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Lesson Plan

Topic/Big Idea: Music Mug

Class/Grade: 9-12

Essential Questions:
What role does music play in your life?
How does music define you?
How are music and visual art related?
How are they different?
How do music and art enhance one another?
What music or song represents you best?
How are mood and personality shown in pottery?
How does function effect form?
How did the Greeks and Romans make/decorate their pottery? What did they illustrate? How
does this relate to our big idea?
Objective(s): Students will...
knowslab techniques, slip & score, sgrafitto
understandhow function, form, and surface design can portray meaning
be able to... transform a song representational of the artist into a functional piece of pottery
Standard Coding

Activity Description

SAMR level


After an introduction and discussion on music

students use Popplet to create a mindmap on music
I love. (genres, songs, lyrics, visual representations,
photos, links, etc.)


YouTube exploration on handbuilding techniques and

use Word to take notes on each technique. Email
completed notes to Mrs. Myers. (Required
techniques: slip/score, slab, coil, pinch, and 2 choice
that students find on their own)




After students do a follow along with the teacher to

practice each technique. I like to have them
construct a pinch pot and without warning ahead of
time have them re-wedge the clay after to practice
coil then slab. I find this starts a great conversation
on preciousness.


Create a screencast (3 minute max) teaching the two

choice techniques you found on YouTube. Save this
and post to our class Pinterest page. Students then
use these posts during the first 15 minutes of the
block for bell work, (peer teaching) to learn more
techniques that specifically interest them. They then
post a reflection after trying the technique in the


comment section of the Pin.


Students complete their 3D Plan Sheet: quick

sketches of final product ideas, one paragraph
detailed description of final ideas, final drawings
(front, side, back, and/or top view) Students then
have a minimum of three peer to peer discussions on
their ideas addressing: composition, form, and
balance. Students should always address What
would make this even better?. Rubric for Music Mug


SCULPT/SGRAFFITO: Students photograph their

daily progress by photographing their work at both
the start and end of class. Email these photos to
Mrs. Myers as your exit ticket.



Artist Statement: Students turn their process

progression photos into a slideshow. Students write
their artist statement. These are combined in a
screencast and posted to YouTube.



Turn YouTube artist statement and a link to your song Redefinition

into QR codes to be displayed with your work.

Original Pinterest Lesson Inspiration: The Speedball lesson inspiration came from google and
the sgraffito mug came from Pinterest.

Pinterest: Originally from Esty:


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