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SEF Exhibition: Novosibirsk - Russia

Investments and Trade / Manufacture. Service. Customs,

Logistics, FEA

Exclusive Agent
Middle East & South Asia

Sovereign Management Consultancy FZC, UAE

Sovereign Track Corporation, Pakistan

Russia is the largest country

in the world, at 17,075,400
(6,592,800 sq mi), covering
more than one-eighth of the
Earth's inhabited land area.
populous country with nearly
144 million people in
November 2014

Made in Russia
complete range of mining and extractive industries
producing coal, oil, gas, chemicals, and metals; all
forms of machine building from rolling mills to highperformance aircraft and space vehicles; defense industries (including radar, missile production, advanced

$520.3 billion 2014
Country comparison to the world: 10

Exports - commodities:
Petroleum and petroleum products, natural gas, metals, wood
and wood products, chemicals, and a wide variety of civilian
and military manufactures

Exports - partners:
Netherlands 13.7%, China 7.5%, Germany 7.5%, Italy 7.2%, Turkey 5% (2014)

$323.9 billion (2014)
$315 billion (2013)
Country comparison to the world: 19

Imports - commodities:
Machinery, vehicles, pharmaceutical products, plastic, semifinished metal products, meat, fruits and nuts, optical and medical instruments, iron, steel, leather, textile products others

Imports - partners:
China 17.8%, Germany 11.5%, US 6.6%, Italy 4.5%, Belarus 4.1%

electronic components), shipbuilding; road and rail

transportation equipment; communications equipment; agricultural machinery, tractors, and construction equipment; electric power generating and transmitting equipment; medical and scientific instruments;
consumer durables, textiles, foodstuffs, handicrafts
and others

Siberia is the largest region in Russian Federation, with 40 million inhabitants; Siberia is
much wealthier place in
Russia whose economy relies heavily on natural resources.
Siberia has been part of Russia since 17th century. The broadest definition due to Siberias
geographical location it is also known as
North Asia.
In most people imagination in the west and
even in Russia itself, Siberia looks like an iceberg, big, cold, mostly hidden from view.
Siberia is extraordinarily rich in minerals containing ores of almost valuable metals like
Nickel, Gold, Lead, Molybdenum, Gypsum,
Diamonds, Diopside, Silver and Zinc as well as
unexploited resources of oil and natural gas.

Serbian agriculture is severely restricted by the

short growing season of most of the region.
However, in the south-west where soils are
exceedingly fertile black earths and the climate
is little more moderate, there is extensivecropping of wheat, barley, rye and potatoes along
with the grazing of large numbers of sheep and

Siberia has the worlds largest forests. Timber

remains an important source of revenue, even
though many forestsin the east have been
logged much more rapidly than they are able
to recover.
The sea of Okhotsk is one of the two or three
richest fisheries in the world owing to its cold
currents and very large tidal ranges, so Siberia
alone produces over 10% of the worlds annual
fish catch.
The climate is humid continental, with warm
summers and cold winters. Snow is frequent,
falling on almost half of all winter days, but
individual snowfalls are usually light. On average temperatures range in summer from +15
C to +26 C and in winter from 20 C to 12
C. Most days the weather is sunny but heavy
rain is possible in summer.


The largest City of Russia after Moscow, St. Petersburgh.

The city is the largest commercial, industrial, and scientific center in Siberia and the regional transport hub at the Trans
Siberian Railway.
The city lies within a continental climate zone, offering cold winters and moderate summers.
Novosibirsk is among the most accessible cities of Russia to link
with Gwadar via China Pakistan Trade Corridor.
About Novosibirsk
NovosibirskPak China Trade Corridor is eight hours shorter
that Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk Zoo, Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet
Theatre. West
Siberian Railway History Museum, Glory
Monument, Children and Youth Centre
Planetarium, Alexandre Nevsky Cathe-dral, Kransey Fakel Theatre, The Chapel St. Nicholas, Monument of Laboratory Mice, and
Traffic Lights Monuments are ten highly ranked tourist attractions at Novosibirsk.
Historic Mosque, Novosibirsk Mosque, and Novosibirsk Mosque
Khilokskaya are popular mosques at Novosibirsk.


"Siberian Economic Forum-2015 aims to shed new light on

this vast and significant place in Russian Federation.
SEF The largest event for the participants of foreign trade
activities of the Siberian Region
In 2014 the Siberian Economic Forum main theme was practical aspects of Russian Chinese cooperation.
The forum brought together about 1500 guests and 40 expert
speakers from Russia, Kazakhstan, and China.
SEF was visited by businessmen not only from the Siberia,
but also from Central Russia, and the far east.
In 2014, 28 organizations have profited from the status of the
partner forum.
Siberian Economic Forum 2015 has wider agenda Russia
and the Great Asia: The practice of doing business withChina, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and India.
The guests of the forum will be the financial, Industrial and
commercial companies in the region as well as organiza-tion
working in the service sector and are interested in direct cooperation with companies from Asia.
Participants will receive answers to the main question i.e :
Where to find the money?
Who to buy?
Where to produce?
How to bring and sell it?
Day-1 : Investment and Trade

Attendee registration, Exhibition stands activity

Forum opening, Welcome speech, Workshop starting
Workshop How to find the necessary:

Chinese, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese , Thai Banks in Russia:

Services, advantages and Disadvantages.
Activity Program
Chinese, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai Investments Exchange in Russia.
FEA Trade funding for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Financial Solutions for Exporters: PRAXIS .
The Change from USD to RMB in Russian-Chinese Settlements.
Insuring export supply from China.
Making up a capital investment project for a foreign funder.
Forex Hedging.

Vacation. Coffee-break. Exhibition stands activity

Workshop Trading where to buy from:

Relations with Vendors: An outward glance from China, India,

South Kora, Vietnam and Thailand. Mentality, Negotiation,
Making Deals Practice.Typical business pitfalls of Russian
Entrepreneurs in China, India, South Korea, Vietnam and
Purchases on trading platforms in China, India, South Korea,
Vietnam and Thailand. Op-timal cost saving strategies.
Where to begin? How to find a reliable supplier? Buying -in
and import to Russia

Day-2 : Manufacture, Service, Customs, Logistics and FEA


Exhibition stands activity

Workshop Manufacturing, Where to produce goods?

How to manufacture in China, India, South Korea, Vietnam and Thailand.

Where to start, how to start, how to rent a factory, to train personnel, to manage business processes.
Activity Program
OEM- AND OD-Manufacturing China, India, South Korea, Vietnam and
Thailand: What is better off doing?
Manufacturing in Russia: manufacturers support programs on local and federal
Searching for a partner in asia to establish a joint venture company. Upcoming
industries, manufacturing placement, business legal services.
Workshop Services, Customs, Logistics, FEA, Marketing and PR,
Branding. How to ship and sell?
Transporting Routes Analysis. Shipments from China, India, South Korea, Vietnam,
Thailand to Russia: Management, Routes, Types of shipments, Logistic hubs
and border crossing points.
Customs: Carrier interaction analysis. Statistics, Border crossing points characteristics in Norossiysk, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Novosibirsk, Chita and Khabarovsk.
Market promotion of Russain goods in Asia. Branding and PR of Russian goods
in Asia.
Market promotion of Asian goods in Russia: Cases. Cluster approach in promoting.
Siberian Economic Forum experts will help you find the right financial
solutions for export, to prepare an investment project for a foreign investor, managing foreign exchange risks and insurance of exports.
The Forum participants will consider the practical aspects of working with
suppliers, common mistakes of Russian Entrepreneurs in China, India,
Korea, Vietnam and Thailand especially purchases of electronic platform is well as intricacies of production in Asia, and his own cycle from
the lease of the plant to the administration of business processes.
A separate section is devoted to the forum on customs and logistics: Analysis of transport, routes, statistics and particularly border crossings in
Norossiysk, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Novosibrisk, Chita, Khabarovasak,
In addition; the SEF will propose to learn about the intricacies of promotion
of Russian goods in Asia and Asian brands in the Russian Federation
in the section Marketing, PR and Branding.

Entering Cross Border Market.

Starting new business relationship with Asian Countries.

Enhancing your business development overseas.

Raising investment from abroad.
Seeing new development prospects.
Finding reliable suppliers or manufacturers.
Avoiding business related errors with Asian partners.
Increasing the efficiency of your business.
Finding new business contacts.
Promoting Asian Brands in Russia.
Analysing business cases with other experts.

Finance, Trade, Manufacturing, Services
Middle East -South Asia Pavilion

Industrial & Consumer Goods Fairs


Automobile - Automotive Industry

Aerospace - Defense

Shipping & Railways Engineering

Building, Construction & Architecture

Decoration - Furniture - Lighting

Electronics - Electrotechnics


Techniques & Process Equipment

Logistics - Transport - Packaging

Quality - Security

Chemistry - Energy - Materials


Jewellery - Watch-Making - Gifts

Printing - Editing - Graphic Design

Sciences for Engineers - R&D


Education - Training - Employment

Banks - Insurance - Investors

Office Equipment & service

Equipment & Service for Commerce

and Industry
Real Estate
Computing - Communication

Information Technologies

Industrial Data Computing

Agriculture - Hospitality - Catering

Agriculture - Food Processing


Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

Veterinary Medecine
Leisure - Arts - Entertainment

Arts - Entertainment

Sport - Animals

Leisure - Travels - Family

Luxury Industry,
Fashion - Textile

Fashion - Apparel - Textiles - Leather Fur


The Russian Gateway to Gwadar Pakistan
Novosibirsk is among the most accessible cities of Russia to link with Gwadar via
China- Pakistan Trade Corroder
Novosibirsk- Kashgar China 2,673 km - about 1 day 11 hours (Zero Point of China Pakistan Trade Corrode)
Novosibirsk- Moscow 3,349 km - about 1 day 19 hours
Novosibirsk-Gwadar via Kashgar
Pakistan China Trade Corridor
Novosibirsk-Vladivostok/ Russia

Distance KM

Time duration
2 days 19 hours


2 days 21 hours

Accessing seaport
Indian Ocean, South Pacific, South
North Pacific

Novosibirsk-Sankt Petersburg


2 days 0 hours

North Atlantic

Novosibirsk-Kaliningrad km / Russia
Novosibirsk-Murmansk / Russia


2 days 10 hours

North Atlantic


2 days 9 hours

Arctic Ocean

Novosibirsk-Kaliningrad/ Russia


2 days 10 hours

North Atlantic

Novosibirsk-Novorossiysk/ Russia


2 days 4 hours

Mediterranean Sea/ North Atlantic

The Maritime Silk Road, officially the 21st Century Maritime Gwadar Port, world 3rd deepest, is a warm-water, deep-

Silk Route Economic Belt is a Chinese strategic initiative

to increase investments and foster collaboration across
the historic Silk Road. ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor
is an extension to proposed Silk Road.

The ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is an

ongoing development megaproject which aims to connect Gwadar Port in southwestern Pakistan to Chinas
northwestern autonomous region of Xinjiang, via a network of highways, railways and pipelines to transport oil
and gas. The economic corridor is considered central to
ChinaPakistan relations and will run about 3,000 km
from Gwadar to Kashgar. Overall construction costs are
estimated at over $46 billion, with the entire project expected to be completed in several years. The Corridor is
an extension of Chinas proposed 21st century Silk Road
initiative. According to a First post report, "this is the biggest overseas investment by China announced yet and
the corridor is expected to be operational within three
years and will be a strategic game changer in the region,
which would go a long way in making Pakistan a richer
and stronger entity than ever before.

sea port situated on the Arabian Sea/ Indian

Ocean at Gwadar in Balochistan province of Pakistan.
The port is a major destination in the ChinaPakistan
Economic Corridor. Gwadar is strategically located on
the western end of Baluchistan coast on the opposite end
of the Gulf of Oman which is an important route for oil
tankers bound for Japan and western countries out of
Gulf. Since outflow of goods from western China and
Central Asia reaching Gwadar will pass through this
overland trade route. According to Arthur D. Little
(Malaysia), the main consultant firm of
the Gwadar development phases, low-cost land and
labour are available, there is proximity to oil and gas
resources and Gulf countries, there are some agricultural
and mineral resources, while there could be tax-free status for investments and trade. The Gwadar Port is
expected to generate billions of dollars in revenues and
create at least two million jobs. Gwadar has the potential
to acquire the status of a centerpiece as a gate to the Strait
of Hormuz; it can compete with the United Arab
Emirates ports by improving the exiting links to the
Caspian Region, thus providing a better trade route to the
landlocked Caspian Region. Gwadar has the potential to
be developed into a full-fledged regional hub and a transshipment port in the future.

Novosibirsk- Gwadar
Upon the initiative of Sovereign Track Corporation organizer of Siberia
Economic Forum 2015, accepted to submit a presentation on Novosibirsk:
The Russian Gateway to China-Pakistan Maritime Silk Road

Coastal Highway Gwadar Pakistan

Ashique Hamdani
Managing Director
Sovereign Management Consultancy
Sovereign Track Corporation Pakistan

Pakistan +923215382609

Mudassar Lone


Eurasia Management
Services Group
Lahore, Pakistan

Dubai, UAE
Dr. Shafqat Taqi

Rico Style Exhibition Organizing LLC


Russia/ Estonia
Ishtiaque Hamdani
Strackline Tourism
(Russia, Estonia)



SEF Exhibition: Novosibirsk - Russia

Investments and Trade / Manufacture. Service.Customs, Logistics, FEA

Exclusive Agent
Middle East & South Asia

Sovereign Management Consultancy FZC, UAE

Sovereign Track Corporation, Pakistan

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