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E-LEARNING PACK: IE655- Fall-2015-32-02
Sandhya Santhanam completed the work related to this assignment, using
resources from the 3D e- book from the given DVD.


Methodologies applied
Main body of the project
Description of Failure Modes - Chapter 4 Images
Ranky-Weibull Calculation
Collaborating Companies
Social Networking Articles
Future Work Proposed

Biolinks operates sophisticated pipeline systems in the United States.
Biolinks, alongside its backups, outlines and fabricates items and
administrations for designing and development needs. Our Company helps
visualize the piping system even before it is installed with the help of
software. It gives much better clarity to the customers, gives them a better
understanding of how exactly the piping system works. We use high-end
uPVC and reinforced steel for manufacturing our pipes, thus creating a
pollution environment. Our Specialty products make the company distinct.
We do services with high perfection, quality, and reliability and do not harm
the environment. We use high-end technology sealants to prevent leakage in

joints. We have a wide variety of piping systems. In addition, we offer quick

turn/emergency, stress analysis, field, product testing, and engineering and
design services. We thrive to satisfy each and every customers request right
from custom designed engineered products to emergency situations in need
of critical & time restricted attention. We thrive to discover ways to increase
customer satisfaction and the quality of our work. We make sure that our
customers we support our customers above and beyond expectations through
our various services. We are ISO 14001 and ISO 9000 certified. Its either
set right at the very beginning or never at all, Do it right the very first time.
Our top need is wellbeing of our neighbors, workers and the earth.
Biolinks trusts that being a decent administrator incorporates supporting
group associations that work to propel training, upgrade the earth and bolster
human administrations.
The goal of this undertaking is to distinguish potential dangers included in
the conveyance of items to clients. In this assignment, we are going to use
Process-Related Failure Risk Analysis method (PFRA) to analyze
BIOLINKS. We will recognize these potential disappointments when
itemizing every progression of the procedure. Through the perceptions, we
can decide approaches to minimize these dangers before they happen. The
PFRA routines maintain the accompanying guidelines for effective
What the most astounding danger operations/procedures are when
chipping away at an item?
How awful it can turn out badly and what will it expense to settle?
What should be finished to counteract disappointments?
What can turn out badly with the procedures included with the
amassing and dismantling of items and segments?
What are the best instruments expected to counteract disappointments
and dangers?
What preparing or training project required for administrators and
administration group to counteract disappointments?
We at Biolinks, use the following methodologies for picking up a superior

edge over the rivals in the business sector and to encourage the organization
towards new objectives and breakthroughs:
Enhance to discover more outlines including better assembling with
Make sure we have use CE and PLM principles throughout the entire
Maintain a good customer relationship
Make sure the product costs are reasonable
Provide products with amazing quality standards.
BIOLINKS is an organization with principle center is on using green and
maintainable assets. Biolinks means to add to another Eco-accommodating
different option for yard consideration market while using green and
reusable material the distance to the bundling of the last item. After much
pondering, we have reasoned that our Final item and bundling procedure is
not ideal and we chose to perform a disappointment and danger examination
on this procedure. Being that we were attempting to keep up a green
procedure all through the entire assembling procedure, we have to better
comprehend and record for any future danger. Guaranteeing that we bundle
our item adequately will offer us some assistance with guaranteeing that if
an item was not deficient after all last item testing, it won't be blemished
amid move, which will deliver a fulfilled client.
Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a methodology, which focuses
on lowering cost of product development by monitoring and detecting
failure modes.
Process Failure Risk Analysis (PFRA) is a tool which FMEA to analyze
processes and their development. PFRA recognizes potentially risky
processes and analyzed data created with PFRA helps to create corrective
Ranky-Weibull calculator is statistical method, which helps to study
product's reliability over its product life cycle.

Our objective here is to identify a potentially at risk process, and analyze it
using the Process Failure Risk Analysis Method (PFRA).
In this case we have chosen to analyze Biolinks Sustainable, Green
Manufacturing Process for the Production of High Quality, Durable,
Sustainable, and Green Pipelines.
Our primary concern here is to identify any steps that may negatively affect
quality, sustainability and greening of our high quality, durable, sustainable,
and green pipelines. We also would like to identify any process steps that
could cause our process to fail.
Once identified and correlated the results will be ranked and acted upon
accordingly. The purpose of applying the PFRA method is that it provides a
systematic, regulated, and measureable method to identify possible risks and
to prevent possible failures. The TQM team is able to help identify,
understand and rank the numerous problems that Engineers, Planners,
Managers and Operators face.
The tool utilized here, as a part of our failure modes examination is the
Process Failure Risk Analysis excel spreadsheet. In this sheet, we can name
every progression in the process and decide approaches to minimize the
dangers included in conveying defective items to our clients.
The seven key aspects of our generic methodology, which must be followed
before beginning to work on any process failure risk study with our PFRA
Tool, are as follows:
v Defining the scope, function and purpose of the system or sub-system,
any product, or process design to be analyzed.
v Identifying the potential risks and failure modes and their effects by
applying the PFRA technique during the process, and creating, or
analyzing the existing BOM (Bill of Material) file. The PFRA will
help the team to gradually deepen the product, process or system
design analysis and locate all potential failures at the earliest
possible stage
v Prioritize potential failures by ranking the critical quality, cost, and
safety related faults and eliminate them by the cross-functional team
as early as possible.
v The cases involving high risk of potential failures must be identified,

selected and managed by devising an immediate control plan to get

the processes in control by following our basic TQM principles.
v Observe and learn by creating living knowledge-managed document
that needs to be kept up-to-date for each system or product/process
design, PFRA / DFRA. It should not be retrospective, but kept as a
valuable source of information for current, as well as for future
v Documenting the process is an important aspect, as the team goes
along, and store the PFRA / DFRA contained information in a widely
accessible format (preferably, both electronically, such as our
spreadsheet and optionally on paper based media) for the current as
well as for future Teams.
v 7.Enter the values into the PFRA / DFRA spreadsheet on a relative
scale, determined by the local PFRA / DFRA Team, as well as by the
local, customized standards they follow.
The rating rules are regarding:
v Severity
v Detection
v Occurrence
The product with these rating values, gives a number called the risk priority
number [RPN], which can be used as a measure of the degree of failure risk.
The severity rating uses a scale from 1 to 10, where the lower rating is
corresponds to no effect on specified process or product performance
a higher rating corresponds to hazardous effects specified process or product
performance. Here a goal is achieving a lower rating.
The detection rating uses a scale from 1 to 10, where the lower rating is
corresponds to easily detecting process or product performance failure
and higher rating corresponds to impossibly detecting process or product
performance. Thus, the goal is achieving lower rating.
The occurrence rating uses the scale from 1 to 10, where the lower rating is
corresponds to lower failure rate i.e. less than 1 in 500,000 for
specified process or product performance and higher rating corresponds to
higher failure rate greater than 1 in 3 for specified process or product
performance. Also, the goal here is to achieve low rating.
Severity is a rating corresponding to the seriousness of the effect of a
potential failure mode and range from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most
severe. The reason behind applying severity is to quantify the seriousness of

failing. The values are shown below:

Rating = 1 No Effect on the part/ component, and/or on system
performance, and/or on subsequent process, or operation.
Rating = 2: A Very Slight Effect on the part/ component, and/or on system
performance. Customer most likely will not notice this.
Rating = 3: A Slight Effect on performance, or process operation. Can cause
slight disappointment for the customer
Rating = 4: A Minor Effect on performance, or process operation. Can
cause deterioration over time, which can reduce customer satisfaction
Rating = 5: A Moderate Effect on performance, or process operation. The
customer will be disappointed
Rating = 6: A Significant Effect on performance, or process operation. The
customer will be significantly disappointed, and a fault will be noticed that
may cause part repair, or rework.
Rating = 7: A Major Effect on performance, or process operation. The
customer is severely affected, but system is safe and operable. The will
result in Fault and part replacement.
Rating = 8: An Extreme Effect on performance, or process operation. The
device fails to start, or operate. The customer is severely affected, system is
not operable but is safe and the fault will be obvious
Rating = 9: A Very Serious, Potentially Hazardous Effect on performance,
or process operation. The customer is severely affected; system is not
operable, potentially unsafe and the fault is obvious.
Rating = 10: A Hazardous/ Dangerous Effect on performance, or process
operation. The customer is severely affected; system is not operable and
unsafe. The fault is obvious, and not in compliance with government
regulations, and is hazardous and or dangerous.
The Rating rules are calculated with respect to Severity, Detection, and
The Highest rated potential risk is the Process Step:
v Manufacturing Process
The potential risk from this step is that we will be:
Process Delayed: Production process; cannot proceed. Cost and time loss
Actions Taken: To ensure this problem is corrected Biolinks will work
along with its collaborating companies, Kaeser, NikSoftware and
Kennametal in order to make sure that they have the most up to date and
effective equipment available and that periodic inspections take place in
order to make sure we are at the right pace and our moving towards our goal.

The second-Highest rated potential risk is the Process Step:

v Ensure Proper Packing
The potential risk from this step is that we will be:
Disorganization leading to late delivery and Late/lost delivery
Actions Taken:
Confirm Quantity prior to shipping and Use Reliable Shipping Companies
(Note: The PFRA Spreadsheet is attached below)
By looking at all the images above, Im pretty sure that the camera fits into
the case with great difficulty. The configuration of this camera case is to a
great degree cumbersome. It is difficult to envision how the camera goes
inside this case, being steady inside it, and being utilitarian while in some
submerged action. Moreover, the case does not look easy to use. It shows up
as though it is hard to figure out how to utilize the case.

The initial six pictures concentrate on the outside of the case. Obvious
disappointment modes are in the insertion of the camera into the case and
connecting into the distinctive wires to the inside. This can is massive, so in
the event that I have a smaller camera it may wind up being shocked around.
Likewise, the electrical snare ups inside are at settled positions and with
short wires. In this way, if my camera did not have a physical setup of snare
ups as preset by the case outline, I couldn't utilize the case for my
submerged enterprises.
The following four pictures outline the hand held arm connected to the
highest point of the case. This arm permits one to effectively hold the
camera while they move around. Potential disappointment modes here are in
the picture taker's capacity to catch the pictures they need. One must raise
the arm up to eyes to see a particular picture and catch it-in which case it
would be generally as simple to catch the picture without the augmented
arm. Additionally, the light installation is likewise joined to the arm on a
different device. This is a pointless part on the grounds that lights could
rather be manufactured to the side of the case itself. The same component
could be accomplished with fewer parts, and less cost.

The last five pictures seem to detail parts of a battery. I don't completely
comprehend where this part goes in light of the fact that it doesn't seem fit
for fitting inside the case alongside one's own particular camera. Be that as it
may, considering the camera itself has a sure battery capacity, why might
one need a battery for the case. Creators could have put forth the defense to
work with the electrical force gave by the camera. The additional
cumbersome battery is not required and is excessively a superfluous part. It
would be baffling as an explorer to need to recall to revive the case for my
camera, alongside recollecting to charge the camera itself.


We likewise find out about the Ranky-Weibull calculator, used to decide an
items' unwavering quality in view of trial information. This numerical
information can offer us some assistance with understanding the soundness
in a creation procedure step or how well last items are delivered in light of
foreordained quality norms.
(Note: The Ranky-Weibull Calculator Spreadsheet is attached below)
Kennametal: Kennametal delivers productivity to customers seeking peak
performance in demanding environments by providing innovative custom
and standard wear-resistant solutions. It links together process planning.
Kennametal is a tool manufacturer. They create the tools needed to
accurately cut and shape metals in different metal cutting machines. They

also provide services in tool reconditioning and recycling. They are very
customer oriented and maintain a relationship with their customers from
purchase to disposal of their tools. They are at the top of every market they
compete in, and continually grow in ideas and product options by acquiring
companies in other tool manufacturing specialties. This proven productivity
is enabled through
Our advanced materials sciences and application knowledge.
Kaeser: Kaeser is one of the largest providers of compressed air systems
and compressed air consulting services, with over 5000 employees
worldwide. Their goal is to provide exceptional customer service coupled
with innovative products and progressive system solutions. Extensive
commitment to research and development keeps their products on the
leading edge of technology to benefit their customers. All of their products
are designed for reliable performance, easy maintenance, and maximum
energy efficiency. That's why they say their products are "Built for a
Quality Magazine: Quality serves the quality affirmation and process
improvement needs of more than 50,000 assembling experts. They provide
details regarding the utilization of sound metrology systems; measurable
investigation and procedure change strategies to altogether enhance quality
on the shop floor and in assembling arranging/manufacturing planning. They
provide information regarding the practical application of and latest
advancements in Metrology Methods and Equipment, Software and
Analytical Tools and Quality Management and Standards. They also let us
know about the Vision sensors and NDT. They basically help build our
knowledge on the manufacturing industry.
NikSoftware: Nik Software develops multiple image editing plug-ins and
tools (for digital image processing applications, such as Adobe photoshop)
and Snapseed, a popular image enhancement application for iOS and
Android. Tools of Nik collections are now recognized and leading in
developing software products and technologies for digital photography.

This article gives us data about the present circumstance in Auto chip
market. It says that the Asia Pacific district barring Japan will overwhelm
chip purchasing in all the real application parts in 2015 with two special
cases, car and protection, as per Europe to remain the greatest chip buyer in
2015,this is a turning condition as chip transforms into the essential concern
now. The Asia Pacific region is similarly grabbing grounds with
improvement in chip as most sections continue placing assets into chip in all
portions of life. IC Insights, while Europe will remain the biggest car chip
purchaser in 2015.From the given measurements in the article we derive that
over the period Asia Pacific is getting up to speed quick and will surpass
Europe in that section in 2016 as China keeps on representing a vast and
developing bit of auto generation.
The article is about the four primary fixings to make IoT work for
manufacturers. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the system of physical items
or with inserted with hardware, programming, sensors, and system network,
which empower these articles to gather and trade information. The Internet
of Things permits articles to be detected and controlled remotely crosswise
over existing system foundation, making open doors for more
straightforward mix between the physical world and PC based systems, and
bringing about enhanced effectiveness, exactness and monetary advantage.
Further headways in such exercises could prompt better and effective
assembling measures, right from the most minimal level of refining metals
without contaminations to assembling perfection which rearrange
frameworks at miniaturized scale levels to adjust to moment changes which
could influence efficiencies. The four drivers that have been specified are
quite recently the right fixings that can make these levels of assembling
conceivable, with the right endeavors and consolation from bigger
commercial ventures.
Solar energy, also all know is the most widely recognized and most
bottomless type of renewable vitality accessible. Its astonishing to realize
what all should be possible with the sun oriented vitality! Berkeley lab
investigates have taken attempts to change over sunlight which is only sun
oriented vitality to methane. The semiconductor nanowires accumulate and
parts the sunlight based vitality into hydrogen and oxygen portions, then

microorganisms use hydrogen to change over the carbon dioxide to methane.

As opposed to general gas infiltrating, methane can be gained using this
'fake photosynthesis' methodology, along these lines diminishing the
penetrating effects. On the off chance that the aforementioned can be done
effectively, it will deliver one of the biggest yields. This new process
additionally permits hydrogen to be gotten from other vitality sources hence
permitting it to be utilized as a part of concoction handling, and it likewise
can be connected to different microorganisms and different chemicals.
The objective of this task was to comprehend the PFRA system spreadsheet
and apply it to your organization's procedure model, investigate and keep
any disappointment that could emerge. The PFRA system is a dynamic
device that can be used to recognize potential dangers and disappointment
modes connected with procedures of any organization. At the point when the
danger of the procedure is distinguished, we worked intimately with our
teaming up organizations to create restorative arrangements that will
diminish the potential disappointments in our procedure. The PFRA strategy
assisted our Quality group with analyzing through an open-source
computational model to appreciate every one of the dangers in our
Manufacturing procedure. Upon the consummation of the strategy, you will
ready to answer the accompanying inquiries:
What can turn out badly with the procedure while being utilized?
The seriousness of what is turning out badly and what amounts will it
What operation requests the biggest hazard?
Important moves to be made to counteract or kill potential
Required devices that will be expected to counteract or kill the
With the capacity to answer every one of these inquiries above, we have the
capacity to successfully make a green and supportable item that will fulfill
all the client's requirements. With the devotion of our Collaborating
organizations, we at Biolinks are very sure to meet our customers
expectations above and beyond expectations.


The implementation of the PFRA method spreadsheet into our companys
system will only be advantageous for our company. This method is another
avenue that we can utilize to drive continuous success. The PFRA method
spreadsheet is a multifaceted tool that we will need to continuously update
and maintain as time goes on to assist our company in reducing and
eliminating potential and current risks

Paul G Ranky Videos and EBook

I would give myself a 10/10 for this assignment, as I have covered all the
aspects as per the requirement. I learnt a lot about FMEA/DFRA and RankyWeibull Calculator. This assignment was definitely a challenge.

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