JIET SDD Template Final

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Software Design Document

[Project Name]

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology

Session 20xx-xx

[Project name]

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................2
2.0 Functional Description...........................................................................................3
3.0 Functional Partitions..............................................................................................4
3.1 Module Name: [Write Module name here].................................................................................4

4.0 Data Description....................................................................................................5

4.1 Data Flow Diagram.....................................................................................................................5
4.2 Data structures used.....................................................................................................................5
4.3 Constant Definition.....................................................................................................................5
4.4 Flow Charts.................................................................................................................................5
4.5 E-R Diagram................................................................................................................................5
4.6 Database Description


5.0 User Interface Design.............................................................................................6

5.1 Form/Webpage Name: [write form/webpage name here]...........................................................6

6.0 Module Description................................................................................................7

6.1 Module Name: [Write name of module here]............................................................................7

7.0 Definitions and Acronyms......................................................................................8

8.0 References...............................................................................................................9

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[Project name]

1.0 Introduction
[Give introduction of project.]

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[Project name]

2.0 Functional Description

[Give the functional overview of the complete project in this section.]
[Give the functional block diagram of the project to be developed.]
[Give the brief description of the various blocks used in the projects. ]

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[Project name]

3.0 Functional Partitions

3.1 Module Name: [Write Module name here]
[Give details about the individual module of the complete system.]

Functional Block Diagram

[Draw the functional block diagram of the module.]


Module Dependencies Input Dependencies

[List out the input dependencies of the module] Output Dependencies

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4.0 Data Description

4.1 Data Flow Diagram
[This section will contain the data flow diagram of the software system which is developed.]

4.2 Data structures used

[This section will contain the complete list of the data structures.]

4.3 Constant Definition

[This section will contain the complete list of constants used in the software.]

4.4 Flow Charts

[The flow charts for complete project and individual modules of the project. ]

4.5 E-R Diagram

[E-R Diagram for the complete project.]
4.6 Database Description

Table Name: [Write table name here]

[Mention the description of table here.]

Field Name
Names of the field
in the table that will
be used

[Document name]

Data Type
Mention the data
type of the field.

Mention the
synonyms of field
name, if used any.

Mention the
description of the
data field.

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[Project name]

5.0 User Interface Design

5.1 Form/Webpage Name: [write form/webpage name here]
[Describe the purpose of the form/webpage used in the project.]
[Draw the form/webpage layout using MS word drawing tools.]

[Document name]

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[Project name]

6.0 Module Description

6.1 Module Name: [Write name of module here]
[Write module description in 1-2 line only]

Class Name: [Write name of class here]

[Describe the purpose of the class in the module.] Class Dependencies

[Mention the dependencies of the class on the other classes. It may be in the same
module or the other module.] Class Functions

Function Name: [write function name here]

[Description of the function.] Declaration

[Declaration of the function over here.]

Example: Return_Type Function_Name(Arguments1,Arguments2etc) Input Parameters

Variable Type
Variable Name
Data Type of the Name of the input
input parameters

Variable Description
Description of the input variable Output Parameters

Variable Type
Variable Name
Variable Description
Data Type of the Name of the output Description of the output variable
output parameters parameters Return values

[Status of the function] Pseudo code

[In this section write down the pseudo code for the functions.]

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7.0 Definitions and Acronyms


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[Project name]

8.0 References
In this section list out all the references used for developing this document and the software.

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