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Stephanie Dunlap
Dr. Hubble
READ 3311

My mother is Mexican and my father is Anglo. I am lucky to say that I have a very
diverse background. I grew up in a predominantly African American neighborhood and was close
to both sides of my family. While in grade school, I had a very diverse group of friends because
of my multicultural heritage. Even though I related well with my classmates, when reading
literature that was a different story.
I remember feeling left out when reading literature in school. The stories were either
about a Mexican American or African American person. I did not read any stories about people
like me; mixed. Sometimes it was hard for me to relate to stories or books about Mexican
people because I dont know Spanish and my family is Americanized. In other words, my
mothers family is not your traditional Mexicans. We are truly Mexican-Americans but do not
have cultural traditions.
I have always had teachers who promoted reading when I was in grade school. Not once
have I had a teacher criticize a student for not grasping a concept right away. I remember
teachers advocating reading and encouraging students to love to read. On the other hand, I was
not one of those students who hid their face in a book every chance they got. I was always a
reluctant reader and, honestly, I still am today. I have always read what is required for school,
only because I know there will be a test or an assignment to go along with the reading.
If one teacher stands out from my childhood, it would have to be my fifth grade gifted
and talented teacher, Mr. Villagran. The books he chose for the class lit a spark in me and I
discovered a new appreciation for books. My fifth grade year we read The Giver by Lois Lowry,
Holes by Louis Sachar, and Were the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. I remember these
particular books so well because the imagery and storylines were so intense, even though it was
back in 2001 when read them. I became hooked faster than we could read as a class. Mr.

Villagran always told us that In order to get far in life, reading was the way to get there. Only
now do I realize how unbelievably true that statement is.
After finally finding books that sparked my interest, I tried to read in my spare time.
Unfortunately, after Mr. Villagrans class I couldnt find a book that I couldnt put down. Before
I knew it I was back in the same place as I was before, dreading reading. I didnt have another
teacher that grabbed my attention or made me desire books again. I read some amazing and
informational books during grade school but none quite like the ones I read my fifth grade year.
I believe that if teachers would have students read books they can relate to or stories that
have a great deal of emotion, it would have children wanting to read at every spare moment. I
base this belief on my own experiences growing up. My goal as a future teacher is to find books
that the whole class can enjoy. Then, after I get to know my students, I plan on finding books that
will spark their interest individually and suggest titles to them and their parents. This way I can
help students find that perfect book that sparks their love for reading.

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