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Six-Point Lesson Plan

Alyson Pfeil 9/8


Lesson Title- Comparing Objects

Materials/Resources Needed- Objects around the classroom, Comparing worksheet

Focus and

Class, do you remember yesterday when we described objects that were alike in come ways?
What were some of the ways we described the objects? Length and/or weight. Today, we are
going to compare objects that are in common and figure out their differences to see which object
has more of or less of!


Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has
"more of"/"less of" the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the
heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.

(NCSCS reference)

Students ObjectiveMatch two objects together to see which has more or less. Tell the difference of the objects



Boys and girls, lets start off the lesson by someone telling me what the word compare means.
Let students answer. Comparing is finding the similarity or difference between two objects. To
compare objects you HAVE to have two objects. Call on student. How many objects must we have
to compare? Two. Introduce more/less of. Use examples to identify whether the number of
objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group.
Start lesson. Lets start off by comparing two of our classmates. Select two students to come to
the front of the room. Lets compare the heights of our classroom friends. Can anyone tell me who
is taller? Describe one child as taller/shorter. Next call up two groups of students. One group
having more than the other. Have students identify which group has more or less. Now its the
students turn.
Give students partners and have children gather two objects in the classroom they can compare
as more of or less of. Circulate around the room to make sure students are picking appropriate
objects to compare. When everyone has two objects, call up two students one at a time to show
their objects and have one of their classmates describe which object has more of or less of
and why. Check understanding during this time.
Give students a worksheet for homework. The worksheet will assess their knowledge of being able
to compare objects and be able to describe more/less of. Some objects will have no answer, which

Six-Point Lesson Plan

Alyson Pfeil 9/8
means they are incomparable.


Boys and girls, how many objects do we have to have to compare them to each other? And what
does compare mean? After we compare we can tell which object has more/less of. Who can give
me an example of more of and less of?

Notes: My lesson plan corresponds with the evaluating category of Blooms Taxonomy because the students are comparing.

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