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Instituto Tecnolgico Superior

de Irapuato

Teacher: Mnica Jazmn Contreras Partida.

Student: Moiss Abraham Bautista Crdova.

Writing: My last Vacations

On my last vacations I was in Joachin Veracruz I went

with my family to visit my grandfather Cuecho, he
lives in the field. We were in his house, I was eating

much cheese because my grandpa had a farm with

dairy cows, and there was a lot of milk too. We were
resting and enjoying the fresh air in the quiet and
beautiful place. In my grandpas farm there were
cows, bulls, horses, sheeps, chickens, turkeys, a
squirrel and many gorgeous peacocks. I was in a creek
but I didnt get into because the water was cold. My
uncle invited us to his house because he lives near,
we were eating mole, and rice pudding my favorite!
My aunts food was delicious; she is a very good cook.
We were just a week, but it was wonderful!

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