Professional Experience Report History Placement 1 2015

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Professional THE UNIVERSITY Experience SCHOOL OF \() ADELAIDE Report EDUCATION | “Raxei 2015 Pre-Service Teacher: SCARLETT LUKE | Pre-service Teacher enrolled in: [Grad Diploma in Education Dis Teaching (C18 Music education Placement: From Start Date to End Date Days Absent: if there were no days absent, please enter a zero Daysat School: number of days at Seheo Bebrotessional éxperiencePacement 4 professional Experience Plaerent2 | School: Port Lincoln High school Mentor Teacher: Nick Osborne emall contact: Site Co-ordinator: Greg Barry | University Lialson: University staff member. email contact: please provide your email address Subject Taught: History Year Level(s) Taught: 10 Professional Experience School Context (eg: Co-educational, R-12 School) Port Lincoln High School caters for the needs of approx. 750 studentsfrom yrs 8-12. Its the only High School on the Lower Eyre Peninsula. Students who attend the school are from a broad socio economic background. A significant number of Aboriginal students attend the school. To cater for the varied cohort the school has developed several pathways for students including; the teaching of skills to enter the fishing and aquaculture industry, and the | opportunity to enter into workplace apprenticeships. ‘Teaching/Learning Context (eg: year levels, class sizes ete) ] The 10 History cohort includes 9 girls and 7 boys. Literacy levels are generally low but 5 students possess excellent | literacy standards ane are highly motivated. There are 4 lessons per week. 3 lessons are 50 mins long and 1 lesson is 70 mins, Teaching takes place in a standard classroom and at times in the schoot's resource centre. ‘Ghce the report Is complete, please sign it and send it through to Professional Experience Office, School of Education, University of Adelaide, South Austral 5005 ‘Alternatively, please scan and email a copy to: education University of Adelaide School of Education USE ONLY: ee a eee Resuttentered: mms: O Professional Expeviance Report, 2015, CLASSROOM PRACTICE. Satisfactory Bd Unsatisfactory APST: 1 - Know the students and how they learn TA Physical, socal and intellectual {development and characterises of students 112 Understand how students learn. 413 Students with diverse linguist, cultural, religous and socloeconomie backgrounds, 1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait slander students. 15 ifferentlate teaching to meet the specific learning needs across the full range of ables. 46 strategies to suppor full participation of students with disability. KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT AND RI Scarlett was able to establish a first name basis with each student very early on. She was able to effectively cater for specific individualised learning needs by modifying some tasks for students who struggle with low literacy. She was able to effectively move around the classroom and work with individuals whilst maintaining a controlled presence. During class discussions Scarlett was able to effectively incorporate verbal responses Into controlled and Interactive teaching, ELEVANT CURRICULA, Satisfactory Unsatisfactory APST: 2 - Know the content and how to teach It 2A Content and teaching strategies oF the teaching area. 2.2 Content selection and organisation 23 Curriculum, assessment and reporting, 24. Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strat islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians, 25 Uteracy and numeracy strategies 2.6 Information and Communication Scarlett’s integration into the course content was highly effective. She was able to establish a context by learning the history the students had recently | been taught, then by writing a program which enhanced and progressed skills | learnt earlier in the term, Her choice to focus on the teaching of the holocaust revealed an excellent understanding of the historical skills and knowledge outlined in the Australian Curriculum and tasks were created to meet these criteria, Technology. Z PLANNING AND PREPARATION. Satisfactory 5 Unsatisfactory CI APST: 3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning, | ‘3 Establish chalenging learning goale 3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs 3.3. Use teaching strategies 3.4. Select and use resources 35. Useeffective classroom ‘communication 3.6. Evaluate and improve teaching programs 3.7. Engage parents/carers it the educative process Scarlett revealed an enthusiastic and professional approach toward her planning, She was able to consult with myself about the syllabus and the nature of the class and structure a core unit of work which progressed from aspects of World War Two history students had been working on. Scarlett revealed an excellent understanding of the historical knowledge and skils embedded in the Ausralian Curriculum for 10 History and designed an engaging course on the Holocaust. She was able to ask for advice about the | content she used for her Power Point and make alterations as suggested When presenting the unit Scarlett was able to engage the class because of her ability to communicate effectively, listen to questione.and.exalain pr clearly CERT “Frodenibe Teacher SCARLETT UE Mentor Teacher Nick Osborne Page of ‘THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE Professional Experience Report LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ~ MANAGEMENT AND DISCIPLINE. Satisfactory Unsatisfactory CI AST: 4 - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments “EA Support student parapation 4.2 Manage classroom activites 43. Manage challenging behaviour 44 Maintain student safety 45. Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically Scarlett effectively organised the classroom and initiated effective classroom procedures in order to maximise student motivation and participation. She clearly established her expectations and also demonstrated her ability to put into practice the school’s behaviour management procedures when it was appropriate to do so. Scarlett very quickly established a positive relationship with individuals in the class. This was evidenced by their enthusiastic responses to her teaching, ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING. Satisfactory Unsatisfactory [] [APST: 5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning, ‘Sd Astese student learning 52. Provide feedbackto students and ther learning 5.3. Make consistent and comparable Judgements 5.4 Interpret student data 5.5, Report on student achievernent Scarlett has assessed student learning across a range of assessment lems, She was able to develop a rubric which highlighted criteria taken from the National Curriculum and applied this to students’ research on The Holocaust. ‘When marking she was able to identify weaknesses and strengths in the work and give quantifiable feedback to students. PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES, PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Satisfactory [Z) Unsatisfactory (] APST: 6 - Engage with Professional Learning. 6: (Gently and plan professional learning needs 6.2. Engage in professional learning and Improve practice 6.3. Engage with colleagues and improve practice 6.4 Apply professional learning and Improve student learning | Scarlett has actively engaged in professional learning by developing personal and professional relationships with staff and students. She has attended general staff and faculty meetings including faculty meetings outside of her | teaching areas. She is highly organised and has attended her duties with a professional and mature sensibility. Scarlett was keen to devote some of her time to attend several of my 12 History lessons even thought was-outside of her teaching areas. Bre Senvce Teather SCARLETT WORE Manter Teacher: Mek Ozborne THE UNIVERSITY OF Page 3 of6 ‘Profesional Experience Report 2015, APST: 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community Satisfactory 5 Unsatisfactory 7A Meet professional ethics and responsblties 72 Compiy with egsiatve, ‘administrative and organisational requirements 73 Engage withthe parents/carers 74. Engage with professional teaching ‘networks and broader communities ‘Scarlett has met professional ethics and responsibi ies in her engagement with colleagues and with her classroom teaching, She has not had the opportunity to ‘engage with parents or carers. Overall Evaluation. ‘Scarlett has demonstrated theat she hasthe ability to nurture and develop the skills required to be an excellent teacher. Some of these skills are developed thruogh her ability to maintain a rigorous approach to her study of teaching. Other skills are innate such as her ability to read situations in the classroom and |[] Acceptable react appropriately, and her ability to develop a rapport with her students. unsatisfactory OD Good BI very Good 11 outstanding here ‘an electronic Signature can be added here. tf you're nat using an electron signature, then please delete this text before you print the repor. Signed: Si on Site Co-ordinator/Princ! aon here Please enter the date of the report Please enter the date ofthe report ae fabs effort you have put into supervising our pre-service teachers, Thank you Jan Keightley Head of School Signed: Certification Stamp ‘ie Senin Teachor SCARLETT LUKE ‘Mentor Teacher: Nek Osborne Page of | | | | | uiogs0 ont pes swore ayesates = av LUTEYDS oypeay BOVTES-I4d | syusea| sous] yeup ods anne pue suypeor anizay e 9a) JeaA PUe ‘ssep | quawiajduyt pue 10} Uejg ssep s;uapmisatn puotag | uno sauapms axa puotag ‘Auyoean -suypear casey Buipuays Sunes) 103 | sousdxo rein SuNype01 40} 40) uopesedaid pue jedaud pue uuueyd | Buyypees Jo} uonesedord s0 voneledasd io/pue Suuverd | uonevedaid Jo/pue Suwuuelg | _Suivueyd jo eouapin 1200) yo souepia jewiuity | Bujuueld jo zavepia aran | _uonesedaud pue Suuueis ‘oy pue weqU0> eu mou, -sondeayeo noun | peau -svawannbos zasa¥ assse or ssouBuum | jo uonenydde anneuewy | _se;nouuno yo Suypuerssepun sejroquna aus {uaquos Jo aBpa}Mouy aeap quaues | 0 ajge:sdejesanasynq | —_-ejnayuina pue quaqu0> 30, ejnouino queyassies pue @uons | ___J0.98peymouy punos | “yworuod ysow yo aBpayNoUD | aBpamouy snoououse/iueds | _pue weI¥OD Jo a#PaIMOUN Buse) Buuse9} yoaedesejoopsayy | yo aveid ese ooussous seo} Kaun, 1 | -Bujusea yo aneid e se joowss | “Buuuea| so aoejd e se jooups | moy pue uapms ayn mou od ‘ayn ya pue siuapms ‘aun uum pue swuapms Tisav ‘Buquses jo aoeide se jours | yam pue siuapms jendwipur | yarm pue swuapms jen ‘ayy gum pue suapms | Jo spaau aya yum Afannysod | jo spaeu axa Yam Aj renpiaiput yo spaau au 2edus 01 ssauluyn | aBeue 03 ssauSumjum pue | jenpyypuljo specu ou Yum | Jenpwypu) Jo spaau ays yA qua BuBeBua w yssopea1 ue anne; Suons | _annemulyo aouapina seai> | o8eSua crssouBuijm awos | 28e8v9 03 ssauBUIIM apn sonpesd woossse}> “alas ~~ ~ — a -afers sip 18 papadso “aie | styaae parsadye oq pino> ae safes sis “28ers sip 40) puepuers 9g pino> uotum eur anoge ‘1 40) prepuers ayqerdaase | rata piepueiseanoge yom | 2a Pmon tum ie owege | weesueuuoyod punesy | jeune re =ue ed ee ewoiod uondiss0q auewo}sed Areidusoxo uy __ eo uous [= suppueisino =o 005 KBA= BA 9085 5 ages =v HOPES =A ~Bunew vapina sayuoddns apineld pue puepuR sJaysear a>/\Es-2ud ain so9yas 9g UNE Asya NR ayes SaaIUbWL ayn Ye anayag siayse soweyL i sBunex asoys Dueudsowy Y opMane| ewOS 5 speqpaay anneatent 912 “van sjduuexo aya u paxo9yas tou ave sainqumne soup nq “Bue ays 40 OER ay augna uonenjeng FX | SS agivnave | doy nuspeda vid ZNIISWBAINT HT s0NvT3ay 30 ALISUBAINA SHL swooatea 2uo9s0 0 HelpeDy se . _ nim Tyas seypeey Nes ang L oo ~ ~ Tyjanwuies ex pue squapnas pue saneajjoa reuoyssayosd ‘oouns aun 01 waunyuoD Auelduiaxy ‘sivapms pue sansieajoo euorssajosd “ioouns Wweun;wuo Buons “squapmgs pue sandeayoa euayssajord “jooups 2p o1 1uaunsuswo9 punos swuapmas pue sondeayjao an | ayn Ayouoissajoud 28e8u3 J 1sev Buuren? jeuoissejoue squapms pue sandeayoo aim 28e8u3 9 1sdv evoyssayosd ip or wwawy}WWN0D ou/aan Sdiysuonelay leuorssajosd s9ssa20sd 1uawissasse ‘ul uonerouy} "w0Yyo>/j2x3] seah au o1ssep aur puohag payenosse ‘suapms Jo0u2s jenpinpur 30 sossouyeam pue sipuans “sessao0ud quowissasse uy Ayana. “stuapms Jo0y2s jenpimpur 30 sassouyeam pue syidua.ns (01 poy yoeqpaay ryasn pue Aw -wewssesse ‘aannayas pue wa_YoId ‘sassoaoid quowssasse uy vonequasayyp Jo 29uapIK3 >eqPERy ASW, ue inyasn "Wuowssasse pavapisuca pue auareduio “sossa20id quowssasse uj uonenuasoyp oman peqpeay aye} /pauwrt uauissasse quaiaduuoo Jo a2uapina ewos, Buuseay quopms uo yodas pue syoeqpaay apinoud ‘ssassy Susav ‘Buyysear jo ssousansoyse au pue wawana|4e uapms puerssopun 03 00} ese quauissasse Joasn ain jo aouapina ann | _ypeqpaag pue quauissassy pa) swauuosinua | ss quawa8euew woosssep Lu duysiape9) wopIuCD “sips quowe8euew woosssepp 1wapyuoD spisqwowBeuew woosssep aanaya ‘dojenop 0% jenuarod ‘a ‘sys tuawa8ouew J00335ep BUI | 2uyusea) ayes pue anuoddns Uewurew pue 212219 sav “sipis wowadeuew woosssep leareun/so0g ps1 pue quawo8euewy woossser vaaes “eis ppodo “ste suave parade aq pines | SHANE pape | ste “seas 0) opus tei picpueseonoge yom | SERED ERIMIN OTE | esuewoyodpunosy | juste soueuinjog | “MOL pEPUE Ie vonsionsa _2ouewuo}ied Aseldusoxo uy bee I item ne nememeaean ‘uous Sujpaessino =o poop ken=on | p00 = agevioay=¥ Reaesnesun =n ew sawnays fy e a ‘SUSHEAINTT IR, _oday soto RUOE}ONd

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