clicit an rtcrohiccnduranr:rtrlirring cfl'cct.Wc havt-tletlnetlt\ro golls
litr the Brcathin:i Ladders:tJsine:r rcp/'lo;ldrrnovcntr-nt
struc(urc(hatputs tlrc
athlctcinttl it "lllttticbrelthing"sitrrrliontrl learnbrcathc()ntrolandcfficiclrr
rccovcry in a fixcdllimited tintc lialnc or usine rcp/load/movcmcntstructure(('
trick the athlete rrtoa high volumc/longdurationworktrut.Sincethegoals in cach
citseis oxygcn c:nsumptirtnand efficicncy we prcfer to uscbigger,compound
movcmcntsthat ::tusea grcatcroxygen dcnrandand then .structurc
kradsand rcps
dcpendingon rvhich of thc two ()utcomesis dcsirccl.
Note.s:To cxecur: a BreathinsLaddcr pick a wcrght,a movement,a load, and rlo
one rep follorvcd by one oreath,then do two rcps follorvedby two breaths,thrce
rcps followed by thrce breaths,ctc. Brcatheas much as you want while wgrkinq.
Breatheonly thc .'ipeciflcdnumbcr of "rcps" w'hileresting.The longeryou stretch
out thc proccss of brcathing during rest the morc rest you get anclthe longer thc,
laddcrwill last,v.'hichis rhegoal.
A Breathingladd;r <30 min can bc considcreda Porvcr-Endurancc
workout while
a Breathingl.adder >-10rnin can be consideredan Endurance<90 workout.
Notcs: Repetition:.;
may be structuredin a variety of ways:
l-20 (or ntorc). add onc rcp at eachsucccssiverung ofthc laddcr
l-20-1. add one rep at ciich successiverung of thc ladclerup to 20 and rhen
dcsccnd.tlris getsvery scaryaroundrung numbcr ten on the way dgg,n
l-10 repcaLs,
ldd one rcp at cachsuccessive
mng of the laddcrup to i0
and thcn r(.pcxtrhe ladderbeginningwith I

stoppingpoint for a propcrly cxecuteclRrcathingladderoccurswhcn the

athlctecan no lonlcr pcrlbrm the movernentwith the alltlttednumber9f brcarhs.
llall Slams
KII Srvins
Kts Snatch
Kts J'uo-hlnd ('lean-St1ur:-Prcss
combo(KB nrustrouchgrountJon circhrep)

\ f r r k ' f * j : : tl . \ t ( ) x n r r j n \ t , ' h : l : r 1 . ( ] r o u pl il }( )I il .l . \ l t . R l ( ; l l l S R f. S F R V L D

''lltJ: '\l I lil(;lll'S Rl:Sl:RY] l)
\ ' ' | . ' r l ' i n : . . 1!J. \ l ( t t r l r l r r n \ ' ! t ' h r i r l r ' ( - ; f " r l t l l l l


rtt iUinrlFrrck l-rke i. soulltis,a sirtglcll'l()vctllcnl
I)clllrition:"sirrglc lvlovcttte
It hcld trip thtrughthe ph-v..sicel
rcpcittedlttr ltrrtgdt ratiottltnd csscrttliltllv
ntav bc \lgllll'icJllt.

ttt lroitl thc ntcrreexplusir.'e

Notcs:Bccuusetht--intcnsityrvill deeratlcif rs bcttcr
nlovclnents(e.g' Ilt::tJumPs)One-milc tirc drag

lx ilandstandPush-upeve:r' -10se' Ly1-50min
-,50min workout

(l(X) rcpstotal)

l00x Get-uP@ 36#KB

- 1 5 - 2 5m i n
100-repChallengewith any big lift
Properlydtrnc.this is l[$x singlc I .fts
500m l.unge
.''etshtprogressivcly and rary the methrxlsof carry (c'g'
l0x 50m. add thcn subtract
(Suitcase.Farmer.Ovcrhcad.and rossrvalk)evcry 50m

\irrl .rr(1. \l I Rl(ill'IS RI;\LR!l

l t r l ' r l r r r( l r ' r u l r
t \ l . r r l l t r r : \ t . \ 1 r r r n t . r r\ n


i r k l \ ) r ' j r l \ l i u r r i : r : r r\ t , i . 1 l 1 r r( i 1 r ' ; p - . . { i l )lli i ) l

\l l. RI(;l,l\


dcscritts Jnv ctti)rt undcrt;rkcn
JSu tcurn.n]ildcrrp()ft\vo
ciin lravetlne nrovcnlcntchrtsr'nas thc "con(rol"
rvltichhls a flxelJnumbcr()f reps.distirnce,
ctc rvhilclhc othcr fnovcrr)cnts
sculctlto it
Rorvs500m. Pla;;cr2
dccs ll;rll Slarnsuntil thc
Rorr is finishcd,thensrvrtch).
Notcs:Tcunr I-acidersindicatcthat Playcrsarc nltenratingas they progressup the
laddcr (c.g. Pl pcrforms I rep, l'2 pcrfomrs I rep. Pl pcrf<tnns2 rcps.l,2
pcrtbrms2 rcps. etc.).Irrrrprogrammingpurposcs,
catcqorizedas cither a ComplementaryCircuit or a FocusClircuitand can bc
utilizccirvithin thc schcduleas such.
Complementary Circui t:
"Tail Pipe"
P l : 2 . 5 0 mR o w
P2: KB Rack Hold @ 2x 53# KB until Row is finishcd
Switch positions,repeatrJ completeonc round
Three rounds
Pl: 60m
Flip with Jump in/out
P2: Parallcttc[\sh-up unril Tire Flip is finishcd (nrusttxrld plank if nrtt pushing)
P3: Squaton tsOSU until Tirc Flio is finishcd (must hold staticat tx)(tomof Squatil- not
Switch posttions,repeatuntil all playershavc cnjovcd cach stationto completc<tncround
Four rounds
Pl: 60m Drag (.11i-50#
P2: KB Swing QD53# until 30m Drag is donc (for roundsI & -lrthc'nGHD \['all Ball (cr
20# ball until Drag completc (for rounds2 & 1)
['3: ParallettcPush-upunril30m Drag is donc (for roundsI &3) thenTuck Sit on
parallettesuntil Drag com;tlcte(for rounds 2 &4)
Switch prtsitions,
rcprat until all playcrshare enjovcdcachstati()nt<lcompletcone round
Four rounds
SquatLatldcr(w'ithI}rttorn Hold) l- l0
[]oth [)layr:l's
hold I KI] or Dts. lrljust rr.ciehtaccrrrclinslv.
a toralof -5-5
Pl Rorv -500nr
P2 Rack Hold (rt 2x.t-l# KB until Rurv is flnishcd
l'3 FrontSquat(e 6-5#untii Rorv is finished(rnustrilck the baron shoultlcrsif not
Srvitchpositions.rcpeatunlil all play'ershaveenjoyedcachstation[o completeone round
r \ l ' y I i " . 11 1 , 1 \: 1
; , ] u n 1 3 l \rl , h r l i r v ( ; r N r p _ l t X ) l ( X ) ; , \ 1 . 1 .R I ( ; H ] . S R F S I : R \ : F I )

, , I l , r r l f \ ! i ) : ] 1 rN
l l o h r l i r v ( , r , ' r 1 .. ' t l t t . , 1 r i l , . . \ L l . R l ( ; l l T S R [ . \ l ] ; l \ ' I t )
. 1,'rrrlrrn


cl'ftln llstrng lcsslhan (){)rrrin.'l'h-.i
oricntcd(o thc paccrrf thc uflirrt.Il'llrc trthletcrows -i0 nrin irt a hcurl ratcol'i-1()I -15it is ctrnsidercdan Enclurance<9{)cl'tort. if t}rcathlctcrorved tlrll slnre -10
mrn trying tu nut:ntainan I-lR of >l(r.i thc cl'lirrl l'allsinto thc ltlrvcr-Enclurtncc

Notes: BreathineLadderscan bc uscd firr Endu:ance<90 rvtirkoutsif the duration

falls betrvecn30-)0 rnin.
Any cardiovascularactivity pcrformedfor -10-90rnin


Delinition: Endurancesessionslastinglonscr than 90 min. Tr,picall.".'
efforts but may bc as simple as a hike. Sincepaceand intcnsityare
thc inverseof dura:ionthe longer the cftbrt thc lower thc porveroutpu( and ht:art
ratc. As the Endurzncc>90 min sessionsincrcasein duration(>2-3 hours)thc HR
declincstt'rrvardwhat we might call an ultra-cndurance
pace,somethingthat may
be maintainedforcver.
Any cardiovascularactivity perfonnedfrrr over 90 nrin


\ 1 . u 1 l r r r . r h i . \ k ' u n r : i n \ f , , h r l r t v( l r ( ' u p l t X ) l - ' ( . { t ;. \ l t . R . ( ; } l I S R h i ^ F R V F I )

, \ l . L r k l r r r l r t i r l , r i t ! . 1 r i ) \ t , , l r i l , : r ( i r ( , 1 , 1 .-. 'al X
' l ;l l

Rl(;]ll 5RI:5ijR\;i:t.)

l ) c l i t r i t i o r t.:\ t r c l s l r : l f o l tu l i l i z i n u ' . l l vl r l u ' - r n r p l ertn o v ' c n t c n
d tr l n cf o r J ( ) - 6 0
ilt \cr! low hc:.trt
nltc (-(),5',i()l \'()i)r\lHR. ()r <lntrnol/[. lact.rtc).fhe
lrght urrrktrutis (o lrroveblood irroul)tl.ilush hyprotlttctso1'thel):cvi()Lts
dav'scffirrt antl crcutcI dcrnand[or lbod.
('y c lc
I Irke
Walking the dos

t \ l r r k ' [ t r i v l r t . \ { r ' r r n rr i Dy , ' h l i r r \ ( ) r n u p - " { - ) 1 . - ' r { ).;\ l i _ R l ( ; H T . S


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